The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 21, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Call Cames in. C.b Leagues .'
Automobile. . Intelligence Ore
gon Captures the Track Meet.
Daseball Scores of Northwestern
Coast, National , and American
Leases Racing and Boxing.
Sunday JoumalPagepiSporis
Edited by J. A. HORAN
Portland Meets Oakland ' Again
Everything In Sportdom
, :. ' ;..'
Members Will .Assemble, at the
"Multnomah Club and Start '
' C for the Sandy, v ; i
University Lads Too Fast for
. the Amateur Boys of
y : Multnomah '.
Chatter of Current Interest About
and Once More We Are
the Enemy's. - ,
.'''' v . . ;, .
- the Local : Lads Who
. , Play Ball. '
Xewma tMalocate Hia Shoulder and
Will Be Out of Play for Some
TimeIncident of a Gam That
, LocjlU Lofti Fir to Two.
(Brant New by Umst twit Win.) ',
- Oakland, I; Portland, a. " ;
San Frencleeo, April 20. Whatfe the
matter with the' catcher en the Oak
land and" Portland teamaT .Address an
swers to Hackett and Donahue. Neither
' the rotund receiver of the Oakland team
nor the wiry backstop of the Portland
aggregation seemed able to find second
baa in thla afternoon's struggle. Hack
ett escaped with only one error, but it
, waa costly; but for Haley's agility on
the second station he might have had
more. Pat Donahue on his first ap
pearance ainca his secession from Stock
ton, waa -in poor form. Ha drew . two
' of Portland's mtsplays; charge the oth
er two mistakes, to Walt McCredle.
. It waa a so-so game. Randolph
' pitched for Oakland, waa touched up
- for aeven blngles. Schlmpff for Port
land waa rapped for nine. The score
.' waa I to t In favor of the Commuter.
, inmu Injured, -Scoring
started in the second frame.
Newman, for Portland, waa slipped a
: walk. ia stealing second he slid and
. dislocated hi shoulder. He may b
, out cf the game for several weeks. Car
' son waa put In to take hia place on
'. the circuit when the inning was over.
Moore was sent to cover first. With
! Carson on second Hackett drew his one
error by winging wild to catch him
napping. Carson went right on past
third and did not atop until he had got
. Newman's name in th run column.
Van Haltren'a ' men came in in the
, same inning and registered two.. The
work of Donahue, Portland's backstop,
. had aome bearing on' the first one of
' these marks. Hackett scored on Pat's
wlldness. The fat one singled and went
to second on Bigbee's sacrifice. Haley
waa ticketed and Donahue, lh a cour
ageous attempt to catch him off first,
shot th sphere to th right field
j bleachers., Hatckett came all the way
, in from, second: - Haley, meanwhile, had
( gone to third and scored on, Dcver-
eaux'a infield out. '. ; , '". ;':,
, : More man to Oakland. "
In the fourth, Eagan and Hackett
singled and both advanced on' Bigbee's
Infield out. Haley flew out to right
and Eagan beat the throw-In. in the
rif th Randolph's single. Smith's sacri
fice and Van -Haltren'a elngle netted
another. Van'a rap waa vicious snd
-. missed being a double by about two
feet, a th old bey almost stretched It
The Beavers got their other mark in
the seventh on Moore's two-bagger,
etaton's Infield out and Donahue's aln
gle. Oakland's final run In the seven tn
earns on Haley's walk and McCredle'
muff of Van Haltren'a long fly. A
' good Saturday crowd eat the encounter
' out. ' ' ' - -1 - . ".
' . " PORTLAND. '
I AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
iShlnn, lb ..... t 0 0.1 0
Ixveti. cf. i ... I 0 1;
Casey, 2b. t g I
'McCredle, rt ....... 4 t I I I
Dunleavy, If. ....... 4 , 1 I 0
Newman, lb. ....... 0, 1 0 1
- Staton.. ........ . 4 0 11 4 0
Donahue, e. L ........ 1 0 0 2 I 1
Rchlmpff, p.....M.. I 1 J I
Moore, lb. ...... I 1 . 1 '
Totals tilt "I
; ; OAKLAND. ;
! : K AB. R. II PO. A. E.
