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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENTNO, APRIL ti. IC07. E THE -FIRST GllfJE It Required Tsn Inning Yetr. day for Los Angeles to t . Beat Portland. ., CAUFF AND CARNES " ;. PITCHED FINE BALL Calif orsiaas Flared Brilliant Game '. Thronarhout Northern . ' Team's Work IUgged and Ineffective Winning Baa Made la the Tenth. : (Jesraal Special Barries.) Lo Angeles. April 14. The Anuli defeated the Gtanta la their first game yesterday by the aeore of I to 1. It required an extra' Inning, however, be fore the locals could cinch the match. Carnea the local twlrler, was In fine trim and blanked the vlaltor for seven inning. In the eighth chapter three welt placed hits sent two Portlanders across the plate, tying the score. This was the last chance Portland had as Carnes settled down snd refused to "allow anything that looked like hit. Callff. too. had been pitching good ball, but hla support was ragged and un steady.. In the tenth Inning a pass, an rrror and a base hit gave the Angels the winning run. Hers Is the story officially told: , - LOS ANGELES. - , AR R. H. Pa A. E. Carlisle. If 4 1 S 1 Kills, cf 1 Branhear, 2b......... 4 Pmith, lb 1 ' 1U1 on. lb S Cravetb. rf. ......... lit Itelmaa, ss 4 llogan, e. ........... 4 : Carnes, p. ........... 4 1 Totals ......:..... 7 St It . PORTLAND. ' AR R. H. pa A. E. Bhlnn, tb.. ........ lxivett, rf Casey, 2b.......... MeCredle rf , .4 1 1 . . I luninsvy, u Moore, lb... Htaton, ss... Donahue, o Call ft, p Totals .11 t I II 11 S One out when winning run scored. RUNS AND HITS BT INNINGS. ,Lo Angeles.... 0 4 I I ' Hits ...IMlltlll 17 Portland ..19 0 J Hits l014tS aA . SUMMARY. - Two-base hits Delmas (I), Lovstt. Sacrifice hits milon. Kill a. Left on bases Los Angelos, ; Portland, 1. Klrat bane on balls Off Callff. I: off Carnea, I. Strurk out By Callff. I; by Carnea, S. Double play Smith to Bra nhear. First bane on error Los An- , gelea Stolen bases Carlisle, Kills (2. Time or gams Two hours. , umpl: Ierrlck. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE ' Bttaadiaf ef the CTiaba. ' , Won. Lost P C. San Francisco ........11 '. , .447 1" Angeles t' ?.40 Oakland ............... 7 . ' .6J Portland 4 14 o .223 ' ; ' Seals Win Easily. tJeoraal Bpsekl Bervtee.) i . Oakland, April 14. The Seals had an easy time with the Commuters ysstsr ,day, winning with ease. Score: Hho Francisco. S 3 1 0 4 1 Oakland 1MIMII 1 S I 7 Batteries Henley snd Street: , Hogan and Hackett. Umpire Perrine. ' - . 1. BIG MEET SCHEDULED BY EASTERN ATHLETES v ', ' i This Is going to be a great season for Inter-college track and field athletics In .ths east. To say nothing of the cham pionship meets, no less than 31 dual meets have been arranged between ext ern colleges for the season as follows: April 27 University of Pennsylvania. Relays at Philadelphia. May 4. Pennsylvania vs. Columbia. New York; Cornell vs. Princeton, Ithaca; Wssieyaa vs. Haverford, - Haver ford; Navy vs. Johns Hopkins, ' Annapolis; Hartford vs. Dartmouth, Cambridge; Brown vs. Williams. Willlamstown; Nsw York vs.-Rutgers, New Brunswick. May 11. Yale va Princeton, Prlnee- ,ton; Brown vs. M. L T, at Boston; Dartmouth vs. Amherst at Hanover; Wealeyan vs. Williams at Mlddletown; Virginia va Johns Hopkins, Baltimore; Swartbmore va Dickinson, Carlisle. . May 1. Harvard va Yale, New Hav en; Princeton va Columbia, New York Pennsylanla va All Comers, Philadel phia; wesleysn va Trinity, Hartford Navy va 8warthmore,Annapolla , May 31. N. K. Intercollegiates, Worcester; Swarthmore . va Indiana H wsrtnmore. 