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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. APRIL 24, 1807. Town Topics TOoIOKT'S AXUIEXIXTI. . ' hhi.. "a gimm roi' Riser Th. Prodlitl Bon.1 Knililr xhe Black Hand." mu4 .,.,. VcndxTlll. Bur ."The leu( ot tlx Din Klrt.." wrw ..."Buewfiiu.' Joseph Frlteche, well-known ce ment contractor or Portland, died l Dteilttn. Rmnnr. UiivK 11. Ha hid fBSeen a, resident of this city for many I years, and by thrift and food manage ment had acquired a handsome com petency. He left Portland last Septem ber to spend the winter In southern Cal Ifornla, and later . went to Qertnany. Wakefield. Fries A Co., his local agents, received notice yesterday of his death at the home of his children in Dresden. ; The following- federal civil service ex amlnatlons have been announoed for Portland: Plant pathologist (male) May ' IS, salary 11,100 a year: assistant physiologist (male) May 16. salary U.eoO a year; scientific assistant In veterinary loology, May II and II, sal ary $1,000 a year. Applicants Can se cure complete Information concerning the examinations from Z. A. Leigh at the postofflce. . , . The Portland Asbestos Manufacturing company has filed articles of Incorpo ration with the county clerk. ' O. N. smith, Robert T. Piatt and George J. Perkins are named as the Incorporators, The capital stock la $10,000, the princi pal plaoe of business Portland. , rL9tal work, at the Dental college- lt!rons deslrLng dental work and oral at the Infirmary 'Of the North Pacific college, which Is open to the publlo the entire year. .. Coraer y Fifteenth and Couch streets. Telephones: Main 1H; Home A1ZZ. - y-t t , , v ' The Home Telephone company has Is- sued its first bulletin and has distrib uted them among its customer. ; The book contains about 1.700 names of moe who aireaay nave teiepnoneg is ' stalled and in working order. . - i Mitchell, Lewis ft Btaver company, , First and Taylor streets, will re rubber : your old buggy with best of rubber at lowest prices consistent with, best qual lty, work and. material. ' Wanted Five hundred boys and girls at the new East Bide Athletlo club. Gymnasium and swimming; Professor Rlngler, director. - Grand avenue and Bast Morrison street. . ; 'Special price this week on Jspanes maples and azaleas. Large stock of .... bay trees on hand; all sixes. J. B. Pllk Ington, nurseryman, foot of Yamhill at Basaar 8t Patrick's halL Nineteenth and Bavler streets. Call to see us. There .are no pocket In shrouds. . ' For wire and iron fences for eetne- terles or lawns, phone East TO. Colum bia Wire Iron works. ' Steamer Jesse Harklns, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex- ' cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dOCk P. m. . ; ,'' Tan oxfords are it We have them, $1.50; all styles., Marks Shoe company, ill Morrison street, near Fifth. ' For Sale A few slightly damaged ' Chatham Incubators for sale cheap. Ill East Morn eon, corner First street. em OH Co. sells the best safety ooal oil and fin gasoline. Phone East TIf. For Kodaks, ' Kodak developing L I Cohen, the Kodak store. 1U Sixth fit Why pay moref Metsger fits roar eyes xor 11. . ill sixth street. Woman's Exchange, III Tenth street. lunch i;s to ij business men's lunch. Next Sunday to Seaside and return. loo roua inp, a. c. . k. ... fir. William House, , nervous diseases, 111-4 Oregonlan, - r'it;-, . Berger Signs 114 Tamhltt Phone. ' Geneva Llthla Water Fl-st 8t XX' Chambers, optician, .III Seventh,' ZIMMERMAN INDORSED BY LOCAL MEAT DEALERS . . ' . . Louis Zimmerman, was indorsed by the Portland Retail Meat Dealers' asso ciation at its regular monthly meeting last night. The butchers or the city commended Mr. Zimmerman for his rec ord as a business man and s a member of the council, and pledged . him the hearty support of the organisation in his candidacy for the Republican nomi nation for mayor. . -" The meeting laat night was in the na ture of a smoker. First the routine business of the meeting wis transacted, after which the rooms were thrown open to all persons engaged in the meat dealing