The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 21, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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Idaho's Junior v Senator Need
, Expect No Mercy From
Federal Attorney.
If Borah'a Prayer I Granted the
Federal Prosecntor WW ProbaMj
Resign Must Go to Baltimore to
See Bonaparte.
(Bxntt Im tr Uanat UuH Wire.)
Washington. April JO. Cnlted States
District Attorney Rulck of Idaho, who
la after the timber thievea or ma state,
.'arrived la Weahington today to report
to tha deDartment of Justice, ,
Senator Borah, upon hi indictment
for conanlracr la connection with tha
timber frauds, appealed to tha depart
ment of Justice and the prealdent to
have tha United States district attor
ner called off. claiming that bo was
, being persecuted and that tha Indict-
ment la the result of a conspiracy oa
the tart of tha union labor men.
Senator Borah la one of tha Boo sa
ve It Republlcana of Idaho. Ha la the
man selected by tha state to prosecute
H&vwood and Mover and the other or-
firlals of tha Western Federation of
Miners who are held as being respon
aible for tha death of the late Governor
Bteunenberg. Prealdent Roosevelt haa
' condemned tha three mine leaders as
beinar unfit for American eltlaenshlp.
This attack upon men awaiting trial for
their Urea has stirred organised labor
men la all sections of the country to
deep resentment, and Senator Borah la
giving this condition of affair as tha
reason for hla indictment. , r .
Bolck a Xaa JTot to Be Moved, '
Mr. Rulck Bays ha haa no Information
aa to why ha baa beea ordered her. He
failed to sea Attorney-General Bona
parte today, as that - cabinet officer
upend all of tha time excepting Tues
days and Fridays, cabinet days, at his
home In Baltimore, ' :
air. Rulck will have to go to Balti
more tomorrow or Monday to see the
need of the department of Justice or re
main until Tuesday, when Mr. Bona
parte will come over to attend tha
cabinet meeting. It la aald oa excellent
authority, that Mr. Ruick Is a de
termined man' and - that nothing the
prealdent or department of Justice of-
flclala can - asr. or any presauro they
might bring to bear will force him to
let op in his campaign to land all those
Involved In tha timber thefts,
A dose associate of Mr. Rulok to
night declared that It tha officials here
attempt to tie Ralck'a hands so that he
will be unable to proceed in the matter
ha will resign .his offlce Immediately. , t
Seattle, Wash., April 20. Seattle open
, ed the season all wrong today, loatng
to Butta by the score of i to 4. Mayor
Moore curved three balls close enough
to the plate for Centerflelder Bell of
the Butt team to swing wildly at them
'' and then tha mayor was led away. Mad
I Mack been supported be would have
S held Butt to one run. The home team
- piled up six errors and got only three
hits. Matt Stanley had a bad day, miss
ing a third strike and glvtna- Butt "wo
runs by a wild toss vhn rs nad Bell
between third and home. Th Seattle
team looks weak and was outclassed.
'.Scor:: v.,- -'-.,-'"" ! -'
i " ' . '. R. H E
' Beattl .... o a a'
Butt ..... 1011000 1 I
Batteries: Mack and Stanley; Oarvln
and Meyer. Umpire, Ehret.
"Vv..-:s."- - ' ' - . '"v
Anna field's Famous Hit Is the feature;
of Our Music Section.
Vhat'd Yd Do Wid k Letter, tSt. Johnson?" is the catchiest
... ragtime ong going. Anna Held made dollars and applause with
it, and we submit it to the readers of our Music Section for their
approval ''';'":"'. " . '
Would you know of the troubles of a certain ebonized gentle
man who was intrusted to. mail a letter conUining five dollars?
Then consult the Music Section. The dusky Venus who wanted
that letter posted tells in coon dialect what will happen if Mr. John
sing does not produce the five-spot or an alibi, and as he is just
out of fivers and alibis his tribulations are many and intense. :
. . Mr. Johnson wishes that the irate damsel, would believe he Is
related to George Washington;. but ah knows him, and neither
silence nor explanation shield him from her wrath. See how you
, like Monroe Rosenfeld's popular composition in the Music Section.
