The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 24, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Sah Francisco ' Office
Oregon Journal
789 Market,St,bct 3d 4th
ismnnniTi Airs va-
omzraojra mxesTrsn.
On gouians when In So FTancleoo
ran hav the' mall Mnt la care of
The Journal erflre. -ARTHUR.!,
nail, RspreeenUtlTe.
: $3,750 to $4,000
Dn car line, 5, 6 and 7 rooms, gas
and electric lights, sewer ana city
water, cement basement," furnace,
fireplace, etc.,' fine view of Mt
flood, lyi lots with each house.
fTerms to suit " ' ,
ExcIusIt Dealers in Heights
Property. Office on the Heights
and 7 Chamber of Commerce.
Main 2159..
Louis Salomon & Co.
'tin sTbnrk Sea Second, if ' .
SJ1,BOO 14 and Thnnnaa, auarter
block; lnootne bearing. -f
10,000 N. ltd at, $0x118, With S
new houses; rant ITS par month. .
95,600 16x100. 1-room boo, 14 at,
- near Harrison, - -
,10,SOO Corner Jot; K. llth st.j !n-
come bearing., . .- :
;- TAOAMt nomrr.
f,500 Entire block on Front "at.
South Portland.
f!5,50O xl00, Kearney at, near ltd.
$8,000 Rapeclallr dealrable building
lot on Park are., Ardmore. ,
MAMT WBam. V,;!
Vje.ZO Eaat 10th at, close la.'eor-1
aer. with S new h on see; rent, f SI
'' per month. ' ? ' . I
$4.500 Union ae. full lot, with
a tore; lnootne, $40 par month. I
94,000 Rodney are., lot. with two t-
room houses; rent. Ill per month .
9 3,000 Lot with 1 houses. East ltth
st, aear Harrlaon; Income, $28 per
' month. ..-
17 e
17 aerea, wast side, near river and rall-
IT ariraa, between Portland and Oregon
City; part cultivated; pure living running
water: aaay terme or exchange In paxt
tor city. a ... .
11 acres flna, level land, all enltfvateA;
fcalf mil to station; convenient to olty.
I. G. Davidson
4XM CDiamher of Oomaaeroe.
' '' -'- v ' "
100 LOTS
Jlessast Treat e Oester ef Otty.
It mlaates from Third sad Washington! eta.
and S mlnstee walk. Oar price 11,000 acre.
ante dknaaee east of teeter; lots selling st
a.000 eeca, and west ef esstar. fs.000 each.
' Th most fashionable resident:
district In the city. Choice lots on
graded streets near car Una 1500
each, i''""-1 -;; ' :... ;
Ycrcx' Bros. Company
v s 102 QoodnonKB Bltlj.., ,
Phont) Mala US.
' SPECIALISTS In Hawthorne ave.
property. . Lota, houeee and lota, and
acreage throughout this district for sale.
HOUSES DESIGNED and built, plans
end specifications furnished to home
builders. .. i .
non TAjiom bob. ' '
. T0BT SiTaV'-
10 Acres
' NEAR .
Council Crest
t'nmmandlnS , marntflcent View of
it y. Mountains and Vail-jr. .Cheap
tat alfthUy acreage la city f 1,000
jt acre.
Yercx Dros. Company,
801 Ooodnoogh Bidg.v
. Thone AlHt. m.
Conklin Bros.
, 9IO.OOO Lot on First street, 60 by
I lot; will advance 10 per cent In ml
1 months. ' , . .'
. 92,750 Quarter block, on Hawthorne
ave; a coming business corner.
' 93tOOO Each; two modern homes.
00 feet from Hawthorne ave. These
r cannot be duplicated In the . ctty;
terms. , A.
1 99,000 Modern " new S-room home,
I. up-to-date la every resfieet, -with fine
barn, six lota. Just 100 feet from
Hawthorne ave. ' -
9I.2OO aerea' on Eatacada Una, at
Gray's crossing. ' ..-
9I.OOOI sore, 460 feet from Stew-;
art's Station, on O. W. P. line.
910,000 15 acrea on Powell Valley
roaa. six muei rrorn city; 11 acres in
raspberries. I acrea of strawberries,
and S acres of hay, la fine condition.
91.2RO Three lota on Grand ave.
93,500 Corner, 100 by 100, on Union
ave. ...' ... j
92,100 Two lota on Garfield are
one block from Union.
atxAsxB a tvranun, ' '
Phoaa SHY. .: 40 Swrtlsnd Bldg.
A tanadar McMillan et Vaamerar, Waablag
toe, as, asd Khi Margaret Wllann. 20. 7
Jobs B. Stnlta, 80, asd' Oartrode Daaaon
vllla. .
Albert V. Boat, SI, and Marls Loslae Og
dan. is.
William C. Berry of Centralis, Washington.
41. and Clara Vaa Drka. jtt.
Ira ttooper, 41. and mmi May Mclrarla, M.
Cbarlaa A. Alpbonae of Beattia, SS, and Peart
I. Matlock, Si. '
John i. Raavas. 21, and Mary J. Coonallr, IS.
Wedding Cards. W. O. Smith 4 Co.. Waah
tagtos bldg, earner Poartk and Waablnstoa eta.
AH klnda ef plant, for a, la st 411 Vincoarar
are.; prices reasonable. Pbone Kaat 0370.
Toaeeth A C. flortsrs, for
kinda. 1Z3 Btxtb St. -
fknrere ef e
Clarke Broe., Plnrlats fine flow era sad floral
designs. 180 Merrleoa St.
Pali dreaa antta for rent. aH alsaa. Unlass
Tailor big Oe, SOS SUrk at - -
UOI.MES la this elty. April 12. 190T. Dr.
Annabel B. Holmes, agea years, 1 monma
nd IS days, rnneral will take pleos April
IS at 10 s. s. from P. 8. Dunning' a c ha pal.
Beat Sixth and Alder sts.
BAN8LBT Is this ctty. April 11. Tobias A. I
Hanaley, ased 81 rears. 1 mentha and so )
daya. rnneral will, take place Thursday,
April SB. et 1 . m.. from F. - 8. Dannlng'e
ebapel, eorner of Bast Alder end Bast Birth
ate. rrleads larlted. Istermest ut Boas City
eemetery. ,
tag. Mi
and embauaera; ay
and Pine. Mais,
odrra In every derail. Ss Tenth
430. Lady assistant.
Biiekaos Cndertaklns Co asd erabalmlnc. 400
Alder at. Peons Mala S1S3. Udy aaalstaat.
