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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO. APRIC. 3. 1S07. ! COFFEY BALKS AND GETS OVER DEVLIN'S TRACES Former Infer That City Auditor Is Only One Refusing to Sign Up and Support Whatever , ? ' " Ticket Is Nominated. ' v.. ' rV";'v- . With on eaeeptioo all candldatee for Reoublteaa nomlnaUooe tor municipal offie hsv signed op with the city tral committee to aland by the ticket whatever It Way b. The one excep tion la Joha B. Coffey, who ha written a, letter to the committee outlining; his . position and announcing- in no uncertain term that ha will not support on man . now runnlna- should ha be given th ' nomination by ' tba . member of the party. Tola man la aoppoacd to be Tbonsaa C Devlin." '. " . The contrail committee will hold meeting- tonight, at which thf replleu . from ail the candidal will be read and their -attitude noted. , What will ' be dona with Mr. Coffey remain to ba aaen. '' Ut latter - will in aU prob ability cause aome oratorical lndlgna . tlon to be poured upon hi head ' and candidacy whan the Union Republican club meet on Monday next. . Devlin Would enpport Ooffay. - Mr. Devlin, to whom Mr.- Cor fey un Houbtedly referred In bla letter aa a man sicked by tha corporation for - - election, say but little in reply. In ' deed, he heap coal of fir upon the tiead of tha letter writer by stating that ahould Mr. Coffey b lucky enough 'to aecura tha Republican nomination ha will aupport him -at the poila. "I do not what authority Mr. Cof ' fey haa Car hla aaaertlon that I am the , candidate of thelntereet,'" eald Mr. Derlln thla morning;. .. -I am not betnf upportad by any corporation or Interest ' ao far as I know. Neither am I being; - opposed by .them. I ara making; tha race for the nomination atrlctly and almply aa a Republican and if I am de s feated and Mr. Coffey receiver th nom- Inatlon I will g1 him my true and loyal aupport"'' ' ' Coffey" letter to Secretary Sherwood is In part a follow: , " . .. Tour communication of April IS ask m If I will aupport the Republican nominee for mayor. If I ahould not be " that nominee. I will aupport the noml iee whoever he may be, provided be a hail ba nominated by tha people, and not by combination of franchise corpo All Day Saturday lili:Specia 'WM Spice Jars :::M?:W ,7 Useful for. Spice Jars, Cracker Jars, Tobacco Jars, etc; Height "V" ' 7 Inches. 'A' very useful article. -No kitchen should be without it. v ' - VaWi la ,m Regular Value 45c Special 20 V COVE n ; i ALL THE CREDIT YOU WANT PORTLAND AGENTS FOR LAUREL RANGES J. J. KADDERLY . VIEWS - ON REFRIGERATORS , 'Economy la tha lea consumption la 'another very Important feature of tha ' Merrick Dry Air Refrigerators. The h aula tlon of refrigerator la aa easen ; tlal requirement,' and In our refrtge- rater wa give thla apedal attention, all door, top, bottom1 and. ttt fact, every ' wall being thoroughly . packed ' to ' the fall thtckne (about one and one half Inch) with one af the beat practical ,' Insulators mineral wool," BAld J. J. ; Kadderly when aeea la hla salesrooms at 1 First street, alongside the depot , of the Oregon Water Power Co. ! "Herrick Refrigerator have - aa in- rreaaed Insulation amounting to a large percentage ever tba general construc tion. Compare it with any other style. Our refrigerator haa always . bee t recognised aa economical la th use of v. but w added the above with the , Lnta&UoB t baUdicg u stl superior Is Candidate of Corporations and rations. On of ' the principal plank In your platform call for tha repeal of all perpetual franchise now at axial enoe. t -everybody know that tha cor porations owning those franchises will fight such repeal, i . 1 - All over the country they are fighting the effort of the people, -to curb their rapacity. Kverybody know they wui auDoort In tha Portland primaries the man who will protect their f ranch! aa-alnst tha nubile interest. It la common talk that they have picked out aucb a man. If they ahould nominate him for mayor, I do not think the masa of the people would vote for him. . I do not see how I could be true to m pledge to the people, by aupport lng bim, nor do I see how you eould be true to your platform . by supporting hint. .' "' I have always been loyal to the Re publican party. I have tried to ba loyal to tha neoDla. The people ara entitled to control tba Republican party. It prlnoiplea ara theirs, but when corpo rate Interest, hostile to the people, gain control of tha party, and nominate Ha candidates aa they have frequently dona. here and elsewhere, it nominee are not true Republican. There are candl datee for tha Republican nomination for mayor In Portland whom x regara aa true Republicans, and who would serve tna teonle faithfully, but tba corpora- lions tut not warn any m iurm noun nated.. If tba corpora tlona a hall noml nate their man, I will atay loyal to tha people, and when, after a brief time, the people "reaaln control of tha party, It ill be aeen that I have been a loyai Republican. ! -. ; Beapoaa not rnswneo. 