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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1907)
THE . OHEGON . DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, " 1C07. Town Topics TOWOHT'S AMU8rCZT. ' '" . H!11.., ....'An inirlrn CI t !' '"Th. 1WH1 Boo." Kmplrs ...Th Hl-k ILod." ft.r "Tn. of tbt Blue Hldiie." Lyrt" V.ud.Tlll.. Constipation i Easily Cured la the Privacy of Your Own Mom Without ncdlcln Je frw Coupon Btlow , Lavn Llpycrs, Vindov Screens, Screen Doors, Refrigerators, in Dascmcnt ' Considerable anxiety la felt l' Port land ovr the publication In yesterday's . Journal that tha Pacific Mall iteamar Mongolia . aa been driven on trie rocks "Tn Uie Japaneae coast. Mrs. E. C Are . toom. who ha chare of tb Sunfcode Banarjee school to Calcutta, India, for child widows,. Is a passenger on the boat on the war to Portland, - where ahe ta to meet Mra. Abigail Scott Uunl wajr, president of the itanarjee circle. , She ! alao expected' to vlalt the Aaha , mleaton band, organised by Mies Maiel ; Harcourt .' H. R Rmlth . trivllfir naaajmrar ; agent or the JSrle railroad Tor the Fa clflo northwest, with headquarter at Seattle, haa resigned to take effect , May 1. when he accepta a poaltlon with . the Washburn 6 Crosby flour mill peo- pie or Minneapolis, air. nmiin naa seen in chars of tha Seattle office of the Erie lines for tha past two years, and prior to that 'time waa In the Chicago and MtnneaDolla offices of the aame , road. . Hla successor for thla territory naa not been named. ) , . '- Tha Minnehaha tribe of Red Men la : planning a big street parade for May 11, In which all the tribe of tha state will be asked to loin, each Red Man to tn full Indian costume. A special Beting of tha local tribe waa held last night, at which a commute waa ap pointed to make arrangementa for tb parade. A. Q. Clark will hav charge of the affair as grand marshal. - Secre tary Carstensen la sending out notloes ta all tha trlhaa of Oreann. - ' Isaao Manning, newly appointed f"n- aul to Cartagena, s Colombia, ... Bouth America, took the oath of hla office befor Judge Charles E. Wolvsrtoa In the federal court yeaterday afternoon. Mr. Manning Immediately 'forwarded hla -oath and bond to tha authorities at Washington.1 Upon tha approval of theaa papers, Mr. Manning will leave for hla post of duty In Bouth America. - He will b accompanied by hla family, - The Nolta Progressive ' association . will hold aa adjourned meeting tomor row evening. Wednesday, April 14. and -will organise the Parsons Republican . club which will hav for Ita purpose , the election of It O, Parsona for eoun-ctlmaa-at-larg from the penlnaula dis tricts. The meeting will b In tha of fice of J. H. Nolta, 11 KUllngaworth avenue. -.,.-. , announoed for tha Methodist Eptaoo- Salra to tha pawa In that church, will a riven In the Presbvtsrian church. . corner of East Seventeenth street and I tur on "The Two Rebellions, or tha Boya of It and '(L" The lecture la In the Library lectur course and la free ;to all. ,,-,;' V 4 ' Tha regular meeting of tha Portland Meat Dealers' association will be held la Allsky hall tonight. Matters of con siderable Importance to the butcher of ttta lrv wilt Mm at, fn, " 1 Inn Every meat dealer la tb city haa been Invited to be present , Following the meeting. Louis Zimmerman, candidal for mtyor, will glv , tb butcbera a amoker, . ... . . : - ' Adjutant Stevens and