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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
jr:::: cr.zcou daily .. joukiiau rosTtAKD. fiuday evenino. APniu 3. i::r.; TTi 1 1 1 I Tomorrov tho Fourth Day of This Terrific SlaurJUcr and Sacrifice Sah of Symes Pros )OORS OPEN AT O i doohs OPEN AT 9 .1 u if ii iliwl 1 jl:Jt 1 . if I The one greatest sale of our career. Seems as if all Portland and for a hundred miles around must have crowded here the past three days, so great is . the rush "and even with over a hundred extra salespeople we can't half arids of record-breaking bargains will be placed on sale. : It's to be the greatest day yet. NEW BARGAINS 'EVERY MINUTE iro mattar if yon were hara today. Com aerate tomorrow u day.. Maw lot. Mr. balag unpaok.d all too time ul placed .a, the bar rain oountora aa fart aa room eaa b mtii for thorn. Mom. of thg" biggest of values are planned foe totaerrow aad yoa want to be - 6c, 7c and 8c Figured Calico 3)lc 5000 BARS .Toilet; -Soap 4 12' Fancy r Hosiery 6m ffll m Bjaeja Bp or JW. lft KUIII Aft Allfk A . '-' j 1 3c BAR 5c BOX Laundry Parlor Soap Matches Blc )c , 3m I Mi rltn't Best 5candl0c 'Kerchiefs CJx Men's. 50 c President : ' J r"-- Men's 20c arid 25c (.; 4 Q Ladies'1 $1.25 Kid. ' TA Ladies' $1.00 and $125 9 75c and $1.00 wide 8-in. in Ladies'' 25c arid 35c Suspenders go at . . . 0 U V ;Four-in-Hand Ties . . V.0C Gloves go at, pair . . . . .U" L Wrappers cut to .C...r,Us Fancy Ribbons, yard ...uyJ Fancy Waist Sets V. HHMMBWBBBHHaMMHHHWaaMHaH HHaWMMMMMHaHIBHaiMiHH gppHHMBBMMHMHMHMB MMMHMMMMHMMHMHBWBaaBaHBHBlBWHBHI MHHHHaMMHMMHBMaMMnHnMMa HMMMaMMMHaHMaaS I Ladies' 75c double. ;.-, V i Men's' 35c and 50c bal. A- Men's $1.00 Lann- . Qr $!'50 and $2.00 Odd J fjTkr 7c, 8c and 10c Val. : V Qr Large Regular 5c tip Silk Gloves 4. .VtOV Undershirts go at . ... . 1 "C dered Shirts, :now,p..;.OyC Lace Curtains. ;iw.Ut Laces go at, yard ......... OL box Toothpicks f or . Ladies' 75c and $1.00 njln Ladies' 20c Jersey , " A - Ladies' $2.00 1 and $2.50 A Q J, Regular 5c package ' : " ffr 10c Brass Extension : ; O ln Chad's 15c Black . Silk Belts now, each.. Vwu V knit Vests, each .... . . y Leather, Purses Envelopes goes at Rods,: now; fy.;...v;p2v; Seamless Hose, pair - 3 Th Shoe Section Crowded to ''Sttffbeatlbni.v-v: SymesBt Slw Stock; It being MCiiflced Shoes never wer before. You pick from Sytnet' best and finest at bout half what Smca paid wholesale and in some cases for even less. All Shoes made for , the best trade. Most famous and best known -of i trade mark footwear all. dumped out in piles and marked at prices so low that they're sold almost as quickly as they reach tho counters.- . ;r Women's Kick-' ihoai,' alxri lota, -. add uf aada, Tmaa atock. an Sa.50 and 94.00 niaaf.Qf. .......... ...vxv Infants9: KM oolorai aU worth SS01 aU ra Children's OsXorOa, SH tx t, wortk ay to ..?...:..98c Men's TUa SatUi OaJf Caoaa, brokaa - Unaa, worth, ap to Im Air Symes,r 11.00 and $1J5 Infants' Shoes, all styles and all sUes. ? A Bankrupt price . . ; . i . ; . . . " I v Women's -fine Shoes . and. Oxfords, hundreds 'of pairs, every style and every sUe; Oxfords" that Symes sold up to J2.50; ; ' f. ;-- t' ? - )gg pair k,.:..V.... aW Hlen's Finest S3 and $4 Dress Shoes $1.98 5 K.