The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 20, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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Correspondent Hint That Pictures Reflect Skill of Artist , Rather
Than Beauty of the Subject Journal to Keep at It ;
wii ui
Long Enough to Find Object of Quest. v
SPECIAL ; SIKDAY omRTiG -r-Hcoant lots ion East Twenty-fourlh and East Tivcnty-lillh Sts.
: S Ofiicc, 270 STARK STREET for Conveyance any time Sunda Phone Us. Main 2828. :
1 - - As an Irtyestment It would be impossible to find a neater or cleaner way of doubling jour money in a year than
J v
- i
' S.
" 4 ', .
Mrs.' Harry Armstrong, who won' second prize la the Chicago Tribune's
' V beauty . contest. -Copyright by Chicago Tribune. .
The ret interest being taken In-The
Journal; -beauty quest Is reflected 'In
the-large -number of - letters being re
reived in addition to the ebotpsraphs of
pretty women - from all sections, - One
correspondent objects to the award be
In'g? made ' updn the photograph alone.
ymg. with more or lean-Just eritlcisin,
that a photograph-reflects the retouch
er's 'art rather than the beauty of the
subject; However. ' even this : corre
spondent will admit that It Is lmpoa
slble'tor the artist-t make a homely
woman- beautiful 'In 'every pose. It la
also Impracticable for every entry to appear-in
person, j The Journal Is coins; to
keep-at it ions enough to find the meet
beautiful. woman, one that everyone will
sdm't Is the most beautiful, a tepresent-
acive oi me Deauiy or ins suie. .
-Papers throughout tbe state r. 'Vol
unteering' to sid The Journal in -the
quest. .The Malheur Gaxette nays:'
."The Gaaette will assist In' proving
that - the - most beautiful , woman does
live in Oregon, and we want the photo
of the most beautiful woman In Mai
hear county-to enter in this beauty con
teat of America; send tbe photograph to
the Gasetta and we will forward to
The Journal,, in which paper It will first
be .published. It will-also appear In the
Gssette."; ,' . : . ... '
The Lakevlew Herald says: . : ''The
Oregon Journal has Inaugurated a con
test to prove that Oregon women are
the moat beautiful ' in America.'- The
contest. Is now-on and will extend over
an Indefinite period, or rather, until-the
most beautiful-Oregon woman has"ben
found and decided ' upon bya competent
' ttXj. TO'KJfow how; ,V ; ?
T-v Teed OnOdrea aad Oet Oood Besnlta.
, ' ' V'-vt r ,; - t x -
,. . ' ..- ' '.. I
There are more nervous persona. made
so by undigested food lying: . in- the
. stomach ..than ..ahe average .Individual
would suppose. , ,.
It food remains' undigested"' In '.the
' stomach, it begins to' ferment,', set-.up
' gKs end a larse portion is -thus con
' verted -Into. poison; j i :. l.'.-' i
-That's, why imperfectly digested food
may and ofUn doesreause lrrUatlon. of
toe nerves and atnpor. of the - mhid
brain end nerves sre really poisoned.
"My daughter had complained for
some time of a distressed feeling la the
stomach, after eating, which aet mi
thinking her diet waa not right." writes
n anxious snd Intelligent mother. - ,
"Bhs had been fond of cersala, bat had
never tried Grape Nuts. From reading
the account of thla prvdl Rested food ft
seemed reasonable te try Urape-Nuts for
rter rnaa.
Th' results were really Wonderful.
The little brain that- seemed at -times
tinlle to do its work, took up new life
end visor. Every mornlna. now. before
smns to school, sh. ests the crisp little
- nmrenls and ia now completely snd en
t rely well, ah seems to hav. a new
l-aee on life no more dlstreaaea 4n- the
ei.-mach. nor headerhe, bnt sound snd
. every way." Nnm given by I'os-
turn f. Hat tie Creek; Mlrh.' Reed the
k. "The Roal to Well villa,' la pkga
1 tirre a a Iteon.
ory of awards,the members of 'which
will be', announced -liter. It was
through a contest Inaugurated 'several
months ago by the Chicago Tribune that
the present contest wm ' started. Ore
gontans, and for that matter,- people
everywhere', know .that'Oree-un ku .S
rnpsf beautiful women In America, and!
that is -tantamount to saylna 'the- most
beautiful In the -world. .Oregon, women
are famous the lsngth and breadth of
the coaat for :their beauty. " It In-hlgh
ttaie their fame waa'herabied f tbe
world. -JThls Tbe Journal will do."
