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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 3. 1CC7.! ; .' 12 INGLE TAX GAVE BIRTH FOSTER HERE o u TO FREE WATER IDEA TO TESTIFY Made in New YorU Walter O. Haines, Before the People's Forum, Makes.a Complete i Expose of the Fallacies of the Sjrstem Advocated by; -j'S-' ; Mr. Wagnon. ' : X Walter O Balnea ef the hardware firm of FalUns. Baiaaa ' MoCalmau, turned a spotlight en th. so-called "free wti charter axmendraeat at . reo- nle'a Forum last evenlna.- . In reply. H. IX Wsrnon, tha father of tha a.-hamr. said tha merobera of the water board war highwayman and paid hla respects to Mr. Haines. - Mr. Ilsinea declared that the "free water" plan had Ita a-enesis la fha single tax Idea. One of tha comparisons he drew waa: ,, ' ,v " " "Some compare eeweri to water 7S teme. Bewera are paid for by the prop erty benefited, but they furniah nothlns . that can be appropriated to tha nee of any Individual and cannot be built on any baala except taxation. Water en the other band Is something tangible that an be used and waated and a cer tain portion appropriated by each one, "Water Coata Koaey. j - "The land owner should pay for tha aewer and also for tha water mains but there the analog? enda. The city doea not have -to keep the aewer sup plied with anything, but It la under ob ligation after the water plpee are laid to keep them full of water to be con aumed and thla coata something. If the water a person uaea were not calculable, aa la tha use of a aewer or bridge, there could be no other way to furniah water than by taxation, but water caa be measured "and the con sumer should pay bla just proportion for tha water he consume." Further along in hla "remarks . Mr. Hainea advocated the use of water me ters. He called attention to the fact that "free water" was opening up tha whole municipal ownership problem. ITe pointed out that the water board wouia hare no authority over the water sys tem were the Wagnon amendment adopt ed, and that It waa planned apparently for the purpose of doing away with the superintendent and engineer. . Bsed of IMpeUae. '. Regarding the amendment proposed by the council aa compared with tha Waa-noa measure, ne sata; "The amendment first provides for a bond issue of t3.000.80A for a sew Bull Run slDellne and for , meters. The pipeline will be needed In a few years and if authorised now can be built- when marketa are In the beat conditiona aa to nriaae. auonlv of materials, etc, and en he nom Dieted by 1111 very easily. I have heard no one oppose thla feature. All of this money would be expended under the direction of the water board. The city la to pay f(0,000 yearly and while It may not be aU that eoma think tha city snouia pay -it is aov.uvw per year more than the city has been paying for fire, atreet cleaning and other municipal purposes) and will , re duce die meter rate. . Sayta of Malae, v "Mains are to be layed by assessment when recommended by the water board. Thia la practically -in accord with the so-called free water amendment ex cept that the water board shall have charge of the work aa la right." Mr. Haines had prevtouely pointed out that aa the dtr engineer 1s an officer appointed by the mayor and under the Wagnon amendment-' he . would have practical charge of the water system a systematic plaa of development could hardly be expected. DOY DRAGGED TO DEATH BY FRIGHTfliED COiV Pulled Through a Barbed Wire Fence and Into Creek Eighty -V; Rods Away. . ' (gperisl Dispatch I The Joaraal.) Walla Walla. Wash., April lo. Ixrols Rlxiuti. an 1-year-old Italian lad. met a horrible death at bis home two miles south of this - city by being dragged to death by a frightened cow. He bad tied the rope around hla waist. Tha cow became frightened at a barking dog and ran, dragging the helpless child through a barbed wire fence and Into Yellow- Hawk creek, a dlatanoa of 10 rod a. - - t. .. Joe AltverU, who waa working nearby, heard the boy's screams and ran to hla a khI stance, but could not overtake the f rensied animal. The boy was dead when he reached him. LATEST RUN OF SMELT EVER IN THE COWLITZ (Sseelal Dwpatet to Ths feareal.) ; Kelso, Wash., April tt. Kelso fisher men have been making the most of the run of smelt . which appeared in the Cowllts river. : Thia Is the la test, run that baa ever been known In the hla- tory of th Cowllts smelt fisheries and has