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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, , PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 19. ICC7. HOUSES LOWERED D0VJI1 HIGH HILLS Moving Residence' lit Corner of Mississippi Avenue and Goldsmith Street. A transformation I taking place In the vicinity of the old Montgomery slough In Ur Albins ar UntbH street, where a fill la now bring- put In for the city by the Pacific Bride com pany. . High bllla are being moved Into the slough, aoooped off with donkey en glnee; houses are being lifted from the top of bluff and aet down on the earn location, but 10 feet nearer the aea level, 4n their nld noaltlOfL. Juat at present wayfarera on Missis-1 alppl avenue are atiraciea in pusing the comer at Goldamlth atreet by work men who are lifting- a three-atory house, 14. by 40. from a site about 40 . feet above the streeUto a location level with the etreeta. It , is a perilous task. Heavy block! and tackle are necessary to let the houae aafely down the ateep Incline built for the Job. ' The contractor who haa undertaken the Job, E. W. Dofflemeyer, aays that he haa aucceaafully engineered aeveral explolta of similar nature In Pug-et aound cltlea. where building- altea are dug- out of the aide of the hill, but thla la the flrat esse that haa confronted him In Portland, where houaes are handed down the aide of cliff a. The fill has progreeaed so far. that cars can now. peaaf over. Throughout the entire winter paaaengers from Low er Albtna and Multnomah were corn polled to walk over the fill and tranafer to cars on either side. Thla was very Inconvenient, especially . i. In stormy ther. -v ' - r - ESTACADA MAN SUED . FOR 'mm:f OVERDUE CHURCH SUBSCRIPTION tV. A. Heylman. a resident of Esta cada. la made defendant In a suit filed against him In the Justice court for the recovery f ths sum of fit which It Is alleged In ths action was subscribed by hire toward the erection of ths Estacada Methodist Episcopal church and whloh he haa failed to pay. Ths suit Is brought by ths trustees of the church, who not only want the sum subscribed, but the interest accruing thereto slnos February tl, MOT.' J. W. Reed, K. 8. Woraer. William Dale, Rosa A. Regan and K. T. Surface are the trustees of the Estacada Meth odist Episcopal church, aa la duly sworn in the documents filed with the clerk of Justice Reld's court and who are bringing the action against Heyl man. William J. Mulr has been en gaged to conduct the ease for the plain tiffs. No answer has yet been filed. c- According to ths complaint W. A. 7. I' - .V Heylman promised to rive to ths trus tees of ths Estacada church S2K, half of which was to hsvs been psld over to ths trustees when they should have raised $700 of the IJ.0O0. and the balance to be paid at the end of 10 days. Cnv Jan uary IS, $700 had been raised and there for tll.te waa due from Mr. Heylman. On February It the ' rest 'was dus and ths suit calls for ths amount with In terest at six per cent from that date, together with the eosts of ths action. Fairfield livery Bam Burned. ISneelsl Plepatek Tee ers.L ' Fairfield. Wash., April If. Ths -livery barn at this place owned by ths Moody Land - company - of Spokane, burned last night; loas - 11.000. -The lessee's loas on stock will not exceed 11,000. : Harry Hillman, who was sleep Ins; in the barn, waa badly , burned about ths hands and face. More Staple Th&n Any "Staple' V Alt mnlM in Aur mirketfl ara unatiD.e ill Villi IS ' tA with a oolirir In tha Mutual life Iniurtnce Company. Cotton, wool, wheat, steel go up and down ; through the Tears, while such a policy steadily jains n , value. Stocks, bonds, securities rise and fall, but such a t policy never depreciates it is always worth more a time foes by. A policy, therefore, in f :'-- - ,-':- -'; 'y :- The Mutual Company should be prized, not alone for in ... present, but also for iu improving Taluc '' ' -, Jt stands for security and solidity; for the satisfaction of the ' policy holder and the comfort and care of his beneficiaries. .' Such a policy, in time, becomes beyond price. The man ' . of responsibility, the man of prudence, who lacks sucna policy should get started ' with the Mutual Life . : The Time to Act is NOW.