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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
Tin: onccori daily journal, Portland. Friday evening. ArciiL id. icc7. NLV.' Tv : ir. Tcr.crrc;v. Sciurihy, Will Ca 11:2 Cr.0'"a"..j EVE1T cl Trc; DAnGAL'J GIVL'.'G In All Pcrllcr-Ts GIstcry ; D. E. IvEASEY.c CG. Port lame ,.. FDST ATiD YAr.nim streets (nlecglliiiL Great Rebuilding; Sacrifice Sale Nerved to high tension by the throngs of appreciative buyers that is making the true merit of this ring throughout this city and country tributary to us, we will make tomorrow a bargain event at this great Rebuilding Sale that will live for years in the memory of every man, woman and child that visits this store. Every department of this store' Worth of reliable and fine quality medium and spring weight Men's and 'Boys Suits, Overcoats, Craven ettes, Shoes, Hats, Furnishings, Trunks, Suit Cases, -etc., will be spread with a series of bargains. Fine groods at such prices, that every person of fair mind will appreciate. Prices in some instances (when the lots are broken) will be less , than' one-quarter former selling prices. We must sell this stock. Dellar says it must go before the workmen commence to demolish the store." So what must be, .will be. c-C: v ,.. -v ;,y. x;.'--y V-: ' "; v---"v READ SOME OF JM. PRICE EDUCTIONS! And remember you will, get every one of them and more, too. if- - . r iju, -1. ,: . , .... .. . . . .-.-. y. rra i PS SUITS There are values in these 3.000 Suits, when the actual reduc- , tions are even greater than is mentioned in this announcement. You can expect too much at Dellars Rebuilding Sale. , ' fJ PJA FOR $8 TO $10 SUITS Will take choice of 300 ' e)X3U Suits; sizes 33 to '44 chest measure; in all wool or worsteds, dark, medium or light colors.' Not a -suit in the lot but' sold regularly at $8 and $9, and some as high as $10. - They are . bargains beyond the most sanguine expectations of most critical of bargain buyers. Some of last year's styles, not cut so long as this spring's coats. ' . - '-v..". 'V''''- . , fr Cf FOR $10, $12, $15 SUITS This assortment of select pt)0U-styles in single and double-breasted; black, blue, grays C7; Cfl aB 'ancy colors, plaids, checks, mixtures, is beyond !) DU question the finest . showing of best $10 and $12.50 Suits to be seen in the city. . Hand-felled-collars, full padded shoulders, haircloth and canvas interlining. Suits that satisfy. CO Cft POR'15 SUITS This almost endless variety; of Oar 3U spring styles, selected to please the most exacting of patrons, are reduced from, lots up to $15 and $16.50 ; serges, un- ' finished worsteds, wales; ribs, plaids, checks and silk mixtures; are tailor made throughout ; The tremendous cut from' regular prices needs no further argument,' as' there is not an opportunity to' equal this great Rebuilding Sale. . ' y . "i ! . . v " . i O CA FOR SUITS These Suits are .the best $18.50 "!)iZDl to $18 values that Vrrshown in Portland; The al- jnost endless variety of c9lors, style and fabrics will need no, fur ther eulogy. Select dpmestic and imported materials, equal in every way ' to custom made, including . Prince Alberts. - Suits worth to $25. - - w'V''-' ' :. ;;;,.; :. -C 1 Q Cfl FOR 20 TO 25 SUITS This establishment for .: nearly .15 years has stood before the Oregon public, f m . J A