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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY" JOURNAU rORTllAND, FRIDAY : EVENING, 'APRIL' 3, 1C07 res lie i: EVEH IF DISCOURAGED SOLD BY Til 11. ,11! Oil STQHE JETTY Government Engineers Purchase Material In Open Market for Breakwater. DELIVERIES TO COMMENCE - FIRST WEEK OF MAY Extensive Improvement Booked for . ' Local Harbor and Channel May Bo Opened Soon on Wast Side of Swan - Island Marine Note. V- Work en the Columbia river Jetty will be resumed Mar .'hn the Colum bia Construction company will begin the delivery of rock from, barges. It is ex pected that at least 1,000 tons of stone ean be supplied a day. The government has not enured Into any contract for the stone, but Is purchasing it in the epea market. Bids have been invited, but they will not be acted upon in time for the commencement of the work as now planned. Gerald C Bagnall, the government "engineer in charge of the work, has , Jujfc returned from the Jetty and says svernning is now in snap lor m re sumption of work. A goodly portion of the piling was weahed away during the storms of last winter, but this will not greatly interfere with the work, since , St has been decided to complete the Jetty as the trestle is buUt. The Jast .' storm of a few weeks ago was the most damaging because it tore way a strip of the treetlework over . which the cars conveying the stone and ; other material are operated, but moat or me aamage nas aireaay oeen r .: paired. - A great 'many improvements will be made along the waterways this summer by the government, and the local harbor Is also to be improved extensively by the Port of Portland. There Is a prop osition on foot to dredge out the chan nel on the west side of Swan Island for the especial, benefit of log tows.- whloh could then make a straight shoot with out blocking the channel In the bend at PertsmoutA. . . . v r. . TWIN SCREW LAUNCH Gaptaln Amos Seta New Pace for Lo cal Boat Builders. ,,. The gasoline launch Eva, which was , hauled out on the beach in North Port land seme time ago for a general ever hauling will be the first craft of her kind In these waters , to be equipped - with 'twin ecrews-ahejsrlll be launched In a couple of days and placed Inoom , mission as a harbor and picnic boat,. Captain Amos operated the Eva all of Mast year, after having converted her 'from a sailing sloop Into a power boat, 'and. finally concluded to install;.' more power and twin eorewa She will carry 'about 100 passengers. The launching' season will soon be en ta full swing and owners ' of pleasure craft are busy getting them into shape. . CARGO SHIPS FIXED TTsJden Abbey and Glencaslln Bound v..;- for Portland, f " t'l-.'-'i Two sailing ships were , fixed thle , morning to load cement and general cargo at Europe for Portland. - The ves sels are well, known here, - being the Oleneselln and Walden Abbey, both fly .ins the British flag, s The Olenesslln is now due to arrive at Antwerp. With the addition of these two car riers there are now tt sailing vessels headed for Portland with general eargo and cement from Europe. As each weasel carries in the neighborhood of 1,000 tons, this : mesne that approxi mately there are 70,000 tons of freight destined at this time from the European shipping and commercial centers for the Oregon metropolis. TELEPHONE STARTS OUT Tjeaves Portland for The Panes on Regnlar Ron. ' The steamer Telephone started this 'morning at T o'clock for The Dalles to remain in commission until the regular . liner Bailey Oetsert is ready to take her piece. The . latter craft la being Regular v ' Valiie , W 85c 14 QUART l J Royal Granite War- -v . .