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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
. nxs .Dnn jON daily journal, -portlaud, vediiesdat rrvxinua. .April m. . icct. HOWARD COULD Folger's Golden Gate This Is ' . the Machine Machines at Wholesale Price 1.1 If SJ-II Baldng Powder r-:..;V Ii composed of the foIlowin2 ingredients 'and none "other: Pcre Cream Tartar and Pure Bl-carbooate 'Soda '-;;: , .;: ..... , ,: v..; J. A. FOLQER & CO San Francisco :''-:( ; Bw.. . . $1.00 Down "v- . Favorite actor who formerly ap peared with the Ollrer Morocco, the Baker and the Columbia stock com panlea In this city. Mr. Gould will be seen with Walker Whiteside In "The Magic Melocy" at the HelMf next week. re AT THE THEATRES last Time Nat Goodwin Tonight. - Tee teat pa) niaiaaaa af tlx alwars Pe lv evawdlaa. Nat O. Ooodwin, artil be sirea at tbe Helll tbeatre, roartaoath and Waab lnctoa atraete, toolfbt at.S:15 eVtock. afr. Goodwin, aapperted by baaatlful Edna, Oood rack aw 4 aa axralkmt eoaipanjr, anil praat tha aortety eoojlreraaia "a Glided Fool" eea of Mr. Ooodwla'a pieateet wmiia, Beats ara aa aala at baa of flea, tha tbaatra. . . "Mrs. Witts' Tomorrow Wight. ' A ipailal Tatara amrafaaaaat f "Un Wlm .of tha Uabbace Patck" will ba (Iraa at tba Hetng tbaatra. . FourttaaU aad Waahlnftoa ' atreota, teaeorrow 7 (Tbaroday) atcbt. Tbla la tbe aaa azrallaat eonpaar af Urtoler Do. 'a that appeared at tha HellJf errar.l weak ago. taata, aa aaJa at tkaatra boa eft lee. . .., . Bltcheock fa Tbe Yankre Tourist,' ' itaj ! Hltehaock la aaw naU apar fa thra acta. Taakaa Teorlat." will ba V Krnrr W. Baeaael attarina - at tba Haill tbeatre aart Friday. Bararday aad Bandar Bights, April . ST aad M, with apaetal prlea awtloaa Batardar. aad It win ba , tba Baramd Hltcbeork at other ear who will aiviuaatluaablf dallrbt all lovara of tha baat thrre la la eiuelcal entartalnoMot. Blrhard Harding Darta, war mrraapondVut aad avthar, la tha ra.pon.lble bead fur tha work vt "A Taukee Tour tat," and ha haa alrea Mr. Hlteb- eark aa eaeaerilucly brllllaat plar. Wallaoa Irwla ou piurldvd aoaM Ijuto wbH-e ara e elddlr arlalual aad a awat eatrkr - 'BMalcal aobtUabnaat baa baaa flvaa tba aatlra K durtloa br aifrad O. Hf)a. . bmt aaataav bmd Barhapa (or tba niuile f "Tba Taukaa Conaal." . Tha aaat ancaiad for hla aapport la ona e( anaaoal atraacth, Indudluc aa lfduta) rkira Zahalta. Halaa Mala. Bra Palloaa. Siiala rarraatar Vawtboraa. Waltar Lawraara, H-c-hart Cawthorna, Parrr Paranaa, Uarrj Stoaa, PbllUua SmalWr. B. B. Pbllllua, M. W. Hak. Saata ara oow aallloc at tbaatra bas offlca. Walker Whiteside Neat Monday. Wbaa Wr. Walkar Whltaalda aad kla ra rkabla coBpaar plarara aiaka thalr aa- aaaranr at tba Halllf tbaatra Cor tow alghta baflDnliia aaat Muadar. April 28, with a apaclal artr Butlnaa WadaaadaTt leaal tbaa-tia-aaara wlU ba ataa aa oppartaaltf to wtt- a aarnaaianca that baa baaa apokaa af la tba hlfbaat taraw wkaraaar It baa baaa araatatad. Tba plar hi af tha awat dramatic qualltr. bat to raUrwd wltb aoaM aiaterUI af tba Ucbtar Tala. Br eonpataat erltlra tba aaw Tablcla M aald to awra Baarly raaaatbla thaaa ataadard aaceaaata, Tbt Llna aad tha aaa." aad "Tba Maale bfaatar" ra Ita aropa. Ilmrl, liablar A Oa. bar faraiabrd than- atar wltb a arat aceaptabla onraalaatloa la avary war. Stat aala opaoa aast Prlda at as amoa, taa taaarxa. Good Bill at Ljrrlo. . H . Tba aadlaneaa af, tba aaat , tww dara kawi flaaa tba auaip of approral to "Snowball," tha fanwaa eoavrdr bat la at tba Lrrle thb) waak. "Snowball" la aathlna law tbaa twa boar aad thtrtr vjlaataa at aaUd, aattofrtng laBahtar.. Tbara la a auttiaaa aracr dj; arata far aar partanaaaaa aur ba laawl br aala , An Headliners. in tba acta aa tba procraai at tba grand thla wt ara baadllaara. Tba aatoBMblla act af La Tina aad Laoaard to eea of tba aoat ab aurd aad eoailcal af facta that baa baaa pro- uord oa a local ataaa.