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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTtAND FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL' 28. 1907. 18 Classified Advertise ments received too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page 15. Sari Trancisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Market St, bet 3dfcV 4th ABTMTimirTi An soiv. SCXITTIOKS SZCBZTE9. , Or simian whan In Sn FTanelaco can hnvi the' mail Mnt In car of Th Journal office. ARTHUR L. FISH. Rprntattr, WHEN AWAY FROM HOME '. Copies of Tha Journal aaa aa obtained at the following el I Ira and towna eautda af Urafoa. Tha Journal would appreciate tba recslpt of report ar fsiiare to obtst eopie ox ih pw at any ar these pieces: (WALL A WALLA. WA8UINGT0N Well Wfl . . Stationery Company; Roara-Haaarall Ooai pan;; HoW Dacree News bland; Uakve Cigar Standi Oantral News Compeer. . TAt'oKA. WASHINGTON Hotel Taeom Kw nrand, uu Mouth roarta street. EATTLB. WASHING "ON Ramlef nad Newe Stand; Intarnatloaal New ' Ageery Kswrnanee Wacna; Hotal Seattle Newe Stand. COLDFIkLd, NEVADA Laoia Foba. Nawspeoer ) BAN mMi, CALirORNUAm Jftira Com pany, Newepsper Wagoa. RPOKANH. WASHINGTON Jobs W. Orabaai Co, Hoise, IPARrt Joaapb Contna. MlNNRAPOLlfl. MINNESOTA af. J. Cara- naorb. 60 Third atraat. aootb. - T. LOUIS. MIHMOURI . T. Jatt. f Ollaa . a v wa- . vrvi I aV F ratal aa. . "ANAB riTV, MISSOURI Xaaaa Raara pa nr. ISaarapanar Waana. CHK AOO, ILUXOI8 P. a Nrar daapaar, ITS Daarbnra atraat. -Denvkh, cuLORADO Unloa , Dapot , Kawa Blad. . tX8 ANOKLKR. f ALiroHJtlA Ajoaa Hrwa Company, arnapr Wagoa. ! tlAKI.ANn. CALIFORNIA Aaaoa Kaara Ota. Pr. Nam pa par Wagont N. Wbaatiaf Kaara Company. Naaapapar Waon. 1 AN FRANCIHCO, CALIFORM A K. Waaatlaa Kawa Company. Kawapapar Wafoa: Foatar 4 Oraax, Frrrr bolldlnat Joeaaaa Maara Oaav pan, 14.M rlllroore atraat. AI.T LAKB CITV. ITAH Mra. Larlna. Kawa papar Wagoa; O. U Itavtaa, Hotal Kanroal Barrow Kroa., 4ft Waat Btm6 atraat. aaara. OCiiEN. LTAH Orar . Ntwa Ooaua, Paaat Nrwt Stand. OMAHA. NEBRASKA Millard , Ratal Haw Stand. " yKW YORK C1TT Arther Bataltac Kawa papar aVarona. XEWiTODAY. D. E. KEASEY & CO. Fdrtiand POUR NEW COTTAGES $3,750 to $4,000 On car line, 5, 6 and 7 rooms, pas and electric lights, sewer and city water, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, etc., fine . view qf Mt Hood, Vi lots with each house. Terms to suit. , ' f - D KEASEY & CO. Exclusive ,- Dealers In Heights Property. Office on the Heights and 7 Chamber of Commerce. i Main 2159. . Modern Office Building "THE BUCHANAN." Washington street, Bet. Fourth and Fifth. Best offices in the city, ranging in price from $15 to r $30 per month. Elegant Suites $25, $40 and $53. All modern eamoment.' "Lieht. heat.' water ' and janitor service included with above price, ai elevator service Portland Trust Company of Oregon Southeast Corner Third and Oak V. Phone Exchange 72 .. SPECIALISTS In Hawthorn ar. pro party. Lota, houa and lota, and acreaE throuchout thla oiatrict for aala. . HOUSES DESIGNED and built, plana nd apaclflcatlona furnished to horn fculldara. t , , . rxosns tabob so. orrxox, vast ssth ajto maw- Tsosura atb. GET WISE AND BUY" " . f 1.000 i t lotn, IftxlOd, corner. Alberta. ' S1.200 ' -rnnm rmtUga. iOn down: EAST PAT MKNT8, 70xll. 1 all fonrad. f 1.6A0 ' 10 arraa. all improved, houaa, bam and Tarmlng Imp.; afirlnf and rood orchard; ' 7 mUoa frura rM townt macadamlacd road. . - S2.2BO -roorn mrvlarn bunimJoW. 11,100 down, . Pr yno.; H Mock oomar. . tal.OOO . . lock, on th comer of 15th and fllnton. aTiaDTXTOH ft aTOtXAW ' t04 Oaodaonjrh kldar TP- V. O. oa I tit I. . -.. J.I - - 'Ja'aaawa-aa-ai CEMETERIES. Kirn Virw-amgi, (raaaa, family iota, $ U 11.000. Iba aaly aaanatary ta Part l4 wblrb parpotnallr aialntalaa and aara t bta. For f..u informal !. apply to W. It. Ma-anatr.. tratar block, ally. W. M. La 44. proaidrnt. I"K riTV.atr,.i. am. r..ii i .s to :v iiirntrwnt at camatary, aaa- nr of rnOMil .t .... r.i;. mA Bk. n.nor Far roll apply ta ' t"" Coiaawtlal klk. Pbaa I aa oaw, . , Heights t- ' Coilin Bros. WEATHER REPORT. Th air prreeure ever thl forecast dletrlrt la eveolr dlelrltiatrd and the barometric gradi ent very gentle. The t'taii low prsBsaro area, wakii remains atatlouary. shows aa yet no sign of devehipmeal. Fair weather tt-vslla ta reuer!tieuee ever rite entire cnantry weat of tli Knrklee. A a tall area af decided character ta Baled m nertln-ra Alberta, aixl abnonnallr law teoipeiatorea ara reported from that aad adjoining innadlaa provinces ana ta acignnor tun states of Mootana anil North Dakota. Llalit snow occurred over Montana during the last 114 knnra. Tba hlrh arar Minnesota yesterday Basiling baa ad van. ad to tba upiwa lakes, Fair weather, with teairtre eonehleralily below the normal, ' prevail arar tha broad bait af country extruding from tba Mexican lk north es.twurd la tba bikes. Tba lower laka dts tnrhsace baa elilfted eastward ta tba epoer (Xiht valley. Moderate ta beavy ream ara re portail along Its pain. Ilaliia alao fall along tba araat aulf meat, wltb tba unusually larira amount af , 8.7 Inches reported fraal Now Orleso. The indication nnhit to enatlnawt fair aroatbar aer tit la eattr (oracaat district toalgbt and natardey. Tai Hit. : ih . 