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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
CliHGOII DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 13, 1C7. FifSGBIPIIOaM.-" v SPIM QEIIIS Used With Good Results In Sagf .,: naw, Michigan, During. . ! an Epidomio. zomoHrs AKuixMExn. ., . Bkar.... ..'Th Admirable Crtehton" fceiplre "Hallo Bill" I Tile, "AcroM the Potomac" at. ...'Kortaers Uahte" Uraad , vaudeTtUe j Toun Topies WAVERLEH8& ' The remain of George McFatrldge, the fireman killed In the O. R. N. wreck at Cayuas Isst week, were brought to Portland today and taken to the roatdence of Ira Taylor. ISO East fc Burnslds, where McFatrldge ' mad tola Home while In Portland. The body or the unfortunate man waa not found un til Wedneaday. McFatrldge waa about It years of age and cams to Portland from Canada. Ha had no relative in thla section of the country, but bad a brother living at Klngstonr Ontario. McFatrldge waa a member of tba Order of Red Men and of the Locomotive Fira- man'e Brotherhood. Th funeral will be held tomorrow . afternoon at I o'clock from the Taylor resldenoa. Bar. 3. W. A. Stewart, dean of the Rocheater Theological -aemlnary, Roch eater. New York, will occupy the pul- pit at tba White Temple during tna ao . aence of Dr. Brougher, who leave next . month for a trip In the eaat. Dr. Stewart waa paator of the First Baptlat church at Rocheater for 14 years. He will begin his three-weeks service In Portland May 11. While away. Dr. . Brougher will preach In Chicago, Pater son. New Jersey; Washington, . Rich mond and Jamestown. In Auguat Dr. Brougher! pulpit will bo f Iliad by Rev. John Roach Straton, pastor of tba Sec ond Baptist church, of Chicago. ? , . Ths Northern Paclflo board 'of mis sions held its closing session yesterday afternoon. . The addreas of ths after noon waa mads by Miss Fraier who spoke of horns mission work. She spoke of th organisation of miaaion work among th women and young people of tba church, with ths cooperation of th Sunday school when the need of uplift ing Influence upon th foreigners of ths country became evident and It wan fait that In this wsy ths work could be more ably handled than by th hoard of home ; .missions. .4 s - The long list 'of candidates for ma . nlclpal office waa completed late yes terday afternoon by ths addition of two Democrats on aspiring for- th posi tion of city auditor and ths other for eoundlman-at-larg. George 3. Smith Is the man who desire to be th Dem ocratic city auditor, while Robert An drew seek th place of eouncllman-et-large. These two men completed th Hat of is candidates which Is now on th offlolal file and : will b placed on th official ballot for th primary taction. ...j; -. A sliver ' tan will be given at th horn of Mr. C J. Andrew, TOO East Bumalde street, under th auspices of ths Daughters of th Confederacy, Sat urday afternoon and evening, th pro ceeds to be used toward ths support of an aged woman inmate of . th Patton home. ., Contributions, from th friends of this organisation will be gratefully received at this time. Th publlo is cordially Invited to attend. Ther Is no admission fee. 'Adeline Pattl, a 0700 mar belonging to Fred T. Merrill, was so badlv cut on n barbed wire fence thla week at i the Merrill place that it became nec-, aaary to shoot her. A hostler was try- -Ing to catch some animals to be used In th society circus, when ' three of them triad to jams n barbed wlrs-fsno and were canght Both the other two wer seriously -cut, but thsy may . re cover. ' v ' V- .' .,'' ' Elder George P. Enoch and family, who war in th Kingston earthquake, have arrived In Portland. Mr. Enoch will glva a fro lecture Sunday night, April II, at th Seventh-Day Adventlat . church, , East Everett and Eleventh Streets. Mr. Enoch In a missionary of eight years' experience In that field and formerly waa an Orcgonlaa. , .,. A handsome souvenir shaving mug given free with, each raaor sold by ns for th next three days. Remember, we positively guarantee every rasor . sold b7 us, to be satisfactory to th pur chaser or money cheerfully refunded. That' our way of doing business, Al bert Bernl,' tnj druggist. 