THE. OREGON " SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 21, 1007. cKson&Deering .1 , ' i. .730,000 A corner u 8econd ' and Kverett it a. with 1-atory brick, IS-lncn walla, cement fooUne-a, that will rant aa It stands for per cent and easily Improved o It will pay mora. Let ua - show yoe thla. . $2S,O0O Three lota oa Htb. at whar . ureal Aoruera ' naa irancnia and where track will soon be - laid. Good temporary Income. Terms. Thin la a choice buy. 920.00O A choice location. Couch at between 7th and tth; JurU the ' thine tot a email induatry. . $12,75047 lots two blocks from , Klcbmond can with nva nouses, . ' ranted, and all at prlo of vac v cant lota. Must sell quickly. 9 8.50O A choloe lot on 18 th at near Tarn hill; good location for , ,' apartment! or flat at bltf In ; ' coma. .;. ' ' - , ,.. '.. - V ' .'''.' '"" 9 8.S0O 10x115 on 10th near Wash ington; a Una buy and food In- coma. Thla muat so promptly or price will advance. 9 8,500 A atrictly modern dwelling - la arlatoeratlo Jrvtncton; ce ment aldewtlka will be laid; seeing mean buying. ' Let ua ahow you thla.. -9 6,000 Two dwelling on Qulmby, la flrst-claas condition, with all modern appliance, t and ' rooms. Will rent for 170 oaally. Muat aell promptly, so Investl ' gat and aubmlt propositions. -9 5,000 Oood - acreage along Mt , - Scott Una, suitable for platting. 9 4.50O New modern l-room dwell ing, lot Eaat Hth, just Off ", ' Hawthorne av. term. . 9 4,000 Splendid corner on Oulld and Reed at a. In heart of manu ''. facturtng district, or will balld and leaae to responsible tenant : 9 2,000 A nice little homo, SO East . la, corner uinion. . iut a look at It S 1.800 -roou cottage 1017 Bel mont A good buy and rent ing 117. ... 9 l,50O 0 acres good land, near . Hlllsboro Una and only short , distance out--.. ' 9 1,300 A fine 0-foot lot In Holla. day Park, very sightly and a superb homo site. : 9 1,000 An SO-acr tract rich land, partially Improved and balance easily cleared, near ' EsUcada Una. Juat tha place for a small ' rancher. -v - -..,; 9 850 A Una building lot. Eaat th at, 100 feet from Tillamook. Beautiful n on JacRson&Deering 'Phone Main tii. 141 Stark St SPECIAL BARGAINS SELECTED FROM OUR LIST OF REAL ESTATE ?45,00O Half block' opposite new proposed 8. P. station. Eaat Alder, between Water end First. A splendid warehouse loca tion. ' r -, , 98,500 Quarter block 100teet from Hawthorn avenue near Orand avenue.' $0,600 will handle. Can be mad to pay 10 per cent net ; - - ' " ; ;. ?10,000 Quarter block. East Sixth near Haw thorne. Revenue. . ,. , i 915,000 , EAST OAK. STREET Quarter block 100 feet from Orand ave nue. Owner pays street Improvements. . - 910,000 : ; . Quarter block East 8tark Street 1 blocks from Orand avenue. For a short time only at thla price. - i ACREAGE 40 aerea doe to Belle Croat and Roe City Park. This Property- lies beauti fully for platting. . Fin soli and only 10 minuter walk from car line. Her Is the best buy on th market ' Price 12,500.- I7,t00 will handle. to a ores, Baa Lin road, 'all In cultiva tion. producing fruits snd berries, rood buildings. ' an Ideal suburban i borne ..... . f ,. ,..97,000 41 ors close In, Powell Valley'- , road ............... f 5,500 48 aors miles east Powell Valley road . ..94,000 416 acres 11 minutes walk from ear Una . oa Powell Valley -f 700 i aorea, Hsselwood ,'iU..';;..:.f TSO aorea, Hewhurat Park...., 9SOO V acres, Eastwood ......... .S700 aorea,' Johnson Creek. JSatacada . "n ...fl.100 MO acres, Clarke county, Wsah.f 3,600 MUW wva MW WUDlXi Wash........ .4.95,500 10 acres, finely located oa th peninsula ,.9 12,500 U acres, 1 la sol wood 81,250 4 acres on B. 18th st, one block from Hawthorn sv. a choice spot -vfor platting ...f 12,600 ; The dead has come to life. tThe background has come to the front. Linnton next. The most 3 beautiful subur b of . y Portland is Linnton. v Surrounded by the hills Jarid by the .'work of Mother Nature. - Port- , land and Linnton will ' be one. in time. Buy early and get choice ' .. lots. Business lots. as - well as - desirable resi- ... dence property. Linn ton at last.) ? ( Water Front Property , The best on the Wil- ' v lamette river for factory :.; Sites.'-;'. :;;;.- :. ; .-y.--;. For acreage, large or small tracts, hear Linn ton, call on 'V". Also ' fine residence lots and acreage in Whitwood Court. '.'Bought two lott In'J BELLE CREST v ; On Much 18 for $1050, paying $105 cgh. In lsi than ; TWO WEEKS f ; HE : RECEIVED $125.00 BARGAIN Anthony Hardy Linnton, Oregon Real . Estate, Timber Lands and Farms . Properly Lambert-Whitmer Co. 10T XZaM.OCX aTOTLOnra, 404 B. Horiit2s IN PORTLAND f : 13 OCR LIST BUPORB INVESTINO. ::Ei;:iE0Y & ihckok :as minx sxoxajraa. f 6,000 Fof that splendid 8-robm v new modern house at the inter- section of Hawthorne and Mar guerite aves, ; lot 100xl37j4 ; barn," chicken park, ; etc ; fine lawn, roses and fruit'; part cash, -easy terms on balance ; ' ; 9700Choice lot In South Sun nyside; terms. J ?l,30O Half block, 266x106, on East 39th st . ; ; -$1,250 Five-room modern cot tage, corner, lot 50x100; terms, $550 -Good building lot nea - Hawthorne ave. . , tou aown ana $10 , per month lor lots in rarlc View. . ' (Name on request) ' A LADY . . Bought lot u ,: : BELLE CREST Yesterday for $750, paying $75 down. ' In lets than THIRTY MINUTES ' ,i . $50.00 (Nam on request) SHE WAS OFFERED FOR HER BARGAIN It's only fifteen minutes from the heart of the business center to "7. The most beautiful residence section in Portland, situated due east . ' of Irvington, on Sandy Road Boulevard - IMPROVEMENTS Streets graded, cement side walks and Bull Run " put in at OUR ' -'-'V ; -i-b-1 ' : : " ; : r":r v expense , , 'Imcy'Z m ) v :V ADVANTAGE Lots cost you no more than you would have to pay for UNIM PROVED property in other locations as close in JO' 1 TERMS .f:.;:.-::-i. Lots $400 upten per cent of purchase price cash able a few dollars per month balance pay- A!' 1 iv An auto 5. tjs-V ft '. 1 .. ; obile will call for you at - any time that is convenient for you and take you out! to see this beautiful as well as profitable property v r,;y- v.-3 ' - ; THE SPANTON CO. f Opposite Chamber of Commerce 270 STARK ST. PHONE-MAIN 2828. JACOBS-STINE COMPANY S wetland -Building, ' Fifth and Washington Sts; ' PHONE MAIN 359. ' Conklin Bros East 85th st and Hawthorne' ave. Phone Tabor 808. SCEWIC PLACE $400 to $450 ;: For Lots 50x100 Feet Etch, in Scenic Place. , Streets graded. sidewalks made, and Bull Run water in front of every lot St Johns ear line passes In front of the property. and it adjoins the beautiful Columbia Park on the east, which is being- high ly improved by the city. ' One of the most desirable locations for a home on the Feninsula. 7 Holmes & Mcncfec 89 THIRD STREET. Chamber of Commerce, ; Cr 6-Rooa Uodcm House Improved atrret; hoaaa partly rur Wa)J on B. Xlth St.. froutliis 1 rr lln. Only f 5,500. 1 JAOTS OTFSOaT. , Tk Cow r aiM. IdaJa, X tat rlc. , PrcfjccdOvcr$21,CCJ.C03lalJC5 1 am olnf to organ! cohpany to Pirnt a group of ' claims - near Hiirk. Ii)ho. will lt a ftw In on th around rt". For lrforirtlo) Adfaas V. U. i-ill. fias sit, Half cash, will buy a piece of business property paying 24 per cent ;net, and Which will double in value in a year. " Commercial V InvestmcntCompany 1. D. B. Mackie, Manager. 