The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 26, 1907, Page 17, Image 17

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en Start a
jet Cash y
Great Pom
ft Albemarle
Realm, and
.- Bel laving
ild be reprer
it the James-
nber of frult-
ln jiere una at
unvatt made
eady several
to contribute
IMs expected
with" popular
en It become
lough fruit to
nd forward It
s placed with
the eastern
uated near the
famous Alber
IB,, which has
upplled the
uaens of Ens-
River fruit-'
nd an exhibit
such' an ex
t. Jamea will
e to Virginia
to' the stand-
-,''. "' "- "
exhibits at
oula and the
leada orchard
Irtve- they can
:e offered or
it of the beat
111 be af rave.
lation to eastern frultmen and visitors
to The expoHltlon that will make them
alt up and tnke notice.
R. If. Weber, horticultural commis
sioner for thla district, h Interested
tlma4ijf In , the project and has ex
pressed bis willingness to give $25 In
money and 15 boxes of apples toward
helping It along. County Fruit In
spector Caatner will also contribute 26
boxen of hla finest fruit.
The Intention Is to have the exhibit
plact-d as an Oregon display, suppress
ing localism, and make It the best Jhat
can be procured. -
. ssaisasajsaaka
Astoria's Business Men Will Now
"' Establish New Boosting '
Y Instrumentalities.'
lilder Brace
Only Brae
lax Braces,
It of stoop-
lltary effect
en's. Olrls' '
UM Man s.
lenler sell '
hard. Clarke
Co. Third
faetvrera, '
' 'Special IHspateh to The Jmraal.) '
' Astoria, Or.. April IS. After a con
tinuous residence of 21 years In Its
present Bonjt- street headquarters the
chamber of commerce has chosen as a
new boms a suite of four rooms. on the
second floor, front of the Odd Fellows'
building, the handsome brick structure
at the corner of Commercial and Tenth
streets. The hew headquarters will be
furnished . la the most handsome style
and will be as commodious and well ap
pointed ss any occupied, by a commer
cial body anywhere In . the state of
The chamber will organise severs! new
features in Its permanent abode, among
which will be a reading-room In which
it is hoped to' have all of the news
papers of the stats and an exhibit of the
products for which Clatsop county is
famous. ' There will 'be shown fish, both
dorp sea and Columbia river, lumber and
timber products, dairy products - and
agricultural. It Is expected that the
new headquarters will be made a show
room of the city by the time Vloc
Presldent Fairbanks visits the city In
July on the occasion of the banquet to
be given in his honor by the chamber of
Under the new 'management of Mr.
Why to the chamber is. rapidly becoming
the clearing-house for Ideas, projects
and plans for the benefit of the whole
city, and the loyal support given by the
eltlsena asures that Astoria Is going to
make greater headway In the near fu
ture than ever before. Already inquiries
are pouring" in from all parts of the
state asking as to the possibilities and
probabilities of manufacturing and In
. dustrlsa. ., ,,, ;. ,' , ' ' ;
' 8peela! Dlapates ta The oaraaI.)
Brownsville, Or April 2. Mrs. Wil
liam "Washburn, ona of Brownsville's
most popular nd - prominent women,
died at a hospital at Portland Sunday
from the sffeota of an operation. Her
death' was unexpected. Mr. Washburn
was called- but did not arrive from
Brownsville In time to see her alive.
Mrs. Washburn was a member of the
Christian church.' This community
deeply mourns-her loss. ... '
FoorhouM Barns.
' flosrsat flcmlal garrlos.1
- Butt. April . 16.-Fire arly j this
morning destroyed the . Silver Bow
county poor house. ' All ' the jnmates
were receoVT- -V'"?- -r 1 ..' r " -
souiH.KOiiORS i.;Ef.:oRy
Memorial Day Services Are Held
in Cities All Over the
.. South. ,
(Joarnal Special Serrlee.) ..