5 Lively Boat Expected. i . (Joerasl "pedal Berries.) Indianapolis, Ind., April 34. Willie Fltsgeraid of Brooklyn and Indian Joe tGregg ef Spokane are slated to furnish the l-round windup at tonight's show of the Indianapolis Athletic club. Ths match appears to be . ons of ths best ever arranged for Indianapolis. - Both principals are light welterweights and both are exceedingly fast. - Fltsgeraid has the better record by reason of his longer experience in the ring, although the Indlsn bss been boxing like a chani plon during the last seversl months, or ever since he mde his appearance In tne sasx. ajimffiHmmnin If energy and amlition ZZS m . are lacking ; , . " If th mind Is dull, inactive or de- prnscd sod triOing aaoovaDeea "as irni.Tc ana m iperate, thes ta I1VI Is la rraal ible. The system ssdlgeBted sod 1 w dof(d with aecayiug food. C:G:-lrosSEcreilB:rkTea r- Ta the beat rmedy for LIVRR n i trrmtilra. it incrraMaboth eeeray end smbitlos sod iaducea beaUlH. .S . lui aleep. It Is .. i HOYT CmpmiCAL CO). "'".I'.U'.ll'.llli.UUllPS . ...GELS era 2f C-4 at At Mtm m 1- Bo-Jtiel And Mm pic lrc. , FEATURES FOR THE HUNT CLUB MET Two and One Half Mile Steeple chase Has Been Put on . ; the Program. '. SPECIAL EVENTS HAVE , BEEN PUT ON THE LIST Portland's Popular Riding Club In ' tends to Blake This Tear's Spring; Meet the Greatest In Ita History Program of the Events. . Now that the society clrous is a thing of . history and the weather Is fins enough to permit local . horsemen to train In the open. Interest eventually turns to the annual field day of the Portland Hunt club, which Is scheduled for June I. Events In the past have been most interesting, affairs and are always looked forward to with the keen est anticipation by all lovers of thor oughbreds. The Portland Hunt club has become one of the strongest organisa tions of Its kind In the country and, as a harmonious body.- Is doing com mendable work In the breeding of fins stock, besides thoroughly enjoying ex citing cross country runs and paper chases during ths season. . President T. 8. McGrath. .one of the hardest workers In the club, has been at work sine his election to office. planning features and events for the annual June meet. So far he and his board of directors have met with all kinda of encouragement and ths Inten tion la to make this year's affair ths ban ner event In ths history of the club. By wsy of a stirring feature this year It baa been decided to hold a two and one-half - mile steeplechase in the Infield of Irvtngton race track. - Ths gentlemen riders have been requesting a steeplechase for soms time and their wishes wlU be gratified. In ths first spring meet of the club soms years ago. I , a sieepiscnss was acid, out since then 1 i none has been run. , m Another feature will be the two mils 0 1 races. Then there will be the one-fnnrth Jim tie dash for riders weighing at least i SO pounds. - This race, ss usual will weights in the city. Here Is ths pro gram that win be run on June I: . Parade of all the entries., - Set of lancers, 14 riders. ' ' ' S-s mils dash, handicap.'' 1-4 mile dash.rlders over 209 pounds. - 6-8 mils run. handicap, " Pony race, for boys under-18 years, horaes.14 hands or under. ( (i .'. 