1 have -responded at thla length to tha oueatlon of vour xommltteee. In order that I may b plainly underatood and that your committee may aucceed In obtaining; for tha nominee tha aup port of the entire party. At tha earn time, however. I think tha direct pri mary law. under which wa all are work lng-. would Justify ma in maxim no re sponse. The law provides tnat in in pn- 'ii i f lKWW.aiajgaj : . Made from ' very fine fireclay. Elegantly decorated and highly glazed. r 3' a" i W Frying Pan Large size Acme Fry Pan. Only one to a customer. Reg - ular 40c. Special 15. FURNITURE CO. LL-liIVos. 184-186 FIRST STREET EXPRESSES HIS to anything tnada. Oar refrigerator require only a reasonable amount of Ice space ta operate them to the best advantage, ,' and wa gala between a third and ona fourth mora storage space la our sTtm than that found Ja tba overhead boxes, thus making a aavlng la loa aa well aa storage space, and ee curtng tha beat of results In aanltary refrigeration. ; ; "Our eaaea ara constructed of solid oak (la our glass-lined, quarter-eawed oak), being durable aa well ae fine la finish. All door are overlapping, and ara held aeeurely . by a auperlor etyle of latest Improved fastener, seed by us exclusively, doing away with leakage of air and wasting of loa. All of our re frigerators ara mounted on good casters. The drain plpa la vary convenient and cannot rust aat or, get out - of repair. Pans all seamless and made of heavy galvanised Uoa, , Ha laaka( . n- DOG THAT CARRIED PAPERS CwV; v -?r . Judge Olson English Setter "Count." There sorrow In ' the family of Pred L. Olson, justloa of tha aaat side court, (or "Count." hla almost humanelf intelligent English aetter. ha been stolen. Though every effort baa been made to And tha lost dog, no trace of him has been discovered. Judge Olson recently visited Hot Lake for the benefit of hla health. "Count" waa left at tha home. Ill Crosby street, and he had every attention during hi master's absenoe. One night, however, he dlaappeared and ha a not been aeen alnoa. Hi owner I positive that the animal wa stolen, for In all tha year tnat he has lived at the home or Judge Olson h haa never , been known to wander away. Count" waa on of the finest bred marie there hall ba absolute freedom of party members to chooae the poml neea, and that there ahall ba no organl- tion within tha party until after the primaries. The county central - committee waa organised after th last county pri maries In Aprlr. itot. Tha elty central eommlttea haa not yet organised. It not authorised by law to organise until after the city primaries nest month. Then and not before, Ita duties will begin. , The reason for this 1 that the only organisation of the party needed or aanctioned by law. la for tha purpose of meeting a rival party in the June election. . CHILD FALLS UNDER TRAIN AND IS KILLED One Foot Cut Off by Carwheels, . the Other Amputated at . Hospital. - f Jeoroal Special Bervtee. - ' Terre Haute, Ind., April I. -When Henrietta Swarts, aged t, with Several schoolmates waa running alongside a moving freight train yesterday after noon ahe stumbled and fell with her legs on the rail. Hor slater Laura, aged 11, ran to her, caught her hands and exerted all her strength to pull the child from under the wheels, 'but not until several cars had passed over her little sister and the train crew came to the scene was tha child's body removed. Then the left foot, still In tha ahoe. waa found . along the track after the child had been carried away. , The vic tim died two hour later at tha hospital, where the right leg had been ampu tated. When her mother came to tha hospital the little one begged her not to ory, saying: will get well and you need not worry at all. , Tha acbool children have been In th habit of using the sidewalk along the Evansvllla Terre Haute tracka aa a short way to school. BOTH SIDES READY FOR , THE STEUNENBERG TRIAL (Special Dispatch to Tfte Jonnul.) Boise, Idaho, April Jg. James - H. Hawley, principal attorney for the stats in tha Steunenberg murder case, return ed today rrom rtenver, where he went to secure evidence to ba uaed in tha trial of Moyer. Haywood and Pettibone. which will commence Slay t. Clarence Harrow and E. F. Richardson, attorneys for tha defense, ara now at Denver, also geiung matters ready for the trial. Tbey will arrive in a few dara and re. main until tha dose. Both sides will be ready on -the date set . 