- ; AU the best and finest makes, made of best patent colt,' vicl kid and kangaroo calf, all the newest toes ana neat, sryusn lasts; au sues, au widtns. None less than 93.W ana up to .w; pair ...........,... Men's Pat; Colt . and Vicl Kid H OXFORDS Worth $3.59 for $U8 15c sixe white canvas Shoo : Cleaner koes at Extra long Shot Laces, 5,000 f pairs go at, pair ....IV 10,000 regular 10c boxes Shinola CL Shoe PoUsh . K DC ChUdren's and Misses kid Oxfords, sixes VA to 2; worth $1.50; ,. ?0 go at. the pair ...... ,-.I;..Ua7C ! 50.000 Yards of : ' Ribb bns : To go, aaS yom got them for almost, oat of tho raw aUk aloao. Ttnt of ail. groat So lot of Mo. T, S, IS BatU Xikaoa; aU r t half prase v aad thlra prloai yard 1W bolts flao htaok Batla Blhaoat H taahes wMo; rogalaa SOo aaA ' So valooi yard ......VC SOO ptoaos pare Ilk, lout strtpo, BroMlam and fuoy Blayoaai all i baot aoo kind) yard ........... I 9C sum aa above, aad lnokaa wldo, ad worth ay to Met a yard I OC 1,000 ylooos tho ftaoot faaey Blbboa, S to Uohoa wldoi worth as : to SLOO yard I oholoa ...... . v. . . , PocKbooks! TOarfaa" Oola guiaaa, boat stylo tot' looaa ehaago aaadoi SOo oaoa, S5; tmmt, 25; au aso oaoa WC SOO Xaad paraee,-!! solid laathor, doa oaa of stylos) worth up ' i C A ft. to aajo .MC ZrfUUoa' solid laathsr Kand Baga) largo ahapof black onlyt alooly llnad Jo and all chaas a OSoi each ...... naast of faaoy loathor Op ara Bagsi all Ug-ht oolom Utoot saoaw shape worth aa.00 aad aa.ysi aholeo .................... 1 f 9c i Vn - Crowds PacKlntHe Great ClothinrJ Section ; ; V;: ;Symesr H igh-Q rade Clothing Sacrificed Crowds clamoring for the bargains, and getting them, too; but even with a big force of extra help we can t wait upon all and hundreda ara helping themselves. That best tells you bow freat tna valuea are. you pick irom bymea nest ar one-iounn, one-inira ana oni ymes' price.. Buy clothing now for the next year to come. ; It will pay you big. v Men's Work Pants Good ones, worth up to $2.00 pair .. 79c Men's S8 an CIO Suits: $73.98 well made and J iunv .......... All all. YounriMen'sSlO Suits $0.49 About 50 in all. $8 f 1 Men's Finest $5, $6 and1 $7.50 Pants One great lot of them all and there'a hundreds of the finest and best Dress Pants in the ' cassimeres, worsteds ana cnevtote, in neat tancy enoexs, ainpea, nunum ana hairlines; all perfectly cat and fashioned; made by the best tailors in the newest styles; pants aa perfect fitting aa though made to order; none worth less than 55.00 up to 97.50; pair ... ............. "T 'bet Men's Finest $15 and $18 Suits $7.50 All aaw sprlag goods that Ijmi lataadad to sail as aia.oo ais.00. Blsia oolora . aad raaoUa, all alaao aad all stylos. Why pay g S1S.OO aad 18.00 olaowhsro whoa - Mv 451.19 Men's Regular $12 arid $14 Suits .25 nlto for work aad alts for. plaia oolora aad raadaa. atagla aad doabla braaat.d. all1 alaoe -Im the lot- aad plant? of tbaaa;' plek .tho boat $1S.OO $14.00 Bai la for ..... ...... ' ii n I TKOtniAjrsa or axss 4 Hose Supporters b Ut atook, ' all aaarkod at Aaif prtoo and laa. Chlldrea'e pnro allk Xoaa npportors. aU alaao aad eolersf q bob. worth laaa tbaa 15o-.iC Ladiaa' oUk Xoaa ttpportora, foarftob atylo,-all oolom - ; t,- --'. , a y worth SSo pair . . . . . . . C ilk artar Klaatlo, frulod odga aad fancy waavoos aa aolora aad ' ; blaok-aad whltoi worth SBoj yd... Muslin Undcrivcar Zdl.a' eaaibrlo Ooraot ' Covers! 