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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
THS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO, APRIL" 19, 1C07. RRPOPP. Ml Produged a wonderful change in the appearance of the Yon Yonson family. . They all went away, happy in the knowledge) that their appearance was pleasing instead of curious. .' " We Dress E3en.andv After the latest fashions, In, the best materials, at a very moderate cost, and allow them all the credit they want. Make a small pay ment at time of being fitted, then pay as you can. . ; ' WE Wl CLOTHE Ton A WEE LL t Y 1 1 Men's Spring Suits . ' . . . . t " ... Our clothing manager, Mr. Kafka, is in th seventh heaven of delight over the swell appearance of those new , Spring Suits, and, as a matter of fact, they are what the boys call "J'm Dandies." There are in the lot checks, plaids, serges, , unfinished worsteds, thibets, etc, ; with hand-felled collars, . hand-made lapels and button holes and otherwise - showing ' high-grade work manship in a marked degree. You'll, save money by purchasing your Spring .Suit here, for-we ask a smaller profit . than the regular dealer, besides allow ing,. - EASY PAYMENTS YOU ARE WELCOME TO CREDIT Make a , " . Small Cash Say ":t Sf S1 , Week Remember. Your Credit Is GOOD at GEVURTZ We invite men and women to inspect our Clothing Department and investigate our very liberal methods in dealing with the pub lic Youll be convinced that it is to your interest to buy your clothing of Gevurtz. ,: .-' ' . A - : Ladies' and Gents' Fine Watches SOLD IN THE SAME SASY WAY ' ' V PAY A LITTLE DOIVN-A LITTLE AT A TIME "OCVUBTZ SELLS IT FOR LESS" YTTE J7TU MJ VklM .i .:r . . : r : ,:. (3OONO ': CVfMZ BLOCtCBwnocd BrViMniu fiior And Second Sts Portland Spring Eton Suits "' 4. . SATURDAY SPECIAL' i Mr. Worrell, Manager of our ladies clothing ' department, announces the arrival yesterday of a beautiful line of Ladies' Suits. The cut shows the exact style of this suit It is satin lined; guimp braid and button trimming, to match ; skirt extra full and pleated. & 1 Q V Special introductory price, Saturday. . . . 3) lO We sell cheaper for credit than others do for cash. See window displays. Here's another, bargain in Brilliantine Skirts, new and up-to-date, box pleated, extra well made, colors are brown, blue and J . AEf black. ; Only ... .............. ... ,.-M7D The-Jatest styles in Spring Coats, in box checks, pleated, velvet hand-made collar; great value at . .De70l EASY PAYMENTS YOUR TERMS. JAPAH DOUBLES VARALLOWANCE Active Preparations for Conquest of - United ftates Cop-. y tinue In Japan. TOICIO CORRESPONDENTS '. POSITIVE STATEMENTS '.. , , , i ' - JapvteM bplea Active on. raclfie ' Coaat Philippine I(Und Full of jtpMfM Officen Diagntsed aa Xa borer OrganiJie.' New Annie. Bakar City, api u pw rhji for-war with tha Unltad Btatta. a boo and a myth atnaa Ita origin but thara eaa no longer ba any doubt of lta authenticity, advleaa having juat bean raealvad by tha Baker City Herald from a correspondent in Toklo, who.' for ob . vloui reaaone. raqueata that hla Identity ba kept aaeret, which point mo atrongly toward war that they cannot ba Ignored. It la disclosed that the - appropria tions made by the Japanese government for tha army and nary for tha year HOT are mora than double those made for tha year l0t. Tlfa fact, added to tha recant disclosure of tha French pa per L'Eclalr, that the foundation of a new Japanese empire la being laid on the Pacific coaat through tha educa tion of th children In tha land of th mikado to tha belief that they ahould com to thta shore and form a new country for themselves, la alarming. Thla atatement, -1t will be remembered, waa bnsed upon the book "Hokubet no Shin Ninon." otherwise "The New Jap anese Empire of North America.'' Th appropriation for the maintenance of tha Japanese army for tha year l0f waa I), 117,12 yen, or approximately $I.06S,tl in American money. Jn 1(07 it waa more than doubled, the amount apportioned for th soldiers being 111.