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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
tii2 OREGON daily journal. ' Portland, Friday evening, april ' 3. ico7. ii CROKER TO RACE IN ENGLAND AGAIN Former Tammany Chieftain Will One More Invade Brit- ; X-"':- ' Ish Turf. - PROMINENT HORSEMEN i PREPARE FOR SEASON 'Australia Tennis Expert Still Have ' , - Soma Doubt About the Dwlght Dnrls v; Trophy Interesting . fit- tistic cm the Fox Situation. ' tfsaraal Sparta! Sarvlc.) '''', - Xiondon, , April,)!!.-Having ' fiemon- strated hi ability to lead the Irish turf winning owner, Richard Crokr, ' Mths one-time Tammany chieftain, has V concluded to try hi racing luck la Eng v land airtdn. H believe (Irmly that tn .'- hla oolt Orby. ho has a Derby winner. ee- ; peelally U. as ha hopea, ha Is abU to - cat Danny Maher to rtda for him. Ho v 'had the great llttlo iockey at his plaoe ' In Ireland to try out Orby. and I trader " ' stand that Danny la enthusiastic over . the prospects of the oolt If Lord y can be Induced to perron it, and La be Is said to hava no likely Derby i oandidate, ha may do so. Maher Is likely : to tide th Croker eolt In the Judg ment of sapsrts a combination of Ma her and Orby. will be about as danger ,oue as anything tn this year's Derby. - It Is th purpose f Mr. Croksr to . send over several of his beat youngsters to Knglend -for th season's racing. He -also will have a coed at ring either late 'this season or nest year en th Amort .' an tracks. ,y .-'"" . .. .:'.' .'.-.' W. XC'Vanderbllfa Malntenon, th ' premier horse of the French turf laat ' . season, has wintered well and bids fair , to be as much in the lead as a 4-year-old -as h. eras as a t -year-old. In his first rare at Long-champ he spread-eagled his field in hollow stvls and ran second tn the Biennial stakes later, giving the winning hora a heavy handicap. Main 'tenon Is Entered for several big race 'of lb year, Including th Oold Cup at ', Ascot and th Grand Prix at Baden Baden. - . Mr. Vanderbllt has a good horse tn APraudlul who won the Prix Vaataux at cLongchamps -from a good field. His leading jockey. Bellhouee, la riding tn fin form and If Mr. Vanderbllt does not The of the Mutual Life am moil mm sccui -- .uu.u. ... ' gideration. -They should be welcome everrwhere. '- because they represent a'gTeat Company doing a (treat buimess, maeting a great need. ." They stand well in the I r- community and know trnom xnej are ixi:ing: to; uey f.V 4 have studied thavaubje efjncurance and. know what ThW Mutual Life Insurance ,'v' ;;y'i -.-, ... j ''.'V,''v:; hare something good to offer. " They f " 'i ' deserve the attention of all those who ,, rtahxe that their death would cause embarrassment or worse . to their dear dnea and who are willing to do longer with- out some things and do longer with some other things to -order to make "the home folks" safe. The Time to Act' is NOW. For the new forms of policies consuls our nearest agent, or write direct to v The Mutual Life Iniuranc ' . ' Cflmnsnv rtf N. V, a t- . f ; 4 Clot ,. - again lead the world ax a winning driver air he did laat season, be will be very cloao to th front. e e Borne Intereatlng , figures have been compiled concerning : fox hunting In Great Britain which has Just finished Its season. There are about ItO parks of fox hounds la England and Wales, with about t,008 oouplea. The expenses of bunting a pack three times a week throughout th season amount to some thing like 116.000 a year, so that the to tal expenditure for th whole country Is sbout f 1.600.000. : The Irian and Scotch packs are not Included In the above figure: there are 21 packs In Ireland and 11 In Scotland, with 1.100 and ISO couples ef hounds re spectively. It Is estimated that there are J00.OO0 hunters kept by sportsmen In England and Wales, representing, at the loweat valuation of 1300 a horse, a