74 .40 . T2 .42 . MO - in. Mm. , 0 411 It ' , : jw .TO 23 M ftt M . BO : 4.T !UI ' 30 : 44 M 4 .Vi Atlanta, fianrgia Itiaitim, MaMwarbnaytta , rhh-ago, lUHx'W ...... ( hvbiHatl. 1 Itrnrar, Colorado t'laaataff. Arlanna ... I llalrna. Montana , Kanaaa City, Mlaaoiirl.' .0 14 . .0 : .0 "".0 .0 " .0 . ' . , .0 .0 .0 .0 . .on .0 .0 " .0 ' .o .0 , lw Angaba. (aliromla... i Naar trlaaua. Imitailnna. , . I Naw Vurk. Nrw York.,... . Otna ha . Kabraak a . .' t T4 44 Id 12 4 40 !M M rat 1H I'Mlailalpbla. Ftnnarlranla rortland. Oragoa Ht. Ixmla, Mlaaoarl.,...,, HI. Paul. Mlnnrauta Halt Laka. I; tab.... Kan tFranrlaro. California. Varoaia. ' Waahlngtoa Waahbigtoo, I). C ........ FCXERAL NOTICES. THOMIHOSAt tba rraldrnra af bla alatar. Mra. i. N. ArrUl.aH, 841 Halaay at, April imiT, Lata Rogar Tbompaon. agad tS yaanC 4 month and S day. Fanaral will tkr plara ttatnrday. April ST. at p. Bi nt f. 8. Tnmnlng'a chap. I. rorarr Kaat Sixth and Kaat A It tar ata. Frlanda Inrltad. UNDERTAKERS. Dana hi a. MeBataa Gtlbatlgb. a ad art a bar aad ambalmara: aaodara la arary drtalL aarantb nd Una.' Mala aiMX Lady aaatataat. x- . Erlckaoa radartakla Co.. aad ambahnlng. o( Ablar at. Paoob Mala 1131. Lady aaalataat. J. P. Flnlay ft Bona. Third aad Madlaaa ata. Office of eaaaly coroaar. Pboaa Mala . Eallar-rlyrB Co.. fnnrral dlrartara, ambala. ara, 27 S Baaaall. Eaat 1UHS. Lady aaatataat. A. B. Raraarnrk. fanaral dlraatar. Eaat IStb aad Umatilla. Pboaa aallwood Tl. Lady aaalataat. Edward Roloiaa. odartakar, t30 Third at. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Hannah and Rlrhard Martbi to TyUr ' Woodward, lot 13. Balmaat PUaa I, 700 A bra mo and Jnaaphlno Caragbln tn i.uigi Torro, tot , Mora z, laoaao adillllDa 120 William 0. Vaa filahn ta Manry. a. and Alia V. Diaigbanjr. tota aaa , bhk M, Ballwood B0 A. W. Laubart at aL ta Cora A. Joaaa, ; , waat H af lot S3, Maaalwood. ....... . 1.1 w H. D. and X. M. B. McAUIatrr to Joho IV. Illllar. loU a and T. blnrk 1. aab- . dl'ltloa of waat S30 faat of lot N, Al. I Patina' tract W Utabatb and William Raid ta Arthur , D. Maraball, waat 13 faat af lot 0 and . ra.t 39 (rat af lot 7. block 14. Holla- I day Park Baeaad addltloa n. 1.100 R. B. aad Mary M. Kir ta W. D. Arnold, lot f, block 18, Uolladay Park ' addithm a.tOO Pradarlrk Btrobal to A. C. Cbnrrhlll Co., acrtia bag Inning at a pout aa ' aaat Una of aeetloa 8, town ably 1 Booth, rmuga S aaat 10,000 Tit la oaaraataa ft Treat company to Laura p. Kopf. lota 5 and , block 94, Boaamare M0 W. B. aad Mary Rtrale to 1. B. BalllTan, b.ta ft aad . block 8, Hanaoa'a addl tloa S.3M Joba aad JCata Baarhart ta Cbarlaa L, . Barta lot 10 aad aortb H of lot 11, block 11, Orchard Uoma 1,(00 Roawall B. Lamaoa at al. to Arthur JBowmaa. Sf.iloO fact baglnnlag at aoathwaat eoraar of tot , block 0, ta B to P, Oraaaway.. , 7S0 Ira . Lllra to W. T. Buab, aaat 10 faat . of kt 1. block 23, A. L. Mtoar a x addltloa 100 alary A. Mayor to R. B. Btont, lota t. 9 and 14. block . North Porttaad ,SB0 William aad Bllaabatb Corn toot ta J. 0. Jobnaoa, lot 4. block 87. mmayalda.... 1T00 Portland Lone Fir Cemetery company to Jacob 0. Uarratnoa, aootb H of lot 42, . block 28, aald camrtary , It Title Guarantee ft Truat company to . J. P. Langndiar, lot 11, block , Month ' Mt. John . 200 Agnae DwHt at al. to L. Woatall, Iota 3 and , block A Roberta' addltloa ta Uraabam 10 Tha Mawtborae Katate ta Carl O. Joba- - , aoa. lot . black 327, Hawthorne Park addltloa I.0MI Lou la II. and Baaale B. Tarplay te Joba H. Petareua. aaatk H of lot S, block Ml, city 24,000 Sitae fine t Mlaa A. Oanlry, kU 27 aad 2H. Oakdaka addltkm., 2.10 A. W. and Ball U Umhart te 8. A. Gantry, lore T end S, and weat 7 feat af lot . block 2. Oakdala 1.NO0 0. W. end Nellie Taylor to Mary A. . - JemtagiArd, lot 1, block , South San- . arable 730 Gaatare Rnaanblatt at aL to Thoma E. Flyaa, lot 1, block l.M, city S.7.10 rradartcb Hargraaraa te A. B. Or lib, fractional block T, rcurer'e addltloa... - 271 C. W. and Mary A. Adamaoa to Martha . ' aad J. It. White. 7fiioO foot of lot 1. . block It. Camthere addltloa 0,000 Monro lBTeatment company to William W. Pearaoa. lot I. block 2S. Veraua... 2fi0 Sarnrlty Abatract ft Truat company to " Karthe R. Urafa, lot IS, buck 7, Roe City Park i - 400 I. La Mahiea to laaae B. and Lala May Jonee, kit L bkx k IS, LtBCola Park Annex 1,500 Title Guarantee ft Trtrat com pray to - , Nelaon and Annie McHrlan, north H of lota 8 end . block IS, llanaoa a Hamad addition 000 Mat tie and J. M. CnolMge to J. T. end ' M. J. Whlttrn. lot and 10, block 2, Bernhardt Park i 1,200 Aaa I- and Nrllte W. TToaoa to William I. niabman. lot 10. block A. Ilolladar ' Park addltloa .......... . 1,100 Aaa L. and Nellie W. Tpaoa ta William . I. Men man, part of north H of Tim othv Halllvaa and wlfn'a donation land - claim " 400 Moore Inaeetment company to I-ennah A anlllvan. lata 1A and Id. hkark 40. ' : VartioB 7. William H. and Mar lam P. Wallace ta M. A. Wabber. eonth 2.IMS faat of that Chat af lot 4 that line north of the ecparatlng Irrlng aad Wheeler' ' Anaatlna laad Clalma b blork 200.' . ' Ilolladar' addition '' T. a,,,.,. In Jnbn C. Rnhmaa. art I. blork S, fuiei.wn....... a..' ' 200 LUllaa A. aad A. B. "trang R. Oerrl aoa. Ipta 2 and 2, blork 2, Arbor lodga 200 William J. and Minnie Campbell tn Grace Campbell, lot K and lot 10, block 10, North Monnt Tabor..... 