growing year by year strictly on merit. -It's such 2)1, Jll clothes as these that has made John Dellar's name, ' a household word for reliability. We have cut this line from $20, ' $22.50 and $25, as the finest and best goods in the house are the ones' we are most anxious to sell before the dirt and dust begins pVEMOm ; . Just remember there's more than 1,000 light,'- medium' and heavy; all color. The price reductions arenas follows: r , 1 ; V S4.50 For $8 to $10 ones, lots of them; ; r ' 7.50 For up to $15, several hundred. ; - " '' v-! ' ; r 0.50 arid $11.50 For select $15, $18 and $20 ones. ,-' "r. The King of Pantsdom is making headquarters here with 200 styles and qualities for you to choose from, with an actual saving of 85c to $3.00 on each pair bought , . . ' ; -; -; , J1.15 For actual up to $2 Pants; - -' - v ; : 51.65 For best quality and styles $2.50 Pants.v ; ? ; :S ' V; 52.15 For elegant $3, and some even better. j, ; , ' , . t 12.05 Best styles $4 Pants, some beauties.' .."' R3.65 Right into 1,000 pairs $5 and $6 Pants. V;.v.-" .;'. I4m5 Those elegant imports, sell regular to $7.50. ; r ; , YOUNQ MENS tSUITS V.h ' It' the rising generation that it ihe real style critic He knowa atylea, pecause the critical eye of the young man catches every change or fact in faihion. Dellar't Rebuilding Sale wants that eye on thes Suits and both eves on the Rebuilding Sale cut prices. Only about 1,100 Suits to select toom. S2.T5 and 3. T5 Hnmit ervt-M. 9A nf $7 50 Suits. '- ' J5.KO and f 8.60 For top notch 9 and $10 Suits. 8.50 and f 9.50 For tailor made imports, $13.50 to $15 Sui KINESES PAINTS mts. ' SIZES 2 TO 18 YEARS. "- ' ' ' ' ' ' Mothers,' for IS years we have dealt honest and above board with you. Never promising or doing anything but take interest in our patrons, and selling the best at the lowest possible prices consistent with the qualities offered. . Now we are cutting prices on account of rebuilding. We are cutting prices so as to save you 25 to 50 per cent f 1.25 and 1.45 For great lot broken size $2.00 and $2.50 Suits. . 1.95 For a mountain of elegant $3.50 Suits. .-s-- f V" ' . 3.35 a grand and royal festival in $4.00 to $5.00 Suiti v V V ODD KINE2B PAINTS 25 For 50c Pants; 40 for 75c Pants. ' 60f For an elegant $1.00 Knee Pants. '. BOYS' SHIRTS. '-A'. '; :-' ., : IK For white and fancy mixed lot to 50c value, v ' v 1 t ' V FURINISMIINO GOODS V . The Rebuilding Sale prices throughout this stock are so ridiculously low that yon can buy the very choicest goods at a lower price than any mer chant has to pay at wholesale. - ; ' - ;v - L .'..' v SHIRTS. - . K 5 for Golf Shirts. Were 75c. . :v:' v. ' , S&4 lot StandardStiff-Bosom Shirts. Were. JLQQ : - Jli. . . S5e for Workiagmen'a Best 50c Shirts:'" -. - :, -x '-iv.V 54 for Golf and Negligee, select 75c and $1.00 values. , 5 for Golf and Negligee, extra select and $1.25 values. J,"- ', ' ' - 85 for Negligee Shirts, special offering, $1.35 values. . . . V.,; ', UNDERWEAR.t---V' I-1 '. "' 15 for broken lot Plain and Fncy, 35c values.' . : i- V v- ' S5e for Derby and Fleece, regular 50c .values. ... -X HOf for best quality 75e UnderweaK. , i W " 65 for broken lot best $1.00 values Merino. : f l.OO for the $1.50 Wool the kind that made Dellar's the leading under wear store. ..: ';--,-'-' -li . ..;-:- MEN'S SWEATERS. ;; .v- BO forMixed Wool, $1.00 values. - . . ' ; . ,; . , f l.OO and ftiS for-up to $2.50 Sweaters. , A; 5 ... ; ,. ,v , S9e for Children's 75c Sweaters. - . . ::. ' 60e for Boys' $1.00 Sweaters.,. ; . ;. - -' .' ; 85a for Boys' $L50 Sweaters;-' " .'