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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
3 THE OREGON T DAILY "JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY- EVENING," 'APRIL' 3,' SCRIBES WILL SIViriG BIG STICK Newspapermen Will Lay Down Pent to Gambol With the "' ' Horsehide Sphere. SILVER TROPHY GOES ; i TO WINNER OF SERIES Portland Editorial Slaffs Arrange for , Six Game of Baseball to Decide ChamDionshln Tum water CtJ Presents Handsuru Silver Piece. Baseball that la baseball of the Simon- pure, unadulterated variety, bearing a le-karat. tripl-X lump, Is to be fur nished th. fens of Portland bjr the pen oil pushera of the city. In a series of alx K&mes between teams from the editorial i 1 w w Newspapermen's Baseball Trophy. staffs of The Journal, Oregonian and Telegram. - . ' . With" the announcement of the plans of the newswrlters to give practical demonstrations . of how the national game should be played all Interest In the Coast league has vanished and the lovers of the sport are waiting In breath less expectancy for the coming events. Aa a stimulus to the newspapermen, Alex Smith, proprietor of the Tumwater cafe. Park and Morrison streets, one- of the most enthusiastic fans In the com' munlty, offers a handsome sterling silver trophy valued at 1160 to the winning team. .Mr. Smith exprenaly -stipulates that the players shall .only- be newspa permen .actively y engaged. In '.work- in this city, and must be members ef the editorial staffs of the three papers. It has not been definitely determined where-the series will be played, but If satisfactory arrangements can be made the league grounds will be used. The games will be called at 10 a. m and a admission fee .of ti cents Is to be charged, following ts the schedule as prepared, suDject to change: May Journal vs. Oregonlaa. 1 May II Journal vs. Telegram. ; May If Oregonian va. Telegram. ' May 1( Oregonian vs. Journal. , ; June Telegram vs. Oregonian,'. June t Telegram va, Journal. - SUES TEIKHARD ESTATE . .t . - FOR VALUABLE TITLE Millionaire Brewer Bid in Prop erty at Sheriffs Sale Which v Bickel Now Claims. Frederick Bickel has filed suit In the circuit court to secure title to block tl of the city of Portland, bounded by Ankeny, Ash. Second snd Third streets. The title Is now in the hands of the estate 'of the lata Henry Welnhard. The property was formerly owned by Bickel, but was bid In at a sheriffs sale by Henry welnhard In lies. The million aire brewer was a personal friend of Bickel and the latter alleges he prom ised to convey back the property when ever Bickel ahould raise. the money to reimburse mm ror nis outlay.' The amount paid - by Welnhard was I (0.000 and Blrkel -says the property Is now worth 1160.000. The executors of the. Welnhard .estate will contest the case. have a torpid liver '-when Heroine, the only- liver regulator;, will ,- help youT There Is no reason why you ahould suf fer from Dyspepsia, Constipation, Chills and Fever or any liver eomplalntslwhen Herblne will' cure you. - F. -C Waits, Westvllle, Fla., wrltesi "I waa alck for a month with -chills and fever, and after taklna two bottlea of Herblne am well and healthy." . Bold by aU drug- gists. '.tea ' Did you ever hear , of a nervous Englishman ? ': They drink more tea than we do, six to one.' S ' ." Tear greeef rstarss year aieaey tf yea soat nsScaiUlag's Beat: we nay kua. HERSHNER AGAIN PRINCIPAL AT LENTS ProfeMor.-A. tt ' Hershner has been chosen principal of the Lents public schools for another year. Practically all the teachers at Lenta have been re tained. The Lents district la the first to elect teachers for next winter. The ether teachers elected were: Miss Edlty Toon. Miss Nan Shlvely, Miss Marlon Brodle, Mrs. Ona - Henderson, Mlsa Alio Dougherty. Mlas - Isabel Rockwell, Mias Maude Zimmerman, Miss Kthel Kvarta. Mrs. Maude Dar nell and Mrs. L. Ausmus. It is quite likely that the Lents dis trict will be consolidated with the Port land district soon. It Is becoming necessary to have another school west of Lenta. The Lenta school now has about 400 pupils enrolled. " DvstMtBsia la our ' national aliment. Burdock Blood Bitters Is the national cure for It, It strengthens stomach membranes, promotes flow of dlceetlv. Juices, purifies the blood, builds you up. SHRINERS HAVE THEATRE CAR ATTACH ED ;TQ TftAIN ... . , . (journal