. The SUvnrton Sllvertonlan-Appeal
says: "veryOregonian' Is' interested In
mis.- contest; every, oregonlan .-has a
personal piece In It. The pride of Ore
genlans: should be awakened everywhere
and- they should respond willingly and
promptly. If yon know s woman of
surpassing' beauty and If you live In
Oregon you know , several, at v. least
you ' must help us by securing her pho
tograph and sending It to us.' It Is
also the' duty of th. women of Oregon
to give not' only their consent but their
aid - In 'furthering the contest Send
photographs,' of the - most beautiful
women, you. know In - tbe. Beaver, state.
eid every one you know, for who can
tell - tin- three . that, may be chosen for
tne fO viable position T . . -.
-' .As - at oompllment In 'exchange for
the. privilege of -publishing tltuse pic
tures, - three substantial - prises-, are to
be , awarded 'to . thu - trio of -- beautiful
women , who. In the Judgment i of the
Jury, are deserving 'of first, second and
third recognition. To the most -beauti
ful woman a -check for i 76-wlll -bo sent.
to tne aecona .a check lrr e and to
ttxi.tulrd a .check 'for tii. '- ' 't
"It is -up to: Oregon lana .everywhere
to give their aid In -making of this con
test a auccess.. -You must do this your
self,- as ' modesty will ' restrain many
women from sending In their own pho
tographs, although at such a -tlm. and
In euoh - a ..contest Oregonlan every
where, should, unite -In not only -finding
pictures of beautiful , women. o but In
entering them 'in'. the , c'ontes thereby
lo help 'sd' far as Is in their power.
Every-photograph -submitted will-be re
ceived 'Invv the strictest' confidence, ncr
will the i name of the sender un-Jtr thy
clri uwstances be divulged. If tit sh'-.ilJ
be-desired that It be kept a iiecKc-y All
Ihotographs sent.-' however, -larti a-itb
the -understanding that they may 'or
may not be publlahed at the pleasure of
The Oregon, Journal." ., , ...;
. 'i i r ' i j
Orders Magnate Arrested. ' ,
' (Jearsal Sperlnl Perries.) ' ' '.
Milwaukee, Wis., April 20 The chief
of police ha ordered th arrest of John
I. Beggs. head of the North American I
Streetcar Snd Electric Light Interests
in this city. St. Louis snd other places,
because he failed to obey a city order
to haul the cars Into the barns instead
of leaving them standing all night In
th streets. . s
1 -
: Chinee Keek Damages. . 'j, : ,
i-'w -V y TCtng. a Ohlnsman who uf
fered a broken back In the La Grande
wreck on the'O. -K. tk on April 10.
has filed suit for $20,000 damages la
the circuit ..court. , , ...
by buying, a SPANTON LOT.
: Nof do you
Portland is
; : "? 'iLots in Seattle
i4 : .'paying $1,500
future. And
V " Portland
ure ft out.
V The Spanton lots are a necessity-' they' are already In big demand-f-homes ;are on all sides1 of. them-they are : ( v
convenient to three' streetcar. lines they are convenienti to'schobls and churches and your awork.M " Spanton lots are - 'y;X
.close in (East Twnty-fourth and East twenty-fifth streets). V , : v , v f j -. Jji- ; f ,
: -We want
take you out.
.' S -
270 Stark
Many Prominent Portland Men
teretate Commerce Law and
1 ? Trade Combination
Now that the Impaneling of the fed-
era! (rand Jury la on. a rumor that has
been Insistent ' tor several wwm w
tbe efft that a number of Portland's
largest commercial men will be Includ
ed la the list for violations of the In
terstate . commerce law la saining
Just what these infractions are is noi
clear, but It is said that tne cnier
violation Is in regara to lorming- com
binations in this city that exclude per
sons and firms of other states from en
tering Into business In the Rose City
with a fair chance of competing suc
cessfully with established business
houses. This 4s clearly a violation of
the recent Interstate commerce law In
reference to throttling competition and
It Is believed that United States District
Attorney Bristol Is aiming his shafts at
all such offenders.
Although Mr. Bristol has given out
no Information on the subject, it is aald
that the men included In the list against
whom Indictments will be returned. In
clude members of firms who are en
gaged In buatness that brings them In
touch with the leading families of the
city, and who have a wide reputation
tor business integrity, ., . . ., ;.
aTet After aalneu at cm.
'Outside of - members of - business
houses are men engaged in acsoclitlon
work that relates closely to. eertaln
lines of business In which are engaged
men who constitute the nucleus of the
commercial body of Portland. If re
port are true. Indictments will be re
turned against these men that will re
veal sensations of a degree that have
not been reached since the first -land
fraud Indictments. . v.