Ensign Burton, who will leave th local Salvation Army, will be given a farewell at th had- day evening. Th Scandinavian .eorpa and th Vancouver corps will Join with tb local division. A program of muslo will b rendered and light refreshments aerveo. to wnica tn puouo l invited. ' Postmaster C K. Ballard of Mil waukl ta suffering from a painful cut An hla rftrht hand mmIvaA tfc nth, day. H ran a piece of broken glaaa Into hla hand and laid th forefinger open to th bone for nearly an Inch. Ballard, who la unabl to assist with th malL - ' ! t.r By aom mistake in th Standard lew try company's ad tn yesterday's paper. .impwn wom juoiea a.i ei.i ror one hair 4rMrn rfirh n I- m.1. 11.00 If you want to tall In- Una with a bunch of big bargains, follow th crowd to that handsome llttl Jewelry ator at IS Third street . Tan oxfords are it We hav them, J 1. 10; all styles. Marka Sho company, 1 Morrison street near Fifth. ? , Dental work -at tha Dental college. Persona desiring dental work and oral aurgery will receive prompt attention in DMAs. TgJDXJi ' Maw eofM the fmlle, eaadldate, sis poor kwl all aflame. ' . Bis eye beoewed with tear drops ee esa't lust SMak his same. be lonr to bear nu bordeos for a boat feths att twe rears. a wa'Te karetorore sasoeaeed, his 7 ara nu vi wan. ; i ms " uh awsr mas ss sees buhm or - ear cares, , fPlaas don't aav htfi take MTMtltni lu He'd sot be as deelaraa.) Be slrhsto artat sis am-rlce ta the people That ha aiay have a chanee at "knock that eld ectopme dowa," ay, brothers, k's a geatleana we'r Joyed to eee about, Bsch time we suet Mm ea the etnet w feel that we ahoeld ahost; . Be leve ea, aya, we know he aoes, beoasse be srlls sa so, Aad say I 'Ho patient as be loads apea himself oar'woel rV, i- Say, ware K sot that wrre 'esgaged m mak Ing penplejrlaa. We'd ran tor eftlce every day, sad ran for . . It Ilk mull Aad If the people akd as we'd so every thing 'alone 1 Be mayor asd eosaell all la en a dandy from . ... HboehoD. ..... " ONION lATJNrtHT, ' - ' - Tl. atals tst. aTa an OoUwlila. Th Abo" Xllnstratlon mainly Shows What Trot. MldrUy's TJrngleea Our foe OoasUpatloa Will JM. . Without th use of pill, purgative or drugs of any kind. I can and do cure the worst oases of chronlo constipation core them to stay cured and restore the patient to a atata of health and hap piness, suoh aa they had never known before. I can cur constipation, no mat ter how bad It Is. I can enow you how to cure yourself right In your own horn without the use of drugs. Consti pation la cured for all time when oured my way. Fill out free coupon below and mall today. Free Coupon '' Fill In your name and addreas on dotted lines below and mall to Prof. T. H. MIDOI.EY. Mldgley , Block. Kalamasoo, Mich., and - by' return mall he will tell you how to cure constipation without medicine abso lutely fr. . leal GOLDEN EAGLE BUYS BIG BANKRUPT STOCK Secures at Sheriffs Sale v -Stock of GalesburgV Largest Depart- f mentStore. Thla city may wall be prond f the enterprise and push ahowa by Ha mer chants, but no ona haa yet exhibited aa much enterprise aa tha Golden Eagle Store, whose representatives traveled thousands of miles In order to close out at shsiiff aal th atock of Symea Broa, ona of tha largest of Oalaaburg department stores, which concern was recently dosed by th aheiiff after a career of 16 year, during which they built p a business second to nona la that city. Tha failure was caused by bad account and too liberal credits. which embarrassed them financially and Involuntary bankruptcy waa th re sult . . . . .