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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. APRIL 21. 1CC7, FOR HOUSEKEEPERS How to (let Rid of Cockroaches With Stearns' Electric Paste, . ' Nothing is more' troublesome ' to the good housekeeper than eockroachee, and aha will welcome a sure exterminator like B learn a' aUectrlO Hat and Kbach feate, Placed In sinks snd on the shelves at night, you can sweep up a panful of dead roaches In the morning. Much better than . powders, as. It does not blow away. . ' - j Stearns' Pasts is also guaranteed to kill off rata, mlee an1 other vermin. Insist upon jetting Steams' Electrle Rat and Roach Paata It Is the only guaranteed exterminator eold, driving rats and mice out of doors to die, and completely ridding the houee of cock roaches, water bugs, bed bugs and other vermin, lie sure to get Btemrne' Paate, the only "Almieyback'r vermin destroyer. Stearns" Electric Pste la aold by druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price. 2-os. box c, 16-os, box ll.SO. Slesros' Klectrle I'te Co., Buffalo, N. Y. (formerly Chicago, til.). . . ".y -1 ,' Cement llher LMiing Concrete Foundation i Csrant mixer, la h 1a maklnr the eoncrt for the foundation of the . Rothschild ' tmlidine; at Fourth and Washington treats. It !' hand-power PLEHTY EAGER TO PURCHASE HOTEL Riverside Building Sold to Frank ! ' Davton -Fifty-Six Person V Made Inquiry. ' . i Frank Dayton of the Dayton Hard war company purchased yesterday the , Riverside hotel at the foot of Hamilton avenue from V. A. Foadiek for HMO. The building occupies aa Irreg alar shaped . tract and contains II room a D. B. afackle ' of . the Coraemrclal 'Investment company . made the sale. Mr. Mackle Advertised this property la last 8unday'a Journal, and M ondayhad II Inqulriea answering the advertisement, and could have cold . the property half a doaea times during the day. Louie P. Beno purchased yesterday from Richard Healy the lot at - the northwest corner of Twelfth and Over ton for tl.lJft, , Mra. Josephine Hlrach has aold to J. B R IGH T'S ID B S E A S jr of Many Year's Standing, Causing Much Suffering v. ; , , Entirely Cured With Six Bottles of ; ' WARN E R'S SAFE CURE A TRtAti BOTTt-B f TH1 WORLD'S ORBaTWrT KIPXKT CTTRl KEKT aBSOLCTTLt , fREB TO EVERT BKaDEB or THB 'OtBMAL WHO SUrrBRg f BOM BUOMBX, V UVXB, BLADDBB OB BLOOO DUEaSaV . - . t . Mr. a M. Dow, "Ae Dalles, Ore, m a letter sated Deeeaibei H, lsoe. evnoieattng ea ale reeest reamarkable reeevery rrtaa death's door gee to kid ney dlaeeee, sayai 'Daring the latter part ef Oetetnr 1 get ever a severe ease of typhoM fever which hft aty kidney la very bag shape. I hag e epeetlte er aaslttoe sad kesaa e lose flesh rapMIr. I waa thirsty, feverish asd weak. lis kretbar-lalaw advteee se to Uke Varar's safe Care, wk I aid. e)4 set foal any radical efaanee all! I had takes the seeoe botUa, waea I loan I was sot eonpwllea to gat ep se eftoa 6urta, the sight.- I have sew flalabeal say foarth soul ana weisk IBS eooada. sood. aolid flea. I feel and loak batter thaa I have toe yean aad have ao farther treat! from svy ktdae taeaks to year valuable aaedfcla.'' Mrs. Sarah B. Baaghart 1 ef ' Dee Molaea, I-, adds set teatlntoar. See eaya: "1 had bass a , nffarer BrKkfs glaaaaa for aboat tlruea years end bad boas growing werae and worea, anttl aboat els weake at I counaentaa1 taking Warser't Safe Core, and I am Bow able to do mt own hoaaaworfc. The doctor wk had baea attending bm (nr eaveral yeara prevloas told mr kaaband that I woald die wltbla a weak end that there waa nothing that eonid re store bi kealth. aa I area la the wont uim ef Brlshfs dlaaaae. My kaaband talked wltk ass ana said ae baueva knew ef a renafly mat antsht balp a, and a be went aad got e bottle ef Wrnere Safe Cere, aad I Botlrwd after taking one bottle a very doeldad enaate for the batter.