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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
TllZ ORECOJl DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY . EVENING. APRIL 13, 1S07. FOR SALE FARM3. Farm Tracts $300.00 40 acres, 18 mllae- north of Hill-' boro; 8 acres under co 111 vat ton, rest ' la timber; 8 room duum, barn, trull trace. M0. (XV 8.1 acres land, situated 'south of UUUburo; ft icm In mssdow, be " . . a nee In timber. $2,000.0011 scree, H mile from Ceutsrvllls; i ; . It seres la cultlvstlos. balaocs In : brush) level Uad, law fruit trees " of ell klaila; alao berries) . wall ' ' water; 4-cooin house, small bam. . 14,000.00 To (w-llX) acrss. mllaa Booth ef , . IllUauurog 10 seres In cultlvatlos, k , . 25 seres In good paaturs landi a , 6 room bones, two berna. 14,000. 00--i 14 acres land, 40 seres elssr, e-rootn boesa, t bsros, fruit trees, . running water) 1 mils from Forrst " Crave. . ' 1 HOOO.QO KO acres, ' t mllaa from HllWhnnpi 6ft acraa under cultivation, running water and wall! 8-rootn house, foud bam: young orchard, 40 trees. 13,000.000.1 acraa In Washington county, 8 . acraa n call Hat Ion. 4 acraa beaver . dam land. wwis heavy tlinbar. T . . acraa Unlit timber, watered by well ' . and spring, fond young orchard; 6-room bones, bars and ail kinds ef farm Implements: Bonis atock, 15 ' cows, 1 bursas, soma bogs, cblck- . ' ' ana, at. - ' 0,000.0010 acraa farm land, 1 mllaa from ; 1 ' Bearertan. all level, 20 acraa la V cultivation, 10 acraa heavy Umber, watered by creek; do bulldlnga; : crop Included. PHONB EXCUANGB TO. " I B. L. CATS. . 224 Stark at. rirtg farm 85 acraa, II mllca from Portland, fine buildings, barn oat $8,000; place level, . tanning . watar, spring at door, good dairy, : house -m iba beat road kMdluf from fori land. H mila to car Una, ltt mllea to rail- - road station? Uila la the beet bicated and - cheapest tarm In Mttltnoanab county; ' 000; food term. " IT aetea, to la cultivation, 10 miles from Portlaad, fin bouse, good barn, orchards, ' running water, no (ravel, on rood ruadt saooei noma; only 110,0011; easy terms. rina U Sir., at w.ll tmnroved.' ranis 1150 per month: 115 600; food terms. ' r.irra any. Dlock eMcona; Bonac am 0000; tiiftfto? , . I Una lota Beat iih near 23d. only 11.860; eaer taama. , fine tract 1H acres at Moont Tbor, orec. Wftklnc clttl fine ioora bouae; all klnda of froltl only fS.OuO: will taka woo trade; a real asan, 1 Plan tract near Oreabam. 66 acraa, ranntng watar, car switch on place; $3 Bout a anan. tins new 8-room modern rottaxe, SUth, sear ear Una, lot 60100; $1,000; good tarua. SIMM 1 L. K. W 1 1 lO Wmmt tStb trert, sear .Mount Tabor car Una,"f- a.oooi rood tanas.' ,., . Klne . Beat Wta. naar tar, $1,800; $600 aaeh. Kins kt, rt Hat. near' cat Una. 'vnr looks lty $460, 2i aaab, $10 par month; sans. CBARLE80N aV CO., dll Onmmereia! bids. Fboao PacifW- llBd. FOB BALK 00 acres, miles from towa nf Carrollton. oa Columbia river; 40 seres ' eieerea, nve wirer; larro Dam. saw n-rona honee. coat dl.000: two rood chlcken-hotwr. ' rootbooas. other atbuildlnrs; orchard. 160 . treee; lurnt team, wason, 0 bead cattle, is ' Ansora coats, fins reclatered bock, pans blooded fowls. M In all: mowsr. rake, nlowa. harrows, cultivator. Incubator,- brooders, 4 ad : other tools; B. T. D.j price $2,f0; terma. ' Other .arms. Call a 1. f. Unntlnftoa, Ktlao, -' wash. rom BALM AT A BAROAIM. 40 acres la the best wheat belt ef Sher man county, 1 mllaa from towa and railroad nation; 640 acres la enltlvatlos. 825 la fall wheat and tlO to be aummar-fallowed; wall Improved food boose, bars and entbnlldtncsi plenty water, la ran clatera. windmill and watar piped to bouae and stock : will aaO -m , ssay terma; 111 health ohjaet la aelUn. Ad draas Eatarcrisa farm. Bern OA, Kent, Or. PIJCNDID farm 0 acres, all tinder eoltlva tkn, but about . 15 acraa paatura; good hoaaa, fins barn, shoot 00x90; S3 miles from Portland and oos mile from two railway atatlena and oos toff Ire: ea mala traveled road and milk roots for eondenaori an Ideal farm In an Ideal location: $.VI per acre. In quire H. 8. Badaoo, 000 Commercial bid-. BBBT email farm bay fa Orayaa 60 acres, mostly cleared and cnltrrat'd. adjoining towa- nn oa uvo vnisar wail line mil, aiHrHia, crssk.. wood, schools, churches, railroad; T , largs saarmllH near; bnlldlnara worth $2,000; ealy $2,600. Inquire 248 Stark st, . . . , iraaiaa ' $1.800 Beesrlfully situated e new Balem ' aarllnea; only 4H miles tram roort hoaaa; S . aeaaei aultabla fnr small chlchsa ranch or for platting; must be sold at onra Phone Mala . lieu. V. w. neiiman. eve Aoingwai ovus WH1TB SALMON 14 acres anlmprarsd fralt land, fins for early rruit, encrrlea or grapes; mlv half mils from towa of Whits Salmon! ' i bargain, or might trade for suburban prop arty. Vanduyn aV Walton, 815 Chamber of Oommares. . - . - Tl A0RCS asst of Orsgoa Ctty, partly Im proved, oa goos rosa; rorcen to aeii; suy Imoi terma to snlt; a genuine bargain. TAM DDN at WALTON, .. "? 815 Chamber of Commsrcs. FOR SALB 100 aerea ready for plow snd some sally cleared; balance fine, heavy; good watar. near tbs Columbia: price $2,500. Ad dress TTO Bast 28th St.. Paona Eontt 8520. ' $800 BUT8 40 acraa ana mils from Batacadai good soli, spring knack, cord wood and tie . timber: part oaah, balance assy terma. , 801 Iftt, Estaeada, Or. BEFORE yon locate call oa or write Warm . A Stater, tbs leading real aetata dealers In nhlll mnty, Oregoo, located st MeMlaa- elile; the best county la Mis aura. SB ACRES. 