J. P. Ptnley 4k Boee. Third end Madleoa sts.
Office ef county esrener. Phone Mats S.
aeller-Byrses Co., foseral dliectoin. embelav
te, STS Beaeell. Beet 1088. Letfy aaalstaat.
A. B. Hesastnch. faneral director. - Baet llth
and Cms tills. Phone Ssllwood 71. Lady aaalstaat.
Bdwsrd Bolmas. endartaker. 120 Third St.
BIVRR IBW angle grsres, 10t family lots.
LI 00 te 11,000. The only cemetery Is Port.
nd which perpetually malatalne and enrae
rur lota, ror mu mrormaiion. appiy to w.
B. Mackenale, Worcester black, elty.
Ledd. prealdent.
W. M.
s? ?7in'UJ?72?'t f,m"'
maw a, hMunl a , flnlle r,ian PhnM
Tabor tOS. For fall Informatloa apply to !
,' rrs al ncn legal, sux wommerciai dik. rsoae
Main S82S.
Rk-hard Mealy to Louis P. Beno et sL,
lot I, block 227. Couch's addition f S.fcSg
Bleervlew Cemetery association to John
W. Daacaa. lot 80. eabdlrlsloa E, aad
lot SO. subdlTlslon F, sectluo 4. said
eemetery SSO
Edna B. Height to Edith Yea Yleet lot
L. block S. Maegly Highland 1.130
Bdna B. Ralgbt to Stella Vaa Yleet
lot t. Mock It, Mssgly Highland 1,290
W. H. and Alice B. Nnnn te Roes Lee .
McOrshle, lot 10 and soath H ef Jos
11. block 1. Albtns Heights.. .77. 10
John snd Annie G. Gsntenbeln to Lola
B. Ogden, tot 1 block X, Central Al
bins , 4T8
John and A. B. Gantenbetn te Thomas
Clayton, lot T, block S. Central Alhlna 628
O. L and Emily O. Barrett to Harry C.
fnnnlngbem, lots 2 snd 8. block 2,
Cook'e Beeond addition to Alblna 1.1TJ
Multnomah Real Batata aeaoclation te' ,
Charles L. Perkins, lota S and block
0. Willamette 10
Blbernla Baringe bank to D. F. Cornell, I
lota IT and IS, block 4, Chicago 1,400
TJsher D. snd Jennie K. Sbsfer to Ellis,,
H. snd Annie A. Haelam, lot 8, block ' '
' S. Maegly Highland X 2,400
Josephine Illrach to J. D. Wharton, lots
T and 8, block 210, Beat Portland 8.000
Will B. sad OIHe J. Pnrdy to T. J.
.Teeters, lot 10, block 18, Central Al- -
blna addition 1,500
B. C. snd B. A. Ueeter to R. MeLeod.
kt S. block 24. Vernon .'1,100
Portland Lone Fir Ometery eompasy to
Kedderly Bros, lot 48, block 18, said
eemetery .SO
Rose City Cemetery easo-letton to Elite
- both Dick, north ef lot 8. blork 40, :
ssld cemetery SO
R. 1. Powers trustee) to Berbert P,
Oloyee. lot . block a, Tork l.TOO
Pacific Realty A Investment company
to Q. P. Phelps, tot 12, block 4, fiiew- J
art Put J.... IB)
Portland Trust - company ef . Oregon to
. i A. B. Clark, lot i, blork 14T, Wood
stock BOO
Ariel a Lend company to 8. Barber, lots
27 and 28, block 11. Arlets Park
Ne. 2 10
Title Guarantee A Trust . company to
, John Beneke, lot 8, block &, West
Piedmont .... , SM0
B. L. Powers ftroetee) to Maggie Cassi
day, lot 8. blork S, York 1.0710
Millie G. aad W, O. Perkins to Andrew
. WIIHame. lots IT. snd .18, block T, 1 '
Mansfield . 800
W. U. Woods to Bdwsrd Remolds, lot, ,
16, block H, Pertsmonth Villa si ten
si on . . BOB
William M. Kllllnrsworth et al. to July
L. Joplla, lot 12, block 14, walnut
John A. end B. 0. Carnahaa to Grant
t'bamherlalB, lots s ana .e. owes s.- ,
Roeedtle s.v ,,.,1.600
Overtook tnd company to Mary AIv
Bord, Ms I and t, Mock IS, Overlook '1,880
C. E. and Julia R. Bingham to miles-V
Chambers company, part of fractional , ' : .
block T and part of river lot 2 and ' .
part of Albany street vacated, la
James John's-addition to St. Johns.... -0,000
Point View Reel Ettate company to
. Lene ftchok, lots 23 and 24. block 20, '
Point View ' 100
TJnlTeralte Land company to Reuben O. . j
nail, est so, owes unirassur
Park T
George H. sad Cynthia Bennett to Frank : : t
i Moor, lore an ana , osica tav,
miveralty Psrk 880
Romolua B. Carey to Agnee Bntrs, mta
21 end 22, block 22, Pentnenis soai-
tins Ns. S i-;
llllsm M. aad Alice McWhldden and -
Ion Lewie to Anson B. Coboen, let IB,
Mock ss. Irvlnctoa L208
Msrtha J. Stalgor to Frank B, Rleder, '
, lot t ens esst is reer or m a, ossca
(1. Pleasant View addition ' LROO
Ssvinge A Loan society to Pacific Grain
com pen y and R; iomnsrd jr., iota
8. T snd S. block M. Coach's addition. 20,000
Title Guarantee A Trust company to O.
Anderson, lot IS, blocs v, w set nea- .
ssent 400
Jsmes M. and Ksnnle Pnxh to W. Brad
ford let 2. block 2, Woodstock log
Kate L. end Frank F. GHbam to Robert .
T. I.hmey. lots S snd 10, block 11,
' Worth Mount Tabor 800
Prank F. end Rate L. Otlsars to Robert
T. I.mney, lots 11. 14 and 18, block
is, isortn Meant Tsner. . . 00
George Beans to Vernon C. Scott, lot It,
block 4, Spaatoa'e sddltlnn. .' tf!