-,-..-'.., Th ator was located on on of th principal corners of tha city, and car ried a atock of over $40,000, divided among the vartoua department ator lines. At th aal of th atock. al though there war numeroua bidders. Mr. Ck. A, Lowlt. representing th Oold- en Eagle, was tha successful buyer and secured th atock at what ta believed to be 40o on th dollar at actual coat Th good arrived la thla city several week ago, occupying eight solid care, almost 204,009 pounds, and were held at th depot awaiting tha completion of the Golden Eagla Store, which waa at that time being rebuilt - Saturday laat tha entire shipment waa delivered, tb contract being taken by ona cf the largo trucking companies, and th trans fer of tha gooda to th ator being mad la a alngl day, as tha whole strength of th company waa put on th work. Aa additional .fore of aalea people have been at work night and day un packing and getting th gooda ready for th Bale, which la announced for tomorrow, and It la claimed will be th greatest bankrupt aala ever held in this city, as tha prlc paid for tha atock waa so unusually low that it makes poaaibl tha moat xtraordlnary . bar galna. .- Fl over Bead ,, and garden seeds carefully grown free from ' weeds 4n . family packet. Bend for catalogue. MORSE 171 CLAY ST., San Francisco Kentloa tha Jomrnal. at' th Infirmary of th North Paclfle college, which is open to th public tha entire year. - Corner - Fifteenth . and Couch streets. . Telephones: Main ltl; Homo A1M, .. .; ' ,i ; -; , y J. W. Montgomery, a timber cruiser. charged with th larceny by embesale ment of lit from Donald Smith, waa arrested laat night on a warrant by Constable Lou Wagner at th Oregon hotel. Justice Reld fixed hla ball at f 100,-' which waa furnished. Wanted Flv hundred boys and girls at tha new East Side Athletlo club. Gymnasium and swimming. Professor Rlngler, director. Grand avenue aad Eaat Morrison atrt . ; . Special prlc thi week on Japan maple and asaleaa. Large stock of bay trees on hand; all slses. J. B. Pllh ington, nurseryman, foot of Yamhill at Basaar St Patrick's hall. Nineteenth and Bavlar streets. Call to see ua There ar no pocksts In shrouds. ' For ' wlr and Iron fences for ceme teries or lawns, phone Eaat 701. Colum bia Wire A Iron worka. , , Steamer Jeese Harktna, for Camaa, Whshougal aad way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leave Washington street dock a p. nv For Sale A few - slightly damaged Chatham Incubatora for aala cheap. Ill Eaat Morrison, corner First street . . We Are Portland A?ent for Butt erick Pat terns tnd Publications andColambUYanit Custom sEide and Drapery Work Our Specialty Tb Very Best Materials Are Useti The' MeSer G-aOOLaceCnrtainsSPr. $5-$5.50Lace Curtains $3.95 Pr. Unusual values In high-grade Lace Curtains at a time when the Spring renovating and . .; refurnishing demand that new curtains be purchased v for one or more roomsAll new desirable styles in very best grades -Third Floor. Special lot of, Renaissance, .Cluny gnd Soutache Lace Cur tains, made on the best, French net, with insertions and bor ders, 50 inches wide, 3 vards long, splendid assortment to elect from, regular $5.00. and $5.50 values; C'l now on sale at this .low price, pr pair... ., ..., yJ7J -Two, three and four-pair lots of Marie Antoinette, Renais sance, Cluny and Soutache Lace Curtains, in white or Arabian color, full size, handsome designs, regular $6.00 ZA. Q . and $7.00 vals., at this wonderfully low price, pr.. v"'' Special lot of Two-Tone Lace Curtains, leaded glass effects in center, borders of Japanese patterns! 