Special Service.) New York,-April 2. It was a Jolly crowd of Mystlo Bhrlners that left New Tork on a special train today to attend the coming national conclave in Los Angeles. The party eompriaed the eaet- ern and New England delegation. . The trip is to cover 10 days, and if there Is not abundant entertainment for the pil grims, both going and coming, as well during their stay In the souther California metropolis. It will not be for lack of arrangamnta made by those In charge. A novel feature la theatre car attached to the special train and In which will be given regular entertain ment during the trip by professional performers. The Itinerary provides .for stops at many places of Interest In the west and .southwest. : i : Dolt Now! Don't Wait: Until It's Too Late! . i- -- r-r AEZP your body clean! Moat people ara vary neat and clean In their outward appearanca, but how about tho lnalde .. . , t . Ara you clean Inside? . , And U not bow can you face the world with clean thoughts, clear Intelligence,' a (air, Just, bright mind and get your full share of capacity for work and enjoy ment? , . , i. '' ' Neglect of exerclae, rich over-feeding and carelessness about atools, often leave the delicate internal mechanism in a nasty mesa. ., , The email intestine Is compelled to ab : sorb the poison of decaying matter In- , stead of wholesofte nourishment. i , The liver gets Inactive: the bile doesn't i "work off: the eyes gat yellow; the akin gets dead like putty and pale like dough, ' disfigured with bolls, pimples, black heads and ttver-apota. ; ; There's only one solution to the prob -lent:' , Keep clean Inside all the time. That's the answer. . r r If you . can not dletC or keep your i mechanism going by proper exercise, ' take Caacareta, the sweet, fragrant, harmless little veretable tablets, that "act like exercise" on your bowels. A Caaoarat' ovary night before going to bed will "work while yoa sleep" and make you "feel fine In the morning." ; ' . Take a Caacaret night and morning and break up tho "constipated habit" without acquiring a "cathartlo habit" ' Caacareta ara sold by aU druggiata, 10c, 2So And 50o. The 10c alia trial box ts a neat fit for the vest pocket or lady's puraa. , Be aura to get tho genuine with the "long-tailed C" on the bos and the let ters "CCC" on each tablet They are never sold la bulk. ' ' n7U GENERAL BUBB RETIRED - ; : 0N ACCOUNT OF AGE Service.) '" (Joaraal Biwelal Washington, -April t4. Brigadier- General John W. Bubb, In command of the department of Dakota, went on the retired list today on account of age. General Bubb comes from Pennsylvania and haa been In the military service for more than 44 years. He aerved through the Civil war and afterward took part In several memorable engagements with the Indians on the frontier,. . ATTACKED ONE SNAKE : BITTEN BY ANOTHER (Special Dtcpateh ts The Joaraal.) Bilverton. Or., April . Jeese Kep hart. waa bitten in the face by a email snake while st work In a field near this city. He reached to the . ground for a stick with which to annihilate one rep tile, when another, which he had not noticed as It lay curled tip, sprang and bit him on the aide of the face.-- The bite haa not proved serious. SALEM ORDERS OIL TO LAY DUST ON STREETS Salem. Or.. Anrll IS. Th canltal cltv Is facing once again the problem of lay ing the dust on Its thoroughfares. The past two days a stiff north wind haa been blowing .and the dust has pene trated every nook and corner of the business houses of Balem until a re lief is being naked for. It 4s expected that water sprinklers will be put to work previous to the arrival of twa carloads of oil from California, which were ordered yesterday. Mayor Rod ger haa. been corresponding with th mayor ' of Redondo- and haa gathered considerable ' data, on th method - of oiling streets. It la planned to oil the street of Balem and to -. wag war against' dust In general. ' DON'T- DIE AT 45 Core the Indigestion Which la Sw liable to Lead to Apoplexy Rush of business, eatlnr too fast and too much, excesses of sny kind, soon result In indigestion. Then when the digestive organs oannot .oar for th food properly the coat a of the blood veasela In th brain get little nourish ment, become brittle, and anally yield to the fierce blood pressure.. On is then said to have a "shock." to be par- alysed. or to die. from apoplexy. People