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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1907)
CHS OREGON DAILY JUDKNAt, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENTNO, . AFRIU 20, 1907 FEARS PREUEtiT JIIGllEil IDE .East Side People Suspicious of . Amendment Providing for : Madison Structure. Npresent GRADES MAY. . BE RETAINED LONGER Berlin, Who Drew Vp Ordinance for the Ballot, PecUrea Be Had No Authority to Make Any Change in . the Grades. 1 '1 ' Th proposed Madison tret bridge amendment to ' th city charter pro pared by City Auditor Devlin and City Attorney 'McNary has created a amall elsed tempest in the ranks of the Ini tiative One Hundred, some members of which assert that , there Is a Joker tn the bill. The storm broke last night, assisted, by 'Frank J. Perkins, and the second installment Is scheduled for this afternoon, when a special committee appointed to Investigate the matter will OPENING OF NEW FIRE ENGINE - HOUSES MAKES SUBURBS SAFER 1 j, ,'Home of Engine No. U, East Twenty-Eighth and East Darls Street. .meet. e trouble all arises over the desire the east side Bush clubs to have a higher bridge constructed In place of tlie old one. ... The baorjla of the east side, who have- grown weary of open draws and lengthy delays, have decided - mat me new brides, if it is constructed, should be at least nine feet higher than the present structure. The draft of ! the amendment, now ready for the bai :.iot, provides, however, that "The ap proaches of said bridge shall conform to the grade of the streets as now es tablished on Hawthorne avenue on the , east side and on Morrison street en the west side," . " .; - Woald Prevent aUgher Bridge. ' - Perkins contends that the UtQe word "now. Inserted- In the. charter amend- ' ment, if adopted by the people, will ' place a 'bar -upon any change in the height of the bridge. He think that the street railway company will raise strenuous objections to any alteration ' in the height of the bridge and see in ' the amendment and in the word "now" .. the tool which will defeat the wishes of f the east : aid people. As. a result of the discussion last night- a committee consisting of Mr. Perkins, Dr. Ernmett Drake and J. A. Jamleeon waa appointed to see what could be done to carry out , the original Intention with the present wording of the amendment'. " Member of the Initiative One Hun dred are now considering the plan of asking the city council to establish a new grade for the streets which would be covered by the approaches to the new bridge. If tbl waa done at once by the council It is argued that when the amendment went into effect the dif ficulty would have been solved. If that is not done there is possibility that the organisation will not lend it aid to the passage of the amendment. . . . Devils' Statement. . -City Auditor Devlin 'is emphatic in his statement that he had no interest in retaining the present grade for the ' Bridge." He maintains ertat he 'did - not have .authority-, to- establish any. arbi trary " grade, and the only course' left f was to place it on the present grade. (Mr. Devlin states that he .undertook to 'draft the amendment upon the, request Jtnf the cast side" peopjo, and that there :were three separate drafts submitted to the push clubs for , their approval before the final measure wns presented to the council and ordered placed on the ballot. If the friends of the high bridge plan had desired to scan the measure very closely Mr. Devlin eon tends that they had plenty of oppor tunity to do so. . , ' i j n - m Two ' new east - side fire bouse are ready for service, one . of which has been In commission since Thursday, and the other will be manned some time neat week. - They are engine No 11. East Twelfth and . East Davia The Powell street house reported ready for duty at 1 o'clock Thursday and has - already demonstrated its usefulness in an ex cellent manner.' . . Testerday afternoon about J ' o'clock the home of H. W. Rlvenatlne caught fir from a spark from the engine em ployed by the contractor who are build. Ing the big Brooklyn sewer. The wood shed burned first and then the fire was communicated .to the house. The ' loss was adequately covered but the resident are greatly elated . over the fact that had the Brooklyn company not been ready for service when It was tn lose might not have been covered. Other house in the -vicinity were threatened. Battalion Chief Holden says the con tractor, Joplln, Qleblsch ae Psquet, are liable for-not equipping their engine with a spark arrester a , the city re quires. , ,. .. "I .