50 inches wide, 3 yards -long, best $3.00 and $3.25 values, on sale at this Cfe 1 C . exceptionally low price, the pair.,..,.. , VsT Jest , Special lot of Plain French' Net Lace Curtain," with linen Cluny edges, also, some neat braid effects, white or ecru. 45 , Inches wide, 2yi yards long, $3.50 values, at this CO (LK specially reduced price, the pair ............ ...vwal" ' White Irish Point Door Panels, 30x33 Inches, 50c vat, at 29 Basement ..' '. . " i Bargains 7Se Granite Tea Kettle..... OOe Granite Tea Kettle ..... ." 27c Granite CooVintf Kettl..82 30e Granite Cooking Kettle.. af 35e Granite CooVing Kettle.. SB1 27c Granite Saucepan ........ 22 30c Granite; Ssucepan. t,.V.t.f 35c Granite Saucepan. .,6 15c Granite Pie ' Plte. . . . . . . 18c Granite' Jelly CaVe Pn..4 Mr Granite Dishoan. ........ .f3 25c Granite Cake Pan..., 20c Granite Pudding Pan..,.. iee 40c Granite Coffe Pot........33f 40c Granite Tea Pot. 65c Granite Rice Boiler...... f 35c Granite Covered Kettle... S8 Vtt- Granite Covered Kettle. ..42" 50c Granite Saucepan ........ .43) 60c Granite Sucepan........4 $1.10 Covered Chamber Pail..92 1 -!. V T ,n Mowers: varus ex traordinary at.' eachi.,.;4.f293 1 A miirfl sreat soecial value at..;...f,09 $7 ball-bearing Lawn Mowers, on sale at, special each.. .....? .92 . i, . IJOOO Screen troors: au we dcsi styles, complete, $1.10 to...f 1.50 17 sa ea CrsM hinges, hooks and knobs; at the special prices, $175 to...,.fl.0 Complete line of new Refrigera tors; all the very newest models, fn all trades:, every one fully guar anteed. Basement We are sole Portland agent for the "Willamette" Sewing .Ma chines. Fifteen models, at prices from $18.00 to $33.00. P.nlnanlar , Stnvea and Sterl Ranges, on sale in the basement We Are Sole Portland Agents for The "Penmsular" Stoves ' - and Steel Ranges 100 models.' Cook Stoves, . Steel Ranges, Heaters, Gas Ranges, Gas Stoves, etc Complete line, , all prices. Every one guaranteed. $12.50RoomRugs $9.85 $25 Room Rugs $ 1 9.85 $40 Room Rugs $32.85 Great special sale of large Rugs, room sixes, all new color ings and designs, great values . Fiber Rugs, 9x12 feet, reg. $12.50 values, at, each. ...... .39.85 Royal Bruasela, 9x12 feet, reg. $25 values, at, each...... 19.85 Bigelow Axminster Rugs, 9x12 feet, $40 values, at, each f 32.85 Special lot of Odd Sixe Rugs, made np from borders and car pets, at half regular prices. Take advantage of this opportunity. Five thousand yards of Japanese Mattings, all colorings, new carpet designs, very Urge variety to select from, remarkable values, two grades. On sale on the Third Floor 25e Mattings, a yard..... 19 30c Mattings, a yard... . .23 Lot 9x12 Fiber Rugs, new designs, $12 values, each..... 9.85 LAWN IMPLEMENTS KITCHEN COOPS, ETC. 1000 Pairs Women's New $3.5dTan0xfords$2.85 For : today ' and tomorrow 1,000 pairs of Women's Tan ' Russia Calf and Chocolate Vi-I VIA n-(rJm . . n.. ly reduced price. Hand- turn and welt soles, plain vamps or with tips. Tan Ox fords are in style again this SummerAll sizes $3.50 values t $2.85 35c-?5c Women's Belts 19c