The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 23, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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Butter Market Down Two and a
Half Cents a Pound Today A
With Steady Tone, 'v ',.
',,ir":. '
Kip,trd drop M!"J!T: ... ; .
Kirawberrle cm trom Saeremeots. ..
T cm omur rrl. . '
Fiiinf MM front tbe . .
hrr bo 14 etetdy eed ;
..X OUlWM SrO 4" "rt l
potato mrk 1 weakeuln. .
auger hoio ytrdaye abases.
. arw buaini In bop. -. . ' .
Very Jall run of aliBm. -V t -
IilMtii Oeauts attt.
Tbe hotter market 1 i!V,o poend lower
,J.Y ,u prodnct. City eroamerle
tZ - ermerl. o.U SPVPM o
barter er. showing o
demand salt ood and P" r-""
,M4. t tbe drop. Heoond grada ateff le In
cretins. etpeoUUr among " oaUUIe rrenm-
tbe Tain of beat.- , r ''
. StrawWerri Com. rm SasrajBaBte. .
Bell Co. report the arrival of the flrat
Rx-r.nwot trwhrrle lur tb lJ ":
on. Th trait at iwf
TS5; eat. asoVsell. " ir ersis of
1STm of or urea came la tb,0,,"'
from tb Booth, and foond a rrj b.l d
mnd. Soppll ere getting down to bedrock,
and value are firmer. ' -
Aqwim to eooiltiir freely trow Beal
point, but tba eupply to sot lr tbas i
m.nd at value qnoted- .
Pan Boa report arrivals of wiWi atrlnr.
Van In bamp-r. the flrt ever received bar
from Ibm TwmIt rent pouod.
A amaU ahlpmrot of IMu Bermuda onloaa
In tb wttet Good shape around Se a
T"retber ateady tone 'la ahown la tba eg
market today. Rlpt. whtla not UM. an.
not near aa ky aa aapactwl. aonaldarlM
tba aitrnt of old ataraaa drroand. Tba trada
1. Kmcb divided to tta oploioa rccardtnc tba
futara of tba market, but trw ifealora ara
now anMcUxtlnf any asaraad rbanf. . -
' Poaltry market ratalna a tt flr tptw,
wltb wxtptt nominal in all nradan.
Draanrd mcata find a ary good daman at
formar ranca of Talucav
tafr Karkat HolaVWall. '
At tba adTanra of We for ordinary nrada
, and VSc tat berry and frolt auaar raportad
-elaalrtly by Tba Joornal yaatarday, tba
...rk. ia varr firm a ad baylas oparatloaa
vontlnua an a nenTjr arala. ':
Tba trada naya tba followln prieaa to rront
afreot. Prleaa paid ablppan ara toaa raalat
Brata. floar and raa.
ORA.IM BA Oaleattac thi tmrtrng prleat
WHIAT lnh. liltne; r4 ScwaJaa. , fla;
blamtein. 7R76i valley, T2e.
CUHIt Wbola. 2.Mi eraekad, fXM par
BAttLFT Wear read. M.O0J2J 00 per tea;
rollt. fi.oo&MM; brawla. ruXfOn&M.
HVR 1 86 per ewt.
OATS New ITodupere' prlre No. 1 wblta,
127 .SfwIS.OO pK- ton; amy, $2MGZ7.n.
UML U E.atern Oreyoo patent.,
atr.labta. .I5; aipnrt. 3.8S; valley, S.W1J
S uo: rrabem, 14 . I3.S0; whole wbaat, I3.TS;
r.. fui. tfi 00: bale, 2 75.
MILUTl KM Uran. 117.00 par ttm: mld
(lllnr.. $28.00; nbnrte, eoaatry. 20,M; Uy.
in M' rhoa. l 0t 210O.
. h AT PridoeeTa prv Timothy. Willamette
vnlley. fancy, $U.n''l.on: ordinary, 1200
4: aaatern Mrernn. fJn 0)&21.00; mixed, 10'd
lo.V,; rloree. f&AOiB.O grain. .OOtIlU.0U;
Batter. Ziri and Poultry.
BOTTCB VATC a. a. Portland. SJwaat
err.m. Zihic; aoor, ZHe.
HL'TTi.a Cltj ereamerr. JV aecaoda, t2He;
i2ir; oatalda. faacy. 24Q20c; . aaeooda, 2Uc;
atre. 1 Sc. . ,
Bitra faixT. candled, Jr.
tHtESB New IrtiU cream, tut. Ufa;
Tnog America, lTo.
HuULTBt MUed cblckana. 14 We par lb!
fancy bona. Ifte per Mi: nwatara, old. J 1 0 12c
ir doe; aid etare, 12313He per lb; tryera,
dua-t brollera, S4a doa: aid docka. iaf
1 4c par lb. j eprtoi ducka, Ide per lb.: geeaa y
lot par lb; turaee. He per lb fie old; dram J,
fancy, fcte par lb; aqaaoa. $2.00 per ana;
plranoe, $1.00 pat doa, Dreaaed paaltry IQle
per lb blcbar. ......
Koea, Waal and Kldaa. ' '
nOPS IPOS crop Prune to caolea, set- aia
dlnm la prima, Hi7e; mad lam, eUBWe; aaa
trarta, 1607 crop. 10. n
WOOL IS0T cUp Talley,
' MOHAIR New 10T 2ft2Kr.
' flHKKPHKINs Bbearlns. 16fek0c eaebt abort
wool, medium weal, ft0a7ee aacb;
luna wool, IorOII.00 aacb.
TaIXOW PrlmeAper lb. tHOI Ka. t aad
greaee, H4e.
