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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
: , ....... THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL' 19, , 1ZZ7. SIS 2 FLEETS OF 16 WHIPS Admiral Bob Evans Wants the Pacific and Atlantic Squad i rona Each to Contain Largs ' Battleships. '.' tJearaal Seeds! Wm.l - ' Washington. April II. Sixteen battle ships In aaca of fne two American naval fleets ara advocated by Raar Admiral Robley D. Evans, ommande-ln-ealer of the Atlantic fleet, who cama to Waah ingtoh tor a conference with. Secretary Matoalf and Raar Admiral Converse on tha naval program at tha Jamestown exposition, to report on tha work of tha fleet In aouthem waUra and to outline a pro cram for tha aummer. - - " "I think wa ahould have battleships and fleet tactlea on th Pacino, but I believe It would bo a fatal mistake to withdraw battlaahlpa from tha Atlantic for that purpose." aald he. "When the navy la built up to proper proportlona, I believe wa ahould have 1 battlaahlpa on tha Atlantlo and II M the Paclflo. These would form a' great achool for our officers and men and be an tmpres- alva object lessloa for any one thinking of trouble with ua." - - : , Thin latter azpreaalon apparently re flected upon the interaata of the United State a, which alarm lata declare are be ing coveted by a power of tha far aaat Rear Admiral Evana brought to Wash ington re porta of the stralgbtast and faateat shooting ever dona by American ! bluejackets, but owing to tha ordera of tha department could not dlaouaa tha maneuvers or target practice. - RAILWAY CONFISCATES ; COAL IT IS HAULiaB Canadian Pacifio Guards Against Coal Shortage in Cass the Miners Refuse to Work. . ' Tomorrow la tha last day for discount en aaat aide gas bills. . (Special Dispatch to The Josrsel.) Vancouver. B. C, April 1. The Csaadlaa-Paclf lo railway yesterday con fiscated all tha commercial coal In traj lt from tha 'western mlnee as a pre cautionary measure against shortage In casa of a strike. The amount secured was not largo, but any ahlpmenta dur ing tha time that trouble la pending will be taken by tha company, no matter to whom consigned. The railway company officials, at' Nelson have given ordeia that all hauling of ore traina must atop beeauas of tha fuel shortage caused by the miners leaving work. ' ' ' . Tha labor situation Is serious In the mining districts, and nearly ., all . the minora are Idle. . Mm IS TAKEH TO GRANTS PASS FOR TRIAL Young Man Convicted of. Mur dering His Father Returned - for New Trial. WORK ON NEW RAILROAD t PROGRESSING RAPIDLY ' (Sneelal Diana tr te Tha IofmLI Huntington. Or, April It. tha build ing of the Snake - River railroad la progressing rapidly under tha direction of Chief Engineer Armstrong of - tha Oregon Short line and Engineer Watta of tha Utah Construction company, which la doing the work for tha North western . road. whieh la a subsidiary Haniman line headed down the Snake rtver from Huntington on tha Oregon side, through Iron Pyka . to Lewlston. Idaho. ' ' .: Mora than l.SSt men arc now at work throwing up tha grade for tha ' road. which will be ready for tha rails as far aa the mouth of Powder river by. tha lat of June. . Camps are atrung all along tha river. - , . The Outlet ClotMng -4- The New Store is winning trade WHY? ;.: Because the magnitude of their offerings of their ' v Tailor-made $10; ; : Suits . Are fabrics of quality and impresses the buyer, and it is the hidden values of the: workmanship as well as the'jquter attract iveness that denotes the honest, reliable value THE OUTLET gives in . their $10 Suits. Sole agents for the WILBUR $3 HATS Our Panamas of latest blocks are in, and don't forget that THE BEST ; THAT'S ;MADE IN MEN'S APPAREL - sold at - The Outlet N.E. Corner Morrison and First Streets z,- - v (Special Dlapatea to Tbe loersal.) . , Salem, Or., April !. Jasper Jen nings wss taken to Grants Pass Isst evening by Sheriff W. J. Russel of Jo sephine county and will bo given a new trial. Jennlnga was convicted of kill ing bla father. Newton M. Jennings. September 1, ltOS, and was