- For ths esw forms of policies consult Owr ' searest agent, or writs direct to Ths Mot! Life tnaurancs Campaay " A New Yet. v: it.y. : " - mm. LONIST f : : ' .rates to. ...;- OREGON : ' f. w 'First Aid" to ths Bowels HEN' Heartburn, Sour Stomach, Headache, Bad Breath, coaled Tongue, Belohtaf of Stomach, Gas, er any of these forerunners of IndV restion appear. Old Dr. Cascaret wanta to be right 00 the spot In your pocket. I ' Dr. Csscsret guarantees to cure the most obstinate cases of Constipation and Indigestion, .without discomfort er ln ' convenience. , '. " ' - HU medicine does not grips doc purge, but sierclsea naturally the muscles that fine the wails of tk InteaUnea and Bowels. - V.? '-i. . . Want of EzercUe WesWens and relaxes , the Bowel-Muscloai' Jus! as It weakens Arm and Leg muscles. Old Dr. Cascaret goes directly after these Bowel-Muscles. He wakes them up Just as a cold bath would wake up a laxy person. ' V. 1 .. ; . Then he works them (through the nerves) till they get so strong from that Ejferclse.that thy don't need any more, help to do their duty. ."' V-v., . Heavy dinners, late suppers, whiskey, wine or beer drinking, nervous ex ot ta rn ent, sudden exposure to cold er heat and a dozen other everyday UfceHhooda tire the Bowel-Muscles. V ' . - , In such cases a Uttle Cascaret In time la worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment later on, to say nothing of the suffering, discomfort, loss of Business Energy, and loss of Social Sunshine It aavea, . , . , V - . -' .I ;; : Little thin Cascaret Box, shaped so you dont notice Its praeeioe In purse or Test-pocket. . . Contains six Candy tablets Price Ten Cents a Box at any Druggist's, , Be sure yon get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold In bulk, Every tablet tamped "CCCV nru TYPHOID fPHEIC . AT ELKTON SERIOUS . Bad Sanitation Cause of Spread 4 of the Disease, and Situa tion Is Serious. v; ? An oDidemio Of typhoid fever has broken out in the litUe town of Elkton, an unincorporated village of about 100 people near ths construction camps ox the Coos Bay railroad In Douglas county. . Dr. A. C Beeley of Koseborg reported yesterday to vr. M. - lenney In this elty.-secretsry et ths stats board of health, that the sltustlon there was quits, serious and wss due 10 xne n nttarv conditions. " James I Lyon die on March II, of tvnhold fever and ths following sre In a oHtical condition with ths same dlseass: Mr. and Mrs. Cochran. Morris Lyons, Roy Lyons snd Jos Riley. The last Is reported to be convalescing. ' Ths phy sician who had been treating the caees did not recognise ths dangerous epi demic until there were msny cases. Dr. Beeley will make a thorough investiga tion today and report to ths state health board. :..-.' Ths sanitary conditions or the vuisge are reported to be very bad. There Is no wster snd no sewerage end but very little drainage. The water rises In ths wells to within A few feet of ths surface and then In the summer, recedes. Dr. Beeley will also make an Investigation of the railroad camps In ths vicinity, where e number of in en ere working. Dr. Tenney considers this typhoid ep idemic; mors serious and mors perilous to' ths publie -health then ths recent spinal meningitis scare Jn this city, The typhoid epldemlo Is dus to culpable carelessness, he ears, purs end simple. and gives .ths' physicians end health officers plenty of chance to combat 1L M0T0RMAN GETS WORST OF SHOCK Bona Into Drunken Man, but Car ' Falls to Inflict Expected .". ' j Dajnage. ' ; And the Pacific Northwest over the Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line. Oreron Railroad & Navigation Ox, and Southern Pacific, from all parts of the East. DAILY during March and April. . 4 , , Krr: : YOU CAN PREPAY - . Vv For ttctets, if yom desire to bring friends,' relatives, employee or others from tie Eat, by depositing the cost with any agent of the O. R, & N. or S. P. Co., with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished m the East A laro Opportunity to Promoto the In dustrial Growth of the Northwest batxs no at renrcifAi sumi crass. . A ...flOBO 1 .ale , . 