The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 26, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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.Voodlawn Resident I Censure
Councilman Who Voted Ag&lnst
' Abolition of Sinister Evil,
Aire Weiiii x' :
rmn x r rr n
Ytroolutfons Adopted Haadle Without
i C.lovrs JUpreeentativea in Council
Who An . Accnecdl of Accepting
Tfttj Bribes From Railroads., :
. "
Re'eehitJone WMmtlf the 11 eouacft
man who-voted against the ordinance
prohibiting the ercptanc of free peases
from tba " , railroad . companies, were
.paused at a rouaing meeting held -1a
Woodlawn laat night under tka auspices
of the Wood lawn Improvement eeeocla
tion. , Counelluian Vaughn wu highly
ummandd for the eland: ha haa taken
on iheaaurea designed to protect tha
jrtchta of tha paopla against self-seeking
corporatlona. ...... w i ,-,'
' The resolutions irera adopted practic
ally by unanimous vote and are aa fol
lows: ,'. ' ..'-.--.;; ;
Beeoiatloas Ara Oaostle. '...
' "Where; tha corrupt euatora ions; pra
Valllng among many of our elty offlolala
In accepting free transportation from
railways and other corporatlona la ex
tremely unwholesome and Injurious to
Hie moral growth and prosperity of eur
municipality and commonwealth, and
. Wheraaa. It Is tha purpose of tba pub
lic corporatlona In offering free trans
portation to tha city officials to Influ
ence aaid offlolala In voting; upon-questions
In which the said corporations ara
, Interested, and '" . "
Whereas, the corporatlona ara ex
tremely particular that It be known that
aid pasaea ara mora courtesies and not
Intended aa a bribe, yet their conduct
in defending tba aystem of free trans
portation to city officials la evidence
of the fact that such free transporta
tion la given for the' sola purpose of
influencing tha peoples' servants, and
, Whereas, an ordinance waa aubmltted
to tha cite- council of tha city of Pert
land, prohibiting the acceptance of free
pae by certain city offtdala, and '
' Whereas, 11 out af 1( councilman
rotrsl against aald ordinance;
' Therefore, be it resolved, that wa ara
- tinaltrrably opposed to tha renomtnatlon
and election . of one and all of tha 11
councilman whose names are registered
airalnst the passage , of the ordinance
above Indicated, prohibiting tha use of
frre passe, and
Bo- it further resolved, that wo hereby '
Indorse, the action of our councilman.,
W. T. Vaughn, In hla untiring efforts In
trying to pass this and other wholesome
measures In the Interest of tha common
pcoph, and we further commend tha ao-
; Hon of those of tha city council 'who
atond bjr him In thla and other fights
which" he has waged, v '
1 'iff" aV ;
l Dan Ketlhvr candidate . for mayor.
rung as
was present and waa very encouragingly
received. He made a short address n.
plaining what tha eas aide could ex
pen irom mm la the; event of ,hls elec
tion esv. mayor. . The meeting was one
of the , most' Important and best a t-
tenaea or any neia in wood lawn. - r
H. O. Parsons, the candidate of the
labor unlona and of tha Nolta Progres
sive dob on thd peninsula, 'was present
and made the first announcement of hla
. policy. Mr. Parsons favors municipal
ownership of all public utilities. Indis
criminately, but believes it mar be sev
eral years before auch action would be
advisable lor the city of Portland. He
declared himself ever, to be apposes to
the free pass evil and perpetual (ran-chises-
and mentioned particularly tha
Fourth street franchise. . ' -
IT ew Water Kalaa. ,
rr; C H. Raf faty waa present and An
nounced what had been determined by
the water board for tha relief of Wood
. lawn. A complete circuit by 11-Inch
and s-lneh mains will be laid from tha
new pipe Una through Woodlawn, and ha
assured tha realdenta they would .have
an abundance of Bull Run water before
the summer was over. v. ,
A. committee waa appointed to watt an
the executive board to aak that the con-
Ivl I
M l
I I i 11
H 'It
Tractors woo. nave Men awarded the
contracts for grading etreeta in Wood
lawn be fined to tha limit, for not com
pleting the. work within the apeclfled
time. Water main ara soon e be laid
and .the atreeta will again be torn up.