-:'v i ,. , ".;L '.X 0.,. -. No. 3 FRY PAN tst b. wit,.t.i i nay rant rail io tovb jinxncATinL The Pin Have Cared the Disease la Almost Bvery Pone and area U Advanced tag. . ' Rheumatism ie a painful Inflamma tion of the muscles or of the oovertngs of the Joints and is sometimes accom panied by swelling. The pain is sharp end shooting and doee not confine Itself to sny one part of the body, but after settling In one Joint or muscle for a time, leavee It and passes on to an other. The moet dangerous tendenoy of the dleease le to attack the heart. Ex ternal applications - may give relief from pain for a time , but the disease cannot be cured until the blood ie pu rified. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are ths best medicine for this purpose aa their action is dlreotly on ths blood, making It rich, .red and healthy, f When the blood la pure there can be no rheu matism. Mra Ellen A. Russell of South Goff st., Auburn, Ma. says: 1 hsd been sick for IS yeare from tmpure blood, brought on by overwork, , My heart was weak and my hands colorless. I was troubled with Indigestion and vomiting spells, which came on every tew - montha I had no appetite and used to have awful fainting spells, falling down when at my work. I frequently felt numb all over. My head ached continuously for five years. ' ' "About two years age J, began to feel rheumatism In my Joints, which became so lame I could hardly walk. My Joints were swollen and pained me terribly. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were rec ommended to .me by a friend, after I had failed to get well from the doc tor's treatment. When I began -taking the . pills, the rheumatism was at its worst. I had taken only a few boxes. when . the headaches stopped and not long afterward J felt the pain in I my Joints becoming less and less, Vntll there was none at all. The stiffness was gone and I have never bad any re turn of the rheumatism." .. ' ' Dr. - Williams' Pink Pills havs cured euch dleeasee as nervous and general debility. Indigestion, nervous headache. neuralgia and even partial paralysis and locomotor ataxia. Aa a tonic for the blood and nerves they are uneqaaled. A pamphlet ' on "Diseases of the Blood" and a copy of our diet book will be sent free, on request to anyone in terested. - i - Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or sent, postpaid, on re ceiptee price, to cents per oox. , six boxes for li.0 by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Bchneotady, N. T. rebuilt' enr the - ways fit the Portland Shipbuilding company In South Port land. .. The Telephone made a trial trip yes terday afternoon and behaved well ae oordlng to ' those - who took the trip. This Is her first regular run since she was built. about Ave years age and for that reason her departure this morning attracted a little more than ordinary attention among the waterfront fra ternity. ': - . . Property owners along the river front are fearful lest the steamers Telephone and Charles R. Spencer will engage In racing this summer and cause heavy damaging - swell a but the authorities declare emphatically that no racing will be tolerated. The harbormaster says he Will see that no racing Is In dulged fa within the harbor limits. The ' Telephone will leave .Portland Mondays, . .Wednesdays and Fridays, alternating with the steamer Capital MARINE INTELLIGENCE Bee-alar Inter Dae 0 Arrive, - Anuaee. tram Gone Bay. ............ ..April ST Nleomerila, free erleat April t Cota Rica, from Ban fraBrtaeo April 3ft O. W. Rider, from San Padre aad way.Aprl tS Onhimbla. from Baa Praactae ....Mar Roanoke, treat Baa Pedro aad way. ...May r. A. -Kilters, horn Baa Iras, aad way. May 0 Kntnaatia. from erteat ................Mar SB Arabia, h-eat erlent. ............... ....June SO AJeela, (real erleat. ................... .July 1 eralar Linen t Depart. . , Alliance, for Coos Bay .....AsrO to O. W. Elder, tor Baa Padre aad way.. April BO Oneta Blca. tot Baa fraaeleoe May 1 iraronla. ror .oneai .Mar Columbia, for Baa rraaeleea... . ...... May 9 Roanoke, nr aaa more ana way May T r. A. KUPora. ror naa rraa. sad war.. Mar NIooaMdla. for orient ..May II Komaatla. for orient. .,....... Jans Arabia, frem erleat ...... Jtisa le Aleela. tor erient ...July ST Teasels la Pert. , .,, . ' Aresnnta, Oar. tr.. at fkmr bOIs. J" Berwlre. sasoUae sek.. at Coach street. Onaatlle Blver, km. atr.,- at no I beakers, Irlab MonarcB., Br. etr. at B. A W. aiUls. ' J. Marboffer, Aw. atr at Wll. Iroa Werka TerJe Tlkea, Nor .atr., at Rainier. . Annea, rr kk., at Money aork. 5 ' ' ' Bayoeae, It. ah., at Maataomery dock Ke. S. Dimtaate, at. esv at staaaara box docs. . Klrkloe, e, sr. . str. a Ocean Lo dock. DISH PAN 1 Down With the Dig Profits of the Glothing Ring ; - THIS IS THE ONLY HOUSE IN PORTLAND FIGHTING THE CLOTHING TRUST Don't Forget the Number 53 and 55, Cor. Third and Davis Sts. ?