While It la rumored that men of
prominence In Portland sod in other
perta of the state will be Indicted for
violations of the federal land laws, no
direct reference hae been mad to any
Individual. In Just what part ef the
state violations of the land law have
been discovered Is also unknown, but
It would not be surprising to many If
Jackson county would be the scene of
some of the land fraud drama ex
pected to be forme! by the action of
the grand Jury. It waa .. In Jackson
county that Charles NlckeH. Martin OT,
Hog. and .several other men already
convicted for ; vlolatlona of the land
laws resided. '( . ,
fcaad Cases Important. '. '. j
Land fraud eases wlrt -undoubtedly
form a major portion of the Indictment
- xtrsT sroAvn 1
yourWugh Is only In the throat and
ooea not trouble you now, don't think
that It needa no attention, Wher It
nas no r -j inu--i ume
to check It. Th llghtet cough eas
ily leads to Pneumonia, Bronchitis and
Consumption. A bottle of Ballard s
tlorahound Syrup will cure that cough.
Th price put. It within reach of aiL
Bold Vy all drueslet.
, ' - '. - t
have to make any particular effort to. get the lot TEN DOLLARS AQNTH WILL DO IT..,; : -
just beginning! to awaken to its imetropbtitan possibilities. -A Seattle wman told . us ! yesterdays J ryv r '
similarly, situated would be bringing a thousand' dollars.- . He further said 1 that Seattle folks are - .'
and over for property that can gotten at. by boat; that streetcar service is still
yet these people have absolute confidence 'in Seattle and its suburbs'' . , " ' -
is the strongest town in the Northwest,, and- it doesn't take a prophet nor' the 'son -of
you to see the Spanton lots
Wlttda the laat
paaftoa's Addlttoa,
May Suffer for Violations of In-;
Formation forThrottHnjir
AgajnstvOutsrdere. ;;; ' v
to be asked for by Mr. Bristol. For
months he has been engaged la prepar
ing evidence sgatnst -these men with the
assistance of Thomaa B. Neuhausen.
special director- of the Interior depart
ment. - Mr. Neuhausen has a corps of
assistant aiding him la th. work and
they hav. been busy f or the past two
weeks, working lata Into the night,
segregating the data they secured la
th. months they worked.
It is slso reported that another orowd
of California, cltisena. will be calfed
before the Oregon courta to snswer to
charges of violating tha land laws.
This Is borne out by the absence of
Mr. Neuhausen snd bis staff In Cali
fornia early in the year. !
Of the men and women who have al
ready been arrested for offenses sgalnst
the government, little doubt to expressed
that Indictments will notls returned
against them. In sacb eases the gov
ernment generally secures its evidence
before srrests are made and It will not
be difficult to show probable eause of
guilt to the members of the grand Jury.
Assistant United States , District At
torney James Cole, who will . handle
these cases, expects little trouble In se.
curing;. Indictments- against; theee per
sons, although It Is reported that in ad
dition to those already arrested, he will
ask for Indictments against several well
known Portland men. . v, .
Christian Federation Surreys Along
Willow Creek Will Begin' and '
"' Reservoirs Are Planned. . ; ,
The Cooperative Christian federation
will swat week' begin tbe work of sur
veying for extensions of the' Irrigation
system It hae purchased along Willow
creek. ,lni the north, part of .Malheur
county. K portion 'of .the 'ditches are
already made, and it la now Intended to
establish two large reservoirs in which
may be accumulated tbe watere of the
freshet' season for .use during the. dry
months- .':;,(.'
ins isirs . ins i winitiun
moving' along .'satisfactorily, , says Its
attorney. Wgllle Naah, "Arrangements
that have been a long ttma In the mak
ing sre now coming around to desirable
ebape and we expect to proced with the
railroad. Irrigation and townslte pro
jects of the federation this year. Fi
nancial arrangements have been practi
cally perfected In the eaet, and we, are
selling some bonds In Oregon. The
federation te . In better shape today
than ever before, and we thlpk Us sua
cess Is assured."
", ''' '' ' .. ir S -
.JPref Orred Stock Ceased Ooods.
Allen Lewis' JBtst Brandy . '.
toraorrowT - call at our office
tkirtr days asvsa eontnota fcav. beem las for bnUdinsa t '
aad we sow have deposits got two mora iwmses aot y
f ;
Owners of SPANTON ADDITION East Twenty-fifth Strest
Opposite Chamber of Commerce
Clyde; Gray Tries .Several Voca
', tiont - and l Now Before
1 Mast on French Ship.- t
I -. ,- . ..', . r V - ' !
;... - i m , . - .
The ranks of those- who s down to
ths see. in ships has been augmented
by the addition of Clyde Gray, who
cornea to Astoria but who la well known
In Portland. Oray tired of his Job ped
dling encyclopedlaa In Tacoma recently
and signed to go sround th. horn with
a French sailing ahlp. Neither the cap
tain nor the crew can speak a word of
English, while Oray can not understand
French. He expects to come back a fin
ished French scholar..