Atlanta, Qa., April 26. Memorial day
wag celebrated today in Atlanta with an
elaborate parade to Oakland cemetery,
wheraNh oration of the day was de
livered by Hon. John T. Bolfoulllet of
Macon. A novel feature of the parade,
of which Captain Joseph F. Burke was
grand marshal,' was the participation of
hundreds of school children bearing red,
white and blue streamers."
Mobile, Ala., April St. Memorial day
was observed throughout Alabama to
day with the customary exercises. In
this city the principal feature was the
decoration of lbs graves of bath thi
confederate and federal dead who are
burled In Magnolia cemetery.
Jackson, Miss., April 2 All the
chief cities and towns of Mississippi
observed Memorial Hay today. In most
places the exercises were held under the
auspices of the Daughters of the Con
federacy In affiliation- wrh other- con
federate organisations. - Crosses of
honor were presented to many of the
veterans by the Daughters pf the- Con
federacy. .
An enjoyable afternoon's outing Is
on of our free tally-ho trip to Waver
lelgh, . Oo any day. AM we. ask, is to
let us know when you can go. 'H. W.
Lemck Company. Main 666. '-, r
" .:" ; . ' ';.
(Joaraal Special Serrfct.) ' : '
Butte, April la. Jerry Ma honey, the
defeated ' Democratic, candidate for
mayor, has begun a contest sgalnst
Mayor Corby, alleging fraud on the part
of the election Judaea.
'.. good rvDamiMT
Is the essential characteristic of men
and women. Invaluable to good busi
ness men and necessary to houaewtvea
A woman shows good Judgment when
she buys White's Cream Vermifuge for
ber baby. The beat worm medlslneever
offered to mothers. Many, Indeed, are
the sensible mothers who write express
ing their gratitude' for the good health
of their children, which they owe to the
use of White's Cream Vermifuge. Sold
by all drugsiata
cyMMfr Collars V
M . rnEa . rail garwtk. .
m .
, "thcv Doarr eases:
Hare-US OCOBWeyelet ead
CgO. . log cw Makers
i naok-l aamolMi'
bnttoaholes 11
to hold" llj
TBOT,a.T. (I ,
.( ill
n .
U m
fl - ri ri r
iFire Sg.:l
m ml m oe flu
FrOIIl Ptllll StrOill Tomorrow mght will wind iup the sale of the
; New York, April 24, 1907. .
Portland, Oregon,'
Bought $61,000 Bankrupt Stook at 31c
on the dollar. . Slash your prices to .
half . Want money and room. ' v
:''."'. . ;..-:-vr. v''.vv; PAUL STRAIN.
Fire, Smoke and Water
Damaged Gapds
; Of Lindenthal & Sons of Chicago
As a fitting clunax to the greatest sale ever held in
Portland we quote the following prices : . 1
$25.00 Suits :v'v ; f7 f
(Lindenthal's) ......V. . . ........... J) I . 1 p
$18.00 Suits fcC
(Lindenthal's) $0O0
$15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 Overcoats,
300 to choose from ... . .
$3.00 Hats, all styles and ' - 1 07
shades ...... . . .'. ...... ..... . . . ...... J) 1 LL
$3.50 and $3.75 American Hats, ' C 1 i
stiff and soft blocks, at ................ i UO
$5.00 and $6.00 John B. Stetson's" (IJ O P
IatS ........ ...'.......'..'..... e f
50c and 75c Neckwear, pure silk, reversible O n
Four-in-Hands . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ..... ..tdY C
$1.00 Underwear, ,
per suit ..... . . v . .Out
$1.50. Heavy Ribbed ', 07r
Underwear . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . ... ..Iv
$1.Q0 Men's -v-H ':':,J;-'V;f -V. A'Xn '
Shirts ....."..; . . ............. . . . .... . . ... rtO v
10c Socks, '. '.' ; .. f-: " , . ; ' ; " ' Art
all colors . .' ... ...... .... .... . . .... ... . . . ..TCw
$3.00 Vici Kid Shoes, Goodyear welt, . C? 1Q
extra well sewed ............ . . . . . ty k'mOs
$3.50 Regular Leading ' (J9 "1 C
brand . . ; . . ......... ... . . . $LOu
$4.50 arid $5.00 Shoes, box calf, vici kid, (P O O C
blucher cut, all styles . . ; . . ..... ;. ..... JJaW.OO
Third nrTn HT7 Vrk Third
si; isisna.i ssi.sanissij.11. JSWJHnmw.wrn.mui n i-r-i
Never have: the results' of the sale in "crowd-getting been equaled, because at no time in the history of Portland have the bargains been equaled. ; Who can sell
as low as we when the Roycroft stock was bought at 5c, 10c and 20c on the dollar? Ask those who have been here this week. If you come tomorrow come early.
