The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 26, 1907, Image 14

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Tillamook Steamers Do Not
Bring Half Enough Supplies
" s forth Trade. .
Tcosy market fsatnre: ,....,,.,
t n.ue wart l acta wy ejneer.
. ' Wool market - Just holding. ,
v V-rr eoiet la nfcsir raarliet, ; - ,
Potatoes are lower U euala. t '". v" i-
" Ouloa market to lower aere. " : ...,
Ca ls asgelee cabbage arrlves.
, Ktrswberrls lower; butter flsallir. c
Creamery setter tu HUM ton.
Heavy egg cold storega operation. -
Kecelpta t hens Haprovlag. .
Kastrruers wst.t. next bops very ehesp. ,
' Aaparegue stomping Witt. heavy soppljv
Cherries will hoi be la. Ml.
' Halmon ren almost snot off. ,
Smelt Bar disappeared again. '.;
nr Actios ef Oh JUiket,
Generally this time ths season rbs
rteeae market to snowing nothing Sot weakneaa
In too, mad ta eoners,senoB prices sr generally
down. Thleyesr to as sxeeptloa to tbe gee
oral into, tor the trade doee no able Jo
(Ft the supplies It MHk) snd result tbs
prtcs to very firm aauaallr high for this
period Of tbe year. Tbs sxpeeted and SeUyed
sblptnsst from Tillamook, eonslsting ut 203
nuKM. was atore th.a suld before arrtwto tola
- mnornlns, ana as firm ao was eompellea w
bmak for Miar deUwry alinnat ur
a easa were recelnd se thla ahlpownt. To
' iwiii tnerefor Is arr nrsi, ana jooon-.
' r r holding Talnes as to th limit becao ttT
eaooot sec or aaors sappUea for soma tlBM. . ;
Orasmsry Butts I XUad. V
City ereaawrtea report that thy are well able
at thla Urn ts srU all the bnttr ttuy Bannfae
tors, aosM of thni saying that they bar sot
enough supplies to thetr trade. O th other
' hand, oauld ereasMTles are rery mark mixed
hi thetr views, soo of them saying that they
are wak ad aav pulled dowa their pries la
conseqneors, while other hare asked the fartory
to sand them but. In sny seent. atlll lowex
v Talnes would tx a natural eondlrJoa at thla ttms
of th year. Tuesday to th day for changes,
slmoa Xaa Almeat shut Off. -Baporta
reeeleed thla morning by Tha iomrnal
from th Columbia and wutometta rirer tlahlng
grounds ahowa that the raa of salmon, has boas
almost entirely abut off. Meratpts In ths fresh
fih markets of tMe city an amall la eoaa
quene. and ths senses of He s potwd mad
yeatarday la ehinooka to easily maintained. .
Ths raa of smelt seams to hw played awt
about aa faat aa It appeared, for as freah asp
phea hars aeeat reeelred daring the psst U
Cuned salmoa market Is gaining la firmness
on seeoont of ths reported Usht eabh sll over
the Psclftc coast. Colombia rteer prlcss not yet
peoed. but peckers generally believe that ths
lint printed by Ths Journal a week ago showing
' aa advance of about loc will be th so an
nounced. Wool Market la fast Holding.
'Bales of wool la both tha Willamette valley
and astsra Oregon sra reported during the psst
, few day at price 1 to Se s pound under ths
values ruling a year ago Twenty -on oenta la
now th ruling figure for valley grade, snd n
eaatera Oregon the price roles from Id to lse,
aet'ordlng to Quality and aand. Eaatern markete
are jather quiet, with little Interest dlaplayed
by ftanufscturers or buyers.
Mohair market to rather quiet, the only trans
actions being those of ths poo la. Little other
mohair 1 moving.
lireeeed meat markets continue very firm, -,
pectally for ths smaller sUea. , r
: rUt Wotss of the street. J ;';
. Potatoes are lower id ths south. On April
S arrivals were 14 ears eastern snd seves
rare Oregon: April 23. 18 cars eaatera and ala
care Oregon came In. Pries there rule between
. . $1.79 snd (2.2ft for Oregoa and 1.0 asd ll.a
for eaatera.
Eastern dealers are trying " bay bop eon
tracta at iOc, Inclndlng buyer's conimlMlom.
One eaatera firm wiitea: "Would boy a lot at
lik- f. o. b. care, including your commlasloa.
Muit be strictly enolcs Oregon, guarsntsed fro
from mold, not overripe, well matured, not first
ea arm's growth, cleanly picked and of good
cokir." Th dealer receiving K wa told by
- otbera to tram It aa a cariosity. . '
kr of Los Angeles cabbage la thla morning-
Prloa st 8140.
i Htrswherrles sr cheaper, with better sop.
piles. Quality tin.
Heavy storags operations la egg market.
Price oa street between 18 snd 19c
Hena are coding , slightly mors ' freely.
Prices stiff. . "
local eulons are weaker and lower at IS and Mew Tsaas stork st 6c.
TVads par th following prices to front
street. Prices paid ehlypess are lass regular
commlalsons: -- , ,
, , . Oram. IVar sad rsoa, '
CRAIlt BAGa Calcutta, 9o baying price;
selling, 10c
WHBAT CTnb. T8T4e; red BoaaUa. Taet
blneetem. T".jtT7e vslley, T8e.
COKN Wbul. IZSwi erssaoa. fMJOO par
,'BABLKT-rJw rd. 31.00a2S.M per ton)
. rolled. $J1 onM.OO; h raw lag, i2.00aa.00.
BVR 1.M pe ewt. . . . '
OATS New ProdoesrS' pries Mo. I white,
t?r anmjoo oer loa: gray. 1 60t2T.50.
H1 B K.eters Oregoa patents, 4.H)
stralghta, o.TS; sspoet, 83.8B; vslley, $.
a.KO; rrabam. , HM: whoto wheat, gS.7t;
rye, o, .! bales. gS.T. (
MILUTt Kr Brsn, , 1T.00 per toa arid-
dllngs, I'JA.UU; rnri, country, sv.av, city,
. ... rj.. l , 'it far
riAlf Producers price Tlmerby, svmaaietta
. valley, fancy. $14.0nl.00! ordinary, 12.00
: 14- eaatera Oreros. Ju.tK2l.0; mixed. Until
(; ck.ver, s.60J.00; grala, . 10. Ou;
cheat. 8.uo. .
fjattar. Ergs and Poultry,
BtTTTr!R gAT f. a. a. Portland Bwsst
cream, astte; soar, gne.