CHITT1M I)AKK-Ce far ear feta; amaU
HIDES Drr. Ha. L 18 tba and am. lad
1e per lb; dry kin. No. 1, I to IS It. isfN V-;
Ory aaU, No. 1. ander tba. toe; naKad bMaa,
ateera. aonad. 60 Iba and veer, $IOf; sown,
Ue; atara and bulla, aoand. C7ct kip,
I aa 0 Iba. be; calf, eonad. ander It U, He;
frees, anaalted. la lean; nil. Ic per lb km;
oraa bide, a I ted. cacb. $1 9ri)I.O0: dry, aacb,
$1.000140; eolt bMea, S(((.vc; goat ektm,
rommoa. each. I0loc; Anton, eackv tacQ
i.w; anacp aaina, jcorajaiu.
rnltn aad TasaUklaa.
POTATOE Horlnf pries, aaatera alaltas
Biab aad Clarkamaa, aelect. tl.76tl.$S: eell
ln. fancy, $u2.10: ardlnary. Johtilns. $1.751
1.U0; aaatern Oreaxia. buy luff. $ljta; ailaae-
ur, ai.iejaja; new aweet. wc in.
(JNIONH Johblnf pries N. I Ortffns, SJ0;
N'o. t, $2 75Ki8X0; aarlle, 8t0c per lb.
APPLK8 rancy Mood Blrer Ppitaentierg and
Veliow Nawtowaa, $2JM1 fancy Willamette val
ley and eootbera Qrraon. (lJoa.vo; ordinary
aiock. 0cti$IJs. T
VBKftH FHIIITs Oranrea. saw Be Tel. $3.00; tenrerinea. $1.20; banana. Be per lb;
lemona, r).wt per Box; lime. Mexicia,
1.26 par 1A; ntnaapplaa, $.0045X0 per doa;
gran frnlt. $$.2S.
VBOKTA HI. r,t Tnraloa. new. aOrfTIl aackl
rarrwa, 70rl$1.00 per .ark; twata. I.TB per
aark; paianla, $ ca blare. $H8.20;
iwmrgit, jneairan, ai.'oat; e ertriaa. 4Z.0tri
iwranina. aurejii ix); atring baaaa, las per in:
cauliflower.; ll.2r.ei.0O doa.) pea., S'IOr:
nuraamaaan. sc id; articnoaea, 7ftciau pec
, dVaj; aqaaab,' 75eiI (5 per box; celery. Cell
forata. ( ) cranberiFtea. $10(ull par barrel;
anmata, 8fe par lb. itpatuna, 12tllic;
rhubarb, He par lb.; green onkma, 16a doa.:
riurlfla ball peppera. 2SC per lb; plncb, fl.x.l
per box; bead latter. 0e doa: bothaoae. $2.00
ha; eweombera. $2.23 doa; radlabaa, lSe do
banshee; aitf plant, lie per lH
IHJE0 t UtJlTrt Apple., era pora tad. H
Tr per lb; aprbwta. 18Vk20e per lb) peachaa.
12U1H per lb; aack. H pw lb lraa; prnaea.
$ to 40, MfOc: He drop on aaeb 1-10 amaJlar
lae; ft,, California black, e(IH par IN
t.llforala wblta. etiOH per lb; dataa. r olden.
$.& pw box: farda, $1.40tl.M par lo-lb oox.
- Otaoarlaa, Vnta, Zto.
"OAt tallfornl Hawaiian Oth.
Vm; nowderwl, $a.MH berry. $4J7H; dry
J; .,""' ao.a5 rtar, taju; coal. A,
i-atra n. a.4 colilen V. I4.72.:
By Templeton Bro. , r -V
Ths market for fresh meats
rr mains aleady. First-elass veal .
finds ready sals at quotations,
with tba demand equaling the
supply.- 6econd-claaa vaal ara
slow sale, neither shipper nor
consumer being satisfied. It
doea not pay to put this quality
of atock on ths market, il-ann
block hoss ara In good demand,
the aupply not being sufficient.
There Is practically ao poultry
bflng offered.
Kng market holds steady.
T )! la au h an Irregularity in
arrtvala and future prices will
1.pnd upon racnlpts and what
cniaida orders may ba racrlved.
t'.majlderabls cold Btoraglng Is
eing dfina.
: : flpaclal OUpalcai to Tba Joarhat.
"Aurora. Or., April iJ. ilop
O growers in this section aura com- 1
d plalnlnr of the scarcity of help
d this year, aixl althoush ttoo4
d wages ara of farad, it is lmpoaei- d
e bis to get snougU men or women 4
d to work In the yard. Ona yard
. la offering girls t.7 day and
d their dinner to tie hop vlnas. ,'
d The crop is looking fine and ths ' 4
4 continued heavy . rains this 4
d spring do not a earn to bava done
d nf material damage. Soma of :
4 the yards ara , infested to a
S slight degras wltb ths wood
4 worm, but so . far- ths worms
d have not become a peat. A large 7
d number of yards in this district
4 are being rented this season, ths 4
4 owners thinking there la more ;
4 money in It . for them to rent ,
d them than ta run ths . chanoas ,
4 of, scarcity of labor now and at
d ' hop-picking , times Ths ' acre- 4
d ag this saaaon will be largely d
d , Increased over that of last year.
D yallmr. $4 2vt: beet graaalated. 5 234.
Weatern Coba, n TH; nowdered. (A.62H;
dry araoulate.1. S.M',; P. ',. , J.22m St.
Fraacia. So.iaj cwifect lonera' A,
ettra C, H.w,: ai'lUen '. 4 T2H: D yellow,
Mai.'K; hrt. irraaulakrd, barrala, lui-:
half barrela, !tbe; buaiaa. 60e ativaace on aacb
baa la. .
I Abort prleaa ara M dare sat aaah a. nota
tion. I
HONRT 9.0 pw erata. '
COFKEK t'ark.r branda. I1B SSCKI OS.
