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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY v EVENING, APRIL 23, 1CC7.'. t , MOTIVE POWER COMES AS RESULT OF THREATS . . ' Move on Part of Interstate Commerce Commission, to Secure a Joint Rate Brings One Hundred and Fifty New Locomo ;tlves to Hill Lines Ten New Engines Here. Confronted with ' the throat . that a Joint rato will bo enforced by the Inter state commerce eommlaslon on lumber from Washington to eastern terminal of the Tjnlon Pad no, . the Great North ern aad Northern Paolfla Railway com panies are making strenuoua efforts to secure additional motive power. It Is reported . from Seattle that the Great Northern management has succeeded In getting- a contract for delivery of 160 new locomotives within the next 0 days. aTarrlmaa Aft Traffic. Washington ' lumber, manufacturers some time ago, becoming deaperate tver the embargo en lumber ahlpments from that state over the northern lines, ap proached ths Harrtman-management for a Joint rat over the Union Pacific sys tem via Portland, and Spokane, for lum ber shipments to Missouri river terri tory. The Harrlman lines, , notwith standing their failure to furnish cars to their own patrons. Indicated a deatre to haul the Washington lumber east, and said, that they were ready to make a Joint rat with the Washington roads If the latter were willing. - r- hen the Hill lines were applied to they refused to make Joint rates on east-bound lumbal. The Washington lumber men then appealed to the Inter state commerce commlaalon, and to the Washington railway . commission, and these bodies have been considering the natter. The' tip has come that 'th Interstate commerce commission will put a Joint rat into effect. Trevsl Seres Miles Dally. Knowing that the Union Pacific, now en th point f Invading western Wash ington via Portland, will do its utmost to cater to the business- Interests of that region and get a ahare of th busl- j ness of. th northern , line, th Great Northern' and Northern Paclflo are forced to take extreme measures to quip themselveeto handle more busi ness. It bss been notorious that th Northern Paclflo' and Great Northern are short on motive powers that their loaded cars stand for weeks on side tracks when they should have been moving to their destination, and that the average movement of freight from th ooast to th east over the Hill lines is seven miles a day. .. It is said th car shortage that has nearly ruined scores of mlllraon in the state of Wash ington 'would not have been half so se rious had ths Hill lines been equipped with a reasonable amount of motive power. . . Provide ISO w Bnglaea, ' Th announcement that th Great Northern will have 159 new locomotives within th next three months la th most welcome news shipping Interests have received for years. Th order w sent in by. Frank McGulgan, the new vice-president of th company, before be bad been In office two weeks. In the opinion of the lumber men. th fact that McGulgan succeeded In getting th con tract from th locomotive makers Is a refutation of the oft-repeated olaim that th locomotive works of .the country are two years behind with their orders. Tea XVooontotlve far Oregon. - Ten new locomotives are en root to th O. R. aV N. and Southern Paclflo lines in Oregon. ' They are arriving In port- land at th rat of two a week. They are monster freight engines of ths Baldwin make. Over at tha Southern. racino shops this week the man are coupling up on of these monsters and getting it ready for service. It is probably the largeat locomotive ever brought into Oregon, r'o great are its dlmenalona that the roundhouse will not hold It and the work on It la being carried on - outside, it stnuds on a switch north of th roundhouse and on of thf ordinary locomotives stand ing on the next . track looks ilk a cayuso by the side of a draft horse., ODD FELLOWS IViLL CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Program of Music and Speeches Will. Mark Eighty-Eighth Milestone of Lodge. Strong and' Vigorous at 81 Years of Age , Mr. Mark, W. Pierce,1 of Glenn, N. H., who lived in Saco Valley for 57 years, has filled every office in the gift ". of his townsmen; was a stage driver, in the White Moun tains before, the railroad was built. He is now in his 81st u year, is a remarkably well-preserved man, and tells many interesting stories of his earlv career and of how Diiffv's , Pure Malt Whiskey has pulled him through many a tight place and kept him vigorous and strong, although he has passed the fourscore mark. : MR. MARK W. PIERCE. In a recent Interview Mr. Pierce said: .'