mis oi:::gon daily journalv roirrrAKD, Tuesday evenino. april'-ss. ico7. S. P. MUST LEAVE FOURTH STREET IN TWO YEARS Councilman Bake? wid Vaughn Shake Hands Over Proposl , lion and Agree to Fight. WORDY WAR WACFn IN COMMITTEE MEETING Vaughn's Six Month' Ordinance ' .Meet Baker' Two Yeara' Limit ' Oratory Break Loom,' Heat Rise Term Finally Agreed Upon. -"Why ara you ao courteous to th Southern Paolflcf inquired Councilman Vaughn of Councilman Baker at., tn meeting of the Judiciary committee of the council yesterday afternoon. -. . "Because I am looking after the In terests of the people,", answered Coun cilman Baker. , "Tou'ra grandstanding; here. Tou might go to the Hey market in Chicago and And a lot of anarchlata . who will agree . with you. - la civilised communities people, will not agree with roil . ' i ve iRKBii my Doeiiion ini v wiw iTuthem Paclflo must get its tracks off Fourth street within sir months," de- 'elared Vaughn, "and I shall not re cede from that noeltlon.' The city has a right to revoke that franchise." - . nv 0 mlnliUa vnafiirAav afternoon . oratory had ita place in the city hall. Councilman Vaughn's ordinance revok ing the franchise of the Southern Pa clflo on" Fourth street within six months after the enactment of the law waa met by a counter resolution, presented by Councilman Baker. , Baker wanted to rive the company two years .time in which to change the power on Fourth atreet from steam to electric Within two year the company would have the locomotives and heavy " freight would "he carried' Into Portland over Jh east 'side lines. . ; ' ' "We ahall take our locomotives off FoHirth street as qnlck aa w can," satrl Judge W. D. Fenton, general counsel for the Southern Pacific, s, "If you put In an electric Una within H months we will be satisfied." said number of - South 'Portland complain- anta against the locomotive nuisance. .' Old JPromla Benewed. ;That promise has been made before, Fenton. ;. "If w give you two yeara in which to change your power you will, at the expiration of that time, ask for - an extension of a net her year. ; I am willing, aa an attorney tor property- owners, to give you the right. If the trolley Una on Fourth street " In time, - however, I believe you should place those trolley wires -underground." . "Before we can build the bridge at , useego, saia juoge rrnton. we must . get permission1 from .th secretary of war'. After securing permission we mtiat aiihmtt our nltni to nur efflna at Chicago. T..a bridge will be high ' enough for ordinary steamboats to pasa What's Better Than a Good Suit of First Class Clothes " ' '' . .'' ' ' A' "" ..' - ' ; . To make a man feel good, to assist him in his busi-: ness and to enable him to present a good - appear- ance under all sorts ; of conditions? Did you ever . atop to think how much .depends upon the clothes? y They must be of good . :y, quality; must be properly ' 4 made; must be fitted to a nicety that . compels ad miration. "'- THAJ'SJHE JUHD THAT WE ; TUR110UTAT : our shop Many a man has counted ' his success in commercial.' . .affairs from the moment . that he commenced to be ' : careful in his dress; care-' " ; ful la his appearance ; which : . means - nothing . more nor less than care-, ful in his selection of a , tailor. .We take just as f much pains in making a ' satisfactory suit for you "as we do in making a suit ' ; for ourselves. , ' . , NOTE If it's quality, fit and fabric that does all this, why not be wise and have your clothes made where they give you those - things? , ,-- ' . , , under it. The bridge will cost us about fl. 600,000. " Judge Fenton aald that when yt he bridge la completed at Oswego all the west side freight will be brought In over the east- side tracks. , Bo far aa th Fourth atreet franchise waa con cerned, th company would not give it up. .The ctty eouncll could compel the company to electrify the line only by ordinance, and no ordinance had been passed.