2.000 William Jonee to John Aadcraoa, lot a, , blork 20, Kanllererth .i 2W W. J. and Mary E. Bayard to fleorg T ft, Mlanar, lota 1. t. 2 and 4, block 1: ... lot 1. 2. 4. , 0. 1. It, 12. 11. 14. 1. 10 end 20, block. 2. .Bayard .atlinai 2.000 Donald and Adele V. O. McDonald te , W. rvbmeer, mta i i" i. mora . Iota 1 lo 4. block 4: lot It to 2a. block 0; lot 1 to 10, block 10, all la fHikbarat ,.....,.....- i.ow George and Llllia flleloh ta J. P. T. M lot 4, n and . block' 51. Rnanyald. . . .BOO F.lla and Harry C. Kenney to J. J- Long ' nd El' t-roaa, wer n i--i o m .. -ki.h l.l Carathera1 addltloa......... 2,000 Prank and Ann Mlcbale to Prank ld- . eaher, aaat o leei or an. A aim hinck SO. Feat Portland , JO John M. end Mary A. Ingbam be O. h. " ' . I broader, lot 20, block '24, Meant Tabor villa no Emma and Hreiry aaaeal to PHa X. Olb. bi-aa. Iota 1, a aaa 4, mora o. Amine I let .lit a 1. 2,300 ttaaid o. and Clara M. Steyen-oa te Ella , end Andrew II. Btary, t xt Dwea o, -Treatant 1'lece 1,100 t. - Ooodln end Kettle L. Palmer to . . T. A. Waldale, lot 0, block 74, all wood 200 0. W, and Krllle Taylor to Larra A. . IeriiTblre, kd a, bkx-k 4, Baath Bun- -nretde 509 The l and Itompaar of Oregon to Charlea H. Ttirlay, lot LV block 22. City View ' -Park r For atatracte. tlb tnenraoce ar anart Inane, rail on Pactflo Till ft Treat company. 204-6-4-7 Falling bldg. Oet real eat. te from the Title Ooarentea ft Tmat ya, 20 Wuhloftoa ( otar Scoa4 NOTICES. IM I'll It dlatrlot court of tba l altad Rtataa. for tba lltrfc-t f Oragon la tba matiar of Edward Mullan. bankrupt. N'otlco la ham. t7 alaaa tbal oa tha llttli day of Airll, A. ll. 1HIT, Kdward M ultra of I'ortland. Orrgun. waa duly adjudbauol bankrapt; and tbat tha f trait maatlng of bla orrdlujra will ba bald at rooma bt4 S Fan too Port land. Or run. am tha btb day of May, IwuT, at 10 a. m.. at which tlma tba aald rradltora Biay a Hand. irova tbalr rlalma, apiwlut a truataa. aaantlna tha bankrupt and tranaart aiab olhrr boalnraa aa mmj proparl coma bafora aorh tnaatlng. latad April IM. 10T. , - , CUK8TBB O. MCRPHY. . Hotara In Baakraptry NOTICE to barabF rlrra tbat Edltb Unlit, ar wlf. baring rafuard ara ahaltar, bad and board la mj owa bona wltboal any J "at or Irgal raaaa, 1 aball aot ba rraponalbla for any oilia rwitimcim 17 arr wmiw.. Ian warrant for aama. t V. llullt. Turtland, . ., April 25, lbvj. , ALSO bide for food eopptto wanted by th Port of Portland during May. IU07, will be : recalaed antll . m., of April S0,txr, at tha office la City Hall. Blda muat be made oa blank forme which can ba bad by apply ing et tba office. Joba P. lmyle, clerk. NOTICE Tba Rddyatlle Biohalr pool af S.6A0 fleece will ba aold April SO. IU07, to the , hlgbeat bldiler, eaeh la hand. Blgbl raaarrad to reject any or all blda. J. G. Standard, bacratary. WILHOIT 8PR1NOH MINFRAL WATER. 227 Stark at., betwaaa Blitb aad Oerenth. Pboaa Pa-lflo 10M. Blmar J. Wallace, ageet. ' BIEETINO NOTICES. MI'LTNOMAH CAMP KO. 77. W. 0. W a 111 entertain the mem bar tonight wltb llluatralrd eonga and laniern elWra. All Woodmen welcome. llefreea- ' : mante will be aeryed. 1. M. WOOIiWOUTH, Clerk. M. W. A. BTBRtrREEK CAMP. B,4ntl. maata Wadnaadey eaealag. Allaky bldg.. Third aad Morrlaoa ata. . Ji ll. W. A. Oragoa Grape Camp No. d.BTS, Moa daya. ITth and Maraball. Tlaltoee welcome. LOST AND FOUND. Lost 3,CC0 Starts Butte js CcnsoUiatcJ Mtnlng tock, omwhere betwaaa Morrlana. Washington, Second and loth eta. Pleaae ratnra te The Journal office aad reectre re ward. LOOT Oa Ffrat. Waablngtoa or 11th ate., a lady'e tel bead baadbag, eostalnlng a email round beaded puree. Finder pleaae return ta office of clerk United State court, Poatofflc bldg. POUND A place ta baa htr mattraeare raae y.ted end returned earn day . 22 Front at. Mai 474. Portland Oorled Ralr Factory. H. Metagar, proprietor. LOfiT or etrayed, from M Weldler at., Ira Ingtoa, large bonne cat. gray with white aoae, breaat and feat. Jtewerd for informa. tkm. Phone Eaat 2101. LOH1V Lent week. a. para enatalntng a boot $1.V) to allrer and a key. Reward. Retura . to Joaraal office. ' ? FOI'ND A ehepbard dog of good blond, bobta 11, are a hoot 1 year. Call 204 Fourth at. HELP WANTED MALE. Mlllncry Trimmers and . . flakers V: HEAE ' tit HBaTYEI AND ATTEND I '"'. " WK WANT TO IHEB 00 Flrat-cUea. "Al," hlga-crad millinery trim mer, aaed to flae work ea wn bt, for dreeey trad) l 00 flrat-claea makera; will hlr thoee employed during the day by th ; hoot for aranlng work. Apply by latter only ta Mil. Sllbereteln, bead millinery deelgaar and boyer for th 8bfr-Whlttler Co. Down, town office, '420 and 42T Lamher Eicbang ' bldg."' ' '. .