Smith, if.':....:;...... 1 0 1 .i o
Van Halt re n. cf....i. 4 , t 4 1
Heltmuller, rf. ...... 4 0 0 1 1 1
;F.agan, sa. .......... 4 11 it 0
Hackett, e. .......... I .: 1 4 .0 1
Blgbee. lb, .......... 1 0
Haley, 2b. .......... 1 2 41 t
; Devereaux. 'lb. . . . . . t 1.6 0
Randolph, p. ....... i I 1 $ 6 I 6
'" Total 8 "T f7 " "l
. . ......6 1 0 6 0 0 1-6 01
Hits. . ........J 1 6 6 0 6 J J 6 7
Oakland. .6 J 6 1 1 6 1 6 J
Hits . .-2 I 6 I 1 6 1 6
SUMMARY. 5 ' - , '
Two-baae hit Moore. . Sacrifice hit
Bigbee, Smith, Devereaux. First base
on called bails on Bcnimpir, x: on- nn-
dolph. 6. Struck' out By schimpir, l
bv Randolbh. I. - Hit by pitcher Big
bee. Stolen bases Newman, Staton,
Iovett. Doubl rlaya Van Haltren to
Hackett; Schlmpff to Staton to New
man; Heltmuller . to Bianee; caaey to
Donahue to Moore. Wild pitch Ran
, bolph. Tim or arame one nour ana
. 40 mlnutee. Umpire Derrick. ,
''"''"''",' Won. Lost. P.C
Chicago.. 4 1 ,00
New Tork . t , .714
Cincinnati t - t .600
Fhllsdelphla . . ., .11 . .400
Boston ................ 1J .500
St Louis t 4 . .420
, Pittsburg 14 .200
.Brooklyn . ....i...... 1 vl . 00
Won. Lost.
... 4 1
Chtcaavi . . ......
fw Tork
. i
4 s 2
l-nlladelphla .' .......
. Benton ......
Ixttrolt . .
Washington . . .......
St. Louts
Played. Won. Ixist PC.
ITswthom . ..... 1 l
North Central .... I 1 . ,L i . .so
Woodlawn ...... . 1 I , ,ooo
Played. Won. Ubst P C,
Plitturk . ........ 1,1 0 l.OOO
l i. h 11 1.000
1 (I I .......... . 1 0 2 .000
PUyed. Won. Lost. P C
ttnt Tabor .... 1 i s
' ..nlnvllla . ..l.K't 1 ' 1. .ftOO
(-.iiiUi MU Tabor.. 1 i. 1 .000
riaylWon. LL PC
'' 1 1
V oodxt.K'k 1 1 .000
ii i 'I
Miss Fuxty, owned . br Thomas C.
Wolleson of Portland. Tbl dos
la a fall-blooded white Pomeran
lan and an intellectual wonder. -
Trunkmakers and Brainard Cutis
. Will Meet on the Local ;
Diamond. 1
Recreation Park Has Been Put In
Pine Condition i and the Fature
Star of the Diamond Will Do
.... Their Best Lineup of the Teams,
Th second - gam la the Trt-City
league schedule, will take place on the
Vaughn street grounds. .This game will
be between two ' very evenly matched
teams, the . Brainard Cuba and th
Trunkmakers J Each team Is liberally
supplied with' good players and th bat
tie ought to be on. ood.-f or sore eye.
Kotteman and Bhu.ti Portland bo vs.
will be in the point for the Cubs, while
Ball and Jameson will' officiate for th
Trunkmakers. Bail la a California
Stat leaguer of good record. Game will
be called promptly' at 1:10 p. m. by
L'mplre Cheyne. Th team will line up
about a follows: v
Cubs. ' '.. . Trunkmakera
Kotteman, Strelt,- Ball, Taylor,
Kruger ........ ...p Hamden
Shea, ' Chapen. . . .c. . .Jameson, Burke
Lodell ........... .lb Heltsman
Morrow ...'..2b.,. Fleming
Turk ,t ss. .. .Emerick. Ford
McElwaln :..Ib.. Day
Magness . .i. .... ..If . . .Vsn Northwlck
Kennedy rf Brlgg
Tauscher ....rf Brown
Cleveland, Chicago, Philadelphia
and New York Were the
j -' ' Winners Scores. '
(Pahllahen fnea Special LnseO Wire.)
Cleveland, O., April 20. Joss of the
Clevclanders allowed on hit today and
th Nap won. 4 to 1. Score:
Cleveland . . 4 7 1
Detroit .. 1 1
Batteries Joss and Clark: Wllletts.
Eubanks and Schmidt. Umpire
U iougQiin. . . ' -- ,
,'..''' , , ' At Caleaco. ' 1 " ;
Chicago, April 20. Th Sox bunched
their hit In th seventh Inning today
and clinched th gam. Score:
v . B, H. E.