- ... i : Wisdom Blossoms front Bloom. "Judge Fenton apparently thinks his oorapany ought to get damages because the -people want a change of motive power on . Fourth atreet," remarked Bloom. "I believe w will have to give them it We had better give It the right to operate a double-track electric railway on Fourth street than to get i Into litigation, hare the ease before the i United Btattea supreme court for four or five years, and the locomotives run ning on the street, day and night, U that time." ' . vTh4t part of it seems to be very good," said Mr. Vaughn. "But don"t you know that shippers have complained of their inability to get carsT" he abruptly asked of Judge Fenton. ' ' "There was nothing to that." anawer ed Judge Fenton. - Th talk of the shippers waa all boah." - "Then how about the ears? - Did the ahlppera get therarV , "They did." . .'. :; 'Then why were the papera filled with! reports to, the effect that shippers could not get carer ..:.. - "'-. :. Featoa glapa STewepapers. "i . , "I am not concerned in th report of th newspapers." aald Judge Fenton, with a amlle at th chronicler of mu nicipal happenings. ' "Well." said Vaughn. Jumnln to an. ether Subject. "If my ordinance should ow passea you can't use Fourth atreet for other than reconstruction Durnoaea Trains will not be allowed to atop in th street and unload freight" "We are not unloading freight In th atreeta," aald Juda-e Fenton. "I be- lleve," h added, after a few seconds refloctlon, "that you want to inval idate our - fraachla and . permit ua t haul passenger only." ' t . -mat is my meaning exaetlv- re sponded Mr. Vaughn. lour ordinance leaves ua ant a aln. gla shred of th Fourth atreet fran chise," said Judge Fenton. "Do you think we could do anything with that rranohln if your. ordinance should be passed r ' . -s ...... 'Tou may electrify the road under a revocable franohlse." rejoined Vaughn. Vatae Baker ACvlses (Boa) Taugha. "You have - spoken and don youi ""' ""wi councilman AJaxer to. Mr. Vaughn. "Now, every man and woman would Ilk to se an electrlo line up Fourth street It would up th sub orbs, and It would build up a new section of th county." V , Under th Vaughn ordinance. aald Chairman Booth, who had not apoken during the meeting, . "the council la given the power to revoke the franohlse. I differ from him. I believe th city has th right to regulate th running of train by day and night. Th com pany haa held a franchise for 40 years, and has done Its part In th repairing of streets ovef which it lines run. It franchise must be revoked by th right of eminent domain. - w can fore It to take its englnee off Fourth atreet. but w cannot prevent It from electrifying the road and hauling frelahf .3 . "D yon mean that It must take off me engines, nut that It may haul freight until the crack of doomT" de manded Vaughn. - -i Chairman Booth left th matter to the petitioners. Judge 8 week aald th people wanted both th engines and th freight cars eliminated. Heavy freight care are especially objectionable. . Mr. Blum said that if th road were electri fied within twe year hla clients would make no objection to tha operation of the Fourth street line during that pe riod. If there should be any trouble wlth'th Oswego bridge, he would not have any objection: to: lb operation of locomotive on Fourth street until re pairs war made. , "I fell th same way," aald Baker. -. "W1U you pledge yourself to vote to get th a team line off Fourth atreet within two yearar asked Vaughn In hla abrupt way, .:.. . . f "I will" said Baker. ' . .. M Then shake on it " said Vaughn, and the two - councilman who had been at dagger ' point ever sine they met reached across th table and cerdlally anooR nana. . ' Then the eoramltte Instructed the city attorney to draft an ordinance to compel the Southern Pacific to cease the operation of locomotives on Fourth street within two years. Th ordinance la to be presented at the special meet Ing of th council Wsdnsday after noon. . , ." . . .,- '. . OBABT ynaLBY, ltaaege. Bike Bldg, Seventh and Stark. FAVOR SEGOHD . BULL RUN LINE prr -f ... aBnaefeBBeaeaMnraBBaaaBa East Side Clubs Move for An- other Condujt and More Street Improvements. ; - Tha University Park Improvement as sociation held a big meeting