-. ''I WANTED Boy about 10 yea re old ta work ' la factory; good wagee; fteady work. Apply at once. Amee-Harrla-Nrllle Co., Fifth and Dirl t(. WANTED Two boya a hoot 10 yeare old te run errand a. Apply to anperlntendent Mr- ' ' ahall Welle I lard war Ce . rif th aad Pine eta. WANTED Toang 'mB a boot IT year ld. Mt. Hood factory. Coach at. ': PACIFIC BTATIONEBT ft PBtNTIN CO, 206-207 second et. Pbona Mala 1. We deelgn and metal the moat mo, lam and Improrad of rice yetm; eomplete Una Waf ruing deateae. WANTED aaleamenl many maka 1100 ta 2110 per month t eome area arore; atoek elaaa, grown oa raearratlon, far fro aid oeeharda; caah edranced weekly; choice af territory. Addraaa Waahtngtoa Nanary com pa ay, Top pen la h. Waahtngtoa. - 11.00 A MONTH PROTECTS TOO Agatnat accident, alckneaa and death. '' Writ or cell end Ineeetlget. North weet em Heallk ft Accident Aiear1tlnn. Room SI, 26S Stark at. A grata wanted. MEN AND WOMEN to Mira the barber trade tn eight week: gradnatee ear from IIS to 128 weakly; expert In tractor: eatalogn free, loler Byatem of College a, S3 Nortk Fourtk . t Portland. WANTED Hlrh clam aaleemaa for choice tar , rltorliaj hlgheat nmelaeloa Pld; eyerythlng fnrnlBhed; caah edranced for ernenaea, A rare opportunity. Addraaa, ajatrk, Oragoa Nareery, Salem, Or. DO yo want ta learn good trade, have short boare. eaey work I Than learn to operate motloa pk-tnrea; gradnatee ear 2.f weakly. Term reasonable. School 14.1H Sixth at., room X . WANTED A good printer, wlahlng areedr poettkin la country town; atata wtgaa and wHen ran come; man a'O'ialnted with detail ' af ronntry aawapaper work preferred, W 177. rare Journal. ' SEVERAL good man lo prepare for pnalttons tn th government aerrlce; now ta tlie beat time to bealn. Look ahead. Writ for form 172. Pacific Statee Brhoola. McKay bldg. SALESMEN make big owner working for ee; ex per lee c anneceaaary. Pacific Aid Aao . elation. 224 Laminar Ecckang bldg.. Porte . laad. OVegoa. . m STT'DENTS of th International Correapnndaaee achrole flaainng practical einerirnee are re on rated tn Hat their name at oar local office, i4 McKay building. BLACKSMITH WAKTEI Flretclaaa sneirmg for good man; cnence m eiiy a goon onatnaee; no oppneltlo. Addreae Box IM, Cam, Wh. WANTED Cooipatanf yoong ma tnorrapher, with reference., for poaltloa our of town; ralary " par month; fare paid. R IT, ear Joural. WANTF.D At one, flrat-claea phtmher and fnr aaca aien la nna-nnhia town, anod ware and v ateedy work for right party; prefer man wltb family. Addreaa P. O. Boa 007. Colfax. WaeH. MEN end boya wanted te leara ptambm. plea teeing, bricklaying, electric! trdea fee ntalogaa: poaltlon erenrad. Coyne Tied Reboot, New York and Saa Fraaclaeo. WANTED Mea to work I brick and newer nip factory. Apply at ef lie Slaawad Brick ta, foot af Aoieujr at. UKW WAXTra -MALE. HKIII-CLAHH aarcaman; an raaraaaara waatad rliclit niaa ran maka f.vio a Drontb; glr rateraoea. Addraaa u J, I, ear Journal. A bl'HIiTI.V blgb-arada aoltrltnr. aapabla of making :IO,ua a month, tall roots 4'JS lliaaitiar of Couiaiaria bklg. Tlor HeorlUa. WANTED Iloneet eien with email amoant of ntoney for aiotloa plctnre show; profile 110 to iuo. Addreae a 17. ear eoaraal. W A NTKD Tailor, preeaer end operator and . nmaiier: higiieat pricee pain. ew xor t'watmakara, 2u2 Couimca wealth bldg. WAKTED-.Toang mea te atady t'k-grapbyt poeitioue at goo wage wnaa eoinpcteai. Oregon Collage, au2 Commonweelta biug. RHIIIIIT ataarfv hoy- tn Inarm nrlntlna trade Al opening for right hoy willing te learn. Eckuardt'a. 1J8 Baranth at., room 0. WANTED Honeet mea with amaU amonat of aioney for molloa picture Hkw; profita fta to 1100 dally. Addraaa B lie. care Journal, ADVERTISING anllrltora, rommlaaloa, theatrb cm I arofrema, .'i dally; eiucrleuc Buaece aary. oau uooonougn OMig. ION PAINTER waatad. Apply Berger ft Boa, KM IIBalll, WB get work for onr memberit e pedal mem- aara. a. x. 11. j. an roarta ana lamani. WANTED Good barnaoa-makea. Uarueee C., Hood Hirer, Or. . Davenport MATTRE83-MAKEB WanUd. 10-20 Frant atraat. BOY8 wanted to work ta foraltora factory. 100 isorin 111a at. WANTED Two practical bard rock mmere; w.ira.11 wiiot, .era faiw. v eumna,. SIGN palmer wanted; ataady job 'to right man. Apply to w. jrren rain, aiu rtne at. QARPENTRB wanted; a Ion labor., Inquire Jiw eixiriix. uamj. w. uwvva. WANTED Mattreaa-aiaker aad apbolaterar and carpet man. Maaeey A Uaaaey, acoond at. EXPERIENCED, wearer: good wage, ateedy work. Albany Bug Work. Aihany, or. WANTED Maa ar etrong boy orar IT to drly ipraaa ea abare. Addreaa A. 17. Joaraal. BOT wanted to learn macbtntat trade. . Oolam. bla Steel Co.. loth and Jobnaoa ata. BARBER waatad at 4 North Third a. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Saleswomen Llpman. Wolfe ft Co. require experienced aeleawoaien la U d'partmenta Permanent poaltlon aad beet ta lax lea. Apply to aaper. lateadant. Lipma, Wolfed Co.'- Experienced cloakroom aa1womcn racjnlred at one. Apply to u par ta Undent, Llpman, Welfe ft Co. f , WANTED Tonng - led) te leara telephone operating; good aalary, short hour, pay while learning; luncheon aerved free of Charge and . bmnglng aad reet rooma la connection. Apply chief oper ator. Tea-phone bldg., Weat ' Perk ad Alder ata. WANTED Olrl over is year old to work ta factory; good wages; atemdv cmplormant. Apply at once. Amee-Uarrle-Nevlll Co FlfU and Davui at. WANTED Olrbj to make ihlrt and everallt. Jit. Hood factory. Second aad Coach ata. J1ROR boelneoa firm desires a womaa not under SO who la trustworthy aad energetic; xperlenc unnecessary. Addreaa by latter aaly, giving telephone. M. Knight, 207 Til ford bldg. . WANTED Yoong rh-t, 17 to IS, who ran read maalc and play enma, to work In mnelc store and learn tha bnalneae, Courtney' Music Store, S8 North Third St Portland. Oregon. OIRU WANTED Operator to work en ablrts nd oraralla, Laaaoo given ta Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory No. s. Oread ara. and Beat Taylor at. WANTED Experienced pressor en ladlee' garments; good wars and permanent po altlon for right party. Berlin Dye Work, S47 Second et. FIRST-CLASS ealeawomen to solicit order from consumer. References required, aal ary ta right party.