Chicago . . .,. , 7 1
St. Louis . . lit
. Batteries Owen and Sullivan; Petty
and Buelow. Umpires Shertdea and
Btaaora. .'::
r. . At Philadelphia. -
Philadelphia. April 20. In th face
of a biting wind not conducive to good
ball playing Washington was defeated
by th Athletic today. Bender, pitched
for th Athletics and kept th ball un
der control until th fifth Inning, when
something seemed to rattle him.- Aa a
result th Senator netted four runs.
Afterward th chief settled down. In
th fourth Inning Catcher Blankanshlp
of th Washlngtons had a finger broken
by a foul tip off Seybold'a bat and was
replaced by Hay den. Score: - ' .
: . .' . , V. ?.-" . K. M. B.
Washington ..6 10 I
Philadelphia . . II
Ratteriea Kitson and Blankenshto.
Hayden; Bender and Sbreck. Umpire
Evans. , ., ,
' At w Torh.
New Tork. April 20 Jumping Into
th lead In th first Inning, th New Tork;
American bad an asy time In defeat
ing th Boston. Orth at all time had
th Beaneatera at hi mercy and kept
their hits well scattered. . Score:
- R. H. E.
Boston . , .....1 f
New Tork b I 12 1
Batteries Deneen tnd Ciiger: Orth
and Thomas. Umpire Hurst and
Connolly. ; ,
Snn Francisco ....... ..10
Istrn Ansel
lea I
Who la Mettrt He fit your eyes
for $1.00. Ill Sixth streaU
Huston, . Clark and Campbell Did
- Some Fine Btickwork, Securing
Two Doable Kacli Story of the
Contest and Official Score. -,
Multnomah's baseball team want down
to defeat, yesterday afternoon ' before '
their old rival from th University of
Oregon by a score of 11 to 7 in a game
that waa slow and full of errors, though
not more than could be expected, alnce
thla la th flrit gam of th season for
either team. I
. It waa Oregon's gam from th start. '
though Multnomah mad a rally In the
third Inning and put themaelvea. ahead '
of the board for a abort time.' Th
crisis of th gam came In th seventh .
Inning aa usual, when Oregon bunched
sis runs on the Portland boys, and from
that ' time on held th reins as they J
wanted them. - I
Multnomah seemingly knew that ah I
waa up agalnat a hard proposition, for
Chester Murphy was at th third bag.
In spit of It all. however, - nothing
could be don with th shifty boys from
up the valley, though th local lad
played hard at tha gam until th last
misfortune put them out of th run
ning. .. ( ...
Huston and. Clark, both from Ore
gon, and Campbell from Multnomah, did
some .heavy stick work and got two
aacka each. Huston and Gray, Morris.
Slnnot and Huston war th one who
made th only two double of the gam.
Other than those feature the gam waa
not so fast aa many seen on th Mult
nomah field. Oregon, however, evened
thing up -or tha lemon by ber victory.
Following , Is' the summary3 of th
gam: -
' '' I', -' , AB. R. H. PO. A. B.
Smith, If.' .4...: 2 0 10 0
itamp, cr. ........... I
Paine (Cap), lb. 6
Hathaway, tb. ...... 4
Clark, as. t
Kelly, rf. ........... t
Huston, tb. ......... 4
Johnson, c .......... 4
Hurd, p ............ t
0 1
1 11
1 1
........42 It
M. A. A. C
I 24 1 t
" AB. R. H. PO. A. El
Gray, as. .......
4 10 14
MonKle, ir. 4
McCleland, cf. (
CamnbelL 2b. .... 1
hWmiaton, Sb. ........ 4
Trowbridge, rf. ..... 4
Slnnott, lb. f
Stockton, o... ........ 1
Morris, p. 4
Murphy ............. I
1 14
1 2
1 0
Totals . v.. ...... .18 4 10 27 It 1
treiron , .' 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 111
Hits . 0 1 01012121
M. A.A.C 0040002004
Hits .......... .124001210 7
. : SUMMARY. .
Struck, out By Hurd. ; by Morris,!.
Bases on bolls Off Hurd, t; off Morris,
0. Two-baa hit Houston, Clarke,
Campbell. Doubl plays Houston to
Gray; Morris to Slnnot to Houston.
Sacrifice hit Smith, Ramp, Kelly.
Stolen bases Ramp, Hathaway, Hurd,
Paine, Henkle 2, McClellan. Slnnot,
Campbell. Hit by pitched ball Bmlth.
