The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 24, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Has Been Out a Month From
San Pedro En Route for
the Columbia. .
Under Charter . to Load Lumber at
One of Mills on Lower Columbia
River British Dark Zinita Also
Overdue and Object , of Concern.
Considerable anxiety -Is felt for the
r . T ,1 AmHn .hln 1.'.' H
which left 8a u Pedro for the Columbia
liver March It In ballast. 8he wai e
hoM Mvra a irn anil -he1
charterer . la said to be suffering a
great Inconvenience because of having
made preparations to load her at a
point on the lower Columbia river. . He
la said to have been forced to pay de
murrage' on scows and other parapher
nalia towed down there to ha used In
- loading tha vessel. - '
. . The Eel) pee la said to have been -off
tha mouth of tha Columbia river some
.jwejeks ago. A -storm sprang up and
aha stood out to sea, again. . Biuee than
no wora nas oeea received irom nor,
although all Incoming vessels have been
watched for ancouruglng -news.. Mar
- iners say that the slow passage of tha
' old square-rigger must bo due to calms
far off the col at somewhere, because
the weather along the shore baa not
' been such as to unduly retard an
ordinary windjammer, the Eclipse has
WWW UU.1U1, VM fcW V . ... .
bar trade t for some time, and before
starting north delivered a cargo from
the Columbia river at Ban Pedro.
Another vessel for which there Is eon
' tideraba anxiety la the British bark
Zinita, now 162 days out from Bah la.
Brail U where she put In to quell a
mutlDT among her crew.' She had been
out aaarlr to days from Antwerp, from
which port she la bringing a cargo of
cement to W. P. Fuller Co. 6be was
spoken New Tear eve In the vicinity
. of Faulkland aalsnds, so If disaster has
befallen her It occurred since the first
of the year. . ...
T a.
Pltmffw Into Hold of tha British
..; '" .. ' Steamer Klrklee. .Y5'.
The ' British steamer " Klrklee had
liardly commenced receiving cargo at
Oceanle dock this morning before one
of her crew fell Into he hold and nar
rowly escaped death. ' The Injuries will
not necessitate his removal to a hoa-
cltal however.
- The Klrklee began loading wheat for
China. She la being dispatched by Bal
four, Guthrie at Co. The Oertnan steamer
' Eva and the Norwegian steamer Nor
man lalea are under charter to ; Kerr,
Oifford ft Co. for similar business, and
both will t Kin loading as soon as they
are lined. It waa rumored thia morn
ing -that the charter . of the Eva had
' baa canceled by her owners, but Cap
tain Klocking. aa well aa Kerr. Olfford
Co., deny the rumor, saying that the
steamer will load, wheat and nour ror
the Orient In accordance with the char
.tar party.;; '
f The Russian steamer Selenga at '-the
(X KAN. Albtna dock will begin load
ing wheat and flour for China -and Si
beria tomorrow, t Bhe la being lined to
day. -; V r - - ,
wl t m. ai .V-
JiTTrTrrglll.1 owmuixiT utu.vrov tmiw
down Near Aatorla. - '
' fSpeelal Dispatch ''te Tee Jeoraalt
" Aatorla, Or., April 14. The Norwe
gian steamer Hornelen, from Portland,
bound for Seattle. Is anchored In . the
Columbia river near Tongue point, with
her engines badly out of gear. Her eo
-leentrlo rods are badly bent and
i versing gear broken. It could not be
i learned how the aociaent nappenea. Tne
t Astoria Iron works la now repairing the
damage.. , .-..'.; ;. ., ;.--jy.' ,
The Harrlman liner Columbia, Captain
Doren, arrived from Ban Francisco last
night, bringing 7 paasengera and a full
cargo. i " -
The steamer V. A. Kllburn, Captain
Mac Lei lan. arrived from Ban Franelsoo
via Coos bay and v Eureka, thia morning..-
She sail tomorrow night
The second-class nun buoy reported
adrift at river, will be replaced
aa scon as possible.