HirrTEU City erssmery. Bel seconds. UftXc
. 2ie; ootslds, fancy, lAQlSc; aeeooda. 2us;
sioee, lac,
rxitw Bstra fsncy, eandled. liOlBc.
HtKK Nsw Full cream, . flats, ldej
; Yoeng A merle, lie. ' - .
poiii ihy Mixed chickens. 14 He oer Pi
fsncy hsns. 16c per lb: mooters, old. . l!t!3
per On; OKI sraga, iiaii-a per io; irers.
M'S do.; broilers, saws oust out oocaa, 18a
14c per In.; spring d-'ka, 18c per lb.; gees 'i
'- nie mr Ih: torkers. 17c per lb for old; dressed.
fsncy. ri per lb; equana. 2.0s per do;
plgsoss, (1.00 per do. Iressed poultry 101H
per l Bigoer. - t
Hops, Wssl and Hides. .
HOPS 160 crop Prime to (choice, ftej ana
. dlom to prime, W3'c; auedlum, 6t6Vie; epe-
traeta. I0T eroo. toe.
Wool. IHW clip Talley, 21c; eaatera Ore
gon, Idtt'So.
. MOHAIR New ISM 2ffl2PUe."
BHBWNKINS Hbeaefng. Ifj eeebl abort
wool, iil'; rnedism wool, SOQiO aschl
long wool, 76cJ(I.OO cb
TALLOW Prime, per lb. IHSc; Ko, I asd
greew, fiifM. . , .
' (HiTTlhl BARK fade for car lots; small
tela. he.
HIDES fh-y, Ke. t, 14 lb snd ap, 1841
lSe per lb: dry kip. No. 1. 5 to IS ihs. loaitc,
dry ralf. No. 1. under ( lbs. 20c; salted aides.
ateera, aooad, 09 lbs and over. 9 loc; cow.
. te; stags and bull.. sound. tt j7c; kin.
Ih to (0 Ihs. ec; calf, aoand. under IS lis), lie:
grees. eoaalted. Is less; rulla. le per lb leee;
horao hldea, sailed, tain. (1 nO'rZ.OU: dry, escb,
1 iK"al M; colt hldea, 2.i goat skins,
, rumon, each. lOfa'oe: Angora, each, KocQ
tl.CU; sheep skins. Sacttfl.M.
gmits sad TagsUblss. , . -'
POTATOFh Buying rirs. eeetera Wolfe
uh and CI.ekamsa. Select. LVil.W)- sell
lug, fancy. i'rf2 l: ordinary, Inhblng, (I.WKtf
eaeh ro Oregon. (I glvHl.Xi; Mlnoe
a,,ta, (1 76 m 2."0; a e sets, lae par lb asw pots
tttea. r-'c per Ih.
o.N"lS JohMng priee-rNo. 1 Oreros, IS"0.
v. 2. I : I..'(fll.V; Texas. 5e tear lb: garlic.
f'u'M- per th.
l-'s: yancv 'flood Btver Prdtsenbera and
Yell, w Newtown, (2.M); fancy Willamette val
ley and e-n-hrrn Oregoa, (1.6oa2.uo; ardinsry
FKR.MI MI ITS Orange, new save I, 88 no tanrertoea, (1.26; bananae. ac pee tt;
i-i"e. Iil'tiim pr aoi: Hm. Mexican.
II per r-i-ieapniea 8 oxxaa no per oa:
f V fruit. (2.2S; atras-brrrlea, ( i -Pr cru
if ts b. nw. (
Vg..t i HI ra Tnrnlpa. new. Ocl aaea:
eer,.la. l.Vvtl OO per; heota, (I T see
sa-k; peran'i. 1 ! rllag. g."f'3.iS;
(r,, ai.itcan (1 ;r.ii: I In Mi. (4'a4.."p'i:
(u-iit.ltm, Sw.lll OA; ririos heese. i:e per !h
renCftoeree, 12.'.'1V1 d-t: pe. h"-V e;
...teia.1i.l he (K-r Ih; arlch'e. TVfl.ftO
pw sesimer ,iia.h... (100 peg box;
. i atuecriaa, io oou.110 per barrel j
- By Everting Fart-ell.
' Poultry of all aorta la alii! In
good demand and at record
prlrea. . We are of the opinion v.
.that hens are mora plentiful
than they have bean In aome
. weeks, but the price and de-
rnand la at 111 rood. , Fryere and '
brollere, where they will weigh ,
from 14 pounds to the doxen and -
up, are In very firm req,ueat.v
Butter la weaker and t lower ,
for all grades, and It Is ' likely
thjt bottom will b reached
In the near future., ;
Etli, are ' also weaker and
lower arid we do not look for
any upward movement for eome "
little time. .
Despite the fart that thla ia
spring, veal la atlll . rattier In
eeller'a favor, and fancy are not ;
arriving- In atiy too large quan-
tltlea. The aame la - true as to '
amall and medium fancy solid , I
dressed hogs. t . A ;
Hldea are weaker' and lower
for all grades, and we look for
Bo Immediate adrancea. . : 4
. - Potatoea seem weaker In oon- : a)
aequenoe of eastern and eaat- 1
ern , Waahlngton arrivals, and
oniona do not aeem to have any
too much strength at thla writ
ing, 't-.-'. ' :
,pM0 gfle,
rtahlrb v 'b; fTrn ,
Klorld, p,,,,,, par
1 p,r be)I. k,,.0f. 40r d.
espsrsgoa, taioc;
onioua. 130 oos;
- Ibi snhtsch. 1.2!l
CT box; bead lettoo. 4lc dos; bothonae, (2.0t)
a; ciicumbera, (1.502 00 dos; rsdlshes, l&c
oos ouncnea: egrpiaot. gne per in.
DRItl) H1 11. Apples, eraporated. H4
Te per lb; apricots. 1hViti20s psr lb: pesehes.
12-aiSVic per lb; aadra. He par lb lees: prases,
80 ts 40. otftftc; t,e drop oa oseh 1-10 smaller
alxe; figs. California black, tHe per lh
(allforela white. SffdHe per lb: dates, goldea,
I. 40 per bsx: farts, (1.40 nil. CO par 19-ls boa.
- Orooartss, Vsta, Xta. '' . ,
SPOAK California Hswstlas Oabe,
(.1X7 H; powdered. (5 62H; berry, (6 7; dry
Sarulsted. (.1.(2; Ktar, - (0.22 Hi coot. A,
.42; sxtra B. (4.22 H; goldea C, (4 T2V41
l yellow. (462H; beet granulated, (5.22U.