Passed ball Johnson. - Wild pitch
Hurd 1, Morris 3. - Lft on bases Ore
gon. t; M. A. A. C, t, Umpire Sie
bela. Scorer Fink.
Th Vancouver Christian Brothers base
ball team was defeated by th Blanchet
tnatltut yesterday by th score of I to
S. Th hitting of th B. L's won th
gam.. .Th score;.
. ''.w ' AB- 11 PO- A. B.
Albertlnl. tb. ......... 4 11111
Mueller, 2b. t I I 111
Ireland, sa. L 5 ' 1 111
Shave, lb ............ 4 0 0 1 1 0
Hercovlch, p. ....... . 0 2 10 4 0
Gleaaon, cf. 0' 11 1 0 0
Myer, c B 1 1 I 2 0
u. nanion, rr. ....... x 1 0 0 1
O. Har. If. 0 1 10
, Totala . 46 I II It IS
r" , .w' AB. R. IL PO.'A. E.
Norm lie, Ib. ........ 4 2 I 2 1,1
Monagnon. ZD 4 Oil I 1
8houlderer. es. ...... 4 0 0 1 1 1
Diller, cf. ........... 4 0 0 0 .0 0
Miner, o. ., .41 1 1 11
W, Stanton, p. 2 1 0 2 4 0
uougnron, in. ....... 4 0 1 10 0 1
C. Btonton, It 4 1 1 o o 0
Carthera, rf.. 4 0 0 0 0
Total . 25 t t 17 11 I
Blanchet ....... .2 1 o l o t a i l
Christian Bros... i. 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 14
' SUMMART. , '
Three-base hit Normlle. Two-base
hltei Mueller 2. Monaahan. Rarcnvlrlc
Bases on balls Off Hercovlch, 1; off
hits Mueller 2,' Monaghan, Bercovlch.
10; by Stanton. I. Hit by pitched ball
cnaver. rm Dan Htanton 1. Tim
of game On hour and 4S minutes. '
Th Shattuck Jr. club ha chanead
Its nam, and hereafter will be known
as th Beavers. Already th new nam
baa brought luck to them, They de
feated th Portland academy by a cor
of to I. Thla is th fourteenth straight
victory, xna lineup was; ,
Beavers. . poaition. Academy .
Young . ......... .o Wood
Pearcy J?" Robinson
Jones ............ lh. ............ . Co
Neleon ...." .2h. ........ ,, Mullen
Newcastle Blggbee
Rhopner .......,.......,..,. Han lev
Brown .......... .If ...,... Davidson
Hannon ...,.,....".,..,,,,.. Rtock
Lawrence .-.rf Archibald
. ii J
' gcorea of ihe Week..
Th corea made In th Grammar
I em rue during th wek were: North
Central It, Woodlaan I; Mt. Tabor 11,
Montavilla I; Hawthorn 12. . North
Central I; Ladd 0. Couch 10; South ML
Tabor 4, Montavlll 21: Arleta (. Wood
stock 1; Woodlswn . Hswthorne 7.
Ladd rs. Shattuck, forfeit to Shattuck
to 0. I
j r
rv t
Dan Mellin.
Yesterday's Winners in Oldest
' Baseball Organization In
the Country. -
(PabUfben Press by flpeetsl teesed Wire.)
Boston. April 20. Th New Tork Na
tionals. Indulged, in a awatfeat at tha
expense of the Bostons, today, defeat
lng the .Janitors easily by a scor of
IS to- 2. -Seymour's batting waa th
feature of th gam Out of elx time
alt bat he banged out a borne run, two
triple and- two alnglea ; Score;
' R. H.E.
New York. .........11 14,1
Boston.. I I I
'Batteries McGlnnlty and Breenahan;
prerfr,Bouits, xoung and orendori.
At Ptitabarg.
Pittsburg, AprU 20. Chicago took
th third and final gam of tha aerie
from Pittsburg .today by tha scor of
I to L Lundgren for Chicago outpltched
Leever and tha Pirates fielded ' outrag
eously, making more errors than hits.
With two. Pirates on bases and two out
in th ninth Inning, Peep O'Dey called
th game In accordance with an ar
rangement entered Into by th two
managera before play started In order
to allow th local to oatch a train for
St. Lou la. Bcor: . , '
- . -- R. H.E.
Pittsburg . . 1 1,4
Chicago I
Batteries Deever and Gibson; Lund
gren and Kllng. Umpire O'Day. .
1 ' At Brooklyn. ' .