- ' The ' only ' Hero that .1 . delaying, th East Twenty-eighth street house is the alarm system - which ha not been In Stalled tn that house. It may be a week before the wire for th alarm sys tem can be strung to East Twenty eighth street. -. In the-. meanwhile . the resident will have to be patient and more careful with fire in their houses. Captain Borden is in charge at Pow ell street and Captain Roberto at East Twenty-eighth. . ' - CIRCUS L10II El GETS REVENGE Harassed by Visitors to Show at Armory He Seizes Lady's '- ' Hat From Her Head. BONNET DEMORALIZED WHEN OWNER RECOVERS Ferocious Lion Maintains a Majestic ' Silence, butv the "Rare' Fowls" Make ; Noises Very Like1 Those Heard tn Any Farmer's Yard. FOUR MEN LEARN ANCESTORS V CROSSED SEA TOGETH ER IN 630 W. - tk Ben ham, president of . th United Railways company, was telling about a meeting he had with Senator Tom Flint of California 'and. another man at the St. Francis hotel, San Fran cisco, several weeks ago. - . ' "Senator Flint dropped the remark,'' said Mr. - Benham. "that bis ancestor came to America'- In - the good ship Marlon John. In 1M6, Th gentleman with us. whose nam I do not remem ber, spoke up and claimed descent from passenger on ' the famous , old hip. ';'..' . . "It was p to me. and fortunately I had th evidence with me in he shape of a letter I bad received but a few day before from a man by the nam of Benham, wh live in Kansas. . This man 1 securing data on member of the Benham family, and on the back of the letter-head bad printed a short history-of th family in which it was stated that th Benham -. were 'also "brought to tUs country on the Marion! John. I 'thought it a rather unusual occurrence for three men to meet by chance and learn thar they were de scendants from persons who came to America 100 year ago. on the1 same hip." '. - ' Juat ''then A. . Ben Marshall, repre sentative of the Hoe Pre . company, came along. . ' " "Shake hand with Mr. Marshall. Mr. Benham. ' Mr. Benham, Mr. Marshall." "Benham,". v queried - Mr. Marshall "Why, that is mjr nam. . Everybody thinks that Ben I derived from Benja min, but In my case I was named after an uncle by the name of Benham, who resided in New York." Then the two got together and found out that they were . cousins, removed about 4.000 times, and that Mr. Mar shall' ancestor came over in . th Marion John. After It - waa all aver. Mr. ehham said he was going to writ back to the man in Kansas and find out the tonnage of the good ship Marion John. . ' '. ' ' '! I . 1 1 . 11 ' 1 1 . II DOC" HOLMES SUFFERS SEVERE BURNS FROM BLAZING EYESHADE The New York , Central eperate the finest train In the world. Twentieth Century Limited, Lake nore Limited and Michigan Central Limited from Chicago and Knickerbocker special from St Louts. - -. Complete arrangement for your next trip east at our agency; isi Third street. Portland. - ' . HOLDS COUNCIL That celluloid eyeahades, such as are much In use as a protection against the blinding ray of artificial light, furnish a constant menace to the wearer wa evidenced . yesterday afternoon when , Charles E. "Doo") Holme of th Ore UneSL.nB News romnen v was terrlblv burned about the face and miraculously es caped the loss of . on eye by the acci dental ignition of one of the contrap tions. - , - The accident oooured about 1 p. m. tn room - 100 In . the Oregon lan building, where Holmes reside. The newsdealer, who waa wearing one'' of the green hades made of the highly Inflammable ACTED WRONGLY Federated Trades Believe the Free i Water Amendment Should Have Iteen Pnt Vp to Voters, !' Th Federated Trade council ' oast th shadow of it disapproval over the city council laat nigni wren u passea reeolntlons denouncing the city father -,r their etlon in repudiating th Wat- eon"free water - amendment Th meeting thought that the amendment should have gone before the people for their vote. Irrespective of whether' it contained the bridge tax provision or pot ' - 'V - 1 ' Th plan for th promotion of Indus trial peaoe as fathered. In this commun ity by Peter