SALT Coaraa Halt poond. luOa. Itl.OO
ton; t, $11; table, dairy, 50c. $18. HO: lOde,
$14.75; bala. $2.0; Impurted Ut.rpoui, Boc,
I1S.00: iuu. $17.00: Sta. $180: axlra fine,
bill. Si, tm and 10a. $4.(t&.B0: Ulterpool
lump ruck. $2O,b0 par ton; 60-In. reck. $11. UU;
loo. $ 10.8a
I Ahoe price apply to tale of tear tbaa
car lot. Car torn at apeclai prloas Subject ta
BICE Imperial Japes. Na. 1. del K. 1
He; hj Orlrana, bead. Te; AX. Be; Craale.
hKAtiB gmatl wblta. $' SO; birr wblta.
3.2; pink, 28; bayoa, $1.78: Umaa, ;
Mexlrno reds, 4c '
. NUTS Peannta, " Jnmbo. H per lb Tlo
(lula, 7 He per lb; routed. 10c per lb: Jua
neve, ti5V; roaated, 7 (it 7 He per lb; cocoa
nut. KWIWe per do: walnnta, Callforala. 10e
per lb; Frenrb. 15e par lb; plea aota. 144110c
per lb; blrkory auta, lOe per lb; ebeatnata,
eastern, 15iltfe per lb; BratU Beta, lttc pc
lb; fllharta. 16c ptr lb; fancy pecasa, lij20s;
uaooda, IStoHHe. .
Meat. TUk aad rVtwudawa. mbats Fmat ntr Ron rear.
$HBc par lb; veal, xtra. $eaHe par lb;
ordinary, 7Hr Pr lb poor, 6c par lb: mut
ton, fancy. $6ve par lb; aprlng lamba, loc
par lb.
HAMS. BACON, FTC Portland pack (local)
kama. 10 to 12 Iba. la Ho per lb; 14 to Id In.
10 par lb; Is to 20 Iba. 16 per lb; braaktaat
bacon. lt)H21H par lb; picnics, lbc par eb;
rnttar roU, 12c par lb; reanlar abort alaara,
nmaiokad, 12 par lb; eMkd, 13c per lb;
clear backe. anamnked, 12a; amokad. lae per
lb; Dnkm bntta, 10 ta 1$ Iba, an. ranked, a
ptr lb; amokad. Be par. lb: clear bell lea, a
amoked. 12 So par lb; amoked. l$He par lb;
anoaMera, 12r per lb; plrkled tocrna. $Oe each.
LOCAL I.ARO Kettle leaf. 10a, 1$H par
lb; ft. I34i per lb o-lb Una, ltc par lb;
team rendered. 1. line par lb; aa, I2t ,
per lb: eompoand. 10a. H per lb. .
CANNED SALMON Colambla . river, l ib
Ulla. $1.80; t-lb tall. $2.7A; fancy 1-Ib flat a,
$1.W; H 'b fancy flata. $1.I.S: fancy l ib arala,
$2-76; A leak tall, pink, SSMe; red. $1.p0:
aomlnal. 2a. tall, $2 00. .
F18H Bock end, 7e par lb: fkMrndera, Sc par
lb; ballbnt. H Pr lb; crab. $1.0Oai.M par
do; etrlped baa. 12e lb: eatflah. 10c lb; aaU
mae. frmb Columbia chtnonk. Be per lb;
ateelbeeda. Be par lb; brrlng, Sc lb; eel,
e set lb: brtmpa, 10c per Ibi parcb. Be nac
lb: black cod, 7c pec lb; tanend. 7a pee lbs
lobster, lee per lb l freadi mackml, be par
lb; crawoan. wo par noa; atnryeon. sue par
lb; buck bam. 2(V per B; CoJambla rleet
amelt. Kc per lb; ehad. 10.
Ok'RTEBs Bhoalwater bay. par gariaa, $3 SO;
per 10-lb aerk. $4.80; Olrmpla. per fallen.
$2.: per 1 IB-lb aark. $4.6008.24: kagia,
canned. 10c ran, $T 0O dns.
CI.AMS HardabelL . per box. $3.40
elama, $2.00 per boa. lie par das. - t
. Faint, Caal OIL It '
K0P--Pure Manila, 16?e; taadard.' i$e:
aiaaL lie. .
COAJ. OIL Pearl ar A lira I Caeca, ISHe per
gtl; water wblta, lraa bbbt, 14 per gal;
woooen. ii pw .ij awaaiisai, liu sag- I
21 H per fl.
OAHOUNB M dec caaaa, 4H per
iron mia, ine pw a...
caaat. 15s par gxl lroa
bbla. 18Hc per sal.
M per gal wnadaa
bble. ntte par (.1.
WHITE LEAD Toa lot. 1t par lb; (00--,
lata, be per lb; law lota. 8He per Is. ,
WIHK NAILS Prtwtst baaia at $2.89.
LIN MEED OIL Par raw. to $-bbl tota, SOet
t-bbl lets, $3c; ease. $8e par gal; fBnln kettle-boiled,
raa, 60 per fal; s-bht lota. 4e;
1-bbl lota, ooe per gal: groand cake, car lata.
$20.08 par ton; laea tbaa ear late, t)JM per
ton. . ;
Parttend TJaloa Blockyards, April -Uva-ateek
tacaipta: - . ,
s '.-.- Hogs. Cattle. Bbeep.
fOslJ a 00 . .
Week tr S
Tear era 38 Too. f.2A
PrvrVni year 175 " ... T78
Abaolntely nothing doing la Portland atork
yard today.-' Tl alnmp of yaetecday baa eel
mlnatad la a dead calm today. Na price are
given eat. There le nothing spoa wblcb to baa
a predlctloa of tbe future tone of tbe local
Btarket. - ;
Offleial llveetock prires:
Hog Beat eaatem Oregon, $7.38; stackers
and fdr, $7.00; China fat, $7.00,
Cattle Beat aaatera Oregon iteer. tS.OAQ
S.25; beat cows and kelfer. $4.0004.28; Block
era and feeder, $4.0C34.23; bulla, $240, .
'' Bhaap Mixed. Hfo8Hc . . ;. . , ,'
' eastern livestock
Hogs Open Steady and Show Healthy
Cblcaga, - Aprtl 473 Eastera
n noted aa follow:
) Hot. Cetrl. Bbaen.