Weeteru Cubs. (3.07: powdered. (6.62 m
dry granulated. (&.22W: P. C. ?(6 22V; St.
Frsocla, (S.22H; confectioners A, (i.l2Vsi
extra a (4.H21,: goldea O, (4.T3H; D yellow,
J4.62H; beat granulated, (5.2a-; bsrrsls, 10c;
alf bsrrsls, 23c j aossa, 60c advaneo aa sack
bast. .
(Above prices are (0 days as, aaab esu
doos.l ... ,
HONBT MOO psr crate.
COPriEB I'ackags breeds. (lHWtJn -
8ALT Coerse Half pouad. lOOs, (11.00 per
ton; , (ll table, dairy. BOc. (I5.lj; 10ns.
114 7,1; balsa, (2.00; Imported Uvarnetil, hoc,
(lh.00; lUUa, (17 00: 224a. (Ift.OO; eilra fine,
bole, ta. As snd 10a. (s.oOS.BO! Uvernool
mmp rock, (20.60 psr toa; 60-lb. rock, (11. Oil;
lous, (10.60.
lAbevs nrtcsar aoolv na sales eg leas ' vhas
ear khs, ut
lota at special prices subject t
BIC Imperial anas. He. t, 6et He. 11
c; asw uriosaa, seed, to; AJaa, be; urssts.
BKAN8 gaiall ' white, (ft at); " hrge whits.
(3.25; pink, (a 26; bayoa. (a. 76 1 Lima a, ee;
slexlean red a, 4c
NUTS Peanuts, Jumhs. (He psr nr b
gtnls. 7 Vic per lb; moated, lUo psr lb; lap.
seas, ra5Hc; routed. 7XTHe per lb: eooos
sots, B&tOe par dos; walnsts, Csllforals. toe
per lb; rrench, 15c pet lb; pin nuts. 144tlOe
per lb; hickory ants, IOc pe n: cheetsets,
eastern. 16Q1 per lb; Brsxtl sots, ic per
lb; fllherU. lee per lb; fsacy paeans, 18020c;
suaonds.. lU21VtO. . , , ... .
- stoat, risk and rravtoleaa,
PBRSa HEAT Proof Btrsst Hogs, faney.
8Vj'Sc per lb; veal, extra, SQHHc pw lb;
orlluary. THr per lb: poor. Ac per lb; mut
ton, fancy, etftBc per lb; spring lambe, 12J,lc,
wito peue, per in.
HAM.l. Bac'ON. ETC Portland sack ilnesit
hems. 10 t 12 lbs. Idle per lb: 14 to 18 lbs.
loc psr in; it to m ins. loc psr lb; nrsskfset
bacon. lHa2'Vje per Ibi plmlca, lae per ih;
cottage rou. 12c per lb; resnlar short ctoaVs,
ansmoked, 12c per lb; smoked, I He per lb;
clear hacks, ana looked, 12c; etnoked, lae ae
lb; rjotoo butts, 10 to IS (ha. eaeswked, e
per lb; smoked. 8c per lb; clear bellies, aa
smoked, 12HO per lb; smoked. IS He per lb;
ebonldere. 12c per lb: pickled toaroea, 80e eaeh.
LOCAL LABO Kettle leaf. 10a. KM per
lb; As, 1SS per lb; 60-tb this, ltfce psr 'hi
teem rendered, lue, 1214a per lb 8s, 12
per lb; compound. 10s, Ve psr lb.
CANNBD BALelON Colombia rtver. l-tb
tills. (1.80; l ib tails, (2.7ft; fsacy l ib flats.
(I AO; H-lb fsacy flats, (1.18: fsncy l-tb ovals.
(2.79: Alsaka tolls, pink, 860as red. $1.60;
nominal. 2s. tall, (2.00.
yi.HH Bock ood. 7e per lb; floender, e per
lb; halibut. H psr lb; era be. (LOOlaO per
dos; atriped baaa. 12c lb: cetflab, IOc Ih: aaU
asoa. fresh Oolumbls chtoook, He per lb;
steelbeada, Be per lb: herring, so psr D; sole,
Se per lb; sbrlmos, 10c psr lb; perch, Se per
lb; Mack rod. 7w psr Ibi totseod, "e psr lb
lobsters, loc per (b; fresh mackerel, 8c psr
lb; crawfish. 200 per dos; stargsoa, 10 psr
lb; black bass. 9oe per Ibi Columbia river
smelt, e per lb; ahad. 8c.
OVSTBBS Bhoalwate bar. per gaDoa.' (2 SO;
per 100-lb sack. ' (4 AO; Olympls. psr gatlsa,
(X2S; per 116-tb ssck. - &MatMt Bagla.
canned, lue eaa, (7.00 doe.
CLAM HardabeU. per bst (I.eOt raser
elama, (2-00 per box. 11 par do. ,; .
. Valat, Oaal 00. Stay v.vW.
ROPB Pore MaaUa, Ufiei staadard. II Vs)
aiaal, lie. '
COAL orL Peart or Astra! Cases, 18H ear
gal; water whits, Irsa bbla, 14o par gal;
wooden. I7e pel gal; headlight. 170 deg, ssss.
tl He per gal. -
V OABOUb'B 88 ., sasas. 24 Ho per gall!
Iron bhls, le psr gaL . .
BENZINE 68 dag.eaaea, He par gall Irse
bbla. 1SH per 1. ' I
TCRPENT INK la taata. tee per gal; wssdaa
bbla, Hc per gsL
WHITB7 LEAD Tea lots, te per Dm (00-Ik
lota, be per lb; lass lots, 8H per lb. . .
. WIBR NAII.8 Prsssat easts st 82.80. - '
LINSEED OIL Par raw. Is 8-bbl lota, Ittei
1-bM lots, (So; cases, (8e per gal; geanlae Set-
BfiBP Ull rsrs raw, IB n-Doa ton, rxjei
nta, (So; cases, (8c per gal; geanlae Set
led, caaas. Que par gal; 8-bbl lots, 841
lots, 8ae per gal; grooad caka, ear Iota,
par toa leas thaa car lota, 80.08 pat
d-bnl lots.