Ea. Great special assortment of Women's Belts, in assorted styles and colors; silks, leathers and white wash belts, with 1 Q. gilt buckles, 35c to 75c values; on sale at, each I yC Pearl Belt Buckles, regular 35c values, on sale at, each.... 21 Burnt Leather Music Rolls, assorted designs, 75c vah, each 57 Women' Handbags, with large coin purse, leather lined, gilt or gunmetal clasp, seal and walrus leathers, $175 value, at....98a Lcxcs and Embroideries 1,500 yards of fine Batiste Swiss Flouncing and Bands, S to 27 inches wide, desirable for lingerie gowns and waists: values np to $2.25 a yard, at, the yard..., ,.jOSf 1,000 yards of Allover Swiss Em broidery for waistings. English eyelet effects, in large assortment: $2 values, on sale at, yard.... 98 45-inch Dotted and Figured White Nets, for waists and gowns; reg ular values up to $175 the yard; on sale at, the yard, special. .89 5,000 yards of Swiss, Cambric and Nainsook Embroideries. Edgings and Insertions, in beautiful designs and suitable for waists, women's and children's wear, etc.; values up to 75c the yard; special.. ....25 2.000 yard of Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroidery and Insertion 1 to 4 inches wide., Regular 20c values, on sale at, yard.. ...... 10 French and round-hiesh VaL Laces and Insertion, 1 to 3 inches wide; values up to $1.80 per doxen yards, on sale at, doxen yards, 59 51 to 52.25 Gloves 98c Pair "Perrins and "Valhers" real French Kid Gloves, in six-button length glace styles. A special lot in broken sixes and color assort ment white, mode and light tans. Gloves of the best styles and qual ity. Also a special line of pique, suedes, in modes and browns; reg ular $175 to t225 values, to be cleaned up at, the pair. ........98 No mail or phone orders will he filled. " Broken line of Novelty Silk Gloves, the celebrated "Amster dam make; navy, white and gray, with colored hemstitched tops and stitching to match; , two-clasp; double-tipped fingers, at the pair ..... Notions and Stationery Progressive Whist Score ' Cards, great special value, on sale at. doxen ,..8 Piauet Playing Cards, great special value, at package. .....12 Dinner Favors, suitable for all kinds of parties; regular 5c to 40c values. on sale at . this reduc tion ...................1-4 OFF Oregon Souvenir Tablets, Imprints of Oregon views; reg. 15c values, each .......6 Hurlburt's Writing paper, in blue, gray and white, box.. ...... ,.19 Whisk Brooms with celluloid han dles; great special value,..;. .26 Nysa Pure Toilet soap, will not in jure the most delicate skin.... 5 Women's Premium Spray Syringes perfect vaginal syringe; on sale at, special............... .. 81.49 Eastman's Perfumes, in fancv bas kets, special, at, esch.........l9 $30.00 Mattresses For 5 10.50 An important sale of the celebrat ed Ostermoor Patent Elastic Felt mattress. This special lot of 200 made in two parts, full sixe, 60 pounds weight; fancy ticking-covered. Best mattresses on the mar ket; regular $30 values. Every housewife should investigate this offering; special, each. ....8 18.50 Ostermoor mattresses in all sizes, sold here at the lowest factory prices. . v 3 by 8 feet 2 in- special... f 10.00 36 bv 6 feet 2 lru each. ..811.70 4 feet by 6 feet 2 in. ea,,.t 18.35 4 feet 6 by 6 feet 2 In.... .8 15.00 tvery one fully guaranteed. 