-- Raw la aad aa Kanf bii baaa a aaawdr akatch aaltod "Muah" which aaraf falla to ralaa laaaba and aaotbaa prloM antarUlnar to 1. Barnard Drllra, lata af uoura M. Vohaa'a eampanlaa. Tba. wrai wiioda baaa a ploaatn- ebaaga art whlla tba aaaaatloaal muring ptrtvaa, "Tba Dawrlttaa Law," ara baaad am tha faaioai Thaw ai Thra abowa dallr at tba Oraad. "Heart of the Bine Ridge." Bal Batd't waw BolodraaM. Tba Baarbi of tbo Blao Bide," to awaa aan powalar tbaa thai aaaM aathor'a (liar "Haaua Baarta." Tba aaw drama to boldln tba boarda thla wwak at th Star tbaatra. - Tha piae to wall atacad aad tb parfnraiaac to absaa tba aUadard. "Uaarta af tba Bio aUdca" to tba kind of plar which appaato to oTatyoaa who baHaaaa la rlabt and roatlo. Thar will ha matlaaaa Tbandar. Satnrdar aad Baadar. Saata aaa b taaanad la adraaea at tba boa offlca. ' W apaw wTrmT. "' .' a '. " i ; a ' - t J W -nJN you uimK xi tne great ; V Y number of cigars which seem " popular for a then" sink into obscurity, you are forced to retogniz? the value and superior quality: , of the Chancellor which has been known : and smoked for over--thirty : years. Nothing less than the finest quality could keep a cigar in popular favor so long, v VAST FUEL DEPOSIT ir. . A STREET IH SEATTLE Would Have ' Broken th Fuel Famine Had It Been Found ' : U$t Winter. ' Chancellor CIGAR "Oldest and Bait" Made in. various sizes, sold at 3 for : : 25; cents; 2 " for 25 cents, and ten cents: . So well known is the Chancellor that you will find it in every good cigar store all over the country. ; J Every box of Chancellor cigarsisv mark, as well deserving of a a i . . . ' i a , a . a 1 ' Mark tnis aisuncuon oi nign anu v consistent quality. : C . ': AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY :';T ' '.' ': Manufacturer rSpaeial Dtopatea .b Tba JaaraaL) Baattl. April 14. Tha rradars who are enttlna down the bill en which stood tba Waahlnaton botal. for years en of tha landmark of BeatU. have unoovarad a rain of somathlna; that la apparontlw a croap . batwaan aa - axcap- uonaiiy man arad or poat and a poor (Tads of llanlta eoaL It la to feat thick and 7t feat wide, and It la estimated there, la 100,00 tons of It. It Is ex- eellent fuel, and Contractor Haw ley la ualncaome of It to make steam- for hla bis ateam ahoraL The rest la betna washed Into the bar br the bla moni tors that are1 alulolng down the hill or burned In several big fires that ara kept aolna for the sole purpose of daatror. Ina the fuel. It bursa wall, laavlcc about the Mat amount of aahea aa doea ordinary Br wood. ...... j . Tba waat depoalt of fuel la absolutely nsoleaa to the contractors, ' except . ao mucn or it aa aurricae to run the steam ehovel. " Contractor Hawley offera It free to anyone who will haul It away, There la enouah of It to guard aaalnat a fuel famine In Seattle attain - next winter If the pubilo will only cart It off. s -, .. EASTERN LEAGUE WILL BEGIN SEASON TODAY (roaraat Bpactol