been a short one, as these dainty denlsena of the deep . disappeared yes terday., Select parties every afternoon to Waverlelgh. It costs you nothing for an enjoyable tally-ho ride, only reserve your seats in advance. H. W, Leracke Company. ,, Main ttt. ' , SECRETARY L0EB TO BE A TRACTION MAGNATE ' (Jooraal Special Service.) -' Washington, April tt It is reported that Secretary Loeb will resign to as sume the presidency of the Washington Street Railway de Electric company on 'January 1., i i ' 1 111 ' .... -. J Secret ' Service Operative Will ; Give Evidence Before Fed eraTCrand Jury. HAS ROUNDED UP MANY COUNTERFEITERS Government Officer Who - Hunted Down Coon Gang Near Huntington Has Bern Promoted Four Time for Meritorious Work. ; "Ml Mr - TEAMSTERS ENJOYgre find It strengthens and f or tllles then to withstand the trying duties of their occu pation, and exposure to all kinds of weather. :, The Ideal preparation for the day's work is to drink ' ' -':" V l breakfast- ..' " a cup of .. Ghirardelli's Thomas B. Foster, secret service operative In charge of the Portland dis trict, who wUI take charge of the Se attle district May 1, succeeding Captain Bell, who recently resigned, arrived in Portland yesterday to testify before the federal grand Jury. Mr. Foster has risen rapidly in Ma profession since entering in 101, and has been promoted four tlmea for meri torious service. Foster entered as an assistant ' operative and was made a special operative for his work In round ing up ths famous Bandera-Mennelger counterfeiting gang In Ban Francisco. There were four men In the crowd and 1,000 pleoea of counterfeit eolna and more than 100 sets of molds were cap tured when the arrests were made. Of theae men Sanders had served a term of If years for robbery, Mennelger had erred three terms In prison. Jones had served time, and Schmult, the last mem ber of tha gang, bad aerved two terms before his arrest for grand larceny and alnoe serving time for the counterfeit ing lob, again became Involved with the authorities and is now doing a term for robbery. - - lawyer Was Also Oomaterreltsr. Foster assisted In running down sev eral gamts In San Francisco, notably Frank Woods, alias Fred Gray, who waa , accounted one or the smootneat bill raisers In the v country. . Woods troubled - the government for a year and a half before Footer arrested him, and he was sentenced to serve 10 years for his operations. The cleverest man with whom Fos ter had to deal waa James A. Carey, San Francisco lawyer, who bored 1)0 gold pieces. Foster worked on Carey for two years, but hla standing and skill made the work of tha operative diffi cult. Carey would bore Into the gold coins around the edges and sell the fill ings. He made It borings Into each ooln and then plugged them up. The work waa done so smoothly that the coins were not detected until they passed Into the hands ef the bank tellers In the Bey City. Carey waa a graduate of the Uni versity of California and of the Hast ings . law school and a very shrewd man. He was sentenced to serve two years. - .. - ' : . ? kosttds TJp Oooa Qeaf . ' Foster waa promoted for meritorious service , In lo from a special opera tive to operate and was sent to Seattle to assist 'Captain Bell In rounding up John Q. Bell In the sound city who waa making counterfeit gold coins of II and 110 denomination. Bell had $1,000 worth of eolna In his room when ar rested. '. . .- In January, 110',' Foster , earn to Portland, where he rounded up the Coon gang. This . crowd was getting ready to manufacture counterfeit money near . Huntington. Oregon. The beat work Foster has done since his coming to Portland waa In arrest lng James W. Morgan, alias "Kid' I Morgan, a clever note raiser. Morgan i led Foater a. chase of .1,000 -miles be fore being arrested. - Assumes Charfe Hay 1- t"' .morgan operated la Portland, Taooraa, Seattle, Ellenaburg. Rltsvllle, Spokane. I Couer d'Alene, Colfax, Baker City and rmui.ian, ana waa iinaiiy arreatea at Montpeller, Idaho. Morgan Is - In the county Jail awrlMng the action of the xeaerat grand jury, which la in 84 slon. - ' '-.. . Foster has also arrested many minor orrenaere, among wnom Is Harry C. Gibson, who Impersonated a secret aerv ire officer an caused a lot of trouble for Major Edwards, superintendent of the Umatilla Indian reservation.'