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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
THE OEEGOM DAILY JOURNAL, PP. J1- 1 LLU. X 1B -! , "Ji ! g X FRIDAY . EVENING. APRIL 3. 1807.' 15 , rkx U nautUi' taa ye a4 , whes you male tawt Tlrrt, pa mkM ike doa, the ma aukM tie ared. loa tlmaa pa iNii th. do m4 tae sn Mat in4 Um brwL Xk ee that M 'leaf a ska aaakea fere (h wtU aee Dalles Diamond Flour Jest Imii it is the beat,; Tnn traiy..." BITTER LOWER -Best Creamery 55c 1 FRESH RANCH EGGS i . , , to a sons ' ' V. ? ' cV " ' . '-. ' -.,'" Dairy Butter .'.V ; .'.45 f Best Sugar Cured Ham. ,17j .Breakfast Bacon J,..'.... , ..18 Cream Brick Cheese, lb. V ...20 Liniburger Cheese, each. . . .35 Ileomargarine ,J iv.,:.W?A0t XhlcRcns I7c and 20r: UGrande Creamery ' 264 YAMrtiLt ST. t 1 - rjnttad 'State 'Senator Curtla la au thorlty for the" statement that President Booaevelt will racaive the vet of Kan. as for tha Republican nomination next yaar IX h deslrea tba honor. . 1 - Don't These Prices Open Your Eyes? 2 Cans Spicoo . . ? lbs. Prunes 8 . 1 25c Do You Wonder Why Our Patronage Is So Large? 21 lbs. Granulated Sugar; $1 with every order ;Eg$, Per Dozen Fancy Butter. .. 10 lb. Sack torn Meal, 20c with your order BEEP STEW , . . . . .'. ,y, y , . . . 4c : CORNED' BEEF': .' VV;f v ' POT ROASTS, aU kinds U . y. I iV. .6c-7c HAMBURG STEAKS i ......6c " SHOULDER STEAKS; i ;.T ;.; .7c SHOULDER ROASTS ; . ;V.8c : TPRIME ROLLED ! ROASTS . d S . ; . 9c SIRLOIN STEAK . . ;V. . . . , . .'v . . . 10c PRIME RIB ROASTS;.;..;,. V.. lie PORTERHOUSE STEAKS l'.v. . iUi2Hc picnic hams . . . i;V. . ;i2Hc: COTTAGE HAMS '. .'. .v: . Yi . ;.12c EASTERN HAMS . .f, f..;i7c ; GOVERNMENT INSPECTED 4 OREGON AND WASHINGTON V ; STEER BEEF SPECIALS Razor Clams ..10 4,600 Matches.. 25 8 Toilet Paper. 10. 2 cans Pears. . .25 2 cans Plums, .25 1 can Apricots .15 6 pk'gs. Figs .-. I . , . . ; . . : ; .25 ; Gallon cans Tomatoes. .... , ."30 Gallon cans Apples.... ..... 30 PdStum-eTeal ......... .". . . .20 7-lb. box Macaroni or Spaghetti 40 2-lb. brick Codfish... . . , .. ..15 50-Ib. sack W. S. Flour, none better . -. . .".".A . .,r $1.10 !; 50-lb. sack L. B. Flour, bread flour ....... . . . ... . . . . .f 1.00 , 8-lb. box Soda Crackers....... 20 ' 10-lb. sack Rolled Oats........ 35 10 lbs. Yellow Corn Meal..... 25 10 lbs. White Corn Meal.;,. ..25 2 pkgs, Gold Dust. . . , . .35 8 cans Salmon. . ....... ..25 8 cans Sardines.'.;,... ...... ..25 2 cans Mustard Sardines... ...15 Shredded Wheat ... . . ...... , .10 Arm and Hammer Soda........ 5 6 lbs: Rice.... j... ....... ....25 7 lbs. Navy Beans .25 t lbs. Pink Beans.-........,;.. 25 1 gallon Cutting's Pure Tomato V . Catsup V. ............ ;.,..50J 3 pkgs. V. B. Mince Meat.... .25 1-lb. Comb Pure Honey. .....15 Famous Town Talk Blended .Coffee, per lb V. . ... . . . . . . . ... ;". . . ;20 Monarch Blended Mocha and Java, per lb. i25 8 cans Tomatoes, Corn, Peas Ind Beans;. ; ..... . . ...... ... .25 3 pkgs. Humpty-Duropty, same as . "Force". ........ .. ... .... .25 13 bars Soap... ..25 Blueing, bottle , . . ...... . . . . . . .5 Ammonia, bottle ...... ........5 2 cakes Sapolio........r;.....15 2 large bars Ivory Soap. .15 Scotch Oats .................10 8 pkgs. Acme Matches. . , . . . . .25 2 Blue Back Mackerel......;.. 25 PEOPLE'S MARKET All orders for Albina and East Side must be in by 1 p. m. Saturday FIRST and TAYLOR STREETS. Phone Main 1412. 3C MCES, SM WEKED K at ; tempting prices TRcad the fol g lowing quotations:.; 'ir' H;- . M rt ' f ' urn . . . - ll-r rL: - roi uoasi . . oc Round Steak 8c Loin Steak 10c Soiip Meat.. 3c. Brisket I. i 4c Short Ribs . Sc Shoulder Steak .. 