- Belfast Importing Co., 213 French bldg.. Tar-ma. Wh. WANTED Machine operator, farchara. Inner nd mangle glrle. Eaat Side laundry Co., Fast Aab sad Sixth. Phone Kaat S09. In all day Sunday. WANTED Yotmg ladle to tndy telegraphy; poaltlon at good wage wben ouallflrd, Ora goa College, 608 Commonwealth bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES' AOENCT. -84811 We Ingtoa st, corner Seventh, npatalr. Pbeae Main 2692. Pamela blip waatad. STRONG glrle fot. candy factory. Oeorge A. McNeil company, wholeaal confectioners, 110 North Fonrth, near Ollaan, WANTED Weme or girl for general nonea work, 6 room cottsge. 110 Earann st. Tak L car. DEMONSTRATORS, hour re hones; sslsry 82 per dv and expense; experience not eeaen tlal, W. Palmer Co, 80s Columbia at. TEACHERS for Calneae mlr.loo. Apply room 21 Hndlson Din., iniro at , 1 to , or 2o1 Seoond at., T o'clock p. m. WANTED Otrl te do general bonaawork; fam ily of three adult; $13 per month. Apply 710 Flander St. Classified Ads In Th Journal roh tha paopla ln tha great Oregon country at tha right tlma. . Rates for Classified Advertisements , Count six words to th Una.) Ona cant a word each Insertion, Mora than two Insertion, cents per Una earn Inaertton. By tha week, 10 cent par Una (i days). No advrtlgmnt taken for 1 than 18 canta. " ' HELP WANTED FEMALE. tOMI'KTKN T girl for general houaawork In family of two: moat know bow ta cook; good area. Olht Nia-th 24th at. , WANTKD Two dining room gtrla at 10-10l t nereoin at.; f per week aad room IH nani, . .1 tairv. WANTKle iilrt for general boaeework. IStk end Springy t., Portland lielgbta. rboaa racino a 10. BKIKT and jacket hande, experienced, wanted at one; good permanent position to- reliable people, appiy 10 uioa, wurtuia ai King. WANTED An experienced worn for waahlng ana trowing, t iu mminge or aboee Pacific - joou, oa cau oa lata au WANTED Oood plain cook; only three la , latnny ana aeop a aectmu girl; good wage 202 King et. , WANTED fllrlte ta park arackera. Apply aiaaiera oaaiDg ua., m. inira aaa uaria eta. WANTED A girl to do general bonaawork) aa .v. ai tain . l. , curse r vouaga. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard factory Ma. a. urnaa are. aaa Kai laywr ax. "ARDMORB COFFEH'! don't forget the name) povoua rot e. ouja xaa ua.. au ruai ar. OfHID girt for general houaewnrk. 12S 14th at. uatweea naeaington aaa aioer at. WANTED Bklrt and walet flnlabtr. 815 Tll- rurd bldg. WANTED Kaat cleaa girl for faadly of 2. caax w. WANTED Skirt, and ' walet maker. . 2b0 Alder et. OIRL for bonaawork; go borne ahThtai two meal, anon aaara. . m rrk at., rear af an. OPERATORS and flnlabera oa pant; Steady worn 1 Deal nay. aw ijommoaweaita - amg. OIRL for eecond work. 230 Klug it. Pboa ataia 2011. WANTED Girl for geaaral bouaework. Apply iwi irying ax. . WANTED A lady bookkeepers xprlaacl. X 1 a, care .aouraai, WANTED A dlahwaeber; wage tzS per month. xne iionui. iwa aad Morrlaoa ata. . GIRLS to leara flntahtng on pant; ateedy wora, gooa pay. vti xommoawaaifB aiag. L4LE AND FEMALE HELP. DISTRICT AND LOCAL MANAGERS In every county in Oregon; eetabiiabcd fraternal en. elety; all forme of aoltclee, egea 14 ta CSi exceptional opportunity for eaaaral man aad woaiea ta secure exclusive territory aa liberal contract. Unloa Provident League, TUford Dlug.. l-oetlano. or. WANTED Men and women, to prepare for tb civil service ; gone positmne constantly te be aaa by thoee wne are qaaitnen tor them ; we make a epaetalty et preparing yen. 1. a 8 ..132 Fifth t WANTED Immediately,, perfiameie. . , novelty acta, mctaiciane, etc., tor carnival company 1 also for dramatic and eaadevllle stage. Kew maa Theatrical Agency, 146V Sixth ex. HELP waatad and mpplied, mala or femil. R. U. Urate, XOOH Waahlngtan at. ractrM 1ST0. WANTED Man aad wife to work oa email farm near city. KtS John eon. oppnelt deiot. SITUATION WANTED BIALE. GENTLEMAN (mtddla-agad), good addraaa, anl- veralty mlucetlon, want a poaltloa; ajodarat boor; salary no object. Addreaa tj 170, rare Journal. GENERAL, reliable, proving alngle laborer do- sires a atcaay position, aauresa x i 1 o, car JoaraiL , A AERMAN drngglat elerk wl.hra work la retail drug a tore. Addraaa F 174, JonrnaL aapMssaMaaaaEasaaanasexgasaa-aai 111 .uisiSi irrrrTii, esfear SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Position a clerk a grocery a toes; six years' experience ; references laxalabed. . Pbon Kaat 4139. WANTED te do aewlng at privet hen Kaat 00S3. Call after 4. Phon LADIES and ehildren'e plain sewing Ulcblng eapecUlly. 12B1 Eaat J2th at., K. i'OCNO woman wonld like housework by th day r nwrjjkaare w ua, care Jpoynai. EMPLOYMENT , AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CtX ' Logvlng camp aad firm help a peiattT. SO North Second at. Pboaa Mala OaVa. W pay al te' 'graph cbargsa. .. , . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB ' ' FOR MEN. SO North Second at. Phone Mia 1S24. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. 2nS 14 Morrison at. ....... .Phone Pactfle t0 27 North Seeood et Pboaa Paelfl 1SO0 GERMAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT CO. fm nl.hes mala help af all hinds free. 23 vt Barnalde a. I' bone Mala S4M. O. K. EMPLOTMBNT OFFICB Help forabthed free to employera. SSH N. 2d. Pboaa 8707. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED Can yea eell gnodaf If so we aced yoa. Complete outfit free! cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Cap ital City Nareery Company, Salem. Or. ONB hostler la each town or locality te handle medicines or eoap; write eolckl hlg money. R, M. Plnmmer. 240 Third at. IMPROVED taller' ayetem of catting aad flt tlng. Agent please phone Esst 8044. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Roaeee, cottage, flats, etoree. offleaa, roaming, heaaea, ate, Laad Inrda will do wall to call oa PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. Pbona Eg. 72. S. B. Co. Sd aad Oak. WANTED Board " sod room with one acre ground end water for tardea. Addraaa K ITT. care Journal. Y0UNO man want to board with private eaat era family; elate price x pec ted. Addr B 171, care Journal. THREE fnmtehed honsrkteplng-room, close In, X 177, car Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WANT ta Hat year property, anywhere be . twaaa the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific ocean, from the north pole to the south pote, ' any ild place, any kind of property, lost an yoa hat It worth tha money; we win be In our office Monday morning et S o'clock shsrp; com early and avoid tb ruth, Ortgg Bro 317418 Fcnton bldg. KICK modern S-rnoxn cottag tn Surmyalda, .'tO0 dnwa and targ monthly Inatallincnl; glre fill I deacriptbei. location and lowrat price In first letter: owners only; give phone., Ad drees K 17R, car yonmaL 4 TO 4-room cottag, not over 80 mtnnte ant, 2100 or 820O dowa and monthly matallmenta; mast b bargelni owner only; give fall de scription, location, price and term In first letter; give pbona. Addreaa II 175, Journal. WANTED lot (Mrtioo. between Eaat tilth. Al der, Main nd Past Sixth t., not over ' 83,000, rash. Ad.lrese D 178, car Jonrnsl. IF yoa want te sell quick, llat with F. Fceba, 221 H Morrlaoa et. WANTED Knalnre property, from 810.000 to 31fi,0"0. P. C. Lassen ft Co., 874 First at. WANTED FINANCIAL. 8I00 te ACCEPTED la building propo sition, lroflt greater tbaa an per cent. Absolutely safe, gllt-edred Invest ment an market, After alx mnntka. If desired, ca . exchange enhscrlptlon and aerumnlated profita ' part payment oa bouae and lot and can pay balance la email atonthly In stallment. - Pot further particulars eer.d name and address to N- 17S, care Journal. WANTE D M I SCELLA X EOUS. MAIN M.-.ri. CAS11. AND LOTH OF IT. FOR FI'RNITPRB. PORTLAND APCTION ROOMS. . s 21b, FIRST ST. 1 , MAIN 6058. MAIN 84.19. ALTO WANTED. Will trade a nice sightly lot on slope of Mt. Tabor for nmahnnt. Call room aa. Ca Jclh.lul4W a'4 .rtahjagig gt, wanted m&cuhUkjrzovn. WANTED Farnlrar aad boa Behold roada af arary daeorliitloa boaght, aold aad ictan4ad. Tb I, 22 Pint et. Mai 474. . . . . as mi. r . f, . T a psa. aval iwa. m , . w - - Fertiliser Work a, ar aotlfy Carney' Vetarl I nary, roarta, aad OUaaa ata. Mala lea. CAN aae 13 000 worth farnltuxa thla weekt bleb eat prices paid la ally. Wee tern Selvage Co.' Pactrle 708. : WB WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE AKT OLD THINO. wee)TBRN AITA". CO, 02T-420 WASHINGTON. flUIIU Tee. WHAT have yoa tn good Clxar bualnsea will bay If loaaUaa food, Addraa 0 ITS, care ' fWHI, WANTEI Spot cub paid for year furniture, etc. Prompt atteatlua alway given. 304 Kaat Clay et. Pboaa Kaat 1047. WANTED A rood roomlna-houaa fretn owner lata price aad tana ta , reply. Address lis, care journal. I WANT ta bar direct fraca tb waa a geed ,nnvi, 1111,111a. .UUI ... . u. sua aa.. CASH for bonaehold gnoda. ,S46-24T First at. Phea Be viae ft p Padfm 040. UIO H EST raak nrica aald for all ktnda head tooda. Pboaa Mala 211L 42 N. Third. 11AVB yoa any yank ar pip of any hind for eaie. can ataia aoa, ar A laoa. HIGHEST tin vrtem ajald fag faoood-haad U- cjiea. ataia evwu. - 1 $SnO FOR 2 or t year. Improved city Iota. a j .. aiM Ijjhm u tin - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. ONE 2-room eutta, partly furnished, earner, hay. amaow rooms, nice jn russets carps y auitani lor ornee ea parlor aad bedroom; a lea fan nlshed henaakeeplBg-reonit Bo rhlldran. Thm Krdmann, corner Kaat B urea Ida et- aad uraad are. ,. TBB tlLADSTONB. S12H Barlar et Nice clean rurnisneo rooma ctaew r eoooax, rross l.x per weex a 1 irea oa.' gas aaa parlor. . 101, THIRD, eppnatta Baker tbeatre, neatly rnmiaoeo large reoat oaarooma; ether light rooBjes pel cea moaarata. TUB RICT7ELIED. S34 North Sixth gaauy rummoao; a team aaat aad hatha. THB GRAND, 4BH North Third ex. I gantlem ea. fijs par THB A ROADS, 140U First et.. aear Mi rnrnmBM rooaia. go ta i naaaleax. BASEMENT room for email family. rnta ex. - FOB RENT HOUSEKEEPINO. :. I .60 WEEK TJP Larra. clean famtabed keeplog-raome. laoadry aad hath. 104 Sbar- aaa at-, aaata, Portland. . 81.24 WEEK TJP Cleea Famtahad haakip Ing-roonie. parlor, bath, laaedry. farnse aaat. yard. 202w Staatoa at. D oar. FOR RENT fTn furnished bonesksenrnr-roogMi: welklng distance from paatafllce. Apply 84 ' aixia ax. . . - , -... ' '.. . THB LOW NSDA LB Large.' light, nicely far. zt Is bed suites aad single room, boaaakaeplaf aaa traaeieni; gas, water, euert A user ax. TWO ale connect Ins boneekeeplng-roonie. cheap; 8( or wood stovee. 