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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY "JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. 'APRIL'. 23, 1CG7. 11 FOR SALEREAL ES'BVTf. JU8T AS WB SAY. - T-room modern cottage, 4 big lots, 2oox 10ft. Mat (runt, nice shade. 2 blocks car tare; uire naw honee, no ahscka:, Hrlsiid Ststlou. Price $2,5uo; 11,000 cash; balance er. 1 ., It rooms, Btoderu: best bouse In Sunnrelde; lt OtlxUI; all kinds fnilt; If till la nut a nan ihera never u una; $.1,000; half caaii. 121-0 East Taylor at. - Go look. rooms, tuouVra lit every reancct. except furnace; corner ,ht, "'M awl I'lluton; aouth front: T;l Clinton at.; built one rear; minute,' walk tu tula Mliv, 750; hilt cs,h. , 6-roem good boose; ntr lot of frnlt: 1 block rsr. at Center Addition, on Montavlll car line; 2 kla, lollxloo; 6I.5O0; bait raab. Come and Kk at this, pou't, coat sirthlug to an It. ... A iile little tnbnrban home, 3 seres, at fonrtn, Station, an Oregon City carllne; all la ainall fruit: $t.rato; half es.b. J. M. CAMERON REALTY CO., 1 412 Cnmuierctel lll.lg., .-. Second and Waahlngtoa Sts. ,- For bargains sec the Beaver Real Estate & lavesteent Co.; rooms 3 and 4, Odd Fellows' First and Alder. Sts. v- IIIVINUTON. $.,,7.v 7.1x100, H rtmiutf. JurKff dtllr; hmn Jttjt wrnttott); lMiUtluic that not to. Mfik hftni utimrtlv -mil cmivti.(nt tn omhttxl: UrKi rnontH, larg hi-Immi, mrtMnt ; walk m Wmittfnl rrMiil: ImnttMl rihri.t . in til wr)Wl imrt of IrrhiKton; tiulf cnli ; H ill do. . . , Main JM2. 'i ' ' 304 Ahlngtnn bide. ' BrlAlJTII'rL home,. Ideal 'location, ' reaaouable rice; d room, reception hall, - ha lb; one ilook from carllna. on wide atreet ,'tiew ' cement walka. lot It' feet above, arnde. nlr. lawn, fnilt. etc.; can't lieaeila4 for price; j fJ.KtiO. part hi, balance on Uuie. H. S. i , iiunmin. (pm cowuerciai biua. or phone r WoodlaWB 540. BAJbr block nf 4 lota with large, new modern .room hoUAC: furnac. tuth. eaa and elm-trlc v fixture.; bedroom down atalra: Ix-ailtlfiillr "altuated: rk-w of monntalna and rlri-r; cb ant laa, frnlt treea, eic.i a home place which In three montba will be worth oim third ntore to the . purcbaaer. phone Main 1042. I. W. Ilellman. y4 Ablngtsa hld. ' WEST 8IIK I10MH. $2,800 buja a modern home nf ( laree mnma In the Portland HcluUta diatrlct. eaally , acreaelble tn two rarlinca; moat excellent , view. Hee or at ancg. 1UUEMANN A BI.ANCDArtn. T f " . Ul fifth et. - -. " - OHIO Kr Al.Tlf COalPAXy. . . -Wi t from Ohio,, and caa how the man front 3l taeonrl. or any other man. the beet bargalna In real eelate. ldat four property . eritk . , ' - . . OHIO RKAT.TT CO.; " Phone Pad lie 27. 4u8 Commercial Blk. t BOOM modern "hotrae. Bice fireplace, porcelain plumbing all through: 100loo all In lawn and frnlt, I block of ear; all room, larce i and airy: hmfe ran'f bo built fn la.fion: all coee for $2,.VK1; half e.h or leea: et rirlnnd atatlon. .1. M. fameron Realty Co., 413 Cow ' merclal Mk., Keeond and Waablngtoa eta. COOI aroom honae. noccelHin plnmblnf , big , piece of ground inriiw). 2Mb at., 1 block aooth of rilmoa. fine view -of river and city. $,.'00; owner will paint honae to wilt rrar - ehaaer: term. J. M. Cameron Realty Co., 411 Commercial blk.,.JIecood and Waalilngtou. Choice (rt and hamee h tlila beantlfn loca tion: terms. Bee W. H. Heat. Arbor Lodge alatlon. Kt. John car. Phone Woodlawn IM. COMMON RN8B end a few dollara wilt pot von In poaaeaalon of rood lot lying high and algbtly on kell wood car line Rc and 15 tnlnutee time, get off at crematorltim and ie leCoinpte, be will ebow yoo, KBW htingalow, fireplace, hath, toilet, hot and cold water; kit SoxloO. 20-foot alley: cloae to carllne; nmat be eold tbla week; $2,aJOt ' f .100 raab. 'J5 per mon'h. 8, Felgheer, 400 , Eaat Morrlaon. . '. . :. , . , , OOOIt 4 and T-ronm cottages, weat aide, fnr . aiahed or anfnrnlihed. 1 and Si; abm bouerkeeplnf rooraa. $1.2" week. Apply '364 North th; W i-ara to 2Bth, turn aouth halt block. - - T-ROOM hot ae, bath and ham, 9 full lota, corner end alley,- 20 hearing choice frnlt treea. aanortment of Iterrloe, 100 choice roaea, - beautlliil e-rnuuda and fine garden, an Ideal " home, 13.000. Phone East 4078. 7 . . IKV modern S-room cottage, ahm honae ho Id gooda; haraaln! hunt aell qui: going ea.l. ' .1Ath and Kaat Murrlaoa sts. Call 1004 East Morrlaon at, ' . , FDR HaLR By owner, going eaat, two 10 acre tracts. 1"4 miles from O. W. P. carllne: At soil sod level. In llirht brush: price 11,100 each., Aildresa Box OMO, Bt, Johns. Or. LOTH BM.en KAf'll Chains sn estate for seat. , era heirs: 24 at this price If yon daks all: part at alight advance; gilt-edged tmy; half wa. Home Land Co., 14AM l lrat St. OWNER T.KAVINO. aitwt sell lot on Benton St., nesr Dupont St.; a bargain. Jenne, Trine-'- ble A; Trimble. . 411 Marqaara bldg. Phone . - Pacific 1751. .... . FOR-flALB Bargstna at ywr own" tertna: I cottage, 4 roomr' 14 rooms ami hath, both ; molern: on car Una. By owner. Phoae Bell f wood 637. . BARQAIN T-mom modern honae, fine lot. nox , 100, Molladey 'Park. Iminlre on premteee, jCld Clackamas at., or phone Kaat 8.1G0. Mnat . aell St once. TMa Is a rnisp. ' FOR BAI.B Morlem a-room home, bars; gmtmds , lOOxl'JO. cholee frnlt; streets tmproeed, newer. ' gas. No 7a Kaat 10th. . pbuas Wood- lawn R7T. . . . . , - at). 700 Lot ton 100, corner, rents for ttO per month, west able. )li mlnatee' walk of een- tor. A. i. Farmer 4k Co., room 30 Washing ton bldg. Main eosl. ' WonmX brand new 5 room cottages. Both and T.. Main and mnb and Eaat Morrison; Kf-n; fiO dowli. balance like rent. A. P. riulltn, Sie) Commerdiil hteck, - , .., , . FRY! desirable home Jnat this aide ef Kaat Join atrei, thcronghly mdern: terms, .