They have been Impassable all winter,
having been partly graded and then de
serted, and tha prospects ara that they
mm wiwr euiowsr winter, .
Sellwood Residents Object to
; Having Postal Station Re-
'('.' moved to Brooklyn. r; "
Tha anouncement that tha fiallwood
gtostal station la .to be consolidated with
a station at Brooklyn haa aroused tha
residents of Sellwood who do not wish
be deprived of the privileges of ' a
station, at Sellwood. Tha Sellwood
board of trade last night decided to sn
eer -a formal protest with the postal
uMiorlttes regarding tha removal of tha
atatlon. --r ..-. .-,.."" '-..
Dave. M. Donnaugh. president of tha
board of trade, expressed tha opinion
that the industrial importance of Sell
wood demanded tha continuance of. the
postal station. It Is a great-convenience
- to patrons who' wish to get their mall
I orfloas of
and carriers
Sunday and ita removal la considered
generally to be t backward step.. ,
The Committee that has been consider
ing the proposal to build a joint club
lmiidlns jn Sellwood for the uses of
different beneficial institutions mad!
Jtft lepnrt which was adopted. A eom
.pnny with 118.000 capital stock will be
formed and each organisation Interested
'In the structure will be represented on
the board of directors. The building Is
to h 100 br 100 feet and two stories
Men with tha first floor slightly below
the surfer of the. ground and a low
iiprr floor. ' -
'Ihe committee waa continued and win
are divided
. .h.
ro nr with the lnorporatlon and other
.in. ' The building now la practically
a certainty. .
ll r Wads
T'-'hy won't euffer five minntee with
""n it you spply Ir. Thomas' Fclc-
in ni ii once, it acts like mafic.
te you want a free taljy-hn ridet
nv aiternnnn ge with us to Wavr-1-
Reserve seat pow., Uala
11. . lenKke Company
Tsartoi i
Just as soon as the
am i jfT-y of Suits, Overcoats, .Fants, Hats; Shoes and Fumshings tor men and boys,, and
tiflu XU Shoes for women and . girls. There will be a stampede here tomorrow, for Saturday is
9V." v the' day that we must handle three days business in one. The prices are reliable and
fine qualities break all records, because it's a sale without frills or subterfuge. Styles
mind, and. prices cut to an iota, as quoted in this announcement We are in it with
let up until we naster the situation. And when the dirt begins to fly this stock will
There tr Taluet in these !9,000 Sulu. when the ectual
reductions' are even greater than is mentioned in this
announcement Vou can't expect too much at DeUars
Rebuilding Sale.
f 4.S0 FOR $8 TO tlO SUITS
Will take choice of 300 Suits, sizes
33 to 44 chest measure,' in all wool
or worsteds, dark, medium or light
colors. Not a suit in the lot but
sold regularly at $8 and $9, and
some as-high as $10. Thy are
bargains beyond the most sanguine
expectations of most "j critical of
buyers. Some of last year's styles, not cut so
this spring's coats. I , t ,
6.50, Sr.50 FOR $10, $12. $15
SUITS This assortment of select
styles in single and double-breaswd
blackt blue, grays and fancy colors,
plaids, check9,"mixtures, is beyond
question the finest showing of best
$10.00 and $12.50 Suits to be seen
in the city. Hand-felhed collars,
full padded ' shoulders, haircloth
canvas interlining, ' Suits that satisfy. - ,
e.SO FOR $15 SUITS Thla
almost endless variety of spring
styles, selected to please the most
exacting of patrons, are reduced
from; lots up to $15 and $16.50;
serges, unfinished worsteds, wales,
ribs, plaids, checks and silk mix
tures; are' tailor made throughout.
The tremendous cut from regular
prices needs no further argument, as there is not an
opportunity, to equal this great Rebuilding Sale. .
f 12.60 FOR $lt SUITS Theat
"Suits, are the best $16.50 o $18.00
values that are shown in Foitland.