644 Barter, car. If. 17th. HOCSEKEEPINO-ROOMS. ' electric lights aad paoae. J per weaa. aoi water at. A SMALL S-reom boneekeeprng salt, all eenleace. at 800 Jtffmoa at. THB MITCBBLL BaaaakeeptaaT aad tre eaten t rooana, raaaoaabla. Seventh and Fhxaaera ata. FIR XI SHED booakphuroom With pboa. 144 North loth at. FURNISHED booaekeeplag; or tgl mom, 432 atarg at. TWO noma trety fui ntetied for boosebeep Ing; clo In; nee at pboaa. 810 Mala at. FOR RENT Large , hwaeekeepmg at IN Nenraaaa ox. - . 1 ONB suite light hooaekaapiTirH 242 Madleoa t. Mala 3i'l 10, BOOMS AND BOARD. THB CARL ETON The meat eeetrable famtlr hotel la the cltyi It baa the lacatlea; waA ruraiaaen eotatoe rooma, nagm r ea sat re I ' eteam heat, bed ad aold tannine; water la rooms, aad tba heat table board that cea be ' found anywhere. Tel. Mala 2168. . 11th aad Alder or. BO EDA LB (tb Bnrretl oetotel, 04 enrner 10th aad Madison, yuet epenadr everythlag ftrat-cla. Kwly farnatbsd Uiroagkoat. BOARD and hoaae eookmg. 20 Jetfer Second aad Third ata. aoa at., betw WANTED Small child to car for; good bees. 41 Kaat 18th L FURNISHED HOUSES. - TO RENT for on year, ftrst-clssa farnlshad hone tn quiet Belgbhorhoed; three adalta. Addr N 177, car JonrnaL 210 Three-room famished Oat, earn la Saa vbrw. Pboaa Eaat 1407, 084 Sevaath au .. , . FOR RENT HOUSES. GUARANTEED aa advertteed. We aaa rant - er call year huosns. reoma, flata, africaa, stores, tarana, ecreaga. hmt Rat near fa eastern advertising. 204 Mohawk kids. PURCHA8B prV 800; B-room bona aad twa lota la Lauretwood: 817B dowa. 810 per month; don't mlaa thla. Addreaa Poetofflr Beg 41. Arleta. Or. STRICTLY modern B-room cottage, Snanyalde; 8200 down, balance am rant. A. P. Smith, 414 Commercial blk. - 6 ROOM wedarn cottage near WIlDama aae.; 1 bath. gaa. hot and cold water, baaement- Pbona Sellwaod 424. , 7-ROOM boose with bath, good basement. 7rh nd Colombia ata, $28. Addr L ITT, oar JonraaL , FOB RENT 0-raeia modera booae, block frnai carllne, 14.M. ' Hamilton ft Rolmen. 204 ' Ooodaangh hldg oppoalu poetofflca aa ath at. 8-ROOM baa boo se. two foil lota, 87. R. . Shearman. 1140 Eaat 18th at, north. FOR BENT Small hoaae te couple wltboat children. 834 Garfield ., near Shaver et. 7-BOOM beau. 72 Eaat 21st at. large yard d fralt; Breoklya car; $1280 par aasnth. WB rent aad A Co. Clay FOR RUNT as S-rnom hwai T28 East SUrk at. Pbon Main 4403. , 4-ROOM hmma. with barn, near trrer1ty Park ration; reeaonanle tent. Apply 44 Third M. FOR BENT Steam cottage. IBS 1. 2tt it. FOR RENTFLATS. 4-ROOVf fnrtflahed. flat, avvdara, geoond floor, near rlty ball, CaU ap Mala 4302. 24i Madleoa et. FOR RENT A modera S-room flat; ear. af sV Rnrnalde and 1Mb. Pbon Eaat 1864. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES.' 0FFICB-B0OM9. an rare I: he room ad seas. ple-esoms for rest, geedaeagb bldg. Apply ahrvebar. . -v .. OFFICB end desk room fn rant an ground floor; also private ffle. 84 Third at. FrRNISHFD offle ar desk mom for rant. Rearer Realty Co., 8-4 Odd Fellows' bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURK FOR SALE. FLRNTTXRR 8 rooaie. ptee'eanl; befh.; get, puone, range, etc.: price $78, real $14. 34T Slitb at-JMar MO). , .... t r)R SALE NIc hr fnralsbed. lovely - green 4 room boaarbnai. root ef Clay at., algn bov door "Far Bale." 8-ROOM, modem flat for rent, furniture ef 8 rooma for eels: must be old by May 1 ; close In; 0 real: $t&0 dowa. phone Mam Shew. WB aead foraltora at any price. Fo-t'.ad Asa tloa Booms, ail first k Mala 04k, BUSINESS CHANCES. IP TOO waat Rntte Boya Ooaenllda ted mining tork at inc. uk It sow 1 thla office la luO Eaat Morrtsoa at. Tb direct of tb cam pany, awing to the continual ta crease of value of their ere and tb development work doae aad being dooa, have d settled to raise tha prlo at Mock to lie en May the 6th. aad may he token off tb aaarket ersa at tbat Brlee any day. If yo want It. gat In now. - Jtutte Boya ConaoUdalad Alia log Ca. SoO Kaat Morrlaoa at.' WANTED High claa nun te enea tampa. rary office la Saa Fraadec and mansge rampalga there for sale af stock ta Indus. trlsl eurparatloa; propoaltloa reapectabla and , gilt edge 1 aom exnerleaca la tble line ef - work aeceeaary, with ability to meet beet People, and unoaeetloned nernoaal etaadlna. Illgb lrr nd all expenses to right man. Addraas, with references, R 171. care 400x11, GOOD BUSINESS LOCATION. 82. SOU Cigar, confecttosery and fralt tend; eld established business. having am . average monthly trad of $wa); present owner meat retire ea account of rbmmetlsm; 2-yeef lease: worth at kaat 60 nar cent: will guar. : aatee $1M moath art profit; Baa? develop. assess in vicinity wiu lacrosse bus 1 00 Pboa Mala 1442. HOTELS OUR SPECIALTY. r If your hotel la fur sal, la er eat ef the city, bring it ta Be and we will areeare a Crrhaear without publicity. Rtference Betel a Aasocla Uoa. - P. L. ArSTBK ft CO., OHglnal Hotel Broker, , ' V . BaJt 122 te 134, Ablngtoa bid. Pboaa Mala 2484. We Have It 40 " farnlahad rem erne $400. m) , fig. electrl; ta. aoathly pay 3l 8tjO Part 4owa; baUaca RAMILTOW HOLM AN. 204 Gaoaaaagh Bldg, eppoalt Poatofflc aa FUtk Street. . CHANCE fog perty with aom eapltal to la vest to rapt, sent keal food prod net Man. . fsctnving 00 scars In coast territory. Na competltlo; easy sales; bla profit oa laveet ent and good wage on read. Address far V 1TO. ease Joaraal. - FOB SALE Brewery built IS moath