-Mala 1003. 50S Chamber et Courmerca. oiiI)T. lippKIt Af.BINA: Jl.nno. Two LOTS IN MI LTNOMUI. HV.R t'H FOR RAR tiAINf. MOVTB CIIRISTO BBAL ESTA1K CO., g I'lTTH BT. , . T - Mf'BT be sold this week: -mnm bonea for . $2.30111 5-ntom hoie (or f 1,400. Clota In. Phone t'nioa 2T3. , ' FISH LOT BIO per month, small raah payment; ftne view; cement walks. r Address B 173, - care Journal. - " ' KKW nm modern honse. '1.2.10; '0i down; '. t2S monlh. Owner, phono F.ast 675; no ' egerlts. .' ' '", - - ' . - ' IF yon wsnt tn buy. sell or exchange your property, call on or addreaa Geo. W. Turner, . 5034 Weabitiitoa at., Portland. Or. TWO sores at a barraln. high -nnd sightly, t.V mlnntea, ride, WuHlatock .car.. Owner, 'J. j.. Kaat Htlth and Holgate. BNAP'-tnlon ave. property, fnll lot. up-to-date honae, handsome lawn, fruit and flowers, - 2,7."iO.' 10 I'nlon eve. . FfiR BALE A lota on Rllham see.. tvo blorks from Montsvllls carllne; make me aa offer. Owner.. Address 1 17d, esra Journal. - f-ROOM house. ' almost new. fins corner lot, ', between Hawthorne and W. B. cars; only e.vowi;, soiai ca.n. xsa atari sr. . - rAMTKD Homeaeekeea ro wrfto to Wniamette Vslley Real K.l.te Kidianae, Woodburn. Or for revised Hat ef farma. .. FOR BAI.R Small cottage, near ear, good lot, . 1700; ea.r terina; no agents: Ml, Hcott car line. Address 0 177, care Jimrnak, FAXON PARK rota 100,2110. la cultivation, level and alshtly; prices f.'loo to t.175. O. K. Addltoa. Inta, Or.; Mt. Bcntt car. be. tKHIRARI.B home et rnonii and hath, mod ern, first story brick, corner lot. In Holladay addition. - 7112 Clacksmss at. - ' IIOrHK and M It. ";- must aell quirk. 1d q'llre Monroe at. A R'K)M bonw. corner lot ROxloo. with fnll basement. Inquire at an Dtvlahaa at.-. . -FOR HAIR P.V owner, new modern room hoaee. bt .t;xliio. loou Kaat Hlxth North. anon CASH bays hoaee and 1 Iota iota Bait Slat North. , FOR BALB-2.100 Corner b.t ROxloo, Katt a.Mh and Balmon... 2V Kaat 12th, - . I ROOM honae and lot. Kern Park: prhta Ll'.Ti , It taken at once. 242 Madienn at. J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $2.Nio A 8 BOOM nearly new house In Hnnny slde ou corner bit 60xH, only two blocka from car and only IK nilimtea' ride; euuti; tcrma; X2,..M. Tue nialest, lu-ateat and moat convenient new SriHiiu cold, re In rlunnvatile; baa five rooliia, fireplace, woutlllft. coucrcte baaement. elrclrlclly and gas. eourrete walk, latest : celling; flu location, two blocka to car; yon n.ust aa this: C."hM t-kxh, balauca lib rent. ONLY HKVK! LICIT. " Realdenra bU $aK) below prlcea o nearby atrwta; 4 (ect aboro atreat. 1 Mock tu car; 10 niluutea to city; cement alduwalk) bU Mlltblc parenient (to bei: prkey eroaa atrceta. Mnk your own ternia. but bnrry, aa lh,-r will auuar Iw guue. Uwaer, Belmont and tat 2fith. A Bargain fcr Sonet ody . ,; IT,' raah, a corner at Panlnaular, 6Ol"0. fbt mi Kt. iUam car Una. lucludinc a."il0 ailjulnlnr It on the rear, alas roinW. t'Uone llalu I'.STl. alter li p, m. 4 , - . FI.VK kla fiar aale, 3 U k xmth of Hawthorn a.. ul 441U at.. $:i.- and .'; atreela , irra!el a til water In: !' . ti wr loutb. Iminlre w cnMind. ftrtl Kaat 44tti ' noullt. I'bMat Ta4or V'4. ' ; KOK eAl.r-Urre 4-rocn,, bm, .new: fine oii'lniililiiilf : libriiii. painry, .3. eloaeta! chlolkcua. ptreoita and fntiiliiu-e 6r aale; .bd , 37slim; K dl.xka anaitll of HawlboriK iv. on , Ut at. ' riion' Tabor . Ml;l'Vi ( dealrablo baalneaa bt itn Pawnon i at., rlk-lit In (ha nildat fff actlrlllea ou (lie : fuinaula. rlifltt where' llier , ta aoroelhln diln amall payment down, Uonamaua Hbtucbard. VI a'lfth at. . WK." a Ml nr.. rloae In, new modern 2 t'lry , Itouae. walklttft tlltauce, elevatkn. eom- mantllne view; will mad kienl - weat able . Iitone; (.1.000 only home buycra need appiy. I'boue Jlnlo lWi Rodney Avenue Lot Cfeeap $f..V0 raah. 50x100. choice lot near doing at., all Improveinenta is. . Phone Mala 2D71. after . I p. a. C. R. Doncell&Co. It HA I. KSTATB. Room 12. 204 Htark et. I-'OB SALE FARMS. 40 ACRKS oa Columbia river. Improved, at tZSO pec acre. ; 130 acres Improved, Columbia river, at 1323 per acre.. 80 acre, .Columbia river, - floe . land. 1m . proved, level, 9'."0 per acre. jJ2K ecrea, SO aciea level bottom land, bsl . gn-e tlniber, fi iter acre. . r . 170 acroa, Columbia river, food farm, 1123 pee acre. We can aell any part of the chore farme at terme to cult. W-r tli ownera of over 800 acrea of Colanibla rlrrr farina. Call and ace oa for particular.. . COI.LMKIA REALTY f0.r . ' -M Third t Roomg '.' ' POR BALE AT A RAROAIH. , ".. (140 acre la the beet wheat belt of ffher :. man county. nil lea from towa and railroad atatloo: MO arree In caltlvathei. R2n In fall . wheat and 210 to be anmmer-fallowed: well : Improved good hoaee, bam and oothulldlagM: flrnty water, bttve cbttern, windmill and water piped to honae and atock: will aeQ - eaay termai 111 health nli)ect In aelllng. Ad dreea Enterprlae Farm. Bog 63. Kent, Or, - FOR BAI.K. v ' fid acre. acrea nnder cultivation, teal very eaally cleared.- practically level, plenty of water; mile from artiool. ad.tolulnf connty road, 3H rb Ilea aouth of railroad ata- tton and bnatlandlug at Konler, Vi mllea "itucaat of Unod River. If eold at once. 2 per acre. Writ owner, Addreaa Box 272. The Dalles, Or. - 4M ACUKU enatern Oregon land, all in crop; ' boraee. machinery, complete outfit; $2Q per acre, half caahl will exchange for city prop . ertyj tbla property mnat bo eold on account of aickneaa; beet wheat ' farm In the beat . wheat belt hi eaotera Oregon. Investigate ,thl"i U yo haven't the monejr we will fur- lah t for you. Alexander Land Co., tuvt Klxth at., near Fine. y WH1TH BAI.MOM Id acrea nnlmproved frnlt ' land, fine for early frnlt, cherries or grapes; ', only half Biln front town of White Salmon; a bargain, or might trade for suburban prop erty. Vaadua at Walton, 513 Chamber of Commerce. - ..