The gasoline schooner Berwick will
saJT from the foot of Couch street for
Rogue River .this evening If a gasoline
rtneer can be -secured, ,
. iTie steamer, isirmpn wui viri ua
bar summer sctiedule between Portland
and Astoria next Monday. The steamer
Telephone Is not ready to leave for The
Dalles yet, although mechanics have
been overhauling her for several days.
The oriental liner AragOnl .shifts . to
morrow morning from Alaska dock to
the flour mills to begin loading. - "
The steam schooner Coaster will leave
St. Helens this evening: for the mills
of the Portland Lumber company to
complete her cargo of lumber. , -
The old bark Alden Bease leaves to
day for Wallace slough to - complete
hci carto" of lumber and railroad ties
tor California. -V'---. ' ' y .
" ' "-' ' kacnlar lhtere See C Arrive.
Alllaoee. trom'Cone By... v..... April tT
Mromerila. from erteat aprll tl
Cnate RM, frnn 8aa Vnnrlven Aprfl M
Loss, of Appetite
Tla'oommoa-vhen the blood needg pari
. f ying and eariobing, for then the blood
folia to give the digestive organs the
.. , - . . Al i
formance of their fnnctlong. - . '
Hood's Sarsaparilla is pre-eminently
the medicine to take. It makes the
t t S JV .-J .
uiuuu pure auu 111:11, auu suvuuioua
, all tha digestive organs.
I waa all rnn dawn and nan no
appetite. After taking one bottle of
Hood's Sanaparilla I could eat any
thing X wished." Mrs. Amanda Fen
er, Oneco, Conn. .v '
Accept no snbtitote f6r , .' . . ,1 '
Heed's Garcaparilla
Insist on havii j, Hood's. Get it today.
In Y. . :icrt i:. t form.' ica Dc-fl.
One Hundred and Thirty-Eight
- Vessels Lifted on St. Johns
: Pontoons In Three Years.
Tomorrow will be the third anni
versary of tha opening of the Port of
Portland drydock at Be Johns and ac
cording to reports prepared by Super
intendent Macintosh the dock ie rap
idly gaining patronage. Gradually the
fact tnat Portland ba a drydock well
equipped for. the handling of large aa
well aa small craft is becoming known
throughout the world, and with It the
patronage ,1a increasing. .
During tha past several "months the
dock has been crowded with work and
the force of mechanics has bean greater
than ever and-wlth but very few shut
downs.' Shlpoaulkers, riggers,- carpen
ters and painters in large numbers, be
sides the 26 man employed almost reg
ularly to operate the dock, have found
employment there. . - - .
- Sinoe the dork waa opened for bual
neas, on April ft. 1S04, 13S vessels have
bean lifted. They were of all kinds and
dimensions. . ranging from the monster
ocean" tramps and .liners to smaller
stern-wbeelers ' and acewa ' Among -Jhe
larger vessels were the steamers Oceano,
Apollo, Numantla; Manchester - Port and
Terje Vlken. while a number of sailing
vassals, registering from 2,000 to S.tOO
tons net, were brought out foe repairs.
I The steamers enumerated above have a
carrying capacity of from C.000 to I.00O
tons, yet they did not tax the capacity
or tne dock, the dimensions of which
are: Length, 4S feet; width between
wings, ft feet: depth of water over
keel-blocks, II feet; lifting . capacity,
10.000 tons dead weight. The dock will
handle vessels 104 feet long without av
oonvenienoe, , .-.
During the first year ef Its operation
the dock was a losing venture; but It Is
gradually gaining on the Indebtedness
and thia. year wlU undoubtedly pay the
annual Interest of 111.004 on the 4 per
cent bonds Issued for the 1400.000 ex
pended on the dock. Last fiscal year,
ending September 10, the dock paid $10.