Brooklyn, April 20. Rucker (Brook
lyn) had one bad Inning today, tha seo-
ona, wnen in fniiaaeipma Mationaia
batted out two runs and secured a com
mandlng lead. Tb Brooklyn eould do
nothing with Duch a pitching and were
shut out . Boor:
.- .i -R. WE.
PhlUdelphU . . 2 I 1
Brooklyn . 0 7 I
Batteries Luch and Jaeklitsch;
Rucker and Butler. Umpires Klein and
Kigier. N,
At St. Koala. ."' " '' " ."'
St. Louis, April' ' 20. The ' Reda
dropped an exciting gam to th Cardl
nala thla afternoon through Inability
to hit Southpaw Karger, when hits
meant runs. Scor: .
R. H. E.
St. Loulav. I , 0
Clnclnnall . . ...110
Batteries Kargar and Noonan; Ma
son and McLean, umpires Johnson
ana uarpenter.
v 1 ". . ,1
Dan Mellin of .this ol(y has accepted
tha challenge. of Billy Jone of Calumet,
Mlch. for a wrestling bout in Portland
for purs of 1600. , Hera la Mellln's
record of victories:.. Fred johnsoa),
Forest City. Ia.: Dick Allen.. Norttt Yaki
ma, Wash.; Joe . Smith, . .. Arlington,
Wash.; Frank Colman, North. Yakima,
Waah.: Andrew Miller. Prsser wash.;
Jo Carroll, Dawson City; Wm. Ratchew,
Aberdeen, Washf; Wm. Charlton, Ho-
qualm. Wash: Frank Lewis. Roslyn,
Wash.; Tommy-Davis, Seattle, Warh.;
Dick Blum. Dee Moines, Is,;. Eddie Con
ner, Vancouver, B. C; Joe Pickett, Ce
dar Rapids, Ia.; Dan Oordon, Minneapo
lis. Minn.; Ole Marsh, Laorosa. Wla;
Fred Roll. Iowa Falls, Ia.; Strangler
Smith, Portland. : !. .'- "
Th Woodmen of th World held their
first tug of war contest Friday evening.
A large crowd attended th event, and
after tha tug of war there was m dance.
The first p 11 was wort by George Wssh-
Ington team, who defeated th Wb-
foota. Th second pull was won by Pros
perlty, by defeating ' Prospect." . Th
third pull u between th W. O. W.
and tha Prtd of Portland camp, and
waa won by th 1st to-, in less than on
minute. -
These si teams are contesting for a
silver pup. The next meet will take place
Monday night, AH th team are try
ing for the trophy, but It I hard to aay
which will win.
Fred A. Bennett Is Greatly Pleaaed
Upon Receiving Dig Shipment of
Boo Car From FactoryBrief
Note of Interest to Anto Trade.
Tha first run of tha Portland Auto
mobile club this season will be held to
day, and If th weather la good a large
turnout of cars 1 expected. Secretary
William Llpman of th club haa been
arousing tha members Into aa activity
that haa not been observed before in
th organisation, and if th member
take the same Interest in autoa. In good
roads,' In better lawa for th auto men
as doea Mr. Llpman. tha results that
will be achieved will be far-reahlng
and enduring. There la no more en
thuslastio' worker ' In th automobile
club' than William Llpman. and If hia
plana are carried out th club will be
on the proper road to success.
e . e ; e ; - -. " '
Today's run will start' at 11 o'clock.
Tha machine owners have been notified
to report at tha Multnomah club, where
th start will be made. II. I Keata and
Dr. Brown and several others who know
the road thoroughly will take tha lead
and go direct, to Sandy, where the day
will b spent. Th party will tak th
Base Line road, atop at th 12-mll
house for refreshments and return to
th elty about o'clock.
' V ! . '
A little play la a good thing for hu
manity, but tha working parta of an
automobile don't want much play. Keep
them adjueted anugly.
, . . - e " '
, An tntereating slmll waa 'employed
recently by a salesman tn answer to
a man who aaked wherein on ear
eould be worth several thousand dollars
more than another. Tha reply of F. M.
Hoblitt, salesman for the Berllet ear,
waa that. one 1 earns th valu of a ear
in aervlce aa ha doea In wearing hats.
Th i hat of a famoua maker will
keep Its color and ahape and look new
until after three of the tl variety have
successively become shabby. Therefor
It ia economy to buy the tl sort, to
say nothing of th gain in style and
peraonal aatlafactlon. . ,
t ' ... . -r. ;. e e ('.;'",."'.;
' Fred A. Bennett waa a happy man
yesterday when ha received the biggest
shipment of automobile that waa ever
received In Portland. Twelve Reo car
came and tha Bennett company will da.
liver them as fast aa It la possible.