Hoorchsd, Staged. Water and Saoka.
Bold OUaap Saoagh.
60a for all kinds and conditions of
Uress and Work Pants; damaged
of course. . -
95a for the Roycrofts 11.00 Dress
Pants, 'water damaged.
$1.45 for the Royorofts $8.60
. Dress . Pants, smoke and water
damaaTed. .. ,
ft.95 for the Roycrofts
Ureas Pants, fairly food shape.
92.50 for the - Roycrofts I5.K0
Dress Pants, good condition. .
93.95 for the Roycrofts' $7.B
v Dress Pants, la perfect condition.
' ' Were Tamous, Xrea la Searer.
18.000 Stetson, Hallo ry ft Sweet, "
SempstaTa ware tbelr leading brands.
Boxes soaked wit water and smell of
'saoka.' Mat saostly perfeoV
f 2. SO for' $5.00 Roycrofts, Stetsons,
all ahapes..: '"". , .
$1.85 for 14.00 Mallory's, all shapes.
91.35 for (3.00 Sweet,' Dempster's. '
95 for tl.iB SweeW Dempster's.
T9 tw 11.00 Sweet, Dempster's.
19 for tOo and 7So Men's and Boys
.. Capa
Hat stock was mostly In the original
packing cases as It cams from the fac
. tortes for spring trade.
oft Neckwear
A big lot more or less
f them only mussed nerer
fts sold thetn for pick them
Second lot a little better
ms to tell you bow high they
are is this sale at. lOa)
rs Thlat entire stock has
threa lata according te the qnal-
to iso damage tbougTt none
ired ennnah to amount to any
to II .00 9t. 194. 334
Only damage It the burnt boxes including vici kid, patent leather and box
calf, made in the very latest styles. From the world' most famous
- makers no better obtainable at any price. .
mOTcmorTr woTrxra
AJTO SXftO- ssoxs,
The very finest, viol kid, wits pateat
laatha tips, laoe and blacker sty last
and all taa Uta sty Us of keels) all
slaesj erery width. v
Women's $3.00 fine vlct kid Shoes and
: Oxfords,- lac and blucher cuts, all
mad on the latest lasts, flexible
' soles, all slsee and widths, pr. 91.98
Women's 11.15 dongola kid lacs Shoes,
with stocks and patsnt leather tips,
all slses .91.33
Misses' 11. 80 blucher cut taa donsola
. kid Shoes, slses 11 to 1......98
Children's 1110 rlcl .kid and patent
leather spring heel Shoes, stars I
to 1 69
Children's II. SO fine rid kid school and
dress Siioes, slsea Itt to l....9St
Men's ' 11. SO work Shoes, In laca and
congress styles, McKay sewed and
solid leather throughout $1.48
moTcmorr' wOMin
i.T5 oxtobds roa . .
Tbonsanits apoa tkoasaads of pair to
setlset from 1 soagola kid. opera aad
eommoB seasa heels, flexible sola aad
easy oa taa feet.