-Wffgm if IIP : i iWltlliiinin, lie.. ijf."'S-i;iii3n Men's Dress Shirts , . 39c Men's Dress Shirts . 75c Men's Working . Shirts 43c J v.-.'!' -: sale begins Saturday No use paying the robber prices of the clothing trust' when we 'Third and -Davis.' . ..;.; , , ; ,.i i; a i ' HleheUt Tt. bk., at Colombia Me., S. Xela, Br. ah at Elevator dork. 1 Aldea Beeae, Am. bk., at WaUaos aloofa. - Cbehalla. An. bkta., at Bulla. . JordanbUL Br. bk, at Graenwiea. V BehoBie, Am. seb at Rtella. Loaliiana. Am. ah., at Stella. ' Ailre MrDoeald. Ask srh., st Tineonrer. -. SaUnea. Rua. atr.. at O. R. A N Alblaa. Normta Ialea, MoT. atr., at Uoottomery he. S. Kva. Uer. atr, at enebnr la etream, . t xraljtor, Am. atr. r at Pertland Lamner mllla. Tbee. I. wand. Am. atr., at Maaten. . -' Anrellar Am. atr., at Balnler. Beata. Bar, Am. atr., at rUwl "T Lambar Carrlera Ea Beats. . Aaale Lanes. Am. sch. Baa rraaelaea. ; Dlaawod Head, Am. bk. Baa Pedra, . -. B. r. Wbltoer. Am. bk., MakaweM. . 1. . Etllpee, Am. ah., 8aa Pedre. . . . Dwell, AqVab, Baa Pedro. . ' V LIllebaBBe, Am. era.. Manila. .j ' ' - Lncllle. Am. aa.. Baa Pranetaco. ' ,. Mabel Gale. is. ach.. Ban rranetaee.' -. Northland, Am. atr. Baa Praoelam. ' 1. U. Griffith, Am. bkta., dan rrueteost Joha Palmer, Am. bkta., Sas Praaetaee. Betrtorer, Am. bkta. Baa Praaeleto. . . Bailor Bo, Am. scb.. Baa Franelaea, . 'Slatram, Am. ah, Redoode, , , . Aarora, Am. bkta. Baa Praaelaee. , Colombia, Am. aca., Baa rraaeteee. - ' .Jamas Bo) oh, Am. sea., 8aa Pedrev i Joba Smith, Am. bkta., Sao Pedro. Makawrll, Am. bkta., Baa rraaeieea. " Baota Aaa, Am, atr.. Baa Praoclaoa. ; ' Alvena, Am. era., Baa Pedre. BmllT Brad, Am. atr.. Baa Pedro. . W. B. Hume. Am. eeb. Baa Padre,..' . . . Polarla. Am. arh.. Baa Pedro.-. Iettltla, Aaa. aca., Baa Pranrleea. ' Mar tel. Am. scb.. Baa Praaclaee. ', ' Xa Seats With Oemeat aad eaeraL ; Beceleach, Br. sb, Uambarg; Brena. Pr. bk. Halt " " S Conway Cattle, Br. bk., Aatwerf, Paljronar. Br. ah, Uambexg. ., Borope, Tt. bk, Antwerp.. - - . '' GeneTlere MoUnoa, Pr. bk.. Leadoa. - , Bene Kerrller, Pr. eh., Hamborg, Laeenee, Pr. ah. Bwanaea. ,'' V Filler . Pr. bk, Uadna. ' Martha Roax, Pr. bk- HamKorf. . Mosamblrae. Br. ah., Newcaatle, B. ' , Barnoa, Br. bk4 Bblelda. - 1 ' 81am, Ger. eh., London. " " Koroa. Pr. th., Newraatls, B. ' ' ' Teliae, Ger. bk.. Lelth. - Vlecennee, Pr. bk., Olaagow; -Elnlta. Br. bk.. Antwerp. ' . Mareebael Tnrrene, Pr. bk., rTamborg. Villa de afnlbooee, Pr, bk., Antwerp. Gurtharr. Pr. bk.. Antwern. . Plerrl Lotl. Pr..bk, Antwerp. WaMea Abbey, Br. ah., Aatwers. Gleoeealla, Br. th., Antwerp. Coal Ships Xa lent. ... Belea. Pr. bk, NeweaJtle, A. Col. de Vlllehola Merenll. Pr. bk,Newaaila, A. ClaTerdna, Br. eh, Neweaatle, A. . . 'St. Levis, Pr. bk, Neweaatle, A. : Tram Steaatera Xa Beats. . Aseet, Rr. atr. Bassos Aries. . Hradford, Br. atr. Baa Prancaws. ' I ruia Mara, Jap atr., Japaa. . Afrlraa Monarch, lit. atr.. Baa Praaelses. flomilea. Nor. atr., Mtiroraa. , Stratbrljda. Br. atr.. Baa I'ranelaca. Brrathyre, Br. atr- Ban Pranclece. Tellua, Nor. atr. Baa Praaetero. Totteabam, Br. atr.. Comns, B. 0. Hark, Nor. atr.. Baa rrawlaro, Maori Kin. Br. atr, ihannoal. OU Iteamen Xa Roaite. Maeetik, Am. atr.. Ban Prrmnaoe, ' Wblttler, Am., atr. Port Harford. ALONG THE WATERFRONT .. ' Ths Norwegian steamer Terje Vlken will sail trom Rainier for Taooma nest week to finish) her lumber cargo for Australia. r ,. : , . Ths aasollns sohooner Berwick sails ; "at Trnr JJT W . -x. -s, essm rar a saw-s Men's Sox Men's Sox Men's Sox Mifi lair tor ' Rogue Rlvsr this afternoon. She cleared this morning with a. general eatrarn. Trie schooners Lettttla and. Muriel hava been listed to soma here from Baa Francisco to load lumbar for a return cargo. The steamer F. A. Kllburn sailed for Sao Francisco last night and the Colum bia of the HarrUnan Una pulled oat this morning for the same destination. The steam schooner Coaster, Captain Hlgglns. sailed last night for San Fran' Cisco with SSO.OOO fset of lumber. A distracted father called at ths cus tom house this morning In search of his 14-year-old bop, who he says haa been missing since last Sunday.' He believes the boy shipped on. one of the vessels. He went away without leaving his name but said he would search the liver front In hopes of getting trace of tbe lad. MARINE NOTES Astoria, 'April U. Arrived down al t30 and sailed it 1:11 a. nu, steamer Coaster, for San Franolsoo, Arrived down at 4:1 a and sailed at 19:1(1 a. m. steamer F. A. KJlburn. for San Fran' Cisco and way porta Arrived down at L4:S0 and sailed at 11:10 a m, steamer Washington, for . San Francisco. Ar rived at T:lff a. m., steamer Aureus, from Ban Francisco. San Francisco.. April It. Called st I last night, ateemer Northland, for Port land. - ' . Port Harford. April 15. Sailed. steamer wnrttier, ror fort land. Frawie Point. April it. Passed. French barK Le Filler, from London. ror fortianw. Rochester. April . t4.- Sailed. British Mrk Edenmora. . ( Astoria. April 14. Condition of the bar at S a. m, smooth) wind west; weather clear. I Tides at Astoria rodar. Hlsh water. 11:41 a. m., 1.1 feet; 11:19 p. m., t.4 feet; low water. 6:44 a. m, B.S feet; l:4 p. m., 1.1 feet. Astoria. . April 24 Left up st 11 a. m, steamer Aurel'.a, for Rainier. Ben - Francisco. ABrll - - t(. Balled. steamer. Nome City, for Portland. NEGROES TRY TO LYNCH ACCUSED TRAIN ROBBER . , -. -. . , . rittsburg, Kan, April 14. Negroes attempted laat night to lynch Joseph Bun, tne train robber who was ar rested at Myrtls Point,' Oregon, last week. Bush Is charged with having robbed a Missouri Paclflo train here on the night of March 4, and shooting John Henry, a negro passenger. When the train on which Bush was brought here srrived lsst night a mob of negroes sur- runded the depot and made an effort to get Rush to lynch him. The were held, off end Buah was lodged in Jail. . Reserve seals now for free tally-ho ride to Waverlelgh. Main 169. IL W. Lemcke Company. . Men's Suits $2.48 Men's Suits 3.49 Men's Suits 4.49 Men's Suits 6.25 Men's Suits 7.25 Men's Pants 69c Men's Pants 79c Men's Pants 98c Men's Pants $1.10 Men's Pants 2.00 Men's Pants 2.25 m MEN'S Odd Coats $1.39 CoatsS Vests 1.79 Underwear . 18c Underwear . 22c Underwear ' i 43c 4c 5c 7c Men's morning at 9 o'clock. ask yon but HALF.' Remember "v-.-.r-:--.-".-1:- ''r' ' ,: THE BEST $3 HAT IN THE S0.000 SOLD, NOT ONE RETURNED BEN SELLING " ' LEADING HATTER PLOT TO MURDER IS CAUSE OF TWO ARRESTS fjoornal Specs! Berries.! San Vranrlnro. Anrll 14. Two mem. bera of electrfral union. No. 4, were ar rested laat, night charged with com Youth'sSuits$2.00 Youth's Suits 2.98 Youth's Suits 3.49 Youth's Suits 4.48 LADIES' Vests . . ,10c Drawers . 59c Chemise . 69c Skirts . . 73c Corset Covers 33c Hose . . 10c Waists . , 35c Waists . 59c Hats . . $2.49 Men's Collars lc Men's Neckties 9c Men's Neckties 19c Sox . . 11c 500 Feather Pillows . - 49c 500 Suit Cases . . $1.45 , . the number. S3 and S3, Corner . 