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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 3, 1CC7. PORCED AL ;vJr!iTl 7;;:,:,!. , : ; : T E RATI O NS I N . OUR : ST R E puts us-in a: peculiar predicament ' : 1 , 11 '. 11 . , . ...... , . . , , , , - f.. ., f-rA&il&t WE MUS UNLOAD BIG QUANTITIES OF THIS SEASON'S MOST STYLISH Suits, Topcoats H Shoes and Furnish THOUGH WE HAVE BOUGHT AND RECEIVED OUR ENTIRE LINE FOR SPRING, THE STOCK MUST BE RE DUCED. WE MUST ECONOMIZE ON SALESROOM SPACE OR ELSE WE NEVER COULD BE FORCED. TO QUOTE SUCH PRICES AS THESE: - -V .:'' .JJ -'O . ' '--.' ;: ,vr: : ; '"V MEN s u I' T S Looking back through all our past advertisements we find no such price-cutting as this and we are prepared to do three ordinary days business in one. It's an honest fact that in all the world no other store quotes such prices as prevail here during this . ;:--v "?,'"': r":i. v.' : v ;'-v ' .' '." : great alteration sale.!' : - .'''-.w .h - -l- .V'-' .. V Mn's $15.00 Suits New grays for men and young men, in plain effects and handsome plaids and stripes, Scotch worsteds and neat silk mixed worsteds, all wool blue serges and fine black Thibet sy in single and double breasted styles, ordinarily priced at $15.00, all go at $8.85. Men's 520.00 Suits These include the season's newest styles for men and young men. Made from the best wearing fabrics,' including Scotch tweeds and cheviots, handsome qualities of smooth finish worsteds, nobby patterns in 'gun dub' checks,' herringbone weaves, fancy mixtures and the' ever ready blue serges; also fine qualities of unfinished worsteds and Thibets In plain black. Hake -your selection for S11.85. V . V : vmi 1 . Included at this popular price are Clothes of such high repute as Black 4. Co, and Oarson-Meyer products, which have, long . since passed the experimental age. They possess that degree of perfection and gen eral tone of character -which every well . groomed man appreciates. - Embraced are Suits, Top Coats and Rain coats. We might expatiate at considerable length on the range " of patterns, but suffice it to say the variety Is Broad enough to suit the most critical taste. Men's $25.00 Suits at $14.85. Hen's $30.00 Suits ' The i kind that put a man on his best, ; appearance. ; These . are plain gray worsteds, light or dark shades, all stripes, checks and overplaids, blue and gray mixtures, blue serges, etc The i very newest and best that's made in all hand-tailored garments, , all go at flO.85. ) :y.r:. 0-'-' ' ): : y-'' S 7 ; ..... 1, f '...'.'; 'I ., Our alteration prices on Men's $3.00 Hats Fine stylish $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Men's Hats, in soft and stiff makes, , In all the, newest stylish ( colors, ' pearls, tans, ' blacks, A grays tele scope and pinch crown shapes; a style for ' every face. The great est Hat values ever of fered in Portland. All go at, choice, 115. ; MEN'S H Men's Hats are going to create an 'excitement that will tax the store's capacity. - Men's Finest Hats Worth up to $3.50 Go at $L85 That ; are absolutely without a peer for style and; . quality ; -. ' other stores ' show,, you , the same styles, qualities and colors at $3.00 and . $3.50. All go at 81.85 hi WHEN? WHERE? Have you ever seen such prices quoted on Men's Pants? These are the greatest values ever offered by this great store in all our 14 years of successful merchandising and value giving. ' : ,; : Men's Dress Pants, in new spring styles, with or without cuff bottoms, including all wool worsteds, blue and black cheviots and serges, neat stylish stripes., and QC checks; values up to $4.00, all go at lOD Men's fine worsted Pants, in 30 distinct patterns, the new peg top styles are also represented in this great 0 QC lot; values up to $5.00, all go at , 40 Men's imported English corduroy Pants, guaranteed not to rfai dark and light shades; worth up to. . . Men's finest Dress Pants, In the very' best, makes on the market today, fine check worsted, neat stripes," . AC blues, blacks, etc; values op to $6.00, all go at ..... $043 MEN'S FURNISHINGS Men's "Furnishings wQl be sold at the lowest prices of the will be offered at prices that must create wonderment among Men's new spring Golf Shirts, m madras and fine percales, light and dark colorings; the very newest pattern 'Tfl .effects; $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 values will go at. I 3C Men's latest spring' styte Shirts, in the finest and best makes on the market, including Star, Manhattan, Griffin and eur own special made to measure Shirts; $1.50 . . ' A to $2.00 values go at. Men's Blue Madras Work Shirts, collar attached;' OQ 75c values at .................OIC Men's tan Sateen Shirts, well made, full size; v regular $125 values go st .............. ............. .OOQ Men's fine silk stripe Balbriggan Underwear, spring 9Qr weight, all 'sizes; 75c values at ................. ..... JJC year for the time b short before alterations begin. All goods Men's genuine President Suspenders .... . i, ,"V. .85 mens genuine duu tog ouspenaers ................. .oe Men's fine lisle silk web Suspenders, light snd hesvy weight, wide and narrow webbing; regular 35c to 50c values at X&4 ; Men's regular 25c Suspenders . . . . . ... . . 16 Men's fine Neckwear, in new eolorings, Four-in-' ; 17 Hand and Teck styles; 35c to 50c values at ......... ;,1 1 C Men's Cotton Socks, in plain black snd tan and fancy n weaves in figures, plaids, tc; 15c to 25c values go at... UC 'Also hundreds of other good things in Men's Fine Fur nishings will be sacrificed to make room for the man with the hammer and the saw. - . " ' .. '" '1',' . :',-; T.-'' ! The Chicago's Great Alteration Sale of Men's Shoes will be a sale that is to make new bargain history ; a sale that hasn't a parallel . in modern- merchandising. We're going .toralter the front and .for the next few days Down, Down, Down go the prices on Footwear, ! and what we tell here is only the smallest part of the most intergst- ing things that will take place in our shoe' department. . ; ' v , '- 11 1 J - - ,V r " Men's $2.80 and $3.00 vici kid and box calf .English welt,' Ai Of lace and blucher style Shoes ,.".;.'.i.,!y.l,OJt ' Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes and Oxfords, made in the best' stock of vici kid patent leather, box and velour calf, all hand- aa; sewed and made on the nobbiest lasts y ........ ..!)170 Men's $3.50 to $Jf.OO extra quality fine bench made Shpes, in all the newest swing toe lasts, all the newest and best. leathers' np' included in this lot. Your choice for ........... ...... v..'ti)sjD . Men's finest quality hand-sewed Shoes,-the' finest and' best makes included in this great lot; patent colt, gunmetal calf and t0 QC 'other good leathers, in Oxford and blucher lasts at . ....t)COD Horse Shoes Over v : :. the Doors ' V iHt CnlCAGO G -71 Third Street Horse Shoes Over r r the:Dbors , ' 1 , 7 OLD GLORY WAS UPSIDE Dfll'fl Angry Veterans Protest to Post master Minto Because Flag V , Floated Wrong Side Up. t v Poatmaiitrr Mlntb was urprtil yum rrdny whm an old anldlcr walked into t-iu of Arc and demanded an ax plana t Ion f r Ui latrat Inault to tha American Mr, Mlnto vaa nonpluaaad and i-k-& to ha Informed. Ha did not hava to wait Ions- Tha old soldier, who da- rir1 aa a aort of preambla that ha 1 il fought throna-h avary battle, aklrm i i end ncement tha union forces t fit, from tha e tormina of Kort Bump i-r la tha surrender of General Le. td that tha fla on tha poitaffloe i"KMlng had been rataed "upalda iirUlnt a txhaat t suck aa ef frontery to Old Glory. Aa ha started for tha door bo was confronted by two mora veteran e who had come in to da rn and an apolorr. He stopped to ex plain. While ho was talklnr others (ami In. Finally ho had a room full Of angry veterans wanting to know tf tha flair whloh they had rouowea inrousn field and swamp, rain and shine, was to bo treated In a ehameful, Ineultlns Din ner . by a thourhtless, heedless youna feneratlon. - Mr. Mlnto said certainly not. Then have It righted," shouted the old soldiers In chorus. v , , . Br' this time the postmaster had sr- rlved .at the end of his explanations. Ha had told the men that It had been dona by soma one who . stood on his head while raisins the starry fold; had been pot upon the flag etaf f by a new employe who was not uaed to raining tha flag; that he would have ths mat ter attended to Immediately. The poatmaater tried to break Sway and have the matter righted, but still the old soldiers Inelated that the work had been done as gratuitous fnanlt to tha star and strlpea and that, although they were old in yaara, trtey con Id once mora ahoulder tha muaket and