111 Washing- ton street, near Second. Th win of th lat John W. Brock, filed with th county clerk - yesterday aftarnoon, leave 11.000 to the endow ment fund of th Wlllemette university and J 100 to th building fund of th Lents Methodist church. Forty acres of land are left to Wilbur F. Brock and the remainder of the aetata, valued at about $6,000, Is left to th widow. Members of th Horn Training asso clatlon listened to an entertaining and Instructive addreas by Miss , Mary Francis Isom. librarian of th publlo library, at th city hall yesterday after noon. Miss Isom spok on ths character of books best suited to students enter ing th high school. . ; 1 THINKING in' miUions is all right : but saving in pennies, dimes and dollars, will give you a better start Try it Oregon Trust & Saviors Bank l . paid on sTlnc accounts Sixth and WasMsrtom Stav ASSETS, $2,500,000 GltAI DDAUGHTER OF BRYANT DEAD SBBSeaSSaSBaSSBBBBSBeSSBBBsaSaMe- ' Mr. Dodds,' Formerly a- Beauty of Cincinnati, Could Not Ward Off Death In Arizona. ' Death has stopped th rehearsals of on mora ro manes ' woven about tne world-old story, and Sunday afternoon at Holman'a mortuary chapel th last curtain, will be run down with th fun' ral . services consigning th body of Mr. George W. Dodds, a granddaughter of William Cullen Bryant, to th grave. Mrs. Oaorse W. Dodds, Grnddanf v ter of William Cullen Bryant. "' Th casket containing tha remains will reach Portland from Phoenix. Arlsona, this sventng. At th humble home, 417 Montgomery street, th grief-stricken husband told of his wlf thl morning, -f their aarly friendship, subsequent loVe, their flv- year-long honeymoon and th last aad year of blackness, during which th woman struggled for hsr ltf against th dread whit plagu In Arlsona while the man stuck to hi post In th mall car and hoped for th beat. ..- - . Miss Mabel Evans was on of th most beautiful girls of Clnolnnatl soms few years ago. Bhs was tn grsna Albert BernU th druggist. III Wash ington street, is giving an elegant sou venir shaving mug free with each rasor fsiby him for th next three days. V tt la hut noor economy to bur those ehesp, ready mad syeglssses which do more injury man gooa, wnen yoa csn hsvs your eyes accurately fitted by a F.W. BALTES 6 COMPANY MAIN 105 . INVITE YOUIt iriQUiniES Fon PRINTING FRIST AID OAK STREETS Exposition Rink 10U aad Washing-toa Bta. . .. ROLLER SKATING assxoira paz&t. ; Fsatursa at evening sessions, ADMISSION 100. SKATES lid. C graduate optician whose only tmsinsss Is to nt your ya right, and at vary reasonable prices. Ill Fornth street, between lamhlil aad Taylor. . , s Claremont Tavarn Astoria trains lea vina Portland at t a. m. and V , m m m rA ' Htnrnlnv . trttttk Seasld and Astoria, morning aad wa ning, atop at uarsmont; aiso n. r. leaving Portland at 4:10 p. m. and re- taming xrom viaremont at 4v;v. ' At th People Forura, Selllng-Hlrsoh hall, tonight, th pending amendments to th city charter will b taken up for discussion, . i - , Steamer Jeaee Harktna. for Camas, Waahougal and way landing, dally ex cept Sunday. leaves Washington street dock I p. m. , For Sale A few slightly damaged Chatham Incubator for sal cheap, til East Morrison, cornar First street. . For wire and iron fence for eeme- terle or lawns, phono Eaat T 01, Colum bia Wire it Iron works, . Aom Oil Co. sell th best safety ooal oil and fin gasollna Phons East III. For Kodaks, Kodak developing I. 1 Cohen, tha Kodak storo. 111 Sixth St Woman's Exchange, lit Tenth street lunch 11:10 to 1 buslnssa men' lunch. Why par more! Mstsgsr fits your eyes for IX. Ill Sixth treet, . Tea avfnMa. new etvlaa. 1 IS U.