000 above the operating .expenses, or
within l.000 of the total amount of In
terest on the bonded Indebtedness. This
year the profits are bound to be muoh
larger because of the great amount of
work being done. . .. -
?-JM?L.tnm "" rAr war-April ft
Oohinbla, frem Sib rranetoee ...May
Roaoeke. from Be a Pedro aa way.. ..May S
r. a. Klltmm, h-ora saa rraa, aad way. May
Namaatla. fKHD orieat ......May W
ftem orient..,........,, ...... ,Jmt M
Akwla, froe artaat.. July IS
Bagala T t n te Beaart.
F A. Kltborn, for Saa rrea. aa4 way. April SS
OolnmBla, tor Baa r ranciaeB. ...... j7. .. aril M
AUanee. for Ooa Bay j.Aprl)
O. W. Elder, tor Baa Padra aid way. .April SO
Ooeta Rica, for Sea Itaartee May t
A rat-rota, (be erteot. ..May 4
Roaaoke. for Saa Pedro aad way May T
Meootedla, fnr orient. ...May IS
Nuraaotla. tor erleat..... .......Jaoe
Arabia, freej orient. ...,... ........... Jaaa !
AJeala, for etieot. ......... July tT
Teasels ta Vert. - V . - -.
-P. A. Kllbera, Aav atr.. at Oak atreet. ''
Ooloaibla, in. atr., at Abiaworth wkarf. ' -
Aranla, Ct. atr. at Alaaka dock.- .
, Berwick, caaolioe ach., at Coeeh street."
Ooqullk) River, Am. atr., at eoal baBkera.
Horoalea. Nor. tr.. at Aatorla.
lrlak Mooaroh. Rr. atr., at B. A W. atflle. '
, J. Marbotfec, tno. atr. at Wit Iran Werkai
rr. bk.. at Merar Aork
Baymae.-rr. ah., at Maata-oawry Sack He. Su
LloixJaJav. Br, kk, at Htaadard Bos Sock.
Klrklee, Br. atr., a Ocaaale dork.
Mlrbelet. ft. bk., at Colombia Ra. S.
'. Tola. Br. ak at Blevator oork. ' -.''
Aide Besea. Am. bk., at WaUaee a loaf.
Cbrballa. Am. bkta.. at Stelhi. . .
JnrdaabllL Br. bk. at Oreaaarkn., '
rVhoDM. Aai. are- at Stella.
Walaeot, Am. bargov at Aatorla.
Altoo McDoaald. Aa. aea.. at Vaaooo
. neiooa-a. Kuaa, atr., at 9. a. a
Mormaa lalea. Kor. ahr.. In mom.
Rva, Oer. atrM at aacbor la atreaow '
Waahlngtea, Am. atr., at Ralalaa. '
Coaatar, Am. atr., at St Beleaa. , a
lambaa Oairiara Za Beaw -
A an la Lareea. Am. ach, Saa Frajifkaaa. "
. Dlamoed Bead. Am. bk, flaa Pedro. , .
R. fa. Wkltaey, Am. bk.. MakaweU. - '
Ecllpaa, Am. aa. Ran Pedro,
'. Elwell, Am. eh. Baa Padre.' : ' V- V
LllleboDBe, Am. acb., Manila. . -
LiKllla, Am. ah., Saa rraatawe.
Mabel Gala. Am. ami., Saa rraariass. '
Northlaeit Am. atr, Saa rraBclacas ' t
J. U. UMNItfc, A at. bkta., Aaa rraarkaea,
Jobo Palmer,Am. bkta.. See Pre at' Iowa.
- Retriever, Am. bkta, Saa Praarlaee,
: SaUor Bay, ta eoh. Baa Praaelaeov
Boats Bay, Am. atr, Saa Pre acmes.
. Slntraav Am. eh, Redoooe. -
. Aarora. Aa. bkta. Baa praacbMe. '
Rirelalor, Am. atr.. Baa Praadera. ":.