sentenced to hang. He waa brought to the prison for execution, bnt his attorneys appealed from tha decision of Judge H. K. Hanna and tha supreme court, in an opinion rendered November 1 1, 10I. reversed the judgment of tha lower court and remanded the case for a new trial. Later the district attorney filed what la aaserted to ba an amended bill of exceptions but whtoh was substantially a now bill, Tha supreme court refused to reverse Its former decision and Jen' ninga will have a new trial IRRIGATION PROJECT ON ;THE COOPERATIVE PLAN ' (Special Dlapatea -to The J carnal.) Salem, -Or.. April Unlike other Irrigation projects, the reclamation work of the Deschutes Reclamation tt Irrigation company Is dona by tha sou tiers themselves on tha land. The seg regation Includes soma 1.IS0 acres In a tract east of the town of Laldlaw, In Crook county. Tha stste land board has approved tha rules and regulations re garding tha distribution of water In the reclamation work to ba dona by that company, which had previously received tha recommendation of State Engineer Lewis. In accordance with provlatona of the contract l.SS feet of water la to be put on tha land during tha (May period of maximum una. After the land has been fully reclaimed and the con tract with tha atata has been fulfilled the settlers will receive title to tha lands from tha federal government. SANDY LAND COMPANY HAS FILED ARTICLES (Special Dispatch to The IoeraL Salem, Or., April 1. The Sandy Land company has filed - articles of In corporation with tha secretary of state. It purposes to engage In a general real aetata business and to erect and con struct bulldlnga. The company's office will bo at Sandy, In Clackamaa county, and It has a capital stock of 14.500., Tha Incorporators are W. A. Proctor, Ed ward F, Barns, John Straus and Frank Beers. ' Tha Laswell Timber company of Port land, capital stock $250,000, and main offlce Portland, has been incorporated by Jesa R. Laswell, Charles R. Webster and W. E. Mahaffy. Tha Portland Tool Works, through ita secretary. W. Irving Bpeneer, baa filed its declaration of increaaa of capi tal atock from f 4.20O to $10,000. , INTERSTATE DEBATE ON SHIP SUBSIDY QUESTION , ' ' fSBKlst Wanatr e Tha JeeneLl - -Seattle, April lt.-Tonight in Denny hall at tha University of Waahlngtoa th debating teams' of that Institution and Paclflo Grove university at sorest Grove. Oregon, will debate tha ship sub sidy question. Tha Wsahlngtonlsns will take tha stand that the American mer chant marina will ba best built np by means of a subsidy and tha visitors will have the other side. Washington will be represented by Wiley Hemphill. Charles Norton and Howard Gillette. Tha Paclflo team will be composed of Clarence Allan, Hugh W. Sparks and It E. Wltham. Tha Judges will be W. O. Chapman, Judge of the superior court at Taeoma; H. B. Dewey of Olympla, assistant r stats superintendent of schools, ' and Professor Washington Wilson-, of , tha Belllngham Normal acbool. ... . ' K , SAYS LAfJE JOBBED 11 Contlnued from Psga One.) from I. Z. Dufresne, the operator in Moore's photo gallery, who wss bound. gsgged and robbed by the youthful dea perado on Monday night. . V flHvea Stolem STsoktls. . . Lundstrora visited Lane's room In tha Cosmoa last week and waa presented with a necktie by ihe crook which bad been stolen from the home ol I 14 Hoffman on the night of April 1. Lane wanted Liindatrom to take one of the three revolvers stolen .from tha Port land Oun eompany, 1(1 First street, but tha youth declined on the ground that ba would get Into trouble with the wean pon In his possession. ' To Detective Hellyer, Lundstrom de clared that he had never suspected Lane of being implicated in any of the sen satlonal crimes charred aaalnat him. Unaware of Lane's arrest Lundatronf says ha want to tha Cosmos house Wednesday morning and ha la undoubt edly tha stranger aeen ny aire. iam merley. In the municipal court this morning Lundstrom waa released on his own recognizance to return when want ed. Hla parents reside In ' Hoqulam, Washington, and as far as Is known las youth baa never been