. Foster ssssmes rhsrge of the Seattle district, which includes tha states of Oregon, waanington, Idaho and Mm tana, May i. He will have no title aave that of operative In charge, the secret service having no titles save enter, wnicn is neid by Chief Wllkie, at r aamngion. ' , "Fine" needs emphasis when describme the v Ilanan bhoe Other shoes' have borrowed the word, and abused it. Let's say "satisfaction in stead satisfaction based on fit, comfort, style and service. . I That's what you get with every pair of Hanan Shoes. . Low priced, we think, for what they offer. ;.v. :: ' $3.00 and up. : For men and women. - k ROSENTHAL'S FomTUurs's nir txoi sromx SEVENTH AK0 WASDLGT0N TTEACE of mind contributes to' bodily T comfort. The conscionsncss that your tails to the prevailing New York Style and' is so lanorea ioat the .distinctive features will be retained till the fabric is worn out, means perfect satisfac-' tion. Buy Alfred Benjamin & Co. Clothes , and your peace of mind is assured. , - Correct Clothes fdr Men : Exclusive Atnt Here. Buffum & Pendleton, Inc. 311 Morrison St. ' . - pnlm ef the strmsast eharaetar tmai the aaaple wbe haie seea attaadlag the Bmptre this week. There will be eae ef the always peoalar siHmii teaMtrew. 'Beware ef atea' epsaa Saadsy ' afteraeoa. "Beware of Men" Next Week. Kext week at the Bntpb-e "Beware ef Msa" will he prnssted by the spleadld 'aew Sasaaa stock company. The meaibars ef this eoaieanr are work lag weaders to ske the Ereptr. par. ttenlarty sopelar with evarj ' elast of aatreae. "Beware et Men" Is a pity that teaches the Met tender chores ef somas satara. It will be sesa all seat .weak.-. PAFDF mm We are the ; ORIGINAL OWNERS of 40 LOTS, all CLOSE TO CARLINE, on GRADED STREETS, with BEST, City and Valley, VIEWS' and we are going to dispose of them at prices away BELOW MARKET VALUE to those who can pay half cash, or more; or. will exchange them for . Willamette Valley Landl Don't 'miss thisoppor- . tunity to secure a' beautiful, picturesque building site, as we are going to clear them all out within 10 days. ,: ; "'-.'' T7.0Y. Phone Main 133 i Ores. Company 302 Goodnough Building, AT THE THEATRES ;. ' Raymond Hitchcock ap BeOlaT. ' Tealslit. Bstarday and tvaff alfbta, at tbe aauia iinaua, aaaioBe nitcaeees wUI be ease to a aew eeaila epara la three sets. "A Taaaae ',"" ; aroaaeae aaaer the dlreetloa ef Henry W. San (a. , "A Tsakee Teartsf Is wi ma lares 07 nimara Ham tea Davis. "Tbe Galloper." Mr. Httokmrk ni V. Zl ported br. yiora Baballe, B.laa Bale. Wsltar Lswreaea aula mrraatsr Cawtboree, Hurry Bteae, Herbert Cawtborna, Bra rslloa. PhUllps nalley sad hist seek a ehoraa, aprlsbtlr and pratty. aa ailsbt be exrectsd to form e frame tor say plctnre Mr. BIteaeork ailrbt be the wiu no aa anamanted artiias. ! f n "" tbastre bos ernce for tbe eatlre sagaaeoient. Special PriO Matinee at Heflig. f f1Jn",,n m be twea at tbe R.llls theatre tomorrow Ratnr!.y) afteraoea. Barmond Bltrbeoek la "Tbe Tankee TonHaf wUI be tbe attract tea- Onrtala at o'clock. ; WaTker Whiteside Next Monday Betmalnf east Moaday. April Bm, aad one rhatnc for toot althta. wltk a aseelaj price nattnae Weanaaday. Walter Wbltealde aad aa excellent company will be an at tbe Hellta thaatrs la tbe new plar. "The Macle Melody Tbe etory of the slay seals with the efforts of a klnf ef finance to marry bis ward to e titled Bnsllabmas while she has stTes bar bear! nnresarredlr te a yoang araslctaa. plared br Mr. Whiteside. Various ether inefclrnts an4 characters are htterworae m ancb a maimer as te msae the whole e'enmpieheasirs and latsr ostitis .tor. Soata are bow saUlas at the theatre bes office. . . j : Enjoyinc Hall Calne Play. ' Be play ef Ball Came bas ever bees mar. sppredated and auto by Portias. , people than has "The Pradlaal Son." this work's offer ing st tbe Baker. The malm of the Bakar company seem to tiara taken eaperla! pa In a with tbelr parts. The play Is sot oaey of Isterere tstmn. bat the Bskor prodactloe has bora pro. Dotmced aatktfaetory by the most critical, fcfatl- Colller Play Is Comlns;. - William Collier smrod one of bis areateat htta m "Tbe lHrtntor," end- for that reason the prodnctlon of this play h? the Baker com. pany nott weak is bring looked forward to with plaaaare by a nam bar of tneatre-(ners. It mm at the Bakar with the Bandar matinee. Kmplre Offering Hit. "The Blark Band closes a ek of ph4 , "For Mother's Sake," All next weak the Alton stack esmpaayat tbe Star theatre will prmwat tbe faaminj saw caas ef Marts Beats. "Por Mother's Bake." Thle drama will be slvea complete m all to talis. . la It Miss Terns reltoa will appear hi tbe rate ereatad by Miss Baath, aad It will be the strongest ehsrscter roko Mies reltoa bas hsd. . The first par forma are will be Monday alckt. Bsata are aew on amis at tbe box etttee. - , "Bln IlkTs;e, Matinee. 