The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 23, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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Other Classified Adr
vertlsements will be
found on pp. 16-17.
II M, Lcmcke Company
fone of the best corners close in,
in the Nob Hill district, produc-
-ag $175 ' month. ,
T $16,000
Forty-room apartment-bouse on
Sixth street, paying about 9 "per
$15,000 :
ILComer Eighteenth : nd GUsan
and two houses, now producing
good income. ' ;.;- ' ;
Tiilf block on Grand avenue. All
solid ground, excellent lor ahv
Kino. 01 Business, ciosc w iiiau.
son street bridge. v ' V-... ''Xlti
Half block in the warehouse dis
trict of the East Side. ; A good
barin.- -y X'.-.-X.XX
Good location in the retail dis
trict of North Third street. Now
self-aupporting. - J ;
Corner Seventh and Hoyt streets.
The best bargain in that district.
.Three-story brick building on
Oak street, close to First' Now
-pays $135 a month. ' " ;
II. Y.leincke Company
Sith and Washington.
- .: Main 550. .t X
Home Phon A 2537. -,
IT acres, wt side. ar rtvw and rail
it side. ear rv
-. t ' .
road. , : , . ,
IT acres, between Portland and Oregon
City; part cultivated: pur living running
l,r; easy tarn or exchange ta part
lor city.
a, level land, al
elation; ceavei
II acres fln, level land, all cultivated;
kali mil to station; eeaveaisnt to city.
I. G. Davidson
CHartre J. Wtrakola. IT, aad HUJe lnM, .
Carre UradaevusK BV u4 kll Gnau
a A. ftnte. St. aa Wane A. WTIIt. SO.
B. a. rttsreriild at Veaeuaaee, Waefelastea.
BT, aad Verne wmuacnar. I .
Joaa . atal-aee aad Mary fWnolTy.
1 W. Barter. . aad atetUdla Bead,
WsaWha Cere, w. awrts Oa. Wa
BMrua aula, aoraa roerta ea Waaeaartae i
a o..
US SUtfe. aC
' Clark Vraa.. rtortata flna
daalaafc. ga kawlaaa C
mil draaa aalta ta raat
TaltorhHI Ca HO Stark at.
Barces, Colllcssn & Starr
t V -. 1 riKT ST., CO It NIC It OAS.
, . tatONB UAIH saMOi
Caral aankaatlaa
atora, toe
tooMlMt Ma
atora .iilrt1ng. wlta lara kail aanad,
aalaa mmihlr. mtmUf aaak; n
awek alxtat ao.miu; tais la Baying
M atuim
v . SSOO : v;:."-.
Wall aarahllabad ana kaatoaaa la aaa at
tha aaa Imatloaa o tba au altla. amail raaa,
dolaa kaalaaaa af atoarblr. motif
aaaii; raraa. aaarbla alalia, rm Imima i
S aariaa tanka. 1 aarma, I waaooa. 1
atoaa. . xnia la a amr
j $4.ooa
rloar mill and aoraa ar la ad. watat
aawar, 40 boratpowar, aapaatty so Banala.
Thla la a t aarlBg ntua araaaaiuoav
BataMlatMhl naab tr-xwji tmalBMa, aalaa STW
par ur. TDM kwanoa a attus ea
A NrlAT Httla al anrkaa. rui ulahrd. anld
Dl; will rant at a raaaanapla flrira
in rij(ht aartrt aood Inaatloa, an wt W.
kM In; . taraatlaata at aaca. O ITa, eara
ctp.a anl no la dnt: ht li.,n; In-
riia.ia thla at ni., fr w. hn. a bar
aMa to9 roil. C li i. cira J firu.i.
W-iiTliD A BuOfliaaeS ma,
- a rid ' with Janitor Tt)rlnTV
Xuurnjr bids., Beeead ami 1J
uvea prclarrao.
lot ata.
STBNOOBVtrilEK, fmmlllu with tba lnaiber
buaiaaae. juuat UalM Co., rourie t.
KMKKOmO AND CAFABl ladr with kaat
et ra(araoaa daalraa potauon aa aoiwciw.
Booa U CambUOja bblg., Third aad Mor
Barnes Cclilnscn & Starr;
' M FIRST IT. . .