1 1-1 mile steeplechase. ; 1 mile run,' 1I pounds. Costly cups, will be offered for all the events. Ambrose-Cron In will have charge of the steeplechase event. TV0 SPIRITED RACES AT lira TRACK i Miss Ainsworth's Two Horses ; Prove Faster Than Jane ' and Uncle Paul. A party of Hunt club riders went to Irvington race track yesterdsy after noon for ths purpose of witnessing two races between two well known riders. For some time there has been a dis pute regarding , ths merits ' of Jane, owned by Ralph Jenkins, and Pat, owned by Miss Bells Alnswortn. . A race was arranged and Miss Alns worth put up a cup for the winner. John Chapman rode Pat, and Mr. Jen kins rode his-own horse. The dlstsncs was a quarter of a mile. ' Ths start was perfect snd both borses .rounded Into the stretch, noee snd nose. It appeared to be an'-even race to the wire, when Pafs face showed In front .The time was I seconds,, a . very worthy feat. Mr. Chapman got his cup.' The other dispute was between Miss Alnsworth's Mowlttt and B. R. Eld redge'e Uncle Paul. The distance was a quarter mile. Mr. Jenklne .rode Mowltsa. and Mr, Chapman had the leg on Uncle PauL. After an exciting race Mr. Jenkins' mount showed to be the winner, . .r V .. , . Those present were ' Mrs. V. O. Buf fum, Mrs. Harriet Sheldon. Miss Hahn. Miss Atnsworth. Miss Norrls, Mr. and Mra F. O. Downing, B. R. Eldredge, Harry Kenon. Robert 8mlth, Frank Robertson and Mr. Chlpton, NATIONAL LEAGUE Won.": Chicago 4.r 1 ' New York Philadelphia lost P C. .176 .( .0 Boston .600 .104 .444 .22! ,.304 Pittsburg Cincinnati St Ixrnls Brooklyn At Ohioaa-e. . ' ' '' t. R. H. E. Chicago 4 I Cincinnati I Batteries Fraser, Lundgren and Kit ting; Mason and McLean. Umpires- Carpenter ana jonnsione. At Boston, R H.E. Boston . . 1 It New York 4 11 Batteries Younc and ornaorrr:. Fer guson and Bresnahan. Umpire Emslla , At m. zxmts. R. H. E. St. tOUlS , .1 1 Pittsburg 7 11 Batteries Beebs and Marshsll; Lynch and Phelps, umpirs uuay. ,-. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE f 'S. '. At Ceefrtle.V s R. It. E. Seattle I 1 4 7 I Butte .....tle 0 111 Batteries Rush ana otaniey; ttoone- velt and Veley.- , Umpire Ehret. At Taaeenver. ' ' R. H.E. Vancouver 0 I 3 Aberdeen . .1 1 1 II 1 Batteries Longanecksr and Spencer; Bricker and BoetUger. ' AMERICAN LEAGUE Won. ... I ... -... 4 ... S. ' Lost : i . PC. .444 .714 .671 ,.664 .421 .IK4 .223 Chicago i... New York Cleveland Ietrolt , . rtoatoii - .' . . , Waxhlngton HU Ixula . . At Detroit. R. . 7 H.E. w Mor- Ietrolt at. Wn 4 Ratterlc- Mtillln and Schmidt; gan and ttuelow. L'lIERfSIIXB Bor;u:;G : Oil THE ORfiO:i ALLEYS Three City League Teams Per formed Last Night at "Tenpins. . Three, of the elty league teams played on the -Oregon nueya last '" in dividual averages were watched close ly, there being but three weesa more before ths schedule ends. The Gopher teem nlaved ths Colnmblaa and lost all three nines. Captain uanason or the former team failed to snow up. These teams were tied for second place. Sumption had ths highest slngls game, 1SS; also ths nest averaga, The Monarch team was scheduled to roll for a team average but tnre men showed op. 'Rows had the highest sln gls game, -III; also the high average, 14. ..- ..,.... Thursday night the remaining teams In the league will roll. Nonparslls va Chlnooks and - Parks va Webfoots. - Friday night a meeting of vast Im portance to every member of the Ore gon Bowling association will be held at the Seventh street alleys, at I o'clock. Others Interested in ths popular indoor gams are Invited. Sunday afternoon two special matches have been arranged. one ef seven games between J. Chester Dolphin and J. F. Head, total pins to count: the other between F. W. Keee snd Fred Raymond, svvsn games, total pins. Following are the soores night's games: COLUMBIAN 1 of last (I) Ave. Ill 114 Gillespie ..1ST ll Boland ...... .....i.l0 11 170 m : in 181 161 1 171 1J0 H1U 17S 141 Kees -..IS 1. Sumption ......... .11 192 Total ...m lit , GOPHERS. 