aufferlng with headache, gid diness, palpitation, . aleeplessness,- bad taste ta the mouth, drowsiness, coated i tongue, distress sfter- eating, - specks I before the eye, and any other of the many distressing results or a weaaeneo stomsch, should profit by th discovery of Ml-o-na stomach tablets. .. In recent year the greatest advance In medicine haa been In th study of diseases of digestion and nutrition and no other prescription haa proven Itself of so much value aa Ml-o-na. - It is re- ! lied upon as a certainty today la re lieving th worst troubles of digestion and . assimilation and making a com plete euro. - w absolutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a 60- oent box of Ml-o-na stomach tablets and not be satisfied with the results. Ml- o-na la sold by druggists everywhere. or will be eent by mail on receipt of price. In cents. Booth's Mlona Com pany, Buffalo, N. T. , llfT ...... ,. -.. -, THE uiJjjQli ARE STILL OK nil ileal Leave Union Depot 8 A.M. RETURN: Leave Seaside 5 P. M. Arrive Portland 9:50 P. 1M . F iSTOIM & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Union Depot Ticket Office, 248 Alder Street ' - & Ny v j I ' I J - ' : . S pfainig Sdniic ' t i V' Is now readyMore v than 1000 are here for you to choose' from, and the PRICE is just A Handsorher patternsbetter styles than ever. You will see tfie same patterns in other stores at $15 arid $20. The difference is principally in the higher rents and larger profits of the other fellow. VVH-EN YOU SEE' IT IN : ' . ' OUR ADITS'SO 2 Stores-Third &Oak Reaching Out for More Worlds ftp Cori'querr ; Second Annual , ... . 1 . T3V 'ftJT3 jrrT t irn am eonnot?" , : ' . ' ua anA . MUMriviMnti utwixu The BrownsvUlc WoQlcn H Store NORTHWEST CORNER THIRD AND STARK STS. " GRAND AND SURPASSING DEMONSTRATION OF THIS STORES .UN MATCH ABLE POWER IN GIVING BARGAINS il ii H 111 H I R ll II ii ... a i . -5 U . I. i . ..... i t i n f 7 II ; - ' " V . I II , ' -Jt 1 I i in in iii -1 We make and sell high-class clothing direct from sheep's back to the wearer's, with no cotton or shoddy mixture added in process The Object of This Merciless Sacrifice Is founded on a loedcal basis. Le.: For the sake of increasing our alreadv larre. health v. growing business we are willing (for a time 80 da vs read the bargains () to foreg0r" prohts to add customers to our list, uur experience in the past has proverrto us that these sales are a means to that end. Thousands of people who would not otherwise be at tracted to our store come and find our statements true our bargains genuine and be come permanent year-in-and-year-out patrons. Our salesmen are truthful, reliable fellows, and are instructed to tell the absolute truth about our garments to never misrepresent by one single iota, no matter if a sale may be lost by so doing. It's "A SQUARE DEAL : youll get always at this store. :- '.. .::?: ; ; V" ':r'-; This is the Trade-Budding Sale" price for the pick and choice of 1,000 men's high-grade Suits, every one new this season; handsome blue serges, pure wor steds in, smart gray mixtures, plaids, checks, stripes and neat mixed effects, dark and light shades, blue basket weaves and plain goods, all smartly tailored and in' the newest sack cut so popular among good dressers today. Our full .... guaiauicc la kwcu m evciy iuiu xcguiar prices on VMS smart Qfl OP convention of suit fashions are $11.50, $12.50, $13.50 and $15.00.. Sale price.. ....... ...3),0!) Down go prices on clothing! Here's a bargain that , will raise havoc among other clothiers un able to meet our peerless competition. All records will be broken at this price, and buyers choose from an aggrega tion of values that represent best regular $16.50, $17.50, $18.00 and $19.00 suits in our ti g . Sale price is only................. Ols.DU No need to pay your tailor more than this price for the swell est high-grade taHor- made suit in the land. Exact replicas of the suits shown in other clothing stores 'round town at $20.00, $22.50, $25.00, and in many stores up to $30.00. Our Trade Building Jm r A A price is only. ............ , .Jj) 1 ).UU - Thousands will buy suits at the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store during this sale, and all records will be smashed for the next sixty days. on Third and Stark Streets . I the mill-tq-man shop! Men's Clothiers 7 i t 'Hi'