. 8U4 for: Black and Tatt, 12j4e value. ' " ' 12 for Black, Tan and Fancy 20c Sox.. . j : i- i ' . ; 19 for Plain and Fancy 35c Sox. , . " . v .-.-..', -v '' - SUSPENDERS. " V;;. ' .Y v,, 10 for special value. Cost more. ),... , , ' '.i ."" .'t' 1 39 for best 50c Suspenders on earth. ' t'm ' " ' 1 ' -. -..- :.-;- . - NECKWEAR. v' '. : , 19 for pure silk spring styles, up to 35c goods. . ' .': - 39 for Dellar's great 50c spring line. - - i . y ' 'i " -. , UMBRELLAS. 1 i'"-.-'. x 504 for 75c Umbrellas. T5 for $1.00 UmbrelUs.' ' , ; -V ,y""y': v' .'Vv r.- f l.OO for $1.50 Umbrellas. - ' - . HANDKERCHIEFS . - - 84 for belt 5c Handkerchiefs. " r ' ' , '. , ' ' ' T4 for best 12e Handkerchiefs. - ; V ' Vi , V -f, '? t 12J4f for best 20c Handkerchiefs. ' ' , , . - . THREE HUNDRED SUITCASES. Not 299, but 300 or more to select from r . , Were $175 : $2.50 $5.00 " ftf.OO $7.50 Now iUO -r- $1.63 , $2.90 ; $3.60 $4.65 TRUNKS. ,. . ' More than a van load ; - ' Were . . . . ...t...t....$4.00 Now $5.00 $2J0 $30 $8.00: $4 JO ,$9.00; $5.40 $11.50 $6.75 : '-:Vi- v--; HATS - MATS ;vv , : - AND THEN SOME MORE-HATS. ' 654 and they are off. About 300, pearl, drab, tan, iron, ochre, etc Good ones and good styles, but we take a fall out of hats tomorrow because they take up lots of room, and room is what we want and must have. They are $1.50 and $2.00 hats, and good ones at that. -i-'V y, ,v 884 FOR $1.50 HATS. ,; "; This lot of hats are specials. But hats tak up lots of room. , Hats must move, so we put $1.50 hats in this class. The spring styles. .. , " . . ; . . V Y " . v V r 51.65 FOR $2.50 HATS. . " ' ' . " ' ' -: ' f ; The nobby shades, shapes and colors, bought for the hat critic of 1907 and cut from $2.50. , , . , v , - f 2.35 FOR $3.50 HATS. - ; ' Do you want the best stytes and finest qualities? These are our $3.00 and $3.50 hats. In all shapes ' . , ' r ' . ' . BOYS' 'AIND MISSBS' SHOES Vr A world in itself. Supplied with all the different stylet and kinds of Youths' Shoes in the universe. ' ' ; . . r ' u 754 AND 904 for $1.50 SHOES. J " This is a wonderful lot of $1.50 Shoes; all kinds, but for quick action they go at 75c and 90c." - " J -: fl.45 FOR $Z25 SHOES. , ,v" Sample lines, late styles for boys and misses; style, service and satisfac tion. John Dellar's $2.25 Shoes. ' . 1.85 FOR S2.S0 SHOES. .. Dressy for style and shape, hand-turned welts, $2.50 Shoes, at John Del lar a great sacnttce sale on account oi store reconstruction. Children's Shoes. Bring on thevkindergarten crowd. ; "'J. . ; - r:" V-.,-.: T5f FOR $1 J5 SHOES. . ; , We will close but several hundred pairs $1.35 Shots. . ,' J: 81.35 FOR $2.00 SHOES. . i , -Very handsome and fine, stock regular $2.00 "Shots...1.' " V V ) "" f 1.65 FOR $2.50 SHOES.".' 1 r:' S The highest class footwear, a world of style, regular value $2.50. 7 .WOMEN'S SHOES : Prices tiiat aeent like fiction, but true to penny. - : " 254 Odd lots Oxford Ties house Shoes to $2.00 value. . . v ; , ' " , 754 AND 1.00 FOR $U0 AND $2.00 SHOES. ' Starting at these unusually low prices give you some idea of the terrible sacrifice we are making on account of rebuilding. These are our $1.50 and $2.00 Shoes. - ' ' ' . - - , - . ; fl.45 FOR $2.50 SHOES. There is style and quality here to please the fastidious Shoe buyer; $2.50 in almost endless variety street and dress Shoes.' , - . v . ' f 2.45 FOR $3.00 AND $35 SHOES. 