1 on broldary aad laoo teUaatodr ekoap at aso; Baakrapt prtoo- .'. v.-T .-iV.'.a?C X.adlaa' Ooraot Oovora of -flaaat oambrlo aad Bwiaa, laoo - Usarttoa, -embroidery aad ribboa trlamodi ymao'..-,.--fiaoat 75a (ii4i oat to' .Vv-.l..Ov All tho Xadleo gklrta that sold at T6c to aae baaohad at 48 for caoiaa; lao. aad embroidery triauaad I V . v . Afjr oholoo -.. ....'.,,.....'.. i.f v. woman's jranwy ,-ribbed' -Teats t high aaok aad long .sloovoar mlaod; lots aomo slightly aotladr aoao V .,;' . a -worth laaa thaa BSe( ohoioo ,. ; '. :', . 1 t Stationery 5,000 regalar9a Tablotsji e all rolad . ..:..-...."..'.. '." c 100 Writlag Tablotsi ralad aaruiwii anoio. r ...... , SSo pure Zaaaa . Tablats Bd paokage mavekrpee ' ' tOT 1 ': a a a' b a ''' avayaita aaaOt. ftOo box of Oregon Yiew. 1 f'- Bre tatloaorv gooa at ....,...,..;.'..' Btatloaery . a. lSo rck naying '.if' " ?p Carta for IS Oregoa TioW Poatal Carda a OT Veiling gymao entlro atook of faaoy tillage aU slao dote and maahi blaok, white and oolora) aso aad SOo ' ' ' nlnMI vard - . . . i ...... . i . .:. Symies X- a V'a eianwl ja a w. . fr j g" Bahkir'iipt Suits Waists and Skirts GOING LIKE THE WIND-THOUSANDS CROWDING THE GREAT SUIT ROOM Every garment at a price that mages them almost gifts- Thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of the finest of women awnts,. waists, amrts, voata. f the bars materials alone, and remember that it is au tna famoua symes nros.- sroca uunirarmar ana wa.. etc- at about cost of the bars materials alone. and at less than you usually pay for the commonest sorts. Ladies $1.00 Waista Tiao white lawa," eaaVdy trim mad, ' an alsoai Brm aa' best Walata. Oholoo ' -i 39c Ladies $1S i; Suits S .98 arowoet eprlag atylaa, ia faaey-' cbaokatf also ootid ool-T oral all S1B.0O aad 1S.OO alta. Cboieo But come and sea for yourself. Bargains so great that they'U aimply Come. Women's Silk Waists Ladies 07.30 Jackets ejeta. ia 3-49 of eovert o)oth. faaey "."atyloaiC atraa trimmed' all aiaoai all BT JO Ooata. . Oholoo Xa- white ealyi an faaey tylaai C"7 laoo " trlmmodi f worth ap to , . B3J0, ; .W- Oholoo. ....... .Children's 73c Dresses ZOgM dark faaey , gtag- JilK Jumper 'Suits' kewoet eprlag stylos of aaodi made to' I A"i v'' roll aa BSS.OO.- ! ' Ohotoe. . . I-.- , . V- WV.W i-l Ladies' $25, $35 Spring Suits All new this spring a styles, end every one made of the most taanionaDie materials; voiles, Panamas, fancy mixtures, etc, in Eton, Pony, Prince Chap, Cutaway and other models; aU beautifully trimmed; jackets allk and satin lined; black and all colon, una, browns, nsvy, etc.: fp f P none worth less than $20.00, and most all $25.00 and I .......a' m. ma s v $35.00 values. Choice m,: faaoy i v . braldodt elsaa "II 9g I to 4 yoarai fIl ehoap at T60. J ffc Oholoo ' ..t.... ... Ladies Q2, $20 WKite Waists lot worth laws;, all eves; the 98c There'a theusanda to n. and not a tingle solitary Waist in tho lot worth less than $2.00 to $2.50; made of the sheerest and finest of white lawn;. all elegantly trimmed with laces and embroideries; long and short sleeves; the newest and beat ot una season s wants, ana inree neaping'xaoiea T! full to choose from. Pick out $2.00 to $2.90 Waists. reserve. CHOICE rhere's no SATURDAY BARGAINS IN OUR NEW lc and best known brands, and saving you front spend. Buy your family 11 remember we guarantee every bottle fully up to the atandard of Cutting prices on the most staple 35 to 50 per cent on every dollar you liquora here, and the Pure Food Liquor Law, For "Tomorrow We OfTer lOOO Large Quart Bottles W irie Port. Sherry. Muscatel or Angelica, the kind that sells at all'' the drug stores , at 50c and 35c uur cut price . m c Col Imperial rye bourbon; full v quarts; bottle-. or Wear Well .Whiskey, rya or bourbon, full quarts; bottle 85 c Hunter Rye . 