8herif( Hods-Ins has rented a house near tha jail for the exclusive use of the juror In th trial All meal for thera will be prepared in it Mra. Moyer, who haa been vary sick, la Improving. For a time It was thought her mind might be affected. WILL BLESS FOOD SENT u TO FAMINE SUFFERERS ' (Joarnal Special Harriet.) ' .: Washington, April 2. It is planned to hold religious eervices on April 11 upon the sailing of the Ruford with flour from Ban Francisco for tha relief of the famine sufferers of China. Rev. Frank Talmage will bless the cargo. INDIAN HAD LIVED AND WILL SERVE Tv-co-na. aa Indian living on the TTmatllla Indian reeervatlon, furnished a great deal of amusement in the t'nited States district, conn una morning, Be fore lodge Wolverton. Ty-oo-na waa Indicted yesterday for stealing horse from Albert Barn hart When arraigned thla morning Ty-eo-na startled the court by; stauug that he had lived on the Indian' reservation for about 100 years. Tha court , waa loth to believe tba statement and up on questioning. It wa found that If ro-na had only lived 4 years, but that hla forefathers had lived in eastern Ore gon for many yaara. - On hundred rears '." : v. ' . TO HIS MASTER IS MISSING doga In America. Hla pedigree la a dta- tlngulBhed on and aa lengthy aa that of a Kentucky thoroughbred.' Several of hla Immediate ancestor won large auma for their masters aa prlaea at varioua dog show. The dog 1 on of remarkable Intelligence. A habit which he acquired with no Instruction or coaching waa bringing the daily paper Into lb houee. For v eral daya ha watohed the carrier throw the different paper into tha yard and heard them call tha name of tba paper. Then he heard bla master call for one and ha ran and brought It Since then he haa gone for tha papera regularly. alwaya bringing tha right, discriminat ing between them with an apparent understanding that waa amaslng. THOMAS TO TELL HIS MAYORALTY PLATFORM Bryan and Multnomah Demo cratic Clubs .Plan - Big Meeting Tuesday. A ' Dcmoc ratio meeting la being planned for Tuesday night next In tha A. O. U. W. hall, Selllng-Hlrsch building. Tha meeting will be held under the aus pice of tha Bryan and tha Multnomah Democratic clubs, and will ba addressed by the candidates who are aeeklng Democratic nomlnatlona for municipal office. 1 " " The leading "speaker of tha evening win be Qeorge H. Thomas, who la seek ing the ' Demooratlo nomination for mayes. At that tint Mr. Thomaa will make . hla first appearance . before tha voters and will outline hla platform and Intentions to those present ' All other Demooratlo candidates ara also expected to sneak. , , Plana have been made for" a large meeting. A special program of muslo and other ntertaining features haa been provided and the eommlttea having tha gathering in charge ia making an effort to have not only Democrats but Republi cans present OVER TWENTY VICTIMS h OF A MINE EXPLOSION (Special Dtopstrh te The Vernal.) . Seattle, April J 6. An explosion , oc curred in the Morgaa alopa of tha new mine at Black Diamond thla morning at 7:05 'oclock. Four men were killed and five or alx fatally, and 14 seriously Injured. The name of the only dead man Identified la Mike Bently. The f Irat two cars were descending tha alopa when the explosion occurred at the sixth level, 1.600 feet down. It is supposed a cave-In occurred last night causing an accumulation of gas, and that aome of the minora wore ' onen lampa In their hat. , CONGREGATIONALISTS TO DISCUSS CHURCH UNION Corvallla, Or.. April 18.- A meeting of mora than passing Importanoe to ba held in thla city next week la tba con vention of the East Willamette Aaaoela- tlon of congregational churches. Tha convention will ba in aesslon Tuesday and Wednesday. It promises to ba a gathering of great Importance, , since foremost anions- tha Questions ta ha discussed la that of trie consolidation or uniting of the Congregational church with tha United Brethren and tha Meth odist Protestant churches th s world over. '.. , .. 1 , ' .. MUNICIPAL RAILWAY FILES INCORPORATION The' Municipal Railway A Improve ment company filed articles , of Incor poration with the county clerk today. 