1,000 pairs or more, the acme of footwear. The most reckless sacrifice of all new footwear ever made in Portland; $3.00 and $325 values-, . V ." ;U ; f 2.85 FOR $30 SHOES. ' J',,; Our high-grade, hand-welt, bench goods, the newest swing lasts and . boulevard toe, patent, gunmetal, vict kid, latest and best $3.50 Shoe. , -.-, JVLEIN'S SHOES f JUST read the items. . - -y-- -', 504 and 754 Good wearing Congress and odd pairs to $1.50 values. . -,,'. , - ,. 954 FOR $1.75 SHOES. " . V'.-" r.V. Four hundred pairs of box calf Shoes, light,, medium and heavy stock. Every Shoe bought at this stone must be satisfactory. It has John Del- , lar's guarantee behind it. This bargain grabbing lot containa Shoes of all kinds, worth to $175. - fl.45 FOR $3 JO SHOES. Vici, heavy kip, calf and velour Shoes, in more Uhan 50 styles of toe and -shspes of last These are thv best $2.50 Shoes, and only nnder forced . circumstances would w ever consider to slaughter this immense fine Stock.' ' ' - ' ,' v - ; f 1.95 AND f2.45 FOR $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES. ' Dd you realize what 5,000 pairs means? - Try. " And then come here and we will give you the opportunity of selecting from, that many pairs -or more, worth $3.00 and $3.50. This Rebuilding Sale will terrorize the shoe . seller and draw. more people to this unparalleled reconstruction sale than ever attended a sale in Portland. ' .' f 2.85 Think of Dellar $4.00 Spring-Style Shoes at less than factory ; costl ' Now you have the exact situation at the Rebuilding Sacrifice Sahe. v ' - -- ' ' " ' .1 ; There are lots of other bargains in' this great Rebuilding Sacrifice sale. No, we have not f orgotten any of them, butf or want of space must stop. But when you get here youll see that John Dellar don't overstate anything about this store. All goods must be satisfactory or they can be exchanged, or money refunded on any day but Saturday. We can't hardly serve the buyers on that day, so .please don't ask to exchange goods on Saturday. You see why. Too busy. . ;, lj V:;-''X, '.vv;; "iv-i-'"-.1-' . FOUR NEW COTTAOE3 $3,750 to 54,000 On car line, 5, 6 and 7 rooms, gas and electric lights, sewer and city water, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, etc.," fine view of Mt. Hood, lyZ lots with each house. Terms to suit. r D. L KEASEY & CO. Exclusive " Dealers in Heights Property. Office on the Heights and 7 Chamber of Commerce. P. Main 2159. . WAREHOUSE mmmf We will . consider any rea sonable offer on corner lOOx 100, close in. If ybu. want, to rent we will build to suit, MOORE REALTY CO. : V ,268 Stark St. ' " 10 Acres . ; y Council Crest Commanding magnificent Vlw of City, Mountains aad Vailey. Cheap est Bigntiy acreage, la city 11,000 per acre. . , ; , i .,..' . Ycrex BrosCompany .JOS Goodnoogh BUg. . . .Phone Mate 13S. A Modern Office Building '"THE BUCHANAN" Washington' Street;' Bet. Fourth and Fifth. Best offices in the city, ranging- in price from $15 to (30 per month. Elegant Suites i $25, $40 and $55. All .modern equipment. , Light, ' heat, water ! and janitor service included with above price. Al elevator service. Portland Trust Company of Oregon Southeast Corner Third and Oak Phone Exchange 72 15 ACR.ES 100 LOTS 1 SOUTH PORTLAND - iMMt Tragi U Caitw ( City. . KfTt VLATTXO. 