, ,!'' '-;-i ii i I I ; f tw:
Aaaoclatpd OH, Potlcte' Bnd Happj
V .;;" . Df Blake GaJn. VvvVV,
Aaaoetared . Oil teat 25 CO the bid. bltt
gained thst murk on a sal today. Fotlrl ad
vanced He. and Waahoogal Extenaloa 4c la
tbe Coear d'Alene list Bullion lost He, Cop
ner Kins. He. while Happy Day gained "4C.
ales: Two tbonsand Potlcle at IWe; 8.000
same at ISHcH 10 Aaaoclated Oil at 42 Vic;
S,o)0 Washougai sxteaaiea at se,
. Official . prlcss: ,
' .- . '' Bid.
Bank of CaMfnenla............ (MIOO
Bankera A Ivumbermea'...... 108.00.
Merchants' National........ ... 180.00, I1T8.00
PsrtUnd Trust Ravings., ....
Portland Trust Co. ... ........ V120.00
Lnlted Statea Tvatlonal JOO.OO
American Biscuit Co. 8s....... 88.90
City ft Suburban 4s. ............
Home Telephone As.............
0. B. K. By. 4s... ,
0. w. P, 4k By. as loo.oo -
Parlfle Coaet Blscnlt 8......,. , P8.A0 :
Portland By. 8s... n., , r
Associated Oil . ........ ...... 42.00 '
Home Telephone i (ft 60
P2 00
' 87 .80
" loo.oo
, 88.60
; 42 00
i. O. Le Co 12.60
Pscine Jttstes leiepnooe.,,..., , .
Paget Bousd Teler'booe. ......... "
MI-4I50 BTOCX8. s-, .
Lskevlew '...;....., ...... , , .JT
Manhattan Crown Point... .. ' .it
Police Mining .J014 .
Wssbougsl Extensloa ,u .28
CLI-mtD tTOCKa. '
Tstmlna Bsy Telephone.....,
Orexoo City Mill 4k Lumbar.. ..r ( n
Ala.ka ertroieum .18 ' .IT
Brltlah coiumDia amalgamate. ,(.314
Caaradla .20
Mammoth ............e..... , .10 '
Mitrplur ..... . o-. ............. .flXIA
iaudnrd Ooaolldatsd... ......... ,J
T scorn Btrel
, ; C0EL B D'ALEM. - "
ropier King
o K. I oneoUdated.
Haptr lay
.04 U .Od
.04 ( .".IH
Prices Still Advancing -Local
Value Half - Cent Over Year
- Ago Moves Up.
. Jooraal Bpaelal Berrtee.
8t loula. AprU "Further
damage to tbe wheat -and other
grain eropa of the southwest la
shown by today' a report of
llodern Miller. . " .
. ... . ... -
, April 2 April M. "-Cain. 108.
May .., f .TKT4.B I -01 .7
July. .X1 .81, ,01i ,..T'
September ., .H8 ,8!H4 .Oltt ,T8
December .861" Mfi '
There 1 practically so bop of lower prices
hi the grab) bag market this season, A very
abort crop all over th eoaat would he all that
would have a drop. Today'a price In larva
lots la tbla city la Pe, which la aa advance ef
over th value ruling at this time a year
ago. Bag manufacturers say that If they were
to pay present prices ruling st Calcutta the
pries here would be about He higher thaa at
Local waeat marter is very nrm nut an
ehanged at yestsrdsy's rise of le Floor I
firmer and both local and export values shew
aa advancing tendency.,
A bull crop report by Modem Miner, the
American milling authority, was th cans of
a vary aharp rise la Chicago and Liverpool.
Chicago closed le to 2c up with the Urgent
gains la ths deferred eptlosa. Liverpool closed
d to t higher, . ,
emchtl eaiotatlona by Over beck, Starr Y
Cook company;
.' WHEAT.' . .
' ' ; Open. Htgb,
Mav 791, ,
July .......... ' 814 - KKN
ISeptwibsr .... 83 S 8A
December ..... 86V, MV
V'.- ' CORK,
May .......... dOte , MH
July , 80
September ....-(O-i 0
.. OATS. ,
1 1 H
. Ml
Maty eea e. -'"t
July ........... 41 S
aeptstabs W
44 H 44U
42t - 411 - ,
8nH W i-
. ; MES8 POBK.
May 1IW 15TB
July ......... .1688 1U02 ,
Septembar ....ltllO 1810
, - LARD. m
May ,,....., 880 , 8e5T
July , 878 : (Vte ,
September 8M8 ' 8VT ,
18WI '
1810 '
880 .
,' aaTB
8X2 ...
' SOS ; .
- :'i
88 '
I May .......... 8V , 8RT ,
r I ATal . aTBT
syui -. a i u -W
oepteaabar .... Bod 881 .'
xjTzxYOfa ORArar bUXHET
Lher pool, April 2d. Official price:
; .-..' WHEAT.
. t . Open. . . Oloss.
Msy ',......; Ad es gsad
July , 8 4d 8a h-njd
- 1. :-- CORN. ' -
May ........ da Td 4a THd
July 4s 84d 4s 8ad
AprU 2R. Oafs.
Aa Hd . Hd
4s THd
4s (Hd
Chicago .. ..)
DuluU ....
... 80 I St. Louis ..,... TS
. ftg N.w. Tork ii... 80 H
... 82 14BI Liverpool .... 8s 6d
Bid Price Current Today oa the San
". Francisco Exchange.'' C
Baa rraninco, Xpri t.officlal bid prices:
Bandrtorai. tsV, Bed Top, (4; Mohawk, (Id;
Columbia ML. (1: Jumbo. 84: Jumbo Ext..
(2.50; Vernal. 27a; Pennsylvania, 2c; Gold
field K. Co.. (1.60; Kendall, ftoc; Booth, 80c:
Blue Bull, doc: Adams. 21c: Silver Pick. (1.26:
Msy Oueea, 28cA; Nev. Boy, 17c; B. B. Ext.,
14c; Blue Bell. 28c; Dlxto, 12c; O. Columbia,
7ftc; Illbernls, 14c; Ht. free. ' tl.80; Con.
Saeror, 21c; Blk. Bock, 8c; Lone bur, 83c:
. Wonder, Ac A; Potlatrh, 80cA; Oro, die;
Kendall Bit,, 6c A; Bandat. Ext.. Pe; Mays.