14 cultivated; t cows, team, chick ens, sacks, crop, tools, creek, orchard, bans, . boaae 1 sloaa to cars. 804 Ooldamith st, Alblna. . . . - r . 18,000 A SNAP 5 acres, Arlington Heights, platted. S miles oat tweet aide), ton of Can yon road, near Council Crest. .Apply at B8T ' Morrlsoa at. BOMB good homestead relinquishments la big wheat country. Call at 03 SlxlS St., near Ptea. - - : ' ' - 1 . 1 ... . . . r ' X- ' TIMBER. SAWMILL tU miles of fin me from nlll to deep wster dockage, 18.000,000 feet yellow ' fir. ajora saa be purchased; 2 donkey snglnea, s snglaas, t boilers, sawdust and slab eon nysra; lumber will net $7 per 1.000; will aefl timber at actual cost of stnmpags; saw mill, ate, throws In. a 0, Susy, 804 A blag ton bug. Mala 1842. j - . m A wuf't t . -a AAA AAA - - aAaIaA 1 K,KaA J SJI -SSSB.WUV.UW trm , ... s hAsd h or sea. comnlete losslns out fit. t engines, I boilers, sawduat hnd slab coBveyera. everything saw and modern; Bear ' O W. P. rallwayi 90 miles from Per U snd; timber a Ions worth pries asked. . . . , .. , r . C. C, 811 AT, Mala lOit, : , 804 Ablngtos bldg. TO 0WNBRS of timber claims and timber Ws will buy for cash any good timber trth tary to tbs Kebalem river. Will deal with owoara solyi write, tvlag fnU parttcutars . Nehalem Investment Co.. 828 Chamber of Commerca kalMIng, Portland. Or. . - LOCATB -yoa ea t.000.0n0 fast -yellow prna tlmberi railroad Incorporated, aomyod;. right-of-way aecm-edt locater 10 years soonty sarreyor. Cell st 02V. Sixth St., near Pine. HOMESTEAD relinquishments, food timber, cheap, If sold ha a few days. 410 Dak am building. - ' . CERTIFIED scrip, say else, lowest prices, . a HowsiL 688 Chamber af Commerce.. HOMESTEAD and timber lands, scrip, s loan. 808 Commercial bldg. WANTED To any homestead relinquishment. Address P 170, care Journal. ORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. BOR8CS and berries for rent hy day weak ass BJOOtni epvciai raw Sixth end Hawthoeas. Bast 12. BORSItB FOR 0 ALB 80 head. 1.100 ts 1 800 aoonda,- Ovartoa. between 18th sad 14th: lake B car. r reed mas Brad. BNTIRB stock of Slightly damaged karneea snd "scceeaorles will be aold at 18 to Xf. Keller Hsroees Co., 40 North Slxtk at. FOR SALS Good bus team, weight 2.800. 8 years old. Address A. B. Gardner, Forest ' 1 Orora, Of. " ! r ESTIMATES given on axcavattng and team work. Phone East 72. . 420 Bawtborna ars. FOR SAI.B Horses, wagons sad harness, . Ia Salre 8sO Water at. . . ONE awdlnsi team, light donbla wagon snd donble harness la first-class eoodttloa. . Apply ""417 WllUame avs. - . FOR BALK Second-hand top da 11 vary wagna -. a AQA h.lMl A. FOR BALB Horaes, karnssa a ad Wagoa abap. ' 40S Bbs at.. MeaUrUls. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. ISO HaUD of sheep for sals, reaaonahls. Ad- sv. a. otuuvr, aeFss Vo. 2. box TO. FOB RALB 5 first-class fresh cows; cell 11)0 i'nrtland boulevard; firs minutes' wslk norm Piedmont oarbara, ' THKRB good freak cows st TOO Harold st. take aeiiwosd car. A DOOD milch eow; easy milker and gentle; fur :. fJH Bust 14th at. MTSICAL INSTRUMENTS. PIANOS! PIANOSI PIANOS! Great aacrlflca sale of pianos, as here vsfora advartlaed' at 860 Alder street. Tula conalgaee m Instructed to dispose of every piano at actual factory coat. Theae planus ' are from aotns of the wall-knows niana faeturcre. and a guarantee bond for tea Sears goes with every piano, and will be ellverrd at yowr resldenco free of charge. Terms, raab or ' easy monthly peymants. fhaucs of a Ufa time; muat vaaaie stars May 1. W. I. n AN AH AN, Coaslgsss. VICTOR Talking Machlaca sad reenrda: Stetn way (or other) pUaos, Sherman, Clay A Co.. Slitb and klorrlaou sta., opp. P. 0. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. Will Exchange A email grocery snd bakery so 8t. Johns car. ' Una: rent with rooms, $7 Tains $300,. Tbs Continental Co, . - POH BALI or exchange for cold wood, city rraperty, one O-horsepower ststtonary, aas -horerpower portable engine. Call oboe East 424. or at 40 Altrlna are. : A ' BAROAIN. ' Una la rite hoaaa, new carpets, furniture; going away; will taks lota or acreage as part payment. Address P ldT, cars Journal. TO EXCHANOB Nicely fornlahed honaekeeplng anltea or aleepltif -ruoaie for saperttanglag. ' 8U8Vh Aider at. . FOR SAI.B OR TBADB Half Interest In Cen tral Market. St. Johns. - - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. INOFB and Wheeler and Wlleoo sewing as. china sfflce. Ws selL lease or rant new ma chines 1 old machine tahea la part payment! seeoad-baed machine $6 and ap: other makea of new machines $28 and apt needles tor all makea of machines; all kinds nf machines repaired snd guaranteed. B. 8. legal, agent. BSC Morrlsoa at Phjne Mala 2188. DON'T r to Tbs Dollar. 231 Ptrat St., bees see he sells too cheap. Ha sells this wsek s $35 Caeeod range, now. for $20; wool-top mat trrasea. $2.60, and others from Tfts .ap; alas .thooaaads of dollars' worth: of saw and seo- ' end hand furniture cheap; '100 all faUatlngs worth $3.60 at $1 each. POH BALB Bargains la Whites. Stagers, Dsns, Wheeler Wllaons, Households and af her slightly damaged machines. Tbs Whirs Sew ing Machine of rice. H. D. Jones. 