- tl7.1 yen. or lo5.S08.tM. Thla la an Increase of M0.4J yen, or $2,740,. Oil. . : . , Not quit ao much' money waa aat aalda for th navy aa for tha army, but it waa practically - th earn propor tionately. The 1901 appropriation waa 11.637,917 yen. r tl.7S.8. and in 1907 the amount totala J.4S2,ll yen, or 141.141,100, being an increase of 42,. S4.292 yen. or' SS1.STT.14S. - No explanation of th necessity of In creasing the nary ia -offered by th mikado, according to th correspondent, but In th case of th army It la stated, that four new armlea are to be placed In th field, two In Korea and. two In Manchuria and Sakhalin Island. Thla la but a ruse, th correspondent states, and MORE IIERRICK REFRIGERATORS ilN USE THAN ANY OTHER JAKE n.norta Indicate tnet'ih timbr of Teprantatlr home nalng th HerWek. refrigerators la aomeming puenomoni, and it I conceded that more rtauranta and hotel hav adopted 'it than all other mak combined, J. X Kadderly C., at IS First street bar great eauae for congratulation- over th almost nnl- '.' Jstrsal us of this Mfrlgerator. Th -''reputation tabllahed by thia" rfrlg 'rator for honest construction and beat prindpl of Mfrtgeratlon ia vrin4 by the growing demand for. thm. lta makers always aim to keep in advanoe on Improvementa and efficiency,, and build an honaat refrigerator in rery re 'spect.' Thy feel more confident of hav jlnf attained .that high prlnclpl than 'vr befor. , .. v ... Aa examination of the refrigerator! will convince even th moat akeptloai .of their merit In' workmanahip, ma terial, finish and high efficiency of our ',.ystm. A trial will prov th ralu of UT prlnolpal, economical and highly 'eaniurr featur, - - - .'. ' 1 Owing to our perfected ay stem, mad .'up of OP"' center draft pane, air ducta and other actentiftc construction, our 'refrigerator have a old, dry air. clr eulaUon, whloa keep th Interior dry, sweet and clean, and th articlea stored highly sanitary. Without circulation th Interior would bo damp- and mouldy and th articlea atored would annii in a ahort tlm. Without circulation th remgerator would b no better than th common lc box. ' It la not the cold alone which la ao aaenttal In refrigeration, aa may be eaally damonatrated, but th olroulatlon of cold, dry air, forced by proper line or construction, proper insulation and arrangement Perlahable food kept in our refrigerator are preserved in th beat possible 'manner. . (Fruit a, vege table, eto,, can be atored In our re frigerators together with milk, cream, butter and- other auaoeptlbl articles without, contamination or .taint The walla ax alwaya dry- and awt, van after, year-of uae. lfatohea can be kept on th ahelvea of our refrigerators for months and struck with ease on any of th llnlpga.) To b sanitary th re frigerator must hav. thla poaltlv forced circulation. . . , - Th Importance of 'a aanltary recep tacle for , t,he atorag of perishable good 1 recognised toy more each year, since It la found that much sickness is traced to anssnltary condition In con nection wUa the food. while the four hew armlet are to be formed they ar to ba kept at th atar tlons named but a short tlm. th ul timate plan being an attack upon th Pacific coaat. ' Spies hav been poated all along thla coast and th Philippine island are full of them, young Japanese of ficers who are posing aa laborers. Th fact that th United States haa failed to Increase Ita fighting force materially haa been noted and th preparation In Japan hav been redoubled becaua of the possibility of an awakening her and th appropriation of money for th American army and navy. Tomorrow I th last day for discount on east aid gas bill. . TWO MORE MILES OF SEWERS AT ASHLAND , -N - fflneclal DlaMtck te TteIooraaLl ' ' - Ashland. Or.. April 1. Contractor B. E. Phlpps be giin work this week on his contract to conatruot over two mile of ewers in Ainwoii. inr mw .v w laid . on th boulevard east of Union