14c; Atlanta, 77c; Great Bend. (1.67H; Em
pire. 90e: Bed Top Ext., 60c; rioreaco, (6.75;
Dlam'f B. B. Con, 4Sc; O. Delay, (2.80;
Commonwealth, hue A I Comb. Trac.. (8; Or.
Bend Ext.. 2Ac: Or. Bend Anx.. 22c: Mlll-
atorm, 16c A I B. B. Bona nee, 12c A; Kewanoe,
8I.40; Portland, B7c; Cracker Jack, se;
l-rancla Mohawk, (1.40: Bed Hill, 6c; Mo
hawk Ext., 83c: Loa DUloa. lde; Orsadraa,
2dc; B. Pick Ext.. ; y. Boss. 12c: Col.
l Bit., So; , taoldt. Ctons., (S.23; Ska'l
xrisngia, ears. , .,-. , -
' C0M8T0CK. " . "- '..
vnpir, x.soa; 1
Carry, 88c; Cos. v
Ssvsgs, Be; Hale
low Jacket, 66c; 1
Ohplr,' (2.49A; Mxlc, POeAt Oottld A
Virginia, (1; Savage, 91c;
a porcrnas, 7cA; Tsl
Belcher. 60c: Slrrrs Hsv-
81c; Excbeouer, 88c; Uslon, 61c. ' .
Orlrlnal. 19c: Bnllf. M. C. Mc- um.
Bnllf., Ac; Nsi Bsnk, 8cA: U- Harrla, 4c;
Amethyst, 44c; Gold Bar, (1.05 A: Btelnway,
IftcA; uenver Bur. Anx., 10c; Bonnie Clare,
43c; MayfL Cone.. RSc- Monty. Ohio Ext.. 12ci
O. Scepter, tlcA; Monty. Mt 20c: B. Delay,
18eA: Hemeatake Con.. (1.16: Yankee GlrL
Be; Nugget, c: Tramp Cotia., 1A: Victor,
IScA; piisner, 80cA Morth Bur, Ac A; Midas,
eOcAj Sunset, 10. . , .
V '-' TOHOPAH. "
Ton. Her... tOrA: Mont. Tm. 8S.BO "' Ton.
Ext.. 82.8SA: klacyamara. 4Tc: Midway. 11 .60:
Too. Belmont, (4 29; Ton. No. Bur, 87c Ohio
jno., c; west r-no unn.,; tteacna, 17c;
Ton. A Calif., LUc; Golden Anchor. 5c: Jim
Butler. (1.22H: Ton, Caah Boy. lie: Ton.
Homo, Pet. Boat.- Too., lie; Monarch Pitts.
Ex., 18cA; Mont. Hid. Ext. IOc; , Goldea
Orowa, 14c; N. X. Too. Coua., lOcA.
Manh. Cooa.. SOCAj Maah. M. Co.. 11c: O.
Wedge, lOet Beyler Hump, Be; Dexter, 20c A;
L, Joe. Set Yea rent. Set .- Comblnstlna. Ac:
Oraany, 22c; Mnatang. 24c; Llttla Grey, 23c;
Cowboy, 4c; Ortg. Manh., 19c; Broncho, 14c;
Jump. Jack, 20cA: Ptnenat, 1; Buffalo, Ac;
a. Dog, 20c; y. Horse, 7c; Indtsn Camp, lie.
" Pair. Bllver King, BIc; Falrv. Eagle, 80e;
Hevada- Hills, 84.86; Plttahnrg Bllver Peak, (2;
Ho. Star Wonder, 101 Eagle's A sat, 82c A:
Alice of Woxaler, 10c. J , . '
,imr tor-c coTTQw Am.J. ;,-
Kcw lark, April 2d. Oottoa futnres:
..' .- ; 1 ' " April-
: Open. High., Low.- " 2d. 29.
January ......1028 : lu&g 101 load 10.12
-. . ... . 1041 I0J17
... ' .... , 1048 1049
... . .. ns ' (
091 s (77 pas ' r8
; , UNA
tT 8s pM (Hi
tme) PH8 v 004. 07
008 ' PHJ , 003 pun
1014 1004 ino j . jott)
.-v ... 1018 ' 1012
1022 1011 1020 101T
March ..
AprU ,.,
July .......
August . . .
September ,
October .,,
December .
.... Pol
1 1
' Liverpool Oottoa Lswsr. -. ''.
Liverpool. April 29. Cot too (urn re dosed
quiet and ateady, t to i, point hvwer. .
Clesrwirs today
.(1,000,73 rr
. hl,7a2e
d yssr sgo..
Gafa today ...
.( (10.032.00
. , 08.8O8.17
Balances today
do year ago...
Hew Tork, April 20. Government beads:
Date. Bid. Aak.
Twos, registered i"s JiH
do eoapoo.... HoJi 104
Three, rex I a tared 1! jov
d coupon 18VS 10Hv
104 H
104 H
i.n i
Threes, small bonds lo2H
Konrs, registered. .......... u-.-o izvk
do coupon i2S ,'tOie
fonra. registered, old... 101 u
do coupon. . 1 ....,....... ...,' loi4
Pours, Philippines liKO
Twos, Panama .... lMl
Potato Market Continues to Hold Well Here
Despite Weakness and Lower 'Frisco Values
But Little Eastern Is Moving Here Now
id sheep nun
Few More Head Coming Into
Yards-No Hogs Arrived All
Lines Are Holding Strength.
Portland t 11 loa Stockyards. April 2d. Uvs-
stock receipts- , .
' Hoea. . Cattle. Sbee.
Today v 2 219
Week ago ,1 ,.,-, JOB ; - . 2 ' T0
Year sgo ,, ... "... 778
Previous year 808 16 1 440
Titers to sgsln a slight Improvement la the
ran of sheep to th yard, but th total arrtvala
are atlll very light. Today's rua of, aheep
totaled 218 bead aa against 278 bead for tha
satue day a yssr ago snd 440 bssd tbs ssms
day lu luoe. Only a few bead of a lies red aheep
have thaa far been reeelred In the local market,
the continuance of cool weather op to the paat
week making shearing ratner difficult snd
costly In Us nutter of lusses. Ths weather
to now fsvorabls to ahearlng and operation are
general la the Inland Emplr. .