280 TaathtU roarra. . . FOR SALR Strictly barglar-preof, ttma-lock v safe! perfect condition; will sell st fraction of cost. Apply to 881Va Beat Morrlsoa sc.. room 4, tnornlnts, -, - .' A NEW lausrh. St fnet ta length, M horse power. Mrs. B. West, SSlVh B. Morrlsoa, ' room 4. Apply momlrjga. . . PRINTING press, a P. 8x12: papsr-cnttsr. type, etc.; a vary complete little outfit, al most saw. Address W 172, cars Journal. - DANDY llttls Munch and boa thou ea. fully equipped; angina guaranteed. Address B 173, ' cars Journal. . . t PINB English eerier paps st King's Bill Kennels; corns early as as to (St pick. - 030 Wssblngtoa St. . -, BBWINO MA0HINRS bought, aold and a chanred, $5 and up. W eaters Balrsga Osw 027 Waahlngtoa St. SHOWCASRB. anamtera. fixtures, boagbt, aoM or exchanged. Western Salvage Co, 02T Washington at. Pacific TO. PRBR POR EVERYBODY Rlng'np Mara 42B0 or call I18H Front at, Ws hoy sad aaU far Kars, elsthing sr say aid thing. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for root a for sale an easy naymenta. ' - TUB BBUNSWIOK-BALrTB-COLUmDnOO 40 Third St.. Portlaad. , I TUB Ore ad Furnltors Co., 411 Hawthorne ars.. Kys the blgbeet cask pries for aeoond-hand rnltara.. Baat 800. BOI.DBN'S RHBUMATT0 CURB Sara ears far rheumatism. Bold by all druggists. ) , FOR SALB Oliver typewriter, pre ct lea My new, $00. 131 Bast lth at. Pboos Bast STS0. AUTOMOBIT.B for aaVa. 1000 Cadillac ros . about. $700.. loO'llth at. - . NEW wan cases asd coantar ebean. Seventh at. Mala 448. - . 188 FOR BALB Ollrsf typewriter, practically new, $05. 181 Baat 16tk St. Pboaa Bast STO. OLD BOOK STORB ramovid ta 148 Fifth and 211 Second ata. , . personal; : ' - Russian Baths - v . Snf THIRD ST.. BETWEEN TATLOR AND 1ALMON: SWIMMING POOU STEAM AND HOT AIR BATH: FROM 8 A. at, TO II P. M. PRICB 25 CENTS. ' NOTICR OF REMOVAL. A. Reiner, tbs farrier, will Lewis bldg. March 1; looking for eul tenia location; for present may be found st reel denes, 362 North 10th st. Phone Pacific 24V7. Will call and glaw asd ma tea aa aaaaL BEXINB PILLS cars all forma of nervous sr .. enseeular weakness. For men sr women. Pries $1 s bos. 4 boxes 85, with fall guar ' antes. Address sr call J. A. Clemen-on. drag ' flat,. Sacnod sad Yamhill ata. Portland. Of. STOP taking drugs: u f" family physician cannot curs yoa, nature, the on!) healer, will . cure sll yoar dlassaas. If possible; rhlropVactlc makea 1 nosalbla. Dr.. Uarala, 815 AlkUy bWg. . - ' ' AMELIA R. P.ROWN, the- celebrated cancer specialist, poaltlvely re moves -sneers paln lessly and without use of knife; coneultattou free. Booms 1-2, Uotal Ohio, Front and , Madison. LADIES Dr. Kstchsra, graduate ssd registered physician, treats any sad all your eomplalnts with skill sod sncrens. 170V. Third St., eor asr TsmhlU. Pacific 220. TOUNO aclentlfle maasross gives electrical, . alcoholic and medicated treatments, also tab bathe. 41 Raleigh bldg. Sixth and Waah lngtoa sta. GERMAN books, magaalnes, novels, etc. 1 Osr man, Bngllab. French, Spanish, Swedish and ItaHaa dlrttooarlee; foralga books af , all kinds. Bcbmals Co.. 220 First st, ' MANLT rigor restored by Dr. Rnbarta Nerve t Olobnles. Oos month's treatment. $2; 8 months, $5; sent securely sealed hy mill. ' Agents, Woods rd. Clarke i Co.. Portlaad, Or. BOLD ON There M one tbtng. that will cars rheamstlsm. Ask your drugglnt for bark tonic or address ar can 4., A. Clamaasoa, ' druggist, Portland. Or. . LADIES whs dealrs a bearrtlfnl oompl.xton, free from all blemish, should eafl sa Madam La Gay, 28 Ruaael block, Foartk sad Mor- ' rlsna. . i. . - , BATH sartors bars recently changed beads st 907H Third at., u nets Ira, room 14:Twlll guar antes to please all; ladles and gentlemen. SUITS prasaat whlls you wait, 60s. Ladma shirts pressed. 80r. Gilbert, jrMu, Sixth sC ' asxt to Quelle. P borne Mala BOSS, ' . , BEST amgaatna Hubs ever offered; send for v prices i agents wsntsd. Jones' Bookstore, 281 ' Aider su, rortiasa, ur. MOLES, wrinkles, sapsrfTBoas kah reaeoved. No chars ts talk H over. Mrs. M. IX Hill, room 830 Fwldnsr bldg. - Pboaa Pacific 181. DB. ' BINO CROONG, Importsr Chinese rsnt mad Irises: sslla Chinees trs, cert a la en re for ' sU dteeaeea. 181 2d. bat. TsmhlU sad Taylor. AMELIA B. BROWS, cancers removed with put pars oe kalfs. Hotel Obis, Front sad Madison ata., room 8. MRS. POTTER-rMaaeeuas, scalp, facial mee , sage, rblropody1. 224H Wssblngtoa at. Boars 10 ts 0. WANTEOPreeent sddrees of Mrs. Beatrice Scott: partly business. Addrsss M 174. care Journal. , NEWLY spsaad masssgs parlors. 201 A Mar irhtil htarcaua let SVug, , PERSONAL. RECENTLY apened manicuring parlors removed rrom soirk xo aaavk morrtmuu sut wwm a. MIKS .RAYMOND Maecenas. It Morrison si., swum la, raoaa sua vs. a. MANICURING, facial msaaags and acalp trsss menu Try roooj 1. Suab Weaulngtoa at. BAI M OF FIOB for sll fsmals d Baat Belmont, Pboaa JCaat 4084. TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oregonlaa bldg. ladles days, gentlemen nights Main ISr. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sura curs fog rfcaiuoatuuB,. Sold by all dragglets. MADAMS TASHTI. bealer: vapor an tab baths, auasags. 