last night In th office of W. J, Peddlcord. The Nolta Progressive cliib also met with tha University association In a union meeting.. Street Improvements and certain of the Initiative measures were considered. Francis I. MoKenna . was present and spoke In favor of tha park plan, but Charles Patton did not agree with Mr. McKenna. Dr. .William De Veny of sMontavllla waa present and spoka on the importance of the second Bull Run conduit and waa supported by J.'H. Nolta and Mr. Patton. . M. E. Carter was appointed to look after atreet Improvements, and It wss decided to" procure the Improvement of Greeley street from Pippin to Killings worth avenue. Mr.. Carter, C. Buechler. S. O. Sibrey. F. I. McKenna and W. J. Peddlcord were appointed delegatea to the- United East Side clubs, which meet this evening. - Politics waa . also discussed X Tenth ward la considered much too large and th question of representation I an Important on on th peninsula. H. o. Parson has received the Indorsement or the Nolta club and the Federated Trades council, and -an effort will be made to elrxst him. Dr. Tu M. Davla has also filed his petition for nomina tion. for th same part of'th city, but he has been compelled to go to New Mexico to take oharge of an estate and may not return until after election. Dr. DeVeny waa recommended from Monta villa. No Indorsements were mad. . Practice True Economy. An srtlcle that does not satisfy I dear at any price. We guaranto Diamond W" Coffee to give you entlr satisfac tion.' Ask your grocer. Warthama A Co., Diamond "W" Coffee Ronstera i.len'sTies25c A whirlwind bargain In Men's Neckwear; . A aplendid assort ment, all color and many pat terns, made of first-rat silks in French fold or reversible styles, and as good a 50c value as you can find. Choice all this . 1C week.... LOC Portland Agents Ladies' Home Journal Patterns , , - - i i , f -i. i- 1 r S i aT V9m inn' i- Wtf "1VT f raajjamwi ymm. m.TiHmTmW'! ssse..ajs--il isrr-nr'ijsy-sBji , a'sayrajwaaj-rBf-aj pawti ifH W aagpi tg ti w -- , 'Portland Agents Royal Vorcester Corsels Linen Special Table Damask 71 Inches wide; In unusually beautiful pattarss; full bleached; a regular ll.ISri ( -qoallty; special at only. . , lv0 Jgapklns To march th dssnaak just 'described; full dinner, else; regularly sold at- $3.11 th dos n; special J this week 'J2 75 Writing Papers A very apcclal sale in the Notion Department one ..that will help all users of -' good Stationery to save. . , Our Special Linen-Lawn "Finish Writing Paper, in one-pound packages, regularly 35c OH the pound; special sale price. ....vC Large Size Cabinet Box of Writing Paper, one quire paper, 1 tablet. and 50 envelopes 3fl to match;. 50c package for aluC Royal Linen Writing Paper, in fine cloth fin ish, 24 sheets paper, with envelopes to ' , O match, worth 25cr special price.......'.. laeC Hurd'a Fine Paper, linen writing; tablets, note, packet or small sizes; ruled or plain, regular 20c value, for ,4...,laeC Stenographers Notebooks, good thick tablets, ruled style, egular 5c value; .special f School Tablets, large, size, ruled, for pencil use; special .............. ..J Pocket Receipt Books, special value, at, . each .......... . '. Eclipse Fountain Pens, large barrel and - 14 carat gold pen, regular , $2.50 value; ; , CC special A A OOC Carter's Beat Writing Ink, large 4-oz. n ...Ui. r...4c 3c bottles, worth 10c each; special Buy a Handkerchief ; W are making a special this week on three lines of very dainty and pretty women' ker chiefs. On style is of sheer cambric with Va lenciennes lac Insertion. Then the edge are" trimmed with a dainty edge of Val lac to match th '.insertion In - center.' Another of linen lawn, plain center with deep edge of Va lenciennes lac. This too is a SS cent value. And tha third style Is mad with a sheer lin en lawn center,- w)th a deep border of four rows of .exquisite Valenciennes lac insertion and a lac edge to match; Regularly - I Sc. Cholo of any ot these three styles for.. ........... .-i....? ... 