- "I ha used Duffy's Pur "Malt Whis key as a medicine for something - Ilk six years. k '. "Several" years ago I - had a slight shock . My doctor prescribed Duffy's Pur Malt Whiskey and told me to take i It regularly, which' I have dona, nd I can truthfully say that tt certainly baa been a great, benefit to, mv ' X am now tL years of age and hare used stimulants all my Ufa, so" ougltl to know what a good article la. I have been a resident of Saco Valley for ST years, have filled all tha offices In th gift of my townsmen, was - a STags driver through tha White Mountains be fore the railroads were built, have at tended nearly every term of court In our county for tha past forty years, and havs had considerable to do with poli tics; so you ran understand I have had quite a strenuous Ufa, yet I feel as strong; and vigorous as I did twenty .years ago." Not. tl. ltOt. ' i " Ths eighty-eighth anniversary of the founding of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows wil bs celebrated at the Odd Fellows temple. First and Alder streets; tonight at $:. Dr. W. T. Wil liamson will be the speaker of the even ing, and P. W, Stuart will act as chair man, j The'- musical program will be presented -by Miss Atleen Webber, tho Havinsxiuariet. the coiumoia uiee ciud, Miss Grace Campbell. ' Miss Bulah f'olcbs will give a recitation. P. W. Stuart, noble grand; J. J. Poyle, vloe- grand; F. Cosens, chaplain, and E. B. Hharon, secretary, will conduct trie an nlversary exercises. All: Odd Fellows are Invited. Ellison encampment No. 1, Samaritan lodge No. 2. Hassalo Jodge No- II. Minerva lodge No, It, Columbia Rebekah lodge No. I, and Acme Rebekah lodge No. 11 will participate, .-.. , NATURE pnO'JIDES FOR Sid; VOMEti a more potent remedy la the root and herbs of the) field than was aver produced from drugs. ' . . In th g-ood old-fashioned days of our grandmothers few drug's wers used in medicines and Lydla 12. Plnkham, of Lynn. Mass., In bar study of roots and herbs and their power over disease discovered and gave to tha women of tha world a remedy for their peculiar Ills more potent and efficacious than any combination of drugs. mm E READY TO PROTECT IRVIHBTON Holladay Park District Will Also Be Guarded by New V ; : Apparatus. Duffy's Pure aliVJhiskey ' If yon wish to keep strong and vigor ous and have on your cheeks tha glow of periect health, take Duffy's Pure Ma It Whiskev regularly, according to di rections and take no other medicine. It Is dangerous to , nil yourself with oruas. .Key poison me diooo, wnue Duffy's Pur Malt Whiskey tones and . s.rengthens the heart action and purl- lies the entire eystenv It Is recognised as a family medicine everywhere. This is a guarantee. Duffy's Pur MaltWhta ' key has stood severe teste by skilled . chemists during the past fifty years and baa always been found absolutely pure) and to contain great medicinal proper ties. . CATJTXO v. Wfcen Tom ask yoeur ara- gist, grocer or dealer far Duffy's Pure Halt Whiskey be ears yea get the g anise. It's tn only absolutely war aaeolelnal asslt wblakey aad la sold only in sealed Bottles a ever is bulk. Look for th trademark, tha "Old Chemist," ew tha label, and saake sure the seal aver tha inrft is ussroken. mom ei.uo. luu ast-rtir 1 booklet aad doctors ae vtoe free. Daffy Malt Whiskey Co '' (SsfsssBasgBBaii ' . - M WILL DO MS : , CREDIT TO ALL ON j -i DI AlilOND S, WATCDES A ND . JEWELRY We Want Your Trade Every Article Cniaranteed The Standard Jewelry Co, "'' ; 183. THIRD STREET . : v , . GO WITH US TO WAVERLJEiaH: In Our Free Tally-ko ' v DELIGHTFUL AFTERNOON'S OUTING. RE SERVE SEATS NOW FOR ANY DAY. ' H. V7. LEMCKE COMPANY Ci;;th and Wcchir.-tca Streets" A complete engine equipment has been Installed la the new fir house at East Twenty-eighth "and East Davis streets. Th Are alarm system has been completed, and Captain Roberts reported ready for duty to his chief at :St eejock last night. The engine on East Twenty-eighth street la known aa engine Ko. 11. . With th completion of the East Twenty-eighth street bridge across Sul livan a gulch, tola Or company will supply protection to on of the most Important districts In tha city which Is now practically without any sort of fire protection Irrlngton. .and Holladay Park additions. It can now- protect a larg district, east west and - south. that has been dependent largely on the Bunnysids company, which. Is a long distsno away and only accessible ever very bad streets. -. - ,. -.. COAL MINE INVOLVED IN A FEDERAL LAND SUIT k. -7 i ' fSperai rgaoetrli ts Tae gsareel. eat tie, April Js. Tomorrow there will be begun In th federal court by United States District Attorney Sulli van a suit to recover 120 acres of. coal land in Lewis county, against, th Wil son Coal company and Watson Allen. If It la won the federal government will ds In possession of a colliery already well along In th process of develop ment Th first evidence the govern ment had of Irregularities In tha ac quiring of tha property cam In tha suit of Richardson against th Wilson Coal company." which waa decided some tints ago by Judge