' Oohimblaa Am. era. Baa Praaclare. '
- Jaaiee BllBh, Aa. ark.. Ban Pedro, . '
' ioba Balth. A at. bkta, Saa Pedro.
Tboaaaa U Waad, Aa. atr.. Baa PraaebMaw-
MakaweU.- Am. bkta.. Baa Praorlae. ,
BaaU Aaa. Am. air.. Baa Ptaadaee. - '.
Aivrna, Am. erb, Kaa Pedre.
Anrrlla, Am. atr.. Ban Praariaras. ' 1
' Rally Reed. Am. atr. Baa Pedro. . -"
Xa Roate With Oameat aad Saairal. C
' Rnreleech, Br. ak., Baabarg. . . ' '
Brean. Pr. bk, UolL . . . ' , -
Cooaray Caatle, Br. bk.. A a twerp. ,
1 Dal(aaar, Br. eb, Haabarg. . , : v
Eomimgre. Br. eb., Donklrk. ' ' 1
Borone. Pr. bk, Aarwera. ) . "" .
Oeaerleve Mollaoa, Pr. bk., Loedsa.
. m Rervller, Pr. eb., Baabarg. -
Laennee, Pr. ah., Bwaaaaa. ,1 .
I Pilar, Pr. bk, Loadoa. '
Martha Roox. Pr. bk, Baabarg.
Moaantblqne. Rr. eb., Keweeata, . . ,
Samoa, Br. bk, Bhlolda, .. . -' .
, ' aian. Gar. ab, I ondoa.
Borne, Pr. ah., Nearpaatto) Sk
. Trlloa. Oar. bk, Ultb.
' VlneanBea, Pr. bk, Olaagew, . f
' K1filta Rr. Kk.. Aatararn. .
Mareebael Tnireae, Pr. bk. Heal
. Villa do Mnlbonae, Pr. bk., Aatwerp.
, Ontharr. Pr. bk.. Antwern.
Plarrl lotl, Pr, bk., Aatwerp, :, , t t
"i - " : Ceel Ships Xa Roe, -i . " ; "
Belen. Pr. bk.. Kawoeatle, A.
Col. 4e VUlrbota Marenll. Pr. bk,Keweaatla. A.
(.'laverdna, Br. eb, NaareaatK A.
St. Loala, Pr. bk, Mewcaatle. A.
T,a. b Sarta.' " . "
Aaeot. Bay atr., Saeeee Ayres,
' Xyodford, Br. err. Baa rraa
f. Ii.naaai UinL Jao atr.. Jaoea.
Africa a Monarch, m. atr.. Baa Praadaoe.
Berrnlea. Nor. atr, Maroraa.
. Btrathelyde. Br. atr, baa rraneMoa, IV, r
Ntrathyre, Br. atr. Baa Pranlaoo. , . .
Tellua, Nor. atr, baa Praaelaro. '
Tottwahia, Br. atr., Comoa. B, 0.
.'!.. '
Aatorla, April i4-Ballel af,T:40 a.
in, steamer Roanoke for Ban Pedro and
way porta Ballod at :0 a. m, schoon
er Abble for San rranelsco. t.
flan Franolseo. April 14 Arrived,
steamera Koeecrana from Portland and
Tiverton from Astoria. Arrived yes
terday, schooner Virginia from Port
land. .. .. .
Hong Kong, April 14. Arrived, oer
man steamer Numantla from Portland.
. Astoria, April ft. Arrived st 1:11 snd
left. ur at 6 p. m.,) steamer F. A.- Kil
burn from Ban rranelsco and way ports.
Arrived down at S and Balled at p.
m steamer W. 8. Porter for flan rran
elsco. . - '
Ban Pedro, April 14. Arrived, schoon
er Manila from Columbia river.