Chlrara ... .-.-.i ...... . M" .. 8.000 7.f0
knaa City 14.000 12.000 IO.OiiO
Hoga opened Strang to a burner. Let aver,
nin. Tterelnt a rear are. 18.000. Prlcea:
Mixed, $8.80iii.72H: beavv, $8.0U$.70; rough.
$).45Jr,; llybt. $fl.M'ol
, Cattle and al.eep ateady.
New York, April 23 Cotton market
Ixw, C1oa.
102P 1028
.... , J024
April ...
May ....
... 071
1000 ;
78 ' . 077
... P71
2 line ...
July ..............
P78 P77
74 ' . P7H
Aat-oat ...........
September ........
October a.
75 pw)
003 10(10
.... 10"4
100S 1007
N'overotier a. ....
Dacambar 1007
. Uvarpael Oattaa Market.
Mverneol. April Cotton fnrnrea elnaed
qulat but ateady. 1 to $H points lower.
Hew Jerk, April 23. Government bonds:
Date. Bid. Aak.
Two, rermarea i" 104
da eoupon 1 ' 104
Ml H
Three. retltrd lot
do coupua i. 1S
Threes, .m.M bead. .....I . ..
fmir. reentered I'cjs
do aoioa Ilf2d
Ftir. reeitrd. aid....... ....
do Coupon .,...... ...v
retr, Philippine
1-1' H
ii 2
104 ij
Twiw, PMlual .... 1041 JOIH
a "ur'" vt.B I'lO
Bar Silver.
Reports From Aurora State That tha Wood
Worm Is Damaging th Hops, but the Insect
Has Not Yet Become Pest in That Locality.
Improyed Strike Situation Fails
to Inspire Expected Confi-
dence In Nevada.
a., vi.m inrll Th ml nine mar
ket. wblle aetlre, did not exhibit tb atrenftb
of .terdar. man laauea boMi( mr or
km weakneea. Altbonab tbe atrike Baa neon
aareenblr dlotd. tb market baa sat re
gained confidence.. . - 1 .
(Mlnal, lftc; Btillf. M. C." 2"T Mnnt.
Bnlif, si -, Nat. Bank, Bkc; L. Barrl. 4c;
Amtthyat, 4.h; Cold B.r, . $1.10: stelnwey.
lbc; Uenrer nf. Anx.. 18c; Umrfh Con., Je;
Monty. Obi fcxt., 14c; 0. Bcapter, 2oc;
Monty. Wt.. 14c; . B. Dly. li Homaetake
Cona. $1.28: Vanke Olrl. Pot; ugt, so:
Tramp. Con.. $1.15; .Victor. Joe; North
Star, 7e; , MUlaa. 60c. -
'; TONOPAHB. " s
Toa. Net..' lHc: Mont. Ton.. $$-80; Ton.
Ext., 3Kc; Mse.Namara. 47c; Midway, $1.8S;
Ton. Belmont. $4.40. Ton. No. Htar. 8c;
Ohio Too, ar; YVrt Rnd Con.. $1.18: Heacna.
IMc; Ton. Calif.. lHc; Golden Anchor, .lac;
Jlia Butler, $1.2AlToa. Cb Boy, INc; Too.
Horn, lSe; B.t. Ton., c; Monarch IMtta.
Kit.. $1.20; Mont. Mid. ExL, Hi fioldta
Crown. 14c: 14, X. Ton. Con.. 18o.
Manh. Cona.. 78c; Hank. M. Co.. 12c; O-
Wd, Joe; Heyler Hump, Ho; Pexter, le;
L. Joe, 3c; Combination, or; Granny, 22c,
MuaUDg. 26c: Uttl Grey. 4e; Cowboy. 4e;
Orl(. blank.. 10c; Broncho, 14c: Jump. Jerk,
2ocA: Plnennt, lSe; Buffalo, oc; S. Dog, 22c;
X. lloraa, So; Indian Camp. lbcA. - ' . ,
Pair. miTer Kin. 3HrA: Falrr. Katie, Mr;
Nevada Milla, $4.88; I'lttabUTg rtllver Peak. $2;
No. Star Wander, lOri kafle'a Neat, 2Uo;
Kaby Wondsr, $ocA; Alice of Wander, 12c A.
Raodstnns. 84c: Bed Top. $4.10: Mobavrk,
I Ac; Columbia ML, $1: Jumbo, $4.20; Jumbo
Ext.. $2.50; Vernal. Mc; Prnnaylvaala. $2;
(MlUfleld M. Co., $1.60; Kendall,; Bootb,
82.-; Blue Bull, file; Adam. 22c; Bllver Pick,
$1.80; May in. 2V; B. B. Ext.. 18C; Bine
jsti, sac; tiixm, lc; u. vommoia, eor; m
bernla, 1 8c; St. Ives, $1.03; Cooqaaror. Rle;
Blk. Bock, Sc: tone Star, Mtct. (4. Vt'asdor,
4c; Potletoh, 8c; Ore, 44e; Kendall it., 4c;
Oandat. ExL, 8c; Mayne. 18c; Atlanta, 7Hc;
Great Bead, gl.SO: Empire. 90c; Bad Top
ext.. sic; riortnr. Mc; ma mi n. n. ion..
48c; O. Daly, $2.38; Lt(uta. $; Com-
monwaaitn, a.vot; como. tct., ntc; nr.
Bead Bit,, Sue; B. B. Bnnnnxa. 18c; Ka-
waaoa. $1 82H: Kameralda. 29c: tMrtiaaa. 12c;
Cracker Jack, 2Be; Frnncla Mohawk, $1.10;
( ... I 111 .1.. V.nk. k . K-. OA.' ln..w
bead fiold. oOc; Ioa DUloa. 18c; X. Tiger,
X2c; uranama, sac: a. nri bxt., io; x.