7 60 ... city .1 es e .................. . 4 ,ui ,....' fsaoo so 00 DM s.oo SA.ce A - ' 40.00 4TSS . 4S.TS 4S.SS Bnerala Mew Tork ...... rtesSeej .................. VhllaSstchta ............. WaahlnrSoa 4TAS Pates srr'r to sit mala and brunch line points, Huntington to Spokane, i'olve. B Hatea apply te- Portlnnd. Astoria and Puget Bound points: alas hra rclt mats and bra nob line points north of and Including Aahlaad. ' i. - . - ' ' ' . I ..-r complete Information. Inquire of ' ' ( W"K. saeanntaVAT, Oeat.-al aeseiige Agent, Oreg-ew A-.lUroaA U 9wifU Co. C W. Sttngtr, City Ticket 'astU and rVaabtnstsab .. - An Oregon City ear swung into Haw thorns avenue from East Eleventh street at its ordinary speed one eve ning this week. The motorman wss horrified te see S man step directly In front of ths ear. It appeared that sui cide wss contemplated, as there wss no chance whatever to stop ths oar In time. When ths motormsn felt the frame of ths car beneath him strike ths man's body ho felt himself a murderer; Hs threw open ths door snd called, "Some body coma out here, I've killed a man sura." . ' Reveral passengers and ths carmen rushed towards ths form of ths unfor tunate man who could be seen writhing on the ground. Just before they reached him hs ec rambled to b la" feet He spoke with the voles of wisdom end . under standing learned at many bars. ' . "Whstsh all thiah rumpus 'boutf hs Inquired. "Can't a man shsks hands with ear If hs wants to, hsyt X ain't goln shus yer company." - ; A few bruises were ail hs had. Hs hsd been -directly In the way of the car and M hsd bumped him aslds with oot real Injury, , -. S - ' V;-' '':.v f . 1 . ) . ' " YdDUlT . v ' t 1 Is now ready More -than' lOOO are here for you to choose from, and ; the PRICE is just ' lili ' ,': ( .'..1.'" - ''-. :', Handsomer patterns-better styles than ever. V You will see thesame patterns in ')yv other stores at $15 and $20. ; The difference is principally in the higher rents and larger profits of the other fellow. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN m OUR AD ITS SO 2Stores--Third&Oak 14-.. ,---."'. i' ' " " RULES AS TO REPORTING ACCIDENTS ON RAILWAYS tRnecUl Dhvatra te Tke foerasLl ftalem. Or.. AprU H.- Ths sUts rail road commission haa mads an order te render rnore specino secuon s ox the act creatine ths oommlseion. in regard to ths reporting of accidents. The order provides In substance that svery railroad shall at once. In case of acci dent, send a telegraphic message to Ih, nnmmtaalon At Ita office St Salem apprtelng It of ths accident and giving ss many particulars as sre available at ths time of filing ths dispatch; that ths dally accident reports msds to It, ac cording to form J, be sent by mall later, and that the monthly summary of accidents be sent to ths commission within the first IS dsys of ths snsulng month. Ths railway companies are re quested to notify their dispatchers of thla order made hv tha aomilaalai. c rti .-liw- t. V T I A. -- -A V M aeBrsbass.gS'Aw-- - 1 t, tiiifellfii lip r I -mm LL i ; 1 mmmmm Jt K V A 1 '-:...,!-.'... r 11 v 1 1 i t.-, s Gil IN If I : - :. CORNER Mll '.The back of your'suit ts just as important as tfie front; Your friends, and others, too, will Surely see you going,, - even if they don't see you comingto say nothing of your own comfort. v If " . v ' '''' l ' - Woolen 'EM Store Clplhes Arc Famous For any one feature more than another ft's the snug, clinging fit of the collar and . shouldersthey, mould . nvr the form like a cast.1 The backview we illustrate . is the kind we make in all our close fitting sack suits. When buying your next suit look at yourself in the : mirror and see that yours fits at least as well. M From ; the; sheep's back : to yours and no cotton added 4 ' 't f&' if S.? - r sprbg : : cia a con ' Topcoats ..vxv iv vv ... VJf . mm TTTF ZTM FY" UM I Americi'i Standai aaaaj i a suu suats y of Stjle k Quality CO The World Over CLOTHIQRS. MILL TO MAN . TflE BROWWSVIlll W THIRD f"- .. j "v. ,.r.z:',-k:e . STARK ATRCE3TS ?v mm. " 1 " " 1 i 1 -lle1' l" ' L" 1 1 m, m.1M : III! i i M i y -v a.