business, Irrespective of wheth- not they belonged to the associa tion. There was a large attendance. , . TWO ARE ADMITTED - rr TO FEDERAL COURTS W. Lair Thompson, reading clerk of , the laat session of the lower house of the state legislature, has been sdmitted : to practice before the. United Stetea circuit and district courts. Mr, Thomp son lives at Albany, but it is said that be will remove to southeastern Oregon soon, where he will practice law. Mr. ' Thompson is accompanied in Portland by Mrs. Thompson. :' , William Miller of Burns, and former ; ly district attorney of the seventh dis trict, has been .admitted to practice be , fore the United States circuit and die t triot- courts, on motion of Charles J. ahnhl end Thomas O. Greene. F.17.BALTES & G0f,1PAtJY MAIN tOC invite Youn niQuiniEs Fon pnirjTifJG r;:.n axo cu streets COFFEY union LABOR'S CHOICE Leaders Believe Republican Can. didate'Will Pull Out In Four- Cornered Fight. That John B. Coffey will bo the can didate of the Union Labor party, run ning as an independent la case bo should be defeated In the Republican primar ies by the other aspirants for the office of mayor, seems to be the settled idea of a large number of the labor people. Labor union men say that when the rotes are counted on May 4 Mr. Coffey will be found to have received the heaviest labor vote ever cast for a can didate in any Portland primaries. They oontend that practically ail the labor vote will go to Mr. Coffey,-thue giving him far and away the most united sup port ever accorded any candidate. ' So aToft -Expect ITom I nation. Prominent members of the ' Union Labor party practically .state that they do not expect their candidate to re ceive the Republican nomination. They argue that the Labor vote is divided among all the parties. There la a ma jority of Republicans, but at the same time the rank and file are filled with members of all the different parties. For that reason Coffey will not be able to receive the weight of the whole Labor vote at the primaries and may lose the nomination through It. ' ' The Union Republican club will, it ia expected, indorse Thomas C Devlin or mayor next Monday night, Opponents of the club continue to say that the or ganisation was formed for that purpose more than any other. The Union Labor people and Mr. Coffey's friends are ex pecting this move and that is given as one reason for the Independent candi dacy projected . for Mr, Coffey. . - ' " ronr-Ooraered TUtM." ,. ' The labor friends of Coffey's candi dacy are counting on ft four-cornered fight They are waiting for Mayor Lane to enter the list, when the battle lino will be made up of the Republi can nominee, George H. Thomas, the official choice of the Democratic party organisation, Mayor Lane independent, and Coffey backed by the labor vote. They hops that the contest between the Republicans and the two Democrats will divide even enough to allow the flood OX IBWr TVIVS to will VJ m uinrsiu. . tm proposed action 01 tne union re publican club la indorsing candidates before the primaries la also being tak en into consideration as factor. The Union Labor people predict that should the club insist on - naming an official ticket down the line at its meeting on Monday next that so much discord will be nreated . by the action aa - to throw great trunks of support Into the Cof fey camp, which under other circum stances would go elsewhere. The inde pendent candidacy of ' Mr. Coffey is therefore thought to be a strong one by his labor union backers. , . . . HORSE WANTED SOME FREE LUNCH IUq Away From Owner, .Went " Through Csio Window and Out : Through Another. .V"-,' A remarkable runaway in at least ana particular occurred yesterday and Patrolman' Stark Lytle 4a speculating as to whether the horse was conversant with the topical ditty, "H walked right in, he turned around and walked right out again.' ..."-, -.!.