Th sheen market retain a very firm too
with the former high value continued. A year
ago today abeep were weaker but unchanged.
Hogs remain acarre, the Improvement la th
rua one tlay being followed the Best 24 hours
bv mete. Tbe market remain firm with valuea
atlU hovering around th top. A year ago today
ao hogs arrived snd tue mars at wss firm.
Csttl sr sgsla alow ta coming, rang a toff
not being ready for shipment. Market hohia
well at former riguraa- A year ago.ionsy, am
tliough no eattl arrived, the. market waa
weeker. :, 1 . -
Official livestock prices! -
Hogs Best eastern Oregoa, (7.28; atocker
aad feeders. (7.00; Cbbia fats, 87.00.
Cattto Best aetera rgoa eteers, ao-oucj
826: beet cows snd bellJsre. (4.00kt4.2B; atoca-
era and feeders, 84.0Ofa4.2; bulla, (190. '
Bbeep Ailgsd. 54H; laatoa, Itett"-
All lAxrmtock 18 FItto la Ctilcao,
Kansaa City and Omaha, f V
Chicago, April 8 Llveetoch receipts:
Hoea. , Cattla. Bbeep.
Chicago v ..,.........l.0i8 ' 1.60O 16.000
Kanaaa City ........... 8,000 : 2.000 : 8.0"0
Ouiaba 8.600 2.A0O 2.0UO
Hoga are ateady with 4. wo ten over, ue
celpta a rear-ago Were 17,000. Prlcss: Mixed,
(6.8339.57; good and heavy, M.461.AS; rough,
.8te.40; light, (8.8Osi8.80., ... v.
vattie eorong. t .
Bliaap 1 Btiein ;: ' . - ' ' 'n V,
Trading Is Small Volnmej With Val-
'.'''. ;''-'V' tirs on Down Grade. . -
The Hew Tork stock market was very lose.
tlvs today. Of the entire list only L'nloa Ps
clfle and Beading war abowlng much of -e
move mast. There was only fair trading ta
Amalgamated Copper aad th Hill fctsose. Tbs
market was . dragging, with prloa generally
down. ' - '.".:.-. ' ...'.. , '
Official anotattoaa
by Over beck, Btarr -
Cooke Co.;
Amalgamated Cooper Co. 041 84
American C. A If., com..! 871 8714
ao preierrea
American Cotton Oil, com
. Americsa i. com.......
American Sugar, com...
American 14 melt., com..
do preferred ........
Anaconda Mining Co...
American WOoiea, com.
Atchison, com,.
Atchison, com..
' do preferred. .........
Baltimore A Ohio, com.
do ore f erred
12s H
lONVi lllSH i-
Brooktye Bapld Transit.
Canadian Pari fie, com..
00 H
uentrai leather, com...
do preferred
Chicago A G. W., com..
C. hi. A St. P
Chicago A N. W.. com. .
Chess peeks A Ohio
Colorado V. 4k I., com...
Colorado 8., com ,,,
oo 2d preferred .......
An Id nmCwM
Delsware A Hodaon....
Denver A Rio fcL, com..
do Dreferred. 7. .......
Erie, com
do 2d preferred.,..,.
do let preferred......
Illinois Central
Louiavllls A Naabviils..
120 120 lllS-4
Msnhstua Hallway ....
Maxlcsa Central By....
at., k. a t.. com
do Dec f erred
Great Northern ......
Mlssonrl rselfl .......
National Lead
New York Central
N. T.. Ont. A W eaters.
Norfolk A West., com..
do preferred.....,..,.,
North Americas .......
Northern Psdfle. com..
Pacific Mall 8. 8. Co...
Pennsylvania Railway. . ,
Pressed Steel Car, com..
do praf erred.
Reading, com ..v.
do 2d preferred..,
do 1st preferred
Rep. Iroa A HtssL com..
do preferred. ....
Rock lautnd, com.......
do preferred
St. L. A 8. r., 2d pfd..
do 1st preferred
Southern Pari f 10, com..
do preferred.
Soother By., com......
do preferred..,..,,..,
Texas A Psclflc........
Tol., St. L. A W com,.;
do preferred.
Cnraa Pactflc, eom.....
do preferred.....,,...
U. 8. Bnbber, com
do preferred..........
118 ,
118 i
a 41!
TJ. 8. Steel Co., com.... 874l tTV
, do preferred.,., U14) lOlfe
vt sossn, eom ....,,
do praf erred
Wisconsin Central, com.) 18H I814M if
do prorerreo. .. ..
Virginia Chemlesl'
"Total sales 'for the day, 86TCa5sharee7
Call atoaey eioeed at in
per cant.
Opc ration 8 Being Conducted in East-
- '. , ' v " . ' ' tarn Oregon. . '
(Special Dispatch to The Journal .)
Pendletsa. Or., April , 26. Th dipping ef
aheep to bow la progress la thts secttos of
Oregon. A total of 88,000 aheep are to be
dipped at th Arlington vats, most of them
belonging to Smytbe A Boa and to William
Smith. . . " - V '. ' .
, Tha aheep ar dipped Immediately after shear.
Ing. and aa a result th eonatle where shear
ing Is done esrly also sr the first to dip. of
ths esatern Oregon counties. Gilliam, Morrow
and limstllla are among the eerlleat.
Ia order to properly auoervlss the dipping.
Dr. 8. W. McClnre, bead of the federal Inspec
tion, acw has 10 deputies 1a this stst. and all
of tbs dipping done must Jm under the direc
tion of one ef the teee sr dspatles named
by But Inspector Lf-ti. .
San Francisco Houae Bays 120,000
Founds at 17e Under Tear Ago.
(Special tMepetrh to Th Journal.)
Echo, Or, April id Tbe first wool clip of
the seaaoa has iuat beea Bold to Charles Green.
representing Koshtand A Cnmpaay - of San
rreacteco, eons-sung or izo.nog pormds st 17
cents. Lsat year this Clio sold st IS cents.
Sheep shearing Is now oo t ftl hlsat, snd
it will not be long befur as Echo warehouse
sr filled. Moat of tha growers srs holding
The f.larlict Das'.iet
There are things brewing that would
make almoat any housewife mad -to the
very finger tlpa. Tbe strawberry aea
son la now. coming on and everyone
knowa that you. need plenty of eugar
and eraam during that period, for If
you don t there a really no aea son at all.