total of Kt.OOO.OOC, while their maintenance costs their owners probably more than MO.000.000 a rear. Tbeee are pretty big flgurea for one Un of sport, ' -'-;,''' Th Australian lawa .' tennis chasa- plons are not disposed to admit that the fjnala for ths Uwlght Davis trophy will tieoeasartly be between th Ameri can and British teams. At Welding one of th Australian ex perts recently expressed great confi dence that he and his partner. N. E. Brookes had at least an even chance to beat tho Americans In the prelimi naries and In the event they do be Is confident that the British team will have their work out out to hold the champlonahlp. All the reserved seats for th British championship, hava been sold, though three months have to elapse before ths meeting takes place. . e ' , Toaag Jay Oould. tho Americas court tennis champion, takes his work for tennis as seriously as hi father takes the management of his railroad system, and Is extremely methodical In his train ing. He said recently! , "I .work 1 hoars, rest I, and devote to amusement On cannot take rig orous exercise mere than one hour dally. . ' - , Mr. Oould is la prime 'condition for the championships, and tt is generally conceded that ho cannot be beaten. ' ,'.-e e. -v' ' The King's etae. to be sailed for at the . Jamestown exposition, will be In America next week. It was shipped on the American liner 'Philadelphia last Saturday. The trophy la a handsome, silver gilt copy Of m cup of th early Georgian period, weighs ITS onncss and is 11 laches - high. and measures tt Inches from tip to tip' of th handles. , Select parties every afternoon .. to Waverlelgh. It costs you nothing for an enjoyable tally-ho ride, only reserve yoar seats In advance), H. W. Lemcke Company. Main 660. '. Agents Nw T rr V . V Y. Our new departure' la proving a big success. We are showing ex clusive novelties In - Hackett, ; Carhart t& Co.'s High Grade Clothing: $15 to $40 They fit right i They are made right Ttisv ir rrlrd vTo-rit"'- j - - Top (& Bottom Shop ; Top to Bottom Outfitters ' 303 Washington St. s PORTLAND WINS BY SAFE r.lARGU t .: - -- ; - Groom's Cood Pitching Respon .. sible for the First Vic tory of the Week. ' CRAY WAS TOUCHED UP AT PROPER PERIODS Angfls Play Stupid Ball aod Refuse to Support Their Pitcher Switch of the OUat's Batting Order Had Its Good Effects- -The Score. , : (Joaraal BpeeUl Service.) ties Angeles, April t. Th Giants took a brae yesterday and gave the' Angels a trouncing to I. The Angels had an oft day, making numerous bad errors sad stupid plays. Groom .was on ths firing Una (or th visitors and tils work was high grade, tho elx hits that the locals received being scattered throughout as many Innings. . Gray was touched op rather lively from th start, yet hla support was poor enough to loss sny game. Here la the official atory: ..,' TuOS ANGpLEfl. : AB. R. H. Pa A. X. Carlisle, ef. S S S KUls, -cf. a 1 Braahear, lb. ....... 41 1 S S Pmlth, Sb. 4 tit S I Dillon, lb. 11? Cravath, rf. 4 1 1 Delmaa, as. S 1 4 . Hogaa, a. t S S I Gray, cv S S S Totals '. M. ...... .It "5 " ST I!"4 :.- . PORTLAND. 'JLl- AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Eh Inn, a. ........... i 1 t Lovett. c(. ....4 III Casey, tb. S t 1 . S S S MoCredle, rf. ........ S . 1 1 1 OS Dunleavy, If. ......... J 1 1 S Moore, lb. ....-....4 I I H S MoClelUnd. So.. 4 1 1 0 Donahue, o, ........ S T S Groom, p. , .. SSI I S .7 Totals . ...........iTI "s 17 Ts S ,: SCORE BT HFSTSGB. - ' Lou Angeles ......e 1 1 1 Hlta . . 1111111 4 PortUad . . , - S I 1 o 4 Hit .,1 S 1 1 1 1 I SUMMART.- N Three-baa hit Dunleavy. Two-base hlts-CaBy, McClelland. Brashear. Cra vath. Sacrifice hlta MoCredle, hia leavy, Casey S. Left' on bases Los Angeles, 4; Portland, $. Basse oa ball Off Gray, 4: off Groom, 1. Btrwk out -By Gray,- S; by Groom, 4. Btolen bases Dunleavy, Ellis, Carlisle 1. First base oa errors Portland. Passed balls llogan. Donahue. Tune of game One hour and tS aalnutea. Umpire Derrick. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE - , . ' . ' . , : ' . r Won. - Ixtst. P.C, Ixw Angeles '..,.,. ....11 ' 4 ' .447 San Pranclaeo ........ .11 . S .S7S Oakland S S - .SOS Portland I IS , J6S V' Oakland Beete Sesds. '; -s ' - ' Hsenal See-la fxrrlee.l San Francisco, April St. The- Com muters- woa a pretty game yeaieraay from- the Beats, The score! San Francisco 1 S S l Oakland S 1 1 0 S 1 Batteries Joy and Street; Randolph and Hackett. Umpire Perrlne. ( . NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE ) x X:: &?' '. T"w- 7. H1. Vancouver r . .. . 1 S 1 S 8 , 4 Aberdeen OS414 T T 4 Batteries Kelson. Longanecker and Spencer: StarkeU and Boettlger. - Urn plreslullane. . . - J At S)pokasa. -I " ' ' ' R. H.H Taeoma. . . . .. .1 1 S 0 1 6 10 1 Spokane . ...... 1 S S S 0 Sl 6 i Batteries Butler and Sheet: Samuels and Swindells. Umpire Dodd. " At Seattle. ' " 2. FL E. Seattle . ......0SSSS111 16 1 1 Butte ...SS1S0SSSI 4 10' 4 Batteries Mack and Stanley: KUlllay, Noon. Roosevelt and Valley. Umptre Ehret. .. . :, . NATIONAL LEAGUE ; - . Won. Lest P.C Chlcaro . . ............ T . S. .Tit New York . T 4 .SIS Philadelphia . . 4 S .171 Pittsburg . . S ' 4 .III Boston . . ..'.... I 4 .141 Cincinnati . S I .lot St. Louis . I - - Brooklyn . . 1 .lit At Sroeklym. R. H.E. 13 S S 4 Rnaton . . ............. nrmklva . - ............. ..1 Batteries Llndaman and Butler; Pas- torloua and Ornaorrf. ' ' At tdOaaelphla. - : ' , V. R. H.B. New Tork . t S I Philadelphia. . ..... IS 4 Batteries McGlnnlty end Bow arm an; Corrldon. Moren and Jaoklltach. Un plre Blgler. ... AMERICAN LEAGUE y. Won. lit. P.C. 7 S - .70S Chicago . PMlaJelBhln . . ........ 4 .467 ad New York . ......(.... f S ..117 Cleveland , . IS -tl Detroit . .... S ' 4 ' .409 Washington . ......... S 4 J8I Boston . . S : 4 .131 Bt, Louis . ............. 1 , . S . .' 400 At Stew Tork. R. KB. waaninrton . .1 it ! Vew York .- 11 Batteries Hoghes and Warner; Orth and Klelnow. - f YESTERDAY'S RACING AT i . OAKLAND AND AQUEDUCT . .. (Jeersal tpetlal Swvlc.) i San rraaalaoo, April 31. Result of racea at Oakland: r rive furlongs Dallj' won. Kismet. Jr. second. Ola Nee third: time. 1:01 S-l. - Futurity course Alts Spa won, Louise Fltsglbbooa second. Otto Price third; time, 1:11 S-i. 81 furlongs S'onle Lucille won, Elo. (rea second. . Confessor third; time, 1:11 4-S. ' On mil and one-sixteenth Lasell won, rx-wey second. Invader third; time, it . One mile and one-sixteenth Tarp won, Cadlchoa second. Sunmark third; time, 1:47 4-S. On mild end one-sixteenth Tavora won. Oratorlaa second. Elevation third; time, 1:41 l-. At Aquetfnct. . ' New York. April 14. Aqueduct re sults: - 1 ,. .. reur and oae-halt furleof Paul Pry won. Crena second, Elvira M. third; time. 0 17 1-3. About two and one-half miles Hot Shot won. Yuma Chrinty second, Pagan Boy third; time, 1:24. One - mile Campaigner won.- Frapple second, Maratar third; ttme. 1:40 3-4. Six furlongs Heasllp won. Workman second. Hyperion II third: time, 1:14 S-S. Six -and one-half furlongs Oaqtiln won. Battle Ax second. Fuatlan third; time, 1:31. , Four and one-half furlongs Wave Crest won, . Fordelo second, jsmes B. Brady third; ttme, 0:54. , CITY LEAGUE TEAMS STRIVING FOR HONORS The city league team a are playing for all they are worth, as the schedule has but three weeks mors to run and the boy want the prises offered. The Web foot Team made a-desperats at tempt to get la second place last night by taking three games from th Parka. Btammera had the best average, 181. Anapach 'secured th highest single game, 310. The Nonpareil and Chinook teams rolled. The former team had bat three men and donated the three games. Tonslng had the highest single game, 127 and Kalk the beat average, 117. Tonight a meeting of the Oregon Bowling association will be held at the Oregon alley at t O'clock. All mem bera abonld attend. - Following are the scores of last night's gam; - . WEBFOOTS. ! ' ' - . O) ft) Stammers 113 171 Melsea Ill 300 Dearer 114 141 Armltage IIS 147 Lamond 113 177 SOS 117 147 111 ' 114 av. Total Ill SIT Stf ,. - ' . PARKS. . - (1) ft) (t av. Hague IIS 111 111 111 Anapach ........... 