San Francisco, April S. Arrived at
I r. m., steamer Costa Rica from Port
land. - "
. Aatorla," April It.Condltlon of the
bar at I a. m, smooth: wina.west:
wenther, clear. ' '
Tides, at Aatorla today High water,
:5 a. m. It feet: 10:42 p. m, S I feet:
low water. 4:11 a. m, I S feet; 4:11 p. I
m., l.S fee ....''
rTSIDE the lining of an old coat is a good
place to keep money if you are laying up a
fund for' the rag-man and don't care, if your
money earns you nothing. ' ' .
Oregon Trust & Savings BanR
' Sixth ana Waablngton Streots I '
RBSOUHCES $2,500,000.00
(Continued from Page One.)
lumber manufacturer In moving ' his
product from the mill to the California
market. Lumbermen testified that San
Francisco bay la their beat market and
that without It they -cannot continue
to do business. : . .
SeaU rreaenS Batal;' -' v.:
The railway commission la strongly
In favor of retaining in effect the pres
ent rate of 13.10 per ton, and lnoludlng
Portland In that rate; in short, making
a blanket rate of 11.10 for the whole
of western Oregon, embracing of course
only, loading polnta on Southern Pacific
rails. The program reached after the
hearing waa. that the Oregon commis
sion shall take up the eaae direct with
the Interatate commerce - commission,
and apply to have the old rate kept In
effect. Meantime an order will prob
ably bo made by the Oregon commission
giving the valley mills a very low local
rata to Portland, where the manufac
turers eaa secure the benefit of what
ever water carriers they can enlist to
carry their lumber, to the San Fran
cisco market.-.
If aa order eaa be secured from the
Interetate commerce commission re
straining the Southern Fadflo company
from raising the rata, the old rate will
remain In effect during any period In
tervening while the railroad company Is
fighting the case through the courts, so
that the Oregon lumber mill men will
not have their heads cut Off. In apply
ing to the Interstate commence com mis
sion for retention of the IJ.10 rate, the
Oregon ooramlsslon will undoubtedly
make It embrace Portland, thus remov
ing any cause the mills there might
have for complaint of discrimination
In favor Of valley points. It Is heM by
member of the commission that They
eoult not Justly expect1 the 'same
through rate from Portland to Salt Lake
and the east, now. Jn effect alike for
Portland and valley mills, to remain In
effect for the benefit of - the valley
points and at the same lime. assume a
position adverse to that principle with
regard to the movement o lumber from
Oregon to Ban Francisco and the south,
trnmbenaea Fioaaut.
s The following lumbermen were In at
tendance: B. C Miles and C K. Bpauia
Ing of the Spauldlng Lumber company,
Salem; A. C Dixon. Booth-Kelly com
pany, atugene; J. J. Kenny, Leona Hills,
Leona; II. McKlbben, McKlbben Bros,
Cottage Grove: J. B. Hopkins, Eugene;
J. R. Linn, Callpoola Lumber company.
Crawfordevtlle; W. B. Brown, Brown
Lumber company. Cottage Grove;- C
3. Stmaral, Macleay. George Corn
wall of Portland represented the
timbermen. .. The Southern Psciflo
company waa represented by W. D.
Fen ton, R. B. . Miller and Charles Mal
bouef.v Railway Commissioners Camp,
bell and Altchtson sat at the bearing.
Commissioner West being .absent on a
mission to Washington. D. C.
- Mr. Dixon, stating the eaae for- the
Booth-Kelly company, aald the proposed
advance of rates applies to their cheap
est and lowest grade product, which Is
old st less than actual eost or manu
facture. In fact, as a by-product. They
cannot - ship . It to an eastern ' market
because Its . value will not - bear the
freight . rate for so long a shipment;
they cannot get rid of any large amount
of It in the Interior of - California
points of' New -Mexico where It comes
Into competition with California pine;
and at the advanced price necessitated
by the . raise , of freight rates te Ban
Francisco bay polnta tney wouia oe
unable to sen It In competition with
common, lumber shipped by water from
ooast polnta California Is their only
profitable market for 'It. and If cut off
tbey will be obliged to quit business,
as the oommon lumbar comprises about
IS per cent of the log. - .