3rd tir '. Acme OH Co.' cell th bast safety eoal oil aad (In gasoline. , Phon East Tit. .For Kodaks, Kodak flevelop!na"-I. L Cohen, th Kodak ator, 111 sixth Bt " Why pay moraT Metsa-er fit roar ere for $1. Ill Sixth street , - Women's Exchange. IIS Tsnth street, lunch ll:is to S; business men's lunch. IB. W. Moor. xprt photosraptier, Elkr building, Seventh and Stark St. Next 8unday to SeasM and retam, f 1.89 round trip. A. C. H- K Berger Slf ns 114 Tamhil Phon. Oentva Llthla Water First St Dr. E. C Brown, By-Sar. Uarquant. t. Chambers, optician. 111 Seventh. rrtfwrel Btoek Oaaad Oooda. . Ilea A Lewis' Best Brand. SOCIETY LEADER SPENDS FEW HOURS l PORTLAND Mrs. , Cornelius Vanderbilt and Party in City, on Thslr. 3 Way to Seattle.; Mra. Cornallua Vanderhllt, famous th world over for her leadership In New Tock society circles and member of America' ftrt wealthy family, apnt th ar!y hours thla morning In Fort land In her prlvat car "Warfarr." Sh was accompanied by Mis Qlady Van derbllt and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Kl Uott Shepard. . Mr. Vandsrbllt left Now Tork city about tha first of April proceeding di rect to California where th party haa sine been visiting at th different point of Interest They left Portland thla morning for Beattl and othr northern point at 1:10 o'clock over the Northern Pacific and will go east by way of th Canadian Paelflo after spend ing a few day around Puget Sound. W. C Beachrest, local agent for tha New Tork Central line. In which mil lion of th Vandeebllt wealth la In vested, ' Joined tha party at th Union depot thla morning aad will accompany h.m aa fa daattla. John Paul pones, traveling passenger agent for th Southern Pacino, met th "way farer" at th Oregon line and accom panied th party to Portland last night WaaaMMSSiasaMaMB4BBSBBSBBBMSBBSSSBaBBSBSak . Mobile Streets Flooded. . (Journal Special Sarvlee.) Mobllv Ala April It A terrlflc storm of rain oeourred here last night In many place th at rests war flooded wKh water to th depth et two feet Th new union tfecot ta surrounded by watar. '..'.''. ' DON'T POROBT , OAKS RINK TONia'MT; d. r ' v Hay's Ilair-Ilcallh Restores Gray Hair to Youthful Color 60c. ALL DRUGGISTS. ' , Rent a Cood. Piano. Small cost- 14 to IS a month an harg for cartas If kept six months. Eller Piano liouae, 16 Washington, corner Park, ,. PERSONAL Lewi young - MoArthur. a well-known of Portland, haa been Tras Daily ' ' ' " TO . SLPauL ISinne- -tpolls, Oclnlli ' aad the East 2, Trains Daily TO y Onaha, Kansas aty. SI. Louts and All Points East and West ' TRY OUR North Coast Limited ON YOUR NEXT TRIP. ' -, . It will pleas you. Every want is anticipated. Electric-lighted throu(hout. ; Standard Pullman and Pullman tourist sleepinr-cara. Dining-car, obaarvation-car, alectric light, electric fana, card and smoking rooms, barber shop, bathroom, wardrobe closets, library, and all the luxuries of a modern hotel on wheels. - Call or writ for a "North Coast Limited" booklet giving complete description. Have you friends or relatives in the East who ar coming West on the low. rates thla season? If so, send their name and full ad dresses. Literature and full Information will be given them. Or you can deposit with any agent of thla company to cover the tickets, and delivery will be arranged by telegraph. Special round-trip rates, commencing June 1, will be in effect from all Eastern territory to thla section. ; , . ' . . - " For any Information desired regarding rat, routes, etc, call