-,. ? 6 ACBR3 FOR PLATTISa. All -mewl and cleared, Jointac eftjr lienlta; 3 bmisea and a barn: 2 blocks-from csrllne; 17.000. bait aU. This ta run, C H. Pfaffle, room 1U, 290 Third St., sear Madi. aon. f , -. ., .'ARM, fully rnntpped. aear Bstacada. S2 acres clearing 2.000 yearly! 20 acrea Jost net te apples; a bl bargain at !.SO0; moat ha . sold at once. Owner, B 17. care JoamaL 18.V) BUYS 40 acrea one mile from Bvtacada: good aolL aprlng branch, cordweod and tie timber; part cash, ha lance eaay terms. Box 158, Estacada. Or. . - . ' BBFORB yon meate call on or write Warrea J at Slater, the leading real estate dealers ha Tsmblll county. Oregon, located at McAluw ellle; the beet county is the state.' 40 ACRKS. best farm, all Improved. mllea east Portland, near railroad; ass terms. Boggeaa, 151 Front. IX 000 A SNAPb acrea, Arlington Heights, platted. 8 mllea oat west side;, lop of Can yon road, near Council Crest. Apply at Ctf ' klerrtaoa at. , TIMBER. , LAROB body fine timber near trsnsnortstlon; only a few mllea from. Portlaadr, boagbt by present owners when timber wss cheap; bsva new modem mill; logging- outfit, boraes, good roads and evcrrthliig ' complete; mill bow In oiieration; will sell timber at actual . preeent wortbl mill, etc., grails. Call Sot Ablngton bldg., 10(14 Third at. . ' - FOR B ALB 2.000 cords wood, 2 mllea froca Portland, Cornell road. a- ' Mi.000 corda, T miles west from Portland, Cornell road. ; choice plleo and relearanh - poles, some sawmill tlmher. JOHN Kl.alTKRMAN, 1 N. SUt et. Office 84 Hamilton bldg. . TO OWNERS of timber claims and timber We will buy for raah any good tlmher trib utary te the Nrbalem river. Win deal with .owners only! write, . giving full particulars, Nehalem Inveatment Co., B23 Chamber of Cowmerea building. Portlsad. Or. . DO jrouwsnt a tlmher claim 1 For choice of fix. eeeh crnlaes to 7.'1.t"0 feet ' yeltow fir; rleaa ta market. Addreaa It 170, care Journal. ... KKJilT tlmher claims In eonthem Oregon, will cruise B,.io,noo, near river, open for location. Adflreae P 1 27- nsre Jnnrnsl. TWO homeateed relinqulahments, B.oon.ora feet yellow fir, KX. J. C 0111, 253 Alder et., mora 1. '' ' .-. . ' . CERTIFIRD scrip, any stxs, loweat prices. O Howell. MM Chamber of Commerce. HORSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS." FOR HALF. -Nine- drlvm filly and new light rubber-tired carriage! no steer rig In city. Call Bunds forenoon at 844 Belmont rt. ' Plwne Kaat 1B47-; .. - - i BORBF8 and baggies for rent hr day. week and month; apectal ratee to buaii KixtB and iiawtnorne. Beat IM. BORBFB FOR BALE 10 head, 1.100 to l.sno sounds. Overton, between 13lh aad 14th; take car. Fresdman Broa. , FOK BALE Team matched ponies, also one iMrse, I 2' pnunils. single or double,, and ride. Phone Kaat 13.. . HEHT work and light harness, prices Inweetg we take your old hamena tn exchanae fur new. Keller llamcaa Co., 411 North HUlh at. rOR BALB Cheap, one horse. .402 . Eby atreef.. - ., ERTIMATV) given on exravattroT and team work. Phone Eaat 72. 420 Hawthorne ave. roR BALE One hore delivery wagon, covered, good aa new. M First St., at liutler market. FOR BAI.K Team bay mares. 24a Front at. FOR SALE UVKSTOCK. FOR BALB. CHEAP B good fresh cowe and . heifer calees) will trade for good work horse, l.trt Portland boblevard, hlorka Berth Pied- moot car barns. TWO Jersey rows for aale. ens fresh with calf; three onsriers ac a mue aorta el Mnts, J. Ilaoa. Kill! BALrV-Oood rming Berkshire fig. tro.1 for breeding. Address N 171. caiS Journal. F!UlI row t' sale, til Korturnp at. , Ml'SICAL INSTRUMENTS. VICTOR Talking Machluce tnd records; Bteia way (or other) pianos. Bherunn, Clay A Cow, Ruth and .lorrlwu ata,, opp. p. o.' BARTER AND EXCHANGE. FOH BALB or exchange for cord wood, city , property, one -hrapowsr atatlonary, ene Id-liuraeiiewer portable .nglns. Call Bbvue Eaat 424. or at 4 Alblua ave. - I'OK KXCHA.NOK Will exchange Los Angeles codntjr prirty worth fl.lxm for Oregon real estate; owners only Bred answer. Address U 177. care Journal. . TO EXCIIA.NXUt A nice residence end 4 hits la 1'oreat t.ruve. Or., for a rootntiig-hnue lit Porllsnd. Phone East, 47V2, or addiesa B 170, care Journal. -.. . WILL exchange on farm or city -property a welbloented grocery, on bnatneea street; vju volce I1.5WI. Call 8.1 I'nleo eve,, aorth. FOR SALE USCELLANEOU8. BINCER and Wheeler and Wllaoa sawing ma chine of flea. We eell. lease or rent new ma- " ehln-s; old oisrhlnrs liken In part payment; . eecond-haiid machines $5 and up; other makes of erst machines $2ft and up; needles for sll , makes of macblnes; sll kinds of machines rrpclred snd guaranteed. B. 8. Btsgel, agent. 8-'I6 Morrlaon at. Ptune Mala 2188. ' IB 000 NO. 1 HARD brick. (12 per thott essd. f. e. b.. Portland. 4N.0OO No. 1 atock iilrk, (15 par thousand t. o. b ,, Portland. , light hard brick, $11.50 per thou sand, f. n. b., Portland. Apvly No. a, Chamber of Cemmerca hldg Portland. Or. DON'T go to The Dollar. 232 First St., hecaose he aella too cheap. He sella this week a $:I5 Casccd rsnpe. new. for f5; niat- . ttessea. S2.o0, aad others from Tbe ap; alao lliouianda of dollars' worth of new and eee-ond-hand furniture cheap; 100 oil paintings worth .1.50 at 1 each. HORSE range I in. l Iron bed e4.50. $:in photmerraph and lit recorda $12.50. $3.50 bed springs $2.2A. 11 Hock s cook stova tn.50; other plecee of fumllure at special prices, S2S First st. BILLIARD AND POOL tablee for rant or tot - sate on eaav paytnsnts. TUB UBUNWICK-BALKB-COLLEBDEB 00, 4 Third St.. Portland. . BEWINO MACHINES bought, sold and ex changed. S3 aad np." W satera Hal v age Co, 027 Wssblngtoa St. SHOWCASE, counters, flxtnres, booght, sold or exchanged. . Western Balvaga Co, 427 Washington at. Pacific To. FREB FOR EVFJIYBODT Ring a Main 42M call 2184 Front at. We buy aad aell fur. ' nltnre. clothing er say old thing. FOR BALE Two top. handmade grocery wagons snd one second -baud exprosa wagoa. 