7c The STATE MARKET 221 First Street phone Main 1657 3ZS3C :szzxinxxsrrszzasi4 C2ST aMaiMMa j When You Bu is mm You Got The hi fWltk VortUa WMrakMM Tnasfa Co.) 40 Saat WftaklBfta aa. , . lM Baai SeOT. GROCERIES 348-831, OAK ST. r Fellows Grocerv Co. 7 meats! Phone Main 2398 348-350 ANKENY ST. mm s Remember, You Can Save From 1 0 to 20 Per Cent By buying your groceries from us.; Our good are of the best standard quality and prices ." . always the cheapest. . 20 POUNDS DRY GRANULATED SUGAR SPECIAL . .. . . . . ..... .... .1.00 BEST CREAMERY BUTTER. 2-pound Roll SPECIAL 50 g ROSE CITY FLOUR, high fancy patent, sack. ?1.20 n Pound Mocha and Java Coffee.......... 25 Can i Eagle Milk. .V. .... . . ,15 5 cant Star Cream ; . . . . . .'. . ; ; .25 4 packages Corn Starch.......... 25 4 lbs, Gloss Starch. ....... ...25 12 bars Laundry Soap........ ...25 Baker's Cocoa,-can1. . i ..... . . ......... 120 Fackage Postum Cereal............ 20 B Package Scotch Data..' . : . -. in B 5 packages Korn Kinks.............;... 25 2 cans Standard Corn . . ............... . 15 8-pound box Crackers.. -C. .'.55 1 pound good Green or Black Tea. ...... 25 10-pound sack Corn Meal; ; .......... . . .25 SPECIAL PRICES TO HOTELS, RESTAURANTS AND BOARDING-HOUSES iiagxininiiMWinpaaaiiwnii i i i 3 . M m3 xr tov wajnf tn rtwert masa Poultry, Fish and Oysters Ton an gat tham at 1 Tha kahfla Utla Una eiy and pot all thalr affOTta t flva. tha publlo tha hlchaat grada. - iT ...,.. G. COVACD & CO. ha. aaala G.C0VACD e?smatT.- , Ton Mala S&S. DRESSER'S Saturday Specials DO YOUR SATURDAY SHOPPING AT PORTLAND'S NEWEST, BIGGEST, BRIGHT- DRESSER'S JAPANESE TEA BISCUIT, regular 50c;lb .7.s ...i. 40 (Marshmallows .dipped in Apricot) ; DRESSER'S CHOCOLATE-DIPPED NABISCOS. regular 50c i lb. . i ............ , . , . .40 , DRESSER'S DUCHESS CAKE,' regular 25c. 15 DRESSER'S CREAM PUFFS, regular 85c ; dozen 'i .'.....!.. V. . . W. , . .25 " CLOTHES HAMPERS IN ARTISTIC SHAPES AND COLORS, $1.00 off regular price, big reduction in al baskets.;. ':-:: ; ' " -;: .-v.! ' ' ' '.'::.;. . , v ' Dresser's Mammoth Table Supply House FIFTH AND STARK Branches: East Fifteenth and Broadway and Seaside, Oregon TOYYNSEND & VAN SCIIOONHOVEN Wholesale and Retail Grocers . : 147 FIRST STREET BtoAr on yrteaa th.a yo will aaa wty enjr trada kaa laoraaaaa. Our gv4a ara of taa blrhart tnallty and va ehaUanfa a aonparlao wttk tba flaaat that aaa aa lowa4 U ur atora. i-- ..,.' 1 DM. FfKh Banr.ll Erfdt 4d! n11ah Braakfat Taa....V..2B4 Beat Craamtrr Butter .....551 . Wa gat our aa-ra from tha farmer, butter (rota tha craaraariaa no middle nan. .: .....,.,.-.-.' Croaa aV Blaekwatf Lucca Oil, qt...654 Croea a Blaekwall Cbow, plnt..20 Poatttm or Flrprune Caraal 20a 1 can good Paachaa or Apricota.. ,15 Standard Tomatoea-f . ., 1 0 t eana Com, Paaa or String Baaaa..25 Evaporated Cream, 1 cano for ...,154 I -lb. pkg. Arm ana JHammer Boda.. . 64 Naptlia Soap - , 5 ( bar Baby Jlepfiaot 8oap..,....25 1 Ilk Oanpowder Tea 254 1 aaek Beet Vaftejr Plour. ...... Bl.OO 1 aaok good Hard Wheat Flour.... BO 4 1 aack Baat Hard Wbaat Flour (patent) $1.15 I bottle Worceaterabtre Bauce, lo also ...10 f lb. Whole Notniera . .....'