, $27756o
BtmvM aad 14k r&olo 1i lark rat
aafa Inraalmaat, witk goad tpaenlati ra
Tahw. Tbla protart par orar aa eaat
lauraat aad li la ara buklas (or nouajr
atakar bra roa kara It.
- $3000 i
' Wa kaa anacti at ku tba Baadx read!
wa oc OQBinn a man mure t "
1 tbara wa golnf Id la t atraatoar Una oat
aloaa fea; wa ) aall oa tbaaa lou ao taat
ran caa aaaka elaaa profit of 11.000 la als
moatba. Than ara thlara doing la thla
llua aad tUa daralopruaata all tha war "-t
for ailla ar two will naka tbaaa fcta flit
atlm prauarty la tha aaa fatwa.
. ; $10000 -.'
MM arrat ljtnt batwatn tba Barnaa had
Coratll roada, ararlooklnf Portlaad. VlBoo
aar, WlUamatta aad Colombia rirara. Tbla
la tba Boat alrbtly plaoa at aroparty te tba
atetnity mt Portlaad aad aadoaatadiy will ba
tha vary beat raaldanaa dlatrlct ta tba Bear
fotnra, and tbrra la a fortaaa ta thtt tor
aoavaooa; (10.0UU wlU aaadla It,
$300 .
BoDaday addltlaa. aaat haaaa. Bodara.
t room and batu, cataaat walka. trait traaa.
lot UxlOO; awaar laarlaB eltyt tarma. .
v" $16,000 K
' it hloak aaiiad with flra aonaea raattna
, fc 10 par axmtb. aorthwaat emr Cbap
, taaa and Madtaoa ata.l tanaa, o,000 aaak.
aaiaana nayar a auaa.
Thraa vary aholre lata, aaraar SM aad Baa
aaek attv, Irrtadtoa. - . , ;
v.. . $1800 v; -
Irrtec aad lftk at, flaa Buck for
data ar apaftmaata. . , .
::'-V.;;:.; $1,000 :;,
v U kkxk. Oastral Albtat. analket Vwattea,
tdtaatad batwaaa two aarllaaa; BOO WlU
, 5.500 - ?:v'
Caraar Taajrba aad OalVd ara with twa
1 pay a par cast aaw m mm
$5,500 ' ;
ta aiadra a-raaai hill.
aanrarad aad b trood toadlttoa.
Ooa at tba saataat aooiaa ta tba FtodiaaBt
dvtrtet. KlUlacawartk at, aaar Valoa aaa.;
wail aad hath. ... ;'-
Bolladay Fark. ddalss. Halaty at, batwaaa
ith aad BBIB ata.
LA BOB f-aa plaatrrad k,r
aarrk, aaly fl.TJO, h i Jr daya oalyj
iar an. ,lV ;...' ' . -i :... - ";i
Morka ear ttaa. ar ralea aaa, kaaiaiaal.
.bath, atat a goad kay tana. .. , : . -
B tMwaa htahtr taurawd Baaa, watar
kaaar. B.MO atrawkaxry plaaU. kaarlng. atc
Ba,Wwx aaar vrraa. .
v W. J.Day &.Co..s;;
laSH" Fearth Bt. ..v.
Lata - aoatOBv rannaid atM
Bail Baa
Let BOzlOd, aaawat aldawalke. S
a ii HoiUdar. twOO: tan
A kaaatirul bo ax ad reeaM, nry aMdera.
taoaioo aroaad. turaaa, ataMal waika, graaal
i atraat: eol kS,riO. aaa
A aaaaa. a ran, ax awuvv, aair ."
Html A TBTR.
Sal Bwatbtad BMg, Car. Fifth had Waafcv
$8,000 BCTB ftaa baataeaa aaraar aatOth
aattaaa. Tbla wlU aet aa aa tha kaarkat
lea a- , . . -
Wa bara aaay Haa aargaiaa ra ny awa
ibaraaa praaarty aa tta beat ar taraM;
aaaa viu to ts.toa, It yaa wb a kay
ac aaO wa aaa kalp yoak . ;
It Aldar. Maaa ia. faatalra, Fkoaa Faa. M
A nxa
tot. rOOilOO; aire tme tat
ahada; llM alcpa aad vtaw; r haay rat
OT-rteat acaaid atnat aad Bull Baa watar;
tanaa. Owaar. raaaa IX Camhruaje kUe
tag. ntrd aad Maniaoaw
TXBT daalrakej baaaa raat tkht
ekte et Beet
9Ka - aft. raamagnty
Mala at
TWO mm II tarnHv klrt and atrktly.
