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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
Till! ' OREGON DAILY JQURIIAE, PORTLAND, FRIDAY BVEIJTNO,' APRIL 3, Other Classified Ad vertisements will be found on pp.' 18-19. NEW TODAY. For Sale or Exchange For city realdenoa. property, a splendid J7-ecre fruit farm, emulating of about 1.000 .bearing treea, good S-roora house, running ' spring water piped to house. patent - water elowei,, eta.; good, saw barn with ' 4 Stalls, harness room, etc.! fruit-dryer: "Improvements all good;-. I ). acrea of land, good onion land, ' This property joins Allen Lewis' summer home, the Cerbett country horn and many fitter beautiful, places. On bour'a ride on O. H. et. M. or steamer; good ' roads to the city. . Hera Is an excep tional opportunity for party who wants BVUHr NUIU ' AUU1 WOW owner. 117 Timber Exchange Bldg. GENUINE BARGAIN . . Beautiful new home of T rooms, very modern, lot (0x120. In select Holladay Park district Easily worth. $1,000. Our price f-I.,350. i .,; .: '. ; ; our. list of homes. ' " ' '. - ; Commonwealth Trust Co. . KZTX . jUni AJTXZsTT. MARRIAGE LICENSES. - Hot Kins, li. end Cbriste Baebel Trasilo. IS. rul Logs Bead. 1M, aad Fearl tttafw . Aaguat Taobnxj One, XX aad Jesala Hay WSStCOtt S3, x , " . Jim Henry. 23 sad Bmt J. Debarf. tS. , Theodore Lent I. M. and srld slaaalla, to. - Waddtna Carats. W ' O. Smith' a, rv terms aids., eoraer roorth aad Waablngtoa ate. All kmde ef plants for sale at 411 Tinnnti ar. .prices reasonable. Phone Baat t370. t Tenauth A Co.- flnrlatm. foe flnwar. mt -H tied. 1 Clith ., . . Clark Bros., Florists rta flowera aad Ooral j designs. . 20 Morrison st- . rail draw (alls for tent, all aim, . Tsllorins Co.. eo Stark . Csloae ar.AB In this city. April SO, 100T, st S44 Leo avenue. Cams . Feeae, ated 19 rears, k . ruarral notice Uter. , FTJXERAL IfOTICES. a MK. MART O. BCHERMERHORM, wife of . Chartoe T. Brterwerhora, and tMMt daughter . el air. and hire, laaac Lew tee. funeral troai ' St Mary's cathedral, , Saturday ' maniac, a April ST. at t e'eloes. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED y shoot H -wits wbaal to ee- lier aad aaalat with stock: good place at ' rnd wagea fas Bright seat boy. fraley, 114 .Thirds ... ,, .... - ' WANTED Boya ever Id yean te work la ready ! factory.- Aides Candy Oe lotk aad OUean, HELP W AKTEP- FEMA LTC. r BEFINKD eaipkiyBMnt nr Intrlllmt leriy. is uuim inia m hv va , r. mi vie .wi. 4 and ft, rnea 24 Bn all bids., reertb aad iLADT tyarhart Snr Ktilanhnat CMmaa tnla.tnn Tark at, 'night eebeor from T:30 to e-.atk Apply 141-iitk St. earner Alder. WAIST sad skirt fuilabera. US lTth, Yamhill. , - SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. : WANTRD Carpnil'vr wert, -where 1 may. have a bou.e and plenty ef weed) want Bill work-, ' a any Steady -work Is preferable; "T yrars' eipariaaee. Addreea - Carpeaier. . 91 Best Morriaoa, rttf. TOK RENT HOt8ES.V AND T-raooi roMasee, with yarda, rood view, newly papered, farnlabed or nnrornlaberl. ea ' - wa side, in goAd nelshberbond; alae hoae-,,koplDS-rooma, 1.26 week each. Apply H44 ' North 24th at, W eara as Wta. turn soeth - half Meek. - FVRNISHED BOUSES. I HAW s fine e-nxxn bmua alcely rnrnlabed la . the ewtntry near ear Una. fie fare from Port- labia eoHnk , SAS Sti nwntha. CaU et roeea FOR SALE REAL Be ATE. BJCST say es Mt. Scott line; sew ledera how. Sniow, a urge rooms, eiecvie nirarae, enina eat a; too feet rrneinrt ft,TW, terau. aoaae anna inaoti. - . HEW awdeni a-rrtn cottage, alee anwwbnld geoda; Bust sell qnlck; rolnf east. 8&th aad Beat Morriaoa. Call 1084 Bast Morrises. PERSONAL. ins GtBSOM lives scalp treatment) Wt Morriaoa et., rona ca. ITOTANTS AND PALMISTS. inn nr.ATVR. ' The werM-renowB ' plairorm test mad Inn, nwaaaase; Sunday evenlns. W. O. W. hall, lltb at.) ' ntadlooM' rntaetlve aaancUtluu., 8. B. Saip, pnsldent Beautiful Souvenirs 1 Ja OREGON HARDWOODS. ' Plain and ornamental wood turning;. . ( LOUIS COUCKM AN . .tltt th St, near Salmon. ,. I YOUR FLOORS I I FOft I LESS THAN i I tea Square Foot I Orie gallon of Rogers i i Stainfloor Finish covers I : I 300 square feet, two i I coats, any 'color, & t nr i lat.a cost of; ,..qulo i Bklss,' "Care of neors," free, i Iteris, CRESS & CO. 1 j , The rains Store. 