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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
Tim or.ncou daily jout,::ai; rcrvnTAiiD, vtdthday . rvriniio. 'Arr.iL' :i, i::r. V a cMKE 8 (EMOTED I - ... en I. l"l ili'l 1 1 ,i I ii'fm'ii 1 i i f!l ,'. ;, . Vi:"; :. ? f . . .' r;i r, , .T.rrrrirTT;'. rim rrn . nr.- rirrii.fri.r.irrmrrr.v, inn:. ' f V , ' " rnrn.,ii', . ,u. f 4 .m. The Big Sale on with a rush. At 9 this morning: the excitement commenced with the greatest crowds that ever attended a sale. Every aisle a seething jam of buyers and even with a hundred extra salespeople it Is next to impossible to wait on all, t .;' V;. . ' : so great are the crowds - - . ; 1 ,r: -.-. - Every Blow Is Murderous in ItsFearful Execution of Prices A Slaughter Without a Parallel We bought the entire Syme Bros, stock at 20c,r30c and 40c on the doUar, and that's tne way we u seu it,'unng in casn ana taxe away ana, worm oi.rocrcnanaise. xi b ax once inc greatest most stupendous and terrific slaughter this city has ever witnessea, ana tne prices prove , too. rrom ena xo cna me wauic siotb soimc wjui uargauis, au cvuyuuug uuuuui;i(iv. vtiy word and come. ' For every item quoted here there's a hundred equally as good and as cheap at the stores It's a sale worth coming a hundred miles to attend, for. such bargains and such values were never offered before. But act ; act quickly; how, at once. Be here at 9 o'clock when the doors open. It's the one sale you must not miss. A price annihilating event that ; occurs but once in a lifetime. :.':. j- i-.,-,-v-i'iiztu VJI-iU-.v - n'v:-.i -f ;v -v - 'Remember, at 9 tanornw; :Get in lin& r-'r '-.r-. -r-r. :' -, Wanled-50 TIorc Exlra Salespeople to : help handle the xrowds-Apply to V " Superintendeht at once ; ' Doors Open at 9 Tomdrrov; rJorniEO 50 more experienced salespeople wanted at once-rApply to superintendent HTTZZ CLOCK CI YAKLLrRCjt 111719 ZZP, Most Astoi!ii3MiiaMStagge ok meet Bargains That Did defiance to All Competition, and Remember tho Whole Stock Is Slaughtered lake This ledecooiis 6c, 7c and Ao - Figured Calico 2 YD ODD LOTS . 10c Wash Laces il YD Large: 5c bar: Iitm- 4 in Regular t5c box Parlor Matches v ; ; lidies-$lEmbrbidyOQp Trimmed Waists vzvpM Best 35c id 50c -Dress Goods; yard 18c HenV Best $150 CI X ft Dress Shoes ; JX Plain and Fancy 39c50c Silks IS c YD ' : Ladltt Bast : $2.50 Wash r Waists One , lot . of 75c ,s Table Covers 39e ladjcs $415v TaildtHaSeStiits $3.98 Hen's 20c and 25c Neckties;' go at ';. Hen $lj&;75c; Laundered Shirts 39c Men's 65c Balbrig Qtp Shirts & Drawers . - Man's Bst 5c and 10c 'Kerchiefs 4 , 5000 BARS Toilet Soap IS 500 Ladies' $land!O0 $1.25 Wrappers. t AJ4 T worth i$Ii50S Air Woman's 15e v ODD LOTS t One Lot of FCiXST . Fancy Women's Rcg.-75c 25c Fi'cl Hosiery Shoes Rugs Orgon&s : frn-y :&m: '29cu 91' Boys' Finest 20c: iOA aavwv v www tO&Brass Extension jD1 Rods . ..VVV2 $2 Yard WideTaf- OQo feta'Silfcs VJ ;" Ladies' $20 & Qfl QQ $S Oxfords, pair vl0tf Ladies$3&$3.50 CI 97 Silk.Waists. . .?' Ladies'"$7.5Q "CO IQ &vertjadetsv.i3' 7c 8c & J0c VaL Laces. Yard . . 3c $lAIi-0verEm-ACr broideries. Yard 'J'C Hen's $5. $6 00 QC and $7 Panis . Ladies' $35SpringSnits Ladies'$I&$J.25Oo Kid Gloves ; . . . V Hen's $8&$J0 Jl Oft Work Suits . . PH.yO Finest 60c Silk Organdies; Yard IBc 5,000 Regular 3c Tablets'each V 1c UrgeC:Packagt:if) Envelopes jx-djKj 20c & 25c Black ; Oo SatihRibbons 'r V rV 500 Purses; Worth Up to!