- A horao hitched to- a wagon of the Bay City market and driven by Paul Lamer was left standing at the corner of Fourth and Montgomery streets while the driver ran into a near by house' to deliver a l-oent order of ham burger. With the approach of a Fourth street train the animal became fright ened and daahed madly down. Montgom ery to First street. . At the intersection oi ma latter two streets Is located the lunch counter conducted by L. Shanks.' The maddened animal ran into the plate glass window of the establishment, turned around and ran right out again through the other window. ' - -''- ;-." The- horse was terribly out by glass. but It is not known whether it will be necessary to kill the annlmaL Lamer arrived breathless ' on the scene . after the animal had been stopped by a pe destrian and crestfallen hastened to the nearest veterinary. . WILL TEST LAW . ON RE-MARRIAGE District Attorney Manning Issue Warrant (or Arrest of Rot. John ' r . W. Smith and Wife. Determined td test the question as to whether or not the law preventing di vorcees from remarrying, within : six months applies to oases where tb di vorce waa not contested,. District At torney' Manning has Issued a warrant for the arrest of Rev. 1 John W. Smith and "Dr." Edfth Cromwell on charges of unlawful cohabitation. Rev. Mr. Smith la the colored pastor of the Olivet Methodist church, on Sev enth and Everett streets. Mrs. Crom well Is a white woman, until March It the wife of Paul Cromwell, a negro physician and one of Rev. Mr, Smith's church members. According to Dr. Cromwell, his wife secured a divorce for the express purpose of marrying the exhorter. The divorce was granted on March IS and within a week Smith and the woman went to Kalama, Wash ington, and) were married, so the phy slclsn says, on money he had given her the day before to make her comfort able. Dr. Cromwell is highly Indignant over being 'buncoed," as he puts it He signed the complaint against the pair and declares thst he will do all he can to send them to prison. r, MURPHY BUYS ; THEATRE INTEREST rnrchanea Stock In Lyric Owned by - Daniel Flood, Who Com to V - New Oakland Theatre.' Thomas W, Murphy of this city has purchased the one half Interest In the Lyric theatre that has been owned by Mr. Flood of the firm or Keating at Flood. Mr. Murphy will take charge of the hoiine, while Mr. Keating will go to Oakland to taka charge Of ftmi r II IK AT ISc Sure We have never made a statement that was not true. So when we tell you that the price of shares will advance 83 1-3 per cent on May 4th one week from next Saturdayonly ; 10 days away you can take it from us as true. ' - We predicted that the shares would go from 10 cents to, .'15. cents.'. THEY, HAVE... We now give you due warning that these shares now 15 cents will advance to 20 cents in two weeks, i THEY WILL. -' , f i YOUR SUIIE PROFITS j - Now, we want to say right here that we will not know-: ingly accept one single penny-from any investor man or woman who is not-thoroughly convinced that this prop erty is right in every respect. '( '-.'; We positively will not urge syiy' one to go Into this, unless he or she is ambitious to do better and make more '' money than at present That is our only excuse for per mitting any outsiders to join their money with ours and . that of our business associates in working this magnificent GOLD property of 140 acres- "'.. , ! 1 If, therefore, you are now perfectly satisfied with the returns you are getting on your present investments, please ignore this altogether just forget that we offered you the chance to make more money safely and quickly. . ',: ? DIG RETURNS OS YOUR KOIfflY . BUT, if you are NOT satisfied with present conditions if you want , to better yourself and make money more rapidly, then we heartily welcome you and invite you to join us in this big enterprise. : ; l Suppose you buy 1,00(. shares before May 4 at the low price ot. 15 cents (par value $1.00 per share), which will be $150.00, then what? Well, you will "dean up" an IMME DIATE PROFIT, won't you, of $50.00? The 20-cent price ' makes your stock worth $200.00 : par value, $1,000.00. s . When the stock jumps to 80 cents (that will probably be the next advance) your $150.00 investment will be worth $300.00 won't it just double what you paid for your shares? . : ; v If your: money is now