1 "-V,: '- ' WORLD plicity In a plot to murder P. R. Mc Carthy, president of the Building Trades council. The electrical workers union had recently been expelled from the trades council. The plot Is said to hare her-n exposed by one of the con spirators. II. fthorkley. In an affMavlt. The men under arrest ars Harry Sulli van anjv. h. Car mod. I i i i NOW IN HANDS OP ThcSfclcr-UIiilllcrCo. $5,205.50 Dry Gccs Sloclt Of the New York Mercantile Co. 203 Third St, Just south of Taylor Only 4 selling: days left. Slaugh tering everything at an average of . about 21c CI TOE DOLLAR Of prices,- Sale opens Saturday at 9:30 a. nv Everything must go toclc and fixtures within the next 4 days. HO RESERVATIONS The most : desperate sacrifice of the year come early. lh Section, 8c to 10c Articles Elastic, pins, thread, needles, thimbles, darning yarns, . corset steels, stove lifters, floss, braids, tapes, buttons, ribbons, writing tablets, hooks and eyes, sample card laces, embroideries, ribbons, etc.-. ..:.-;. ,. . 2J4 Section, 10c to 20c Articles Thimbles, writing tablets, silk bow' ties, , silk floss, ribbons, needles, samples ribbon velvets, laces, embroideries, cords, thread, buttons and 100 other articles; combs, hair pins, etc ' 5 Section, 10c to 25c Articles Hose, sox, children's' hose, shop caps, beat silk thread, tasels, rib bon remnants, combs, cubes pins, curling irons, lace collars, but tons, laces, embroideries, dress trimmings, handkerchiefs, sum mer gloves, braids, velvets, cheesecloth, children's hats, sus penders, silk ties, flowers, etc., curtains. Over 200 different ar ticles in this section. . . ' 10 Section, 20c to 80c Articles Wool dress goods, caps, suspen ders, garters, supporters, hats, underwear, fine ribbon, yard; laces, embroideries, handker-. chiefs, hose, sox, children's hose, childs' underwear, gloves, sun glasses,; etc. Over 100 different articles in this section. 15 Section, "30c" to 60c Articles Fine hose, sox and : children's stock, elegant ribbons,' laces, em broideries, infants' dresses, ap rons, caps, hats, gloves, buttons, veiling, men's and women's un derwear, velvet stand covers, cen terpieces, dolls, purses, doll heads, stockings, sox, : Boston garters, supporters, silk velvet ribbon, dress goods, finest silk -veiling, fascinators, kimonos, paint brushes, ribbons, etc 100 other articles. . .? , 101 Section, 40c to 75c Articles Kimonos, fur boas, fine dolls, bisque heads, men's shirts, boys' best overalls, silk suspenders, purses. Jewelry of all kinds, capa, hats, dress goods, waist materials, ehUds dresses, silks, furs, black petticoats, men's fine underwear, sprlns; and medium women'a underwear and scores of other articles, - 20 Section, 50c to $1.25 Articles Hand bags, kimonos, wrappers, chil dren's dresses, corsets, umbrellas, silks, French dolls, kid dolls, stand covers, table covers, seek ruches and bona purses, chiffon, men's shirts, men's and women's underwear, petticoats. . t and lMn all silk and saUn ribbon. 30 For 75c to $1.50 Articles Children's : jackets. " 'chiffons, boaa. flannelette wrappers, -; men's overall a, man's fine underwear, umbrellas, big dolls, fine waists, children's dresses, hand bags and a mountain of other things. ....;-..- 401 For $1.00 to $2.00 Articles TJmbrellaa, Jackets, furs, dolls, kimonos, wrappers, hats, petticoats, dresses. In fants' coats, i a whole section of every thing. .: 08 to ?1.48 for men's $3 to $5 fine Pants ; only 100 pairs. 60s to ?1.60 for choice of 200 Skirts, cheviots, serges, tweeds, poplins, mohairs, etc worth $3 to $10. ' ;:.; ; Thers Is a complete men's and women's stock of sverytMriB. The New Tork Mercantile Co. kept one of the most exclusive stocks of goods of any store f its kind In Portland and haa been established for 19 years. It's a well known and substantial Una, and It must be sold out- - CORSETS Ths American Beauty, new spring goods, one Of the best lines In the cltr 094 For all slses and styles, wers 051 For all slses and sty lea. were 11 and 11.10. 83e For all kinds, 7le grades. 194 For atlases' Girdles. . 254 For new Kalamasoo ISo Corseta Doors Open Tomorrow (f.afjr. day) Morning at 9:CD o'CIock. Sale continues 4 days. No Lor -t tora mast be Vacated. There la r- appeal from this verflint. we s vacate. Tbe sals Is without ..' i . aaos tarrlflo aetoai sxirinoe ii i of dry goods, bats, notions, Bia s ( i UhlDge, see. SCLDDY 7T.2 Z'Z. MiD now in en : c i i I