street, on Morton, Sherman and Fair view streets and on Greshara street with laterals on Pearl. Mead and Vista streets. Last year about four and a half mil of sewers were installed and the com pletion of the present contract will perfect a sewer system comprising practically all th thickly Inhabited dis tricts of th ettr. Ashland may then boast of being a clean town. - The work must be finished by June SO. The en tire system will comprise over 10 miles of sewer mama. Plans will soon be prepared for mac adamising th principal buelneea etreeta, running from Helman to Fourth street and also "A" street between Third and Fourth streets. EPW0RTH LEAGUE WILL V , MEET AT LA GRANDE (ftperlel ptepeteh te The JenraaLl . La Grande. Or., April 1. The annual district convention of th Ep worth leagu of th Methodist church wlU meet in this city May, . It and 11. Th district comprises the territory of east ern Oregon and western Idaho, and dele gatea from all of th leagues will be preeent - ' On th evening of th th th delegatea will be given a banquet .and arrange menta are being perfected for a fin pro gram on Sunday. Tha preeent officers ar Rev. Charles McCourt of Payette, prealdent; Miss Ora O. Gates of Baker City, secretary, and George L. Cleaver of thla city, treaaurer. ' Commercial Club Officers. Freewater, Or., April IS. Th Free watr Commercial club ha elected th following officers for th ensuing year: President J. F. Vinson: vice-president R. E. Bean: secretary, C I Swain: treasurer, J. H. Hall. Th regular standing committee ror tn year war alao appointed, and th club expects to begin an active campaign for th pro motion of th Interest of th town. Catarrk TieaUd and Oared by "The Household Burgeon." Pruggtst refund money If Dr. Porter's Antiaentlo Uaaiisvg Oil tail J, . DECISION IN GAMBLING CASE TO BE APPEALED Supreme Court to Determine Validity of Check Given for Gambling Debt. (, : " tCpeetal Dtspatdl to The losraal.) Pendleton. Or. April 1S Th Mat-lock-Bchuerman gambling - check case, recently tried out here. Is to be ap pealed to th supreme court by Jacob Scheurman in aa effort to hav a new trial granted. In th suit W. F. Matlock sought to recover S400 from J. Bchuerman for a check for that amount which Schetltman had given to Lester Swaggart during a gambling gam and afterward atopped payment upon before th check had been presented for payment by Matlock. After llatenlng to 4he case, th jury de cided tn favor of Matlock. ' Tha basts of th appeal to th su preme court I that sine "Scheurman had asked Swaggart to wait for several days befor presenting th check, and SVwag-gart had Informed Matlock .of the fact when h sold him th check, the latter ahould hav made Inquiries con cerning th starua of th check. Ia th Judgment of the attorney that la a good cause for appeal and h hope to hav th decision of th lower court reversed. THIS CARRIED IT HOME j .. . .. (Heaotahl Svealng Bulletin-) . It is a curious but satisfactory fact that chronle Brlght'a Disease, which, ac cord In to medical authorities, is an In curable and fatal disease. Is now actu ally being cured. We have not attached Importance to the statements of recov eries we have seen in the papers from the Statea, but that they are not all ru mors is now evident from several re coveries here.' ' A. H. Otis of th Honolulu tTug Co. tell us of two Interesting caeea. One waa 'swollen with dropsy due to ad vanced Brlght's Pleease, and both the patient and his physician had given up hop. Otis kept urging a trial of the new specific until the patient finally consented. Recovery waa complete, the patient leaving a few month later for California, where he now resides. " Another esse was that of an officer on one of th Island steamers. He was in a hospital and considered hopeless when put on the treatment He haa now been bark at hla poet for soma tlm. The atiectfle that waa amnloved la called Fulton's Compound for Brlght's Dlseaa. It seem to be a genuine dis covery. Otis says