- I have . bow taken ala bottlaa, end eaa't aay enoafb word ef pralae for your won derful remedy. It Is eartalnly tb only ramedr that evor helped ana I bop that tbeee wnMa awy be ef benefit re enew nee afflicted the eaae aa I have aeea." . . . . CURES KIDNEY . DISEASE v Whes 'the hldneys are taa.4 the arlc add la sot carried off and thla raneae gnat, ' luaahase, rkwaailam at the iolnla, rbaavatlara ef the ainaclaa, rheanatlam ef the heart, . rbeoaatlrai everwkere. i.,s , . la Bright" dtaaaaa the eowele r eftae ronattpatad and th llvar torpid. Warnr'a Sa( mi qalckly rtllev Uil eondKlna, aad ae 111 afer eftact la eaperlenead. - - - - .. , t t WARNCB'S SAgB CTBB Is sof P la twa alaoa and sold by all dro- gtata, t dlrrt. St AO erat and II U) s botrl lUtnae aabatltates Mntalnlng kuaiful. drags which Injur the eraum, 4 3 UN Dial PO T'T I P CDCC .' To eoavtsce every snffarer from dlaaaaM of the kldnafv, KIAU DU I ILt fKtti un. bladder and Mood that WARNER'S gAFB CLUB . Ill enre him. a trial buttle will b nt. wh will write WARN KB a turn CI'RB .. Bncbtr, N. Y., and mantkm havlnc aoaa thla llbaral of fat Is Th foarnal. The ganalnee ef till offr la tnllr guaranteed. Oar doctor will le Bang aiadloat bonklat eontalolns drarrlptlone of armptoms and trestsMat ef eecs dlaeaae and atany eosvlaclng ttlmonlala free to every ea. RKSSZZZ7SZZXSZZZZZSZZZa no! Tally-lTo To Wavcrleigh Free ride in the bi; coach starting- Saturday at 2:30 to these ' , beautiful lots. Reserve seats now. II. V. Lemcke Company Main 830 ' ' ' ', '. . '-. ; Home Phone A 2337 , ' - A - : ' SIXTH AND WASHINGTON machine, and la equipped with a. de rice that accurately measures the pro portion of cement and aand ued In the mixture.. The concrete foundation that la being put In for the RothachUd D. Wharton a 'quarter block- at the aeuthweat corner of Kaat Seventh, and Broadway for $,00. . .- A. M. Lance baa purchased from H. I. Pulfer a new bungalow la Bungalow Glade. Portland Heights, for $5,000. It is reported that a syndicate of local capitalists has been formed to finance the erection of a 1160,000 tourist hotel on Portland Heights. The project has not taken definite shape, although tba promoters are known - to have la view several desirable altea and to .have au thorised a local- architect to submit a aketcU of the proposed hostelry. The Oregon Packing company hag be gun the construction of a 190 by 100 foot adaltion to Its plant at Kaat Eighth and Belmont streeta The building will have a basement and two upper stories, LEGISLATORS JOIN IN ' ' y PETITION FOR PARDON (Joeraal Special Svvte.1 "' ' Kansas City. Mo, April 14. A peti tion to President Roosevelt to pardon W. C. Anderson, who waa arrested and returned to the federal prison at Fort Leavenworth was joined la by the Mls eouri houae of representatives today by the vote of ft to 10. Anderson had been sentenced to a five-year term for robbing a postofflce and escaped nine years ago, after having served " three yeara. '; . - . " ' B1 ' . er Njau-w; rite . -"t. -r rfcs a. VtKl fMf couxn It urf Ifacrxiati MVariil MIH' IWUKalin w ) M aMI llWM UvMP St eceiooto iaf ae uvt (ri t Intact J.tfH H arfaw ISM( OOflB rOB ADULTS On tobkMoaaafel, eta eveifht tlaiae e day, iakoa elaor er la aa qaal eaaoant af watar, or la nrear eaid l Ik kolor er after ami to an it tlaaa at tMta. II tt eae eaata. aa U nay la extrrae aana. radoaa th dan er heal It aiodraflrod tak ftr al la wan er eold milk anttl the tea 4 the storaaah la Imprarad. Boa CHILDRgff TJndor traar. one t apaoof l endar 10, two taaapoontala warmed aad tat la mi Ik. gaanaewalaaaanol Bbaabla. kwtlona of Oblldroe end Adalta by Warawr larg Plllaealr. Dtaoard all Prase and other Mrilolaee daring toeetaeai, Wag I waaaina. e.eag aLaaahaaaa nutflEITERHWIl A', iraj-,i-ara Wff par-,J- L AMOI.UTELr FKEB. DoalnaM. - to aav sm KZZZZZlZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZag J bunding la a 7 to 1 or 14 par cent mixture. Thla machine can be ao ad justed aa to make a mixture, containing anywhere from. per cent to St per oent of cement. ; i ORATORS MEET FRIDAY HIGH! Corvallls, Pullman and Whitman ! In Their First Competition - ' at Corvallis. " (Rpeetat Dispatch to The Joeraal.) CoryaUia,.Or April It. The first In teratata oratorical contest aver held by Washington Agricultural college, Whit- If ark V. Weatherford. , ; ' man college and the Oregon