5 . S 148 nrs BV Telephone Mala BOBS X Do yon want a free tAIly-bo ride? v. Any sfternoon go with ns to Wsver ' Irish. RTve e-ats now. Main aol , IL W. Lctncks Company, mm of, 'co Age forces his co:;fessid:i John Shire at Butte on Verge of ; : Insanity Tells of Brutal V ' : Murder at Denver. : ; ' ' (fcaraal SpecUl Service.) : Butte.- Afoot. April It. Haunted nights-by thoughts of the man ha had murdered, until his mind could no longer stand the strain and ha feared be was going Insane, John Bhird last night confessed the murder of M orris Chaplin,- wealthy auctioneer of Denver,- In - Shire says ba saw 'Chaplin flash large roll of bills during gambling game and be followed him with the vowed purpoaa of killing and robbing bim. i i 'v - ' - Making his way Into Chaplin's home, Plil re says, 'he was discovered by Chap, lln's little daughter, -who alarmed 'her father, and as Chaplin advanced with a stool to fait hint ha fired, killing Chap lin Instantly. , , ,'',. ,, Bhlre several day ago presented him aelf at the county Jail asking -to b locked up, saying he was laboring un der the hallucination that a mob was following him. . Hs asked to bo placed in solitary confinement. ' ' . Shirs declares that the thud of the falling body of Chaplin still rings In his ears, aad hs rehearses the murder over and. over, battling away all sleep. .. , ,, RULE FOR PRIVATE BANK ". TAXING IN WASHINGTON -,' :-.,. -v .-, V . ' (Special Dltpateb te The Jeeraal.) OJympla."Wh,, April Ths ques tion of the gaseasmant of private banks has always been a troublesome -on In the state of Washington, and assessors have narer been able to agree upon a uniform system of gettlnc at the valu ation or this class of property., it has been the practice in the past for each county assessor . to use his own Judg ment, largely. In making returns on pri vate banks, and very little uniformity existed, -a Attorney-General J. D. Atkin son recently received a request from the assessor of Cbehalls oounty asking him to construe the revenue sots of 107 re garding assessment of private banks. The letter was transmitted to the state tax commission, wlth the request that that body make a ruling which, under the law, shall guide all county assessors la making assessments in the future. In a lengthy opinion,' the tax commis sion reaches the following conclusion: "We. ' therefore, conclude and instruct- that a private bank must be assessed upon an amount or valuation ; equal; to the general average of money uaed In the business, exclusive of deposits, dur ing the preceding rear as shown br Its dally or monthly balanoes. If the pri vate bank- er banker, refuses to make return to the assessor It Is than your duty to proceed to make an arbitrary assessment. using your best" Judgment to determine the amount to be assessed la. lieu of capital", j . ; , ', . , BATTLESHIPS OF WORLD; V (Continued from Face One.) of states.- The patriotic and historical societies were well represented, among them the Sons' of the American Revo lution, Daughters of the American Revolution, the Society of ' the Cincinnati'-' Society of Colonial 'Wars, United Confederate Veterans and Grand Army of the Republic. The cities of Norfolk, Portsmou.u and : Newport ' News, the mayors of which bad declared the day a public) holiday, sent thousands "Of .vis itors to the opening.- : Everything - being In . readiness, at 11: JO cclock the president and his party landed from the yacht Mayflower at the government pier and -were received with an artillery salutev- Flanked on either side by a line of troops, the'party were escorted to the speakers stand amid the cheers of a large crowd. Promptly at noon President Harry St. George Tucker of the exposition com pany arose, and announced the begin ning of the ceremonies, aad ths Rt Rev. Alfred Ma gill Randolph, bishop of the diocese of southern Virginia, Invoked the divine blesslns. : ,, .