IS Bilnataa, rata, w jam tick taav vwaar.
Baa sath aad Iktgata,
BarneSy CclUcscn & Starr
v. TS yiBBT IT. , "
'.-' X FABMS. '"'t' "-
$400 ;
. Weafclngtaa taaaty. B actaa, enatly ahMUad.
etna ha ahwrrle eerltoev . Tkh m Idaal lar
TTaak Ini t ne eaaaty, etr ecraa. IB ema
etaarad. T-aaaat koaaat. too aanraak tnilt
craaa, aaad wait, rloe arraaet watar ea the
alaae: 1 aattaa fraar lallraad aratlaa; mam
eaoaad traaat DMary gachara aOle) dally;
tluo wUl kaaaJa tkBv
baaaa. S haraa, dalrr. praaa Sryer, alaogblar
kaeaa aad aiaar bnlldlarat SO kaeal atlick
eawa, team Bread atarea. plira. ata. : faim ba
- alantanaai a aaetltaDle warlUng raacb; aruy
Id; aanas. - - ; "'.- .'
' ISO am eaat ar etty. 90 am t aaIMa
Man, llO eerae tine tlmbar; tae arraaa af
water aa tua Haoa: foo a
Bwaa kaslaaianta. This k a
aa baftjra rrm bey. Wa have goad
b all toeallUea.
Barcv Ccillaso & Starr
PILES Ikablns. bkratllBSk arafradlna. flaamaa,
rlatnlas aunallpattna aad all nanal laaaaa
aarad la lO a 3 aara, arltbaitt tha knife
ar Ugamre. Call ar wiito Oc T. i. Ptaraet
11 tirea at.. Portlaad, Or.
Houses for Rent
in all parts of the city. For
further information- con
suit The Journal classified
Vant ads each day.
. kMtBaaatadBBBV-aMa ' ' '
One of Mrs. Gibson's Pieces Was
Thrown Into the Vault With '
t- Body of Beloved Sister.
Waa pug Up and 'Then Conalderod
a Ancient r Specimen Ha No
Other , Leflblo Mark Than t Rude
rktnre of Dragon. -;
Mrs. Marl Olbaon, 101 XTnlon aranu.
ta tha latest parson to brine old oolns
to' Tha Journal offloa, aad bap aollaotlon
contains several pieces that ara not only
rery old. but around which ara woven
ourlous tales. ' -' o.. v 4 .
On of thesa coins Is a largo American
oent ot 181. Mrs. Olbson became the
possessor of it In this war. A young
girl, a member of a family to wbloh Mrs.
Gibson was deeply attacheo, aiea ana
was burled In a vault. At tba funeral
services, tha girl's brother, a little
chap about years of age, waa a mourn
ing attendant. The Uttle boy had loved
his sister very much and aa a last token
of bl affection threw the penny Into
her aepulcher, "so she can buy. candy
In heaven," ba said. ,
v "".' '. Panay roaad Ag-aia, ' --
- About It years later tha boy died and
when he was placed In the vault with
his slater Mrs. Olbson attended the serv
ices. When tha burial place waa opened
up tha penny was found by tha lad's
father who picked It up and gave it to
Mrs. Olbson as a romernbraaoa. She
has kept It In ber possession aver since
and treasures It very highly.
Another coin which Mrs. Olbson poo-
assds Is one of tbs most curious yet
brought to Tha Journal office. Aq tha
markings on It are Illegible' save part
of what appears, to ba a dragon. Thla
coin waa given to Mrs. Gibson's father
when ha waa a boy In tha British navy
In 171k by a man who said that It had
been dug up with a number of others
In 1100. Tha cola from appearances 1a
very old and seems In Itself to bear oat
the man's statement.
Old Xagllam Oota. '
Another curious coin In Mrs. Gibson's
collection contains a profile of Queen
Victoria with tha data of 1S51 on one
aide, while on the other Is a picture of
a mounted horseman, with tha words
To Hanover," and tba data 1UT. No
denomination la marked on tha oola and
Its value or service la unknown. -. -
Other coins in tha collection are a
shilling place of George, tha second,
dated III); a U.Anna piece. Issued by
the East India company In Kit; two
United 8tatea eagle, cent-pleeea of HIT
and ItSt, besides several foreign coins
of great age. . .