Agricultural college will be held her Friday night. Mark V.' Weatherford, the O. A. C representative, wh la one of tha brlght eat and most popular atudenta la the local college, will have aa hla subject patriotism Par Excellence.' Much is expected of him la tha -coming event Miss Ella Healey will represent Pull man with an oration entitled "Supply aad Demand." , Walter C Sella .. of . Whitman : will peak ea "Tha Curse of Africa." A large and enthusiastic audience will doubtlees greet tha orators la Friday eight a con teat here, - . vv DEATH OF A PROMISING YOUNG MAN OF SALEM 8pelal DlapetcB to The loaraal.) Balem, Or, - April tc Charles IX Tlllaon. a young business man of this city, died at his home here oa 'Center street last , - evening. For - several months ha had been ailing and his mal ady baffled tha skill of physicians. He wss tha son of - Mr. and Mra. W. C Tlllaon of thla city and for five years waa aaaooiated with tha firm of Tlllaoa St C& tha wall-known prune . packers ana warehousemen. , He waa bora April 11. 1170, at Marseilles, Illinois but spent tha greater part of hie Ufa at Kearney. Nebraska. Ha bad : lived In thla olty for It yeara and was a. mem ber or Hf psul'a Episcopal church. He leaves a wife, three slaters and two brothers, Mrs. . Charles Freeland and Mra Clyde E. Spooner of Portland and Miss Susie Tillson of thla eltv. Lewi a Tlllaon of Balem and Edward W. Tillson ox uaaianou. .-. RHODE ISLANDf FAILS V . TO ELECT A SENATOR " (JMratl Raoreal B1e.l "V' Providence. R. I.. April 14. The Rhode Island legislature - adjourned aine die laet' night- without having elected a United States aenator. Twenty-five bal lots were taken yesterday, the final vote resulting thus: Samuel P, Colt, tl; ex-Senator Wetmore, SO. Colt la preal dent of the rubber trust and hla failure to secure the election marks his po litical' end and the downfall of General C. R. Brayton, the "blind boss." Colt had in support of htm the entire Re publican machine of Rhode laland, but it waa not strong enough to bring about hla election. - During the session of the legislature It ballote were taken. Rhode Island will have but one aena tor In eongresa antll next January, when the legislature will meet again. WILL. MAKE LIME AND SEARCH FOR MARBLE " (gpeelal Dtapatra to Tk Journal.) Loetlne, Or.. April 14. The Silver Creek Lime A Marble company la tha title of a new corporation which waa recently formed at Loetlne, Wallowa county,, with a capital of 110,000. - The object of the comnenr la to onerate lima kilns and to supply lime to adjacent , points, and to develop ladioatlona ef marble la thla neighborhood, J X, ' -7! j. t.. a . STAMPS SOOS TO POUND WEALTH FROM RAIKBOW " . v . , Quarter of Million for Season Is Manager's Expectation . Mormon Basin Work, i tSpadal Dm patch to The loaraaL) ' : Baker City, AprU 14. Twenty stamps will be dropping at W. m. Jung a nain bow mine In Mormon Baltt this week and the manager expects to clean up 1160,000 on tha season'a run,-and thlnka it may go higher. For soma time past the Rainbow has been ahut down be cause of the non -delivery of a new hoist ordered-In the east long ago. It will ar- Lrive within a few days and operations are to start at once. Manager King to day took a full crsw out to tha mine, which la opened up for a record run. Tha stamp mill will be started at onoa and the ore body ia ao rich that It con firms the belief of tha Mormon Basla operators that their district la one of the richest la gold In the wast, - For M.000 Charlea Qulst baa aold hla half Interest ia the Wagner-Oulst gold property la Mormon Basin to John M. Laldy of thla city. Tha new part nership of Wagner and Laldy will com mence extensive development at onoe and there la every prospect of Ha be coming one of tne big producers of the district. They are In Baker City making arrangements for cars and trackage, which they will take to Mormon Basla Immediately. They will put a Urge crew at - work on development along aclentlfio tinea The showing already made- warrants a large expenditure. A crosscut haa already been driven. Thla la- only -the commencement of work