Ham, 13c; CoL ML ExL. To; OoldL Cooa. 5c;
Dlam'f THan.le, B2r; Old Cold. 5c; Gold
Bar, $1; Nv. Boy. 17c; Or. Band As., 210.
Onhlr. S8c; Mexlran, 81: Ooald Curry,
40c; Con. Virginia, $1.18; Ravaew, Our: Hal
A Norcroea. 2c: Yellow Jacket. $1.05; Bclcber.
80c; Cnafldenca, $1.10; Storra Nevada, le;
Kxcbaqner, 75c; Union. 69c; challenge, SOci
aa i 1
Union rclflc and Sonthern Pacific
Id to Slight Gains.
New York. AnrfJ Mj The atork market evened
tht narnlnc at about the cloalna price of lat
nlrbt. ead waa Inclined ta aag and drift into
flullneea. Tbare eeemea to be no ona wining
to take on tock. and the market waa left to
take care of Itself. Later la the day, however,
B frees buytajr movement atarted la Untoa
Pacific and Southern Pacific, wklch rallied tbe
wbol llat, with the remit tbat nearly B
hamee show a email gain for the day. Tbe
market eineed at about tbe top price with a
better feeling 1a genereL , . '
Official a notation
Cooke company:
by Over beck, Starr A
mal. Copper Co. '.
87 i
Am. Car A Konnd., com
do preferred
Am. Cotton Ola) com...
Am, Locoiuotlve, 00m . ,
Am. Sutar. eom.
80 "4
84 I
Am. Smelter, eoaa.....
Anaomda Mining Co...
82H1 ""
Am. woolen, com. . . . .
Atchiena. com.........
do oref erred .
Baltimore A Ohio, ems.
100 .
Brook It Rapid Transit.
canadlaa Pacific, com..
Central Leather, com. ...
00 preferred, .t ...... .
ChL A O. W., eora,...,
Chi.. MIL A 8L Pal..
CM. A K. W, com....,
Chesapeake A Ohio......
Colo. Vnel A lraa. torn,
Colo. 80 t her, com...
do 2d preferred.....
da let preferred.....
Delaware A Hodeoa...
Denver A B. O., com..
do preferred
Erie. com....
do Sd preferred.....
80 let preferred.....
minora Central
84i 34j 14 H
Lonttvllle A NeehvlUe.J
Vex Iran Central By.,..
U. K. A T.. com
do preferred. ....
THatllltra '
Great Northern .......
Ml ourl Pacific
Al I
71 H
83 U
National Lead ........
New lork Central....
N. t.. Ont A Weetera
Norfolk A WeL, com.
do prefeeved ........
North Americas ......
Northern Pacific, eon,
P.olfw Mall S. S. Oa..
Pennaylvanla Beltway,.
p. a., i. A c. Co
Prad Steal Car, com
do preferred
Readlne. com
. do 2d preferred......
do let preferred......
Rep. lraa A Steel, com,.
da preferred....
Rock lalend. cent.......
I do preferred...
St. L 4 1. r . Sd pfd..
do let preferred......
St. L. A S. W, com....
do preferred
Sonthern Pacific, eon. .
-do preferred
Sonthern Ry., com.....
do preferred
Teniweaes Coal tt lraa..
Texaa A Pacific
Tot, St. f A W., ems.
do preferred... ......
TJnloa Pacific, com.....
do preferred..
0. S. Robber, com.....
do preferred.
0. S. Steel Co.. eon)....
no preferred....
Wahaab. com...........
do preferred. .........
Weatera Union Tel
Wlecooaln CentraL com.
do preferred ....,..
Vlrrtnl Cbemlc!
20 4
22 V.
7 5
B4H 84H
148H 140
102 i
101 H
21 H
2a,Hl 38rH
Tot el b for the dy. 74.BOO eharea.
Money cloeed St 1 and 2 per cent
CleeHnr tody....
Clearlnr yer go..
Gain today .....
.1 4on.4Mi ?,
.$ 18428 87
. S8.IW.40
rtalanoe biday....
Balascee year o.
L Louie Oraa Claae.
St. Loot. April 2S May - wheat eloaed at
78e. , . 1 . , ,
latwrpool Orala Xarkt. '
Liverpool. April S3. Wbt cloeeg ' to xi
lower; cor. d lower -is ascnapgad t May
wheat, 8e 6Hd; Jn'y wheel. a .d; May
4a $; July oorn. 4a 7d. v.
Mlnneapolla Oral Claae. -
MlnneapoUa, ApiU 23 May wheat eloaed St
SO lae.
Trade Opened. Rather Dull, but
Increasing Interest Mani-
fest Until Close. .
Chic to, April 28 Wltk tb Liverpool
ket btlng Hated at ancbanged. coupled with
nocnanged condition In general tba wbcat
market opened practically nnebaofed from
alsbt'a- closing anxtabon. . Tba ftrat bom
of trading wa rather dull and anlntereatlna,
aoui utti Buying by noutbwaatern
tereeta atarted tbe market on aa upward
irona, urn atertea aom weal buying ana
mad tb aborta alao ran, with tb remitt
that wbeat gained a full rant os tb day's
tranaactluna, eloaing vary au-oaa t tb top
HKtires. corn -and eata acted la aympatby with
wneat pna aoorca auvance.
' I
Open. - Hlib.
Mr .....
774 .- 7K
0H 1Z
7R"4 '
4U .
4IA 1
May .....
474 - . 4A
4h :
4H !
43 ti 48,
My; .....
July ,
8.5 .
,,..1877 inn ..1873
....i5ws v io ima
Laud. ;
.... 887 , 870 , 7
) toia s.h
... 82 (0 . sva
.... , sro .SflJ
870 K72 5. 7c
... 83 , hs5 ' ggg
1873A I
lttOOA '
i c
. ' S! ;, .
May ....
Mr .
Trading Slower Than Veatcrday With
; ; Interest Still Iaagglng. ' .