The almost endless variety of col-
ors, styles ana torics win ncea no
VI I further eulogy. Select .. domestic
further eulogy, select
lIJlsTf r I and imported materials, equal in
every way to custom maae, mciua
ing Prince Alberts. Suits worth
to $25.00. ...r'- : '-, ...
f 13.50 f 14.60 FOR $20 TO
$23 " SUITS This establishment
for nearly 15 years has stood be
If it J II tore tne uregon puDiic, growing
Fi lVA-l yr fcT yr atrictly on merit. It's
r-n I ,uch dot1" these that has
M I rTTl I made John De liar's name a house
hold word tor reliability. We nav
cut this line from $20. $22.50 and
$25, as the finest and best goods in the house are the
ones we are rnost anxious to sell before the dirt and
dust begins to fly. . ';':' v.;. -': :,: 't? -. .t ?
Knee Pahts.Suits
W are annihilating prices on this
stock of Knee Pants Suits. There
are about 500 of them, worth to
$4. Just think of it. And at a
store that you can depend on what
';is said. '. - ., , . 5 . : r: - : ..
Odd Knee Pants
FOR 95c Pants; 40 e for 75c Pants.
For an elegant $1.00 Knee Pants, j
BOYS SHIRTS. . ;- : ( . .J'
For white and fancy mixed lot to 50c value.
TOTIIV HFI I A H'S REBUILDING SALE is practically on Saturday from 8
JUilli llljLlli O buying goods to come in the forenoon if you can, and if you
Promotions Will Also B Made at
Expiration of Year's
i v Service. . !.v
The raal estate market was ajratn
active yaaUrday. Tha transfers filed
for record exceeded tha $100,000 mark
for the third Urns thla week. Tha ln
dlcatlona are that the transfer will
to well above 1500,000 Tor the week,
proving that tha alight lull for a week;
or two past was entirely due to the
unfavorable weather conditions.
John H. Peterson haa purchased a
ft by 10 -foot lot on the west side of
flocond street, between Oak and Plne.i
Th property balonge to 1 H. Tarploy
and. waa Sold for $24,000. ,
Ttii atmtma nlvlt acrvtea com
in, ii i ten - t
mission haa announced that an examina
tion for clerk-carrier rnai will be bald
.l V. i. n m. i. ltor. Clarke In
tha first and second class
in m
into si eraaes mm iu.
nim ssoot sscond arada.
$SO0; third'erade. aslary l0v fourth
irade, ealary $1,000; fifth grade. 11.100;
sixth srede. salary $1,100 Cl.rks and
i . . iMiuii.u Mfflesa Will ba
rlers will be made at the beginning of
the quarter following the expiration of
a year'a ervlce In the next lower grade.
No promotion will be made except upon
evidence satisfactory to tha postofflce
department of the efficiency and faith
fulness ef the employe during the pre
auccessivsly to tha fifth grade
ana eiaras snu i.i... ----offlcea
will be promoted successively to
the fourtH grade... , .
All promotions or Pom cisraa
ceding year.
Clorks and carriers of
trade in their respective
eligible for promotion to
rour couth Is onlr in tha throat and
docs not trmibla you now, don't think
sttlofte in aald postorticos.
that It nsas no aiisnuon. wnsn 11
haa not tir.d mnru of a start is tha tlms
to chsrk It. Tha allht oonah Ma
Anv clerk Is eligible ror
the service of a carrier, and
is eligible for transfer to
to Fnsumonla, Bronchitis and
Consumption. '.A bottls at Ballard a
of a clerk. '
riorshnuna arrup will euro cnat eouah.
1'ha prtoa puts it within reack af all.
Bold by ail drtisalatai
Auxiliary employee are
service at the rots of $0 cants an hour.