which ia expected to prove the worth of the great Mormon Basin country, a WHITMAN SCHOLARSHIP . FOR SALEM STUDENT ' f portal Ptapetch t The Jaaraal.1 . Balem, Or., AprU 14. Whitman college at Walla Walla la not satisfied with re cruiting atudente In eastern Oregon and the "Inland empire," but It haa extended Ita method of clever advertising to thla aectlon of the state, already welt filled with good, cellegea and universities. Whitman is a Congregational eoUege, though not sectarian, and rt baa Just of fered a scholarship to the student ef the Salem high , school making the beat standing In scholarship. The choice or recommendation is left with the school authorities. Many of the atudenta are displaying much interest In the com petition and considerable rivalry is man ifested among tha atudenta of the high school. CRUISING KING COUNTY TIMBER IS UNDER WAY ' - (Special Dtapateh to Tha tarsal) - Seattle. April 14. County Aasessor Parish haa aent out hla f lrat crewa to cruise the standing timber of King j county. The work ia of tmmenae im- i portance, not only to thla county, but to the other eountlea of the state, which i are watching tha work In King. Here tofore the timber lands have paid but a very small portion of their Juat taxea. It la estimated that the accurate cruis ing of the timber will mean to the county about $128,000 a year. The work wUI coat about $0.000 and will take II months to oomplete.. About 10.000.000. 000 feet of standing timber Is to be cruised. . -....'( So much , goodness dwells in a little dry leaf 1 Tear grocer retains roar nioaey if yea deal Vks Schilling's Beat; we pay hit. ! . GRAND OPENING Rohsc'sParlt Sunday, April 28 The most popular end attractive -park for lodgea, a octal and family gatherings, bowling, dancing and amusements of all kinds, . Ad ' mission to grounds free. Dano - lng, gents, llo; ladisa, free. Take Car at Second and Morrison. Amateur Races TONIGHT Oalts Elm! Car Ride Ska'Ing L'dsIc Racing ; : ov- y ; V'rr-r VV c ID BEN r, i 1 ; Our Sayings Bank Wer pay three per cent Interest on Saving Ac counts, interest computed eml-annually. ' V We do not offer more for the reason that we do , not feel justified in paying more. It Is our policy to so conduct our business in - these prosperous times that we may be able to fulfill our obligations to our depositors under any and all adverse finan cial conditions. 1 -.;'.. 5 ' V. t While such favorable time lasts for earning the opportunity for saving should be embraced. Our Pocket Savings Banks have enabled many to start their now large accounts who never before have , saved anything. ; Remember, you can start your account with any amount you wish to deposit ; . - N' v - , . . v.'. ' ''' '' Merchants Savings & Trast Company 247 WASHINGTON ST. : i . , t i ....... CAPITAL FULLY PAID $150,000.00 . J. Frank Watson. ... .. ... . . .... President . R. L Durham..... J. Vice-President - W. H. Fear. . . V. . . ... ... . .Secretary '! S. C. Catching. . . .. ... .Assistant Secretary ' ; O. W. T. Muellhaupt, . . . . ...... . .Cashier ; FT? Dr. II n EVERYTHING FOR BOYS, v , Except Shoes in our handsome, roomy JUVENILE DEPARTMENT, ! . Where Shopping is most comfortable and the Assortment the most complete In the city, . - , , WASHABLE SUITS FOR BOYS. ' . Peter Thompson Style Dresses and Reefers for Ladies and Misses. ' T ALL AT OUR USUAL MODEST PRICES. SELLING Clothier '-'. Morrow's Anli-Lecn acASoie uajt noru vav nreafa tke aerreaa sye- u - ayeteaa. St la a waielj , . vceaale oesaseaaaV j ' Contains ae oils er fate er' ear drug that le injnrlnn or Uablo to prodao a aabu. IT THt CM ATttT TOrJC Ci THX. WCHXO f Baea bottle eoetalne e i fnontVe treatment and to.). ) ' 1 a at an, flret-rlus arx atore. Freeare) by tae CWerealaa T '-, r"- , :CO.FEEOT" TEA SRICES DAKIttO F0VDEP. i .i - - - I 1 1 ' an a,, ! j PORTLAND. OR.E.j Sir II rrsssasmsle. AaaUe Pt a . M ..... A . W The China That Ghlne3 OulcJccst 0i:s:y ill .j,n YiQ'.W A SPICL'LT.' : Atra. a. ic chan r ir. tt, , 1 i Nrervf t- 4 t- ' ), a tsi - . i . h)-f fr....' 'Mi , -. 1 1 fc-'"-f ' it ' f t-a. t ft"- t -m r r - r .- a ft . ' r 2 - i