0 !, O d C WiI.on WhI.Key Ja.-X. Pepper a-r - T And you know as well as we do thst these Whlskfes sell the world over at $10. Our price, SOt, and that's a saving of 70c; worth while; lent It? - - -,,.,.-.'.' DRUGS 4Se Toodburr's gaclal Soap . irt Jersan's 10 Olycorlno Boap . o Parker's Tar Soap . 174 tta pears' Sconced Soap "...V.......lTd I. SOO bara Caatllo Boap ............ t ISo bot. Florida . t Water .' ....... .144 3&e bot Bar Rum. 14 tl bot- H.rplcld..69f 1-qt bot. Park dj Tal ford's Bay Rum.. 69 SOo Hind'o Hon7 and Almond Croam . .33d SOo La Blanch, pare Powder ........ -39 SOo Epoey'a .Fragrant Cream . ....... .341 Kaatman'a !o Cruahad Talcum . . ...... . . 94 Crockery and Douse Furnishinos, FLOOR : 1 : i '.Vr NOW; ON THE GROUND Moved to the Second street aide of the store so aa to better handle the crowds. It's the best arranged and lightest department of its kind and we want you to see it. Tomorrow the following greet bankrupt bargaina are on sale snd all Portland is Invited to share In them: : Large 23c Houae Brooms ......184 All 50c House Brooms . . . . . . .&4 10c Roll Toilet Paper ...;.vv Se Roll Toilet Paper -.i-3f Wire-handle Market Baskets,, . 15c ones for.-. 14 Blue Cups and Saucers, reg. - , $130 a dosen, go at, eaeh.....-..10e Fancy Salad Pitchers and ' ' Platters, choice . ;. . . . i . . . . . . .25 Wash Boarda v. '.. .3 25c, large Class Berry Bowls ....1T Dust Pana Tin Dippers ..S4 PPers . . : ...... .t j : . 94 Nickel Tea and Coffee Pota ,.,.2S 6 doten Oothea Pine for , 5 5c Toothpicks, box 4 Child's Brooms .i. ....... 4 5c Water Tumblers, each . : . s . , . 34 25c Granite Iron Stewpana .....IT 25c Granite Iron Wash Baslda . .174 Nickel Cuspidora .... , ....... 84 One lot of fancy colored Glassware, worth up to 25c, choice 104 All Rbrfera IS47 Silverware at Cut Prices Gorseto Gut atlre trdloa wktto au tho Had aU gradoi atook of gyaaoa Xadlos SOo Tape aa 3S: aw saia aprlmc's otyla, ad oolorai . ..5 : oholoo ...........:..... .1 aanlMa Baemty Ooraatai all odors, for Braaao oly oa boats flaa ooatU aad batlatti i ateadae tMI - ;:'-?"Belt:vSale:;;::; ladles' para BUk Botta. ta blaok, white, tan, . browa. blao aad. ptaki ' ploaaod stylosi all boas , ft aso Bolbs . .... . : . . .... .. . a C Vaaa'i wklto Weak Batta) bow earn, brotderod daalgmai Syaaoa . boot 16o Bolao .OC Woaxoa'a Bond Iataov BoMat plala kM ov faaoy loatkov offootoi all oolora. aad blaok! aow eprlag atylee aad aU SOo aad TSa valuaa .......... .JC Woaaea'a- SUlk . Boltai aOo taada, arnahod, plaatad aad ahlxrod effoata; ploaty of glJM oaoa ta the v lot; ohotoa ...... -. .'