R. J. and Clara B. Pulrer te K. M. and
. Akiyetaa M. lance, lot , block 1, Bun- -
galnw Olsde . 8.000
Moeet Tahor Water com pane te elty of
Portlsml, printer it snd holdings of said ' '
eeenpeer In Mount Tabor... PSAts)
Charles H. snd Jnlls! M. Hnnt to F,,,,
sad Vlnnas May. lot 8, block 12: abst ' :
lAalOO feet healnnlne at aoetliweet ene- . -set
ef lot 8, Olaaose aark..u,At,u.a lot
Ueorre 8 l.ewt et at to Joseph Moso
vlt.h. Iota 1 and 8, block 12, Meegly
Highland 1.400
Mary Pbetpe Montgomery ta O. O. Be- ,
wards, 10oo feet commencing at eeet '' '
corner of block 66. ra Alblna 11.000
II. M. Cake at al. to Jacob Wark. kts-'k-1T
snd 10. blork 10. Soothers Portland 000
Charles end Jot a an Johnson te Adolpb.
' II oakmioa. lota 8, nod II. black
WLIta-tract v .....' ' 10
ror abstract,, title Inaaraara ar eierttace
loana. raU on Ptrtfl Title Truat eonpaof,
M-0-0-T ratline bids.
HUH from tha Title Oaarantaa Tract
saar. t0 Wabln(taa at, enrsar Hacoad.
KOTinn I baraby notify tba pablle that frnts
April 20, 1SVT, I will sol be reepnealble for
any - depta aoatraatad by aabody bet
uyaaii. J. s. hiumwi.
Mil stark at., between Blitb and BeTeath.
Phone Padft InM. Elmer J. Wallace, agent.
Something: IMnf
naonaaaay erening, Aiiaty blag., Thfrg end
U. W. A. 0ryon Orape Camp No. 0.679, Moo
ds ra. 17th and Maraball. Visitors welcome.
1 Lest 3,000 Shares 'Butte
Boys Consolidated
Mining atnek, eomewbere between Morrises.
Washington, Second and 10th eta. Please
! return te The Joersal of flea asd reoelra re
ward. ,
yOHND A place te sere satr arrreaaae reno
ssnra ana reinreea same aay , zzs rront at.
. Main 4T4. Portland Carted-Hair rectory. H.
Matager, proprietor.
LOtT A wetch eharm, engraved "D. A. S."
Rerors e MS JeMeaeoa St. sod teas I re S
LOfrT Small foa terrier bitch, white, tes spots,
ae collar; earned Sonnies. Beward for return
or information te oM Bast Taylor. Phone
Main NV4H. ... .
LOT Two email gold rfngs tied In handker
chief with - small change, between Yamhill
snd Morrison ate. on Urand are. Lea re st
157 Grand sts. sad rewire reward.
POUND A ehepherd dng of toed blood. bobtalL
age about 1 year. Call 26 Koorth et
Wanted Tailor
, One who la competent' to take entire charye
' of shop; lsrtles' and men's: high weges paid.
Addreae X care JooroaX .
WANTED Mta ef food appearance. IS to i5
years of age. with sen era I bustnaea expert
ence along the lines of eoltcltors, collect ore.
salesmen or commercial easiness;, moat have
'good references; permanent position; moderate
compensation. Reply poatofflce box 103. .
Son-IOT Second at. Pbone Mam f1.
We design and tnetall the moat moilara and
Improved office systems; complete 11 n
leaf filing devlree. .
WANTED Kalsamen; many mans 8100 to 81B0
per month i some even more; stock cleaa,
grows on reservation, far from old orchards:
cash s dranced weekly: ebolce of territory.
Address Washington Nursery eompasy, Toa
peutsh. Weshmgtoa. , .
. Against accident, sickness snd death.
Write or call and investigate.
Northwestern Health A Accident A .sod at Ion.
Room 81, 268 Stark St. . Agents wanted.
MBN AND WOMEN to learn the barber trade
tn eight weeks', grsdueteo earn from 81B te
128 weekly: expert Instructors! eateloene free.
Motor Syatem of Colleges, 88 North Fourth
: at.. Portland. , v
WANTED High olass salesman for rhotee tee
rttorlte; highest commission psld; everything
furnished; cash edrsnced for expenses. A
rare opportunity. Addreae, aulck, Oregon
Nsrsery, Balatn. Or,
SEVERAL good mea to Drapers for positions ta
the government service now Is the beat time J
to begin. look ahead. Write for form 172, ,
. Pa rifle Btatss Schools, McKay bldg.
SALESMEN anbe big money working far se;
experience nnneeeeaary.1 Paelfle Aid Aese-
- elation, 294 Lumbar Exchange bldg, Port
land. Oregon.
sTTl'DENTB of the International
erhcola desiring prsetlrel experience are re
aneeted to list their names st ear local office,
814 McKay building.
BLACKSMITH WANTBD First-class opening
for good man; chance te bay a good business;
no oppoeitloa. Addreae Boa 188, Camas,
- Wash. .......
WANTED At ence, first class plumber end fnr
. mace mas In eon -nn Ion town, good wages snd
' steady work for tight party; prefer man with
family. Address P. O. Box 007. Colfax. Wash.
WANTED Boy er young mea to work daring
the dsy; newspsper business, light work; else
'boy to work after school; must have refer
ences. Address L 174, .care Journal.
MEN and bora wanted to leers plumbing, plae
. taring, bricklaying, electrical trades ) free
cits loans positions eerarod. Coyne Trade
Schools. New York snd Sea Francises. .
WANTED Experienced grocer mas to take
rbnrge ef email stock of groceries. Phone
M 8748.
i WANTED Experienced man In second-band
eture; most a now sow to naaaie tooie. lal
EXPERT talesman - can make 8100 e
Address T. 8., Chamber ef Commerce
' bldg- Seattle, Wash. ,
WANTED Man. 80 to 80 years eld, enenrerle
and intelligent, with experience on ra el
and general farm work. . Poatofflce box 462.
WANTED Tailors, pressors and operator and
rimaner: nignest prices pais. - New lock
Oostmakera- I2 Commercial bldg.
WANTED Toong mea to study telegraph y;
positions at good wages whes competent
' Oregon College, 80S Commonwealth bldg.
WANTED Reliable bos for drugstore; ene
with wheel Preferred. Albert Bernl, the
druggist 238 Washington et. '
month. B 171. care Journal.
WANTKD Oostmakersj highest price psld. A.