420 Belmont at. PRACTICALLY new No. B Underwood t.rpe , writer for aala at a bargain. A dress A 17T, care Journal. . i .. c. .i.r,vTr' naif" viae, emcrv wheel, ell kinds ef tools. Phone East 2303, Inquire .... . ,-MHU.Wh S. - - FINE motion plrtnre machine, gas outfit, rVM) feet film and ion views for $100; cost $400. - Room 2. 14AH Sixth St. FOR BALE Two notes and real estate m net gars fie- $!00, perfectly secured: I must have the money. O 175, care Journal. SODA FOUNTAIN for sals or trade, . , 1ST Front. .... , . i HOI. DEN'S BHEt'MATIO CURB Sore cure for rheumatism. Bold br all drngglara. OLD BOOK BTORB removed ta 108 Fifth sad 211 Second ata. FOR HALF, Piano, almost new; a bargain. In quire PH Macadam road. . . - . AlTOMOmiB for aale,' 1006 Cadillac about, $buO. 16B 11th at. FLIX-BLOODED Cocker spaniel bitch, t montba old. $15. Sr Eahene at. FOR BALB Boston terriers and old atock; write box 605, Roaebm-g, Or. OOOD bicycle for sals cheap at $33 Beat Ninth. aaasasM mail iiwi ' mi 'ir-rw., i at-i i . sefasasraaa. PERSONAL. WEAK men. from any esnse, any age, or length of time afflicted, send $1 for a reelne that luenree quickly and forever your complete and - perfect restoratltTn. regsrdleaa of fsllnrea or ' dlaappolntmeate by prevlona trsstmenta or '. pie 'hods of euro gen may have tried; posi tively harm less snd the greatest restorer known today. Louts 0. Carr, 15 North, An . demon St., Loa Angeles, Cal. Russian Batns s : 10T THIRD BT., BETWEEN TATT.OB AND BALMON; BWTMMINfl POOL. BTEAM AND HOT AIR BATH; FROM S A. M, TO Jt P. M. PK1CB 15 CENTS. ' HOTICB OF REMOVAL. -A. Reiner, the furrier. - will move from Lewis blitg-March i; looking for sellable location; for preaeot may be found at resi dence, 2.12 North 10th at. Phooe Pacific S40T. Will call and five estimates aa aaoal. 8EXINB PILLS cure all forma of nervous er mnseular weakness. For men er women. Price $1 a box. 8 bores $5, with fnll gwar aatee. Addreaa or call J. A. Clemeasoa. drug, glat. Second and Yamhill ate.. Portland. Or. A MIDDLE-AOED gentleman wishes to make , the acquaintance of a fctdy between 2. and yearn of age; no objection to a widow or a country ladyt all letters answered: object, matrliuouy. Aildresa M 177, care Journal. . PILES Ifclilnr. bleeding, protrodtng, frssnres, flalula, constipation and all rectal diseases cured In 10 to W days, without the knife or Ugatnre. Call or write Dr. T. 1. Pleree, M First at., Portland. Or, -J. LADIEB Dr. Ketehnm, gradeate and rr-rl.tere.I physician, tresis sny aad all yonr complaint with aklll and eitcceaa. 170 Third St., Cor aer TamhtlL- fsclfle 2220. . - GERMAN booka, magastnee.- novels, etc.; Oer man. Bngllali, French, Spanish. Swedish and ' Italian dletlonatiea; forelm hooka of all klnda. Sebmele Co. 220 First at. MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Boherta Nerve Glohnlea. One month's treatment. $2; S montba, !; sent seen rely sesled by msll. Agents. Woodard. Clarke 4t Co., Portland. Or. HOLD ON There le eae tiling thet wfll core rheumatism. Ask your druggist for bark tonic or addreaa or call . A. Clemeaswi, draggiat, Portland. Or. YOITN0 scientific mi.wmse fives electrics I, 1. . cotioiic snd medicated treatments, also tob ' baths. 41 Raleigh bldg.. Sixth and.Waalt lngtoa ata. ' SUITS pressed while yon wslt, BOe. ISdtae' skirts pressed, 50c. Ollhert. inav. Sixth St., next to yoelle. Phone Main 208A. BET marssme elohs ever offered t eend for .prkea; agents wanted. Jones' Bookstore, 2V1 Alder St., rortisna, ur. MOLES, wrinkles,. snperflnoBa hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 3.10 Fleldnee hide. Phone Pacific 133. DR. BINO CHOONO. hnpnrter Chinese root medicines; sella Chinese tea, certain cure for all dlseaaea. 101 2d, bob Yamhill and Taylor. MRS. POTTER Maaaense. scalp, facial mae sage. chiropody. -224 Washington at- Boars 10 Id 0. . : .- - WANTEfWTtie preaeot adilreas of John If. , Puryear; eery Important. Addreaa K ITf, care Jonrnsl. NKWLY opened masssge par tor a. 2it Abler St., suite 4. Mlea Marcel la La Boy, aceotn pllahed maascnac. s LADIES who desire a beautiful complexion, free from all nieunsn, anon in can on manam Ia Oay. 23 Buaael block, 4lh and Morrison. BATH parlors hare recently changed hands et 2ii7 Third at., upstairs, room 14: will fuar ' antra to plea as all; ladles and gentlemen. MANICURINO. facial message and acalp treat- ment. Try room L $03'. Waahlngtoa at. WANDA, the fa mens palmtat, 220 Fifth at., readings dally i prices and ap. . taa xivuiivniimna. 9t,atA Morrlaoa ..attotua 14. Phone Mala 6011. - BAIM OF FIOS for all female dlaeaees. Eaat Belmont. , Phone East 4034. . , 626 TURKISH BATHS, 300 Oreronlsa hldg.i hnllre dara, gsntlerasn Bhshta. Main 105$. - HOI PEN'S BBEtlMATIO CURB Sere tars for rhenmatlem. Boll by all drnggUte. BWENT1.Y opened manicuring parlors remorrd - from 351 '4 to a4:,i Morrison t room 2. Yor.Mi lady (Ives treat incuts. SW l'amtilll, room 5. ., , . ...,., BUSINESS PERSONALS. DEItlRATI.NO AND TINTIN4. l'.onnia kalaomlned at $,! and Ui; old floors snd lliiuleunis reflnlaheii at $2 and ap; aaita faction guaranteed; beat of references. Call H. W. Mort. Phone Psclflo 007, or addrsss 14:12 East Davla at. . EXPERIENCED Isndacspe gardener will take eoutrai-ts or day work. Ask fin? Nathan Kurgeaa. I'hons Pacific t.171; Home A S1U1. Cr.ll up at 1 p. m. INVENTIONS bought and sold. tViveoant Coo tract Co.. 427 riledner bldg. Mala 2l. 8KKI.LT CO., 14th aad Flandera: flour, feed. say, grain, rnooes A inn. I'sciric oil. AUTOMOBILES. V H. L. KEATS ATJTO CO..' AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. ' Northweatem dl.trlbutore for Pone Rart forda. pope Trlbunee. Pope Waeerlra. Pons Toledoe, Thomaa, Oldamohtlea. Frankltna. Balrks. 