Llttl exrltamaat em Portland atoek
Trading a lower yet tba tbat ef ywterday.
Tb only tela today waa made la Aaaoclated
uu. ii eaare foiag t $42.79.
vriictai qaotatkma:
Bank of California.......
Banker' A Lnmhermea's
.. 108.00
178. 7S
Orosoa Trnat .A Kevins.. .....
Portland Truat Co ...
United State National.., 200.00 -
American Btacult Co. 8a 1. pass ,
, 2.00
City A Hnbnrbaa 4
Home Telephone ae no no
108 ..V)
O. R. V Ji. By. 4a. B7xiO
O. W. P. A By. e . 100.00
Pad fie Cnaat Rlaenlt a.
Portland By. Be..... ;
Ataociated Oil.. . 42.29
Home Teleohaaaa an no .
. 8$.00
J. O. Le (. . 7.50
Pacific Btarea Telephone.......
raget Bouag Telephrma-.
Lakavlew ..
Manhattan Crows Point........
Pot Ida Mining 8H '
Waahoagal Extenaioa
Taavjlna Bay Telephone. ....... B.87H
Oreima City Mill A Lumbtr .. . . .
Auaka Petroleum ............. MX
Brit lab ColumbU Amal. ........ ju
V ... t..( ...... . .22
Mammoth .......... ........7.. .00 Va
Morning .0814
Standard &nmnlldted - MT? ,
100 .
- .28
M .
Taeoma Steel .08 -
Almeda Conenlldeted .......... .21
Itanion .nau. :
Copper King .18i2
.1 v f 1 1 -. .
nppy imy
-.42 .BO'
tM . KOS
FeiwUr Exasaaga Kabaa..
New York. Anrll 2a. iiHuma m .
fi20SM7H; Hambnrg. eVtHfttOBH,: Be latum!
B21)a517J; Uoltand. 4995. , - "
Leadoa, April 23-Bar eUver sncbtngtd. '
1 i
Chicago. April 28, Wbeat on rjaaaaa ba
week iimoanted ta 60.682.000 branch.; corn.
8.719,000. Sam week last year there were
aaspaatags 48,044.000 knabela; eora, 8,182,000.
' '.' ITeriTs nilpmeats. " '
Clhicaga.. April World's ahlpnvenr are
today reported a follow: Wbeat. 12.B6d.6O0
boabels; corn. 3.280.000 bntbeU.
"'.''' - Total Ttaibls. r W.-
' Chicago. Aprtl 23. Total vbrible reported to
day la aa follow: . Wheat. 51.001.000 bnabela
art met 4,i.w48,000; j corn. 10.887.000 boehel
analnat 7.074,000; oats, S,4S,000 buabk) aj-alnat
Ib.lk0,e00.. . .
J Saltrtk-Oraia Clots. "-i
JJuluth, April 23. May wheat eloaed at $$Ke.
French Arsenal Barns. 5,
Toulon. April IS. Th flra at the ar
anal was controlled today after burn
ing over a large traot of ground, -causing
losses of many millions of francs
and injuring 20 soldiers. JU1 ths ships
In tha harbor wera saved.
BJt Creamery Butter V. ,V.:U .. . j .'yC. l. , .&0t
6 lbs. Rice '... V.',v.i.'..-...t;V.;;.V.V..;.'.i.25
7 lbs. Prunes . . . . . .. ............,....,,,; , v , , , f , , , 25
10-lb. sack Corn Meal ...25'
10 lbs. Rolled Oats . . . . ... . . . . ; . . ; . V , . .354
: Shredded Wheat . ; . . ... . . . . . .... ;. . ; ip?
; 3 cans Tomatoes ,....V..V.r....;;.V,....l.V.;...25
Best Service! Lowest Cbargcsl Ceres Guaranteed
W- mf iffllrtsM with DRBIMTT, r rfltDff RtrMffth. pm.
Mrtilf cI14 "hOT MANHOOD," EthttMiInf Pntns, Pimple Um nZT
UCUmm-tloa of tt hm&6r and, Huhf Cc4omn1 Urlr tmtHtl
lnrv. IteaiMnrWttrT. Pa Ulna Mmorf. Ijtmm mt Am hit inn. Ug.t.1 Li
a-U. A A A.m
ww i lag sunn ea it a u w .( a i--w, r isiuia m ii ! njarrrtif 9Q afhaa W4tm k
aaee. wklek abealuutr ssdt tbeaj he Stady, Boelaeaa. Pleaaars ar iZarriaft!
Ve ear, aa say. Wteg Felaaa. emrretg er hererlltaryi Skis
tHaaaaaa. R hamtiam, Sore, Swellmrt, Suchuwas, aoaarrhaaa. 0U
Strtotnr. a.nlar4 Fro. tat aag Hytrmal. tteaaet Saallatra. " -I
aag Caioeetenuooe Sarvica, akeeeable Cbargta. wmbi
Call as wtlta LX. X. t. TOMCX. Ill iert a sj .aa .'
f :
Nat Goodwin at Ilclllg' Tonight.
Th mlnnt pelor aad fvorlt comedian,
Nat O. Uuodwto, eupported by beautiful Edna
Goodrich aad an exoelbtut eomixuy, will begin
n engagement of three performance t th
HelllC theatre, Poorteentta and Waahlngtoa
atraat. tonight at 8:10 s'eloch. Tha opening
bill- will b th aocbity comedy drama. "A
Aaurlcaa CltUea." Tomorrow, Wedueeday.
tb aodety oomedv drama. "A GlluVd gool.
ttcata are Bow sailing fur th entire engage
ment at box offlc tbe theatre,
' Goodwin Special Frice Matinee. -
A apeclal-M-tc matinee will ba given at the
Helllg theatre tomorrow ( Wodneedaj) .after
noa at 3:16 o'clock. Nat C. Goodwin, up
ported by Mia a. doa Goodrich aad player;
wtll pragnt "When We Were Twnty-ono."