South Portland Citizens' Association Adopts Resolution Declar
ing Its Stand Against System - of; Presenting Publio
, i, "'Officials With Free Transportation. t '
Denunciatory resolutions ware adopted
last night at a meeting of th South
Portland CUlsens , association against
members of the elty council whoa
names are registered against th pae-
aaaa of th oral nance promoiung ui
acceptance of passes. It was resolved
that th members or ' tn association
were unalterably opposed to the re
nomination and election of all of th 11
eounollmen who opposed th ordinance.
Th meeting was held In Terwiuiger
hall. First snd Sheridan streets. V. K.
Strode presided In th aoaeae ox ino
president and tha resolutions wars In
troduced by Judge Mark O'NelL Dr.
W.(L Cottell. a candidate for election
to the council from th ' fifth ward,
spoke agalnat th resolution. J. F.
Booth, recently elected by th council
to membership to succeed Councilman
Masters, also opposed th resolution,
though his position was vague.
A number of othera also spoke. , but
when the, vote was mad there wa not
a dissenting voles, .
. Oppose Fark onda.
Th association also placed Itself on
record aa opposing th proposed appro
priation of 1 1,000.00 for ' park pur
poses, on th ground that thai selectleo
of th grounds had not been made. It
Is a dangerous proposition, th associa
tion believed, to piao that sum or
money at the disposal of flv man with
which to purchase parka. -
Th meeting wa on of a series that
la to be held by th association for th
purpose of discussing proposed amend
menta. Th association Is a non-
polltlcal organisation composed of cltl
sens of that part of th city.
Captain Lays Bare to the Grand
Jury System of Toll .
' Collections. - v
Astoria. Or , April 10. Th Seaside
Development league has written Mana
ger Whyta of the chamber of commerce,
requesting permiaalon to participate In
entertaining Vice-President Fairbanks,
and also suggesting that he be taken te
Seaside for a few hours. -
Rearet Hews by Longest Leased Wire.)
San Francisco, April 10. Tru to his
promts. Captain of Folic "John Mooney
today laid bar before tha. grand Jury
th whole startling system of police
protection by which certain favored re
sorts la th new tenderloin hav flour
ished In direct violation of th law. He
declared that his own officers and po
licemen had given him false reports
that they had closed certain notorious
divea whan tn reality they were per
mitting them to run In shameless aban
don,. f '
Captain Mooney declared It waa his
belief that some on "higher up" In the
administration possessed an Influence
stronger than his own with th officers
and policemen of his command and that
this Influenoe waa being used to main
tain against hi will a disorderly sec
tion of th elty. After Captain Mooney
left th grand Jury room he refused
to discus his testimony, but would not
deny that th man "higher - ap" was
none other thsn Chief of Police Dlnan
and that h waa th on who wa
exerting an all-powerful Influence over
th officers and policemen of Mooney
command, which take In th new ten
derloin. Captain Mooney expo te th grand
Jury today a will lead to an immediate
InveaUgatlon of th entire police de
partment la accordance with hi plan
of campaign. Captain Mooney tonight
with three trusted man from hla com
mand raided four of th largest gam
bling resorta in th Tenderloin and ar
rested 10T gamblers. No on except
these four officer knew that th raid
waa to be pulled off and terror soon
spread along th nine." '
Word paaaed from , th ' house . that
"Mooney wa making good hi prom
ise." Lights were hurriedly put out In
a hundred resorts of questionable na
ture and patrons hurried out quickly
through rear doors. Th raid waa on
of the mot successful ever pulled off
by th polio department. A
Former Police Commissioner, Alexan
der CVOrady. wanted by the graft
prosecution to testify concerning the
sudden authorisation of th cash-nay
tng slot machines by th board of po
lice commissioners in January, haa dis
appeared. Detective Burns has searched
for htm In vain sine Thursday. It haa
been stated that th grand Jury haa un
covered proofs showing that Mayor
Schmlta, through Fred HUbert, received
half of th profits from th gambling
slot machine that ran full sway until
District Attorney Langdon closed them
out at th and of SO days. O'Oradjr'e
wire oeciares mat n nas gone to Reno.