$L50 . , . HO 4 Women's ; 25c Fine il 71 o Knit-Vests .v.. lOc Yard Wide -RguredSilkolene i&2S Men's 50c Presidcat 75c Double:Tip Silk Gloves ' 48c JUST FOLLOW TK1E . CTOWDS Thousands and thousands of other bargains-for these arc but hints of the many great Bankrupt sacrifices-come and seecome expecting the greatest bargains you ever secured anywhere, and no matter how high your expectations,'you will not be disappointed. Ask today's crowds if we haven't given all that's promised and more, too. v. .; V Doors Open at 9 One Lot Ladies Dresses, Choice Children's 75c Dresses, go at' Tomorrow Mqrrnhg Ladies' $50 Pat tern Suits ... I . agaga2jjjjgjapa"JJJ22J2JJ2SBi2SB3 li i 1 ft-.- "' i i i ' i ' " j', ., i SBSSsssmsgmtsgsssa , n msssssssss ssssssssss. .1 . . m , n . ...... .1 BUSINESS HEN READY FOR TRIP " . -r--; ' 'Section ; Assigned - to "Those ' Planning to Make Ecur-, : -: aion to Boise. Further pUni for th bnalnMi inra'a ntmralon to tuUra Orton war laid at a meatlitf hald . at tha Commercial " club raatartay. .. ' A ' numbar of tha moat prominent buatneaa men of Port- land haTe alfnlf lad their Intention of jolnlnv tha party, and there la atlU ' room for a few mora. ; 'y ' Tha party will lear Portland Mon - dir. May . ' and will return Sunday mornlnr Praotlcally erery town be tween thla olty and Boiaa, Idaho, will pe viBiivu. ,c 1 - Bectlona were aaalmed aa followe: Mr. MarahaU (Marahall-WeUa Hard- MoMnrrar. Tom Rlohardaon. J. B. Frem. H. B, Tu thill, F. a Stanley. J. O. Rob- erta, C. D. Brunn, F. BX Manobeater, F. O. Buffum, a ,1 Maatlck. T. N. Btop- penbach. O.'M.- McDowell,-3. Durkhelm- ar, Herman Wittenberg-, Johtt Bcott, C a Jackion, D. IL mlth, O. M. Brown, J. W. Voaan, Xjv. a W. Comellua, Dr. J. W. Morrow, A. G. Call on, W. It Ded- CASTOR I A .' lor Infants and OiUdrea. Tta K!r.J Yea Hsnteji 1::$ Bean tha ltfntura man Jr O. W. Hoyt,-F. .W. laherwood, A. H. Breyman, W. C Lawrence, T. W. B. London, W. H. Moore, N. A. Perry, C H. Enllh, J, P. Baamuaaen, F. B2. Beach. ... , '" ' " A large number of thoea who are to ro will decide their location , a little later. . Any ' two peraona can hare a aeotlon. A treat majority of tha bank era and Jobblnr house have already alnd up. ' There la yet room for II more. -. Another meeting" will be called for aaalfnment. All peraona contem plating' taking- thla trip- are urged to select aotne one and choose a section. DESIRE TO BE . . -. SINGLE AGAIN Three W'hrea Seek Freedom by Ap w plying to the Court for SeprUon. ' Three unhappy wlvea took tho Initial atepa toward returning to tha state of celibacy yesterday. , Alleging- that her fcuabaod la a aroaa. habitual drunkard ' and that aha was compelled to leave him to support her self -and iter ' small - cnna, Nada U. Walters asks to be freed from Thomas B. Walters.. Tha' eoupla were married at Omaha In July, Kit. The separation took place In 104. I Margaret M. Shore wants a divorce from Frederick J. : Shores - on grounds of eruel and . Inhuman treatment. The pair wars married ' at Madison, New York. In 114. They have ikk children. Dora H. Berlnger wanta a divorce from William B. Berlnger on grounds of desertion. They were married In Vanoouvsr, Washingten, In September, " ; " ' niscaltmakprs' Strike Settled. Helena, Mont.1 April . The strike at the plant or the National Biscuit company's plant her was settled yes terday and all