Men's 11 00 English welt lace and blu
cher cut Shoes, In vtel kid, patent
leather and box calf ....... .91.98
Boys' fl.50 beat quality of satin calf
. lace school 8 hoes, slses t to OH.
pair 91.29
Little Dents' tl.10 good quality of satin
calf lace school Bhoes, slses I to
11 98
Youths' fl.00 bst grade of satin calf
,. school Shoes, slses llto to 1..91. 18
5000 Suits & Overcoats
Spring's Tgewest aHylea, Damaged By
rire. Smoke aad Water Soma
Badly, Soma Wo at All.
si AP For 100 Suits and Over-
)1VO ; coats, scorched and singed.
CIO C'v For the Roycrofts new
dl.yO spring $10.00 to flS.00
Bulta and Overcoats, water and
moke damage only.
(7 ftp For Hart. Schsffner A
7faVO Marx.' Klrchbtakm and
other fine makes of the Roycrofts'
120 00 and 125.00 Suits and Over
coats, . smoke - snd water damage
lrt fl5 For finest silk mixtures In ths world's best
makes of Suits and Overcoat Every
fine make In this lot- of Roycrofts
beat 130.00 to 140.00 Suits and Over
coats. " "-.
xoTomorT a 0,000 xaTTzma
Spring Stock of Ladies'
Finest Wearing Apparel
Smoke aad Water Damaged -Sold for
..v oBg. ,
19V for badly damaged Waists, worth
Up to 12.50.
05 for 11.00 to 11.00 Waists, perfect
tn every respect. . Boxes burnt or
"smoke smell,' that's all. -
Sold by taa gaadreUe AP Cloths,
91.95 for a lot of 100 of th worst
damaged Skirt a, values up to 11.00.
92.85 fur 1 00 and $7.50 Skirts. In
.. nearly perfect condition; smok
smell is about all that's wrong with
91.4S for Roycrofts finest rn-ess
Skirts worth up to $15.90; outride of
ths boxes only were damaged. Ea
' caped with a drenching; the firemen
used ths chemicals only. . V
's Swell
Suit and Cloak
Kscaped with a drenching the firemen
used the chemicals only.
96.65 for hundreds of styles of Roy-
erotic 111.DU ana it.oo spring suits.
99.75 for Roycrofts' imported $25.00
to $11.50 London models; smoke only.
11.95 for Roycrofts' Paris models.
no two alike; suits fit tor the finest
, woman ' In . Portland. Th price
wouldn't pay ' for the trimming, on
. them.- j v, . ...
Coats, Long and Short,
Same as Suits Smoke
Damage Only
92.95 for Roycrofts' $5.00 to $10.00
spring Jackets snd Coate. , -94.95
for Roycrofta' Long Coal a In
all the new mixtures, $11.5 to $11-50
96.85 for Roycrofts' swetlest $15.00
and $17.50 spring Novelty Coata
Doscna of 'era, no two allk.
99.75 for Roycroft a exclualr model
In $20.00 to $17.6 superb spring
. Coata, all lengths, perfect In fit "
finish, man tailored.
912.50 takea the cholca of Roycroft'
finest $10.00 to $40.00 custom men-
'' tailored spring Coata Th Coata
' are good enough for Alice Rooaevelt.
Roycroft. Laundered Col
ored Dress Shirfs
Almost full and eompleta boxes,' Intend
ed aa Roycrofts leader for $1; perfect
- the boxes ar soiled by 1
"water Choice J J 0
Roycroft 50c, 75c, ?1 and
$1.25 Shirts
Soma of them stlshtly soiled by watr,
some of them slightly srrchd. tout
' not materially Injured; Manhattan,
Wilson Bros.. Monarohs
' colored and white Shirts, all T S
included. Choice ........... aWa
Roycroft $1.75 to?3 ShTts
Being . the ' finest . prcle. mailrns
cloths, etc.; coat styles, open baric
and front, cuffs-attached r
ouffa separate; not a s KCp
rlous blemish. Choice
oxzxabbbt's coats. -.:,
and 91.95. Worth '. 1 .'.'. .1
69, 99t. Wort ft S; t i '. :
X04 ?nT dozen W.t"r Mit r
damaged l'Uru' Wrapper., t I
$1.50 valur.
First and Salmorsts": ROKnPOl-T STQF