- Vasts) St feature ef the Xxerolses. Bishop Randolph concluded bis invo cation with the Lord's prayer, la which the audience Joined. The official expo sition hymn wss then sung by a grand chorus of S00 rolcea, assisted by the Washington Choral society. - Ths muslo of the hymn was written by Wllber Torce -Owst, of Boston, snd ths words were by W. A. Peg ram of Baltimore, Governor Swanson spoke briefly, ex tending to the people iof the United States aad to ths residents of countries abroad a cordial welcome to Virginia. President . Tucker, . as the chief ex. ecutive of the exposition, then delivered an address, at the ooncluslo of which he : Introduced . President . Roosevelt There was tremendous oheerlng for the , president when he rose -to speak. The president's address, which was of an historical sharactsr and one of his most successful efforts along that line. was listened to with close attention by the .vast multitude. The conclusion of ths president's speech was the signal for ths opening, of ths exposition. - All eyes were -fixed en the president as he touched ths golden key that set In mo tion1 the machinery ef the exnoaltlon. Simultaneously hundreds' of flags broke to the breese, and cannon roared their accompaniment to the strains of "Amer ica," played by ths massed bands. ' So loud was. tha uproar that the benediction closing the exercises wss -unheard. The great military parade which was designed to be distinctively; the show spectacle of the opening ceremonies was held - Immediately after the conclusion of the literary exercises, and It proved to be all that Its promoters could wish, and all that the regular army officers whs controlled It could hope for. The sight of the marching troops from -the point occupied by President Rooeeveft's reviewing stand was one long to be re memberecVv On the reviewing stand, be sides ths president ef the United States .and his cabinet, were- the diplomatic corps, officers and directors of the Jamestown Exposition company, mem bers of -congress, the -general assembly or Virginia, united- states and state commissioners to ths exposition, st eers of the various, historical societies and tba mayors and municipal officers of . ths eltlea . surrounding- - Hampton Roads. '. . -, FEDERAL RECLAMATION i TOWN TO INCORPORATE Rermlaton, Or.. April - Hermlston will be Incorporated and meetings are now being bold by the commercial club and ctUsens for this purpose. fThe city limits will Include - a tract one mile wtde and . two miles long. The town has more than the required number of Inhabitants and by the time the Incorporation- la brought, about there will be close to KAO people here. Everything Is moving along rapidly on all parts of the East Umatilla pro- CURABILITY OF BRIGlin DISEASE (By tba (dltar ef the Town sad Coon try Jenraal.) . , - PehrSVuJiallnr ff taoeu ue " -wwaasa a anaan-ns spun, 17W tW-rn-la UIanB CBtVHK Brisbt's UUeese to enrable, and thla to two t distinct reaeona: . rirst Medical works class It ss locnrsble mA -,-1 seeuod Those I save kaowa whe bad It bare died. i , Mnsola look with dl.tnut apoa all elalma ef allcgad apacUlca. ' , Paring By recent visit to Baa fraocUM ( heard the prealdant of the Pactfle States Type reuadry , claim that c areola Bri(ht'a Dtsaase was aow aa curable as la grippe. 1 said I would like s seUere It. . . , . He took ma Is hand. , The staUments ef hondreds were sahlblted te ma many were as marvelous tbat thtf bad beea eworn to and sealed by Botarms. v- : - I tbea manlteated a desire to sea some et toe parties tbcmaelvea. The recoveries have bees so someroon la Baa rraaelse tbat we M sot have te go four blocks la any ess o recttoo. - , . la five mlnntae mm t- k- - --- ens ef the best-knowa mercbaata in the elty. Baa bees In business ea the aama apot SI rears. Be said ba had aad both Brlshfs Disease and Du betas sad had been gives ap, bat bed iamiil.t.1. m-t w- many others whe bad recovered. 