It 1 rumored on tha street that
O'Orady haa slipped quietly out of San
Francisco to avoid subpoena, and in
Reno hs la immune. It la aald that he
ts waiting for th grand Jury to com
plete It InveaUgatlon along police line
before he return. -
; ; -- , . , . ; : 7" . . . t r . - - .
REPEAT JTELF W-k. f ' ' I .
The Furniture Trust Doomed
The people are no longer compelled to" pay the high prices charged by the' Furniture Trust. We give here
some of our prices Compare them with the Trust', prices. "J ;i' I J v i . ( : " r " y'!'
DINING CHAIRS, polished oak, box cane seats : . . . . . ; ; . i . . . . ; ... . . .$ 2.50 ; ... . . . . v. Trust . Price $ 3.50
KITCHEN CABINET, zinc top, "Modern Columbia?.... ....:.v.... $14.75.;. Trust ;Price $18.00
SPRINGS, Yum Yum, any size ". . .'I;.'... .'. . . . :V.'. i. ;.$ 2.50. .Trust :Price $ 333
DRESSERS, birdseye maple, quartered oak or mahogany ; i . - 1 7; ' t' : , '
- : full swell front, 22x28, French beveled mirror; . . ..... ... .$23.75 : . . .... . . iTrust- Price $29.00
MATTRESSES, wool top, 2A tick, any size . . . . . .'. . ; .v.: . . .$ 20. . . . '.' I'l .Trust Price $ 3.33
RUGS, 9x12 Tapestry Brussels ...... . . ... . . V. . . ... . .. .$15.00. ..v;. .Trust Price $20.00
Attempted Train Wrecking.
fPsMlsher' Pteae by Special LeaMd Wire.)
East Hartfori", Conn April 10. Ar
thur PettlngllL a railroad man from
Newport, waa arrested her by Sheriff
Moor late today, charged with at
tempted train wrecking. Pettlnglll said
that ha waa Intoxicated and this ac
counted for his action today.
." b. a. b. vuan ; J
Why do you darn the smallest hole that maw appear in
your stocking? Simply to prevent the hole enlarging until the
stocking becomes useless. ' '.-''. -C'-
- When a cavity appears in any of your teeth, have it prompt
ly filled it will prevent the tooth from becoming useless. - ;
Plates would be almost unknown if people took the same
care of their teeth that they do with their stockings and
clothes. ; , . .- -: . ' -. ' '. . - ' "..',-. ..;
That hollow in the cheek will disappear if you have abridge
made to fill that ugly gap jn your mouth where those teeth
are missing.' - t .. ' -
A well-fitted bridge, such as we make; will prove a constant
source of comfort and joy. You will say that it is the best
investment that you ever made. ... A
Good Set Teeth on Rubber Plate $5 Best Set Teeth on Robber Plate Id
DR. B. E.
Phone Hain 2119 ??.? Portland
Denderit PUrniture
Green Front Bui I diner
Between : Washington and Starlsr,
Seattle Judge Then Gives Con
ttantlne a Year and Five
Vhousand Fine.
Defendant Appeals, Flinching From
Even On Year In Prison Jury
Finds Sane Man May Fire Six
Shote WiUxmt Intent to Kill
Beattle. April . After scoring the
Jury for Its verdict, Jndga Morris, la
tha criminal court thla morning, dipped
oft one year of tha maximum penalty
and sentenced William Conatantlne to
ona year in tha state penitentiary and
to pay a Una of $6,000. The'flne Is tha
highest permissible, and at tha rata of
aerrlna sot at 1 1.000 a rear would ordi
narily mean fire years' additional lm-
Diisonment If not paid. .
Notice of appeal to tha supreme court
waa siren, an. Constantlne waa released
on 111.000 balL
For tha first tlms since the ease waa
called f.r trial Constantlne showed amo
tion while Judge Morris waa pro
nouncing the words consigning him to
a convict's oelL His eyes filled with
tears and he oom pre seed his Hps- so
tightly that tha edges were white. - By
a great effort ha controlled himself and
walked steadl ' with head erect to a
seat beside Attorney Shipley.
Jesse Hal- his son-in-law, whom be
snot stood against tha wall. When tha
sentence was pronounced . he , freely
sooka hla disappointment.