80 M Seventh at.c Port La ad, Oregon. - HOWARD M. COVET, Agent Pierre Great Arrow. Locomohllee, Cad .tllae ad Kboi. Temporary locatloa Club tSaraga, 10th and Alder sts. .. . HAVE YOU BEEN BAKER ELECTRICS Csnltsl Supnly Co.. 4D3 Alder st. Phone Pa cific erl. Demonstration by epnotatmeet. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TAN NEB. attorney. Boom , Com merclal blk. Second and Washington ata.. , Phone Main 1446. , . P1UOOTT. FINCH B BIOtiER. attorneys at law. 4 Molkey bldf., aomer Becood aad Mor rison. ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO., and Montana Assay Office. 186 Morrlaoa at. ARCHITECTS. EKNHT KRONER, architect Plana and spectrl. eetloaa; also building superintendence. II. O. D1TTRICH, srchltect, 821 Williams ave., corner McMlllea at. Phooe East 33.;!. ART. : FREB LESSONS IN j Rmhmldery Every Day. THB NEKDLECRAFT SHOP. ' S3 Waahlngtoa at. B. n. MOOREHOUBR CO. Artlats- materials, picture molding, picture framing, etereoptl cona, lantern slides. $12 Alder st. BATHS MASSAGE. MRS. OBROChV grsdnate maaaense; caMnet bsrh, aelt glow, alcohol rub, cream maaaage; refereneee. ISO Seventh et. Mala 40AS. . BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWB, DAVIS A KILHAM, 100-11 1 Seoond st. Blsnk books manofactnred: agents for Jones I pi proved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the sew Eureka leaf, tbe beef on tbe msrket. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES 8. Blrkenwahi Co., 804-806 Everett St.; largeat butcher supply boose aa tbe coast. Writs for catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolnh A. Deknm, 181-18$ First at., carries a fnll line and com plete assortment at loweat market prices. COAIj AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST A BLABWOOD CO, S50 Front, eucceasera to Fulton Wood Oo- fir. oak, alabwood. coal. Tel., Main 1036. FOR prompt aeltveif of alabwood call Mala 4RTS. Oak. ask, fir and coal. Portland Wood A Coal Co, 16th and Bavler ata. OKEOCfN FUEL CO. la now selling Welsh sn thraclte, beat coal oa the market. 884 Alder - et. Mala a. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers In cord wood, coal ' and green snd dry alabwood. B. R. and Alblna are., 2 blocks eaat of ferry. Eaat 674. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO.; IToass end blsrksmlth Coals, coke, char coal, kindling. Phons Main 1018. - . . TELEPHONE EAST T. F. B. JONES A CO., Wood aad Coal. 181 Bsst Water at. BTKBL BRIDOR FUEL CO Dealers In coal, enrdwond end dry alabwood. Phons East 424. f 1 ' " 1 " : ' " J CLAIRVOYANTS "AND PALMISTS. . Alwars Commit the Beet. i PROF. E. KM I MO, Greereat living astral dead-trance clairvoyant . of the age: adviser on huslueaa and all af ' fairs of life; telle your full name and what you celled for, whom yon will marry, how to control the one yon love, even though nMV-a .away: reunltee the separated; gives secret powers to control: no long delays in waiting. Honrs 10 to 8, dally and Sunday. Office Nos. 8 and 4. Grand Theatre bide. 852 WHh., Bear Park st. Phone Main 1207. PROFESSOR WALLACE. Portland's favorite clairvoyant, palmist snd ' medium; readings 50c. 841 Mor., cor. Tth. MISS MAY ANDREWS Card reading, 23c. 233 Sixth at, corner Matn. CAFFS. THE OFFICE 2S Waahlngtoa at., phone Mala ' 7T1. Samuel Vlgnenx. . CHIROPODISTS. WM. DEVBNT A KSTEIJ.B DEVBNT. TUN only aclentlfle chlronndlate, parlors 206 Drew bldg., 162 2d at. Phone Mala 1301. CHIkOPODY and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Rltl. Bocm 830 FleldBer Bldg. Phoae Padfle UX. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, 204 Fonrth at Office aad store fixtures built snd remodeled; ahowesaee and counters. Phone Mela 1787. , E. MELTON Office, store flxtnree; general Jobbing. 67 First St. Phone Mala $100, CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed. $1 per month. Caique Tailoring Co., 800 Btark at PORTLAND Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Worka, 211 Voartk St. Phone Pacific SOT. H. W. TURNER, dyerj earpeta deed a apacla. 60S Jefferenn St. Mela 2513. ty. r- - 1 in r DENTISTS. DR. EARL C. McFARLAND, dentl.t. Buries tlo-TH-717 Bwetianit' blrtg. Phone Mala 22ttl. DRESSMAKING. MRS. VAUGI1AN. experienced drewmaker. aozVi atarostoe et. , I'bone Essf 21117 MADAME ANOKLES 243 Fifth. Pacific 0X DANCING. DANCINO" leaenna 25. clasaea and private. eanj. r-ror. ai vviiiaoa, Bail .si AI1KT bldg. Third snd Morrlaon ata. Social dancing . - it. ' iiiot'iif,! ric. Burr fianc- Ins. bock liut vine rlAe seel tie. lllehleeA , fling, Hpenlah, etc. i WOODWARD DANCINO WTIOOtClsas Mrm., joors. sne cat. eve.; social, rancr and step dancing taught: B aaelatent tesohers; class and private- lessons daily. Western McaAV-ny hsll. Second sod Morrison sts. Pacific M30. PROF. RINOI.EB. MISS BITCKENMEYEH leading erhenl. dally t near bell, beet In city. Grand ave. and Fsat Morrlaon at. East M7n. EDUCATIONAL. OBEOON EXPERT COI.LEOB. Commonwealth building. 6th and Ankenv, phone Mala 8001.; gherthand. ryprewrltlne. renmanahlp, Fngll.h brsnrhee. Individual Inatractlou. special scholarship. .- ' HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. ' Waahlnaton and loth sts.. Flledner bldg. Booklreerlng, Bhrfrthand, Trnewrlting and all English branches tsugbt, both dsy snd nkfht. B0SE CITV BUSINrss 4V)I.I.EOB. Pitman Shortliand bv fVurt Reoorter Bnal. naee Course. Special Scholarships; Positions Bs- - custi, 0ojBioB.wealtk bldg, $tk sod Aaktaf . CARPET CLEANINO. I . An e.... I n A 1 1 . ..II ..a ... , ..hnn. Eaat 2Ml; earpeta cleaned, refitted, sewed end laid; stasia and coaipresaed sir proceaa; re Bovatlug mattreaeee and feathers a specialty. J0YCB BROS., proprietors of the Electric Clrse- wg wnrss; carpets cieanee aoe ism, notn ary and romnresee,d-slr clssnlng; carpet refitting enr epeclalty; work gnsrsntsed. I'bone Mala 2c72 and A 2fl7'J. 270 Grant at. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. J. WALSH CO.. 811 atari at. Electric and Gas Fixtures snd SnppUea. Maatsls. Tiling. Gratea aad Poglroaa, PACIFIC BLECTBIC ' CO. Engineers, eantrao tors. repslmrs. electric wiring, snppllee. B4 First, cor. Btark. Msln 650. R. H. Tate. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 61 Sixth e4 Contractors, electric supplies, motors sad dy Bamos: wa Install llfcht aad power plaaia. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO., 201 Bast Morrlaoa et. flitnrea. wiring, repairing. Kaat 8I2S. ;i t .. iii ., i II , :-, : ,. : .-rat FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IRON WORKS Be and Everett ate. Phone Main 2000. GASOLINE ENGINES. BASol.lNH engines, all skate aad etylee. at loweat prU-es. Rslraoa MscUtoery Co., 183 4-6 . Morrlaoa at. t SHEFFIELD marine engines. Anp propellers. Pslrbsnks. Morse A Co.. First and Stark eta. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. Ilclra emortaa. Ily to anote prices. 74 Bltth at. Pacific 456 INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, firs , hick bldg. W. t. rAC, K. 1iwaraii6: mpyj9rt' lUMMtr, WUTWIJ ntWCIVe. mi raj loir RIHI alN-ltia"ti t, bb Phone Main 828. 204 Falling bldg. IAS. Mrl. WOOD, employers' liability aad tn. dlvtdnel accident' eeenrlty bonda ad aB fclada. Phons 4T. 802 McKay bldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for aale All klnda. melon mg approved forest reserve scrip for enreeyed, an surveyed, tlmher and prairie government land. H. M. Hamlltoa, "The Portland." Portland. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAN A CO. Mining, aawmtll. log ging machinery hydremic pi pea. cs.tlogl all kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth at. THE H. C. ALBEB CO Second band rhlnery, eewmllls. etc. 246 Oread ave. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. Aaterk-au,plaB. $3, $6 per day. BELVEDERE; Earopean plan; 4th and Alder ata, LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES L. MASTICE'A CO.. Front aod Oek ata., leather and skins at every deeerlpttoa for all purposse; sola and tap; flcdlnga. " - ' MUSICAL. THB WEBBER STUDIO Meadolra. be ale, guitar tnstrnetlnna. 4t Wart log tea a. PIANO, vkdln, cornet, trombone, clarloet. Pro. feasor E. A. Smith. 24 12th at. Main 4T06. MONUMENTS. NEU A KINGNLKY. But First at. PortUad'a leading marble and granite worse. MONUMENTAL BBONEB CO, Moot dnrabl grsvs hesd.tooe. Room 12, 2bS Btark at. MONEY" TO LOAN. . : ' I v " LOW . ' - . - tow low 4 BATES BATES - . - LOW SALARY LOANS W RATES Upon Philn Notes. - . BATES l,t)W ' Give" Yonr Note. " LOW BATES Ger" 810 to $100. BATES LOW . Ne Bi-corlty. . . LOW BATES ... No Indorser. ; BATES IIW No PnbllHty. LOW RATES Qutcklr Marts Onletly . BATES LOW i - - Everything Confidential.. LOW RATES ; "Enough Bald." ( BATES LOW ' 8TATK 8KCUBITY CO.. LOW BATES 704 Deknm Bldg, BATES LOW Open from B a m. to a p. nx. ixtw BATES Bat. Eves. Till o'clock. BATES LOW ... LOW :, BATES -. ' ". BATES .' ; r '. LOW .' . .. ' BATES MONEY TO LOAN On improved city property or for betiding purposes, tor from f to 10 years' time, with prlvllegs te repey all or part nf loss after two years. Losae approved from pisaa aad money advaaced ae holloing progreeaea; gages taken up snd replaced. FBED H. ITTRONO. Flnaoclal Agent 242 Btark St. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS a salaries, fnenraace policies, plsnoa, furniture, warehooee recelpta. etc.; any deserving person msy secure a lib eral edvence repaying by easy weekly eg monthly tnstsnwients. NEW ERA IX) AN A TRUST COMPANY. 208 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY loaned to salaried people - Just a yonr own-asms: don't borrow antll von eea met my system Is tbe beet for railroad men. clerks, bookkeepera. streetcar men end all other eut- R loves: briefness strictly conSdentlaL F. A. ewton. Kit Buchanan tiMf.. Washington St., between Fonrth and Fifth. MONET ADVANCED SALABIED PEOPLB snd others upon their owe aamee without seewr Hy; cheapest rates, easiest payments: offices ' In 60 principal cities: save yoaraelf Bsoaef hv getting onr terma flrat. '. TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg.. 106 Third at WANTED Notee. mort gs res er SBtrects e sny kind of reel estate tn Oregon end Waeh : In r too: aecond mortgagee rnircbeaed If well ' aeenred. II. B. Noble. 812 Commercial blk. DON'T borrow money on as 'see wntll re aee Button Credit Co. . - 612 Dekam bldg. '.' ' MONEY ta loan; largo loans speclsltyi alee hnlldlng loana: lowest rates; frre tnearaaoa. y William O. Beck. 812 Falling bldg. TO LOAN A Client Will lean $on on onin cnmtiered real ratals. Orube?, 61T Commer rial blk. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 42S Mohawk bldg. Mone.