Develops Other Business. " '
"In approaching ' this question the
railroads should bear In mind that the
development of the Interior . sawmill
businesa develops also a large amount
of miscellaneous buslaees for the rail
roads, which businesa we estimate at
about 11 per 1.000 feet sawed," said
Mr. Dixon. "We bought out timber
largely from the Southern Paclflo Rail
road company; we aeveiopeo tne Dull
ness virtually at their Invitation. - and
with tha expectation that they would
protect It on freight ratea We have
not pal a any -aiviaenas, oui nave in
vested oar profits In timber and In
development of the property, so thst
all we have made la tied up In timber
and contingent on operating at a profit.
We now have about reet
of lumber piled up at the mills, wore
than all the lumber In the city of
Portland. It would require about 1.400
cars to carry the product now on hand
to market. It ties up a lot of money,
and wo have to psy Interest. We could
market It all If-we could get the care
and keep the old rate In effect. We
are not asking the Southern Pacific to
do anything thst would prevent It from
handling .Its business and . making
money and taking care of Ha Indebt-
Continuous Vr
ften caused by coffee. '
id days use of well-made
mikes thj biggest difference in
the world. n . ,
, Toora'a a Reason H
paid oa
edneas. On - the other hand, we will
be prevented from - doing all these
thlnge If the advanced rate la en
forced." ratal fcoasoa SO SClUa. .
. J. J. Kenny of Cottage Grove aald his
company and mills In the vicinity have
suffered almost fatal loases from the
car shortage, and are in no condition
to face the advanced freight rata It
waa brought out that some of the mills
have sold large orders at San Francisco
at prices based on the old rata They
have not been able to deliver these or
ders for lack of cars, and the business
has plied up, and now thejr are liable
to be held for delivery of the lumber
at the contract rata. The Booth-Keller
milla eatlmate that they will lose
$30,000 to 140.000 by thia condition If
forced to deliver on the new freight
rate. It waa aald that about TO per
cent , of the output of the mills is
olassed as common lumber grades. Re
plying to the statement that Portland
mills lsst year aent SOS oarloada Into
San Francisco bay polnta oa e IS
freight rate while the valley mills
were selling at the same place on a
SS.IS rate, Mr. Dixon aald the Portland
mills get much better logs and have
three markets where they can sell at
good prices, while the valley mills are
practically confined to-one market and
have difficulties which the Portland
mills do not meet It was brought out
that sinoe Harrlman closed the Ogden
gateway . the Southern Psciflo .la not
hauling nearly aa many loads from the
south Into Oregon as It Is hauling to
the south. Mr. Miller testified that
CS per cent of the ears that went south
last year had been hauled north empty.
Mr. Miles aald that only one-third of
the empties could Justly be charged to
the lumber (justness, as the T.000
empties brought Into Oregon by the
Southern Paclflo- represented one-third
of the total tonnsge moved south.
Defending the $1.10 rate on lumber,
nnder . which the mills have had - a
chance to thrive eonld they have ae-
cured cars. Mr. ' McKlbben cited the
fact that the Southern Paclflo la haul
taftf furniture, from , Portland . to . Saa
Francisco bay points at a revenue of
i7i per car. while the , company re
ceived ri ine oio rate on lumber ,10S
per ear for each car of lumber hauled
from the valley -to San rranelsco. Mr.
Miller admitted theae' rates, but aald
that If the company moved all Its ton
nage at the same rates It would go into
bankruptcy,.. , . "
egroes Nominate Poraker. ,
(Joerael Special gervtee.) - '
. . Washington, April 14. The negro
Methodist . Episcopal church conference
today closed after a six days session.