in the savings bank drawing only 8 or 4 per cent in terest, you will probably feel that THIS IS YOUR CHANCE.' But our advice is : Don't plunge. Don't draw out every penrry of your bank account, so as o , embarrass yourself for ready money. -The best way is to figure carefully and conservatively. . " SOME GOOD ADVICE i- Put only part of your money into these shares and hold back enough to pro-; vide for possible sickness, accident, or any other unexpected expenditure that may befall you, It will probably be several months before dividends will be declared. . - That is why we say put only as much into the stock at 15 cents as-you feel that you can. spare for three or four months without hardship. ' But- , remember, also, that the more ypu invest the greater will be your returns..' . Make 33 How You , Can 15c CasH 50 Shares 100 Shares 200 Shares $ 7.50 15.00 80.00 I6c lntallmnt 16c 50 Shares $ 8.00$ 2.00 down and $ 2.00 for 100 Shares ' 16.00 4.00 down and 4.00 for 200 Shares 32.00 8.00 down and . 8.00 for 250 Shares 40.00 10.00 down and 10.00 for . 500 Shares 80.00 20.00 down and 20.00 for 1000 Shares : 160.00 40.00 down and 40.00 for E. J. STRATTON, 393 Ocary Street, San ABSOLUTE . SECURITY. Genuine r's Uttle Liver Pills. '. - JMuet Bear Slgnatur ef -- See PaoOtaslls Wrayper Batow. .f rci lattiCXL raiDioixut. nil nuousiEts. FOITOiriDUYU. rot coxniPATisi. rot SALLOW till. roimcoMPLixioi rfc Pweuy Tteeblevi. CURI SICK HCAOACHC. new theatre that has been erected by KaatlnsT Flood. The Lyric stock company will be transferred to the new thratre In Oak land and the Allen stock company that has been play In f at the Star will be sent to the Lyric Owners of the Btet bar made no announcement at 1L oia- rVevy seisH mmA aa m takassaflns PER SHARE Profit of 331j Per Cent in Two Weeks .4 i Buy Stock Only 15c 250 Shares ..... i 500 Shares ..... ...$ 87.50 ... 75.00 w.. 150.00 1000 Shares 3 months. S months. 3 months, 3 months. 3 months. 3 months. 3 Trains o Daily St PaaL lllnne. spoils, Dolslli and the East TRY Nprth Coast Limited -.:V. ' y. ';' ON YOUR NEXT TRIP. '. " ' -v '- T',!'.t" . It will pleas you. Every want Is anticipated. Electric-lighted throughout. Standard Pullman and Pullman tourist aleeping-car. Dining-car, observation-car, electric light, electric fans, card and smoking room, barber shop, bathroom, wardrob closets, library, and all th luxuries of a modern hotel on wheels. Call or writs for a "North Coast Limited" booklet giving complete description. Havs you friends or relatives In th East who sr coming West on th low rates this season? If so, send their names and full ad dresses. Literature and full Information will b given them. Or you can deposit with any agent of this company to cover the pickets, and delivery will b arranged by telegraph. Special round-trip rates, commencing June 1, will b in effect from all Eastern territory to this section. For any information desired regarding rates, routes, ate, call on or address .,'"-' ' v --v - A. D. CHARLTON ' Assistant Oersl Passenger Agent, . - 2SS MORRJSON ST, PORTLAND, OREGON. position, bat it Is said that th theatre will ' remain dark probably until the fall, when It will be ased for vaude ville purpose. Mr. Murphy la a brother-in-law of Mr. Keating and for several years baa beea encased la the livery stable bnslnees In this city. It Is said that Mr. nM wUl raw' lMiiiH (io STATEMENT OF E; J. STRATTON My guarantee ', ' to . my clients , is ,, that . ": . X every dollar invest- v . ed in this company will be honestly U, spent in pushing de- velopment ; work, v and that the books " of this comapny are ; always open . to V ., stockholders during office hours. 'r:: VreeAdMi. 