801 Vk Third at., sor. Tsylor. MIX GISaON glvee acalp treata 2081b' Morrlsoa at., raum 62. nti dan draff. YOUNG lady jives trsstmsats. 858 ta Yamhill. 8. BUSINESS PERSONALS. . INVENTIONS booeht and sold. Covenant tract Co., 42T giledoer bldg. Mala grot. ATTORNEYS. 0. H. PiaOOTT AND J. A. FINCH , Attorneys-et Law. Practice la all soar d Malsey bldg., corner Secoad and) Morrla A. H. TANNEBj attorney. Room too. Com mfrdal blk.. Seosnd and Waahlagtoa ata., phone Main 1444. - ASSATER9. 0ARFIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO., Montaaa Aaaay Office. An Morrlssa at, ART. FREB LESSONS IN Embroidery Every Day. THE NREDLECRAFT SHOP. Sta Waahlngtoa at. , B. R, MOOREHOCSB at CO. Art rata" metarule, , plctnrc molding, plctars framing, stsrsopt ' runs, laatsra slides. SIS Aide at, AUTOMOBILES. H.'L. KEATS AUTO CO., l AtTTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. Northwestern dletrlbotors for Pons Rsrt fords. Pops Trlbonea. Pop' Wsvsrlys. Poos Toledoa, Thnmaa. OMsmobllea. Franklins. Bolcaa. 80-82 Ssrsatk .. Portlaad. Oregon. HOWARD M. COVET. ' Agent Plert-e Great Arrow. IocomoMtaa, Cad. Iliac aad Knox. Temporary lucstloa Club Osraga. 18th sad Alder sta. BATE TOTJ BEEN BAKER ELECTRICS I Capital Supply Co., 405 Alder St. Pboos Pa cific 871. Demoaatratma by appotntma-iC ' ARCHITECTS. C. DITTRICH, architect. S21 WIlMams tor. McMtlwa at. Pnoaa East 8381. ERNST KRONER, architect Plans and spedfl catlons; alee building sspsrlntsndenca. BATHS MASSAGE. MRS. OB ROCK. - rradaats- mssaaoaal bath, salt glow, sleobol rah, eras re masaagsl Mfsrsacca. law Seventh at. Mala 4844, MANICURING, face sad scalp treatment, bath aad masaaga. 110H fWThg- ; i DtaVnt,tm ptjsraryaxMJ BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES 8. BtrkcawsMI OS.. S04-800 Evsrstt at.; Isrgsat butcher eupply bowse sa the coast. Writs for catalogue. BUTCHERS . SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dctram. . 181-188 First t carries s foil 11ns sad plets assortmsat at lowest atarket pricaa 1 BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. nvwa. varia ea siunaa, . Blank books manufactured; agents for JoneV . Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see tbs asw Eureka leaf, tbs best oa the market. CLAIRVOYANTS AND -PALMISTS. AJwsys Cansttlt the Best, .. pfenr a. khimo. Greatest living astral dead-trance cUlrvor- ant of tbs age; aavtur oa nuaineea ana su affairs of lire; telle yoar full name and whst yoa called for. whom yoa will marry, how Arrol the ons rea love, even though miles away; reunites the separated! gives ewcrst wars ts control; ao long oeiaya in wsiuug. one. m to a. datlv and Sunday. - CtreiAA. Hn. a mnA a ftraad Thestra bids B62l Wash., aaar Park at. Pnone Mala 124T. PROF. WALLACE. Portland's favorite clairvoyant, palmist snd stadium; readings 60s. 841 Va Mor., sor. Tth. MISS MAT ANDREWS Card reading. 26c 2S3 Sixth at., corner Matn - CAFES, TRB OFFICE 25 Waahlngtoa St., phons Mala ' . TT1. Samuel Vlgneaa- , CHIROPODISTS. ITM. DETENT BSTBI.LB DBTBNT. TUB saly scientific chlropndletc, parlors 80S Draw bldg.. 142 2d St. Pboos Mala 1801. CHIROPODY and Psdteartas. Mrs. M. D. Bill, Boom 880 Field ner Bldg. Phems PsdOe 186. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, 804 Fourth at Offlcs and storg fixtures built snd remodeled; ahowaaass " aad counters. Pboaa Mala ,1787. I. MELTON Office, store firm rea: fobbing. 4T Tlrat at. Phone Mala S10O. .CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest 5 last oa coast; Lortng and Harding sta.; phone ast SN0; csrpsts cleaned, refitted, sewed and ' laid; steam snd comprise' d air pro-ana; re novating mattraans snd feathers' s specialty. IOTCB BROS., peonrietorn of the Electric Ctosa . lag works; carpets elesned and laid, both dry aad eomprisai 1-slr slaanmg; carpet refitting onr specialty; work susrsnteed. Pboaa Mala 2478 snd A 2472. 270 Grant at. COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST SLABWOOD CO, . 866 Front, saceeeeora to Fnltoa Wood Oo. fir. ask. slsbwosd. coaL TsL Mala 1888. FOR prompt dative. y af slabwood can Mala . 48TB. Osk. sab. fir and coal Portlaad Wood A Coal Co.. 16th aad Sevier sta. OR BOON FUEL CO. M Bow celling Welsh sa tbrsdrs. beat coal SB taa aMrket, 884 Aider st, Msla 05. . ' ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers In cord wood, coal and grass snd dry slabwood. ' R. B, snd Alblna avs., 8 blocks ssst of ferry. Cast 674. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO, Bones snd blacksmith coals, coke, char coal, kindling. Pboos Msla 1018. TELEPHONE BAST T. F. Bv JONES CO Wood aad Coal, v 181 Eaat Wltsr St. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealers ta coal, . cord wood and dry slabwood. Pboos Bast 424. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned snd pressed, ft per saooth. Ualqos Tailoring Co.. S00 Stark at, B W. TURNER, profaesional dysr snd lee nor, 806 Jeffsreoa st, Phsna Mala 2818. . PORTLAND ataans Cleaalng Dyeing Werka. 211 a earth St. Phono Psdfls SOT. DANCINO, DANCING tassons Brie, elscsM and private, . dally. Prof. Wal Wllleon. kali 804 Allahy bW, Third and Morrison sta. Soclsl dancing waits, two-step, three-step, etc; stare dane - tng. bock and wlag cls, reel, jig, UlghUad fling, Spanish, ate. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Claes Moa., Tsars, ssd Sat, eve. 1 soclsl, fancy and atep dnnclng taught; 8 saeletant teachers; sines snd privets leesnns dally. Western academy ball, awooad aad Morrlsoa ata. Pacific 1430. FROF. BINOI.BR, MISS BUCKBNMBYBR- leading schoot. dally; new hell, best ha ctty, wraad are. aad Bast Msrrlaoa at, 470. DENTISTS. DR. EARL C. McFABLAND. dentist. Suites 710-711 711 Swat land bids. Itioee alaia koii. DRESSM-KINO. MRS. AUGHAN, experienced dreaamshsr. 8u2H Bast Bar aside st. Phone Baat 2U7. MADAMS ANGELES 242 Fifth. Pacific 082. EDUCATIONAL. OREGON EXPERT COLLSOB. Cesamonweslth building. 4th and Ankeny, bene Main anol. Telegraphy. . aborthand. cynrewrltlng, penmanablp, Engllah branches. Individual Instructions, special arbolarehlp. HOLMES BUSINESS COI.LEOB. - ' Waahlngtoa aad loth ate.. Filed ner bldg. Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting and an Bnglleh branches Unght, both day and night. BOSE CITT BUSINESS COLLEGE, Pitman Shorthand bv Court Reporter, Baal, aass Oeores, Special Scbnlarehlpa; Positions Se cured. Commonwealth bldg., 4tb aad Ankany. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. , M. t. WALSH CO- 811 Star at. Electric and Gss Fixtures snd Bapsllss. Msatsls, Tiling, Orstss and Doglrooa. FAC1FI0 BLBCTBI0 CO. Enrlneera. cootrao tors, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 84 First, sor. SUrk. Msla 86a. R. H. Tats, mgr. WESTERN BLECTRIO WORKS, 41 Slgth at Contractors, electric snpplles, motors snd dp aameai ws Install Ught and powsr plasta. MORRISON BLECTRIO CO., 201 Baat Morrison at. Futures, wiring, repairing. Eaat 8124. BARRETT'S, 408 Morrlsoa st. Phons Mala US. Everything tn electric wiring snd lighting. ' 1 f FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORK aad Evsrstt sta. paona Mala 2000. HARDWARE. ""; PORTLAND BARDWARB CO. solicits owottua Ity ta quota ertcee. 74 Sixth st. Pseifls 464. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. Americas piss. 88, $8 per day, BELTBDERBj Europeaa plan) 4th aad Aider ata. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, Ore lock bid.. . - W. L. PAGR, Insurance I em pV race liability, - sursty bonds, burglsr sod e cement n Phone Mala 828. 204 Failing bldg. IAS. Mel. WoSd, smplorere- Mablrlty asd In dividual accident eeenrlty bonds af all kinds. Pboos 4T. 802 McKay blag sai in ma ' i i i n n J i GASOLINE ENGINES. wASOLINB engines, all alsss snd styles, at lowest nrtcaa. Rsiraoa Machinery Oo 183-44 - Morrlsoa at. SHRrrlELD marina enainee. Any propellers. Falrbanha, Moras A Co- (irst ssd tars sta. LAND SCRIP. " . WANTED aad for asm All klnda. Including approved forest rsssrvs scrip for surveyed, aa anrTeysd, timnsr ana prairie gvvsrumeui mm, H. M. I Hamilton. "Tbs Portland," Portlsad. LEATHER AND FINDINGS." rniBrti t. iut ATririr at. ca., fraat mm4 Oak .. tetithtir o4 kin of wv St2riptloa tor Bill pQipoMSi mom mM bi tlBdlnfftL MONET TO LOAN. ,...... ......... t$$$t$$i$tttti$ft(ttitMtt$tt$$t$$i saaaaaaatettlttttttcttttttllltllttlttg $$ MONET. - . ' , jl f -a- - MONET. " " .11 , $ If , monetf- " ; v '- til ; 118 BALAJRT LOANS.' Ill III "Upon Plain Notas. ' ' III . 1 t$ NOINDORSER. , III - 2$ ' NO PrBLICITT- til "....; .' .. $1IWK NEVER TAKEIII . $$$ MORTOAOES. Ill t . Ill ABSOLUTELT III " , , . Ill i KO BECtTRITT. Ill , Ill GIVE- III. ! III 'Tour Noto. .III.. . . til GET .V- .. lit $ 10 to 1100. i ' lit $$$ Open from I a. m. to S p- to. $t IS$ STATE 8ECTJRITT CO-, III f$ . ' - 704 Dekum Bid. Ill $$ Opon until 9 p. m. Paturdaya. Ill Ittiiiiitutiitiiiitiittintuiiiiiiii it$$$$$$$ti$ttt$iiu$$tui$t$it$itt$t$ liiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MONET TO LOAN , On Improved ally property or for balldmg perpnees. for from 8 to 10 yssrs time, with piivllegs ta repay all or part of loan after twa yssrs. Loans approved from plana snd . xnoney aavancso ns ouiiuins pros. gages taken ap ana rspiaoea. FRED H. STRONG. Financial AgssL 14. stars su CONFIDENTIAL LOANS sa sslsrlss. Insurance policies, plsnos, furniture, ware bouse receipts, etc. ( any deserving person may secure a lib eral advance, repaying by easy weekly nr monthly Install merits. NEW ERA LOAN TRUST COMPANT, 206 AMngtoa bldg. ' MONET loaned to salaried people Just ea roar . an asms; don't borrow astll yoa ass Be; my systevn la the best for railroad man. clerks, bookkeeper, st resteer msa snd all other eta- Rloyes; bnamees atrlctlv coafldenrlaL F. A. ewtna. 611 Bachaaan Mdg.. Washington at, , between Fourth aad Fifth. ' ' , MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE sad others apoa their swa names without secur ity; cheapest rates, easiest payments: offices la 40 principal cities: ssra yenraelf money br getting onr terms first. TOLMAN. 228 AMngtoa bldg lOSti Third at. WANTED Motes, meets' a res or coo tracts aa any kind af real setsts la Orsgna asd Wash sir ton; second r-ortgsges purchased If well ssearsd. H. B. Noble.. 812 Commercial klk. DON'T borrow money on eelarv until Hnttcn Credit Co. ' . 