Hanford. Richardson set up th claim that h had advanced half the money for tha acquisition of th land. Under tha law th locators are expected to show that they Intend to develop th property for themselves. The Richardson ' suit, however, waa thrown out of court on tha ground that It waa against publlo policy. - CHURCH TO DEDICATE ; . AT PINE GROVE JSUNDAY ' ' (Baeetal Dtraatek te The JoensL) Hood River, Or, April If. -The new Methodist Episcopal church at Pine Grove, which waa completed Wednes day, will be dedicated Sunday. Tha dedi catory sermon will be preached by Dr. John H: Coleman, president of Willam ette university. Rev. Amos Allen Lruee of Dollar. Oregon, -will also be present and participate la tha services, which wlU begin at 10:10 a, an. In th even ing Roy. Walter - Bklpworth of Th Dalles, presiding elder for this district, will conduct servlcea aad deliver a ser mon. Th dedication will be attended by a large number of fruit growers and their famines, - who have .planned ta serve a dinner ea tna anarch grounds during tha day. ! . Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I U an honest, triad and true remedy of unquestionable therapeutic value. During; its record ef more than thlrtj years, its Ions; list of actual cures of thoee serious ills peculiar to women, entitles Lydia K. Pinkham's Yeg-etable Compound to ths respect and confidence of averyfair minded person and every thinking' woman. . When . women are troubled with Irreg-ular or painful functions, weakness, displacements, ulceration or inflammation, ha ekao he , flatulency, f sneral debility, indigestion or nervous prostration, they should remember there la on tried ana true remeay, iyai r ink ham's Vegetable Compound. '.'. , No other remedy in the country has such a record of cures of female ills, and thousands of women residing- in every part of the U nited 8tates bear willing- testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable compound and What it has done for them. ' v , ..Mrs. Pink ham Invites all sick women to write her for ad vie. She has g-uided thousands td health. For twenty-five years she has been advising slclc women free 01 enarg.- one is ine aaugnter-in-iaw 01 uyaia o. nna ham and aa her a as la tan t for years before her decease advised under her Immediate direction. Address, Lynn, Mass. ,,- v , STATE DENTISTS MEET NEXT WEEK ,,' V: r Hairlip Operation Is eWhednled and ' Patient Is .- Wanted for :l ' ." tha Operation. ' , ' . ,v The annual meeting of . the Oregon Dental association ts announced for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 2, t and 4. at tha Commercial club's quarters. Sixth snd Alder streets. Ths annual supper will also ba given In the dining ball. The officers of the association are: President, Dr. George H. Nottage; Tlce presldent Dr. A. - P. - Watson, and sec retary and treasurer, Dr. Jean Cllae. An interesting program that will make each day aa object for especial attendance has been prepared and there are also a number of Important business matters which must be attended to at this session. Ths committee on ar ran cements has used every effort to make th session th largeat and beat ever held. They are: Dr. J. B. Keefer, Dr. M. F. Fenton, Dr. F. B. Beliwooo. Dr. Joseph Hlckey. Dr. O. 8. Ireland, Dr. C C. Newcastle and Dr. 8. W. Stryker, - Among Important problems ana Dem onstrations that will be studied Is a hair-lip operation that will ba per fonned.hy Dr. I. ,1X Meyer on Satur day of the meeting and any one learn ing of a case of hair-lip that can be secured for this operation la asked to correspond with Dr. Meyer. Papers by experienced men will be read that will be highly Instruotlve, . . . CONTUMACIOUS WITNESS V RELEASED FROM JAIL (Spsetal fMspeto Ta Jesrssl.) ' Walla Walla, Wash, April If Mrs. E. N. Thompson, th Adventlst who re fused to testify In the superior court' on Saturday and' who waa sent to Jail for 10 " days for contempt by Judge Brents, has been released, her sentence having expired. Moat of the Adventtsts of th Saturday-Sabbath , sect , here looked . upon the sentence of " Mrs. Thompson aa well merited, owing to the defiant attitude of ths witness. .: HERMANN'S FATE (Continued from Pag One.) ., ths books to remove evidence against him. - Th charge was tantamount to making tha Blue mountain conspiracy an essential element in the Jury's deter mination. . i Accusing Blnger Hermann of destroy ing public records for illegal purposes, alleging conspiracy with Mltohell. Ben son, Hyds and Dimond. District Attor ney Bsker closed th government's case today. ' - ' Stsndlng before Hermann, whose wife snd daughter were beside him, pointing his finger at th defendant. Baker char acterised him as a felon. He charged him with knowledge of the Illegality of the Puter claims which psssed through the land office and of being a paid toot of Mitchell while