in serious trouble. The tie riven Lundstrom by Lane la now In posaesslon of Detective Hell yer. Tha officer has Ascertained that ona of tha gold necktie pina taken from tha Hoffman residence was given by Lane to one Of hla friends and It will ba recovered thta afternoon. . Mother Yisits Boa la Jail, i An affecting soone occurred in tha cty prison ' lata yesterday afternoon, when O. Frailer of Troutdala, tha boy's stepfather, and tha mother of tha dis graced youth, visited him In bla eelL With tha appearance of hla aged mother Lane's barrier of ' reserve waa broken down and tha young criminal wept bit terly. Mra. Frasler was almost on the verge of collapse upoa seeing -bar OS- spring, and tha meeting between Lane and his . mother caused a susploious molature even In the eyes of tha Hard ened jail ofllclala. Upon tha request of tha police lira. Newton W. Rountree will call at tha county Jail this afternoon to aea If aha can Identify Lane aa tha thug who so brutally assaulted her. Mrs. Rountree has a distinct recollection of bow her aaaallant's voice sounded, and will en gage tha prisonsr In conversation. ' It la expected that If Lana la guilty of tha Rountree outrage ba may break down at tha eight of his victim. Detective Hellyer, In searching Dane's former room In the Cosmos this morn ing, found a gold watch fob which may ba a portion of plunder from aoms other crime. Two overcoats In possession of tha police have not yet been Identified and the authorities request all persons who have lost garments of that charac ter to call at headquarters. BOY BURGLAR HOMESICK CONCRETE SEA WALL ON SEATTLE'S WATERFRONT (Special Dispatch to The Joamal.) ' . Seattle, April 1. A concrete sea wall to extend along the greater portion of tha Seattle water front la a project that baa Juat been taken np by tha chamber of commerce. Tha estimated -ooat of the Improvement Is between $1,000,000 and f 1,000,000. : A similar plan waa dis cussed by . the chamber aeveral years ago but nothing cama of it at that time, , ' "'' ' .'.' QUAKES IN ALL PARTS (Continued from Pago Ona.) ona people were killed and many In lured by pieces of buildings and chim neys hurled down by the shock. Many mors died from exposure following tha dlaastar. , Appeals for aid were aent to all tha principal cities In the world. Following the main shock tha city wss visited by, lesser shocks at irregu lar Intervals and of varying Intensity for mora than a year. . J. QUAKE IN OCEAN ; Subterranean Explosion Cause of th . ; Disaster In Mexico. (Jo mil fptal Den.) Mexico City, April II. Proof . that the earthquake that caused such wide spread disaster throughout tha bju th em part of Mexloo was caused by a subterranean explosion is found In the fact ' that after the first great shock tha air In many places for miles was filled with - a heavy, sulphurous odor, and In soma of ths streams the water was sulphurous for a time. Thia for eign substance In the air caused great suffering to tha survivors, and for the two daya following tha quake all com plained of headaches caused by inhaling the sulphur fumes. , Reports) continue to coma from tha Stricken territory Indicating extensive loss of life and property. The Mexican government baa taken ateps ta relieve tha destitute In the district where tha effects of tha quake wore most diss troua. .... Young Lane ?oand Baffles Open . Uoiw Not ProflUbl). Ernest Lana, tha Nob Hill burglar, declares that ba would never have left hla atudlea at tha Oregon Agricultural college to become a criminal bad tt not been fon the . fact that he, lacked, tba money to go on. . ' r. - "I wanted to, stay right there and graduate," bald tha , tall, dark , youth, peeking through the bars of his cell at the county JalL to which ba was trans ferred yesterday evening. 'T wanted ta make something of myself.- , I didn't have tha money to go on, and mother needed my help; that a tba only reason I left college." . i . Bobbin XMd Mo .'