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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
Tlli OREGON DAILY JOUnJIAL, POUTLAI.D. VITDUZCDAY ' .EVUIJIIJO.'. AriiltAtL IZZ7. Vciiicrrov's OrcgonferiTclogrni nd Journal for Friday's Great E::tra ccid Cr::r2no "TJa H cr PhsnsCrc!:: -Vill 3 Ia!!cJ O . 7 .H in j1 . vLATTlTO ... CJ 200 WdiBeiji s BOil Coats $9,C0Val!!'es-$4.B5Each . , ; : Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit' Store places on sale for Tomorrow's 900th Surprise Sale a great special purchase of Jaunty short box Coats 200 of them secured from a large New York manufacturer at a big concession from regular prices -Very large, variety of desirable styles for women and misses. Materials are fancy mixtures, plaids,' checks and stripes, in 'light and dark grays, .tans, greens and fancy mixtures- Plain tailored, with aide pockets or , strapped and button trimmed- Others strapped lw -- 1. ' with broadclothSpring and summer coats of the best style.' selling reg. at $9, tomorrow, ea. , , See Fifth Street Window Display . , -. Tailored Suits at $15-$18-gS6 Four immense lines of new Tailored Suits on sale at prices far below value All axe new arrivals of the very latest fashions Prices are fully one third below what equal style and quality costs you at other stores Natty Eton jacket styles in fancy mixtures, checks and plaids, also plain colors Prettily trimmed with silk lace, braid and buttons Very Urge assortment and matchless values t following prices ft 14.QO, $15.00, 318.00, 920.00 MIIXR'FRAKX'S GREAT 900TH SURPRISE SALE I000rJGvScrc2nDoors)Completo94c la the 'Basement Housefurnishin Goodi Department for tomorrow's 900th Surprise Sale, a mammoth special offering- of 1,000 Screen Doors, well built and finished, and complete with spring- hinges, hooks and knobs; site 2 feet 8 inches by 6 feet- 8 inches high. The greatest screen-door value ever offered. Look to your needs at once. Tomorrow only at vour choice st this extremely low price take advantage. No mail or telephone orders will be ., Qf ...... yw filled . . . . . r.Kuxn a, fhAnvs great 900TH surjrjse sale 2000 er sh Suite; 69c ;".'; ' TomorrowSale Extraordinary of Boys' ' Wash Suits A sale of the greatest Irnpor : tance to all economical parents 2,000 Boys' Wash Suits at a price that hardly . covers the manufacturing cost Made of fine quality chambray and tan crash in sailor or Russian blouse styles Ages 2l2 to 12 years Chambraya-arc of fast color and in the following shades: dark blue, steel . grays, tans plain and . striped .col- ' lars, trimmed : in ' white or blue Sailor suits with Bloomer pants Russian suits with the newest style sailor collar neatly trimmed Are all well greatest value ever sold at this remarkably low price Boys' Clothing' Dept. Second Floor. 1 .4 . TOMORROW MEIER &, FRANK'S 9 OOTH SURPRISE SALE ' 100 Nov Improved Refrigerators ;C , ',: ;-j Reggies, $ 11 .50 Values ' on Sale at 10.88 Each Vf y V- ' Tomorrow- great Housekeepers' Sale of Refrigerators 100 of them-the famous "White Mountain" Pine Refrigerator, made of well-seasoned lumber, handsomely finished In dark golden oak, with swinging- baseboard, adjustable galvanised shelves: walls are thick and thoroughly insulated,-a very economical ice-consumer,-si i 26 inches .long, 19 y CJO OO inches depth, 40 inches high, ice capacity 45 pounds, tfuH $11.50 values, at.... VUt 11 CJ Hound r V MXIZR & FRANK'S CREAT 900th SURPRISE SALE , , i . ; -; t ,.l . : Iricli 1 Vi Laces . JjOT 125,000 yards of Round-Thread and French Valcn ciennes Laces, Edgs and Insertions, yi to 1J Inches O wide, values