25c Sale Untrimmed Hood Hats Plain hoods of various braids, the right size and style for the extremely pdpular mushroom hats, soft and pliable" so that they can be crushed to any desired shape, and the right sort of braids and colorings to lend themselves well to the trim mings that'are in vogue this season. ;; ' 1; f. I -J. '-','1 yBc here ea,rly, and select a shape and our milliners will show you -what charming combinations can.be evolved from the hoods at small expense. Here's the way they'll . sell Wednesday :, J - ; X", '.' ; ";V';U''''';V-1 ' Bedford Cord Chip Hoods, ' 4Q very special at, each. ...... ,4 5 C Horsehair Braid Hoods, s QQ very special at, each. . , . . ; . 07C Fine smooth" Chip Braids Off. Hoods, special at. ........ .-OaC Fine Milan Hoods,' special QQ Wednesday, each.only . . .. OaC Extra fine Milan Braid . , ff Q Hdbds, special at ...... .yll7 Extra fine Tuscan Braid (f 1 Af Hoods, special at . . . . . 1 fr7 Womens' White Canvas Oxfords The chief of our shoe department, Mr, Wight Tnen.' has Just returned from an - extended trip through the eastern, shoa . manufacturing , cen ters. Mr. Wlghtmen haa been gone slnoe early In March, and has taken this trip solely to find out what'a right In the shoe-world. - Af tar seeing all there ' was to be found in th large retail stores, as well a learning all. that could be shown him at th Immense shoe fac tories of the ast. Mr. Wlghtmen has coma home with, the Idea more firmly fixed than ever In hi mind that our department la on of, th finest In th country. H report that white canvas shoe r to be very much la demand 'later In the season, and that It will be hard to supply tha calls for them. Hence we put on ' this advance display and you'll find It to your advantage to buy now. . Whit Oaavaa Oxfords and leather oxfords, flv styles to select from; button or lace; all the good lasts; kid, calf , or can vas; fin line; at th pair.... Women's rumps and Oxfords in canvaa or leather. button or lace style; com with light or medium sole and you have . IS styles to choose from; at the pair. At IV you' have th cholo of three dlfCer ent styles of whit canvas oxford; button or lace, th latter In regular or blucher cut' . $4.00 is or leather. ;!$2.50 $h50 Vhlte Petticoats 97c Women's Petticoat - of fine white cambric, made with deep flounce and daintily trimmed with beautiful, embroidery, a splendid $1.50 value at regular times. Special Wednes- n7 da ............7C Children's Dresses, made of plain or fancy Scotch ginghams, trimmed with pretty lace, well made and will launder perfectly, for aires 6 to 14 years, worth $1.10 and $1.25 OC. each." Special .........................OilC Rarely Beautiful Havi- land China-Great Sale ' '. 1 Third Floor Please Buy for r about one third tha regular price soma delightfully pleasing. Havjland China while this aale la an. -". w Bought so that we could give i an overwhelming bargain, and aold at figures that we have not been able to duplicate before this. :":.i-,C-'' ' This lot Includes ? Pudding Sauces, Oatmeal Diahea, Berrr Diahes and Soup Plates, all in a variety ; of decorations and shapes. ' Now read how they selli ,::;:;.".-...'.;" v:;'-;. Soup Plates thaf sell regularly for $6.00 a dozen in this sale for;. .. . ................. ta.oo Reg. $7.00 values, doz..f2.35 : Reg. $7.50 vklues, do,.fa.50 Oatmeal Dishes, Pudding Diahes.Baked Apple Diahes and Berry Sauces, regularly worth $4.00 dozen, for, each....... .laf Regularly $4.50 dog., each 14 Regularly $5.00 doz., each 15 Regularly $5.50 doz each 15 Regularly $55 doz, each ! A'superb special is this one. A full 9 by 12 foot Rug, ;with plain borders in the deeper tones , of same color as body."" Exceedingly rich effect, comes in' the best colors, too,' such' as pink, blue, green, tan and self color effects, i These rugs are . splendid values whet we sell them- at the reeular : price. i' which is $40.00 each," 'Special for Wednesday and Thursday IH, !' L if 9w 1 sv Mm n TIT .Jii'e ' JaaaT JMBsaw - -i -ycrrvf IVJ Jtir AJ' . A ii K V "ja - r: w - Larg e Rugs Special , - ........ t . Royal Wilton Rugs and Runners complete line of rugs and runners in this best of all grades, in wonderfully rich effects.