Earth Passing Through Period of
Unusual Instability Earth-
X:. ; quakss Threaten.
Two Gronpa of Scirntlots Divided
Sobbc Fear Dire CalaaiMT Others
Think Paaset) la Pas Attantl
Coast Xot Safe. ':"-
MJaaraal Byarta (Vwlea.)
u VArit. A nril 11. Tha remarkable
aeries of eerta treraora that haa
girdled tha earth to tha aaat - few
jt ruia int vat entiralv abated.
Scientists whose attentloa has bee
directed to tao auoject oy - in a
rapid saecessloa ox ee-nnquaaee in
u..Lav BnatiL aaatara Ho nth - America
and even- In Charleston. B. C, explain
that tBO eartn IS paaeing- uroagrt m
period of anuaual Instability. Whether
further Indigestion la the bowels of
ka u w ihHaiHa mmv to tba mora
thickly populated portions of tha world
la a subject en wsicn u aaiaiauiviiai.
differ widely.
" Tear tfatiskssl dalasattr.
On set of scienttate bellwre a anl-
versal ealaralty la tmminent.. wnue aa
etber group feara aa ouch calamity, al
thmih aareetnar that ether slight sela.
mic dlaturbanaea ara posslbla. .
jnhn I nrka. atata raioam ai xaarw
Tor, saya the Atlantis -coast la by ao
aieana safe, although ha admits the
Kba amnnllT folio w alOBaT tha Bear
ey mountain raegea n ma raauia
Recorda Kept bora anew uaaa aincw uar
eenbe ' t there have beaa 2 earth
,..w.a kaAmA ta theaa disturbances
Int tha saao period ara Several hovrt-
over the Carollae Islands kiUln 110
of the 100 Inhabitants st tha Ululthl
, . irk. t . A waa recant.
ajwipi- 1,w . '
jy lumana . '
Mexleaa earthquake and tha steamer La
Provence, wnicn. axnvea war
- a M.i..a .ImMi.1
Siurwyw annmnwiwi t - -
hurricane attributed to the setamatla
disturbances . '
e wutbaaaka BaltaV '
' Scientists show thst there aa twa
: mm. aarthatiaaa sooes about tho earth
ta which a greater part of tha e hoc he
occur. One of tha belts swing rough
ly throuatk tho eaat and wee through
tha Mediterranean) region, Asia Minor,
tho Caucasus Himalaya. Jjia Indies,
Central America and Weel Indies. It
aatcbes tl pet cent of tha earthquake.
TB ather belt olrolao tha Pantfla
alone; tha Andee, gp tha wast eoast of
Norths America, across to Asia, sown
through- Kamehathav tho Jap aa sew and.
Phlllpplnee Islands, extending; to New
Zealnnd, Forty-ooa per cant af tha
shoclta ooanr In thla ton Theaa thick.
Iy populaUd dlatrlcta of tha erorUT. em
braolnar a surfaco 10 tlraea that ef tlia
two- earthquake sones, recetved only
per sent of tho shocks. .. , .,'
Card of Thanks.. , .;
I wish to thank tha many friends, tho
employee of tha Dekun bulldln and
in am bara of tha Dsnlsh Brotherhood,
fur their ktndnee to ma durlna- the lata
sickness sort rta-sflt of m hnabamli
blbs. c c. iovLaKaa&n.
7 Gaatanbeiik Avaaaaw
Do You
A home where you can add many dollars
to your yearly income by raising fruits,
vegetables or chickens, where every doU
lat you get does not represent several
hours of unceasing labor? ' Then buy
one or more
Acre Tracts
:.;)' v 1 :;
All ' ready for cultivation or to set in
fruit, near school, car line, with 5-cent
fare and in a beautiful location, where
property is rapidly increasing in value. '
The price is right. The terms are easy.
Take Mt Scott car, get off at Gray's,
Crossing, and go north five minutes'
walk. Agent will meet you.there -
Naughton Tells About the Arrival
; of the AustraTian Cham
t pion Pugilist. .
Prospects for Contest Betweea
, O'Brtra and Bnrat at Loo Aocrles
- Very Bright at This Time Phlla
drlphlaa "WanU Forfeit Posted. "
(Jaaraal Seaeiel Berrlea.) , '
By W. W. Kaughtoa.