"Mrs. Wlggs" Xext Thursday Jflght.
SeaU are sow Bailing at has of flee . tba
Helllg theatre f "Mr. Wlxg of tb Cb
bg Patch." Tb delightful comedy dram
will be tb attraction at tba above theatre
aext .Thurtday night. Aprtl 28. lble la a re
turn engagement of tb earn Llebler A Oc'e
rompaay tbat played tbe Helllg tw week
0. T ' . . '.
Hitchcock's " Seat Sale ' Tomorrow.
Tbe edvanca atat tale will opea tomorrow
(Wednesday) morning, 10 o'clock, at box of
fice the Helllg theatre for Raymond Hitch-
rock In tb comle opera "Tbe Yankee Tour
let." Henry W. Savag praoenta tbu clover
ou median, nupported by n axcallent eompaay
of player at tb above theatre next Friday,
Saturday. Sunday night. April 28, 27, 2H,
with s . epeclai-prtce matinee Saturday.
, HaU Calne PUy at Baker. .
Hall Calne'a atorr of "Tb Prodigal Son" hat
been read with aa much Interest aa "Tba rkrla
tlan." aad tbat ta eua reatoa why tba. Baker
I being o well natrontard tbu) week. Only
uch a paemiaeter a Hall Cain could writ
pl of tbe claw of "Tbe Prodlcal Sos."
la tka band of th Baker company It hi re
ceiving excellent luterprettkn. - ; -
' nil i -'
' Splendid Drama at Empire. -
A tremendou boost toward tba expected
popularity of tb Seaman Stock company at
tbe Empire ba been given by th preaen ta
ttoo of "Tbe Black Hand." tba thrilling etory
ef hwe, romance and adventure, which ,1 at
tb Empire tbla weak. - It la th flret week
ef tbe Seaman company end Its member
ar mora tbaa making good.- -
, 'Snowball" at the Lyric.
No play baa eauaed more laughs tbaa "Snow.
ball." tba famon comedy; which la to be a
to aavaeiage at tna uyrre mm wwes. ii n i
beea carefully cat and directed, tba etage ef-
fecte. upon which so much depend, are eatia-
factory, and takea altoaetber tba bill ta oae
of tb beat of tb week's offering. Mytlaee
of "Snowball" every day. Beat may Be, re-
eerved by telepboaa. . r
See That Automobile.
The funnleat nutosanblle aa tha atege le tbe
ana which Latin aad Leonard ar satng thta
week at tb rand. Thla la a vaudeville
per laity, which mad a bit la. Berlin. London,
New lork aad Cblcaga. Tb Kiel; save a
fine arrobettc act and tba . Wynnewooda are
character change artists la a sketch called
The Meeager Boy's Dream." J. B. Dyllyn,
alnsins comedian. Is good, for be wee with
George M. Cohaa'a aompanlea, "Th Cnwrlt-
tea Law," the eenaatioaal moving picture
baaed aa ths Thaw case. Is abows aa tb
Oraadlacops. .,. ; . - ' i :
'... Star's Big Drama. .
Hearts ef the Bins Kidge" Is tba same of
tbe melodrama at tb Star theatre tbla week.
and It la from tba pea of Hay Held, acknowl
edged f tb master of tbla kind of etage lit
erature. It will be found among tba beat at
tractions seas st tbe ar tar s many week. The
nerr ta elaborate nd flret date, and tba
per form aec te Bp t the high etandard mala
tamed at tbla boaa. There will ba manatee
Thursday, Saturday aad Sunday. Beat raa
he ' eeftired by calling or .telephoning t tbe
box office. ... ; .. .. ?
' (Josraal SaacUl arvtcs.l :- '
lad, 8. X.. April IS. To extinguish
tha fir which has been burning for
four weeks In ths Homestaka mine, tha
waters of Whltewood crack wera turned
Into tha workings at the 300-foot level.
It Is expected It will take SO days to
flood tha mine to this level ' and 60
days to clear tha workings of water
after It hag aecompllnhed Its work. For
tha next SO days there will ba a com
plete shut-down In all departments. The
loss to the company slnoa tha flra be
gan Is over $1,000,900 and it is esti
mated It will ba double that sum be.
fore the mine la. again working.'. :
'-. ' (Joeraal Soect! Sor . '
Washington, April tt. Senator W. vl
Borah of Idaho called at the White
House today. Upon leaving ha said: '
"I have no' information whatever
about tha alleged Indictment.. ., I do
not know that one has been returned.
It Is. only rumored. The grand jury
has not adjourned yet. It Is said that
the supposed Indictment waa found be
cause of my connections wlthf the Bar
bar Lumber company, but thus far no
member of that company, nor of my
other clients, has been Indioted." v
Who Is MetggerT Ha fits your ayes
for $1.00. Ill Sixth street . . '
k Oll-a. W S "
on mm
I Ilave Hie Icrcest Practice
Oecaus e I Lnvcrlably Ful
fill tly Promises
Success .isn't attained st a bound. It Is
made up of many little triumphs. A large
medical s practice doesn't await the youug
physician at the college door. He must
prove himself. He must work toward suc
cess day after day, doing well eaclyday't
tasks,, ... -
T has always been my rule to promise
nothing that I am not absolutely certain of
accomplishing. Realizing that no one phy
sician can successfully undertake to cure
all diseases, I entered special courses of
study in preparation for my present work.
For 16 years 1 have been proving my abil
ity and building my success. I have mas
tered first theVsimpler diseases, then the
serious comphex and Stubborn ones that
others neither .cure nor comprehend. I
have confined my efforts to diseases of men.
exclusively, and there is no ailment belong
ing to this class that I cannot fully con-'
qmtr. I mak broad and definite claims.
I tell men that I can cure them, even
though others hare failed. Jealous doctors
have charged me with claiming too much.