J. Braolt Fifth and Stark sts.
SIGN PAINTER wsnted. Apply Serge? A Boa,
Sc4 Yamhill. - -
WB ret work for oar mem hers; special mem
bers, 82. Y. M. a A- Foerth and Yamhill.
WANTED Good . bsrnesn-saaksr.
Harneee Co., Hood River, Or.
BOY WANTBD With wheel. . 810 per week.
APPly 4X1 M eiOTTieon. -
TWO solicitors, few borrre work each dsy; geod
oeo SLMts, Thtrd-
M A TTR ESS-MAKER waated. 18-80 Freat
BOYS wanted to work la furnlrnrs "factory, joe
North llth at.
WANTED Good strong boy to do rough work
In sure. T2 Sixth st.
WANTEI Rskers helper with seme expert
ence. (Mil oil Pits at, Uy,
WANTED A eaatmakeri wtU pay good srlee.
aas Waablagton at
FANTSM AKBB wanted. 1S4 Twslrtk street.
GOOD all-amend rarpantor' wanta iob or day
. work frea ewaare. fbone car pan tar, yt
SttOS. .
WANTKD eVirdoa sraae faadere at oae. Apply
frlntlng dapartiarnt Klihaia Statlosery A
rtntlag Co., 210 Stark at, .
WANTKD Boy for erraada. Apply prlnttna
dapertinant Klibaaa Mtatlooary A rrlntlng
Co., 110 Stark at.
DO yoe want te leers jmod trade, 1ara abort
boara. eaay work) Tban learn to eparate
motloe plctaree; gradnaiea earn (Zo wraaiy
Terms reasonable, arbeol laSHS Slxtk et.,
roots f. ,
wimn-KnM an with email anmont ef
. Bvmay for motion picture show; profits glO
to 01O0. Addreae a 17S, care toarsai.
WANTKD Man te work ta brick and eswer
pipe factory. Apply at office Dleawaa ancs
Uo root et anaeny at.
WANTBD Tflree carpenters, st Clevelasd ave.
snd Sumner at.
STKNOOBAPHKR, familiar with tba Inmber
bualneaa. J ansa L,nmoer va.. inu roerta
WANTKD A dlshwaahert wsgee S10 per I
Tba Colonial, lOrs. snd Morrison sts.
A MA!V to work ea email piece la the elty;
must be able te milk and care for horses i
'wages 25 per month, board and room. Cell
sfll rlooa St. -
BARBER wanted et 8t Worth Third et.
Llpmta. Wolfe ft Co. reqnlre experienced
seleswoaiea la all departments. Permanent
positions and beat salaries, - Apply te euper
ioteedent. ' Llpmnn, Wolfe &'Co.,
. Ixperlenead cloakroom saleswomen reonlred
et once. - Apply te superintendent, Llpmaa,
Wolfe A Co.
LARnC bestntes firm dealrea a weroaa sot
nader SO who la trastworthy end energetic:
experience unnecessary. Addreae by letter
only, gletng telephone, at. Knight, SOT Tit
ford bldg. -
OIRLB WANTBD Opera tore te work e ehlrts
and era-ailo. Iaaone gleea to Inexperienced.
Apply at standard factory Na. 8. Oraad see.
snd East Tsjlor at.
WANTED Machine operators, etarehera. I rone re
and mangle girls. Rsst Hide laundry Co.,
East Ash and Sixths. Phone East 800. la all
day Snnday. a
WANTED Toons ladies to study telegraphy;
- poaltlons at good wages when qualified. Ore
gon College, 80S Commonwealth bldg.
in rt on et.. corner Seventh, upstairs. Pbone
Msln gOOS. Female kelp wanted.
WA NTED Yeans ladtee to Mara te operate the
"Comptometer. Call between 12 and 1 p. m.
G, Lsndoa Darley, a rent. 84 Third et
STRONG girls for candy factory. George A.
McNeil company, wholesale con feet loners, 110
North Fourth, near Gllaan.
WANTED Woman er girl for general bones
- work, B-room cottage. 110 Binersoa at. Take
. L car.
WANTED A lady bookkeeper; expert en oad. X
ITS, care Journal. - -. -- .....
YOUR teeth cleaned for $1 n peer;, solicitors
wanted. Call between 8 end 8. 181 Fourth st
flHIRTMAKERS wsntsd.
21 H Stark et
Jaseba Shirt Csv.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard factory Re.
B. Oraad a rat and Bast Taylor st
"ARDMORB COFFER"; don't forget the Berne;
8 pounds for II. Boyd Tee Co., 00 First st
WANTED Good strong girl to do rough work
s round store. 71 81xth st.
PANT8MAKER wanted. 124 Twelfth street
WANTED Experienced preaaere on ladtee gar.
meats, st East Portland Cleaning audi lre
Works; good wages to right parties. 148
Grand avenne.-
FIRST-CLASS eeleewomeu to solicit orders
from consumers. Refrreneea required. Sal-
, ary to right perty. Belfast Importing Co.,
21 8 French bldg., Tac-raa, Wash.
WANTED Girl, 1 to 18 years, for work la
engraTisg department. Kllhara - Stationery A
Printing Co. Apply 210 Stark ej. ,
WANTED Otrt to do general
; tam-
lly of three adults; 828 per
T10 Flanders et.
tk. Apply
GOOD girl for general housework. J2S 14th at,
between Washing too end Alder sts.
WANTED Skirt asd waist finishers. 818 TU
ford bldg. .
WANTED Neet cleaa girl for family ef 8.
Esst 4400.
Alder St.
aad waist makers.
WANTED Ladles to teeck M. B.- Ohlneee
f nitaslon evening scbeol. st 24714 Stark st
I Apply T:80 p. a.
WANTED Young , ladles to learn telephone
operating: cood salary, . short hours, aer
while learning; la neb eon eerved . free of
charge Slid lounging ana rest rooms -In con
nection. Apply Chief Operator. Telephone
- bldg., West park snd Alder.
DINING-ROOM girl wsnted st ffas Union betel,
. 81 North Sixth St.
DEMONfrTRATORS. hones to house; salary 82
, per day and sinenses; experience not essen
tial. W. Palmer Co.. 808 Columbia et
TE ACHE RE for Chinees mission. Apply room
21 Madison bldg.. 2M4 Third St., 1 te 4,
or 206 4 Second et, T o'clock p. m.