Thla. Is th largest shipment of any
on make that haa ever been delivered
la thla city. ., . " , t
Under th Olidden tour . rule aa
now drawn, no contestant can tell what
sort of a- gam he Is going Into whan
ha enter. Th rule are there all right,
but also there la a claus which em
powers th executive oommlttee to mon
key with th rule, suspend them, re
peal them or twlat them around any
way at all. at any time they choose,
both during and after th tour. The in
tegrity of the committee and it good
Intention are beyond question, but this
makes It too uncertain for the entrant.
Even aa honest man ahould not carry
a coin with a head on both sides.
' e
' Men buying motor cars are sometimes
moat Impressed by tha faets they glean
Incidentally. An illustration of this
is found In th story of a Boatoa man
who stopped off at Buffalo to tak
a look at tha new factory that la now
back of the reputation of the Pierce
Arrow. After completing th tour, th
guld lad th prospective customer to
one-story structure back of the offices
and took him to a room about 10 by 60
feet tn else, which h said waa a gar
age and rapalr ahop. Th visitor in
quired: "What .do you do hr7" . ."Oh,
this la where we take care of th cars
sent for overhauling and repalra." 10
you mean that tn tola little plac you
take car of all th car aent In for
repair T" waa th next question, and
the salesman replied In the affirmative.
Th visitor looked at th two oar on
which work waa being dona, and then
said: ''Well, this sight la stronger than
any argument you have presented. If
you can handle all your troublea tn thla
plaoa, they cannot b large. This plac
tell an eloquent story of a 'very small
cost of keep for the Pierce owner and
I will be one." . ,. ,.',. '
-... ' .-. .. s . i . 1 ' .
Th local auto men. were very busy
Friday and Saturday making up for
lost time. The beautiful weather gave
th businesa a decided impetus snd
demonstrations wr th . order of th
day. H. U Keata, J. B. Kelly and How
ard Covey were aa busy a thy could
be and very glad to get a day of rest.
. e .-.'....
It la Ilka asking a man to carry th
family skeleton In his arms for th
Gllddan tovr commute, to Insist that
th com pet! tor shalU enumerate and
take with them such extra part a
they expect to need and to mak no re
palra except wun tnese. ,
It la novel to hear of th secretary of
tha American Automobile association
making repeated trip gathering in th
sheep. Every itlm. he goea out a few
more atate associations r tncked on
to th national body and th Indica
tion are that tha A. A. A. will- within
th year b th largest automobile body
In th world. Meantime membership
at tl a head continue to filter In to
tha headquarter afl Madison avenue.
New Tork. . , ' v
.... . ' i,
William Barker-1 th happiest man
In town. HI new 10-horae power Stev-
ns-Duryea touring car I one of th at
traction of tha local automobile world.
Th car Is a six-cylinder machine and
is capable Of making 71 miles an hour,
although Barker aaya that ha wouldn't
run that fast along roada where th
policeman loiter. - '
. - e -,- .. ,
In advocating that tha Olidden tour
contestant atari out with th bonnet
of their car sealed down,- an Interest
ing statement Is made by James Joyce,
the general manager or the American
Locomotive Automobile company, which
make th Berllet.. He aay. that -h
t (Continued, on Pag Thirteen.)
Johnny Shea.'.'
In Six Hot Races Only Two
. N Favorites Get Nod From
s. . the Judges .;
Governor .Ormaa Show Rereraal of
Frm and Pat Loaea Becaoae of
Buxton's Weak IUde on Willing
. ' none. '.";.(: ';' 'i v . : . ; ':
(Hesnt Mew by Lease Lease Wbe.) .-
. I Saxt Francisco. April 10. The tlt-foir-tat
handicap tnll and aa eighth the
feature at Emeryville today, want to
Logistella, th to 1 favorite. . Earl
Rogers, coupled with Edwin Qua, sec
ond choice, had all tha speed th first
part and led until the last few stride,
when Logistella running ever her field,
got up la time to win by a head. Bdn
erdo was third. . r
Besides Lolstlla, Nina Spot waa the
only winning' first, choice. Elevation,
th "good thine." backed from 10 down
to 4 to L wag third. . -, - '
. Governor Orman turned a Torin 3ssm
eraault In th firat. and led alt the -way.