They nominated Foraker for president
and adjourned.
have a torpid liver when Heroine, the
only liver regulator, will help your
There Is no reason why you should suf
fer from Dyspepsia. Constipation, Chills
snd Fever or any liver complalnta, whan
Herblne wUI cure yon.. , F. C waite,
Westvllle, Fla., wrlteat "I was sick
for a month with chills and fever, and
after taking two bottlee of Herblne am
well and healthy.'. ' Sold by all drug
gtata WILL BUY
You wear it while
system enables the
Eight Decided-
t These sre instruments taken in exchange on Pianola Pianos, Grands.
ChicWerinM. Weberi. Kimballs and othter makes in our "Line of
Highest Quality." . The values are really exceptional and-will in
terest any piano-seeker who wishtes to save. Be prompt, for every
'. one of these will probably be snapped up the first day of the sale,
$325 Tewett, mahogany case, fine condition. . . . ; . . : ,?157 ,
$325 Newby & Evans, plain mahogany case, action n
; perfect order, now.......... .....'a.............. 9165
$600 Decker" Bros., fine shape, now'. .,..."........ ...$295
$550 Decker & Son, splendid condition.... ',.........$235
$375 Everett, Circassian walnut, one of the costliest :
6tyles good order. ............................ i . $225
. $350 Ludwig, large size, mahoglny,' looks like new, r -
V now ... . .......... ..... . ... , . t ......... . .$168
; $400 Weser Orchestral Grand, beautiful instrument,
now .i .., .............. ; . ...... ...... . .$193
$425 Eilers Bros,, splendid instrument, which carries an un-
conditional - guarantee ; . a little shopworn from display 1
purposes, now ......................... . . .'. . .', '. ?250
Also several excellent Pianolas, which can be used with any si
lent piano, at greatly reduced figures, having ben traded in on new ,
Pianola Pianos with the inside-player feature. t,-
: Also several very good Squares, ranging' in price from fTJSO
op. Very good practice instruments. -
A small payment down snd a few dollars a month will buy any
one of tne above bargain. . . f .
. - " Th Houm of Highest Quality.
....,-.-,..,. CITY. - ,
They: act
I Everybody Goes
Njv-for the Bowels
nt r"
J Keserve your seat now by telephone. : Tally-ho, will( start
B ".-:!.V,v'' u-V ';L. ; . ' running Saturday, -v,
a . v '" H . W Lemcke Cbm'plafiy "'7
M Main 550 ;;. '':.' ; :. V " X. '( v-'. ;' '
S :. Home Phone A 2357 ' ' '
V'.- .' at
paying for same. In this way our liberal credit ,
poor the same luxury of life, as well as the rich.
; :.,; ''- CREDIT
"L aJ. DLiUM -:;'V
v:.....' Mgr.'Jewelrjr Oept'-
czvmiz BLOCK
Corner First and Yamhill ,
Corner Second and Yamhill
, ( -. s
like iucercise.
fcXSSSSa&mCXifc jmamfcrnl
to Wavcrleigh
$5,205.50 Steele cl
, CO. .
Slaughtet sale beglaa toaaorrow (Thar,
day) morainer. imm six daya oaiy, aa
tiOa store ntaat bo vaoaaaa. The nook
sonaie-te of aasaple and btokem loa, ary
goods aad men's, weaaea's aad otuidraa's
wearing1 appavral, notions, etc .
Will Be Sacrificed for Six Days .
Only at iiy, Per Cent of Value
' ; . or Lesa '
The, most desperate sacrifice of
the year come early.
Ie? Section, 5c to 10c Articles
Elastic, pins, thread, needles,
thimbles,- darning yarns, corset
steels, stove lifters, floss, braids,
tapes, . buttons, ribbons, writing
tablets, hooks and eyes, sample
card laces,' embroideries, ribbons,
etc - .