INDrOTRIAIj SOLICITOR Oar certifies tee, 1
to 88 yesre, far ahead of eld line; eaaler te
, write, larger commissions, no Is pees to mske
good; splendid future for two or three eeroeet
' men and women. Union Provident League,
Til ford bid., 10th aad Morrison sts.. Port
lead. Oregon. ,
WANTED Men and women to prepare for t"4fT
civil service; good poet lions ooostsntiy to
'be. had by those who are qualified for them;
we make a specialty ef preparing yoa.
I. C, 8 .,182 Fifth et.
WANTED Men end women of good teste ta
try Ardmors Coffee, 8 soesds for $1. Boyd
Tes Co., 80 First et.
HELP wanted and supplied, male er female. R.
O. Drake, Km 14 Washington st, Psclfls 1870.
WANTED Position he experienced family
conk. Address Chinese Mission, 2474 Stark
at ' ,
MAN and wife wtnt poelttnn nt ramp ae eonlts,
both being first class esoka. " Address S 118,
sere Jouraal, . ..
WNTEI to do eewtnt at prtrata seueae. Phase
saef eia. utu arier o.
(xPEBIKNrrn lady wanta waahlaa or hoi
claaalag by Ibe day. Phone fact I It loin.
sig isivriutas ueiweiuss fiesA a It Ml mm Can irnw
Room 11 Cambridge bldg.. Third and slur-
A OOOO steady Oarmas girl wanta poaltlna aa
eook or general boaaework with raapactable
fauitly; wagre sot leae than 2 to basin
- with. Apply to P. L. Anetia a Co., 12&-12
ADingioQ eias.
tegfleg ramp aed term help a epecisttf.
SO hortti Second et. Phone Mala S3M. We
peg all te'-grspe ehargea.
S North Seeoad et. Phone Uala 1S34.
S00t4 Morrison st Phone Paeirte tm
tl North Baeond et Phase- Paelfle 1SO0
nlahae male help ef ell kinds tree.. 1U
Bursa Ids, et. Pbone Mala StftS.
O. E. BMPIYMRNT orPICB Help furatsnea
free te employe rs. ISV, N. Id. Phase S70T.
AOBNTB WANTED Cas yoa sell goodat If
so we seea yoa. Complete outfit free eaah
weekly. Write for choice ef territory. Cap
ital City Nursery Company, St lam. Or.
ONE hastier Is each tows or locality i to
handle medicines oe soap: wrtte onlrki tig
money. B. U. PlomaMr jSO Tblrd at
WANTED By May 1, ea west side, nicely tar
nished ' bmse or flat, complete, ef S or T
rooms; give run particulars: two In rsmlry;
will lease te the end of the year or lonr-rl
: beat references famished. Address Poetofrice
Box 111. .
WANTED TO RENT Rouses, eottarea, flats,
ar ores, otricee, rooming-Boaaee, etc Land
lords will do well to call on
Phone El. Tl. S. B. Oar. id and Oak.
WANTED Board and room with one acre
f round and water for gardra. Address K
7T, care Journal.
WB WANT te Hat year property, anywhere be
tween tee A tiaa tie ores a ana the Peeine
ocean, from the north pole to the soath note,
eny old place, any kind of property, lust so
yoa list It worth the moneyt - we will be In
ear office Monday morning at S o'clock sharp;
come early snd avoid the rush. Gregg Bros.,
IT 1U reatoa bldg.
WANTED A good er T-room noose or doa
ble boose, ror cash, most be cheap and near
la. P. C. Lasses A Co., 1T4 Flrat at. Port,
S-ROOM bones with tmptwremente: ens to three
acrea; near car I we j. ne ppsnioa tan ztv
Stark et
WANTED From owners Who will sen. good
soeee, lots ana farms. Home LSD3 uo.,
14SM First st. pbone Main 1410.
IP yon want to sell quick. Ust with P. Feoha,
S21H Marrhna st . . - .
WE BUY an tm proved lota to balM ea, a
raere. The Bpentoa Ce 270 stark st.
WANTED Lots or s creese for eo-ufry tn emry
some, st. Jonna, aear ear. Address T 170,
cere Joernal.
MAIN Orlofi. s
.... CASH. AND LOT- OF IT. .
WANTED rurnHure end hones bold goods ef
erery description bought, sold end exchanged.
The 8. 232 Ptrat at Mala 8ST4. 8
WE bsnl dead horses end settle free. Oregon
Fertiliser Works, or notify Carney's Veterl
' nary, Fourtk aad Ollase ate. Mala 1808.
CAN see gfl.000 worth fa ml tore thta week; high
est prices psld la city. . Weetera Salvage
Co. Pacific T8S. .. . ,
CAH for household goods. Ravage A PeaaaU,
S40-S4T Flrat st. Phone Pacific 800. .
HIGHEST reek price paid for ell klnda oarond
hand goods. Phone Main 2111. 82 R. Tbl.d.
HAVE yoa any jtmk or pipe of say kind for
sale. Cell Mala 06S, ar A 10A8.
HIGHEST cask price paid for seooad-ksnd 11
cylea. Mala 4M0.
WANTED Housework by the day; as ween
ing. Address B ITT, care Journal.
8V FOR t or 8 rears. Improved city lots.
Prtsclpsls only. Addreae U 11TT, Denver av.
WANTED Children to rare for Ne. 828
Gnlld'e eve. .
WANTED A second-hsnd tent (boat 8x10;
stats price. Address S ITT, cars JoaraaL
TUB GLADSTONE. 8124 SaVlar St. Nice clean
furnished rooms, single or doable, from 11,28
per week up: free phone, gss sad parlor.
1804 THIRD, pposlts Baker theatre, nestle
furnlabed largs front bedrooms; ether light
rooms; prices moderate, .
$10 FRONT sleeping room; first floor; nicely
fnrnlshed; gag, bath, both p bones; 71 North
14th st
THE RICHEMED, 184 North Sixth st Bio
gantly farnlabed; steam best snd baths. -
THE GRAND. 4BV4 North Third et 1
gentlsmea. $1,111 per week aad an.
THB STEWART Housekeeping and fnrnlshed
rooms; transient and single. SOB4 Week.
THE ARCADE, 1404 First et, seer Morrison
Fornlshed roome. 280 to $1; transient.
axxaw'aye7-' YTtMlT"''T7a'11 If' I T T "' ""ITTTrirrrTTITlWlWlWFHsl
tl.BO WEEK UP Large, clean 'fnmlahed boose.
kaeplng-rooma. laundry aad bath. 184 Soer
'maa at, eonth. Port Is ad. -
fl.28 WEEK CP Ciena Farntsbcd beoeekeea-Ing-raoms.
parlor, bath, Issndry, furnace beet
yard. 2034 Stanton at. D car, '
FOR RENT Unfnrntshed hoveekeeping-rooms;
walking distance from pos toffies. Apply 804
Sixth st.