812 Deksm bldg. MONET ta losat large loans eoeeielfy: also building Mane; low est rates; nrs I Wllllsm B. Bscs. 812 Falling bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 42S Mohawk bldg. Monsp ta lend oa eeay-paymeot plaa as wa ge es meral strictly coafldenttsL . " MORTOAOB loans at current ratea; aw anav--. mission. Columbia Mfa Trast Company, Lambsr Exchangs bldg. , MONET ta Iosb sa sll ktnds of ssenrltp. " WU Uaaa Boll, roars Wssblngtoa bids. TO LOAN Sums ta salt oa cbsttsl ascarltp. B A. Prams, 814 tbs Marqnam. A LOAN far tbs aklng Salary sr cbatteL The Loss Orx, 410 Deksm Mdg. . . - QUICK loans sa all securities, B. . W. Blag, 48 Waahlngtoa bldg. . Mala 4100. , ON avartgags, $200 to $2,000; cast papers only. Ward, lawyer. Allaky bldg. MUSICAL. THS WERRER STt'PIO Mendnlln. baaja, guitar las tract lone, 480 Waahrng-ana St. PIANO, violin, comet, trombone, clarinet. Pm feeaor B. A. Smith. 2A4 12tbat. Mala 4708. Classified Ads tn Tho Journal resell tha paopla In (ha Brest Orsfon eountrr st tho right tint 'Rites for Classified . Advertisements i Count six words to thalfna.) ' . , ,Ono cant word sctch Inssrtlon. ; 1 Mors than two InasrUona, cants per lino oach lnaartlon. , By tha wash. 10 esmts pet lino (I days). -. No adrartlasmant taksa for lass than it oants, ' MONUMENTS, MEU 2rUrFtrst St. Portlasd'S Isadlng marble and granite works. MONUMENTAL BRONZE CO. Most durebla grass beadetonaa. Room 12, ml Slant st. MACULXERTs ' B. TBBNKMAH a CO. Mining. aswmllL leg- Elng mecbloeryi hydraulic pinea. casting) all Inda repaired. 104 Sorts Fourth at. tun n. a. alreh co s.--od-band chlnsry, eawmllla, ata. sa urano see. ' OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS; DB LII.LBBKl.LB PATTBRSON, apeeiallwt sa aarvoos, acute aad chronic ateeaeea. uinej 212 Fentsa bldg. Phons Past fie IISO. - DRS. ADIX KORTHRUP, '416-14-11 Deksm bldg. Third and Waahlngtoa sta. Flees Mala 848. Biamtastwa fraa. . i-PLUMBERS. , FOX CO. Saalnsr.-- prambsrs. 281 Second, bst. Msla aad Salmom ..Orsgoa pboos Msla 2001. DONNERBBRO A BADEMACBBB ramorsd to No. 80S Bomelds St. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH OO. The P lesser Pa rat Ce- wtsdrw glsss aad Biasing. 188 Pint at, Paona 1884.. PRINTTNO. TUB MOt'EBN PRINTEBT Arthrrls prm'ms, 24 Ruaael bids, Foarta aad Monlasa. Phoaa . PsctfU 1524. , r BVERTTHING IN PRINTING Frora circulars to sstalogass snd awnapapsrs. Metropolitan Printing Co.. 14T Front st. 00ILBEB - BROS., prints rs Cards, btllhsada, ' ata. Pboaa Mala IsoaV . 1461 First at. PAINTING AND PAPERING. F. A. DO A MB. 2N4 Tamnltl at, svposlts Jour pal 41 flee Wail paper, painting and daenrat hag. Pboos as for eetlmatea. Psdfls 2234. FOR rsUsbls work, reasonahle prices. Sheen Bros-, 2n2Vi XsmhlU, near 4th. Msla 8071 ROOFING. TIN BOOFINO. guttering, repshins and general Jobbing. J. LoalL 212 Jeffersoa st. Pss. 1424. REAL ESTATE. FARRISE. W ATKINS AV CO., 290 ALDER ST. Baal estate, rent a at, loans snd Inearascs. Wa make a Specialty of handling rentals . and property fnr re-Idea ta and aoo-raaldaata. KaUbllabad 1872. Pboaa Mala 1444. I. W. OOILBBB. real sstsU and loans; astas Usbsd 1888. 146H First St.. room 11. BPHINX AO KNOT, dealers hr real estate ran tain. AOoVs SUrk st. Msla 4144. - FOR FARMS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. W. W. ESPBT, 810 Oacnaasrclsl bldg. ' , RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 248 Alder St.! phons Mala 710. Rabher stsmps. seals, stencils; bag gage, trade checks brsas signs aad p la tee. i SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. FOSTER 4k RLBISBB SIGNS. ' Ws have built np tbs Largest sign huetneea ta tbs city by flrst-elses work snd keeping oar prom lacs. Oar prices are right. - Fifth aad Everett sta. Pboos Ezcbssgs 88. GEORGB WEBER, MODERN SIGNS Tbs Different Shop." BOS Foarta. rselflc SS11. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Slga Co., I.7 Stark st. Phons Psdfls 1504. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFB CO., sola a rente for Her-rtng-Hsll-Marvra ssfes snd MsBganeas Steel Safe Oo.'s bank ssfes: 20 second-hand fire proof ssfes snd task safss. vary cheep; ass i tnem or wrna as. aa savants ax. DIE BOLD Mangaasss and fire proof as fee: lock oats opened; mctsl fixtures; vsult snd Jail work: jacks, i. B. Dnvhx. 44 Sd. Mala 1463. STREET PAVING. WARREN Construct km Co., street pgvtng, eids- . walks sag nrossings. s!4 com pec Ezcaanga, THB Barber Asphalt Farias Co. sf Psrtlaad, Offlcs 468 Worcester bU. ' SHOWCASES AND, FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of svery dsscrlptlonj bsak, b snd store fixtures made to order. Tha Lot Manufacturing Co.. Portlaad. B. R. BIRDS ALL, designer; sgsat M. W hirer Ubmc (jo. i uamutoa Mag, stars aoaa. SEWING MACHINES. V THB WHITE SEWING MACHINB AGENCY, SbO Yamhill at,, cor. 4th. Pboaa Mala 4102. . Bargains ta sll kinds of asw and sscond- hand sewing machines; a fsw slightly ds:a - sgsd, good aa asw, st greatly reduced prices. PHONB Pseifls 2728 snd I pereonally wlU can snd repair yoar sawing machine: work guar ' aatssd. B. Bama, adjuster, 841 Third at. STENOGRAPHERS. WANTED StSTjrsrrnnhla work at prices. Miss lounge. SOS Lbr. Ex. Mala 6718. EXPERT etsaogrsparr and typewriter. Msla 1271. 814 Dekum bldg. Phone PUBLIC stenographer and typewriter:. Msla. 1271. 614 Dekum bldg. Phons TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, hrasn. snap. its, rorxiana LMinnnry si -luwus Supply Co, Ninth snd Conch. Phono 410. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAGGAGB A OMNIBUS TBANSFBR CO. corner Sixth and Osk sts. I baggaga checked ' from hotel or residence direct ta dee ti nation; pseesngsrs therefore avoid rash ssd aunoy . sues it 4 spots. Privets Exchange 48. BAFES, pianos snd farattnrs moved, parked ready for shipping snd shipped: sll work guaranteed! largs 8-story brick fireproof . warehouse foe storage. Office 204 Osk at, Olsaa A Boa. Pboaa Mala 647. a O. PICK, office SS First St., between Stark and Oak sts.) paona 604. Plsnos ssd fsrnt ' tors moved aad packed for shipping; ems - dlona prick wa rehouse erlth separate Iroa rsoens. Front and Clay ata. NATIONAL TRANSFER STORAGE CO., SOS . Osk st. i telephone k-ata 4400.-, TrasafarrUig . ana storing. . ORROOIt TRANSFER CO., 124 North Sixth St.; poons aiaia cm. ussry saaiing aaa sxorsgs. Iff DEPENDENT BAOOAGB A TRANSFER CO. Storage. , 824 Stark st. Msla 407. POST SPECIAL DBL1VERT. No. 200 H Waah lngtoa at. - paona Mara sua. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE ORFOOH OHEESS CO. (ISO CHEESE. BUTTER, BOOS. etc. dairy products boagbt or bandied oa commission. -124 Fifth St. (Swstland bldg.). Portland, Or. kf. A. OCNST A CO., PISTBI RCTORS OF FINE CIOABS. 1 PORTLAND, ORBOON. BVERDINO A FARRIf.L, produce and csas. mission msrctiints. 140 Frsal St., Portland. Or. Phone Mala 1TB. .' ORBOON FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO, Mannrsrtnrsrs sf furniture tor tha trade. Pot I Uad, Orsgoa - WAIHAM8 A CO.. wholesale grocers, mans , factors ra snd esmatlanloa msrehsata. Fourth 1 and Osk sta. - FURNITTJRB snsfsctnrlng snd sTjeclsl orders. L. Baveneky'a farnlturs fsctory. 0T Front st. ALLEN A LEWIS, cor. mission "l"deca at cbanta, Front and Da Is ata.. Portlsad. Or. WHOt.ESALB crockery ssd glassware. PmeL Begsls.A Oe, Portlaad. Orsgoa. 4). W. SIMPSON, 201 Waahlngtoa kt. Whole sals dealer at trala aad hay. BANKS. I 1 ' EITID STATES BATI0BAL BA3K OF PORTLAND, 0RE00B. 1 I . ai a . r. wa.,.a .Tranaaets a Oeoerel Bauhlna Buelnees. 1 ,a aiaiai aaa karoos, p roaiwai .... ..J O. AI lee-Pr-a Ideal.... ..fT tii , Assistant Caahl, ADD A TILT0E, BASKIA8 PertLuul. 0 a . - W, M. Lead. C. B. s gsneesl bsshlns horSAV OnTj vings depeelta. lot Vl""Tr BATIOlAt BASaV-Pertland XIA- ERANS; WATSOB Presldestl R at I s- -a. I 't'a'CATCBVliu Seeond Assistant Caatile. ' - Benkln' Bast-raa. Drsfts sad Lsttsrs af Cr-dlt lawaed -altokh at Tmata a Osasval, , AU Parts .! the World, collections s Bpecienr. AJIEIRS' LTMXERhTXE'B BASI-Fartlaad. Oracsa. Comer Sassad snd Btsrk trasta. B Commercial and Savings VmpTtmtmi. sf rhe laru t DC. PELTON.... r ens. a m s. a "ED H. ROTflCHf iAMV,..eirsx , ioj-rminn I evnn a. Kg ATI Nil . . .Second Vice-President 1 TM RAEX 0r CALTJORB. A Established 168. Bead Offlos, Bsa rtaastosa, ,iJJ"'?; 1 Csplt.l s.l4 p S4.ot 000 I Surplus snd andl-ided Profua.JlO. !,' r Osseral Banking and Exchange Buslnens Trasaaeted. Interest en Tims Depoatia. - . a..... . . . . . a . a a ..a rn . . ' , savinue Kr A htm bin l --Accounts Portland Branch Cb.siber yt- K. MACRBA. .Manager I .121 AATI0BAL BAJf K Pertland. Orasaa. -' 1 CAPITAL iMO SURPLUS 81,800.000.00. DEPOSITS $14,000,004 On. t. lfTtt.B..... ....... ..:.A.A.8sldent I 1. W. NEwkl'B'f!" ..,.......CsahleeJ TRU8T COMPANIES. rx-aet.iM eanse m. . a,wvaaw f RESOURCES OVER $2,000,000. General ' soents feeen hnadleilak mm 4.11s balances sa an parts of ins world. Ssdngs sssonnts- Ml certincat, , 6A00 sr over, lu to A per cent. Southeast Corner Third and Oek Streets. Phone Prtvats Esensagc ' BSTWJ I. COHKN.... President B. LEB PAGET. . . BecretaiT I ECTrmiTT SAVniOS TBDST OOMFABT 844 Morrlsoa Btrest. Portlaad. Ovsna. Transacts s General Banking Business. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. J"'V?', L. . Tims and Savings Accounts. Ads ss Trustee for Bat a tea Drafts aad Utters of Credit - Arsllsbls sa AU Psrts of tbs World.. ' '1 ' , f. ADAMS....,.....' President I L. A. LEWIS. ........... . b BULLS.. Second Vice-President R. 0, JUBITB.... Beersasry GEO, a BUSS ELL....... Aaalatant Secretary TriXB 7AB.AjfTEE A TRUST OOMPAET 840 Wsshtngtoa nHree. MORTOAOB LOANS en Portlsad Real Estate at Lowest .' , TlUea Insured. I. TH0RBUBW ROSS President GEORGE H. HILL Vies-President I BONDS AND M 0RR9 BROTHERS-Chaahag at Commeros 1 ' Mtrnldpal. Ralh-oad snd Pabllc Berrlca Corporation Bonds.. DO wTHBO-HOPKIJIS OOMPABT sUtabliaasd 18t4 BRODRB. -STOCKS. BONDS. ORAIrl Bought and Bold for Cash and est Margta. Prlvste wires. BOOM 4 CBAMBEB ef COMMEBCB. rhona afslli FT. 0CIS 1, WILDE HOME TIXEPH0ME BOBDS BANK STOCXS. i Member Portland Stock Exchange. 1 Corner Slitb snd Washington Streets, Portland. Oregon. ruvn.eVawlr Clare 9- Pn-lra Prt I Vf WA VVVatg OtatAA tab VWVIVW VW SRAnf, PROVISIONS. OOTTOnT. STOCKS AND BOBDB, : WE DO A STRICTLY OOMMISeUOB BTJ8lME8a. . ;A ; Markets by Priests Whrs. ' Quick Berrlca. REFERENCES Lsdd Tlltoa, Bank ers, and United Sta tea National Bank af Portlaad. Cootlnn TYPEWRITERS. BBADQUARTERS for asw sad rebuilt type writers of sll mskssf sss saw window i tf oa are going to boy a asw typewriter see Be Be fore buying; ws saa asvs yoa money; we bare parts for raps bring all assrblaea: stats agents for the Vlslbls Post ws bay sll klsds . af typewriters. . Tha Typewriter Each sags, lac., B. i. BUtsoa, manager. 