H. Schu"Jln. was indorsed by the trades council and a commute consisting of H. Ourr. W. H. Fltsgerald, and W. B. Pltschke wa appointed .to meet with th joint commute In for mulating the final draft of th con stitution for the Industrial Peace as sociation. , Th movement for th erection of a new pounty hospital for the oare and treatment of the Indigent, alrk of the county waa explained before the meet ing by Mr. M111I It TrumbulL The movement I being fostered by th ,Vla 'itlng Nurses' association which Intends to petition th board of oounty commis sioner to construct th required build ing. Th council indorsed the conten tion of th Iron moulder of the Pacific coast who are threatening to strike for an a-ht-bour day, . provided their tore jefffion is not met by May 1. - j material, strnck match to light hi cigar. A bit of the . biasing sulphur truck th eyeshield and In a moment It was biasing fiercely. Before Holme could extinguish the flames hi face had been badly burned. , - , Dr. J. D. Fenton, who has office near Holmes' apartments, waa called to at tend the Injured man. The physician states that the burns are all of the first degree, end although painful do not en danger th life of the patient Last night Holmes' . right . eye wa entirely closed, and Dr. Fenton declare it I markabl that the sight waay not de stroyed. .' - . ..' ' . Crowds tilled the big "auditorium tent" last night at 'the society circus long before the first announcement of the Circus-master gav the.signal for the gate to open and admit the grand promenade. And yet the aid ahowa and the wild animals' tents were being ex tensively patronised and visitor war crowding in on all aides, laughing and screaming to keep pace with th as sorted "spieler1 all about them. , The wild Hon, whose fierceness was stationary, and the rare specimens of fowls "genus . back-yard la attracted much attention. But the real, live meat monkey was th center of the largest group. Th poor animal, ha rassed on every aide, tempted with pea nut from behind and annoyed with poke sticks . from the side, wa In a tat of mind that eould not distinguish between friend or foe. steveage of th Simian. So as one gentle lady .extended a friendly thumb and finger grasping a chunk of peanut brittle he grabbed vin dictively at her hat - wrested it irom her head, hatpins and all, and had the bright ribbons halt removed before eh bad time; to realise, what bad happened, and before a half dosen - hands could snatch It sway. Th hat was saved but the trimming waa sadly disguised. -- Inside the band played and wa led ostentatiously from below by a German farmer of rotund dimensions, who looked reproachfully "at the players when they failed to follow his baton. The horses went - through their steps beautifully; boy and girl danced, aang, lumped and drilled a If they had don nothing but practice ease elnoe th flood; clever tumbler and swinger per formed on mats and trapeses; nimble fingered artists twirled Indian club and baton. . Biding on One Wheel. . Cyclist spun around indifferently on one wheel, two or three. ss the case might be; clowns trotted around and amused everyone in general and them selves tn psrtlcular; peanut, popcorn. gum, lemonade snd cigar venders cried the virtue of their wares, snd every thing went merry ss a real circus on wheels. One passed swiftly from excla mations of admiration at amateur cir cus stunts done so professionally well, to giggles of glee at the lrrepreaslbly funny tricks of the clowns. , The society circus In certainly a suc cess that everyone knows. - The , fact that an extra matinee had to be pro vided -for today peak for itself in th matter of attendance. THK1L'S NO W AT1LR In any s Hot .Water or Steam Systems installed by us. Every job " we install is as perfect as we caamake it. We employ competent' men, 'we' have the most complete shop on the coast, AND -WE , men, we have the most complete shop on the Pacific coasts AND WE GUARANTEE ONR WORK WITH A "McPHERSON" . 'V: .' GUARANTEE. v The W. G. M 1 . 1" HEATING ENGINEERS 328 G LIS AN STREET. SPMUGFUIID LOW THIS YEAR Council Must Appropriate : . Oust Will Be Worse Than ., ' Ever Before.' . or GUILTY OF NOT INSTALLING TERRA GOTTA FLUES Property Owners Complained , Against by Building Inspector and Arrests Will Follow. SLEEPY WILLIAMS WILL GO TO : ' KELLY BUTTE TO FIN ISH NAP - rrank William ha th happy faculty of wooing aforphau on th least provo cation, and a a result of bis propensity for slumber landed In the city prison yesterday on a charge of drunken ness. ' ';'.