Gray' la a peculiar genius. He I
said to be a nephew of Judge Gray of
Astoria, one of the well known resi
dents of that place, while ha Is also said
to be -related to Captain TJray. well
kaown aa a pilot and ateamboat man oa
the Columbia river. -.
Some three yeara ago Clyde Gray waa
engaged In the Insurance business In
th. Oregonlan building, where h. had
an office. He decided, however, that the
business was not to his liking, and
therefore began the study of the law.
He delved Into the law for nearly a
year, when he Jumped the dull grind
and hied him to the aand and aare
plains of the Umatilla country.
Arrived at Pendleton, Gray went Into
the newspaper business, becoming " a
"star" man on the Pendleton Tribune.
Mere reporting; did not ault him, how
ever, . end he turned bla attention to
the business end of the paper snd start
ed out Into the hlahwaya looking for
subscriptions. - Nearly every . one- who
desired to read the Tribune,-' however,
seemed to b. already on the subscrip
tion lists, so Oray -fell back Into odd
loba and sewer construction In the Um
atilla city for a timet Then he same
back to Portland full of th. Idea that
hla real destiny In life waa tha law. -
Eventually, however. Gray became In
terested In encyclopedlea and went to
Seattle and Tacoma to spread condensed
information to the bents-hted there. The
salty - breath of the voice of the sea
drew him and the romance of France
beckoned. - ; I ' iv -
.". Colonel A. f W. Miller of the Chanfbar
of Commerce will deliver an address at
tbs regular monthly, meeting of the
Oregon Aeedemy of Sciences at the city
ball at t o'clock tonight. HJs subject
will be "What Science Hae Done for
Man." No admission -.fee 'le charged
for this meettrg and . the-public: has
been InVlted to attend, i t , ; '
' Charles W. Goodman has filed eult
for 110,000 damage against the Port
land Railway, Light at Power company.
February I. .while' he was alighting
from a ear at Hawthorne avenue and
Bast Twentieth street,, the car was sud
denly started with a Jerk and Goodman
waa thrown to the around, Sustaining a
broken legs ..i . .. u. ........
any time during th'e day (Sunday) -and we will ;
Mors, seeds sprout you snd
' nature do the rest. Send for
catalogue. . BlS . and little
. packets, AU the lateet crea-
tlona. --.'- - v -
171 CLAY San Francisco
.'Mention The Journal
'..-.-.... . '' '.: i
Cordrny' Wants Permission to Show
Mary Mannertng and Shnberts
' Before New Theatre Finished. .
1 Shaven aa cloan as a knight of the
middle age. John F. Cordray wandered
Into the council chamber during the ex
ecutive board session yesterday after
noon and asked the first man he met
this question: - - . .
'"Do you know mer
"I'd 'recognise you If you shaved eff
half of your face," waa the answer Af a
member of the executive board.
- "Then - shake was the reeponse of
Manager Cordray of theatrical fame.
They shook, and then Mr. Cordray
told bis mission to tha executive board.
He eald hla east sldu theatre building
would not be completed before October,
and he wanted permission to give per
formances In the rink f the Crystal
Ice company..' The building of tbe Ice
company will be erected within a few
months and" will be attuated at East
Salmon and Cast Sixth streets.
"If I do not get this permit I shall
lose a number of star attractions," eald
Mr. Cordray. "I have the Shuberta and
Mary Mannertng booked for Portland,
end If I cannot get It I ahall have to
let there go by," . - j .
. The Ice company's representative as
sured the board that the building would
be of mill ' construction, but Commis
sioner Max Flelschner thought en Inves
tigation should be made before the per,
mlt, was Issued, and upon hla motion
Mr. ' Cordray'e application was referred
to a eommlttee consisting of the fire
Chief, the fire marshal and the building
inspector. ;, ',- - - . 1
(Journal Special Service.)
Goldfleld, Nov. to. A proposition ha
been ubmltted to the mlneownere and
buatness men which It Is believed will
settle the labor difficulties here. The
miners have offered to return to work
If fho owners will agree not to blacklist
snyTrf th-?m who had previously been
Identified with. the Industrial Worker
of th World." ,Th mlneownere have
announced that thty.wlll consider, all
a subject for the -
; V: J;; -
a prophet to fig- ' y'.
. V'.
Main 2828
fii Co. .
2nd and Taylor Sts.
If an. advertisement ALWAYS solved
your problems, life would be too almpl
a thing to be Interesting. But If an ad
vertisement never, or but rarely, solved
your problems, then life In thla city
would be too complex and hopeless
matter f oryou.
propositions that hava been submitted
to mem, ana It le generally believed
that the miners' offer win
i years trial
-V proves that It f
n t