-b. Shoe Co 111 Morrison street. , . j Dr. William House, nsrvous diseases, 111-4 prsgonlan, Berr Signs 114 TamhllV Phona, ' Oentn Li thla Water 41 First Si XX Chambers, optician, 111 Seventh. t Dr. B. O. Brown, Xye-Car. Marquam. Dr. f. M. Courtney, la th Marquam. A Free Cook Book to Every ' Woman. : .', , Look on another page for particulars of how you msy secure a beautiful and practical cook book abaotutely free of scat from th Royal Bakery aosapany, i daughter of th. famous poet and In herited much of hi poetic temperament and dramatic ability. Bh studied elo cution and at th aga of to became well known throughout th southeast and middle west as a lecturer and reader! Th appasrano of th young girl be fore th pubUo offanded the rigid tra ditions of her faintly and whsn shs turned from th lecture platform to th tags ah opened tlll further th gap net ween nerseir and her Immedlat re la Uvea. ' . " - About ate years ago Mr. Dodds met th girl In Chicago, whor she wss with a theatrical company, rive years ago the two were married and cams to ths west, wners Mr. Dodds entered th rail way mall servles. a slight cold taken a year ago developed tuberculosis and last September . Mrs. Dodds went to Phoenix for relief. A sudden change for th worse overtaxed her strength aad th end cam Quickly April It. Mrs. Dodds was very beautiful as a girl and whej it years of ags Jerome Muell of New York painted a full-length llf-ls portrait representing her In colonial costume standing with hsr arms full of spring flowers. Ths portrait e rested much attention at tha time and la bow la tha Cincinnati Art museum. , ' BROOKLYN CLUB HOLDS . ML ILECTlOa Republican and Improvement Organization Clad New Fire Company la Ready." . ."-"WW'. , r .... ' , Th annual meeting of th Brooklyn Republican and Improvement club waa bald last night In th hall on MUwauki street. The following officers - were elected to serv for th following year: President, Councilman A. O. Rushlight; vloe-preeldent, Henry Wilson; secretary and treasurer, A. I Barbur; executive committee, A. U Rushlight, W. T, Fleskes, U & Daua and P. 3. Kelly. Standing committees were allowed to stand for another year aa it waa recog nised that they had rendered aom of feotlv service. L. B. Dau. retiring presiaent, was oommenaed for th ex cellent aervloe he had performed for th organisation. Th Brooklyn club la political but also has been affactlv in tha building up of th aommunity. It la a healthy organisation and has aocompllshsd con siderable for th neighborhood. Street Improvement and better fir protection have been its prim objeots and Its members wers gratified last night to find that thslr objects were accomplish ed yesterday when th Powell street fir company was put into regular ser vice. . - v . Th following war last night ap pointed aa delegates to tha United East Bids clubs: M. O. Griffin. F. Hsyek, Henry Wilson, F. Steven and Judge Waldemar Baton, A spsclflo for spinal meningitis has been sent to Ths Journal by Mrs. Angle Crsndell of 1174 Vlllard avenue, who statea that ths prescription wss used In Saginaw, Michigan, . aeveral years ago during an epldemlo of ths dlseas with great benefit. The prescription is con tained In a clipping from the Courler Herald of Saginaw under a Detroit data aad is as follows: "Dr. Osorg McElvn of Detroit has given to ths publlo a proscription for csrsbro-sptnsl meningitis, which be as serts Is an absolute speollla for th dis ease. U basse his claims upon bin experience at Mayssvllle, South Caro lina, In lltl. The dlssssa was epl demlo ther at that time, he says, aad his prescription was used la 10 cases, with ths rssult that a recovery was ao eompllshsd In every case. - The pre scription la aa follows: Bichloride of mercury 1 grain; lodlds of potash 4 drachma; fluid extract of 'argot I ounces; water 1 ounce. Th doae 1 a teaapoonful every thro hours regard less of age or sex. Dr. McElvssn wss formerly a sargeon of tbs Third regi ment of ths Michigan guards. He Is a graduate of Baltimore university." Mrs. Crandell adds ths following sup plementary treatment: "Make a char coal poultice the length of th spin and keep wet with French brandy." Local druggists assert that ths pre scription would not bo harmful If fol lowed. The ((caution la given, however, against giving th stipulated doae to young children. , . . DR. SHORT .WILL BE y IN PULPIT SUNDAY Rev. Francis Burgett Short, TX. D, paator of tbo Taylor Street Metbodlat church, reached Portland last night from San Jose, California, where he has been undergoing medical treatment