Sarrtea.) Prtrrldanoa, R. 1, April J f. Today marka the openlna of tha season for the Eaatern lea rue of baseball clubs and If the predictions of the man ax-era are borne out tba coming aummer will sea one of the best pennant raoea In the history of tha oraanlsatlon. All of the oluba are reported in fine ahape. Tha openlna; gamea today ara Toronto at Rochester and Montreal at Buffalo The teama In tha southern section of tha league will open tomorrow, with Jersey City .playing hers and Baltimore at Newark. The schedule oalla for 144 gamea and the aeaaon will oloas Sep tember 14. M. A. A. C INFORMATION At tha meeting of tha Multnomah club directors last evening. Asher Houe ton and C Rupert were dropped from the elub membership on account of hay ing participated in profeaslonal base ball gamea 'Hera Is the ruling of the club, under which tha decision waa sir en: "Article It, section D, M. A. A. O. by laws at em oersnip in tnis club shall be terminated by a member forfeiting hla status aa an amateur under a finding or declaion of the board of manacera of auch central association aa thla club la or may become a member of. dulr oon firmed by the board of truateea of thla club, or, under a finding or de claion of the board of trustees of this elub." . Thus tha Multnomah club ' directors make It plain that all offenders wlU ba dealt with accordingly. "This has been tha policy of the club and It will con tinue to be." aaya Prealdent Oeorge McMillan, In speaking of tha case thla morning, "and the board Intends to ad here to thla ruling at all tlmea" The .' Multnomah club's ' handball tournament opened last night In the doubles event Moore and Holbrook. hold era of tha Cleland cup, defeated Smith and Bellinger Il-lt. 11-11 and Boulan and Oleaaon won from Kerrigan and Lombard 11-4, 11-17. -. . In the M. A. A. C.p pool tournament last- evening Jenkins defeated W.n no berg eS to 41.-. . eeeeeeeeeeeeeeMeeeeeeeeeeeee)f Full Set of Teeth. . .". i . . ......... 85.00 Bridgeworlc, per tooth.... $3.50 to $5.00 Gold Filling. I .". ...... .S1.00 and Uo Crowns, Gold or Porcelain. $3.50 to $5.00 t o i v?iii; r n l i tt T ouvcr riiuns i . . .uui auiu up Enamel Fillings. . .... i . i ... .$1 and Up Painless Extraction 50 , Xxtraotloa free When nasea or Bridges Are Ordered.. '' !LY DOTAL COMPANY VSL,7i .- t-,,1' t, yrrrtnb rhone A 1010. Open Bvealaga r 11 p. u. MM4444mmt We on aot adraHla. aar rbaap aw frao flntwtrr, bacao. tho kill M da and tha kuewlala. what to do to a eantlat'e atnrk la trade, and a hnrtnea. Biaa cannot arfnrd t fir awar hla atork; 3't w adwrtlaa enr rhrvo prtra anr aerTlcoa raaaoaahl and rwitltf aoaraiv all oar wtwk. W do aa we adrartlaa. . Zsamlaatloa AdTlo Tree X -a 7 ' GRAMMAR LEAGUENOTES ' Sooth Mt. Tabor forfeited to the Mt.' Tabor team yeaterday afternoon la the grammar school league. The Atkinson school team would Ilka to take the place of tha Ladd team In the grammar school league. .-' ()() 50C . M . Attach .0 aWeek k ft, l ments :::;a50c::r;Weelc This Is an exact picture of the p-eat Sewing Machine. Case is of kiln-dried, selected oak, t with quarter-sawed oak . lid, beautifully pol ished. Get in your order this.week if possible. : If you do not understand a Sewing Machine .; Learn to Sew Free ; Our lady demonstrator will take pleasure In teach- Ing the inexperienced person how to use the machine. . Call and investigate. Do not feel obliged in the least to order a machine affer having them explained to you. We are glad of the opportunity to show iV You Run No Risk If this machine is not all we claim for it, you may -return it But you'll never regret : taking this great bargain. ; We could not afford to deal ' 5 In . an inferior machine on the terms we offer. , Nothing could better prove our great faith an?I ' confidence in the machine we offer you.