'Gave It aa his belief tbat elgbt-teaUia of all cases were carsble aader the new specific. " We Beit CSllcd OB ana ef f h. Ms -l r-i IfornU street Be aaid his sob was swollea with dropsy from Brlgbt'e Dlaeaae aad his death Was dsllv nmrba k- ... . u the treatment. Be Is aow as athlete. We called ea the editor or one of 8aa rtnn elsco a area! datiiea woo had a physlclaa test It oat In bla own (the pbyalclan s ease, the Utter bcinc a bopalees diabetic. la sis months se was w.U. Tne head ef another larse Inaar. snce company on Montgomery etreet was nest esfr4-be was In bed In Nevsmber last la a erltlcel . eondltloa due to ebronic Brlgbt's Dls. : , " . . , ' .w. aim vines sna eiao told ef a friend el bis whe wee in eoBTvlslons whan eat am h. . . ob the street. - We went te the office of an aa. supreme Judge and also tfrtr editor, both of. whom bad recovered. - . - -v ' w nnor. annoawn tnere were hundreds more to see, It was nsaleaa. If ' """"j ' -Jm ma ywtt Deal people BJ worth anything, the boots are wrong and cbranle Brlfht's Disease aad Diabetes, even In - - -- t.iT.ij cnraoie. staiee ought not to be permitted to ebaenre thla dis- M,r ,nJ I. ,K I . k .k . . tbla paper whose homes msy have one ef three bllgbta npoo It. I aow declare the tacts end will are that any of them seslring It may - i.ii ii t.i ,iui. ,h nsms ei ine cis eovery sbonld be suted. , It la kaowa aa Jul- toa'a rnmnnnM . . . .i .V w . V" 7 are nn OS BOW dlareUo, bet In view of the terrifle ennnal death lilt In the United States from Brlgbt's -7. w.vw. io iaci usg meoicsi ethlce prevent them from proclaiming the dis covery te the world, bemuse the forma la Is the personal property of Individuals, In this Instance practically amoonta to s public calam. Ity. Town ssd Conn try Journal. Baa Jess. OaL. July Bomber, I8O0. . " anyone having knowledge ef e eaas sf - - - ..uw-iva win anno ee tne name and addreea, we will see that Oiey are lnl Cnll M . - - - mi. . . , . - - -.. in hui. uua romarsniMS aiscovei y. ror-nnrars sne senoas kidney dieeeee get rnlton'e Kenal Componnd. 11.00. For Dtabetes, , tr um .laDetea vomponna, gl.ov. - Sens f free booklet, 'no. J". ITnltoa Cot, MIS Baa et SIW vbj, TPBISI IsfUfT- " SJBfS, .- ( ' For ule bf mil drartrivta. Tr.4 aapplled by Plaeba.UAeuln.uA T-.. . r. a. . I vHisa-vuiiBHW VIBI' VVaj '-.VeHUsBBsef fjnLI gists. Portland. Or. MILtT)N IS TO HAVE 5 ' HOTEL WORTHY OF TOWN (Special Dtapetch te The oeraal.) -Milton, Or April 16. It now looks ss If Milton would bars a new modern hotel, as some of the leading cltlsens are .subscribing' liberally for this pur pose. . A. M. Elam heads ths list, having sgreed to. take (l.oos of a took. . H. M. Cockburn comes next, with a subscrip tion of tl.OOO, -, snd It Is understood others have signified their IgUentlon to subscribe a like amount ' The Progress ive association has an aeUve committee at work., and as soon as a company Is Incorporated the site for the hotel, which will cost flO.000, will be selected. NORMAL'S PRESIDENT - - PLEADS FOR ITS LIFE ,' 'Special Dispatch te The Joaraal.) ' Astoria, Or.. April 16. The Clatsop county teachers', Institute, which .has been In session the Isst'three days, was to in Ten ixsrax& xxmxdmo Chicago - The stock purchasing movement of ths past week far exceeded all ' expectation, and made a record Immensely gratifying to those respon sible for ths greet enterprise which is of signal moment TO EVERT AMERICAN CITIZEN the building of ths Chicago-New Tork Eleotrla Air Une Railroad. -; . ... .... ..' '.. . Last Saturday marked 'the ninth advance) In the price of stock, and this latest Increase aroused greater and mors widespread Interest than any that has preceded It - There Is no sorer wsy of gauging the merit of stock than by ths demand for It. and It la a steady snd constantly In creasing demand alone which has forced the price of these shares from lit to 147 AN INCREASE) OF (I PER CENT IN VALUE since last August Tomorrow, the lTth, Is the last day that stock esa be par. chased at 147. Price advances Saturday, April 17th. Now Is the tlms te buy. ; " vy,' . - ' vv'J-V. -,v, .v-::;;'t;;:,: y.v:;,;: . . .. Southwestern Securities Co. WtSTtRN 300-301 TlirORD. CLOCK L Go in Our Free Tally-Ho to WAVERLE1GH Reserve your, seats now', First trip Saturday. If you cannot go then, be our guests Sunday or any other day. - H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY ; Main 550 t Sixth and Washington Streets - ; iaaw sew. . i'v- ': .