. . . . . . . . ..... afJC Waist vSets t An iBymee faaoy Walat gotar eaidtead aad plated offoetot doaoaa of v faaoy atyloai wortk S6o; aot .....IC Tbrak of : la So foe I.adies faaoy Xoaloryi oolora ealyf full aoaaaloaai yaaoa sold these as ISor ' - 1 ear prtoo OC Ladles tea Xoaa, flae gaaae Hale fla lab aad fan soaaUoeai lVa hiui oai .............. MImi MLfuUnM alaok mm nttmAi aaahla mttlmm fcaala boat goallty aiaoo, aad fiaoat of SSo gvadoot pais OhUdraa'a lSo flae ribbed blaok doable koala aad teeei all alaeoi tho pair ,.;...... ...... aciosae' BSo flae lisle fiaiah . - Bars' 1st ribbed batok Boooi kaoos, koala aad tooot aaialaaa laaei baot SOo valaoi pair ...... V. 9c 22C Xoaa, ...5c ;i7c doakla aad mil 12c One of the Banner Bargains In the Symes Stock Is the Lttof $1 to $2 Sample Embroideries ese.are all one piece of a kind which were in the Symea stock and ' jOVa'h 1 just been received when they f sited; sll samples and the finest of AT (II I iss sll-overs, full 18 inches wide, in elegsnt designs, the newest of I jn HJ l V spring's novelties, sheerest and finest of cloth; not a yard in the en- Uyj ire assortment worth less thsn $1 and most all $2 values. Bankrupt price. V f JU Tomorrow morning from to 12 O'clock In our Photo Dept. for 3 hrs. only we will take Baby's Picture Free This offer is good for children up to 4 yesrs old and to every one bringing baby along we will give you one Photo Post Card with bsby's picture free. No buying is necessary. This offer is open to all. c ' ' . i- ' i- ,' '.. , .; ":vV A Once-ln-a-Llfetime Slaurjlater .-V. Symes' Men's Fu rn ishi ngs Thousands of dollars worth to go at half, third and quarter price, ' and all are Symes' best, too. Come tomorrow and buy furnishings cheaper than you. ever bought them before in all your life.. Read: I Men's Gloves twa.a ttietx'a Soclts ; S.0OO palra ' Maa'a fall-f aaklomod Xalf Xoaa, blaak aad taaai -doable koala aad tooai : 0 yatoe fiaoat S1.AO grado at Bto boot aadroaaad kid, la bTowaa aad Byatoa best BOe gradoi pair. 5,000 Men's Handkerchiefs In white and figured turkey reds; all good sites, and Symes best 5c to 8c kind radai all alsva; worth ap OQ. to glMi pair ....... lv...'.C 2a Boye Cloth sVslf Ibtaa'a Sao aataa heavy work Oapa, . well atede, faaoy pat- Baepaadore, . t . ; . 23c toraa, all oolora , , 0 pair BSo Cape oo ooaaa mmjw aama an, ia fray aaa browa. 9c ktaa's rraaldaat SMapoadorai th.y a .11 the world ever at SOei Baakrapt prtoo. all SSo valoee. loat to ........ 19c Maa'a SOo black or taa Xoaa, roT:f.'orrar.;;:-39c Xoa'a SOo aad TSa lialo aad faaoy Xoct.ry) all oolora aad an pattaraa, 23C GROCERIES AT CUT PRICES Oat of tke trnat mot la the high prtoo oeatMaetioa. Why pay zoloatvo groeery atoroe whaa yea eaa save like tklsi SALT Large 5c Sack best Table Salt tke exarbltat pronto of SOAP 5.000 reg. 3c -g U bars Lsun dry Sosp... t.000 bare 10a BapoUo oat to , Best broken Bloo, par lb. Bxtra obotee Aprteota, too eaa maaor Claats, . , O. Breakfast . Xaah, pkg. ........ at B for BSo Catsmp, bottle , Boat Xlat.ra Bollod Oata, 10 Iba. for . . . . SUGAR Best gran J ulated. 10i t is toe, iot ; 7c ..4c .!5c 10c . . 5c ..8c .15c 2c ::..5c ..:.3c aoato aa 10a bot. BlaJag , .r Aauaoaia ..... XrfO So baa paries kCabsboa .. yalry Boap, S,000 bara at. oaok .... natotv Bamvtr. yoioa. , , JSC Obotoo Bote or - l?r cum. a oaaa for ...... llJV Una, par lb. loa bottlo para CiSr 9 vis CC FLOUR 10-Ib. ssck -f best Pastry I Flour for . Jl Byrap, Bold Model f-alloa aaa OhlrarS.Ulo snaad Cboeolata, 1-1 . eaa .., . 15o aad SOo laaa.0 JllJ. , S.000 1 a. good !.. 10. All SO. a 1 aft ata-,, fa f t'nmt, 1. ............ a ... i ! i -. t ..... ' r'- V" ' ST: 27c 11; J.z i 2