Baa ITaoelaeOv April J 3. Of a cer
tminty ao ether Australian fighter who
tvW came ta thbso parts had aa aus
picious a com leg ashore as mod eat Bill
Bqulree. Aecordlng" to popular belief
sons of tho old time antipodean alus
rera who, after reaching here, became
stars, worked their way serosa tha Pa
cific as pantrymen and wero sot allowed
to clamber onto tho dock until long
after tha vassal had Ued p.
Newcastle Bill came first cabin and
waa permitted to erect punching- bag
ceilings and otharwlso convert - the
steamship Ventura Into a training camp
aa tha way over, i
Ha waa tho meet popular passengwr
aboard and when landing time came all
tho other voyagafo took turns at grip
pine; hla big fist aad wlsbln feint good
luck. .
la addition ho was Interviewed and
photographed by tho newspaper workers
from tho moment tha ship passed quar
antine until hla friends bundled him
into aa automobile at the dock. Then
fba crowd took hlxa ta hand and tha
good aatured greeting which were
shouted st bins while tho buss wagon
waa wlga-Uns; about ia search of dear
tailing ahould causa him to remember
his settlor foot on American territory
aa Ions; aa ho Uvea
. And stranaw to say. Brnlrea dtslrkvo
tho limelight. Bo may get over thla
whea ha haa won a fsw fUrfcts and
played a few vaudeville engagements,
but Just as present ha ta aa shy aa a
school girt And at that ho haa a strona;
faeav It ta tho face sf a man. ana could
placo rellanco ea aad repoao confidence
la whether ha waa tooling" you; threuarh
erasy mountain roada on a stags coach,
Stsertaa- you acroe a rough channel
ta a sail boat, or fighting- for yaw in a
prise ring. It la a determined, sever
say-dlo face.
," .:."'. tmpsovos Wlta Ao.
At flrsT glance Squire doesnt look
bis;- Whea yoa siso him up piecemeal
ho fmprovos. He is narrow-facml
with a marked reeetnbtancw to Tea- Rle
ard of Ooldfleld and Ely but he haa a
'good Book. Bo fills sot his cnat la surh
a. way aa- to suggest bigr back muacl-e
aad swalllnd biceps and he has larire
strong- hands and wrists, As ha swtnss
alone; th street hi crouchy, spr1nry
alt begets tho impression that It 1 In
blm to spring- half tha width of a ring
tt aacassary. to eloee aa hi man. -
-Doesn't look big- enough for Jef
fries.', waa a remark hoard a score of
tlmea when tho San Francisco connois
seurs wera passinc Judgment on Snulr.'a,
wt h- will averaaw up wua t orn aoarn.
ay joo Choynakt. Bob. Fltsslmmona and
Jim Corhett. men who flarnred eaten,
slvsly In. Jeffries' rtn affairs. Any
how. Squires says that ha sees plenty
of work la sight before ha gat around
to Jeffrie. If,. Indeed, ho ta ever oallod
A Criminal Arbaak
m an fnofTenslv eitiaens Is frentionrlv
mad in that apparent lv usl little
tub ealled -appaniiia." It's ganr
allv the raauit of pmtraotrd oon"lp
tloa, followln llvar torpor. TV. UUns's
New Life P1i) res;nlte the liver, pre.
venr apnnl!i!(tia, and ahlrh raeulur
habits of ths bowels, aaa- a fced Croaa
rnm ott
upon to sign op with Big- Jim.
"So far a I am concerned, Z will
fight anybody.' says tha Australian,
"and tho fact that my backer. Mr. Wren,
warns to bet a thousand pounds oa me,
shows that wa ara not dodging- any.
body or looking- for a losera end. But
let the matchmakers ef this country se
lect tbo man they think I ought to aiert
and they will find too ready. All I waat
la two months to rat acquainted with
the California climate. If I peat aaea
like Burns and O'Brien. I have ao doubt
that Mr. Jet fries will redeem hi prwav
taa that ha won't allow a foreigner to
walk off with tho championship, so that
I have no reason to worry about Jef
frie. - If I qualify for a go with aim.
pi ft it- ,
Saulrs 1 a rreat believer la th
efficacy and adaptabaity of Americas i
slang aad catch phrase aaa Began c
study how to talk "aileo same Melicaa
man' th first day out from Sydney.