4 There win be e matinee Uiksiuw ef "Hearta ef the Bine Bldge," at tbe Star theatre. Thai la a melodrama which Is tree te life, with the ebsrsetsrs sketched frees the aaomtaroa ef Keataeky. There Is a fad aad a love story, and there Is else a streak of comedy rsaalas ttrooa-h it It Is a aaart-tataraat drama' la which the ADea stock company is (amatf saw friends sad pleaalng the resnlar patrons, There rUl saw be a matinee Bnnday aftarasea. Vaudeville at the Grand. TaedevlUe. the klad that Maw Tork Mkaa. will be foead at the Ornnd. Oa tbe prosrsm this weak are eereral beadllaers wbe are kaowa from eae end ef the esaatrj te tbe ether. La rare aad Leonard have aa antomoMle act which la as fanny an entertalnaMat as on. wants -te see. I. Bernard OyUya Is a sotad stnartn eamedtea. - nls Imperaoaattea ef Preal eant la a bit. Bawls and Taa Kaof. msa bsTe a akstch la which there Is a leach esch mmate. , . t . r , Children's Matinee. Tfiers win be a speetst cbltdrea's mattnee st the Ljrte tomorrew, whoa "BnowbaU," tbe fanny farce, wiU be tbe MU. For the amaae. mont and entertalamaat of tbe chtldrea there will a Wo be illaatrated aonsa aad eaoie as eaoally send movmf pletorae. "Bnowbsir csnsas aunr aa anjorable laaxa. Twe par. fomMnesa v Saturday asd Sunday Bights, tbe first at T:lf aTclock. seats sow a sale. .V "Sealed Lips." , s The trest mshMtrama, "Sealed Lrps," ku beea ssieeaed as tbe bill for the fsraweU week ef tbe present Lyric stock onmpeay.t end tt win andoabtedly Brora eae ef tbe best ' bills the company bas sear slvea. Bala ef seats opens Sunday mora Inf. .. , Oats ,, Brnlses. Sealed by "The Household Buraeon, ' Drussfsts refund money if Dr. Porter's Antlseptlo Healing Oil fails. 15a. . . ' Ten ef the sixteen Republican eon (reasmin from Ohio are said to favor Taft for ths presidential Indorsement as aaralnat Fo raker. ' Three msmbera favor tbe sens'er. while the other three are non-com m lttaL . . ' , , sniucnal biialn' w at ths Fmplr. with tomorrow's j Xhis surtlas flay, see weaj. petfotm.neea,. The First Sight of i the Golden Gate is n e v e r f orfifotten The First Taste, of Golden Gate Lingers Lonj; In th Memory I . ' : .' J A bu r.iiil mw Sold - oh ; Merit - J. A. F0LGER A CO. ' Saa PrssKasso M Pictorial Ad No. IllSeries ofil3j X'moyal Ooek Book win be fives rasa to an whe slip em thee IS ads aaa rerara tkesa ha ease ef ewr Beral : Bakesr eetebUsbmeaU. Oas U be appear each rrlday matU the aUddla of Jaly. The Stoiy of Table Close ky kls tain tha old miller sheada, - . ' Bus days work Is tans, Idle are his heads. . And aheew are the words we woald hear Waa-SBf. ' If we listened aloss while the ahUdrem playi " Til ths Saeet flour that ever was weiahed "Tls foy Table tjaeea1 Bread Jtoyai e.aery Order wTablceen Bread f or Pycr-Sunday Too will thus be sure of one food,' wholesome dish on the table, even If Norah burns the roast cooks trie vegetaDlcs and spoils the dessert. With delicious "TABLE QUEEN" bread ons can make out a comfortable and enjoyable meaL .Since we first told the public about our splendid new plant bun dreds of housekeepers have said to their trocars r. "BRING , TABLE 1 QUEEN BREAD NO ,OTHERP After once trying TABLE QUEEN" there is no peace In the family without It y K .' . . ; - .... . .. . l. . .. - Delicious for Picnic Lunches ! The Men Like It! :' - A 11 ' : - " KCTrm BTo. (Boval triad rtafers) Take oae doses sera, one poaaa of .. Aa.ll ' aarar. Beat It alee aad Ufat ewer a alow Are j pat la vanilla to flavor aad a ' All . . ; Ptaoh ef raaoe. Then sift oas pouad of Boar aad ania thoroaehly. Bros oa , Grocers X&tFzrS&KSz? .. -p- wu- w-w Grocers The Outlet :. Clothing Co. The biggest features about our .... $110 Spr irig Syolts .; Is the fit fabric and finish, vv v :-' ; The smallest thing is the PRICE ' The Outlet Clothing is all good. ' We don't: handle any other kind. - : , We are trying to become your regular ' clothier seeking your permanent trade. -A Hence the best that's made in Men's Apparel can be found at THE OUTLET. No E. Cor. Morrison and First