140 310 111 113 Dale ....... ...i- 1S1 ill in lti Withers ........... 131 174 ' 110 113 Amu ............. in in . in ii Total ........... TSS S4I CHINOOKS., .. : (3) Boulangor lo 147 Christlaa ... 14 171 sis;-, S av. Ill 171 13S 111 141 114 114 111 110 "171 7TI " Gail lard HO 110 Newstead ......... -ISO 170 Moeer ...... ........ 300 lis Total S4S 111 . . . , NONPAREILS. i 1) t) l av. Ogden ,.. in 173 lis 111 Tonslng ........... lis 127 114-113 Kalk .............. 171 181 300 117 Head 100 100 100 100 Hlnnenkamp ....... 100 .100 100 100 Total Its 714 7IS THEN AND NOW IN THE SPORTING GAME B. C Th gladiator's saint: ' . HalL Caesar, imparator, " .' - ; To the w humbly kneel. Ere atep w on your bloody sands, ' To test our fata with ateel; . '. For on shall be th winner's crown. For on the shades of death. For on the praise of victory, . For one a dying breath. A. D 1307 The puglllet whispers: , See hers, you dub, don't bit so hard; Dla ain't a level acrapt ' When you poke out your right like dat You hurts ma bloomln' map. But geet de nous la big tonight,' We sura will pad oar mltta. Git apt Git up! Ton blasted foot. ' ' Dla ain't da-round yon quits I B. C. 33 The charioteer exclaim! Onward, fly onward, noble steeds, " The goal lies Just before; Hoofboata and hot breath pro behind Bealde th people roar! Though breaks each heart to win th '" . prls ' : , Let nothing stay thy speed; , Though gasping longs may burst at last. Let victory be thy meed! A, D. 1J07 The Jockey laments: , O hully fee! What alls dls nag? : - Hla movt'a aa hard as rock I . If I can't stop him putty soon The rlngll get a ahoek. 1 . So close In pala and ahut hi off, ' . It eoon'll be too lat. ' Don't let ma take de lead Ilk datl . I just oaa't poll dls skate. HUNT CLUB RIDERS - TO HOLD PAPER CHASE The Portland Hnnt club officers wtU tinl,t a .InM tit v.. rv. .Kim thiMim. afternoon. - The atart will be made at! 3:41, about half a mile east of th Barr road. ' Mrs. F. G. Buffura and ' Mrs. Spencer will lay the paper. . MULTNOMAH NINE TO MEET SALEM HIGH NINE Tomorrow afternoon at l:SS o'clock the Multnomah club's baseball team will cross bats with the strong Salem High school nine. The gam will be played on Multnomah field and a larg crowd of fans Is expected out to so th sontest. . Yankton va. Brooking. ' (Joeraal Spxrlal Sarrke.) Yankton, 8. D.. April IS. Much In terest Is manlfeeted har In the debet to take place this evening batween rep resentatives of Tankton collage and taa stat agricultural college. Tankton has ths afflrmatlv and tb agricultural t'tn th nee-attv aids ef the question, "Resolved, That th adjudication of dis putes betwsen employers and employes should be made a part of th adminis tration of Justice." New England League Opens. (Joaraal Spetai torrVe.t Boston, Mass, April IS. Th Ksw England baseball leag-u opened its sea son today with Worcester, champions of ' last year, playing: at Tall Rirer, tAwrenoa at Brockton, Lynn at New Bedford and Lowell at Haverhill. The cities making np th circuit are the sun, sa last year with ths exception of Brockton, which has taken the Man eheater franrhlae. , Th schedule calls for US games, th season to close Sep tember T. " - - Rocking Game. ' ' Of 11 wanting games with th Stephen baseball team may call np Seilwood 71, frt.. .nl - mm.. -A. ... day. Ring up Uan McMillan, Tabor 161. An ' enjoyable afternoon's anting Is one of otir fre tally-ho trips t Waver lelgh. Oo any day. All wa ask Is to let us know when