- v- A HighQrade Machine Only 50c a Week v,, In purchasing this machine you pay for the high class works,' and not for a highl advertised name., " Of course we cannot advertise this machine to be just Jike this or that model or make, but when you see the machine we sell you, you at once realize that you are gettinga high grade $60 article for $25. On easy payments, too. V ' .v : r rrae alekal - pUtad etaal attaobataats as Sallowe are faraJahed with oaeb anaahbatt. BafOar. taekor. bead ar. arabSar, laot abtr rtag aide Plata, foot a f e Itad baaaa a all tar, aaat luail aad fatlar. ' Maadbaa, aerewdrrrer, ' afl eea. bonrdaa. eta, are ellipse Steel Range. XL )) II f 7 JgWf -We have received notice of another ad vance in the price of the "Eclipse" Steel, Ranges... After the first of May the price will be much higher. While the present stock lasts the old price will prevail. A 4-hole G" series v: Other Sixes of Eclipse Ranges as Low as $35 l!Qreat Eclipse ?:;Rarigei $45.00 This Is the full slxe, standard Eclipse the range with a record for baking and durability. It is the quickest and surest : baker on , the market. Thou sands sold in Portland. Get in your order now. . A dollar downwind a dol lar a week will pay for it. For the Small Sum of 11 We Will Place This Range in Your Kitchen $1 Only Obtains a Sewing Machine avuuTz srLLs rrron tnss- , 0; V mAl ih GDTJElOaBciOTfirrau niorAjaSrowSrvrTLANO $1 Only . Obtains the VEcIipseV Range ABERDEEN IS MOVING TO FILL UP GULCHES fSparbil Mapatrh b Tba 7Mraal . Aberdeen. Waah., April 14. The plan Of filling In tha city by dredging la again being agitated and la backed by former Mayor Llndatrom and other prominent men of the town. It Is bo lt' ve1 some definite action will be taken, during (he year. Mr. Llndstrom aya property ownera are willing to build a dredge If tha elt will give I i ywBgbrwaa. twv eoarv oaaaa so owoa' Have-LISOCORD" eyelet aad battnohotae, I tbat buare parraot at aaa aaver areas. aaa. r. tea a eev, . Taev, a. v. Utm Waaataraa n them permission to make eontracta with Indlvlduala for the filling In of prop erty. He la In favor of flUIng in by dredging rather than by alulclng down the hills. The district to ba filled In covera sn area . approximating 4.100 feet by 1.400 feet, and the eetlmated coat of the work would not be more than tlOO.000. . '" 1 ii i i ii im . t , Lawsoa Damage Trial Begins. Boston, April 14. The Suit of the Copper Range company against Alfred O. Burrage. Thomas Lawaon. and oth ers, aaklng damagea aasregatlng 11,000,. 000, opened, today before tha supreme "rS . .. , . ,,. ' . Dresser ilaii Portland's finest and largest Table Supply House, everything for the table, new, fresh and dean, the most convenient place for you to trade. Dresser's Macaroons, regular 50c, per lb. . . . .'. . , ... ..a............... .A Zz Dresser's Pinoche Candy, regular 30c, per lb. . r:: Knorr's Imported Egg Noodles, 1-lb. pkge. 2ic Mrs.. pickenson's Home-Made Jelly, glass . ............. ; ICz Californii White Wine, regular $5.00, doz. Cr.CD Fifth and Stark. Branchc ,i ;