HOUSEKEEPINOiBOOMS.. elerrrle lights snd
phone. $2 per week. 801 4 Water st.
THE MITCH ELI. Housekeeping snd tra aslant
' roome, reasonable. Seventh and Flanders its.
$10 THREE furnished roomer gss plats, steel
range. 818 Seveeth et Mais 4820. .
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms atiatalrs,
$18. I'beos Mala 6786 or sell 288 Mill.
TWO ar three housekeeping rooms. 88 Seventh
FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms with phone.
164 Rorth 10th et.
DESIRABLE rooms la private family, with or
without Houeekeeplng priellegea; suitable for
woman employed;, walking distance. Phone
Esst 2870.
FURNISHED booeekseplng er single roome. 482
Stark at. ,
TWO rooms nicely fnrnlshed for housekeep
ing; riose in; sea at paone. sio Mala at
I4814 SIXTH ST. Two suites of bonsekeepmg
rooms, two roome to enlte; fronting Sixth.
TTTE OA Rt, ETON The most desirable family
hotel la .the elty; it has the Iocs t Ion wen
farnlabed outside rooms s, single or es enlte;
' eteatu beat, hot sad en Id running water tn
'; rooms, end the beat table board that eaa bs
, found anywhere. Tel. Mala 2168. Corner
13th end Aider st.
BOARD and moan, home ennklng. 146 Jeffer
son St., between Second aad Third ate.
ROaEDAt.B the Barrell estate!. 404 corner
loth aad Madison, fast evened; everything
first class. Bewlf tarnished tweugbeut.
0 AND T-reom eottsi se, 'with yards. goo4 view,
newly papered, furnished or nufurnlshad, en
wast aide. In good neighborhood; else hoese.
keeping rooms, t.2f week each. Apply MM
North SSth su. W cars te I'Hh, turn sooth
kslf block.
GDABANTF.ED sa adeertiaeg. Wa, can rant
ar eell year hoaeea, rooms, flats, ef flees,
stores, fa rats, acreage, ktst list sow for
eaaters adTertlslog. 104 Mohawk bldg.
NEW S-room rottaae; all modern rosTenleacee.
KIT St., Mt. Tabor. Inquire 111 Koyal
at., next dou. " . .
STRICTLY modern groom cottage, Itannyaldo;
atO flown, balance earn aa rant. A. P.
Smith, owner, Old Commercial blk.
WE rent and eell plsaoe.
- A Co..
obsrmsa. Clay
POR KKNT groom modem hoaaa, one block
ytt rsrlma. Hamilton A Hnlman. S04 Gaud
soagb bi.lg.. opposite auotoftlee ea riftfe et.
S-ROOM nwders eettage nesr Williams svs.
bath, gas, hot and cold water, basement
Phone He II wood ai.
FOR RENT A modem groom flat: ror. ef B.
Burnatde end lath. Phone Bast lfjS. '
UPPER tarnished flat ell meders eonTenleneee.
alee yard, walking dlerahce; res son a hie rent
- to responsible tensnt. , Phone Esst 3A70.
FOR SALE. CHEAP 4 sod gentle fresh milch
cows ls 1'ortlana boulersra, 8 blocks sorth
Piedmont car barns. .
eluWIxuree-rooaa. furnished Sat close tn .
Pbone Beat 167. S3 BercoLh et.
18 T-ROOM modern .house, Sooth. Portland:
rine view; gas, electric, lights; rererei
eoi rront et.
FOR RENT Suite of office rooms, eultable for
mnalrsl. doctor's or dentist's oae; centre I.
convenient. Apply E tiers Piano souse, 8SS
Washington, corner Park.
OFFICE-BOOMS, an rural- nea rooms snd earn,
ple-ronma for rest teaodasugb bldg. Apply
POR rent ar lease, a good storeroom. Bee Mc
Gregor, .the barber, 2M YambiU et.
OFFICB end deak room for rent ea ground floor)
' alao private office. 84 Third et
FTRNT'tHED office er desk room for rent
Beaver Realty Co., 8-4 Odd Pel Iowa bldg.
PI'RNITURB 8 rooms, pleesaat; bath. gaa.
phone, range, etc.t price 878, rent $14. 8dT
Nix et, near Mill. ,
8-ROOM modern flat for rent, furniture eg
rooms for aaht; moat be sold by May 1; close
In; $80 rent. Phone Mala 8888.
WE need fnralture at any price. Portland Aoo-
tloa Rooms. Ill Flrat st. Main BOoS.
BROOM modern flat for rent, furnlrnrs of 8
rooms for sale: must bs cold by Mey 1; close
In; :0 rent; $lnO down. Phone Mala 8SS0.
IP YOD want Pntte For a Consolidated mining
stock at 10c, Uks It now: this office is 860
East Morrison st. The directors of the com
pany, owing to the cooVnusI - Increase ef
vslueg ef their ore ssd the development work
di ne and -being done, hare decided to raise
the price ef stock to lSe on May the Bth, nd
may be taken off the market-even at that
price any day. If yoa wsnt It. get in Bow.
-''Butte Bjye Consolidated Mining Cs, 80O East
Morrlsoa et. .
WANTED High class man to spaa teeape
rnry office la Han Francisco aed manage
campaign there for sale of stock In Indus
trial corporation; proposition reeneetahle and
gilt edge: some experience tn this line of
work neceassrv. with ability to meet neat
people, aud nn.nieetloned personal stsndlng.
High salary snd nil expenses to right men.
, Address, with references, K 1T1. cars Journal,
CHANCR for party with noma csrttal te In
vest to represent Ices I food product mann-
faetarlng coneera In coast teeritory. Ke
. competition; easy sales; big profit on Inveat
menr end good wages on road. - Address for
Interview, Y 170, rare JoorasL v
ON , seeoant of sickness snd going east we
. most sell oar growing rest estate buelneea;
-offlevs nicely located, near Third and Stark f
If yno hnxe $roo and want to get Into a
good, growing easiness, this can't bs beat
N 174, care Journal.