They are eligible for appointment as
clerks and carriers of the first grade.
fliibatltutsa are paid at
rents an hour when serving for ebsent
clerks and carriers, and thry are ett
gtbls for appointment aa auxiliary em
.-'TI TTtv . TT " on T
u an KWDMIl
people can cany away this big fine spring stock
Men's Parits
'( The King of Pantsdom is making headquartera here
With 200 styles and qualitiea for you to choose from,
with an actual saying of 85c to $3 on each pair bought
f 1.15
ual up
Pants. -
f 1.65 For best
quality and styles
$2.50 Pants. ;
2.15 For ele
gant $3 and some
even better
f 2.05 For best
styles $4 Pants,
some beauties. .
f 3.65 Right In
to 1,000 pairs $5
and $6 Pants.:
4.35 Those el-
egant imports, sell regular to $7.50.
,65 and they are off. About 300,
pear), drab, tan; iron,' ochre, etc
I Good ones and good styles, but we
take a fair out of hats tomorrow
because they take up lots of room,
and room is 'what we want, and
must hive. Tbey are $1.50 and
J $2.00 hats, and good ones at that
1 1 Wh
S- I
s, r-vi
V... . j. 85f FOR $1J0 HATS.-'. - - .v..; (
, Thisldt 6hatrare apecials. But hats take 'up' lots of
room.. Hats mast move, so-we put $1.50 hats in this
class. -The spring styles. :,'t: v ;,':' .j"' ''.
N . ' f 1.65 FOR $3.5o"hATS. '11
The nobby shades, shapes and colors, bought for the
hat critic of 1907 and cut from $2.50. ; ' : , ;
- f 2.35 FOR $30 HATS. ;
Do you want the best styles and finest qualities? These
are our $3.00 and $3.50 hats. In all shapes.-
Boys' and Misses': Shoes
.A world in itself. Supplied with all the different styles
and kinds of Youths' Shoes in the universe. -
This is a wonderful lot of $1.50 Shoes; all kinds, but
for quick action they go at 75c and 90c'
f fi.45 for $23 shoes.
Sample lines,' late styles for boys and misses; style,
service and satisfaction. John Dcllar's $2.25 Shoes.
f 1.85 FOR $2J0 SHOES. - '
Dressy for style and shape, hand-turned welts, $2.50
, Shoes, at John Dcllar's great sacrifice sale, on accounf
of store reconstruction, ,
Children's Shoes, Bring on the kindergarten crftwd.
' T5e FOR $U5 SHOES.
We will close out several hundred pairs of $1.35 Shoe.
: 81.35 FOR $2.00 SHOES. , ;
Very handsome and fine stock, regular $2.00 Shoes.
81.65 FOR $2.50 SHOES. I - '
The highest class footwear, a World of style, regular
value $2.50. ;. ; ; , ' v :" .
.The fractional lot at the southwest
corner of Woods and Vlrat streets haa
been purchased by ' 3. ' R. White ' and
others from CL W. Adaraaon for 10.000.
t. P. Dyn baa purchased from Osorga
Bleloh 150 by 100 feet on the corner' of
Kaat Thirty-sixth and East Mala streets,
Munnyatcie. lot ii.ioo.
Frits Strobe! haa eold te A. C,
Churchill A. Co. a' tract containing IS
acres on Columbia slough for $10,000.
Transfers of title te no less than II
residences and residence lots, ranging
Jn.. value from $1.000 te $4,000 were
filed for record yesterday. .,,;'
ployes and as clerks and carriers ef the
first grade.
The above will be effective July 1.
1907, - Peraons who- desire to compete
should at once apply te the secretary of
the Twelfth civil service district, room
141, postofflce building, Seventh and
Mission etreeta. Ban Francisco, Califor
nia, or to tha local secretary of the
board of civil eervics examiners "at the
postofflce 'In this city. ' .,'
the highest
offices ara
the higher po-
transfer to
any carrier
: Milwaukle Country Club.
Eastern and California races. ' Tske
Sellwood and Oregon City eare at rirat
and Alder.
' I 1 w
' Select parties every afternoon to
Wavsrlelgh. It costs you nothing for
the service
paid ror actual
the rate of $0
an enjoyable tally-ho ride, only reserve
your seats in edvanee. IL W. Lemcke
Company. MaJa 660. -
and stock enough to satisfy every heart and
our. sleeves rolled up, and there will be no
be in the hands of the people regardless of
Furnishing Goods
' Tha Rebuilding Sale prices throughout this stock
are so ridiculously low that you can buy the very
choicest goods at a lower price than any merchant
has to pay at wholcaale.