84 Third st. BLICKEN8DERFER Typewriter Agency; eup . slice; reps Ira. Bslclgh bldg., 4th and Wash. PUBU0 STBNOGRAPBEB. WB san Remingtons, Smith-Premiers, Drue mores, sts lower thaa say ether company: . laveatlgats. Uuderwood Typewriter Co.. 68 ata. TRANSPORTATION. Alaska 11907 EXCURSIONS 8. bl kTpokaaa, Jnna 14, bsi juir is. BSI AvbS. a. , .- Qascn, sTb1u IB. . . BCBAtOF .FU14 1 SJ. . rrwatdant. sTom 4 . B. AlaABKA BOTTTaV ; BaUBffwsy. nUtka, efnsaaa sad way ports. SslUar B p. SB. Bf. .Oo.'s Xtunhcldt. ...AprQ B-19-ai Oottvhjo City, via aUtks.......Apcj T-Sl City of Bsattla , April 1T-BT sjabt nsAaTCiBOO sotm. y UrnMlng a. aa. rroaa Baattla. City of rtiU .April B-BO pokaa- ....April BS Bpoktuta, dltwot..... ....April IB Vmatllla April U-S0 City tffloo, S4S WMUtuYtoa It Colombia 'ttivcr Scenery uavxaAToa im mtmamxm. Dally eervict bstwssa Portlaad hnd The Dalles, except Bandar, heaving Psrtlaad st t a. at, arriving about 6 p. at. carrying freight aad psnssngsrs. Splendid aowimaiuds tlona for ootflm and livestock. Dock foot ef Aider st, Portland; foot af Court st, Tha Dal lee. Pboaa Mala 814. Portlaad. Str.' Spencer '' Wstly.son4yt2was Xroelu . , . Dally, except Sunday, for Tha Dalles and way lsrtdlnfs. at I a. m., raturnlng 10 p. m. Faat time, bast asnrtoa. , ahogiasi Bbaa. BlBdl Xoaaa, A. 11. al sOAtrv AAcxrxa BTXAicasTX cam Steamships ROANOKE v and GEO. W. ELDER Ball for E-jrcka. San Francisco snd Los Anselea direct every Tuesday at $ p. m. 'i tenet omee tig . rum, near Aiaar. Phrnsa M. 1211. H TOUNO, Agent FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderaoa's Compound Savta ssd Cotton Root Pills. Tbs beet ssd oaly reliable remedy for DRV LA x bu r.Hiuus. t,are (tie moat obstinate caaea la 8 to 10 dare. Price 82 Per boa, mailed ta plain wrapper. Addreea Dr. T. J. PIERCE, Ml First street. Portland. Orsgoa. - ARE YOU "INDEPENDENT IN A FINANCIAL WAY? Tha woman who does her shopping whan aha- wants to rather than whan sho Is COMPELLED to Is compara tively rich. . . if aha has sufficient household- money surplus so that aha la able to bur things TO BEST ADVANTAGE to taka advantage of "oot-or-aeaaon" sales and bargajna aha Is A fortunate worn an. and should bs s happy one. - Such A woman, aa s matter of eourss, taksa ss much Interest In tho store aria. as she takes tn tha latest novsl or fash Inn note. She Increaaea her "financial Independence"' steadily and surely through tha rxcrclsa of "buying thrift' sad foresight. May bar race grow snd multiply. I , as. vnsLorrs ; - SCOTira SYRU? fflwUM ' ' i It soothes toe ehild, sortena the gunjfcalJTa 1 1 all palnTour-a wind evils, aad Ta tha beat 1 , xwmedy fordlnrrhina. , 1 1 TWEWTT-FIVB CE1TTB A BttTTlA- j MBBwasnsM - -t n.k Srreera. DKAriS IhHl'f O Avsflsble tn ATI rl'les ef Honrkon, ssd Manila. CvUeatWns Mads en '"" ,IN8)HTX I Cashier...,. . W. au t .'."'a. mwVt p U Ladd. J. W. Lead. INU BARB: DEPABTMENT. an rings asks sreat said sa tlaas deposits. R 1. DrRHAW. ............ -I'TZZ iZJ.JZ 1 BBk U Bk WO UllTT - - -. . AVSBBASlt aVA-m asm i i Letters af Credit laened AralUbla 8 as rsrxa , Caatilet Aaatstsot CsahleC General Conaaej sab -an, a n . niunaiM,, PLATT PLATT. . saar ns onesea or - sf Commerce Building. Assistant Mensgas J. T. i-iiti Hi,i..., nlAeat National Bsak SS ths rasjua voaea, W. 0. AI.T0RD... .', . . Aaalatast Csanieg V.VSecond ' Aeetatsnt tSnehleC B. F. STEVENS n- aiSaaa Siaat flemBsaV tS Ranking. Twa per cent tatereet " e- a-. of 8000 or aver. Letters sf credit and excuarsju Tims certificates. $ P?r cent; ahortau ayw Call for Bona or -iij., oii vica-PrssldsnS H. U PITTOCB... t O. OOLTRA. .Aaeittsnt Secretary AnatracU Farnlahed. ' ' stArr I JNO. B. AITCHIOS..........A....Baersvsry T. T. bukkhaki ...Tisssursr DiTESTMENTS. BuOdlng. , (Members Chlcsgo Board 'of Trsds.) 102 Third u, McKay Bldg.. Portia sd. Oregoa. That Is an 1t win cost ta write ta as today for a copy of ear booklet, describing eye troubles. If yoa oaf . fsr from any disease of tbs eye that can be cared, aad nearly all ef them can. thin la. hy tar. the best fitted tnstltnttoa oa tbs coast to toll yoa new they should be treated. By M) means neglect yoar eyes. They era the beat frteoda yoa will ever have. Our methods are gusrsateed a ecu rats snd ssttsfsstory. Get tbs book, LA DZB8A hTOHSELL, BafraaJsaist, Munsell Optical Co. MACLZAY BLSCa, FORtXAJTD. 0B. Save 10UT rwrn Money Coma at onoe snd hare fraa axsmiria- Uon, WB EXTRACT TEETH FTtEE;BTtr VER riLX,INQS, tie UP: OOLD FILL-. INQ8, T5c UP: 8ET OJT TEETH. $4 00: SPLENDID SET, 1$ 00; OOLD CROWNS $8.04 TO $S.O0; WHITE CROWNS. L TO. 18.00. , AU work guaranteed for ten year. Lady attendant alwaye preeent. All work dons absolutely without pain by 'specialists of from I to IS years' x. parlsnca. t Boston Dentists "- ihoBo Bcaia soaa BSHr ntOTTtsos) Svt, Opp weffloa. 8saoniBpla. A4esilept,a The Chine That Shines Drlc;htest i;i:iin,".' : :- WOULD EE GUARDIArj CF . HER MUnDEROUS CC Bpokana, Wash., April 19 ! ' 8 loans, who murdcrntl tils fi r ho by that deed, hecaim 1,, r 1 , large fortune, may have 1 is n. his stiardlan. Mr a. (inana ha n plication for that power. It for the waxrlen of the Wall. : . tsotlary to any slwih-r or i bloana 14 fltte, for t p." Milwaukh Cc riBlnrn an4 fnr ' '7 Bell wood and Or-a ju i And Alder. a a. a . .,ry ejus A.l If exwejeiu , a iesley SI Asm. var