up to 50c per dozen yards, at, dozen... wSl LOT 1 Round-Thread ; and ' French Valenciennes Laces, Edges and Insertions, to 1 1-3 inches wide, values Alg up to 85c per dozen yards, on sale at, dozen yarda...l - . - . . . w r i i It . LOT Kouna-l nreaa ana rrencn yitnncnn Edges and Insertions, 1 to 2 inches wide, values up CQr A J to 11 StO a dozen varda. on sale at. the dozen yards... J W LOT to 2y't inches wide, values to 12.50 dozen yards Round-Thread ' and French .Valenciennes Xsces, Edges and Insertions, 1 O! ds on sale at, the dozen yarus..........w w 0 ."Ostcnnrjop! Mattresses $18.50 An in portant ale of the celebrated Otter moor Patent Elastic Felt Mattress. This special lt o! 2)0 made in two tarts. full size, 60 pounds weight, fancy tick-covered. Brst mt trrri on the marVet Housewives sh6uld investifiate this offering.. On 1 fl KC .'e at this extraordinarily low price, each talre ; advantage.,,,. ......v lUJv p'tfrmnnr Mttrees in all shres. sold here at the lowest factory prices.' On Third Floor. 1 000 G WW Women's high-grade footwear at a ridiculously low price for tomorrow's 900th" Surprise SaleAll the newest and best models, lace and button styles.- ' Every : pair guaranteed ' Women's Patent Colt and Patent Kid' Button Boots with hand-sewed welt llffci soles Gunmetal Button Boots with Welt : Boles ' and , plain vamps Vid Kid and ; Patent Kid glucher with tip- or plain toes and welt soles, also ' Patent Kid, Vid Kid' and Patent. Colt handturn- sole Shoes Lace.' ribbon blucher.- or 4 button styles Plain or tipped toes All best grade shoes Cuban or .French heels All sizes and widths $5 values, tomorrow only, at this remarkably low price, per pair. . 83 S3 TOMORROWS CREAT 900TII SURPRISE SALE 2,500 Yards: Fancy Silk 2,500 yards of New -Fancy Taffeta Silk, Suitings on sale tomorrow at an extremely low price the yard; 27-inch, all new, pretty styles, in. navy, blue, pink, helio. tans, light blue, nile;' large and small dotted -effects, handsome styles for sum- flt iwr suits, regular $1.45 quality; your choice tomorrow at, the yard..... .OjC TOMORROWS GREAT 900th SURPRISE SALE $2,00 Valnbs for 98c 2,000 new white lawn Waists at less- than half their value for tt morrow's.- 900th Surprise Sale. Very pretty- styles in lawns 'and mulls with solid tucked 'yoke Lace trimmed effects, tucking down the front or solid embroid- ' cry' front Large assortment of new styles Air sizes Values up to $2 each; ; buy all toinonow ' only; at "this extremely special low price of, each See Fifth Street Window. , ; TOMORROW'S CREAT 9 OOTH SURPRISE SALE ? : 5;000 Yds. Printed Dative 'In the Wash Goods Section, for tomorrow's 900th Surprise Sale 5,000 yards of Printed Batistes, all the season's beat styles and colorings, in floral effects, vry handsome material for summer apparel,-regular 15c value.' Take advantage. TOMORROWS GREAT 900TH SURPRISE SALE Grand 'peclal aale of new Veiling for tomor . row! 800th Surpriae Sale COQQ yarda secured t from a prominent importing house at a won ; der fully low price You can't afford to mist hrlng n th gTcat bargainTuxedo neta, - hairline and fancy dotted effects in black. ? , brown, green, gray, red, inavy, white All new attractive styles selling regularly ; fl rp at prices up to 7flo- Buy all you ", II ..f. want at this low price, the yard TOMORROWS GREAT 90"TH SUXPR. SALE 100 Dozen Hemstitched Linens 73c Ea In the Art Department, tor tomorrow's 900th Surprise. Sale-Hi bargain of inter- est to every housewife in the community 100 dosen Hemstitched Aostritn Linen Pieces, scarfs and'tijuares, the styles of drawnwork