.....85 New Crop Prunea, I Ibe ...254 New White Honey, comb 150 1-lb. can Corn Beef toi H-lb. cms DerUed Han. S for ......25 . FHOKX MAIN 1211. Caat aide dellrery Tueaday and Friday. RAM & HAMMER SODABULK, 3 POUND3 . .. . . . . . lOo Bay CitMarket 185 Fourth Street, Near Ymnhlll i ; Prompt Delivery to All Parts of West Side V A Full Line First OassTJeats '.' - .;': ; '' " - . ' : - " Spring Lamb, direct from the farmer, never In cold storage. Home-made Lard, Bacon and Hams, Corned Beef; also full 4..; line fresh Vegetables, Fresh Eggs and Butter. " -..' . ' ' ... : The very choicest can be had. Call up Main 2830. Home ''Vv. J,, " Phone A2830 SPXTH & KOEHLER TCE SHOP TH2 cc.Mn UlTfl PRICES CH TEE SQUARE First and Alder On ' Corner the W hnvft thf. finest Hisnlnvnf Orrfron'?; "i . , A e' . best beef, mutton; pork and veal in Portland. All our meats are the choicest;: tehderest, juiciest, sweetest, and last of all, cheapest in Portland or nnuwr)rr rlcr nn trip ' am nH "Pnrifir. Cdast Come and see for yourself if ve,re not telling the : truth when we, quote you the following prices. And, best of all, our meats are U. S. Govern ment Inspected t before and after slaughter: ; ; - Bed Prices from 2c lb. to 12V2C lb. Mutton Prices from 5c lb. to 12V2C lb. i -n' " ' '' f m - mm . m tm i ' ' mm roru rnces irora dc id. io izv2c id. irAAl nln 1U f 01 Aa. xu v vai ri iced u uiii iu. iu iVst iu. Below Are Prices of Different Cuts Soup Bone . 2c lb. BoUBeef.::.3cIb. Plate Beef . . . . 4c lb. Brisket Beef .. . . .. 4c lb. Shoulder Roast. .. . :.6c lb. Shoulder, Steak 4 6c lb. Round Steak . 8c lb. Prime Ribs : 10c lb Sirloin Steak .....I2jclb T-Bone ..:.12ic lb. Rib Steak-..- ..121c lb. Hams i.I7clb. Bacon...:..:-:...: I7ic lb. Lardr 5 lb. Pail.: 65c Mutton Chops .'. Mutton Stew:.;. Shoulder Roast Choice Legs .. . Pork Chops. ..... Pork Roasts . .. Salt Pork . .: .:!:. Loin Pork............ Loin Roast : Pto's Feet :... Veal Stew... Yeal Breast ...... Veal Cutlets Veal Legs .: ..::...10clb. . . 5c lb. .. 8c lb. I2lc lb. : iocib. i 10c' IB. -I2ic lb. J2ic lb. :I2lclb. 5c lb. ...lflclb. I2ic 15. I2ic lb. Choice Corn Beef 3c Lb. FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. 226-228 Alder Street, Between First and Second Streets Figkting the Beef Trust" ; Corned Beef : Smith's - Price 5c Cover with cold water and let it simmer thirty minutes to every pound; or, If you prefer it cold, take the bona out when done, press the meat In a, porcelain bowl, put a weight on it over night and in the morning it is ready to slice. Beef Stew: Smith's ,: Cut in small pieces, brown with butter in a frying pan. then place in a covered saucepan with boiling water and simmer until tender. Season with salt, pepper, parsley nd onions. Add dumplings and simmer ten minutes longer,, with saucepan tightly closed. . Prime Rib Roast Beef: Smith's Price 10c Place , in baking pan, dredgr with pepper, add cupful f water and teaspoonful of salt to the pan. Bake in very hot oven IS minutes to the pound; basting every tea minutes. , -- Round Steak: Smith's Price 10c : Cover over night with vinegar or lemon juice. In the morning you have a most deliciously. fla vored steak to broil or fry. Pot Roast Beef: Smith's " I Price 8c "V; Brown In fryingpan; placs in kettle with a little boiling water; cook slowly 15 minutes to the pound. Season to taste. Serve with gravy, ;, . Knuckle of Veal: Smith's , . Price 6c Tut in kettle with two quarts of boiling water; add onions and oth er flavorings. Simmer for two hours. Serve with boihrd rice. . Shoulder Roast Veal: Smith's Price 10c Remove the bone end fill wih a Stuffing as for chicken. Tie and roait 15 minutes to tJi r,,,! 1 and you hare the most df) ! .1 dish a-going. v Some of the Beff Trust marketmcn who advrrti-Government-inspected meats have lately been hit:!: 1 r in the courts every, few weeks and lined f r -servatives; charged up with placing in j their -sf8. Evidently, they fir ! t! :-tlu- -:re ne.lts.' T! -y ; : t "