on or addreea ' - " ? ' . A D. CHARLTON Assistant General Paaaenger Agent: 2SS MORRISON 8T, PORTLAND, OREGON, ' LOOK, LDi'S AND GIRLS! When Mother sends you to the store for a loaf of bread, ask the j groceryman for BUTTER-NUT BREAD. Save the blue labels on the loaves until you have five of them, and upon present big them at our bakery at 1 270 Front etreet, or at our , ' down-town store at 143 Third trect,wc will give you a nUlMKGBIUDTOY FREE! i i Be sure to ask for BUTTER NUT BREAD, and accept no other. . Mother will like the bread, because it is th best made. It i made of the very beat materials. This la the label look for it on the loaf and refuse one without it ' Only BUTTER- i tyUT BREAD haa this label 5 Cents Per Loaf AT ALL GRCCERS ' AmnraxiasxTa. mA HE1LIG THEATRE y-Seats Now Selling ' BBTTCaN KNOAGKMEKT. Mrs.Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch Thursday Night, April 25 rXICXS Kntire lower floor, tl.DO; kaUimr. tint S rows, fl; baleosy, laat rows, TSei entire gauerjt, BOet bosas. 910. , Mm and nrtttn Tnraror pb aaa.aaw aaaaiiaaaaaj Washington. Mala 1 NAT C. GOODWIN ' SCPPOKTtD BT EDNA OOODBICH. a "An American Citizen" lUWhenWe Were Twenty-One TaW'A Clldcd Fool" ' BVKNINO FRIO Lower Hoor, I1.SO! baleoar. . T8, BOe; (allerr. Sftc, BSc. llatlaM Prlras Lw.r flour. 11.60 ana fl; keJmnr. II. T5c, We; fllry. . SBo. . SKAT SBLUNO AT TUBATKB. w'iwi'S. Heills Theatre ZSTx APRIL S, T, SS. Matin. Patwda7. aATsTOMD KIT0H0OCX "THE YANKT0lJRIS, Beat Bale OpMSi Ttauorrew. Bvenlng Price, towar rVmr, 12. l.Sr: U eonr. II, Toe; entire gsUar. b0c- Matlaae prlcee to ll.fta BAKER THEATRE oWJiSi. rwtlasa'S raehlonable Fopelar Price Toaatre. AU Ttta Work Tb Baker Stork Company 'la Ball CalDe'a Orvat a-Art Drama TUB r0DIOAX BOB." Poreonai Ilrctta Mr. Arthur Markley. sl.tlBoa Baturdar. KTrnluf Frlcoe SSe, So. 60c Matin. lor, 2Se. . Heat Weak "Tae Dictator." tlth asd cifDIDP THFaTPP raese Mala bos' I I lW llaWI aWeW 117 Ta. Boaae e( Nsrrissa UUtoa W. Boasun. Kanarw. i . Hrlourani.. Toslkt ail Wrak UatliiMS Waenosaa aa4 Batornar Th. Ibrlllla . an Powerful Urlodr.m., ' "TBI BLACK HAKD." A Tal of k.ntucr Outlawry. TIM Prion 10c. SO, SO, euo. All ata. moae,, , Ite, SSe, Vast Wb"Bwaie W THE STAR-T wm op Amu as. IH ALLEN BTOC'K COMPAMT PRraR-fTB "BJLAirS OP TRX BtUS KXCHifi." I. In Four Act ' ' Br H.I BM. afattaeas Ttmdar. Tbaradav. a.tM.4. .mA Baadar at S:IO. PrlcM 10 and SO .t. In., MBln . -1 K Ll tn . SO eaats. Baoanrod SMU by Dbon.. Mala Bivo. lyric theatre: spWUaVtssl'sl sTAssBtnlsa sWk w IMosbms. mm. A V savui. ear i ttaMa. OoiDpexa u th fftmou Jauro -'aowBAXoU'' stllllsstynl SBMta BkOesT Kaa . . A rinc ftttin 10 sL m. ta m n a r. . ; . matlnM t ftMttal time. KTuln perform. A - 1H BBSteaa.. - J a.. J smlntr; ftrtit vrtetmukn at T.lfl. TD CIIAND ef AprU tS. TsaderlU 4 Lax. Lavtae aa4 AaOHBoeila Oomle.M Ttwaslae of aaAjrt sukUlat. Tb StviUiw, Law." Tw.-iH 1 raft r. Bawla si T-n Fanfmas. , 1-T'a, T f-v-lo ' . -.1:1 i; r.i;iioi ehesMn editor o the Vmllf Calif orolan. the student dall Of the UnWaraltr ot CsUfornla, Mr. MoArthur la Portlaaa California, Mr. MoArtnur m a rortiaaa 1 aerrea on tne fort 1 ana papers at rai bo BOW attending tae Vnlrersltp of eua times during the past few peers. California. IT le well known as a newspaper mam ef Portland, having Barred on the Portland papers at rart- ( , v t. P" an4 l'H- fa ar i 1, . a"m rr. t i. 1 IwwiaaA. Ortf -a.