Fred Dent ran' a. mlaerahle race far a
J favorite.. Kappa raced out with Orae
O. 'in th aeeond and after making theAlax .Chy' to the effteiaJV staff) of
latter wprf by two lanVthe V rreni -the
u to i snot, j&jnasre... nappa was-second
choice and .Grace G. -a to fav
orite. Royal Rogue, waa lucky to scor
In th fifth, aa a weak rid on Pal loet
tha rao to him by a neck. Dorsey out
rod little Buxton. -
Reservation waa made favorite Ia, the
last, but George p. McNear had all th
speed and waa never In trouble. Bur
nolette, a 100 to 1 shot, waa third.
; STimxaary of Sfveata. -'Six
and a half furlong Governor
Orman (Flacher). to 1, won. Lord NeW
aon (Buxton),- t to I, second, Belvolr
(H. Smith). It to 1. third. Time, 1:2L
Five and a half furlong Nappe (Kel
ly), It to I, won. Kinder (Lycurgus),
10 to L second, Orae O. (H. Smith),
to I, third, r Time. 1:0a,
One and a half mile Kin Spot
(Hunter), T to S,-. won, Byronacdale
(Fischer), I to 1, ' second. Elevation
(Sandy), 10 to 1. third. Time, 1:11 .
. The Tlt-for-Tat handicap, . mile and
aa eighth Logistella (H. Smith). I to
1,. won, Earli Roberta (Lycurgus), It
to I, second, Eduardo (McLaughlin), 10
to 1, third. Tim. 1.61 4-1.
Six furlongs Royal Rogue (Dorasy),
T to won, Pal (Buxton). I to 2, aee
ond, Daruma (C , Sullivan), 10 to L
third."" Time. 1:14. v. w t .
Mile and 10 yards George p. McNear
(Palme), 4 to 1, - won, Reservation
(Buchanan), II to . I, second, Burno
lette (Nichols), 100 to 1, third. Time,
1:41 1-5.- , ... . -J . . .. , :
Politicians , Lose Money Won at
, Elections to Knights of
, the High Stool. . ,
; ' ; " :
(Hearvt Ifews by Lsnrest Leased Wtre.)
New Tork, April 10. An avalanche of
th public' money went to th strong
box of th bookie today; fully 1100.
000 In clean wlnntnga on th third and
fourth races were gathered from th
pocket of th multitude that flocked
to th track. . " ,
' Master Robert,- th eoK owned by
Sam Emery, which ran a half mil at
th first try In 47 seconds, waa th me
dium of a terrific plunge.
Rye, in th Queens county handicap,
wna backed at IB to 1 'by the Sulllvana,
who - regard: . th J'Bowrf fore" aa
good as In. ''.:' v -
Sydney Paget, th Sulllvana. Senator
MoCarren and a host of other! lost
thousands on Master Robert, and when
the Rye rare came next aourht to re
trench and helped fill th bookies boxes
to overflowing. ; ' -
In th handicap, "won cleverly by W.
H. Carey, a ton of money went In On tha
choices a;ftln. : Th piibllo haa seldom
received tuch a drubbing. Dave Gldean
made his pretena felt In th fifth race,
where he started th gelding Pleas and
bet enough money on him to atari a
national ark. He won. and the Gideon
bankroll wna Increased by 117,000. Eve
lyn ft, fell at th three-furlong pole
and broke her leg. ' Her Jockey escaped
with a shaking up. ' . ,
The' Anchor defeated ' th Junior
Woodlswn yesterday. 14 to 2, and beat
th Webfoota, 17 to 7.
Th Parks will play th Newsboy
this afternoon
at Park and - GUson
Affair In the City League Are Pro-
greasing Well and the Indications
", Are That the Beaaon WU1 Be . Big
Sncceaa BaaebaU Chatter. " ?
Concennon-certainly had hi control
Ut Sunday. Jn tha gam with Trunk
makera he I credited with 12 strlke-
.uw um wavH nut tWO 'hlta. Em
niiuaiu gelling uea.
- TJmpiiee. Stutt and Colamanwho of
ficiated at the two opening game of
he league a week ago,, in a general way
wr vry atlsfactory. A llttl too
early In the season yet to bav a fine
y. These gentleman are both con
scientious and able umpires end handle
the player splendidly. Many com
ment waa heard la the . stands end
bleachers In regard to tha smoothness
with whloh th gam proceeded. Th
umpires should Insist, however, upon
the player going on and off th field
with a little anor Ufa. Fan soon grow
disgusted with dilatory acUona of play,
era la changing position, .