Now It comea to thla pretty pass that
when tba housewife really makea up
her. mind to have something special for
the table the big concern which hold
moat of the market prlcee In their graap
dci(b to put them higher. It happened
thia week ao far aa augar ia ouncerned.
Everyone knows that of the varloua
grades of thla aweet tha berry grade la
the kind that you Ilka to place heaping
high on tha fruit. Thla la tha kind that
ahowa the heaviest advance, caused to
aome extent by the greater demand for
this variety with the' increased fruit
proapeota. .. ' . "
However, lt'a not alone the sugar
people that will have to brave the wrath
of the housewife for It la stated Xliat
those who control moat of the cream
auppllea are not willing to. make tbe us
ual aummer reduction In rrstce prefer
ring to keep the prloa of ' cream and
aweet milk just where It haa been all
Winter, deaplte the fact that grass Is
now quite plentiful aad feeding will no
longer be required, after a very ahort
time. .. It haa always beea tha custom to
put up tha price of cream and milk dur
ing the wintry aea son and than reduce
It when it was no longer necessary for
dairymen to give their . cows, high
priced food. ',-.'.''... .'.'. ,.- .;-.,'.'
However, tha houae wife will be thank
ful that the proapacta at thla time are
for a very heavy crop of atrawberrlea.
Everywhere the fruit is In -bloaaom and
In California regular ahtpmenta- are be
ing made from the mora favored parte.
The receipts of California berries in
thla market have been considerably In
creased during the paat few .days and
the price Is beginning to drop. ' Boon be
cheap enough for everyone to oat., . And
then etrawborry ehortcake.
' While a heavy production is promised
for strawberries the oomlng season it
la now generally agreed by fruit . man
that there will b a very good yield in
all fruit oropgvthls season ''If weather
conditions do not go out of their Wey
to alter proapeota- v Cherries . will be
more abundant than ever, for who has
not seen, the way the treeaj are piled
with blossoms. Tha old snap kept ths
trees from going Into bloaaom too faat,
ao st this time there V hardly any
chance for the fruit to bo ruined, '. -,i
Have you noticed tha way the price
of meat a has been advancing ef late?
Tha advanced values have been rather
atartling and ware duo to but one cause
-.scarcity. On ovary side there la a
shortage of supplies. Hogs are ao hard
to get that the packers are still paying
tho hlgheat price of the season, although
tha spring run should bo in before this
time. . - Cattle whloh .were, expected to
come In great numbers after the spring
opened have almost disappeared frera
tha markets and even at the high values
charged tho killers experience consider
able difficulty In securing all. the stock
for their reqalromenta. Mutton can
hardly bo obtained because tho weather
has been too cold for aheep-ehearing
and no aheep , owner would think of
sending his atock to market without
first clipping tho wooL ' , .
Smoked meats, hams and bacon have
been ao high that, tho consumption haa
been cut In half, according to packers.
Eggs are again lower in price with ths
larger auppllea. , Cold storage ope ra
tions are now very heavy and will soon
absorb the surplus stock. .
Butter Is lower and there are proa
porta for . aJtJH lower priors during tho
oomlng week. ' ""
Cheeao la very high and It Is hard to
obtain auppllea because ef tho lack of
transportation between thia city and
Tillamook, where most of ths supplies
come from..,;. . .', , ', ... . . ,.; .' . , .
Asparagua is now quite cheap and Is
getting rapidly into consumption. : Tha
grass ia now coming from Willamette
valley points, from Walla Walla and
from California. Tha totter is not of
very good quality. Green 'grass has the
preference at this time. ? rv
Tomatoes are getting cheaper . with
the larger supplies from Mexina. cu.
fornia and Florida. Proa pacta good for
a heavy crop at home thla season.
Potatoea remain very high and will
not likely go lower for aome time. . New
potatoea coming from - California and
Mexico are of very good quality. Small
sixes.: - ..v..; ,.T ' ...
(Special Dispatch te Tbe ?oaraai.)
PerMllatoa, Or.. AprU 2" Ten thousand three
i!!-" ,2,Itar' of work
boraea aad males win be shipped eat ef Peadle
'M ' "war the W. A C ft t Seattle. W.
I. Hlghftold ef Prosser and Thomss Watsoa of
Seattle, who have Beea bovine -
vicinity for the neet 10 dsya, have bought up
23 teams ef horses aad one team ef mtuesT which
-' - "a ev vn raa carmaaa. it la n
deretood that these hawses wrtu .ti
('90 to 8990 wr snen. '
20c. Doz.
" - '
' ' . ... .... -Hi.. '., t .... y '
Halibut,- lb. . .. . . i . . . . . . . , :iOs
Razor Clams, 2 do... :... 25t
Hard-SheU Clams, lb'.. . .... .4
Phone Main 6." 3d and Ankeny.
IN THE ' :;
a ccrrit
; sBmtmamB-2w
, Ker-wipM
Oil II nV i
I Have the krcssl Prcclicc
Cecsnse I laYsristly Ful
fill r.Iy Precises
. Success' isn't attained st a bound. It is
rhade, up of many little triumphs. A larra
medics! practice doesn't await the young
physician at the 'college door. He must
prove himself. He roust work toward suc
cess day after day, doing well each, day's
task; . -.'.- . ; ... . .. . ., -
' It has always been my rule to promise
nothing that I am not absoltitelyiertain of
accomplishing. Realizing that no one phy
sician can successfully undertake to cure
all diseases, I entered special courses of
tudin preparation for my present work..
For 16 years I have been proving my abil
ity and building my success. I have mas
tered first the simpler, diseases, t(Teti tht
serious complex, snd stubborn ones that
others .'neither . cure nor comprehend. I
have confined my 'efforts to diseases of men
exclusively, and there is no. ailment belong
ing to this class thst I cannot fully con-
quter. I make broad and definite claims.
I tell men that .1 can cure them, even
though others have failed.- Jealous doctors
have charged me with claiming too much.
But I ask wherein have I failed to fulfill a
promise? My practice is now fully twice
that of any other specialist, upon the Pa
cific coast treating men's disea. It has
grown to' these dimensions beea tue. I have
made promises and fulfilled 'theni
cure I have effected is a triumph andi a
manifestation of skill that has had its part
in thtf making ef my success. Each day
new cures are completed, and tny present
growth of practice is more rapid thsn ever
before..- -..!---,..-....... f ,-, v ,5;...