171 1) Ave. Ill 11 Case...... ..Ill Bey land .i .171 Closset ,.v.....1S4h Lunney ............164 Davidson ......,...100 Total ..... Raymond Rows Cpen Talbot Dolphin . ToUl .67 771 77 EASY TIME FOR' THE MTABE BOWLING STARS McCabe'a team bad an easytlme of It last night In ths Multnomah club's bowl. Ing tournament. - Ths scores: . JAMES TEAM. (1) (3) () 173 ' 111 100 100 100 James MMltl 1VV .114 10 ,100 100 100 11 47 S00 too 100 Ivombard .141 Bailey Jones Keller .............100 ............100 100 Totals .....I4S 684 CS7 1.76 M'CABE8 "TEAM. " v..-.-'- ' (t (I) 113 13 143 131 141 ncn.-ane .........,.16S Cummlngs .v..-t..00 Gardner,; ... 20 J Ott ,,...,lt0 Scott .............19 301 : us 140 16 'HI":; 43 384 484 413 444 Totals ..........71 111 lit f,17 ; BASEBALL CHATTER ' -V ' : - I' !;.).- in -: Birmingham. Shrevenort. T.lttle ftnek and Nashville wers ths winners in ths opening games of the, southern lsagua , - . e e Three" Donahue brothers are tn niT ball .this season, "Jlggs- with ths White Sox.- Frank with Springfield. Ohio, George with Canton. Ohio, and Pat with iton, h roruua - Pitcher Lively of ithe Oulfport Cotton States league was pretty lively in the first game be pitched, but. not livelv enough. He lost It. . e . e ; : :. V Too bad ths Western league can't find two more eltlea A six-club organisa tion Is hardly worthy of ths targe cities that make up President O'Neil's circuit y . ; -, yi e . e ' . , ;.. Southern league fans felt awfully sor ry when Manager McQraw and his Giants left them. - They declared they would Uke to have ths Giant stay for ever In the north. - e s - Paul Grimes, the star of last year's i-aiumet team, champions of the Copper Country league, has signed to pitch for same team this season. . A Urge number ef Boston fans wont to Providence recently to see the Boston Nationals defeat the Oraya Score rrovidence I, Boston . Nationals 1. A large number of Boston fans went to Providence recently to see the Boston Americans defeat ths Graya Scots: rroviasnce I, Boston Americans 1. Hse- naw. i c'' ' e 's i eoutu Carolina will have - a state league this season composed of Sumter, Anderson, Darlington, Orangeburg, ureenvuie ana uparianourg. ., . AMATEUR CHALLENGES The Alblna Athletlo club baseball team is opsn to games with sny team in tne city xor Sunday games. For games call up Scott (711, or writ to Harvey HOirman, III Montana avenue, s :"-. To the Sporting Editor of Journal Any team desiring a gams with ths Peninsula baseball team should call up wooaiawn aug oeiween s and 7-P. m., or writs to 1L Becker, manager, ( Howard street. , , v. v, . ' e e - ' , ' Sporting Editor Journal We, ths nn- derslgned. challenge any baseball team from any -cafe in the elty for any amount of refreshments. Address all letters to F. lu Munk, 40 Hawthorns avenue. Her is our line-up: Block. o.j Slebels, p.; R. C. Burt, lb.; Baker, 2b.; Shields, lb.; McCumsey, ss.; La Fol- lete. If.; George Slebels, ef., Nleder mark. rf.: utility men. Leahy, Darling. Curtis; L. Slebela manager. , Amltv. Or..' April 23 , "Sportlns Editor Journal Hopewell ball team will play its first game of the season at the Hopewell grounds next Sunday with the St.- Paul Glanta Bdfh teams are in good shape and should put up a star game. Hnpeweirs prooum iine-tip is ss follows: Frank Martin, c.;- Clsvs Woods, p.; U. Keene. p.; R. Cooper, ss.; George Woods, ,1b.; Buck Star, b.; Charles Wood, lb ; n. Post, ,rf.J E. Campbell, It; Lee Martin, cf.' Hope, well Is out for the championship of Tammll cwinty this year a rtaln, but will not 'overlook any club that Wants to play us. Send challenges to 8. Me Carney, Amity, Or.. . . ,- v , - 111 1A 107 111 171 IT 111 167 117 lit . 