"It should have been tha limit, under
such a verdict," he' aald. ( it miglrt
hare been worse, though. Ra would
shoot ma again If ha thought ha could
ret out Of It."
"Conatantlne, yon hare by your crime
and conviction, presented to ma the
hardest and most dlmoult problem that
haa arer coma before me," aald Judge
Morris. "Ton hare resided In this com'
wunlty IT or It years, maintained your.
self as a good el Uses and attained a
position of honor; yet. In ona moment of
passion and anger, you nare rorreiieo
these rewards of thrift and Industry.
It la almost impossible - to tinder-
stand tha rerdlct of tha Jury. If you
ware. Insane, tha Jury should bars ao
aultted you, and If you wara sane when
tha tragedy occurred you should bare
been oonrloted aa charged of aaaaulf
with latent to commit murder. -
"It is impossible ror ma to under-
stand by what process of .reasoning tha
jury ooula find that a man who fires s1
shots at and Into a person does not
mean to kllL It la quits beyond me.
And yet. maybe It waa the ekUl and
ability of your attorneys that prevented
lha greater verdict."
Hera arc some potato reesrda around
Woodbura: P. J. Anderson, ' 10 acree.
old for 11.041; Martin Bergen, t sores,
for 70; Bonney Bros., IS acres, for
HIT; Hemshorn Bros- sold 4 acres of
Land Office Commissioner Prods
Up Clerks on Oregon Pat
' ents Once More. ..
Washington, April JO. Commissioner
Bellinger of tha general land office to
day Issued another order that tha 100
clerks In his department must work
harder hereafter. In order that valid pat
enta for Oregon landa mar be hurried
to issuance. Bal linger recently ordered
all hla clerka to work an extra half hour
each day. thus adding 150 hours to each
business day. Ha says to his employes
that thousands of settlers In tha west
arc awaiting their patents, who may
hare-waited for years, and It Is only
Just to them to hasten tha preliminaries
and avoid further delay.
This means that all tha pressure pos
sible will bo put on tha governmental
maohlno to carry out Balllnger'a or
der, also given recently, that all Oregoa
patents which are regular shall bo Is
sued at tha earliest possible moment
Tha commissioner haa looked Into tha
situation In Oregon and called for re
ports from tha officials aa to tha num
ber of patenta pending and tha factb In
general relationship thereto, and finds
on Immense ' number of cases where
there ts not a scintilla of evidence of
fraud or other Irregularttlea. V there
fore quickly aald:
"Get out those patenta Just aa rapidly
aa yon can. Make your clerka work
harder. Compel them to put la every
hour they are In their offices with en
ergy. Olve those Oregon settlers a fair
The result haa been a moot unprece
dented shaking np from the, oommlaston
or dewn to the messengers' force. Those
heretofore- too prone to work leisurely
aw now voraing aiks nemwre. - aauia
ger. - in a month and a-' half baa ao
onmDiished wonders In stralrhtanlnr out
tha land office and has still other re
forms tn store, He will visit Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana
and all the other public land states,
thla aummsr to compel Improvementa In
methods so that the nubile mar be bet
ter served. '
Woodbura, Or -April 10.' At a largo
and enthuslaatlo meeting of the Law
and Order league In thla city tonlijit
stspa ware taken to enlarge tha scope
of the league and extend tt throughout
the county. Committees were ap
pointed, the memebrshlp waa Increased
and a large aum of money subscribed.
The league will meet again on the first
Saturday night la June, when there
will be a grand rally. Meanwhile the
executive committee,- the personnel of
which Is not publicly known, will do
the real work of the league. - . ' '
Importers. Publishers and
Wholesale Dealers H
Illustrated Post
Cards of Every
lAsfV - g
5oIe Distributing
Ajents for (
Columbia - R i v e r
Wishin7ton, Cali
fornia. AlaalaT and
Oregon Scene r 7
Largest Manufacturer! of Post Cards in the World ; ' ' '
s Mail Orders. Big and Little, 'Receive Prompt Attention :.
Office at the Postal Shop, 124 Fifth St., Portland, Or.
anion for Slot