2e Section, 10c to 20c Articles
Thimbles, writing tablets, silk
bow ties, silk floss, ribbons,
needles, samples ribbon velvets,
laces, embroideries, cords, thread,
buttons and 100 other articles;
combs, hair pins, etc. j
5 Section, 10c to 25c Articlea
Hose, sox, children's hose, shop
L d 'II . e a . .
caps, Desx si Ik inreaa, tasseLs, rib
bon remnants, combs, cubes pins,
curling irons, lace collars, but
tons, laces, embroideries, dress
trimmings, handkerchiefs, sum
mer gloves, ' braids, velvets.
cheesecloth, children's hats, sus
penderssilk ties,Jlowers, etc.,
curtains. Over 200 different ar
ticles in this section.
10 Section, 20c to 50c Articles
Wool dress goods, caps, suspen
ders, garters, supporters, - hats,
underwear, fine ribbon, lyard;
laces, embroideries, handker
chiefs, hose, sox, children's hose,
childs'. underwear, gloves, sun
glasses, etc. Over 100 different
articles in this section. '
154 Section, 30c to 60c Articles
Ine hose, sox and ; children's
stock, elegant ribbons, laces em
broideries, infants' dresses, ap
rons, caps, hats, gloves, buttons,
veiling,, men's and women's un
derwear, velvet stand covers, cen
terpieces, dolls, purses, doll heads,
stockings, sox, Boston garters,
supporters, silk- velvet ribbon,
dress goods, finest silk, veiling,
fascinators, kiraon 6 s. paint
brushes, ribbons, etc. J00 other
articles. v . -.. . ',
10 $ Section, 40c to 75c Articles
Klmonoa. fur boas. Tine dolls, bisque
heads, men s shirts, boys' best overalls,
sUk suspenders, purees. Jewelry of all
kinds, cap hata, dress goods, waist
materials, childs dresses, silks, fur,
black psttiooata, men's fine underwear,
spring and medium women's underwear
and soores of other articlea
20 Section, 50c to $1.25 Articles
Band . bags, klmonoa. wrappera. chil
dren's dresses, corsets, umbrellas. sUks,
French dolls, kid dolls, stand covers,
table covers, neck ruches and boas,
purses, chiffon, men's shirts, men's and
women's underwear, pettlooata, S, t and
10-ln all el Ik and aaUa ribbon. -
391 For 75c to $1.50 Articles
Children's Jackets, ohlf fona, ' ' boas,
flannelette wrappera, men's overall a,
men's fin underwear, umbreilaa, big
dolls, fine waists, v children's dreseea,
band bags and a mountain of ether
iOf For $1.00 to $2.00 Articles
Umbrellas, jackets, furs, dolls, klmonoa,
wrappera. hats, petttcoata, dresses, In
fants' coats, a. whole Bastion ef every
thing. -
98 to $1.48 for men's $3 to $5
fine Pants; only 100 pairs.
69 to 9L69 for choice of 200
; Skirts, cheviots, serges, tweeds,
poplins, mohairs, etc ; worth $3
to $10. :;.;,?);-.
Tbero la a complete men's and women's
stock of everything.' The New Tork
Mercantile Co. kept one of the moat
exclusive stocks of goods of any store
of Its kind In Portland and baa been
established for IS years. It's a well
known and substantial line, aad it must
0O gold OUt , . ;.. . W-
. CORSETS ;:';
The American Beauty, new spring
goods, one of the bast lines la the elty
69a- ror all sisea and styles, ware
9S4 ror an sisea and stylsa, were II
S3 ror all kinds, Tie grades.
1ft at For Miaaee' Gird lea a
Z54 Tor new Kalamaaoo le CoreetA
Doors Open Tomorrow (Thurs
day) Morning at 9 o'Clock. C '
Continues Six Days. No Lc- -; '
vara annas be vaoeted. s .-e la r
appea.) freaa this verfl . vet'
vmoe-ta. Tlve Savie la wism d ' -
Boa t.rrlf lo eetoal aorlfUie a-r. r r
of err good, hatet aottuaa, man a I
lahlca, eea.
. , J I J A I . J a...