109 100 100 71 T 714 MONARCH. I : (1) (3) (l Ave. .........133 14- 177 111 .........311 ' 111 18 114 ......t. .110 II 311 117 .........100 100 100 100 ...... '.t. 1 1O0 10 100 CUDDIES TO ROW AT POUGIIKEEPSIE Navy Department Has Given Permission for Future Ad mirals to Participate. COURTNEY FIXING. UP THE CORNELL CREW Columbia's Stroke) la Suffering From Blood Poisoning Baseball Cham pionship Heading Toward Prince ton Athletic Gossip. ' t By Manhattan. - (Jesraal BseetU gerrles.) New York. April I4.-T-Thsr Is a nsw Richmond In the college rowing field. and Courtney and his Cornelllans, who think they have and as a matter ef fact generally do have a mortgage on the Poughkeepsle 'varsity race, would do well to take notice. Other erews. also, who look for laurels en the Hud son, will have to shake out a reef or two If they would keep from trailing. The authorities at Annapolis have given their permission for ths Middles to row at Poughkeepsle, and the future admirals announce their intention of going after both the 'varsity and fresh man eights, and it can be said now that the crew which is able to give Uncle Sam's boy their back wash Is the crew which will oome vary near winning; ths rae. . . k . 1 It is now Improbable that the Annap olis crew will row In the American re gatta on the Schuylkill May 3a. If they do, they are very hkely te win the feature event - One of the roles of the race la that all oarsmen are eligible who have not occupied seats in a 'varsity alght-eared raoe at Poughkeepsle or New London. This would make every member of the Annapolis crew eligible for this race and would give the middles a splendid chance to capture the race. . e e Charles Courtney te having ne little troubl Is fixing up the Cornell eight te his liking. . ' All ef Courtney's troubles seem te be ever the loss of three such good men as "Eddie" Foot. '08, who stroked the varsity for the past two year; R. C Barton, '0. - who rowed No. I, and W. F. Lee, '0. who filled the position of No. 7. Thes man were three of the best men in ths boat, and though the f lvs old men who are still left are good material, ther are three empty seats which are hard to fllL . The new material does not appear te be promising, and from present indica tions Courtney will have to break up his four-oared crew ef last year In ordsr to get a first-class 'varsity eight This means that Cornell will bavs to sac rifice her championship four In the ef fort to make her 'varsity measure up to the standard. !- " ' . -, The two men who have been taken' out of th "varsity four to fill up the eight -are C J. Goodter,. '07. who stroked that combination for the - past two years, and L. R, Gracy. '01, who rowed I No. 3 last year. If thes two men are I kept in the 'varsity they may Improve that combination a great deal, but It will all be at th .expense of the ether crew. . , The only veteran who Is left In the varsity four-oared crew in . T. W. B. Welch, '08, who rowed bow oar last year and who is rowing there now. R. E. Ooulson, 'A., is No. 3, and Forbes was rowing No. . I. . ' The stroke of the four Is L. G. Halberg, '(. , Thle crew has not been together long enough to ehow what It can do, and now that Forbes Is out of It it Is severely handicapped. A man to. take his place baa not yet been definitely decided upon. The freshman crew . la still an un known quantity. - Courtney . is not giv ing much tims to It at present, and Coach Coulson, who usually puts most of his time on this combination, has been too busy helping out with ths varsity... -.. . .:,, , , . . ' .; . e . e . " - ' ; ', Columbia Is also telling a hard lurk story. Ths other day Cerussi. the stroke of the 'varsity boat, struck his leg against ths stretcher and bruised) it slightly. Blood poison sst In. however, and he has L-en out of the boat for sev eral daya . It Is expected that be will be bsck in his seat next week. - During