-' : ' While tha prisoner is careful not to dlaouaa any matter bearing directly on hla crlraea, ha speaks of other matters quite freelyi Ha admits that ha never sent any money home, but says It was beeauas. ba never got ahead. Though bold and Induatrious, robbery apparently did not yield any considerable returns to him and. If be himself la to be be lieved, ha was preparing to leave his calling and go home when ba waa run to earth. T waa expecting to go homo to stay in a couple or days mora," aald Lane. T thought I'd work on a ranch awhile. I came hare in tha first place to get work, but didn't find what I wanted. I worked- as a waiter in a restaurant a ooupls of weeks, but X quit that,"v : Fine-Appearing Tonus; lean. Lana la tall, well proportioned and very dark. He la a type of the strong motive temperament wiry of muscle. keen of observation, quick, courageous snd stubborn. There are no signs of dissipation on his face. Ha is not a degenerate either physically or Intel lectually, but is of the wild, lawteas sort, eager for adventure and nnwllllng By nature to hold a menial position. Under mora fortunate circumstances he might have made an excellent citizen. When asked concerning his desperate battle with tha officers on tha night of bis arrest tha pink domino , burglar laughed. ' , "I wouldn't have shot those fellows If I bed tha chance, I was putting np a big bluff. I wouldn't shoot anybody anywhere." ....... : : f 7 t . ,. Ustee meoosnlaa Foots, : Lane entered the Oregon Agricultural college laat fall and atayed until tha latter part of January. Ha la aald to have stood well in his classes. He played fodtbsll - during tha fall . and was on tha second college eleven. His photo la ' tha Portland papera waa Instantly recognised by' bis. college friends, and his arrest created - much discussion. Professors at CorvalUs believe that tha boy cama to college with tha Intention of reforming, but met with old compan ions while on a vlalt to Portland during the holiday and waa Induced . to go wrong again. The youth will not say whether or not he had a partner In bla operation in Portland. , . . tf SPECIAL VENIRE CALLED (Continued from Pag Ona) nn Milder or a os id "u l!2 a . a ill Doctors Differed "Palo, Weak, Helpless Hopeless ; Poor, Thin Blood the Undoubted Cause. HARRIMAN WANTS TO KNOW (Continued from Pago Ona) your Jurisdiction, return this letter at one so Indorsed. Acknowledge receipt hereof by Imrne diate return of enclosed card. WM.-MCMURRAT, General Passenger Agent Approved' J. P. O'BRIEN. Vice-President and General Manager, Metager flta your eye for $H0. Ill Sixth street, ssar .Washington. Aa seen Juror waa passed by Mr. Bris tol, Judge Wolverton announced that ha was qualified and would nave to serve. Aa Interested spectator in the first stages of the Jury drawing waa Attor ney W. D. Fenton. who made such a itrenuoua fight for Franklin P. Maya, who was convicted with several others in tha Blue Mountain case laat aummer. When It was found that a full Jury could not ba drawn from tha realra called last wsek, Judge Wolverton di rected Clerk Mckea to draw a special venire of 10 to ba drawn from the fol lowing counties: Multnomah, Claoka maa, Marion, Polk, Yamhill, Washing ton, Columbia, Clatsop and Waaoo. Tbssa man will report Monday morning and enough will be drawn to constitute . the required number, ' . ! , ' Then Save Bars Selsotfd. - Ths following are the II Juror who were selected this morning: Albert Adams, farmer, Deer Island, Columbia Now Docs Her Own Housework nnd V Gladly Tells What Cured Her. . . . V ; ', VNashoVN.' IX, Jan. 10, 1908. . , "I regard it my duty to let you know what Hood'a Saruparilla has dona for me. Jl acknowledge without th alighteet hesitation that v ; ,r HoocI'g Sarsaparilla Has Saved . My . Life ;: Aa to tha nature of my disease there was a difference of opinion among the doctors, bat the original trouble waa undoubtedly anemia or lack of blood. I tried one thing and then another without effect and I grew rery poor and pale. One day a physician who had been treating me said to my husband, 'If this medicine does her no good get another doctor or atop giving her medi cine.' Ilia medicine did me no good. I had several other doctors. I waa finally taken to the Massachusetts General Hospital. The hospital physicians studied my ease and I waa made the subject of a lecture. They said there waa no help for me and took me back borne. The only food I could retain waa raw eggs. I could not ait up. : My sister saw an account In a newspaper of a ease similar to mine of a woman who waa cured by Hood 'a Sarsaparilla. She persuaded ma to try this remedy.' The first dose I took was teaspoonfuL After I bad taken it for about two weeks I felt that Ii AAnlit aer fv innti(a )mnrnvi1 until T am,M a.t.'