you Can go. M. W. Lemck Company. Main 160. NEGRO SLASHES YOUNG -WHITE GIRL WITH RAZOR Alton, 111., April K.ApnerenUy with out rasas- a negrs laat Right elaah-d H-yaar-old Violet Bpcneer, a white girl, across the abdomen with a raior. ho rating lady Is tha daughtsr of IVTYmip . We want to KJ have never that they will be delighted beyond measure with our system of liberal CREDIT and courteous service. We say without hesitation that no matter with whom you may. have been in the habit . of dealing In the buying of your ; ' s1 - , SUITS SHOES COATS MILLINER.Y SKIRTS W.AISTS OUTF1TTINGS or HATS Our method will give you wonderfully greater satisfaction, better, easier terms in every respect; finer, more generous and dignified treatment in the buying of . ' ' -" Yoiir Spring aiid Sum Kxqalsite Millinery and Smart Footwear for littla down and $1.00 a Vcc!r In Portland is cordially invited to Ioole through our line of SWELL SUITS to select snd pur chase by paying "a little down" and ONX DOLLAR. A WEEK V : ' ; . : YOUR CREDIT 18 GOOD AT - r':y. - THE NEW YORK OUTFTniNG COMPANY and 167 FIRST STREET, jQIBARRASSIBJ SITUATI0H An Elephant on His Hands la what ha often finds whan he attars away frpra Arery A Co. to try what other housea are advertising1 as bar rains, snd ha hss to either throw It away or nse It. Take , your cholo. Anything- purchased from ns Is Ilk a rood mendyou UK it batter th longer you ase iu Avery EL Co. : . S TMXMO ST. ,' aaimmmmmMM-, If energy and ambition ZZ JET are lackins . , ZZ g tha ralnd b dell, laaetlre sr d. " S ' prcaaed and trinlne: aaao-aaccs " Sn brliata and exasperate, then the """ " LIVER la la troatria. Theayst-sa ? U closred with aadlsssted aad sa1 decaying lood. " " as - is th best reraedy for Um sa( sa troablea, 1 1 Inc-eaaaa both eaerey -S as and aaibitlo-i aa4 ladacsa bcaltk- --wa tulalerp, U Is U Cstrt at AS Drag Staras. . SooJU-t and BaaipU fiae. MOYT CHKMICAl. CO. piuuuuuuiluuurs TEETH Save Money furti Corns at one and hav free aaamina- Uon. WB KX.TR ACT TETTH miBt tl INOS. flo UP: SET Or TEETH. M Of: SPLENDID SttT, IS.C9: GOLD CROWNS t,A0,.T?.4'4) Willi CROWNS. IS.SS TO. 16.09. All work gusranteed for ten year Lady attendant always present. All work dons abeolutelr without patn by Sperlalleta of from II to IS years' oat. perienc. Boston Dentisls Vhona Mela aoee. " . ssivw iKsrris mu On rsstotsss. FOR WOMEN ONLY PY.- a-aeeraiie' fraissssd Sarla , . Oxtoa Ka Ula. Tke fct and Mly r!t.hl ram-ey f ls l.ATKi) PSBIODS. Car tke BM-t uiula - ( I to II Sara, rrt S ssr has. smIIW Is Slel Aonraaa Dr. I. t. flgaCS, 1U rwtlaad, Oreaaa. rtrst street, C3Tnna SYKU? baa a aM by Slimoee.ef " sll p. in. onra wind euUH sad Is IS baU ram-if fnr iltarrh-a. . , . TWRNTI'FIll a "' Thorn Speneer, a prominent el titan ef thte place. Bhe wea sn her wey to th grocary ator when the negro suddenly leaped from aa allay and attacked her with the rasor. Khe Is In a serioua con dition. Tha nero made no effort to rob Iter or to dreg her Into th sm-v. A poeae la In pursuit. . The pMtre this morning err- jisinrnj fir mr . M.,,irT sw Vii)lilllH!IIIIUIIlKi0jH IVmv Suit nr lint say for the benefit of those folk opened CREDIT account at our mm FOR WMM The kind that's just a little differ ent from any other. That snappy dressy Suit is to be found at our A SQUARE DEAL AND A SQUARE PRICE For the youngsters at Unquestionable Prices I2ST AID imili TkjrtX FTI fklW HSJT JLD TAYLC2 lil-Li kim Jl livil I TAYLC2 THE STORE THATS DIFFERENT GO WITH US TO WAVERUEIGK In Our Free Tally-Ho DELIGHTFUL. "AFTERNOON'S OUTING. H 'SERVE SEATS NOW FOR ANY DAY. H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY Main 550 Sixth Richard fTis, ad It t'a.s factory mpt a, t.-.t h an., er tha A - aorlpl i rf th r-s-n ho a"'i - Vlol.t -a-.-.- Tlie f 'r la re.-o ' nt who store store and Washincn Ctrct'i Art -.!''' ' . r ' r f r r f i ' . i n i.