- ta tend oa easy-payment Plan ta wafe rs mere; strictly confidential. MORTGAGE mene at rnrrent rsteet no . mlaaton. Colombia Life A Trust Com pa ay. Lumber exchange bldg. MONEY tn man oa all klnda of eeenrlty. WO - Ham tloll. room Washington bldg. TO LOAN Rums to suit en chattel eecoiity. B A. Frame, 614 the m. QUICK Inens on all seen HI fee. S. W. Khvg. 45 Wsshlngtoa bldg. Mala 6100. ON mortgage. $200 tn $3,000; cost pepera only. i YaTv 6 t - a las- " nui, iw.Tpr, nitmj oiiifji PRINTING. TUB MODERN PRINTER Y Art hrtie artntlna. , 26 Rouse I hl.1g. Fourth and Morrlaoa. Pboae Pacific 1526. . j - EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From rlrenlare to eel a log nee and ne wane pare, Metronoiliaa Printing Co., 147 Front at. OGtLBEel BROS., printers Cards, billheads, jite. Phone Mala IKM. 14.1 Flrat -)tw PAINTING AND' PAPERING. F. A. 'DOANB. 26 Yamnlll at., opposite Jour Bal ot flee Wail paper, painting snd deenrat- log. Phone as for eetlmatea. Pacific 22:6. FOR reliable work, reasonable prices. Sheeny Broe. 23 YamhllL near 4lh. Mata 8072. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. tl. BEACH A CO. The Ptoneee . Pa lot Co ; wlndrw class aad glstlkg. 138 First St. FBOD6 1814V . . BANKS. UBITKD STATES NATIONAL BANK OF F0BTLAND, 0RE00N. Nurtbweat Comer 'Ihlrd and Oak Btr-et Tranaacta General Banking Baaoieee. DRAriS liiwl Kl) Available lu All lyee er the United hi a tea and Europe, llounk.ais snd Maolls. Collectlooe autde en FsrouMe l"r"'; President ,,.J. C. AI.N8WORTH ICeehler.. ,....B. ' Vice-President B. LEA BARNES (Assistant Caahler .,..,W. A. Imi r a . , k. ' . a, i.'nt,iti-e LADD TTLT0hANXMa Fertlesd, Oregoa. , W. M. LADD. , C. H. LAUD. -) i Betalillshed 1X16. Tranaact a General Banking Bnslaeaa. BAVlN'tiS BANK leeued on esvlngs depoaita. lalereet peld ot m XBCHABTT NATIONAL BANK ertlsas, Oregon. - iVl J. 1KANK WATbO.'x Prealdent B. L. HI RIIAX . . . . ... 4' ' B. W. IIOVT ' Caaiilar I OEOROK W. MOYT B. C. CATCHINt..... Second Asalatant Csahler . .,'KU Tranaacta a General Bank lag Bnslneee. Drafts aad Letters et Credit Issued Available e All Parts of the World. Collocttona a Specialty. BANKERr A LtntBIKBEN S BABB FeHUad, - V.'nJJTTlli!- Commercial and Bavtoga DepartaseaU Utters of Credit leeued Avallsble be All rsrta of the world. .. ' ' ..,.:', x;- r D. C. PELTON ;..., ...President I B. f. MHABS. ' ' ;,I,rT FRLD II. BOTIICHILD. ..Ftret Vlce-Prlent I H. f. 1 "OKKIY ."'l Counts JOHN A. KEAT1NO Second Vice-President j Pf.ATT A PLATT oeneral Ownsel TBI BANK OF CALUOBNIA Batsbliahed 164. Head Office. Baa Fvaaaiaoa. Wierea. Vd pr.." - $4.ots).( , Surplna aad amtlvlded Wi:' tieneral nsaking ana isicnaiige nuauieee MAV1.NUS DEPARTMENT Accounts . rorttana Draacn i namoe, WV. R MACREA....- ...Manager I w-wDlOT NATIONAL BABBV-FertlaaA, Oregon. ; Oldest Katloaal Bank aa ta racirw voa. CAPITAL AND BUKPLU9. $1,100,000.00. ' DEPOSITS, $14,000,000.60. 1 ? s .'.'' urn I".:..:. .President I W. C. ALVORD. ........... .Aaaletant raaklat J. W. NEW EI BR i .Cashier TRUST P0BTLAND TBUBY COMPANY OF 01EOON The Oldest Treat Company tn Orsa-ea. KKHill RCKS OVEB M.6U0.0O0 Generel Banking. Two nor cent Jnteresi eat cwuita (even kaadreda) aa daily oalancaa af A.00 er aver. Lettera of credit and exchange cm all parts of the world. Bsvhxgs accounts. Time ceTtlftcatea. B ta 6 per cent: 4-eelJ apccUl certlflcetea. 8iO0 or ever. 2 to 4 per cent. Cell to Bank ef ILLIHTBATIONS. Southeast Corner Third and Oak Street, phone Private Exehaag It. BENJ tL COHEN , , B. I.EB PAGET. ... .Secretary C ..." , i i SI...I-. andu, v Tim. and Baelasa Aeconata. Acta aa Traatea for Estates. Draft and Lattera at Credit -.. - Available oa All C. F. ADAMB. preeiaeat I A. L- MILI. weconq vtce rreaioesx OKO. E. RUBKELL TITLl 6)BABANTIB At TBTJBT 00BFAB-t Waahlii-xea Btreet. ' MOBTUA0B LOANS an Portland Beat Estate at - Leweet Bate. '' ' Title Insured. Abstraeta Famlahed. J. TITORBTTBN BOSS......... President I JNO. T AITCHIl0N OEOROB H. HILL eme-rresiaeni BONDS AND 0B BIS BB0THEBS Chamber af Ossnasarsa " v Mnntctpel, Barlrosd end Public M OWNINO-H0FBTN8 COMFABY Istaaltahed 168 BB0XXBS. J . STOCKS. BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Bold for Cash and aa ktartia. Private Wire,. - ' BOOM 6 CNTAMBEB OF COMMERCE. Phone Mara FT. 0UU J. WILDE H0MB TELEPHONE BONDS BABB STOCXJ. , . , , , Home I' hows A-8340. ' Corner Sixth and Waahlngtoa, Oyerteck, Starr & Cooke Co.l SXATW, rfJTlBlUHB. VVtiv,. w kxnswim a.w mjmvm-,.-' " w no A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUBiNES. Contlroous Market by Private Wtra. Quick Service. KkFEEHNCKH Lad A Ttltoa. Baakera, a rt.ia.i A3S.A .'.tLaitiail BtaXOshr aaaf agkrsart lsxsasf , BAABiA b'alltaVal aTJlam.W 6 aw OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICIAKS. DB LILLEBRLLB PATTERSON, epewtallat B BMrvona, scuts atM cnraoie enaeiii i. 211 Fsntna bldg. Phooe Paatfla 1160. DR8. ADIX N0BTHBCP. 41B-I6-1T Dekam hide. Third and waewnaxe axa rssw Mala $40. Bxammatlo free. ' ; PLUMBERS. FON CO. n.nttsrr plumbers. 281 Second, JJet. Mala and Salmon, uregea pacsss D0NKERBBRO BADEMACHIB Na. 806 Barnalda at. t RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WOBKS, 24 AMer Bt.t phone Mala TI0. Babher atampa. ess Is, stencils: . bag- gage, fraoa cnerse; erwas is mmm - REAL ESTATE. PAR RISE, W ATKINS CO., SS0 ALDBB ST. Real estate, rentals, loans aad rnenraeee. Wa make epeclalty af handling rentes) and property for reaideata and sow-residents. ' Establlahed 1872. Phone Mala 1644, J. w. OGIT.BEB. real eatste aad loaaa setage Ushed IboS. 145 First St.. roots U. BPHINX AGRNCY, Aealera In real aetatt aad reatala. 805 Stark at. Mai 6164. - FOB FABMS OF EVEBY DESCRIPTION. . W. EKPBT, BIB ceeamarerai aiag. SEWING MACHINES. PHONB Pacific 2784) and I persons lly will eafl and. repair yonr sswtag machlaa; work gnsr sntsed. B. "ems. adjuster. 861 Third at. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. FOSTEB A BLEISEB SIGNS. Wa have built np the mrgeet obra knewiisa fa the city by flret-elaea work and keening "or promisee. Oar prteee are rtgkt. Fifth aad Everett ata. Phooe Excbsage 65. OEOROB WBBRB. MODERN BIONS The Different Baop." BOS Foartk. Paatfla 26 11. "SIGNS THAT A TTB ACT" Portland Bit Oa 28T Btark Bt. Pboae Pari lie ISO. . "CARDS THAT CATCH THB ETW Best work In ye city. Betts. 