25 for Golf Shirts.
25a) for Standard
Were 75c
Shirta. Were $1.0a
35e for 'Workingmen's Best SOe
' Shirts.' .'.-;
ISeMor Golf and Negligee, select
75c and $1.00 values. -35e
for Golf and Negligee, extra
select and S1.2S values.- -
85e for Negligee Shirts, special offering, $1J5 raL
" .: ' UNDERWEAR.: ;
for a broken lot of Plain and Fancy, 3Sc values.
85a for Derby and Fleece, regular 50c values.
50 for best quality 75c Underwear. . "
65e for broken lot best $1.00 values Merino. 7
f l.OO for the $1.50 Wool the kind that made Dcl
lar's the leading Underwear Stpre. i
- . ME1S SWEATERS, V ".mfj
KO for Mixed Wool, $1.00 values, ' : V
81.00 end 81.25 for up to $2.50 Sweaters. r.
8) for Children's 75c Sweatera. '. v ,.. ',.
60a for Boys' $1.00 Sweaters. ' , "
85 for Boys' $1.50 Sweaters. . 1t J :
, i ; 'J - : ' SOX i ". " v."
8J4 for Black and Tan. 12$4c value. ' '
12yt4 for Black, Tan and Fancy 20c Son;
lOai for Plain and Fancy 35c Sox. .
' ' ' ' -, SUSPENDERS. . ;" ' f -V
10e for Special value. Cost more. '.,':.,' ;v; .
80e for best 50c Suspenders on earth. V , , ' '.
.-; r;y neckwear.;.:.. j.
10e) for pure silk spring styles, up to 35c goods.-'
Z4 jot Dcllar's great JOc spring line. , ;
X , " , : .. UMBRELLAS. ' i ; ' i
50e for 75c Umbrellas. , - V -;
751 for $1.00 Umbrellas. ;t : , ' 7 ' :
f l.OO for $1.50 Umbrellas, Y ' ; f. '". '.
Sat for best Sc Handkerchiefs. . . ,,'. -,i ,
7 for heat 12jc Handkerchiefs. I -; '
18J4 for best 20c Handkerchiefs.-: ,
Not 399, but 300 or more to select f rom
Were.... $175 $2.50" $3.00 $6.00 " $7.50
Now ..'.$1.10 $15 $2Q0 $3.60 $4.63
'I. TRUNKS. -:. ..'. '
More than a vanload .
Were . . . .,...$4.00 - .00 $8.00 $9.00 $11.50
Now $2J0 $320 $4.80 $5.40 $6.75
It's the rising generation that la the real style
critic. He knows atylea, because the critical eye of
the young man catches every change or fact In fash
ion. Dcllar's Rebuilding Sale wanta that eye on these
suits and both eyes on the Rebuilding Sale cut prices,
Only about 1,100 suits to select from,
f 2.75 and 83.75 for honest, serviceable $6.00 and
$7.50 Suits. - '.. , ; . .v
65.50 and 86.50 for Top-Notch $9.00 and $10.00
Suits. . ,-- ' ' ' . -v
88.50 and fO.50 for Tailor-Made Imports, $13.50
tO $15.00 Suits. s:
m. 'till '10 p. m-, and we request as a favor
can't, come anyhow, and well do our best.
Trains Daily I
CA Trains Daily
St. Pact, Minne
apolis, OnlatH
and the y
" East
North Coast Limited
. ' " V : ON YOUR NEXT TRIP. V ' ; . '
It will olease rou. Every want is anticipated. Electric-lighted
throughout Standard Pullman and Pullman tourist sleeping-cars.
Dining-car. observation-car; electric lights, electric fans, card and
smoking rooms, barber ahop, bathroom, wardrobe closets, library,
and all the hixariea of a modern hotel on wheela. Call or write for
a "North Coast Limited' booklet giving complete description.