handa have returned to work. Both sides make eonoeaalona. ' SCOUT WHO FOUGHT STRANGE, DUEL, FATHER OF MRS. GRAHAM Tha daughter of tha brave scout whole valiant deed and Its strange se quel ware recorded In last Sunday's Journal Is living in Montaviua, ana has contributed this . Information. v She la Mrl jr. A. - Graham. Mrs, ' Graham writes as follows: "I think It might ba Interesting to soma of your readers to know that tha union ' acout referred to, tha telegraph operator named Briggs,' was my father. The Impulse that-mads him the first to volunteer to do a brave and danger ous act was only an Index to his char acter and personality. H - was "over brave, good and ' honorable in . allv tho walks of Ufa" v f." - " The Incident wtiloh was recorded Oo eurred In Springfield during tha war. Volunteers were aaked for to go ont and do soma reconnottartng from the stock ade. Mrs. Graham's father.- Mr. Briggs, who was a telegraph operator, was the first man to volunteer. - He atola out from tha stockade and to within 10 yards of what, was then the city ceme tery. -i - A Confederate soout was bidden be hind a tombstone, and he . took a ahot at Brlgge, It waa toward evening, and the two men' exchanged possibly IV shots at each ether In this strange duel in tha darkness. About 1 o'clock In the morning truo was declared ; and tha wounded of both sides were eared for. Mr. Briggs waa found dead near' tha foot of a tree.. A bullet from the Con federate scout had pletoed his ' brain. The body of tho -Confederate was found In tho cemetery against a tombstone. A Union bullet had pierced hla heart. So died two brave men. - ' t MAN WITH SKULL-CAP PAYS BILL WHEN CHINAMAN THREATENS HIM There was one of .tha liveliest discus sions ever heard outside council meet ing In- the corridors of the olty hall this morning. A Chinesa washerman, without his basket, waa passing through the building, when he was accosted by " ' ' . vr saoAvn ; ; ."..-',, your cough la only la tho throat and does not trouble you now, don't think that It needs no attention. When It has not M4 much of a start I the time to check It The slightest eousi -lly Iniili' to Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Consumption. A bottle of . Ballard a Ilnrahnund Syrup will cure thai oough. The price puis It within-reaoa of alL Sold by all druggists, ... , one of his oustomera. ' Tha greeting waa warm on tba part of tha Chinas. ."Five, ehlrta. 14 collars, all other washout, I1.S0," was the salatatloa of the celestial. ' . TU pay that bill.- said the man, If you'll tell ma what to written en that laundry, ticket" . v "Ticket.", said tha ..Chtnamaa. "say that whit man don't belong to tho elty hall, but he la a whit devil with bo hair on hla head." Tha "whit devil" does a treat deal of business with .the olty and county, and he has to wear a akull-oap during tha fly season, ' .Any remarks about the V You Building .4 ,.,-V A Launch 9 ir so visit . OUR STORE, Gasoline Xngines of All Descriptioris 11 TTTTmrn ' m Ls isjaV sVSjsJ .av WHICH VILL IT BE? A LAUNCH A CANOE, or A ROW BOAT Oiir' Supply, Is Complete Our Repair Work If Excellent Our Prices Arc rioderate Our Stock . Is Perfection Our Name U'Reliable' loss of his hair generally oauaea a scrap. It came near causing one to day. . Tha desire of tha whit man to fight waa evident , "Ton handsome Chinaman." he as hs squared ..himself for a fi" 111 . ' , - 1 tl-e It