Cerusst's absence J. MacKsnsle, stroke of the second boat hss taken bis place. There Is soms difficulty In selecting ths bow man.. Coaoh Rice has tried out Spalding, Bnlvely and Height but-. he has fallen back on Braun, who rowed bow last year, t. J. Ryan, the basket ball and football player, . has picked up the stroke very rapidly, and although he never handled an oar before this year It is very probable that he will have a seat tn the first eight at Pough keepsle. The crew Is the heaviest that Columbia has ever put on the water, averaging over 175 pounds. . . v ;J ' v ' . . e e ..' - The latest entry for the Junior college elght-oared race which is te be the fea ture of the American regatta on the Schuylkill on May 35 Is Yale, which sent in her-application through Julian Curtlss, who Is a member of the board of stewards t of the American Rowing association. ' Harvard has already en tered this race. r - ' ' .v The college baseball race Is growing interesting, u looks mors and more as if ths championship this year would go to Princeton. The games scheduled are: April 31 Wesleysn-Prlnceton. at Princeton, New .Jersey; Yale-West Point at West Point New York; Columbia-Cornell, at Ithaca, New York; Har vard-Bates, at Cambridge, Massachu setts. '. ' ' April I Princeton-Exeter, at Exeter, New Hampshire; Indlana-Fordham, at New York., 'April 27 Penn-West Point at Wsst Point . New Jersey; Princeton-Holy Ctoss. at Worcester. Massachusetts; Yale-Columbia, at New York; Harvard Dartmouth, at Cambridge, Massachu setts; Georgetown-Fordham. ' at New York; Indiana-Brown, st Prevldence, Rhode Island. - The championships will be held at Cambridge May II and June 1, and it is conceded that they will be the most hotly contested In years, with a strong probability that there will be records broken. It looks now as though it was- going to be a dual fight between the Cornell champions and ths- University of Pennsylvania, with an ever present prospect that the University ef Michi gan may step in and snatch awsr a victory sfter Cornell and Pennsylvania havs fought each other to a standstill. Harvard, fsls and Princeton, especially the former two, which usually are among the chief contestants for first bonrs, are jiot formidable enotith this spring to oppose the progseas of Cornell and Pennsylvania. ' , One ef the most astonishing stats- SUGG E.STION S Being a few things selected from our Immense stock of Paints, etc Tell us what your requirements are and we will help you select materials best adapted to them. Our store Is a modern, up-to-date retail paint store a convenient place to buy. i. .'..;.' Y';. "'' ' Patton's Sun Proof PaInt....-..,l...,........An Colors "SanikaT. A Sanitary Calsomine Roger's Stainfloor Finish. For floors and Interior woodwork "Princess" Floor Paint. ................... ..Seven Colors - "Porchite" for Porch Floors ............ . . . . .Eight Colors Gloss Enamel. .............. For Bathrooms and Kitchens Bathtub Enamel ..For Bathtubs and Sinks "Glazo". . ..;......,...'.... . . . . For Iron Beds Gold and Aluminum Paints. ..... .For Pipes and Radiators "Shuni". . . . . . . . .". . . .... .For Screen Doors and Windows "Auto Bright". ..................... .A Fine Metal Polish Creosote Shingle Stain.... . .......... For Shingle Roofs Varnishes ............. ... . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . , . .All Kinds Oils, Brushes and Everything You Need for Painting ' Booklet. "Handy Hints on Household '. Painting," FREE TIMMS, CRESS & CO. .' '' THE PAINT STORE . Phone Main 2023 143 FIRST STREET A ii f x . 1 I It i. .. . CCLONIST GREGON And the Pacific Northwest over the Union Piclflc, Oregon Short Line. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., and Sonthera Pacific, from all parts of tne ,ast. uail.x during Marcn ana YOU CA IV For tickets. If yon desire to bring friends, relatives, employee or others from tne .ast, by depositing tne cost with Co, with name and address, and ticket A Rare Opportunitr dustrial Growth of ttie NortHwest 'Z, batm noM tmxmcxtax. urrni crrrM. ,- '. .y a Cnleape ..... .,S90.50 . at. Srfale ................ tT.60 Xaasas City t.M Omaha S33.00 0.00 S.00 SS.00 St. Vaal ao as.oo A Rate apply te all main and branch line potnte, Vantlnaton te Spokane, Inclnslva B Rates apply to Portland, Astoria and Paget Sound points; also oiraimn j-kcii nutin ana srancn line, - For eomplat Informs tlon, inquire VK. aCoanrmsUIT. ' v ' f , - ' j. w. Btinswr. uit Tiessi asn rTxzxszzaxizxxzxsazzsxzsnszszzs Ho! Tally-Do To Wavcrleiflh Free ride in the big coach starting Saturday at 2 :30 to these :"" beautiful lots. ' Reserve seats now. H. W.i Lemcke Company Main 550 , ' ' V -,:, lv Home Phone A 2357 ' - , ti . - SIXTH AND WASHINGTON E BXSZUXZSZZ3S2SZS3SSZSZSa ments which has eoms out of the world of pualllsm Is the announcement that Billy Nolan has Just completed ar rangements for the three International matches to take plaoe m -Lrfmnon in August. Jack O'Brien, Ab Attell, Bat tllna Nelson, against "Oonner" Molr, Joe Bowker snd Johnny Hummers. , Of course this must D so, as nuian says so nimseir. - Gans snd lwis are mnw r match and may fie-ht As yet, however, no club has put forward the necessary financial Induosment and ths match Is not a flxturs. , 4 t . v The state of Maine has recently passed a law lee-allalns- boxtnt contests between professionals which la considered by critics to be ths bsst law . that Kas ben passed. on this question in many yeara i . Not only does It permit suoh contests tn be hel.l. but - It refculates them by fixing' the weight ef th gloves st six ounces; says that there shall not be raor-j than flvs pounds difference in the wnlKht of the men; provides that no decision can b given by a referee and r t 11 When you buy a Suit or Topcoat bearing v; ,'. , ', I Hackett, Carhart & Co.'s Label You can feel confident that there Is none better. In fit and workman ship they are far superior to most high grade clothing. We are show ing all the "STYLES SEEN ON BROADWAY" . fc ."'I e$le5 tO Top & Bottom I Shop Top to Bottom Outfitters ; a 80S WASHINGTON ST. I April. , PREPAY any agent of the (J. K. & N. or S. V. will be promptly furnished in the East to Promote the In Beffala 40.00 4a.S0 Tsw Tort 470 SO. 00 noeto 47.40 ' 49.90 PhUadeIfeta 47 .SS 49.7S Wasblnrtoa ............. 47JS . 48JIS points Bonn er ana inciuaina Asnlaad, ef - - v ""' ; ,'." ' ' ' Cra al Paeasnrer As-sat. ' ' Oreroa A-.Uread sTavtratloa Co. so ano waaninrton. g sTstBTnwiMBlaTZZZKZgSZZZZa $1.00 A WEEK $1.00 m as. . Standard Jewelry Co. a. demands thst a eerttflcat of. health shall be held by every boxer from a registered physician. , Tng-of-War Not. ' - The tug-of-war club was out again last evening and had a fins time. Ths results were ss follows: Portland team defeated th Prospect; Prosperity won from Oeorge Wsshlngton; W. O. W. de feated ths Webfoots. After thes events there was a free-for-all pillow fight. The next meet will be held May J. Th Kings will tilsy sny team In the city under II years. For games eall op Main I4B4 or A lilt and ask for Ray Andrewa OS" rOSrVXAKB OUOOS CI si as as mmiw at Lm tf k SmH a Orasas. pratniEa aix Kcma of , UVB BTOCltAaALNST DEATII FROM AXY ' n . CA.TJSB sjasi rsw , J aTs sStOeWy srVMlttsHlt WavKsaathV.Praa. a. M. Oena Oaal Mgr. I K. I.aMoWt Cwlfha I , Xaag Sweat Oaaaral CSsl ' stiMBia raMlsad CksBker ef I rrdaa4 Bear ef Ttaat ' , .. ..'