- m tsS - ----! , . Carta AUr'- ' ,-'.' VixLT? :: , SBbWW-- drtlU YAW " . . . e. aa enABf " . mM.kJ -SA gST i BT SI " 1 siatBl B ,1 Asa. fT"" - aAII ".ill " aSB fBSl "en I . at addressed by President BL TX Ressler of Monmouth on "Pre Bent Problems in American Education." - He made a plea for the retention of the Monmouth Nor mal aad explained the Initiative peti tions. Hs also urged" the teaohers to attend the , convention of the National Education association at Los Angeles. John H. Whyte, secretary - of the chamber of commerce, addressed the in- stituts on the subject of "Sentiment" He impressed on the teachers the Im portance of building up an Astoria and Oregon sentiment The sentiment of our people becomes ths battle hymn of ths republic," . hs said. - "Its sentiment becomes ths glory or ths disgrace of a nation." -, '- , Hours graoossa iob BTATZOBTS ItOST rT.mon ACtNTS 1 a. V'r itole Jt-r'moJl 3T0raaa 1 tTwT ST f. ZxTJ ' . DON'T DO IT - Any person going about crying hard times panics tight moneydull markets, etc. is but depreciating the opportunities and'resources of Oregon, a most wonderful state, of unlimited wealth and natural advantages. ' , , ' v Remember, now, that element which follows these panic cranks and all around pessimists will in the next few years get badly left. The only kind of hard times coming are hard times to the eMl-doer. - .. ., - Why should the grandstand plays between grafter and reformer, walking, delegate and corporation. Wall street Bull and Bear, the big stick and the desirable or "undesirable" citi zen, the Thaw case or the Silver Thaw Telephone Company disturb the even tenor of the real people who till the soil, furnish the manufacturers articles which clothe and feed the real people of the real world? . . . .- ... . ; , 1 . , V Captains of honest industry work for motives beyond money consideration" and that SUCCESS. You will never hear this class of busy people crying hard times, knocking the country and its future, or trying to disturb prosperous conditions because of the personal : differences of a few. , : --.v. ' ' ' ... ' . v If you believe in your state' and elty and in yourself, do not be led astray by hard-times talk Be conservative, but combine it with enterprise. Live within your income and dare to " do right. Hard times or the devil himself cannot harm you if you are industrious and live in the state of Oregon. Make prudent investments, either in choice inside income real estate or well selected public utility bonds, which give you a steady income in good or bad times, and where your money is secured beyond any possibility of loss. .; . ' I recommend to the conservative investor Home Telephone Stock or Bonds. It is a public utility based on the wants of the people, and is a hard-times proposition absolutely; m good times it flourishes in hard times it thrives, because the harder the times the more the people are obliged to talk to make- money. The more you talk, the more you contribute to the earnings of a modern telephone plant 'Nm,. . i , ' fy .;' Invest your money at home, where you can see it grow. : :;, y y ' A'student of investments will never be led astray by anything some few may say. "Doubt make traitors of .us all, and oft we lose the good we might attain by fearing to attempt." 5 Lafayette Bldg. Although yon may have apparently perfect vision, youj may often wonder why your eyes tire; your heed aches wA .- Aa nte . nmr ami for Bieht. seeing or near work. Ton are frequent ly dtsxy ana nauseaiea. Did It ever scour to yon thst ths optlo muscles may be out of balanoa; that there la a strain en each eye, when yon endeavor to focus them at the same point t . If that has occurred to you. we will be pleased te talk It aU over with you. It la possible that you will not need glasses at all, possibly for few months only. ' ,r.!iiiiscll.OpUcal Co. XJk DESSA MTJN8EIX, Rafraettontat BUeleajr BaOdlsg-, rorUaad, Oregoa, snd o'ti.r drug habits are positively eared by 11 ABt I i.VA. tor sypodemiie or luieirT'M use, hample snt to any dmf kahltiM hf I maul. lani!r per bottle -" at yvnr a "irtri" ne mall hi plain vnfMti Pellet taemltal Is. SL Lewie. Tar by Skimese Brag Oa, U r iil St ftu4, Cnsuen .., ... r , ., . Your Eyes HOMB BONDS ni COFFEET rTEASPICES DAUinO P0VDHR :EXTRACTSr ausFfflGflr CLOSSnaDZVEItS rcnTUND. 0RE.r PORTLAND, OH. 7 - :-irw Free Baaakv Address Dene. s. LSwii.te. MSBiiemuT that cc:j t. ;z n r;i Uy GiaMIj"ae- i Rostcrc3 Cry IJcIr Youthful Cclcr. COo. ALL CrV?.z: 7:. r