3. A. Ward, O. A. Hoffman and W. A. Spanton are named as tha fneorpor. tors. . Tha capital stock la $80,000. ' , Do you want a free tally-ho rldef Any afternoon ' go with us to Waver- lelgh. Reeerva aeata now. ': Main SS0. H. W, Lemcke Company. 1 00 YEARS ANOTHER IN JAIL meant agea to Ty-co-na. , ' Ty-oo-oa did not understand tha meaning of "guilty," but when asked wRother he had stolen tha hor by Assistant United States District At tor ney Jamea Cola, replied very readily that he had. "That Is enough," said Judge Wolver ton, "you will be aentenoed to ona year In th Multnomah county jalL" Ty-co-na waa lad out of tha court room to Jail by Deputy United State Marshal Clyde Nicholson, pondering on the question as to whether there was any difference between stealhaf and be, log found guilty -J n n nun Appetite Gone, Nerves Un- strung,' ; Sleepless, Thin, . Pale, Tired all the Time. Hood's Sarsaparllla Cave Nerve, Mental and Di gestive Strength. "Last epring my health was eom pletly broken down through prolonged watching at sick bed. My appetite was gone and I waa in the unstrung nervoua condition where I waa unable to find sleep, but would toss and turn through the long weary nights. I be came thin, pale and looked 10 rear older. Wa languid and tired aU the time, and seemed unable to recover, though the doctor tried different rem edies. I could not keep food on my stomach, and through the physical weakness my mental condition Decame affected so that I lost my memory and was unable to collect and hold my thoughte aa formerly. " Jtlood'a Sarsaparilla restored me to perfect health. It aided the worn out nerves of my digestive organg to do their duty, and I waa once more able to eat and properly digest my food. I alept peacefully the entire night, and now I feel new life and vitality course through my veins. With the chvgical the mental waa toon restored, and with Is the specific v to purify, healthy tissues, make the CttCltfltte those who prefer medicine in UT 5aiUJ ubleN form, Hood'a SarsaparilU U now put np ia chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs, at well as in the usual liquid form.. SexsaUba have identically EVERYTHING TOR BOYS y:1 excert Shoes--in bur handsoinc; root V e JUVENILE DEPARTMENT where - : shopping is most comfortable and the . ; r : VJ assortment the most complete in the city. ' WASHABLE SUITS TOR BOYS PETER THOMPSON STYLE DRESSES and REEFERS for Ladies and Misses. ' V : ALL AT -v ' . . . - BURGLAR ROBERTS SENT , UP FOR TWO YEARS HRpaelal Diipatrk to The Joarnal.) Oregon lty. Or April lt W. K. Roberts was arraigned la circuit court here thla moraine. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two rears la the state penitentiary, it will be remember ed that Roberts, toawther wltb Jamas DUlon, burglarised the ator of Wilson at Cook oa to nignt or Maron it, 1T getUnc away with about till worth of foods, but sotb were arrested a few dr later In a room In a ebeap lodg ing hous and th goods war recovered. . , rhrslcian Drowns UJmaelf. (Joarnal petal Savvies.) Vienna. April It- Professor Moorhof. th introducer of Iodoform, committed suicide today by drowning himself In th Danube, Everybody la the hog district l tv. In boa Tinea, ' , ' . - rr n in tlx weeka I waa onoe more my former self and have for the past year enjoyed the beet of health, th&nu to vour vitalize and enrich impoverished blood, build vnew, weak strong. It is Th 0 Spri tig Med icin 0. 1 1 x rtAiWf" 'l ' ' , Ml Ax: r;.;: .:. V'. ; T L? )W OUR USUAL MODEST PRICES. ; . . . , - . , ' , , , . V' LEADING CLOTHIER .v j .coffee ; : : Nothingf does more for a gjocerjVone way or, the other, , than coffee. - He must sell poor, (he needn't sell it to you) it is good that makes him. " - ; ' Tear grocer retaras year Messy If ro seat UVs Sebllllef BMti wa pav hla. ' Newa WanU-d of Al Hnghca. i ("iwctal ' Ptapatrfe te The Jnoraal Spokane, April !. Al Hughe, a stu dent at Oonsasra college In thla city, haa mysteriously disappeared. No one knows anything about him. lie had no money and only a small supply of extra clothes. He haa red hair, U any one wlU five strength giving reetoTattve. Tison, 601 West Monroe St. ville, Fla. ' . , Jackson 1 -on the same curative properties aa the liquid form, betides accuracy of dose, convenience and economy. There ia no loss by evaporation, breakage or leakage. 100 dose $1. Of druggists or by mail. C I. Hood Co., Lowell,' Masa. 00aNTKD ander the fees and Drags a at. Ja 80. lo. Me. U4. LADIES' NIGHT TONIGOT . Oaltslaiok Special lnatruetloa every after noon for baginnera, Bla olasa opena Monday. Special Malbee Satsrfiay miormaiion aa to nia wharsabouta hla. parent wU be a-raiaful. -.-.1