-, ' asnraiNcaf . J ., eessas Trast sad Serlags Baak Pwtiaa On, ' . . k TW Btecanset Ceaaaay ; B. O. Pas Bl Ce. Cssaaaralsl Agsscs BOMM OFTTCM t-t-t LAfA JTTTE MLDC Can WmktmgHm ami Stmt arrises O-a, e'''s,B?7sBjsasksesjBSssaa--s SSS: EEILIG THEATRE TOMOBBOW (THUBSDAT) WIGHT. APKIL 10, , : iiianisv m v. rresasi - MrSeWigffs of the Cabbage Patch tetara eatsieuient. SasM eensaay tkat asa seared st Balilg Uieatr tvre weeks age. , enjk Tsi first rewa, 11; aalraor, lsat eatD gallery, 60c bexs. 110. '' BIATS MOW BBtXIMO AT THSATBS. COMIINQ to HBIU1Q April 2J.30,May.2wCbrW tlr. Walker Whiteside la the SMst remarkable play ef th isasisi. eamblatng the kleallsm ef Tha Mnele Maatar7! W sake ss sejsOai w e set fIU 1 We gfe fs a atMca east Us as a wita ta eesuBereiausBi ef rbe los sad ts aloass." .' . . ...... THE MAQIC MELODY " Jt aa.i sv a. . ausMvwsi bb Mjwmvtmw 09 ut -. - Oast ef BmaerlattT Issslleaee Zaolasasi Vis May Backley, lllsa OIIt Wyadhaai, IftsC startaa Oesrse. Howard Ooald, Heary Bwianaj ssat bau oriars xxxl rsxDAT" a CHUG THEATRE J3n Wsaktagsaa. '"""' Mais --.wAT a OOOtrwrBT. Sspsertea by Sdna Ooodrlck and aa xeanenf - OMnpaay, Rpeelal-rTles Mattnea :TS Teday. "wAv vi wxms TwzrrxM.- V ,4,, .La Thus ToolgBt. 8:1a, t - ' "A SILDXD YOOL." - ' TaTntm PBIOKS UMrar Vtoor, 11.10, Tf B Irony. 1. TBc, BOe; tMilwy, BOS. KIOHT PBK'RS tnre rmr, M, ll.W; Bah " . eoer. ft. 7ae, aOcj Ualltry,. B3o, inej ' 111 I .1 I III ! i.1 .J ..I l8 w'iiHcms Theatre SSS . : SKAT SAXI OtCTC TODAY TTOS :A RAYMOND HltCHCOCK yraseated sy Henry s Bavag, la the' - .uoaia upara "THE YANKiE TOURISTS yri. Sat. Nlgbts, April M,'tT aad xS, . Spaelal-Prlce Mattnee BeMraay. .. BVRinNO PBirieS: "Unrer Floar. SS. l.BO Baiemy, ft, ioe avniire wauary, eua, MATIKES rBlOES: ILB0 te SS. BAKER THEATRE Pkoae BTata a - Oae. U Bakar. Vra. rerttasd's raabionsbls Copnlar Prio. . Theatre.. .-.-; Att Tata Weak The Baker Stork OMpasJ la Ball Calm's Great 4-Art Draata -THS HODIOAf SO," . yereesal Dlmtlea Mr. Arthur Martley.-' Matisae ' Bararday. arranlog Prleas . BBe, BOe. Matlnea iBc.Sfto. - . BesA Weak "Tae Oletatav." i Cta awl MtfrieMB UUtM 1 EMPIRE TBEATRE I," . SeasMS. Man. gar. ' The Bosas sf Tealgbt All Week Matinees Today end Saras say Th Thrilling and Pewartnl' . i' Melodrama, t ' A i- - -y. i.r "THS BLACK HA BT). ' ' . A Tale of Kentnckr Outlawry, VUl. I lib. sue, eve. H. AH Sfas. laaae, 10. BOe. - Jfaat Weak "Beware Men." TUB STAR wxnc or Ann. ss, THB AU.KN STOCK COMPANY PRPHgltTS ' . "KBAATS OP THX BLD BIOOX." la - ' In few Arts .. . , ; By Hal Brld. -i aimaia -maaoar, TBaraday, Saturday' ui a Sunday at 2:110. Prleee 10 and SO rents. ai Brary Brnilng at S:15 Prices 10. SvetTd ' I v cvnw. rw. www 1 mj pBODe SlSia S-4S. LYRIC theatre; 'Partlaad's Pomler Itnek Hans. Kver Aftaraeoa aai Craning This Weak. ' tnia Stock Oampaay la th famees rare . "SHOWBALJL," .. -. ' Reserved seats ess sow to seearad la ad. vBr rrom 10 a. si. td 10 p. si. Dally matinee at anal time. Evening perform. aneae at S:1B. Batnrday and Bnnday eve. Blngat first performance at f:15. . . . TO CaAND Weak 'ef April M. Vaudeville de Loan ' tavlae and lavnerd Anteaioblle Caaiianas is Treat!' of aa Aata--. siobUlat. Tbe - Oraadlaeas .'H ' UswritUa -- , ' law." ,. , .. Tnaw-Whlt . . . Tragedy. ., - RawU A Tea Xaufmas. t. B. trllya, the Bl. lay's, Ida Hawaii, Th . Wynaeweada FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson' On m pound g. .ta snd Cotton Hoot puis. The b.t aad onl rlui.i. r.mwir for 1A . LAYKD rtHIODa lor the Bisa ob.llnata rawa ta S to 10 dar. bos, ai.iwa in plain rapnr. T. 1. P1CRCR. I HI Vtrat atraat. Portland, Oragaa, Prire ' $t ' Addmn Dr , Vl ' A-