1 Ds SPfflfAIt I kef A JUVTAIUIU I Last Report From Mines $400 ore was struck at the 25 f foot level on adjoining prop-', f erty, which sold for $15,000. j Investigate us, but! do not miss the opportunity, for stock 1 will not be long on the market. If you wish for further partic ulars, apply Trains Dally Omaha, Kaasas Ofy, Si. LoQls and All Points East as! West OUR ena In other business la this city. He has been aianaser of the Lyric sine .it opening three year aco. . Soeld-aread, Roalp Disease Cared by The Hnueehold Burfeon." lruirlse Lefund Dinner if Dr. rortef Aaliseptio Leallng OU taUa. tlo. rvnro o OOES i V LOCATION OF KIKES I The Nevada Walkover mines are located on the Egan Range, four miles from the Nevada Northern Railroad and five miles from Cherry .Creek. The Egan mine lies one quarter of a mile west and sold last year for a large fortune vand is shipping rich ore today. The Nelson mine refused van offer of $60,000 Jast July, and lies on the north, just across Cherry Creek, and has the same ledge and formation as the Nevada Walkover. The Hunter, or, better known, as the Vulcan mine, lies just south and is on the same ledge -and has the same formation aa the Nevada Walkover , Mining Company; The National lies two miles east and a little further lies the famous Eames Star mine, from which ' over $4,000,000 worth of gold has been shipped. ;v.: ;; THE NEVADA WALKOVER MINING COM PANY, with a 50-foot ledge, traversing over severf (7) full claims (140 acres), with splendid surface assays and sur rounded by such rich producing mines this makes your , investment not a chance, but a certainty. And we cannot ' recommend this stock to you or our friends too highly. . ; v The Nevada Walkover Mining Company is incorporated under the laws of Arizona for $1,000,000, divided into 1,000,000 shares (par value $1.00), of which 400,000 were i placed in the treasury. . ; ; . , , This stock is fully paid and NON-ASSESSABLE, and "wilt be listed on the stock exchange. " ;v - GOLD FDMG A SAFE BUSEESS Don't make the mistake of thinking that mining is a . risky business. : :,".' -. Y ' . .'; '. ',' .;', .;. "" The proof is against you. " r As a matter of cold fact, there is no business on earth , with so SMALL a percentage of risk as legitimate mining. Statistics show that 97 out of every 100 business men- grocers,-dry goods men, hardware men, shoe men, etc, , merchants and manufacturers of all kinds fail in business. BUT YOU NEVER HEAR OF A REAL GOLD MINE FAILING that is run on a legitimate basis. ! ' V" . ;V :'"-..''-" v No, sir; for an investment or a speculation financial history shows it there is nothing anywhere near so good as a good GOLD stock. TOE LAST WORD ' . You must be prompt to seize this chance. ' You must act. You must buy now, before midnight, Saturday, May 4 th, if you want to get in before the raise. After that date we cannot offer you a single share at less than 20c, and from : then on you will have to buy at greatly advanced figures or forever lose the opportunity oto own an interest in this magnificent property. . Twelve ' Purchase Coupon V E. T. STRATTON, . ' ' : -President of the Nevada Walkover Mining Co.,.. " 393 Geary St, San Francisco. . Der BIr: I hereby sicree to subneorlbe for .................... sbaxes ot tb Treasury Btook ot the Sfersd Wsikores mala Oo, ud arree to par 70 .............................per share (IS cents per share If your remittance pays your ubocriptlosi la full, or II cents per share If you pay la monthly Installments). . I Inclose herewith my remittance; for .................i. ............ Pleas acknowledc receipt. ... 4f f',. . i v';;" :..'' ', Tour truly, .'..-,' . , . . . : ' ' ' Name '",-'.'.'; '.).'.. J... ,;,. :'.'... Tu.,.... ddres . M. -..'' -: .',' v . Tpwn Stat VOn-ar nkaerlpttoa for Us than SO sfcarea win to eeepvea. Thlm stook la tally paid aa a-ssssbls. SO PROFIT IN SIGHT FOR THOSE WHO PURCHASE wHiraoD A 200-acrc tract now on the market on a beautiful ; slope directly across the Willamette from St. Johns near Claremont Tavern, where all Northern Pacific : trains stop, and facing a fine oiled boulevard 4 xa ... miles to Portland, and two electric lines now un der way to the city. The new St, Johns ferry will soon make regular trips with freight and passen gers. ' Full lots easily accessible with view equal to Council Crest, $75.00 to $300.00. Acreage $103 to $300, 10 per cent down, $10 per month. Addrc:3 R. Shepard u Co. or II. G.O'zn ST. JOHNS, on. C : cf whom cm 1 : fc TO 20c A' Francisco V-'-t.' COURT : Days