' -, - . : e e , e ' ,
f - " ' . . i . -
Fre Brown, th general manager of
tha Astoria Bohemians, ta looking for
three er four good player to fill out
oa hia team. Unemployed player
might find something of Interest by
corresponding with Mr. Brown.
Th ticket seller at th Vaughn
treat ground nearly dropped dead
whan Praldn Whltmor strolled np
to th window and purchased ticket,
lust like a regular fan. The honorable
presiding officer had forgotten his pas
and It waa either pay or climb th tenoe.
' . e . -t.
Karl King's work In th Brawer-MlV.
liner game last Sunday waa of th cal
ibre that makea big leagusrs. The
plucky llttls catcher waa aoeorded a
hearty hand several times during th
gam. He ta on of th fas teat back
atopa In the Tri-Ctty. . . . . ,
., . , ... e e e T fj
The Hammer Klub .waa eat In fore)
last Sunday but made np Its mind that
the Trt-Clty boys ean aome attar all,
:. . ...; . '. ...... W
Trl-Clty league gam today Millin
ers, at St. John, y St John; Cub
at Vaughn street, va. rrunkmakarai
xtrewers at 'wooopurn. va. lnalans. '
I T Preeldent Whftmor Tia appointed
league nmpir. ' Mr.--Cheyn haa had
aetn'xprleao aa an Jifaplr In the '
Wisconsin Btate league am oomea wall
reoommended. v ' - '
.", e' -y.t if-.
Ed Rankin ia back la th game again.
Sunday he will wear an umpire's enl
form and hold an indicator for the Trt-
City league. - President Whltmor ap
pointed him to the staff one day last
week. Rankin ta one of the beat known
Umpires In this vicinity and la vary
popular. Secretary Smith haa aalgasd
him to offlclat at the St. John open '
lng- gam. , .
' Kalso and Aatorta, th two new mem-.
bar of th league, are working tooth
and toe-nail to get their ' ground la
ahape for the opening gams in May.
. ' ..... . -
Secretary Smith " announce assign
ment of nmplrea for today: Frank
Coleman at Woodburn, Alex Chyn at
Vaughn street, Ed Rankin at Bt, Johna.
' . ' -. v
Pltoher Pender of the Brewer and
Catcher Aatolne of tha Blue left for
Pendleton, Oregon, Saturday evening to
perform for th Pendleton team today.
- . - -.
Shortatop Emerich and Right Fielder
O'Brien of th Trunkmakers are trying
out with the Spokane Northwest league
team. .- . , . ..
Lavler, th big first baseman for tha
Woodburn Indian, haa tha record of
making the first horn, run f th Trt-
Clty league player, and th first en
on the Woodburn ' grounds.: H mad
It last. Sunday In " tb opening gam
um i runamaaers.
Manager Whitehead of the Milliner
will work hi "kid" betters Myer and
Newell, against Charlie MooVfr un
knowns at St. Johna today.
',, . ;r , - e e . ' rL' -.( -
The bigger league inacnate ar si
ready watching th prowea of th play
r In th Trl-Ctty. Manager Smith of
the Cuba received a letter from mag
nate in th Iowa State" league last week
aaklng for a pitcher,9 second baseman
and 'a fast right fielder for hia team.
Playra on other team have : either re
ceived offer or . hav already gone . to
ome salaried league. In every Instance,
however, the local managera have suc
ceeded In securing tha services of good
men to take the place of the men that
have gone. ; , ,, x-
.'. -;,e
Spoksi seems to hav na beaten bar
aa a ball town th second gam of th
Try-City league at that plac last Sun
day draw another crowd of 1,100 people,
and about th same number at th pro
fessional game. Two parka catering to
th public at tha same time. .;
'" i' i,,'. - :'
Clyde Morrow, the Termer' Portland
boy who la playing on the Falrbanka
team in the Spokane Trl-Clty league,
agalL distinguished himself with his
tick last Sunday when he secured two
three-bags rs snd tingle Out of four
time up. Going aome,- eh? .
i i ...
The Ail-Star defeated the Highland
baseball team tn a well-played gam
yesterday. This was th lineup:
All-Star. Position. Highland
Pters ... Iehe
Oroe ........ .rt,p. ... ,. Mllchel
ButM-e ...-Savaa:
Lelahner 2b , Clnrk
Tost 3b Tien
Bteven Moody
J- Yt If.., j,. Wrr,
j!'- Bunnell
u1 a Thorns