530-331-332 Lumber Exchange rl . . Building. , : '.; ':, ;,: TIBBETTS ADDITION , ; CLOSE ENOUGH TO WALK.' " Lot. 1171 to 100 each; t: Rah. IS monthlr. t-roora eottar. tl.100; f 100 down, (11 and Interest monthlr. -room cottar. tlOO; S100 down. 114 and Interest monthly. . a mini -S-room realdanoa. hmait porhea, modem ennvenleneea, quarter blocx; oniy avv cam. . sm oar gain lp the citf. j r ' . The Dunn-Lawrcncc Co. ' 14Vk nmSI gTKZZT. , Magnificent Cot- ' tage Home Plase wortH M.SOO for f 2.S0O. Cor ner lot. S-room Queen Ann rotUre, poroeUtn bath, hot and cold water, pat ent toilet, merble-top waahatanda; full concrete baaementi siecww' nania; treeU tmproTed; new sidewalks. Place all landscape Yerdneo. in irranaeat plao you ver aaw for th money. Leas than th Improvements coat Very easy terms. STTmr-tAwmtjre - coiorAjrr, X4ft Vlxst gtr . D. E. KEASEY & CO. Portland Giejqhts FOUR NEW COTTAGES $3,750 to $4,000 On'car line 66 and 1 rooms, gas and electric lights, sewer and city water, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, etc., fine view of Mt Hood, Vz lots with each house. Terms to suit ' . ! - DTE. KEASEY & CO. Exclusive i Dealer in; Heights Property. Office on the Heights and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2159. : , v AAAAi ..AAA Op niORE CDANCE BEFORE THE RAISE I PEDD1C0RD HURLBERT'S ADDITION A Subdivision ol Glcmvood Park Between the Rivers . w a..v MrtTW tuff r.vnr.DATutit . . . v.- pare their location with the PENINSULA, between THE RIVERS. You Twill find them Mi " - i- That is why the OREGON ft WASHINGTON RAILROAD COMPANY why the SWIFT PA Mr ' INQ COMPANY, why the WEYERHAEUSER LUMBER COMPANY end greet m5n o Ur ' corporation, have invested millions ol dollars to secure. sites for their bulUhSj. i' has been on the market but two weeks, yet one half is sold. . ua,css nere. xus property , , If you want an investment aa well as a home, let us show you this. Every lot lmrwnv.,1 ....... o eradedand BuU Run water. Best car service. No automnhii. V.. erjr Iot proved, streets Once More . . yrm am aiu . AcreTracts On the Mount Scott electric lin this aide of Lenta; t-cent car fare; streets to be in-aded and water brought to each acre. . Th surveying will be done at once, and as w have only 1(. aorea. It will be to your adrantas to ae us at one If you want an acre or more. Our terms of payment will b easy and prices from f 500 to f 60 per a era Lota are selling tor more money further from the city. - Bee aa about this at once. Nothing like thla on th market, nor has been for a year or more. Knapp & Alackey a (KAiaza or oomtxaroa. RUN 800M MU R CO. Mattings, all It a. Japan fancy roods now at 7 North 6UU$ sc. aaar avia. thou raolAo liS. TERMS: -v-'-V; $50.00 Down; $10.00 Per Month met mill May 1st Qvnr g frirn I Alley snd Lot 50x100 00 1 d III t) t)U X E.C.DURLBERT r66m 29. 268 STARK STREET. VV. J. PEDDICORD GLENWOOD PARK. AT HARDWARE STORE. Timber for ; Cord Wood (0 acres good land ' with timber noorh to pay twlc over for the land, near a W, P. R. IU II miles out from city. , Call and let ns show It to you. Buchtel & Kerns sea a. scoaumiOaT it. Chicken Ranches W have on our Hat a number of Una chicken rancbea conveniently located; 1 to to acres. ... , , -' li & HICK Oa Ht litimher yiohangs. 15 ACR.ES 100 LOTS SOUTH PORTLAND . Vaanat Traot 4. Oantar ot City, . ; HOT tLAITZXK ', II mtnotoa rrom Third and Waahtnrtna a. aad S ailnntn' walk. Otir prtra i,(mo I era. V0 BIDOE8 HO DELATS. Saw dlatane aaat ot renter; lota liner at 2,(KS eaco. and areat of water, $s,0M .ab. YEREX BROS; COMPANY rWae alata US. - SOS OMdnaticfc Idf. Fine Investment 100x100 with two 8 -room cottajea, N. Vf. corner of E. Ith and XL Taylor sts. Be '" ',, J. L Wells Co. JLcxu to, C a Bide. Coil Bros 8PECIAL18TS in Hawthorns ' ave. . property. ' Lots, houaea and lota, and acrease thronthout this district for sale. ; HOUBES t)ESIQNEO and built.' plans snd specifications furnished to home builders.. . . vs i '" .-' non Vajbob aoe. ' orncii, bait as-rx abb uv. ' ,k TBOBBB ATB. ; - - For Sole ' Cheap NEW BUNQALOW I roomS, corner lot (0x114; porcelain bath and plumblnf throughout flrat claaa. tinted walls, nice attlo) near Mt ' Tabor car line; 1300 or more down! balance easy terms. . a m, noxnoir, ut rm t