at tha homo of his friend. Dr. Charts Walter. . Dr. Short left Portland last November for a visit to hla relatives la Delaware. He cam west again aarly in February, going to San Joes, where ho found tho climate conducive to re turning health. , Dr. Short says that ha has Improved vary rapidly in ths past fsw weeks, and expects to be able to resume hi pastor ate next Sunday without serious diffi culty. Mrs. Short and tba baby are atlll In Delaware visiting relatives, no plans having been mads for thslr Immedlat return to Portland. "Doan's Ointment cored mo of acsema that had annoydme a long time. The cure was p-rmanent" Hon. S. W. Mat thews, Commlaaioner Labor Statlatloa, Augusta, Ma. Tomorrow Is th last day for discount on osst side gas blue. U-Auto-Drink "Diamond W" Coffee not only delight th palace but will clear your brain and inspir you to sndur th day's toll. Ask your grocer for "Diamond W" Cof fee, a blend of th cholcsst grades, packed In on .and two-pound sealed oana, at 40 outs per pound. Tomorrow la th last day for discount on oast aid gas hills. . THE "KANTSTOOP" I Shoulder Brace and Suspender Strong v Ifectlve Simple ", ,.: n Only Brae , -c arauoos. Positively euro ths habit of stoop ing. - Produces that military effect so much desired. Women's, Girls' and Boys', all sixes, a 1-00 1 Men's, all sixes. SI-. Only ths following dealers sell nr goods: Eyssell s Pharmacy, 117 Morrison at; Woodard. Clarke at Co., Fourth and Washington streets: Plummer Drug Co, Third and Madison streets, - TaTI KAVTSTOOF SBAOS OO, Pat sate. s and Maawfaotmiasa. oaraavs, cAXh Society Circus . vrout Ainrioxs - MULTNOMAH CLUB. j THIRD REGIMENT . at ths : : ; v A R 1wTni7 V Tsnth and X IXU XUIV X Couch Sta. Tonight and Tomorrow V- Night. SIOOCTT tOCA BROW TTZ. ATTKITPrXO, WITH A OALAXT 0 STA& Xa TOastEiS, IS A . Typical Circus Performance Two Bars m People 40 Hnrsuo a Btnrtns Fee tares. Spectacle e( Mixed Voicee, sad Maay OUer Price 4000 5 eats at 50c 1000 Ra srrvea at si.oo and 91.50 Seats ea eals at thenus. Clav A Oa W&wt and aiorrlaoe streets. Mt sag nCIt ir TUtlTDB raaslagtoa Ua.ll.iui SlilWtlllt. afaka t. . at n. ooonwrs. XwMSay mgkt, AprU sS, "As AsMrleea ' fill lass " ITaasaaaay Aftemem, April 04, "Wsea We Wetaeadav Ktfkt, Aprfl M, "A OflM Feet." BxAT BAXB OrsS TOMOaROW. KtmIbs Plicae 38e to 12.00. Matinee Prices xse to f 1.60. . RlfRD THRATDR uniu.n uniiu Mats t Cos. L. Bakar, On. Mgr. Parneseet Bes er me saaov laeaire erors uowpear. Portlasd's raahloBable Popolar-PricePlay. 1. mu . u i. " ntTmine S.AS. . J. M. Bamee Oa)abrau4 Xnith Pair, ASMIAABLS CICHTO A OaeiaAr Is Poor Acta. Magsiricaat Be aad aettiaga. reraosai uirectlaa Mr. Artaar Macaiey, Bveslns Ptfcaa Me, SAe, 00s . Matlaee Ike, Ue. . Matuwe Saterday. Test Weaa'Tae Piedigal Sea,) Mala lit. Empire Theatre BTtHea W. BesBws, Maaaser. Tbsight AH Weak Marines Barardar (he tut naas anraetwa si taa aeaa SaraesUag Paree CoeMdy, HELLO BILL" rethlsg Bat taasks. karnlar Empire STeax waas "iss suaea LADIES' NIGHT roaiaR OAKS RINK ' OBAJrOMAmtrK OSM , Beat sight of th week to ekjoy - a pleasant skats. The Grand Tas'rrnie se lax. Bisscsrg TXOUPE. 00 IDUCATXB POOS 00. IstreeoxtBa' Leastas u4 Uopin the ltf aroaSiat Vf A tm the Wvrit. peaud Asded Attraeass. nAVX CTTgKMAaT, MTX OZBTtTBT suxmu. 'srvls sad Tsaea, . Vtola aad Snsle, V Tattle aa4 Kay. Vieeerle aleberk Siaaaiaeepe. nrs-s it a.T" a rz . a a M a. a rar j.. Weak ef April Is, Ths Arias Stork Company PreassSi TH B0MAJTTI0 SSAMA, . NOKTHtiRN UIQI-ITS By Harkla aa4 HarWvr. Matteeaa Teaadara, TkaraHara, Satnrsaye aad Bnadara; prtraa 10c and SOor trary otmIb bi a;iwi f ww, mum o. see easts Buy be eecared ky Tsk-Maki 0M. UYRIC THEATRE Veruasd'a Papalaf Iteek Renae. Every Arte. sees aa4 Enetnt This Weak. . Lyric Bteok Oesisaay la "A0B0M THS POTOaTAO." ' SaaintO eaate eaa sow be eemreT ie ae nmrm rrois.10 a. Bl. tm 10 p. b. Dally BiattaMa at sens! time. Braelng pffrunrM at a 14. Oatsrday knd Saaday araolasa. first Serforav anra at T IB. 1 . L I !',' I , ! $1.00 A WEEK $1.00 m ao. Standard Jewelry Co. Lots in WAVERLEIOH are now being sold at bargain prices. Never before