- Consultation is free. If yon are afflicted
consult me. You can relv unon what I tell
you, and if I accept your case yon
assured that . a complete and permanent
cure will follow my treatment ',,
laUricbmplIcatcd Cases
-V. --.V - : ;. VVt;vf
J! ifW '' V-yfY :' aTK
AH necessary X-ray exsmlnadons
absolutely free to patienta. My equipment
for X-ray work is the finest and most com
plete ever produced, and equally perfect re
sults are not possible with an Inferior ap
paratua. .;; v. r:;::- !'- "
All medicines are prepared from stand
ardised drags in my own private laboratory
and are supplied to patients at actual
The Dr. Taylor Co.
Harrison Street, Ccr. Second
Patients living out of the city and
wQl be furnished with fine room free
rect to 834ys MoiTtoon street :
Lei US Prove H to You
run them down
IT ta "Varicose Valna." a condition prevalent in man. la a d
, tation or enlargement or the value,
., corded and knotty. It ueuallv occurs
- BJinsr aenaawons in xne ajruin anu noa, aa oaten arnpaura in gwrtTB4
health and then causea much worry and you may srow despondent. .
; DOaTT WAIT No eenslble'man should wait He should realise that
- the longer he delays the more the parts affected will waste away. Don't
, live and linger, DEAD to tha Joye.of health, when we have a ood cure
for your varlcoae velna and weakness and can make you a happy, manly
' man with mental and physical powers eom- -at A -ey vas w .
plots. Wa curs without cutting. Come fop "afV - V IO 1 '
one visit ' we cordially invite consaiiation, ,r ., w as
, Wa cure after others fail -, - 1 .- , v WILe-lV TEtflo H
There is uarnaliy a pain acroas tha small of the back: blue tinge under
your eyest apecke before your eyea; your sleep does not rest you; you gat
up In the morning feeling tired; your mind at tlmee wanders; your mem
ory g poor; you are toeing flesh, hollow-eyed; whites . of . your eyes are'
yellow; you are fearful, alwaya expecting the worst to happen; very
nervous, you have bad dreama; startle In your sleep, and awake out of a'
' dream very much frightened; stinging- -pain in the breast: no appetite.
. Do you know what causes rou to feel like thlaT . Thla condition will not
- Improve of Ita own accord. But Instead you may grew gradually worse,
and eventually end in nervoua debility or neurasthenia. If vou have aver
taken treatment and failed to get cured perhaps it Is because you never
took treatment at the St Louis Institute. Our treatment la different
from the old treatment taught years ago. . Wa eordtally Invite oonaulta
tion free. - .'..-' ".'' . - '
OtD UXM with chronic KMney and ' Bladder Trouble, rjtfneelt TJrinatlon,
f .Enlarged Prostate Gland, Smarting, Burning, etc., should call at ones for
:, quick relief. . , .... s , '. ,,.
OKmOSTZO DTaTWASTS and Bkln Plweeaes, Kosema, Disc tier res, : TTtcera,
,Palnful Bwelllngs, Pi lea. Constipation, . Itching. Heart, Kidneys,. Liver,
Stomaoh, 'Catarrh, Rheumatism, Pains. - . .,
OeSTatVOTTOW It la usually due to strong injections, injurtee, Inetgfl-
menta Improperly used, etc.- If Buffering from urinary obstructions 0f
recent date or ling aUnding, eonault ua and get cured right. No cutting
- or pain. , - 1 .
BX.0OD Bin atras Ulcere tn mouth, aore runs, falling hair, aweUtnge,
copper-colored spots, eruptions, bolls. Our treatment la better than Hot
Springs. Call and Investigate, free.
' oxrT-or-Towjr xxsr rxsmtrm m cm ' " :'i
Consult ua at once upon arrival and maybe you can be cured before rs-
turning home. Many cases can be eured in one or two .or more vlalta.
: consultation and advice free. ' '. , - . .
OOV8TJi.TATi0aT rmsai a siD I VlTaB Oir reputation ana work are
Tot a mushroom growth. We have been outing men for II yeara. -
Write, If yon cannot call, ah correspondence strictly confldentlal and
all repliea sent tn plain envelope. . Eneloee I-cent stamp to insure reply.
OFFICE HOURS 8 a. ra. to t P. m. evenings, T to 1:10; Sundays,
a. m. to it noon. ,". ,-,; " .,. .
oomirxiB noon ajtd num. mxxrn, iBTiJuro, OavxaoaT.
Mi il T
k-4 W 0. , da aShtstSaat
V ;, V TATXOm,
The , "weeding apoelaligt,
'' To' uroduee temporary
activity, of the functions
in cases of so-called weak
ness" is a simple matter,
but to permanently, re
store strength and - vigor
is a problem that but few
physicians have solved.
I never treat for. terriekjj : 1
vary effects. ' Under eaypJ
avatem M treatment everv I T
bitvofimprovenient is a
part of S permanent cure.
Though other physicians
have, through my success
in ; effecting permanent
tures. , been convinced of
the fact that, premature
ness, loss of - povrer, ett-,
are but symptoms result
ing from chronic - inflam
mation or congestion in
the ' prostata gland, none
have as yet been able to
duplicate my, cures. My
system of local treatment
is the only effective means
yet known for restoring
the prostate to its normal
state, which always results
m full and complete return
of " strength snd vigor.
Such a cure is absolutely
permanent, . because : the
condition responsible for
the functional disorder is
entirely removed. .. It is
the only . kind of a- cure
a ostient desires. " and Is
. Each
can rest
"the only kind of cure I
will treat for.v.', j ..V'V
ConsaltAtloxa FrM
I state nothing - in my
announcements - but the
straight, square truth.'. It
will cost yon nothing to
call and talk over your
case. - You can find out
sll about your trouble and
you call later arrange to
begin treatment any . time
you like. My offices, com
prising 10 rooms, are the
lara-est.. most elegant and
best equipped in the west
PcrCizd, Cr.
cotning to Portland (or treatment
of charge. Check your trunks die
f-i ,; .'.r." ;.
;. Consultation free. No Pay Unless Cared :
Varicose or Knotty Veins P
We Cere Without Ccttin. Come for One Visit
inUT IT XrOM TO sasT--8o much has' been amid
about Varicose Valna in medical advertlaement
that avery man ought to know if he haa It or not
It la a solid fact, however, that we ran acroas men
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