-'. - Wllllsms went Into the lodging- house at 11 Sixth afreet and without the formality ef being assigned to a room entered one of the apartments during the temporary-absenoe of the landlady and climbed Into one of the-eda. Th landlady unceremoniously : ejected the Interloper from the premises, whereupon Williams adjourned to the woodshed to finish hi nap. ' . v . Th police were notified, and Patrol man Ed Burke carted the sleepy Mr. WUUams to headquarters in the patrol wagon. . The prisoner has been arrested innumerable times for similar offenses and will be given treatment at the Kelly Butte sanitarium for his ailment ' Klne mtlsens who are alleged to have wantonly disregarded the provisions of the ordinance relative to the Installa tion of terra' eotta flues . In frame buildings having brick flues, are to be haled before the police court for pun ishment. ; - Upon complaint of Building Inspec tor Spencer, warrants were Issued yes terday. for the arrest of H. D. Habberly, 1142 East Yamhill .street; O. Balliet, 624 Mason street; - An tone Olson, (6 North Thirteenth atreet; H. B. Stout. 748 Raletgh street; James Baxter, (ft Third street; I. JttUler, Thirtieth street north and Wygant street; A. P. Court. ney, 427 Tacoma street; August Dell, 103 Umatilla street. , The police are actively engaged today In rounding up the offenders. . Ball has been fixed at 150 In each 'case. rThe maximum penalty provided for a violation of the ordinance la a fine of 1500 or six month Imprisonment. Th building Inspector maintains that the failure to construct terra eotta flues In brick chimneys greatly Increases th danger of flr.. BLAIR IS INDORSED - BY REFORM WORKERS Other Expressions From Munic Ipal Association Expected Next. Monday. . : J. . T. . Blair, ' candidate " for Republl can nomination ' for . councilman at la rue, received th stamp of approval by .the . Municipal association - at th meeting of that organisation yesterday afternoon. . Mr. Blair's candidacy waa looked upon with favor by th member of th Investigating committee and upon tHU POLICYHOLDCRS1 COMPANY , B EST FOR A N OREGONI AN HOMO OrFICB SIXTlf AND ANKENY STREETS, PORTLAND CLARENCB I. BaWtJEU Assistant Manager. A. U M ITjLB. Iri-sllcnt. U PAMUKL, General Manager, Its f recommendation he was given In dorsement. . , - Other than the ope Indorsement the aasoctstlon took no definite action of any kind. The committee appointed at a previous meeting to look Into th record of th . various candidate for municipal office reported that It waa atlll at work and th association there fore decided . to hold another meeting ar.onoay afternoon at which time deft ntte inlorsement will perhaps be made of several candidate. - GROCERS' ASSOCIATIONS IN WASHINGTON COUNTY ' Charles B. Merrick, secretary of th Oregon Retail Merchants' and Grocers' association, ha returned from Wash ington county, where he organised branches of the association at Forest Grove and HHUboro.-s.In each town all the merchant Joined th association. and at their meeting they passed reso lution tn favor of affiliation with th state organisation. The officers sleeted by the Forest drove branch war; r resi dent, A. O. Hoffman; vioe-presldent, C. B. Nicholson;- secretary. A. R. Leabo, and treasurer, V. S. A bra ma Th Hllls boro association elected R. II. Orer, president; J. D. Mays, vice-president; R. C. Vaught secretary, and Ta H. Mo- Cormlok, treasurer. t KIL.LED WHILE POSING FOR MOVING PICTURES London. April - ItW William Zelts. while Impersonating th ' signalman bound to th rails by robbers In more jg picture of a train-wrecking scene, was killed today. Through a mistake in the signal th train failed to stop and raa ever Zetta. . - . . . . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALER KILLS HERSELF ' (immal Special Serrlee.) Boston, April SO. Mary B. Tomllnson, a healer in the Christian Science church of Concord, New Hampshire, committed suicide here this morning by Jumping from th fourth floor of . th Parker house to the sidewalk. She died within two houra Up to a year ago Ml Tom lip son had been second reader of th Christian Science church, and sine than had been a healer. She Is a sister of Irving C Tomllnson, first reader of th church, and on of Mr. Mary Baker O. Eddy' advisers. She waa suffering with hysteria, and eluded her watchful relatives and came to Boston. Her brother Is one of the defendants In the famous suit xtr an accounting. . Unless the council make some addi tional appropriation comparatively few of Portland' streets will be sprlnkieo this summer. In answer to complaints C A. Cogswell of the street sprinkling committee said at the meeting of the executive board yesterday afternoon that the available sprinkling fund for the year was $90,000t -This fund would have to pay for the sprinkling of 400 miles of streets. - - "In 1B91, before the cities of 'Port land, East Portland and" Alblna were consolidated." said Mr. Cogswell, "th city of Portland had only 0 mile of treat and it appropriated 168,000 for sprinkling purposes.' - Father Gregory of the Benedlctln Cathollo church and Judge. Waldemar Seton, representing the Brooklyn ' Re publican and Improvement - club asked for the sprinkling of Mllwauki avenue. The dust raised by -the electric ears, they said.' wa unbearable. It pene trated house where the window were closely locked. - ."We can give yon but little relief.' aid Mr. Cogswell "Our fund ha been decreased - by the appropriation of ap proximately tfl.vOO for th Increase of salaries of city' employe. , Tn council only con grant relief." k . - Mayor Lane aaid th fund on hand would not permit the sprinkling of th street for more than 200 days. , He said also that the city was spending little more for sprinkling purposes thsn It did 10 years ago. Mr. Cogawell said he had a conversa tion with Mansger Fuller of the Port land Railway company and Mr. Fuller had promised that the company would sprinkle Its portion of the streets. No action was taken. TWENTY MILLIONS MUST HAVE AID OR STARVE ' f Joarnal gpeclal Service.) St. Petersburg, April to. Unless sid Is given at once, 10,000,000 Russians will starv between now and the first of August, when the new crop, can be har vested. There are thousands to whom the harvest will bring no relief, a they own neither land nor cattle. Toung children are being forced to eat coarse bread, and greeji cucumbers, greatly in- teVW.U m . fc WUIVU ,11.111. In order to obtain money with which to' buy- food, the sufferers have sold all their possessions, their Interest in the crop that la to be harvested and their work. For many of these relief moat be given for the entire year. . .. PIONEER CONE DIES AT HIS HOME AT NEWBERG (SporUI Mspateh to Tft JeeraeLi New berg. Or.. April 10. Oscar H. Cone, a pioneer of 1847, died at bis home In Yamhill county Thursday, opposite the town of Buttevllle. aged 70 year He is survives oy nis wire. Margaret J. Cone, and three children. Qeorge W. Cone of Newberg. Mrs. Joels Eberhard of McMtnnvtlle, , Or., . and Arthur A Cone of Newberg. Mr. and Mrs. Cone were married Inn ltti tn Oregon. Zlr. Cone was one of the first hop growers In Oregon. ' He was a member of the orders of Masona and Odd Fellows. HILL GETS CONNECTING LINE THROUGH TO GULF Chicago. April 10. It la nimon In financial circles this morning that the Walsh roads will become part of the ni system, rorraing the completing link to the gulf. The syndicate to as sume th Indebtedness of the defunct a Chicago, St Louis, Memphis, . . ftanta utj, Omaha, Des Moia ail Kock Island cities. S3pal Routes to the East Afforded by Rock Tsland Lines: I. ThIri?S,,,Fr"oi8co. 104 An8e'es, Southern California . . uu cj, X-8SO v lowest suueuac route across the continent). Through San Francesco, Sacramento,; Colorado and Pueblo i ." r Coprado Springs (every mile of scenic grandeur). 3- " Through Oregon, Idaho and Colorado. ' " 4. - Through Washingtoiti Montana, the Dakotas and St PauU f , Minneapolis. . 5. Through Washington, Canada and- St Paul-Minneapolis. ' . , i -Through standard and tourist sleeping cars . " s operated without change, via Routes X and a.- ' : . Direct connections and convenient schedules , ;,...