But I ask wherein have I failed to fulfill a
promise? ; My practice is now fully twicte
that of any other specialist upon the Pa
xific coast treating men's diseases. It has
grown to these dimensions because I have
made promises and fulfilled them. ' Each
cure I have effected is a triumph and a
manifestation of skill that has had its part
in the making of my Success. . Each day
new cures are completed, and my present
growth of practice is more rapid than ever
before. ". - ' - . ; . "
'Consultation is free. If you are afflicted
consult me. You can rely upon wfcat I tell
you, and if I accept you- case you can rest
assured that a complete -and permanent
cure will follow my treatment ' "..
In Uncomplicated Cases
I : fily Fee Is Only ?
' All ' necessary 1 X-ray examinations arc
absolutely fres to patients. My equipment
for X-ray work is the finest and most com
plete ever produced, and equally perfect re
sults are not possible with an inferior ap
paratus. . - '''? '
- All medicines are prepared from stand
ardised drugs in my own private laboratory
and are supplied to patients at actual cost.
231 Morrison Street," Cor. Second
Patients living out of the city and
will be furnished with fine room free
rect to 234J4 Morrison street
v. . a6 Years in Por.lsad . v..., tu t mA. , ',
1 Tha Sclantlflo Treatment of Wesatcnessas ''
Boelsg th i rat is with aewarfnl ttlmvlaats ead taalee ts aa effort to raetars tw
tlnr vigor oaa save sen) eae final teaulti Tb aenditioa ie rendered wan Uiaa
War. "Waknt" it sursly as ladle sties ef a low form of Inflammation is th ,
srottat gland, aad thla inflammation I fet aseravatoel by atlmalatfng nmadUM that
aadta Vamp. rary activity. We employ tka anly (aiantlfl aad fully affeotlv treat
in ant for rwakBe,M wbiok effect a aormasMnt esr by raetartag tba sroatat glaad
U a aound aad healthy aula. , Ws sbtaia omplU ratulta is vry eae we treat.
Pay Us for Cure A cur with us meant a lifelong care
Wa effer sot only FRII Oontaltatloa aad Advioa, bat every esse taat mm to
ae we make a Careful Ezamlfiatloa and Diaa-aoeo witheat ekarfa. . Wo ailing I
.k ia .-i. ki. -tiMrtuaitv ta aet aa Bert oninlon abont ki Wwuklo.
It will set ootk ya anytbin to aU at
doing, it may save yea maok time aad meay, aad If we easnot eura yea, ws will
aosMtly tell yon ao, and re will aot W aadar aay flsaaolal abllgatloa tea.
Oua SYSTEM Of TEEATIN8 la aaparior to any in thla eonatry, sad saf esr
ar the ralt ef these motbod. W nev v fall ta ffoV a our la uy eaae ws
take. If yea nffr frees segleot, from wast sf mony r front ajaakllled' praotlta
bars I as opportunity t got tha ervloe ef a akllled polalit, a graduet phyai
elan with year f rip experiono la treating aempllaatad aad special dlsordar f
MEaT 0MLT. It will oeat sathlnc to talk ta aa. aad may ba tha tnaaai af raatoring
yoa to health end bappinaae. ..Why aet call today I Our effioea ara vary srivata.
Yea aa only tha doctor, . t
Onr foe being ae low. It ana Met masy wb are afflicted to reear tbe klyhatt
Btlostiri medical aaaiataao. Iins made to salt If aeotatary, se tbat aaysss seed
set go without treatment.
Xesrei t a. St. to I s. m. I svaslsgs, T to SilOi Saadaya, a. m. to IS aot.
. coeves sicomd AST) TAiranx STariTS, roarLAirp, oazaoa-. .
The Xrsadlnf P
' To produce temporary
activity of the functions
in cases of so-called weak
ness is a simple matter,
but to permanently re
store strength and vigor
is a problem that but few
fbysicians have sold. I I
never treat for temp3-taj
rary enects. , wnaer my
system of treatment every
bit of "improvement is . a
part of a permanent cure.
Though other physicians
have, through my success
in; r effecting permanent
cures, been convinced . of
the fact that premature
ness, loss of power, etc.,
are but symptoms result
ing from chronic inflam
mation or .congestion in
the prostate gland, none
have as yet been able to
duplicste my;ures. My
system of local treatment
is the only effective means
yet . known for restoring
the prostate to its normal
state, which always results
in full and complete return
of strength and vigor.
Such a cure, is absolutely
permanent, , because . the
condition responsible, for
the functional disorder is
entirely removed, i It is
the - only kind of a cure
a patient desires, and. is
the only kind of cure I
will treat for. ,
Consultation Free
I: state -nothing in my
announcements but . the
straight, square truth. It
will cost you nothing to
call and talk over your
case. . ' You can find out
all about your trouble and
you can later arrange to
begin treatment any time
you like. My offices, com
prising 10 rooms,- are tbe
largest, most elegant and
best equipped in the west
Portland, Or.
coming to Portland for. treatment
of charge., . Check your trunks di
,, , .--.. V
- W wen to Impress H spna svsry
weak man rhat wa raa oiake blm
troag. vlgorotia, healtky, alert nt
free from every taint t dleeaae end
weaknea. We bev llmltad onr
Specially ta nrarttra to only a tew
' at tb more Important dlaorder ea '
that w cntttd anderaund tbee thor
nifbly. Onr etpajrlence alnng this '
Una tor twenty-f Iv year qiiellfle ".
i to y poIHvely that aiirs'iron
ilea e Hlght Emiealme, Loat Vigor,
reriooaala. Rvdraoaka. - Oeatract4 "
, Dlcordara, Ooataglou Bleed alm,
. Itrlotur end J' Waakneaa" can he'
mred perfectly s to ty en red.
' rf roar, we- nee different method
' then th ordtaary pliyelclan. Mnat '
' f tb ar original with ea and
war devised tor 1nt eurb rae -
th. .riln.r mtmramm mi tTMlmMt
ear offloe aad aoaault aa, and Vy ss