600 Dekam bldg. Msln 804S. SAFES. PORTLAND Sirs CO., tola a rente far Her. ring-Ball-Marvra eafee and Maaganeae Btael Befe Co.'e bank eafeal 20 aeeoad-haad fire proof eafee aad tank eafee. vary Cheep! aaa them ag write aa. 62 Seveath at. PIEBOID Marujanean and flrepraof eafee; Inrk aata opened; aietal flxreres; vaslt aad fall work lacks. J. B. Darla, 66 3d. Mala 1655. STREET PAVING. WABREN Conatrnctlo Co., street pavtng, Bloe walke aad cross bigs. $16 La at bee Bxeheoge. THB Barber Aspbslt Pavtnf .Ca. af PertiaaA xirrice ooo Worcester bib. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES nf every deoctiptloa; hank, bar and store rtxtaree made ta order. Tbe Lethe ManafactarkxB 0o Portland. I. H. BIRDSALL, designer) ageat M. Winter a.nmoer vo. l Hamlltoa bldg. Mala ocun. STENOGRAPHERS. WA NTED Stenographic work at res son a Ms prices. Mas Xoange, BOB Lkr. Ex. Mata 67 in. PUBLIC stenographer and typewriter, , Pbeoe staw inn. aia tieaam ntag. PUBLIC typewriting, room 2, Chamber af Com- anerce; grouna Iioor. TOW EL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWEL. DAILY Ormn. brum, enae, $1 per Bjoath Portland Laundry A Tswel supply Co, Ninth end Ooaeh. Pbene eia. TRANSFER AND HAULING. TnB BAOGAGB A OMNIBUS TBAN8FBB CO, corner Sixth and Osk sts.i haggsge fecaed . from hotel or residence direct te deetlaetlee); . psaaengere therefore avoid reah and aaaoy ansa it depot Private Bxeaaoge AFES. plsaoe sad) furniture moved, pecked reedy tor ehtpplng sod shipped! sll work pusrontewdl Urge etoey brick f' wsrebosns for stores. Office 20$ Oak at, Oleen A Boa. Phone Msla 647. - C O. PICK, office 66 First St.. between Bt,rk and Oek etc.; phone 5P6. Pisnoe and furni ture moved aad parked for shipping; eomsHi. dice a hrlek warehouse wltk eeoerate- Iroa Fvoat and Clay ata. NATIONAL TRANSFEB A STORAGE CO, SOS Osk at i telephone e-aha 6460. Trsnsfarrlsg and atnrtng. OBEOON TRANSFER CO, 1.14 North Sixth rt; pboae Mala 60. Heevy hauling snd storss. INDFHlrNDKVT BAOGAGB A TBA VSfEB CO. Btoraus. 824 Stark at Mala 4f. POST f" l.t! f'ri.lVFBV. Ne. IVOVa v.. Iff -4 , , I kliia i 3- I. W. LADD, ' DKPABTMENT. time depoaita. Bavlage hooka ... .Vice-President ,Aaa latest Ceshlar arsosawtivw. - may be opened of $16) and upward ox . wnn...., . J. T. blRTCHAEI.l, Aaelatant Manager B. F. STEVENS. . .Second Aaslstsnt Csihler COMPANIES "7 - ; rsm ' I . v. ""i i BAVINax DKPABTMENT. Inisreet elk Parte ef tbe World. . u. A. ibi ...rsrse ' m w. uoii...... .io..o..,.f Aaaletant Beeeetary . .Beeretary . . Treesnrer ' i. i. ntrni .w. INVESTMENTS B114ia4T. . Service Corriorstloa Bonds. Htreota. PoHlsnd, J?.V. a. .wee-ams ROOFING. FIN BOOFINO. guttering. repeBrunf and gsasial joneins. . uaii, xn jerrareoa ax. res. 1-4X4. TYPEWRITERS. BBADQUABTEBB foe bow aad rebaitt type- wrlt.ra at all maaas; ase ear window: it oe are gore t bur new typewriter see aa be fore paying; we eon Sere yoe mammy ; we have part far rsoalrffca an machtacs; atate agents for the Visible Foxi we bay all blade af typewrltera. The Typewriter Exehaaga. Iae., B. J. BUlaoa. mass gee. 04 Third at. BL1CXENRDERFBB Tvpewrttar Agency; sep . piles; repsrrs. Bslelgh bln 6th and Wash. PUBLIC BrENOGBAPHEB. . WB oen Bemtngtone. Bmtth-Preiulets. Dena , morse, eta, anwe thaa aae atuer eampsny; Invsetlgeta. Underwood Typewriter Oa.. 66 nth. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THB OREGON CUBESB CO. (INC. I CHEBSlr. . BUTTER. BOGS. etc.. dairy product, booght , or ha en led on eommlsaloa. 126 Fifth at. ! (Swetlaad bldg.). PerU sad. Or. M. A. OUNST A CO.. PI8TBIBUTORB OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND, OBEOON. ETERDIHO A FABREIJj, aredeca and ases mlaaloa aaerchaats. 140 Front at, Forttaad. Or. Faoae Maks 1TB. OBEOON FURNITURB MANUFACTURING CO. Msnuracterees ac rural tore tor ma (raoe. rertUM, WADHAMS CO.. gracera, men- i factarera end aad Oak ale. asarchaata. Fonrth FUBN1TUBB en an n foe coring and special orders. L. Bavensky's faraltara factory, 807 Front at, ALLEN A LEWIS, eommtastoa and pradaca bmc ehaata, Frost and Davla sta Pert lead. Or. WHOLBSALB erockarr aad ghussrara. Pre si. uageia uaw paruaad. ore B. W, SIMPSON, 201 Waahlngtoa st Whole sale dealer ta grata aad hey. pa a aawa a TRANSPORTATION. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS ; ' 5 TUPS m a rnvtoVawa. Swmm 14. S";ll) Jfmly 13, 681 Anr. B. , dasua, "F w . (J. BABAteS..... ........:.' X U. U. rrasldaat.. ....... ..,.,.... BV, bVaxabxa mOTVTS. Vf"r B4rw7. tntk, Ja bbC way yort. Baillaa; 8 . x. BL B. B. Oo.'S aTtunboldt. . .ltay t, 12, SB Onttaro City, rl Bltka. . May B. It, SI City ( Saattla. ..April ST. May B, IB, SB bajt raAsToxBOo botjtb. - BMxlllxuT B a. as. rtox Benttle City FuU ..............Aprtl B-80 Bpokaa' . aptu sa Bpokaaa, Alrc.. .Aprtl la TJanaUllA ...Aprtl 1B-B0 City Cfflo. S4B WMluBTtoa Bt, , Ho! For Astoria 4VO OBT Daily (except Thursdays). Leaves Alder street dock T a. m. rSOBTX MAX 665. Colombia Diver Scenery BkBaTTeATOB XOsT-l BTBAMEBB. Dsllr asrvtca be twees Port I aad and The Da Ilea, except Boeder, leering Portland at f a. arriving aboot 5 p. ax, earrvir.e rrelgbt aaa neasengera. Pfienna aceomae.ia tlooe for eotflte and livestock. Dock foot at Alder et.. Portland: ef Court st, Joe Da Use. Pboae Mela 814, rorliain. Stri. Chas. R. Spencer WasLlng-to-atreet eock. Thtflv. excerit Bundsy. for The r''"i and way landings, at. 7 a. m , rin . 10 p. tn. Fast time, boat eervlce. rkoneai Mat. 8184) Soma, A, 11. t. btobtv rc""i T'tr:-f c;- A - - FaslSteamerTelesrac