His researches along tha line men
tioned enabled him to eajoy something
that happened tho night his vessel
dropped anchor la Saa rraaelseo bay.
A launch ranged a on gal do the Pacific
liner aad a reporter Interviewed Squires
across 10 feet of rushing tide.
-Have yoa brought a trainer with
you, Mr. Squire i was asked. . .
. -No." wa th reply, "th American
method of conditioning men so far aa
persede our that' I am determined to
avail myself of aa American trainer."
"You're starting to hand out tho bull
early, ain't your came from th later,
view launch, and Squire laughed the
loudest ef ail those leaning ever th. big
Steamer' a rail.
Th Australian is notional la some
thins. Bo haa a superstitious faith
la tho virtue of th eucalyptus oil as
an ancuent. end ho shuddered whoa he
discovered that a two-calloa demijohn
of tho odoroua stuff ordered la Sydney
had bean left behind.
"Ha waa th most pleased aiaa in
th world whea he beard today he caa
get the oil here," said Manager Barney
Revnolde. who earn with him. "Why.
he'd fret so that hla training wouldn't
do hlra any good If ho wasn't rubbed
down with eucalyptus oil every ay.
Ha auta it oa hi handkerchief for
perfume, and today when they we
whirling as through GoWJeo Oat park
In aa automobile ao raised his hat to
tho tall blue sura tree. H a thorough
paced Australian, he la. "
' Wham Sin Beat 0ma
This man Reynold give a eighty
amusloa- deseriptioa of tho meeting be
tween Philadelphia Jack . O'Brien and
Squire at Tom' a Cabin ea tho road to
th beach. ' " ,,: "
" "I heard that OTSrterr prided him
self oa hi ability t read a man. and
I watched him elooely." said Barmy
"Why. hi two eye war mamln- up
snd dowa and all ever Bill. Sometimes
they'd meet and croaa over and coma
dowa different aldea , Ba was so deep
tn slslng BUI up thst fee loat tha thread
of hi talk aad coughed aad stammered.
All this time Bill wa Juat taking
O'Brien tn out of a earner of hla eye.
and I'll bet ho saw more with one eye
than O'Brien saw with ts:
In Justice to O'Brien It must ha- said
that ho remarked with all tho gracious.
boss ta th world after tt wa aver:
"I snr vary favorably tin pre seed with
Squire. I think he la a very likely
fellow."' -
Th prospects of a flsht at Los Ao
gale bet wen Tommy Burns snd Jack
O'Brien aro Improving. O'Brler has
held that McCarey promised to post
a forfeit of llfl.OOfl. and failed to . do
en. MoCarOy tnslateoT thst h had of
fered a purs of $30.0119 and that tha
article did not call for any forfeit
from th promoter. There was a deed-1
lock for several days,, snd then Ma
Carey decided to- prst 110,000 anyhow
so aa tn fare O'Brien to show his hand.
On hearing thla O'Brien sent word that
ha would leave for to Angels snd
start training at Arcadia.
Depend Vpoa Purse
"If tha $10,000 Is up in good faltn.
ther will be a fight" said O'Brien. "If
there 1 snr attempt st sharp rsr
Oca. I will refurn to Baa Francis
snd hav nothing further t d with
Bnme and MoCarey."
Down at Los Anseles the stand Is
taken that McCarey stated the csae
correctly snd that there was no pr--vislon
for a 10,9i forfait wh tue
match wa arrangiet. Tha nr.1nt..n in
tha southland ts that O'Brien f-irt
dwtvat smt will-yt wrlirsls out f "
affair with Burn.
Ca th dAi ailes Aia arrlv, I
COKi I i !
The World's Greatest
Electro lagneticHealer
Don't Miss This Opportunity
" DOCTOR GLASS, the Great Enj-llsfi Specialist, more com
monly known all over the world as The Great Electro Magnetic
Wonder Worker, who has been performing such wonderful cures
all over the East and South, will be at THE BUCKINGHAM, 830
Yamhill street, for sixty (60) days, and to prove to the people that
he can cure diseases and has cured diseases that have puraled the
whole medical fraternity and astonished the world, he will for the
first ten (10) days give FREE EXAMINATIONS and ONE FREE
TREATMENT, to all who call on the Doctor at his offices during
that time. m ":':,'t :: : '' ;
DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY while the Doctor will
be in Portland sixty (60) daysHe will take no new cases liter the
first thirty days, as he guarantees to cure every case he under
takes or refund the patient's money.