stitches; sizes 18x45 inches, 18x54 inches,' 30x30 inches and 36x36 inches; handsome pieces, large assortment valines ranging from $175 to $Z50 each: on ssle at this marvelousry re-' dueed price, each take advantage of this opportunity Third Floor...... f JC 600 Fr lace j Curtains $lr0S:i:5;ls',$6.9S; t For, Tomorrow's 900th Surprise Sale 600 pairs of" h ViirrVi.. irAm TZ1Z sPurtains on sale at a phe nomenally low price per pair Great variety of $J m a gnificent styles White - and bei ge - Irish points in heavy allover patterns with wide rich borders ; also fine, dainty duchess designs -Beau jful Arabian lace curtains. tmade on the best French , edges-Rafnty Brussels curtains allover patterns tnd plain centersAlso a variety of novelty curtains, Marie Antoinette and Soutache, in both white and Arabian colors A limited number of pairs of each - pattcrn--Curtaina Q ifl Q C seUingtat.$10 and $15, your choice tomorrow t,) Oe O - See Fifth Street ' Window Display . V '. '!. ; l. . . s a. .1 i i.-r t m I- t sr a II " i 3 . Mm i i 0 TOMORROWS GREAT 90OTH SURPRISE SALE 1 000 Couch Covers g 1 .65 In the Drapery- Department, for .tomorrow's 900th Friday. Surprise Sale we will offer 1,000-Neyus Couch Covers of Oriental Tapestry, in-' rue designs and Bagdad, stnpes, five patterns to select from; 60 inches wide by 3 yarda long,' regular $2.50 values; on'aale to- 0 1 CC morrow only at this wonderfully low price, each.'.V....;.'0 tOj TOMORROWS CREAT 900th SURPRISE SALE ; 2000 Men's Foiir?!hrHantJ3 $1.00 Volnos for 49c Ed: In the Men's Furnishing Goods Section for Tomorrow's 000th , - . ; Surprise Sale an immense assort" V rnent of men's high grade neck ' i . wear at half their real value All t ' new beautiful 4-in-Handa, made jr i,J , 1 - 1 1 -, in i i I,-- , ,4 i ". of the finest imported silks- light and dark patterns and col orings Magnificent variety of tasty pattern Made full French fold Two inches wide and stitched , endsEvery tie in ' the : lot regular $1 value Buy them, tomor row at, the tie... . , 49 c See the Morrison Street Window TOMORROWS GREAT 9Q0TH SURPRISE SALE V 1 50 Deautiful Ruffs 98c Ra. On sale tomorrow 150 beautiful Keck Ruffs nets,' chiffons and Lib erty silks; very prettiest etyles ia mostly all shades: -very pretty, at tractive neckwear for evening wear; values tip to $7.50 each; Qp, en sale at this roarvelously low price, each take advantage. . 7 CiC TOMORROWS GREAT 900th SURPRISE SALE- - . - ..,','.- Valucsfor; 2 lc Each ': In the .Women's Knit Under ;." y"' Department' forTomor row's 800th Surprise Sale we r offer tQO dosen Swiss Ribbed .Vests Low neck and sleeve- less,- lace yoke and dropstitch effects All sues A style and quality undergarment most tores ask 50c : for regularly. Our regular 35c value Buy all you want of them tomorrow at this ; low pne 0: Y'-fp'" : t " W h A m - m r-- i . , . i t . n. w rv i m J A , ,l .Id''1"1 H"--- C AH, ,'' . W. Anticipate' yotfr . ..ySummer needs 2Vc No mail"' or phone orders filled 20c Haridkcrchicfe for ,1 lc Each DamasIc Tabla Cloths G 1.60 Each On sale in the Handkerchief Department tomorrow 300 doien Wom en's Fine Swiss Handkerchiefs, beautifully embroidered in a variety of designs, nicely hemmed and finished, best 20c values.. Buy 1 all you, want of them at this very low prlcr. sacS..,. 1 IC In-the Table. Linen .Sectfon for" tomorrow's. f 0th Surprise Sale-Hi special lot of 200 Hemstitched Satin Damask. TaM. Cloths. vry btt patterns, size 64x64 inches, marvelous-vsluM, lit this ex? , f? 1 llfl ceptionslly low, price, each every housewife wants one., v vJil Kn"Mil fr Thw CMTyTifTM. - " ' " - '