there are very few failures, but thst It require patience. Honolulu Bulletin. When to suspect Hrignt Disease wen knees or loss of weight; dropsy; ruffy anklee, hand and eyelids; Kidney rouble after th third month: urine may ehow sediment; failing vision; drowsiness. If you hav any of the send for free booklet- . For Bright s and serious kldnev dis ease get Fulton'a Renal Compound, 11.00. For Dlabetea, aak for the bin bete Compound, SI 50. Rend for free booklet J no, J. Fulton Co., t10 San Pablo Ave.. Oakland. Cat For sal by all drugetata. Trad a tip piled by Ofarke-Woodward true Co.. w luileee Is euTvuuoata. Pajruaaaw C)a GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF OREGON ARRANGED FOR ' tSaeekil Dispatch to the VsaraaLS Astoria, Or April lt-4fanaTr Whyt of th chamber of commerce haa completed arrangements to aecure a government geological survey of th tat of Oregon and specially of th dis trict adjacent to Astoria. He thinks Ore gon la probably th only atat tn th union that haa not a atat geologist Th result of these surveys In other states haa bee very beneficial la de veloping their recourse. , Whyt be lieves there I ao reason why similar results cannot be attained la thla state. Tomorrow la th last day for discount on east sld gaa bills. . . ; i GEORGE BR0NS0N KILLED BY PREMATURE BLAST (Special Dlspateh to The Jesraat.) Th Dalles, Or., April IS. George Bronaon, dn employ on th north bank road, was badly Injured by a prema tura exploelon of powder Wednesday af ternoon at Camp No. 4. He waa brought to the hospital her after tha accident and died yesterday. . Hla akull in rront waa crushed, an arm waa broken and a terrlbl wound was Inflicted in the abdomen. Bronaon waa SS year old. H had no family. , He had been acouatomed to handling ' powder and blasting for SS years and had been at work for Twohy Bros. ver sine their operations began on th north bank line. Th body will b buried la City c tins- wry toaay, CREAMERY IS TO BE BUILT AT W00DBURN ' (Bneetal Mmateh to The Journal.) Woodburn, Or, April 11. A creamery ia to be nut In her by a Minnesota man, who will return to woodburn la a row day to begin building. He con siders thla aa ideal location for a cream ery, not only on account of th rloh agricultural area tributary, but because Woodburn, being an Important railroad Junction, will afford him superior fa cilities for securing milk and for reaching markets with his products. A number of residence ar under construction and many more ar con templated. . Building will be very active thla aumreer. , - " DECLAMATION CONTEST c OF BAKER'S CO-EDS (HpeHel Dwpatrh te Tee Jn-reaL) Baker City. Or- April IS. Tb co-eds of Baksr high school ar preparing for a declamation. contest In this city this evening. All classes In th high school will be represented and the Inter est and rivalry .runs high among ch VP1 The Popular;LrQaf--- Butter-Nut: Bread ; The Biggest Seller of All. ,Over 40,000 Loaves Baked Every Week j . V-IM;V V. At eAH - r Grocers. 5 Cents Per Loaf See 1at the Label Is On Every Loaf. It's There if It's Genuine Batter-Not 31 I Hv-LniHXHP-yele es Wttsaasle 11 'j r ; vr.raV-W V,,,-' students. Th declaim era are: Freeh man. Haael Panting; sophomores, Beulah Blum and Bernloa Porter: Juniors. Caro lyns Cochrane and Emma Waterman: seniors. Alma Pay ton, Mary Murry and Laura Kennon. f TATEliENTS tBcT : iy cannor be s. - SJ - i w Collects Clatsop 8 hool DaU. tpwlsl Mepetrk tn TU JamL) Astoria. Or.. April 1. Miss U Kook of Fortlnnd. chief clerk of Professor K. F. ltol l"'in, count- nrlionl superlnten cent ( ' : ' iltnomiih. Is here to serur. Infiiri' n re-ir.iing school work boin tn A nrl t cfinrtr; also rf a' IT nuaTci Us far mor than yon If we make as sertions about taola that .... . . . out Tou wouldn't believe tn. ond time, for en thing, and If dv . ful If w could have hla patronar n . price -on our goeda may i , exaggeration; but a and a will convince you that we have . only facta. Avery C C . T: '3 fT.