ami new , aad complete; fltat yeer't output 1,800 bar rels; aan interest or ail aa aeeirea; ea easy terma. Addraaa J. B., 211 West Court et.. ' Penahitoa. Or., or taqnlra for AeUlls at th bsalnee erftra a The JoarnaL BAKERY tor al; fix rare $000; stock at la . antes; (rowing trade) rarely persons! res. Bona for elllnf ; a vary toad opealng for the right me; so0, oaah; beUsc to gait. tio Aibky bid. GROCERY t Invoice I good cleaa etoeh, ran. anient flxtnree; 4 floe rear living -rnnwi, bassmsatl bar, storeroom j peymg trade: ' eaaihla roe son for eelltnc raoulre a boat $1,200. Heaaa Laad Co, 1BH Flrat at. FOR 8ALB OB TRADB Rotet a barf. 108 mlVxa frees Partlead an Boothera Partflet a , modera a-ta-date beasa. aewly faralshedt aaa aoea enmmmeia' trad. Maleey. Bsbwy, Or. Addreaa Betel : WU1 Exchange ' A onxall gToi'ovy and bakery aa St. John earllnet rent with rooana, 17; valae $300. . Tba Coatlasatal Ca. FOR SALE Cigar etand at 101 Sixth t.i lease. . 1 , aaa ainca. aipviy is ximie-MueiMpr Co.. 220 Lamhar Cxehaaga bldg.. Portland, or Jeaenh R. WBaoa. admin la tra tar of a. tab mt Sem i W. Robmsoa. FOR BALE TWO-chatr barber eh op ta gaad BBcenaa, rnr gina. sent roe snop and 2 rooma la tb rear $10 par moath. Sale aa eeoaet of baring other bailees to attend ta. 42 Gllaaa at. . PARTNER for a risen cash grocery boat sees: mast ba aad aaralde rnatJbrt references; . aboat $800; need the manxnore tbaa tba money. Sea owner at Paint View, e St. Johns carllne. . BLACKSMITH - WANTED First -class opening roc gooa man; casaca re any a gnoo oaeiaeee; M oosaalllaB. Aedree Boa 180. Canua. Waah. . ....... STOCK . cemnesles tn ret par ted. If pea have tack er bends for sale, let at try ta ell them for yea. George If. Kellogg, broker. 840 Ellleott aqaara. Buffale, FOR RENT Best saying reatanraat tn the city; more Basin tka caa be adlea; net scoeeeda, 8400 par aasnth; new aad com part. Box 813. Vaaeeaver, Week. FOR SALS Half mtereat tn tb beat paying etnexiy ansa timasy ia rartiaaa, centra 11 r , located; large bnemaaa, thoroughly aub Uabad; prleo 82.800. L 1TB. Cera JoarnaL WOI IJ) like re meet party that nelly waits a bic rsrva or 17 acre; save eomathlat tbat n esievwsTingi swi, vnia a m. . Aa- g 174, care eoaraal. FOR SALB OR RENT Feed store and chop mill, aoiag a large Business, in lively town that haa bright future S. K.'No!. Klamath Fella, Or. FOR SALB Grecery ateck aad flxtoree. cleaa mora, goo ending Bad lease; neat town In Talley; aboat $8,800 ta baadl. - Address Bo, S. Katene. Or. FOR BENT Ua farnlshad lodglne-boaa. 110 rooms; also oea er u roouis. cau Hotel Oh ax, tM Front at. ' BICTCLB repair a hop, doing good haaln. very caeep. orrice pen even in re to 8. . . . A. BARRETT B, 407 Hawthorn ara. SATB KONST -Anything tn prrsthsg see Med- am. xaaa r sinews" naaa, ram ana eviaer eta. 1 asetslra. FOR SALB SmaTI 4etry. with oatftt. Place ta , rent 1 pace) etaeaere. Addxaa D 172. care aoarnai. . FOR SALB Carpet aleener, bast, lanrsst. most SB as ear m xae any; wui erssn m votes; aaan If takaa St aae. Addreaa B 174. care JoarnaL - . - I WANT a partner tn the- hatrber and roremls- ama rmetness; spienaio wcailoa. jnqatre a I 832 Third t. WANTED A rood all-areend ysan to tak ta- tereet ra real estate errice; expenenc not y. cau t H Btxtn at.. Bear x-ine. FOR SA I. Grocery dolag a Bice boslsese, est ' esst aid canine; II. goo or inrotoa. , call 834 Laloa venae, north. IP yo can Spar $4 per axonth for 10 tnnntb en a giit-enee inoueirwi proposition, call t North intra at. . DBUOSTORB far ssei: meat give my time te ether baelnaaa. : DT Everast. CoreaUaa, Or. FOR SALB OR TRADB Whole r bakf ratarast ta hotel. 138 roam. Cell 204H Froat et. $200 CASH Small grocery, lramg-roome; cheap rent, act quiet. Aooreea r lie, eournai. PIVB horsepswsr alactiie motor for sale. Apply ll a sex sata u oae aaat aaas. 6VEN saw fnrxdabed rooms, 80Si Pine at. P4O0; rent pao; can aaa trade witn owner. $280 PAYING wood work lag plant. Addr u ito, car son raak . . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE." ' $1,TS04WK)D T-room plaxterad heaaa, t block riawxaerna ava. anx owxiov; raax avi set air ket a few day only; term. .( v . 100x100. East 13th at., - block cvtln,' $8tW. term. '.'' W. . BAt CO, . ' 148 H Fourth t. ' " Franklin St Center 80100, ana. blork CUntoa Rally school and carllne, alee tnd high, haa tre light! cheapest rner tn tni ncinityi oniy sn; wwau W. J. DAY ft CO., 14SI4 Fourth7 t. TRRKB blocks fajaa Steal bridge, - 2SI Adam t nearly new modern n-mora noose ; si.-a borne; for sale cheap will air terma. Br owner, 332 Rosa at. A SNAP tn a few lota at 24th at., oa Wood Block car; thl la tn esiy walking dtanre; 43x118. $376 acb, 0 eaar payments. I. M. Cameron Realty Co., .411 Commercial blk. Second end Waabmgtea et. f HAW a food f -room modera kerne, corner -Int. Kaat t4th St.. 8 blocks. f Hawthorne are., $ block W-R Mr; $306 aaah. balaa4 easy. 248 Stark ex. ANOTHER BARGAIN 11 acra. awwtly emend, food boose and barn, fine anil, araat go cheep. Th Title ft Abstract Co, ma 4 - Mulkey bldg. Second aad Morrlaoa eta. . East ncrrlscn lOoalflo, just serosa bridge, ana nil at "sooif tot nOMMKBOIAL BLK. FOR SALE t. t or S rres ef rick level land . froatlng on 0. W. P. car line: good aprln of water. 28 minute' rid from Ik r1v. J 400 par sere. See owner si th (reuas, , C, rrcat, SUnlc Static. A I