-' Kugs for all rooms, and runners for the hall. These runners, of narrow rugs can be used for halls, dens, stair landings, door openings, and many placeswherethe regular rug would .not lo. iwome in sizes Z7 of 54 inches and up to 15 feet long. 36 inches wide and from 3 to 15 feet, long, or almost any . width or length you wish. . Ufa An Extraordinary Sale of Nobby High Grade Waists A distribution of nearly five hundred high class bodices at savings so pronounced that not to take advantage of this special is decided extravagance.. . Come . - -. . . V i, . j i : .i. :it j:---. J : j . - t Ai i i 1 . ' r . . . . early Wednesday morning tor iuii assonmcnis nu easy uiuuamg, uiwc uioayyct i xapiu raic, nu we cany snoppcr is going io una . wonaertul . v v '., ' , values in rich waists here while the asso Lot One Delicately dainty bodices of the highest grade materials, lawn, linen, embroid ery and lace. ' Yokes are of embroidery with baby Irish insertion, of allover embroidery, or in any style you like. These waists have long or ' shorrt leeves and ;:. v U. '. ' r V ; ; fasten in front or back. Every waist in . the lot is worth from $5.6 to $7.50, and we give you , your choice at . . ; assortment is complete. Lot Two Beautiful bodices of sheerest lawn, figured batiste or finest linen,' of " rich em broidery or exquisite lace. Some have yokes of allover embroidery, slashed 'with lace, some yokes or fronts of allover embroidery with lace insertion, some ? .-; trimmed with medallions. Any waist in this lot is worth v from $10.00 to $12.50, and we give you your choice at . .... . . . . . Please Notice As we want all who can to share in this Grand Bargain, we limit the number any one customer can have to three. None sent on approval and - - none laid aside. : No one can have more than three waists. Sale starts promptly at 8 Wednesday morning. Be on hand. . . : " NEW SERVICE TO REPLACE OLD Telephone Company Beglna Rrst . Work of Million Dollar ' improvements. Work has been commenced on cutting- over to the new swltcnooara ai me central office of th Paclflo Telephone ic Telegraph company at west rtra anil AUler streets all th line in the Pnrtlaad system which center In that office. The work will be complete within, six weeks, according; to the statement mad this morning by Divis ion Superintendent Thatcher. ' Th completion f this work will GARDEN PLANTS We now have thousands of Vegetable and Flowering" Plants for Outdoor Planting. Good, strong, healthy, well-rooted plants at reasonable prices. Call and make your selection for present or later delivery.' Last call for two-year-old Rose Bushes, Fruit Trees, tXc. - ' 7 mark th flrt of th 11.600,000 Im provement planned for th Portland system by th Pactrio Telephone com pany. Among; the improvements In the new switchboard Is an extension of the board to make room for a number 'of additional operators t relleva th work Of those now employed snd Insuring raore prompt attention to telephone cau. - '''" Th company has brought xprta from the Wstra Electric company of Chicago to perform th . work .of cut ting the line ver to th new awltch board. Th work I progressmg rapidly and comparatively few of the people who use the telephones know It is being don. Some telephones hav been put ' ' ' ' '' ' ..' ' ' ." Why Be Tortured Shirt ? By one that does not fit perfectly, when you can go to Jacobs, the "Shirt TailoV," and get for a reasonable cot the iinest "Pongee Shirts," the best and handsomest "White Madras and Oxfords" cut and made to your order, to suit your most artistic ideals of "Shirt Styles' You had br.t see the ."Custom Shirt Makers," . . ' The Jacobs Shirt Co. Phone'Mam 1087. 291)4 Stark St., bet.' 4th av1 r ' , . . . Portland, OreR-on.. oat of order by tho. work of cutting Into th new switchboard, and owing to th peculiar construction of the old board some of the telephone have been affected repeatedly by the work. When the board Is Anally inatalled, however, th Officials aay tha complaint nf line being out of order 1 seldom b I heerd. The new telThoi" eech subacrllr sons as t' " plt.t I ' 1 s