bayonet to lick the man who did the work. Mr. Mlnto Inalated that It was all a mistake and that If he be slven a fair chance he would Immediately order the necessary change made. ' The more he inatsted the angrier the veterans be came. Finally In desperation be ran to the elevator and told Electrician Miller to rlerht the Inault.' Miner went to the loft and pulled down the flag, reversed the order, ' snd Old Glory once more floated proudly In the bright Oregon sunshine with the Held of stars at the topmost pinnacle, : , ,r . ? FREE FOR WOMEN ONLY A Splendid Oook Seok fos Bvary Woman ' ' ;, ta ortlaad, .r:- . Find the Royal bakery ad on 'the market page, clip it and hang It on a hook In the kitchen. When you have collected the It pictorial ads of this ae- rles, return them to. any one of the Royal bakery establish menu, and - we will present you, absolutely free of ooet, a ' beautiful and practical cook book, containing recipes for the moat delicious bakery products, , also confectionery rectpee that you have never before had an opoprtunity to try. Royal Bakery Co., makers or famous "Table Queen" bread. ' " 1 ' Reserve seats now for free tally-he ride to Wavarlelgb. Mala 110. li W. Lemcks Company. . i . CONTINUOUS CONTRACT ' SrSTEH Of H16H1MS Year's Apportionment to Coun ties Under Act of Washing-.. ton's Last Legislature. ; ' (fliMdal Dlapatek The Joaraat) Olympla. Wuh, April J. Stats Highway Coramisstotier I. M. Snow has apportioned among the eoantlea ths ap propriation of f US.00S made by the last legislature" tor state road aid. Tha apportionment Is as follows: Adams, $3,124.10; Aaotln, $761.12; Benton. .11, 08 I; Chehalls, 1.I47.0; Chelan, $1, lg.4 Clallam, f12.1l; Clarke, tl. e.2; Columbia, $1,10.45; CowUts, 11, 400.0; , Douglas, t,06l.t0; Ferry, 4(t4; Franklin, 756.30; Garfield, $1, 0R.Ur Inland, ti(6.l; JelTeraon, 0.7Tr King, $41,410.1?; Kitsap, $l$9 77 Kittitas, S1.7I4 81; KllckttaU 1. 14t.4(; Lewis, 2,tlI74; Uncoln. $S, 406.4$; Mason, JU.0; r pkaaogan, V ' . . . . . $811.l; Pacinc, 11,100.64; Fierce. $11,- 701.71; Baa Juan, $101.10; Skagit, $1. 111.11; Skamania, 1241.18; Snohomish, 16,402.11; Spokane, $12,1.4S; Btavena, 11.760.41; Thuraton. $1.(8S.; Wahkia kum, 1271.16; Walla Walla, 16.12f.61; Whatoom. 14,216.16; Whitman, 17,161.11; Yakima, 11,721.61; total, 1116,000.00. ' The county commissioners must make application to the state highway board tar the money-thus apportioned to their respective counties before September 1. Under tha law each' county Is required to appropriate an amount equal to that given by the state, the entire amount to be expended on state roads for which the state made the appropriation. -. In addition, the leglalature appropri ated 1120.000 for state roads, which will be expended without calling on various counties. . v - Mor 1,000 miles of state roads are now projected, under a sort of con tinuous contract system. The svernge poet par mile Is estimated at about $1, 800. This., will provld funds for. the completion of 160 miles of road during the next two years, the next legislature being depended upon to make provision for continuous work through additional appropriations. ,: .' Who Is Metsgert He fits your eyes Go irTOur Free Tally-Ho to WAVERLEIGH Reserve your seats now, ' First -trip Saturday.; If IMJL- Mntinf rri trie'n f mir tnipt nnv rtUr .Aixr Main 550 r Sixth and Washington Streets i ii i i ii DR. RAFFETY FAVORS NEW BULL RUN CONDUIT ' esaltBasssiasaoss . 1 Dr. C H. Raffety of the" water 'board is very much In favor of a new con duit from Bull Run, and says that he considers that measure the caoat Im portant to be voted upon In June. With the tremendous growth and develop ment of this city, to which he looks for ward, the water system will be Inade quate unleaa this new pipe line is con structed within, ths. next two years. Dr. Raffety does not. favor dry mains for fire purposes, although ha strongly favors a new and swift fire boat He believes that when a new pipe line shall have been constructed from ths - Bull Run . river, - there will be enough water to supply adequate protection to the waterfront snd that mains should be laid In the waterfront districts for that purpose. He says without the con struotion of the new pips line dry mains become unnecessary, , , . ' Preferred Stoek Canned weeds. "Allen Lewis' Best Brand . r . m