. five egga a day. Within three months I wag so mtatLJ . i. . . v la .1 .a a . . . vv naiiar lii.l . mi I n aiax aimDSK anT inn rtr twiji ..i was able to go out of doors I continued taking Hood's Sarsaparilla until I waa welL X now do my own house work: , I am glad indeed to let the world know of the wonderful medicine which has saved my life. "I hope my letter may be-of service to some, other sufferer." Mrs. F, JL Salisbury, R.F.D, No. 2, Nashua, N. H. WO O'S and hly LXIoodfs Cfatecnfsifte or those who prefer medicine In Oai ubIet form. Hood's Sarsaparilla is now put np in chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs, as well as in the usual liquid form. Sariatabs have identically the same curative properties aa the liquid form, besides accuracy of dose, convenience and economy. .There is no loss by evaporation, breakage or leakage, . 100 doses $L Of druggists or by mail. C I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. aciaANTEBO asder the rase sad Drags Act, Jane SO, Mus. Me. tat, county; Alex Coyla, farmer, Hubbard, Marlon county; W. B. Glass, banker, Brownsville, Linn county; W. H. Btln son, farmsr. Medford, Jackson county; Jamss Starr, farmer, Stephens, Douglaa county; J. tt Carlton, Eagle Point, Jackson county; Ben Belling, merchant. Portland; Lucius J. Hicks, engraver, Portland; B. EL Clark, farmer, Ukiah, Umatilla county; J. Bchoenberg. farmer, Scappoose, Columbia county; James D. Henneaay. merchant, Portland; Henry Naohand, farmer, Parkplaca, Clackamas county; W. F. Moist, liveryman, Leba non, Linn county; William Grlaeenth- waita, farmer, Oregon City; John W. Doana, miner, Bumpter, Baker county. Tha Jurors excused because Of serv ing on state or federal Jurlea In tha past two roars were: W. W. Gregory, Agate; Belgle Coffman, Medical Springs; T. C Dugan, Eagle Point: O. M. Jasper, Cove; Jamea R. Linn. Salem; Ambrose Haseltlne. Portland; J. c atnier, afonta vtlle; John L. Hallar, Woodbuya; T. B. Davidson, Ehigene; O. Bennett, Junction; FrancJe M. Batchelor. poralaad. t H. T. Hudson waa exouaedV- ovr the exempt fireman plea.'"' ' sJ ' r ,. Baa BelUaa; BltgTbla. When Ben Belling, wno is listed aa a capitalist on tha official list, wss-call, ad, doubt arose as to whether bo would be excused becauae of any previous duty service In the atata circuit court Coun ty Clerk Flalde waa called by telephone to determine tha exact data Mr, Selling had served, and when It was found that ba waa eligible, Mr. Bristol gave a algh of relief because of bla desire to obtain men of the atrongeat reputation. Four man called In laat week'a Ventre failed to respond thla morning whan their names were called and Judge Wolverton ordered Mr. Bristol, to de termine why these men were not pres ent. If It is found thst they received the summons and refused to anawer a bench warrant will ba issued for each and ba will ba given an opportunity to state bia reasons for disobeying ths orders of tba eour The men are: M G. Aldrlch, farmer; Tremont place; J. M. Dews, farmer, Watklns; Byron Gale, snsepman, waiter city; Matthew N. Gemmer, locksmith. Portland. SECRET SERVICE MAN - GOES TO SEATTLE . ; . ' - (Special Dispatch te The JsaraaU Seattle, April 1 Thomae B. Footer of Portland will be bar within 1 daya to take tha position vacated by Captain B. W. Ball, who has been in o bar go of tba United States secret service o pen- all ona In the northwest for several years and who has just resigned. ; Fos ter, according to word from Washing ton, will auoeeed Captain Ball. May 1. Foster la highly Indorsed by Captain Bell. Ha was 