have the people of Portland been able to buy such high-class, close-in lots with all the conveniences at such low prices. Because we know that lots in WAVERLEIGH are today selling for less than what they are worth is why we stand ready to give you a guarantee frora'a national bank that you can get" your money back. In six months lots in WAVERLEIGH will command a much greater price than' they lo today. , Why? Because WAVERLEIGH is close in, being only 12 minutes; from Third and Morrison; because WAVERLEIGH now has two car. lines run ning to it; also because WAVERLEIGH has schools, sewers, telephones; elec; trie lights, Bull Run water, graded streets, cement sidewalks and all the conven iences of the city.;These are the things that make a home district, and WA VERLEIGH is to become a great home district. We know it will, and, knowing it, we will guarantee you your money back, r We give you a guarantee from any national bank that if at the end of six months, should you not be satisfied with your . purchase of. lots in WAVERLEIGH you will get back every dollar this company . received. There are no "ifs" or ands" in this proposition. . It is a straight guar antee. At the end of six months you will find in the bank your money and a ' deed' for your lot. You can have either one. But we are even more liberal If at any time during the six months your lot has advanced in value (arid it certainly will) and you have an opportunity to sell it at the increased price, you can take your deed and sell your lot and receive every penny of profit you make. ; Our system is so simple and uncomplicated that a child can understand it. Let us tell you about it. Go to WAVERLEIGH, pick; out the lot you want, and we . will guarantee you your money back. Take the W. W. car to our branch office at Twenty-sixth and Franklin. Agents always on the ground, or call at our office and we will take you out to see WAVERLEIGH. Don't hesitate. These lots will not last long when we guarantee the money back. If you can not call, write us, and we wilj explain our system, ; : ! : W. Lemcte Co. Main 550 Home Phone A-2537 Sixth and Washington IT TOV WAKT TO , SEE THE NEWEST JCC WEABIXO APPAREL VISIT THE STYLE STORE Style, Service find Satisfaction Are insured by the class of men's wearing apparel we handle. The products of America's most prom inent makers, which are universally conceded to be the best ready for service clothing are shown in im mense varieties and await your inspection. ,, The Stein Bloch Co., Schloss Bros. Co., the Brad bury "system are liberally represented, and the ar ray of styles, patterns and models contributed by this trinity of high-class craftsmen appeals to dis criminating dressers. "Correctly designed, taste fully trimmed and hand-tailored", are the features of these garments. Yet they are modestly priced, from $15.00 to $35.00. Our part-payment plan priv ileges you to select and wear your outfit while pay ing for same in small payments to suit your own convenience, say $1.00 a week, without any extra charge for credit accommodation. Eastern MClo L luuMAui cm roavrxjum ostsnosr . aW aW CsavasW ssaW eMWIaaai a Ones XNSTJKBS AIX KXXDcS Oaf UTB STOCK. AOAZX8T DKA.TH FROM ANY ' CA.TJ8B ; LaakfcT.Pna. B. B. Oaaas Oaal Mas. LOeatliamai, B.E-BiailicOw1ae. Xaagai ; MXM1U ' - PanljaA BaarA at TmAs axyuLiifcu S.aVBaaCs.Cei cialagai Wa make ss mrnls, ma ea set miM. We give pern a aeaan eaal laaS aa a BOMB 0mCBwJ-iLAfArsmLD& Can ruMiaVn aW SirntA fttlami Ckv li I II 1U REALCOFFE Cbffs that sends a rtek aeatiil tlckUna; aroma through tha houae of a morning, so that tho stupid est slseper wsks and sniffs hap. plly soffee that la aU eof f eo, erlap, pangsat; that la th kind of coffee w make it ear BuelnMs to sslL Wi hsv th flnost grsds grown a high la price ss yon want, trnt all veil worth whit ToJ ey. Cheaper grades, too standard package but only th beet pos sibis tor ths price. Coffe Isn't sll ws keep froahsni Inviting quality and tho bnyare economy are our mottoes In svary bit Of goods w sell. Ob C L U .1 a aj irhm Store Where Tea Credit Za Ooe CC Ie moc- BIO Tllrd t'rmmt. f. r-em