11 aihnta (na Thlre mi Waahlnr , ,d4 S aihivtM' w!k. Our pic tl.ouo MO BXIDOES 0 SELATS. Sain eiatinc Mt at cmtar; tvta antn( H 12,000 Mch. aM wnt cratar. S,0u aack, YEREX BiOS. COMPANY ; Vhaa Kaia 13. j SO For Sale Cheap NEW BUNQALOW $2,250 I rooms, eomer lot 10x114; porealsla bath and plumbing throu shout lirat elaaa, tlntad walla. nloa atUe; naar ML Tabor car Una; ISO, or mora down, balance ay tarmav ' . . ' l c x, nconvsoirr, is Third WOOD ALCOHOL FATAL . ' -. 10 HIT JOHMI ' maSaaSasaMBBjalBSlialgSS y Serving Worruin at Shanlko, De ,'; spondent. Drinks Fluid, Not , - Knowing It Poison. ; fKpaelal Dtoaatrk ta Tka loimll ' " Banlko, Or.. April It. In a tit of daapondancy Emily Johnson drank two eancas of wood alcohol with suicidal ln- ' tant at Band. Oregon. Monday night, and died Wadnaaday at S p. m. In sraat agony, flha waa 41 years old and waa employed aa a aarvant In tha family of lr. Mitchell. 8ha waa In tha habit of ,' drinking, and when aaked why aha had CASTOR I A . Tor Infants and Children. Tt3 Klr.i Yea Kita Ahrsjx E::it Bsars the lgntnre ta.. ' tha fatal atap said aha had tha bluaa and wanted a stimulant and did jot know It waa polaon. Just before ahe died aha tried to glye the name and addreaa Of a slater in the east, but was ao far gone-ahe expired without making herself understood. . BLAMES CONTRACTORS . FOR DEATH OF CHILD A. ' damage suit growing out of the death , of Harry A. Oreene, aged 1 yeara, who. fell through at hole In a bridge on Baat Stark street last Janu ary, waa filed today In the circuit court. The Pacific Bridge company, Joseph Paquet and. Jamea B. Tlllotaon. are blamed for the death of the child and the amount of damagea prayed for Is $5,000. the maximum allowed by law. The plaintiff la the motherNf Jha boy, Barbara Oreene, whose huaband deserted her some time ago. The bridge In question la situated on Eaat Stark street . between Grand ave nue and Baat Seventh. The Paclflo Bridge company waa under contract to repair It - and. according toy the com plaint, waa guilty of wanton careleaa neaa In placing no barrlcadee to prevent persona paaalng acroas after many of the planks had been taken up. The Oreene boy paaaed over the bridge on hla way home from School, slipped on a plank and fell to his death, 10 feet below. MINING ASSOCIATION m ' : TRULY REPRESENTATIVE Baker City Has Reason to Ex , psct Great Things of New Organization. : CSeeetA Dtasatch te The ToaraaLI 1 Baker City, April II. Mining men of eastern Oregon are expressing their ap proval of the projected Eastern Oregon Mining asaoclatlon by placing their alg naturee to tha membership Hat aa faat aa It la presented to them by Colonel Jamea A. Panting and W. J. Patterson, who are circulating the paper. Fifty, the number needed to assure tha life of tha organisation, will aaally be se cured. . Many others are planning to .-.'.'