POR SAI.E-i-TWO-chalr barber shoo In good
location, for $1M. Rent for ahop and 2
rooms ta ths rear $10 per month. Sale en
account et having other baaloees to attend
to. 4A2 Gllaaa at. -
BLACKSMITH WANTED Ptrst-elaao opening
fiw good nan; chance to bay s good bastnea
no ofipoeltloa. Address Bos ISO, Camas,
Wssh. ... & . 1 ,
Di"un imii.ain. inmejr.ivii. it w u ' .
stocks er boads for sale, let ae try to
aell them for yon, - George M. Kellogg. J
pros sr. oeo Eiucott square, narrate.
POR BKNT Beat paying restaurs nt ta ths
ctty; more buainess tbaa caa be handled;
net proceeds. $on per month; new sad eocn
- plete. Box 818, Yaacosver, Wash. .
yonr hotel Is for sale. In or oat ef the
city, bring It to as and are will procure a
Sirchaasr without publicity. Reference Hotel
en's Association.
Original Hotel Brokers, "
Suite 122 to 120, Ablngtoa bids'.
Phone Mala 24S8.
VARIETY store, town ef about 8.000. rent
$1B; good locaftooi w4 sell Edison snd Vic
tor phonogrspha and reoorde. groceries, cat
levy, confectionery, soft drinks, snd oxany
other things; living rooms; good place for
mas and wife; will eell at Invcdee. Address
the owner. C ITT, care Joarnsl.
A CRACKER-JACK stork herd were, sash, soar
and Implements; price. Including balldlags,
11.000 cash: se trade eoneMered. Got to gfes
np baaloees en account health. If yoa desire
a goad business, here Is yonr chance. Do not
answer unless yoa mean business. . Address
o 1S4, cere Joarnst
POR 8ALB OR TRADB Hotel Hslsey. 100
mllee from Portlesd on Bontbera paclflet a
modern up-to-date hooee. newly favalehed!
bee good commercia! trad. . Address Bote!
Halaey, Hslsey, Or.
POR SALE Cigar stand st 101 Sixth et.: lease,
fixtures end stock. Apply to Dlets-Moellst
Co., 220 Lumber Exchange bldg., Portland,
or Joseph R. W II eon. administrator ef es
tate of Sam'l W. Rob In son. .
BICYCLE repair ahop, doing good business,
very cheap. Office open evenings te 8.
J. A. BARRETTS. 407 Hawthorne ave.
$500 FRUIT, confectionery, cigar atorei 8
anap; investigate. Phone East 8880. "-
DRUGSTORE for sale) mnat give my ttms ts
other boalness. Dr. Everest, Cornelias, Or.
PIYE horse power electric motor far eels. Apply
- 114 East f 4th st Phone Eaat 4888.
BAVB MONEY Anything la printing sea Mad
den, Odd Fellows' Tsmpla, Fh-et aad Aide,
sts. 1 npetelrs. .
POR SALE Small dairy, with eatflt, niece ts
rent 1 good customers. Address D 172, ears
FOR BALE Carpet cleaner, beet, largest, most
np to data In the city; will stand invoice;
a snap if Uksa at ones, ' Address B 174,
cere Journal.
FOR SALE A good shoe shop la a rows ef
too. Only ebon la town. Writs Bd Cog,
PeCll. Washington.
WANT party with 81.800 for high-grade mag.
esise pabllehlng business, Addrees 0 174,
sere Joqrnel. - - ,
$I60 BUYS good furniture fa 10-room corner
bones; hedge, frnlt trees rent $26 taking
tn $62. 242 Madleoa St. .
FOR SALE Half Interest ta good soyin
manicuring business. Apply northwest sa
ner llth end Flanders:
A NEAT little meet market famished, cold
storsge; will rent et s reasonable figure
to right party; good location, ea west side,
close In; Investigate at oaoe. D 178, ears
MEAT MARKET FOR SAIJt Everything new,
rlesa and up to date; ' beet locstlon; In
vestigate thle at once, for we have a bar.
gsla for yoa. O 178. cam Joarnsl.
WANTED A good all-around man to tabs ra
te rest la real estate office; experience not
aeeeasary. Cell at 88 M Slain at, aear Pine,
A WKLL-PVRNI8RED hotel In ftourtehln(
tows; bar aad good dining-room,; ground 6"
inoi fine frsme bnlltllng with anuA fusada
tlie; all fur Sd.OOo; terms..
We keve others.
TS-room hotel, 4U.T90; s bargain.
Hi -room hotel, big buainess. 84,700, -Ha-room
hotel, s snap, gJ.uxA.
7-rovm hotel, a fine bur. S4.T00.
iKitei, K,( at tils, fi.euo.
P. L. At BT1R A CO.,
126-1 2 Ablngtoa bldg.
FOB BALE Oroeary doing a ales ' las as. on
esst side earllnsi 41.SO0 or nrrotcs. Call
eoO Union srenue, Bortk. . . s
We Have It
40 farnlabed rooms j gas. electric; In, -d
aSMfarvsak at As aik p ' - 1
J 860 Part sows; balance ssoatsiy pes.
' aieats. . V,
,204 Ooodnougb ftldg. opposite PsstofTloe 1
cm Hfih Street
BAKERY for sale; flittirea $00t stock st in
voice; growing trade) purely nnreonal ree-
. son for selling; a very good opening foe
the right men; BO0 cask; pslsswe te aajit.
210 Allsky bldg.
IP yoa can spare $4 per month for 10 asonths
en a glltodKO Indnstrlsl proposUlon, call at
d4 orth Third St. . f
Will Exchange
A sxasU grocery and bakery on St. Jabn
iiov, reu wun rooms, fi, vsms uw,
Continental Cot
$11,00060x100, Wrasd svenosv assg Bars
aide. ISOO Quartsr block. 17th aad Vast Her.
ano 100x100 Wtlllams sts., cloea Is.
, $6, 2nO 80x100 Lerabee at.; close Is.
J2.6BO 00x100 Lara bee at.; close la.
J',-corner urena Bee., lot rc 126.
$1 "0 Quarter block, corner Sharer
f 1. Of o 100x100 sear Usloa sts.
17,")0 BOxioo Vancoovar see.
$70060x100 Halgbt at
$3,1001001180 (ailing and Vallary see.
81 Ouo rxl2i, facing Alnawertb are.
I.-IZS JOosiio nesr Alberts earlins.