commissioner. He scouted many ef the answers made by Hermann on the stand. . Bsker de clared: - "Hermann's purpose tn destroying the tl letterpress books waa to cover up his tracks, not because It - would be expensive to ship them to Oregon. If anjr man of you were fired from your job under a cloud, would you have de stroyed the . records that would have proven your Innocence T Baker, closed with. a demand for" a verdict of guilty. Justlc Stafford then charged ths Jury. ' District Attorney Baker's scathing de nunciation of former Iand Commissioner Hermann continued from the beginning to th close of his speech. ' Repeatedly branded aa a liar by the district attor ney, Hermann as often winced under the eaustlo words. His wlfs sat beside him. apparently unmoved. Baker charged thst Hermann's high est ambition was to get Into the United 'Ststes senate, th bills to be paid by tha -government through th land office. r Straws and Panamas , We are displaying our superb line of genuine Panamas, Fine K Splits, Milans, Manilas.' Porto V Ricans, and various ; novelty ' C Straws. v v;; )-:f'X .U Fancy Hat Bands in New Shades and Color Combinations First Excursion of theSeason Sunday, April 28th For Astoria Fast Steamer Telegraph Will leave Alder street dock 8 a. m., arrive Astoria 1 p. m. Leave Aitoria 3 p. nu, arrive Portland 9 p. m. , ' ROUND TRIP $1.00 -! Meals erved 50c Tickets on sate . Alder treet dock-.1 ' Puone Main 565. ;"V" " V .: ':. - .',.;" Hermann was willing to give up every acre of public land In Oregon to re 11 re his ambition, ss Id Baker, but was unwil ling to pay out any of his own money. ' The prosecutor told tha Jury that Hermann on ths witness stand had told deliberate ' aad unqualified falsehoods, snd that th Jury knew it. . Ha accused Hermann of lying about the famous telegram te T. P. Maya concerning tho land to be Included In the Bins Mountain reserve, - and asked If that telegram, paid for by th government, were offi cio 1, why wore not th letters sent with franks copied in the destroyed copy; books also official. , i.i j SNOQUALMIE'S POWER - TO BE MUCH INCREASED ' ' fltpeeial Ptssateh te The leeraaL) - Beattle, April 1. The efficiency ef th big newer plant at flnoqualtnta Falls will ba greatly Increased when the plans of the Beattle-Taeoma Power company are carried out. New wheels and new machinery will be Installed which will raise the energy developed from lt.ftoe to between 3.09 and IMA horsepower A pip line will be- built to a point in tha river at the forks several mtlea above th falls. Tha additional output will first become available m Reattle, The water baa a fall of about SO feet at the company's plant. . NEGROES ORDERED TO - LEAVE TOWN IN TEXAS Big Springs. Teic. Aprfl t-An the) negroes ef this town were ordered tastj Bight to leave by a committee of white j eutaens appointed at a mass meeting. The order grew out of the killing ef Deputy Marshal James Burke while he was trying to arrest r servers! negroes. All negroes without property were ordered to leav at once and those wrth property wers allowed If dsys tn which to dispose of It aad leave th town. : :' CAN FIND NO ONE . ' : (Continued from Page One.) , ' Neither minister responded. . Th aotresa turned down th proposition to hav an alderman ametata, and then with Brown took a cab' and went to Churchill for refreshments, . She says Strong Is In Manila and has not sup ported ker for a long time. Eastern Multnomah "Montavma, Ores ham. Troutdale, ralr- view people taks notice. Profeeaorl Prank Miller will make a grand balloon . I ascension snd parachute Jump Sunday, 1 at J 10 p. m.. at Castla Edel-Brau Park (11-mfle house), - SPECIALS rOR SATURDAY . Economy items offered for ; tomorrow's selling only, and for which we will not accept mail, telephone -.or C O. D. orders. These specials are subject to delivery. at our earliest: convenience. Summer Rockers Special $2.95 A large and comfortable arm rocker a strongly and heavily built piece has high back, frame of select stock maple, two finishes to select' from, natural and green, well woven seat and back.' One only to each purchaser. lLvcning Specials in the Drapery Dept. : Our Sixth Floor Department offers the following for to morrow evening only after 7 o'clock. Purchasers will be limited to 10 yards on each special : . - ; .. 13c Double head and knotted wool rug fringe; in all f colors, per yard.... jC .86-inch Figured and plain summer silkoliqesi; regnlar j , lie values; per yard...'. ... ..C 86-fnch Summer Swiss, in dainty figures of pink, gold, Q blue and green, regular 20c values; per yard..........0C Specials in the Basement Department Purchasers limited to one each of the following: ,'.'.'"V'. "Dover" rotary egg beaters Special 10 Cents Each . : s Cake mixing spoons Special 10 Cents Each , oCc LAWN MOWLRS Sl.OODown $1.00 Week r . . a-ws- r N a t I w