. JVST BBOAVBS ' I your cough la only In the throat and doaa not trouble you now, don't think that It needs no attention. When It nea not had mifh of a start Is the time to check IL The allghteat cough eas ily leada to Pneumonia. Bronchltla and Consumption. A bottle of Mallard's Mnrehound Syrup will euro that cough. The prioe pute It wtthla reauh of all. fluid br all drugclata, become members and the list will soon be close to the 100 mark. Ifot only- min ing men have signed the petition, but bankers, merchanta, lawyers and bual nesa men, all . Intereated In seeing the mining , Industry sueceesful la. eaatern Oregon. The Usefulness of the associa tion, which will positively represent the district, cannot be doubted. '. ., . FOUR BUTTE POLICEMEN FIRED OFF THE FORCE ' , , .. t. . - tloaraal Hnarlal Sarrlea.t 1 ' : ' Butts, Mont, April II. At a meeting of the city council last night Sergeant of Ponce Ueorge Parlln and Patrolmen Radmalovlch, Pelky and Whitley were permanently suspended from the ' force for Incompetency and the apreadlng of ntortea of graft. The police committee finds that the Butte police had the dan gerous habit ' of accepting gifts for guarding the peace. . : . 'i - . burglar confesses ' and Dives up boodle ilnernal Special Sorrlr. ' St Paul, April It. The 121,000 that waa stolen from the Northern I&xpreea office at the Union Depot Thursday night when Clerk Zimmerman waa forced at the point of a pistol to open the safe has been recovered by Chief of Polio O'Connor, . J oh Qundersoa conf eased and piloted the polio to the railroad yards, and ahoweed Uhera a sand pit where the money was hidden. Ounderson la a discharged employe of tna express company. NEW COMPANIES FILE ARTICLES WITH CLERK Articles .of Incorporation war filed with fha , county , clerk . today - as . fol lows: . 1 ; ; :.v :. The lAaswell Timber company J In corporators, J. R. Laaawall. Charles R. Webber . and W. K. Mahaffyj capital stock. $180,000. ' ' - Johneon-Llebar company; Incorporat ors. William A. IJeber. J. W. B. Van and H.'. O. ' Thompson; capital stock, 140,000. - : ' '.'', WHITMAN-WILLAMETTE DEBATE POSTPONED '(paetal Dletea (a Tba Jamaal.J Whitman College, Walla Walla. Wash., April 10. Word has been received by the secretary of the Whitman debate council that the debate with Willam ette unlverelty, which waa to have been held at Salem Friday evening. April II, has been postponed to Wednesday ven- I . i I . A Tli. Whitman toanft vrlll ii., igi ii ... ... ....-... .. - - - - - - b eoropoeed of Davenport .Woodward ana Mason. GIGIMIBDAGI1E CARTERS PHIS. 1 m Positively earee! y these) IMU FUls. ! Tney also renT Dts tieas from Dyspepsia. In dlgestioa and Too Hearty Satins A perfect ra edylor DtxHneaa. nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Tasts ta tb) Mo-th. Coated Tongo, Pain tn Bas Bids. TORPID LTVXB. Tbfflr mfuisM tbs Bowels. Purely Vofetabia. small pill saL1c:se. $iuan::i. CARTERS IflVER PHLi. Cemi'ina Must Bear Fao-Similo Sienaiun REFUSE lUSSTIT'JTEI. IT'S UP.TO YOU To look at that S-room modern houaaw 111 East Flanders St., lot 10x100. fine location, X block from car; aa excep tional buy, 93.SOO. . t: We have other bara-alne. , oomcOBTWBAr.TsT rnrsT CO, axxTX ajtd Asun, COUNCIL CREST PE" Tha most fashionable) resKI . district in the city. Choirs o traded streets near car lino each, i Ycrcx Crcs. Ccr:.r; 302 Goodnoniih T! !j. Phone Mala 133. l.a6.air:i::::ui Hostorco Cray l!n!r to YoutWul Cclcr. coc. ah. DnuaciaTo. .... . . f FECIAL! -rs 1 1 : property. 1 s aoraase throii,-.!,iii!t 1 , 1 nousr 1 t: 1 and are , ":i h 11 t tiul'.flti a. r 1 cm:-, r--