(From tho Now Tor World.)
Never in the memory of the oldest
resident of New York City haa ther
been so much excitement or such a
sensation created by any man aa haa
been during the last few weeks by In-.
fHaaa ao much has been written and
said about thla wonderful ma a that ta
tho living out of the etty tt reads
Ilka a romance, so wonderful have
keen manv of hla euree that they seem
slmost miraculous. Tho lam hav
been made to walk, th dnaf to hear.
snd the weak, nervous, dyepaptJe and
paralytic have been cured la a moat
remarkable manner.
All diseases and deformities treated,
but In no Instance will an, incurable
na ba taken fo treatment. If your
case la Incurable yoa will b frankly 1
Thousands of women that were being prepared for th hos
pita! are being cared for at their
convince any woman that she can
The most complicated troubles cured in a few days.
DR. GLASS is a graduate of the best school of medicine, bat
most of his wonderful cures are produced by the MAGNETIC and
abad policy. ;-.-'' ''- ::, "'.:;:'-"'
REMEMBER OFFICE HOURS and come early, as the office
will be crowded after the first few days. t
OFFICE HOURS 850 to 7:30. . ,
The Buckingham
330 Yamhill Street : Brhvj Thll Ad Wiii Yea
And th Pacific Nortawt over the Union- Pacific, Oregon Short Lfn.
Orcgrra Railroad" & Navigation Co, and Southern Pacific, from ail parts of
the? ait, DAItY durteg-farcl and April. t
For HcJrets. if yon fesfr to bring" friends, relatives, emprrrre or others front
th East, by depositing th cost with any agent ef th O. R. N. or S. P.
Co.. with nam aad addrssr and ticket will be promptly furnished ia tha East.
A Rare Opportunity to Promote tho In
dustrial Growth of the Northwest
Chlrma" .......S!0.0) gin. or)
tt. xai . . .............. bt. so , so oo
Kenea Otty B1SO . tl Oo
Oman ........-'--- BO.AO B.on
. yual ............. . B3.BO 15.00
A Rates spptv t sll main end branch tin points, fTuntliarMn to --! -'
rnrliiMv. B Rate applv to Portland. Aerorta and Puirct .,unit r' '
Bon t ham TPaolfj mala and branch Una points north of and loclud.ns a
For complete Informattrm. rntntre of
Wat atcTattnkaVAT, 0aa al rumrH aee
bras-oa J-lroal ttt: a C
ft W Btlnsar. City Ticket itt. f m w ...ninatni.
Reynold"", manrr for RIU Squtr..
posted U.tOO with the Sn Francisco
fCaaminar 0 support a chnllcnee to
the winner of ' It'irns-O'Erl-n flir'u.
"t am placing this mon.v in ac-enrd-ini-
with the Instruction-" f.-'nn
Vrn rf M.lbonrne, barker of :
n l r mnt for a s-onuln v . r. "
,.,!,! . i. -It wi.l ha !! i to
, ,'ua t i co f It a
- f ,.,
; , x
told so. Also eauttoned agatnst spend
ing more money for ueeless treat merit.
Th objsct of Ki.e rauree I to beceme
rapidly snd personally aoqualnted with
tha sick and afflicted. Remember date
aad go early, aa th office will be
crowded from morning till night.
DOCTOR GLASS treat aH chronic
dtseaa Ha sure to stay eared. Nerv
ous IMeeaaeS. Kidney Pleeaaae. Blad
der Troubles, Heart Dianasa Piles, in
tuit and Keetal pteeaee. IMeeaee ef
the Stomach and Bowels, llaaaeaa of
Women and Children, Rickets, Bplnal
Trouble. Skin Disease, tieafaeee. Asth
ma, Bronchial and TLung Tmnblee.
Oottr (or Big Neck), La Ortppe.
aiond Dtseeaee. Scrofula and aH form
of Nervoua and Chrooi Inssaeee that
ar ourahla, . ,
homes. One free treatment will
get quick and permanent relief.
4Yt 40
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nneena . . .
utile h-t of a similar mnr, T
r'rl-" not r-fl.-iy rniiji"i H f
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