(. .via the others... -, . rr v m t. t ' . ' , ' ri ii wiu w pleasure va give ,ll r yon lull details. -"'ssSS'sgS!' ' C. A. HCXTEK, Gen'l Agent, 110 3d SU Portland. W. F. CARSOX. Trav. Paas'r Agent, 801 Alaska BlOg SesttK . W W ' nrili-MrilCIV r-. nr a. rt . tn s "na sTCaaT HCTlCrU 0rBi PiB r srWlVV9"CsW ks will be tee. clearing-house corn- Being an Alkaline Liquid Dentrif ice, SOZODONT penetrates all the little crev ices of the teeth, neutralizes the dangerous mouth acids and purifies the whole tooth structure, making the teeth strong and well. Stand-by SOZODONT. and your teeth will stand by you.- MAKE GARDEN Io,t stop t wk. Rtar as eor obm !! jtm llnea snt tn w. Our warmis nil oeiirer. oor laandry lease toe vaa. Aad think of these arte: XsOKKS, j - BTaaCRXS, SXsets tr Cwii ...........IV Slips SpRklrts JOa Slireaita .......... .1 tn W a lata se Tahlwlatsa ..M....S s Con Omn V Rollers tt Ck.mlM .... Towel , leDrairers 8e Napkins U Nlktitrae ......A Hn4tmklfi lc Wrappers ....... ..In llaiutkereklera, lk. V Aprons ..H Ran lo Pillow Rhais......I0e Sued Covert,, SeChlM'l rtrrtm HOT taORID. IXTaS, 0THilrta ......... Se felanketa, wvoi, Nlrhiadirts n pair ,. B0 I'mlorahlrts se Blankets, Sottas. P"arrs Se pair V Sorts ScQalll Ue Bom .............. He Rai.niss ...........10 . r"f n 13a altaf Taats ., at CMI4 Overslts...., Se No shlrta, enllare, enffs, vaats, er1H e mprra 4o la this aVpartSMat. Ne bond It tbts Ik. , ' - vsnoir unrT oo. SeeCaB4 Columbia tta, Ttltektoe Mare ana. 3 Touch Up the Baby's Carriage If It ok "rusty," with a bit of brtght-hued paint. Ton can get M , her 'most any kind of paint or var- u niah, or. gilding, or bronse, you're likely to look for get It "good arid tl plenty." and git it cheap as palnta H go. Best of all. our guarantee trav- II els on the same train with our paints. II THt BIG PAINT STO.IX M iJ Fisher,Thorsen & Co. j! FRONT AND MORRISON STS. ( "taeallalUlsaaUIUslCnssg MEN TREATED AND CURED Best Service! lowest ChargesI Cores Coaraalcca Who are iffllctMt tHth MRRVOPS DRBILITT. or railing Strength, eat. Sioaly callt "LOST MANHUOD," Ribaaallng DriiDS, t'imples, Lim Bars. Inflammation eC tbe Bladder ana fcldntr. Hlsblr Ootnrte Crloo. Impo. trmrj. Dtaposeeaey. rallls Meinorr, Lm of Ambition. Mrntal Worry, re sults ef eiceaa so etervarkt Pllea, riatnla ana Urdrorala te atoer nt. bos, wkick absotattlr antlt tsea fee SeOH Bnttaata, Plantar or Marrlait. V earn, a say. - Bite Pottae, enntraeted or kereriltaryi Skla Matttta. Rnonmatiam, Strto, Swnllln-t, Dischuate, O rrktaa. Stoat, Strtetai. Enlartttl Prastats aad Hydrodala. Hoaott Stoiuwa, Snnraatlid and Coastlaatloas Strrlce, Beat Me Uitrsea. Call or write Da. T. t. FTESCS. 181 frnt St.. SvrtUna, Or. CAPITAL TAXES HOLD OF CLAYS AT THE DALLES That City to Become the Seat of Great Brick and Tiling l ' , Establishments. . (Special Dkpatc to Th Journal) - . Tb Dalles, Or, April 30. Th fact ha been known for many yeara that there waa excellent silica earth near The Dalles, suitable for us tn tli man afaeture of fire brick, tiling, terra eot ta and th Ilk. Thl clay baa been totted and th number of uses to which can be put la really astonishing. Specimens of the manufactured products have been on exhibition tn a real Pa tau office here "and the local ywp-r has called attention to them In the inpe that capital might be tempted to Invest in the entertain. - At last these effort hnv produco) results and there Is reliable Information that these elllca land art bolng pur chased at high prices'- by con.t-'inv Of eattrn rupltallxts, hn boglii th tn nuf A-f ure rf n v r". 1- ful art I .. . r,..p, t , , .... . i, an shun , -,' , i i . . ,. Jort.) a ' . I , . the seat of a large establishment that will turn out as good tiling, fir brick, building brick .und terra eotta as can be produced anywhere. ESTATE AND HEIRS OF c THE LATE JUDGE CCISE (Sparlt! Dfepatrh to Tb Joarnal.) flfllem. fir . Anvil , 9ti TK. . . Ihe 1st Judge Reuben P. Boise 1, eetl- mated at tn.SOo, according to the pa per . filed with County Judge J. if. Bcott. 'Th valu of the nnonI r.rnn. erty is given $3,etil). The r"L es tate in Marlon county 1 stimMtd at tov.uuii. m font county ut Uo iiii.i Clatsop county at $2.i0 snd In A nomah county at S3.S09. Th th estate are the urvlvlng wl.L.w Emily Boise, Mis Maria K 1 '-. daiahter. Klsher A. Hoi it.,i Boise, Jr, and Vhltni-y L,.' lw.l The Revolving Fly V.' I Gathers no flirt. IV t'irn nir t' oftn that sll kr n-vt-r t mi .i i our (tore. It t rl-""1' r to irk f- -i n . cfrnr..iir-i -,. v (lf , fHbrlrt. n t ihnlnt n".r filrl crny n - n'.l th It lit-