878 BOxioo, 434 sad Belmont. . " . '
(J""S? tm 0" Joboa earllae (Have
lock) from $228 to $40O; easy payments.
teWcssh', ViWJSS: ,r
Otto, Crockett & Harkson
'1884 First Bt
" Jt?"? strictly modern resldeaea en .Bast
28th at, en carilne; price $2,800; goad terma.
e-roora new modern hooee on Eaat 824 at.,
an earllne. east front; $2,100. half cash.
B-room strictly new and modem on Eat
tenae" C"rllB' " front $2,200; good
8 room modera hooae on Bast 84th stl a
- anap at 12.Z60; torus like rest
-Th.A?L1" 1 4nom eettage In Portland, oa
Bast 10th at., modern la every respect. gl.Tnn.
Vacant tots la sll parts of city, $l.-j
and up.
a-roora. modern new bouse, near ' carilne.
lot 40x128, for $l.Sft; good terma aad a ana,..
T-room modem house, lot 75x100, fruit as I
bam, 81. 6.
T-room modern hoses snd t lots 12.lxl?T.
good hem, chlcken-bnnse and yard, lots ef
!u Di,.Frs"' comer, 1 block ef car
line, $3,000; terete, . . ,
4-room cottage, fine frnlt, nice home.
$1,000; $20O down, balance monthly.
Rooms 18 ssd 18. KM . Alder at.
fs.OOO groom hooae, Biodeni, lot 80x100
feet, Low-Joy t. '
88.000 8 rooms, tarts, lot 80x100, ap to
date, Willamette Heights.
$12,0008 'rosing, Ercrett at "
feet. Nob Bill 1 a awsll borne.
lot 80x110
. $10,0000 rooms, fumaoe. modern, (let at.. '
Berth, oa west aids. .
$8,800 liroom henee. ,20th aad Everett
sts., ssst elde. e
$1,8808 rooms sa Blendsna eve. 'V
$2,800 8 room
loen good
house, nesr esultne.
. church sad
Sasnyld. , . 'j, ,
$2,0008 rooms, modern, near school and
streetcar, Samyslde.
A 10-scre tract ekiee In, aire for platting.
A pleasure to ahew you. -
t ' .-.
Phone Peclflr 12v8.
S00 rEHT fronting on O. W. P. carilne et MeV
drum's station- beet sightly tract- ever e'
. fcred; aboat II acres: will sell cheap. eonTt-
pared with the ttUToonillngiU-' Addreea N 1Tb,
cere Journal. .
$8,800 buys a modern bon a of 8 lares
room. In the Uortlait.! t'etcnte district, easily
acceaalble to two eirlluca; most etcell-nt
view. He us at once,
1 Fifth at. '
I HAVE en hand a few fine bargains la tb
way of Bererel inexpensive bouses on the west
aide, also s few on tha east aide, which were
, taken on mortgages in the herd times; 'lis
i Instructions to close Ihera out. Yoa can make
1 money en them. Darn meter, Raleigh bldg.,
Sixth snd Wsablngton sts. -
WOULD like to meet party that, really wants
a aire farm ef 174 acres; have something that
Is la tercet ml: worth while to ace s. Ad
dress Q. 178. ears Journal.
MERCHANT tailoring business. Washington at.,'
established 8 years, stock aad fixtures, $000.
Room 82, 208 Stark et.
PROPRIETOR ef a Third at eeloen wants a
reliable partner: $760. Room 82. 268 Stark St.
..Willamette .Borievard-..
100x120 feet, fronting boulevard; finest
view, overlooking river and city,
. Alao'kits 60x108 feet farther ta, from $2TS
"PLota 28x100 fast from $115 as. -
I,.-,.- Office, Willamette Station,
St Johns Car. -
HBW modem 8-room bowse, lot 80x100 fegfTea
the peninsula 1 price $l,TO0, half easa. belr
, ancs per month. d
$1,4001 acre sreasd, ta very food Iocs
Mon, fronting en Portlsad benlevardt 18-Inch
water mala In front. '
100x100 feet en esrtme. seal freat, aQ
etoared. ready for balldlng,
." Offlee, Willamette - Stottae,
.. 1 Bt Johns Car. . .
-' .. Special Inducernent
$2,000 B-room aesrly new house, snrnag
llth and Florence ate., 1 block from Alberto
' earllne! eest front, up stslrs not finished: '
- sarlloe; east xront, no eiave mm ainiweu
wonld make 1 more nice rooms; a eplendl
home; $800 cash; balance $20-828 par month
$1,200 Broom boose, bath sad closet; $10
Ml 8100
eaa a: bslance $28 per month.
1884 First St,
W are from Ohio, sad eaa show the asa
from Missouri, er eny other man, the beat
bargains la real estate. Ust year property
" . OHIO RE ALT 00., "
Pbone Paelfle ST. sol Com ai or rial BDL
$800 ONB acrev Isval, na earllne, at Bat1on.
DISCS rem soil, no Bp-sesM. raiain wmxsvi
terms. B. S. Cook 4 Oe, 261 Aide et-
FOR BALE Br earns. If vale eat he made
by May 1 I after a swell 8-eoom strletly
Dodam boose, room all Urge, large eloaeta
nd perches, with 4 sere of groondt street
front end beck: ground wall I m peered I gralt
trees asd berries 1 nice lews; selc kktOOi
1,600 eaah; would sell fnrnltnrs tf desired;
iross sons, see xnm
some, ess I
st least before baying. Inquire far 0.
Ford, at (tore, Stewart's etetlon, on the
Soott earllne. Car at Pint aad Alder.
Arbor Lodge "Snaps : ; ;
Choice lots sad booie ta this beaaftfu tnos.
tVej; terma. See W. B. Bnst Arbor Ledga
station, Bt. Johns ear. Phone Woodlswa lid.
0OOD 8-soom boose, soodaam, wondflbr plastar,
eloaeta, bath, corner lot Box 186 1 on esrUaei
pries ,T00; $260 down; near term oa re
mainder. Dodaoa A Basted. 41$ rsmtrsr ef
Onenmere. i
$828 LOT en Eest doth St., Bear Hawthorne I
nothing lees thsn $40 tn earns Vicinity. bI
S. Cook A Co, 281 Alder et.
NEW modem n-vmm cottage. alas hnneshold
aoodet bargain ; most eell quirk: going east, '
inth end Kset Morrtooa et. Call lut BaeA
Morrloa st.