. Have you friends or relatives fit tha East who ara coming West
on the low rates this season? If so, send their names and full ad.
dresses. Literature and full information will ba given them. Or
you can depoait with any agent of this company to cover tha ticketa,
and delivery will be arranged by telegraph. Special round-trip rates,
commencing June I, will be in effect from ail Eastern territory to
1 thia section. -,.....' , .
For any information desired regarding ratea, routes, etc, call on
or address , i ,
.' v . . Assistant Oenefal Passenger Agent,
- -r : f -
I IS Baa
1" I ."'... f I : " i ; ' .... i ..
Prices that aeem like fiction, but true to a penn.
S5e for odd lots Oxford Ties House Shoes to $2 value.
76e AND fl.OO FOR $1J0 AND
. ; :-1- $2.00 SHOES.. :
Starting ' at these unusually . )ow '
pricea give you some idea' of the
terrible aacrifice we are making on '
account of rebuilding. These 'sre
our $1.50 and $2.00 Shoes. , ; ,
: 815 FOR $2.50 SHOES.
There is style and, quality here to
please the fastidious shoe-buyer;
$2.50 in an endless variety Siraet
and Dress Shoea. '- :: '
f 2.45 FOR $3.00 ? AND - $3J5
' - shoes.;? v'" K '
1.000 pairs or more, the acme of footwear- ' The most
reckless-sacrifice of all new footwear ever .made in
Portland; $3.00 and $3.25 values. , v. v
:- f 2.85 FOR $3 JO SHOES. ,
Our hlgk-gmde hand-welt bench goods, the newest
tswing lasts and boulevard toe, patent, gunmetal, vici
id, latest 'and best fJ.9U bhoe. - :-. s ..
-'! JUST READ THE ITEMS. f. .' ;
50e and 75e for good-wearing Congress and odd pairs ,
to $1.50 values,-.;.' - . .
; 95 FOR $1.7$ SHOES. ' ' " ' "
Four hundred pairs of Box Calf Shoea, light, medium
and heavy 'stock. Every shoe bought at this 'store,
must be satisfactory. . It has John Dellar's guarantee
behind it' This bargain-grabbing lot contains shoes
of all kinds, worth to $1.75. s r ;
' 81.45 FOR $3.50 SHOES. n ,
Vici,; Heavy Kip, Calf and Velour Shoes, in more than
50 styles of toe and shspes of last These are the best'
$2.50 shoes, and only under forced circumatancea would
we ever consider to slaughter thia immense fine stock.'
91.95 AND 62-45 FOR $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES.
Do you realize what 5,000 pairs means?- Try. And
then come here and we will give you the opportunity of
selecting from that many paira or more, worth- $3.00
and $3.50. - This Rebuilding Sale will terrorize the shoe
seller snd draw more people to this unparalleled Recon
struction Sale than ever attended a sale in Portland.
f 2.85 Think of Dellar $4.00 Spring Style Shoes at
less than -factory cost Now yon have the exact situa
tion at the Rebuilding Sacrifice Sale. V
John Dellar's Re-Building Sale
The' sale of the times. The sale that sells what It
advertises to selL You can coma with perfect con
fidence, for you can exchange anythlnglbought here
or get your money If you wish. That's Dellar's way
.to us and a "convenience to yourself
. ;;.'". t . - , f. ' V. ? t
Positively eared" by
these JUttls PUls.
Tbey also relieve Me-
tseaaaai tVore TWearwnakia& taw
ITTLC 1 IdlceaUoaaailTooHearty
llm atmc. A pertset reaa-
IV Cell edytwDltzUiees.llanssa.
PHUSs DrowinMa' Ba4 Tsata
umaua, nansas
SI. Lonls and
Points East
and West
r . lis usi aovufc umq
I : ' Ttegue.ralatattia8i4e.
., I torpid irvxa. Taaji
regulate Ue Bowels, rurely yefoUbie. ' i
mum. si'AiitcsE. smrr,:x
Ctmiina Must Bear 1
Fao-Simila Slenatiirt -
$1.00 A WEEK $1.00
'. -:! '. ' m AB.
Skndard Jewelry Co.
: o o
y . i ,