'formerly In ona of the departments at , Washington and baa been connected with the secret service for the past eight years. Ha was sta tioned at San Francisco at. tha time of the earthquake, but wsa seat to Port land immediately thereafter. ACTRESS WAS MARRIED ' 4 (Continued front Page One.) street, which was leased jointly by Goodwin and- Miss Goodrich - for' one year. Goodwin's friends aay Miss Good rich rented tha apartment and Good win taerely became security for her. They do not think tba ault will causa any trouble between Goodwin and bis wife, Msxlne BUiott. ' . Mis Goodrich met Stacy whan aha was IS years old. - After a abort court ship' the young couple slipped away to Cincinnati, where the husband waa la tha electrical contracting business, and were married, ' In three months the glamor had worn off for the young couple. Stacy moved ant of tba cosy flat. Mra. Stacy want borne to bar family In Chicago. in January, isos. Judge " Kavanagb heard the testimony In tha ault for di vorce brought by Bessie Bdna Stacy against her husband. Stacy consented to a default judgment, and tba great secrecy used In tha proceedings . pre vented them front becoming public Miss Goodrloa la now in tha west playing with Nat Goodwin In The Geniua." '. Her attorney, ' Herman L, Roth, accepted service of papera in the Marks ault. An anawer waa made de nying that tha actreae was Indebted te Marka for a penny. Herman Roth says ba alone . Is re sponsible for the , divorce. , and that Marka appeared for him before Jndga Kavanagb aa a trial attorney aa a mat. tar of courtesy, but tba case la on the short cause calendar, and without tha fair defendant to put on the atand no course appears possible but .to allow a default Judgment,-" -When Miss Goodrich returns to Now Tork I shall ask thst the ease be reopened.- aald Mr. Roth. . Tf.tney can ahow that aha owes anything they will bo paid In full." . ' ; v ELOPERS ARE ARRESTED ' 1 BY SPOKANE POLICE (Special Dtasetcb te The JenrsaL) . - Spokane." Wash., April 11- When tba Cover d'Alene train reached thla dty yeHterday it was mat by Detective Mo Derraott; whe plaaed nnder arrest Miss Emma Bolander, ago 11, and Mr. Nick Buckley, age 1 1, as fugitives from Jus tice, t : t ys---. , They left Wallace between two days and headed for Spokane, where they In tended to gat married. Emma Bolander waa a waitress at Mullen and told bar sister aha was going to Burke for tha day. but Instead went to Wallace, where she mat Buckley, who la known through out the northwest as a piiseflghtar of some repute. When It waa learned that tha couple had run . away, a telegram was aent instructing tha local polios to oatcb them, -'-..;-' ' - :--. Mercantile Firm Incorporates. Astoria. Or- April ll.- Artiolea of in. corporation of the Quong ' Tick Land company have been filed In the county clerk's office.' The. incorporators are H. I Knight. J. R. A. Bennett and Ah Dogs. The capital atock la 110.000, di vided Into $100 sharee. , The object of tha company 1 to engage la general merchandising In Astoria. ' ' ' ' - .... . Miss Wallice's '" Hair - ' f Grew ;-'.V I ,1 .Mi;t . MI ,.- ' iVv - P I EVERYBODY CAN HAVE NICE HAIR NOW, and you don't have te wait aroand weeks and months for results either.1 You win eee Improvements from the very 'first 8tv Raar Takes ea Mew Lit. aad Orawe Feet Leagarthaa H was Bsbri. I-;-.-' adfOWLTOsr Dajrosanrs Co. ' OenUeaacai : Tour DandeHae has msde aty hair grow overMres feet longer thaa it was when 1 be gan Ita ase. It ie sew over Sve feet km g sad keeps right oa growing. It seems to ialrly crawl oatot say scalp. It Is so gtoeay and alee too. Da ndertae will el way have my best wishes. Slaorraly, ... JEANBTTB WALUCB, Stt W. Mtt Street, HIW YORK CTTT, This GREAT HAZR-OROWINO REMEDY can now be bad at all Druggists in three Sites, 25c, 80c. and $1.00 per bottle. v Te show hew' enlcldv Dandartne I " acts we wiU sesd a large sample , tree Dyretarn mail to aayoae whs ' ' senee this sdvertisesasat to ths , Knowltea Daadertaa Csh Chleago, with their asams sad address and tea cent la silver er stamp . IS say postage, i .s j ;