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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
Tim ORCCOli DAILY JOUEtlAL. rOETLAIID. FRIDAY . EVENING, APKIL 19. 1M7. I' yMAOi Other Classified Ad vertisements will be found oh pp. 18-19. NEW TOE AT. , $7,200 Double houae, 1 rooms each side, practically new, strictly modern. select l locality, lot iOxlOO. highly Improved. ' now bringing In 169 per month; eaa -easily be raised to pay from 100 to 170 Per month. - Lt us tell you more about uus excellent Investment. vu Commonwealth Trust Co. v.'- BzxTjc an Aixm. A Fine Home in lrvlngton . Must Be Sacrificed T rooms, modern, un-to-date. 10x100 lot; 11,000 caah: S3.SOO. Tola Is a nrst-ciass proposition. Sea' us today. Moom 2, Ill Stark St. . S2,350 lllxlll feet around. I minutes' walk from ear. one 'and one 6-roora bouse In food condition, rented for III per montn.. Half cash, balance to suit, nee us et enee. - r . .. , oouiovirmaXTK rovs oo. Bath and Aakony. MABRIAGB LICENSES. Walter fwll, M, and Mary B. Broase, St. Aeker K. Meleea, 8, tBd Uututt M. Joha- oa, 21. P. B. Inldrr. (1. and Marine P. Smith. I Pred O. Parke. 26, end Baa B. Ketta. 23. Wadding Carta. - W. O. Smith Oa. Weak. lftoa bids, eoreaf Poerth and Waabtnaioa eta. Toaeeth Oo, flortota, lor flowers ef all m ua Kits ec ; Clarke Broe., Rlorlete Ptae flawere ; deelne. tm Morriaoa at ead floral rail dreee eotte for rent, all Tallerms Ce, Cut Stark at. TOafcjae MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMP MO. TT. W O. W.. aatti tonight la tta . hall. Baat Sixth at., scar Baat AW. AU vieltlng Belgbbore eoraiauy waicomi-a. w. w. u;mhdbi. c. a J. M. WOODWOBTH. O. LOST AND POUND. LOST Nomina of April 1. watch fob wltk era i pole eaesie. seart-enapeo loreer ana sold and blue enamel monogram pta V. 0, wltk loot la eeoter. Batora 200 loth at. Beward. ' "' HELP WANTED MALE.' . BABBKH . wanrea - nararaay. ao rimmi . etredr Job: 10 par ceatl Madlaoa bridge. 177 1 ' ludleoa at. . WNra Brlrtt boy with wheel: anat be ,ll enraalnted wltk etty. Vienna Dye Work. tM Third at. - TAILOS muted Co repair work cloth la ,.eore Jea. 1. Poddee, 00004 Mala St, Tea- Ci eanret, wash. BTEADT barber wasted at the Portland Bote! barber ehop. WAKTJtD A pneag "eeta collect. Baah e TJoer Ce.t MO Front at. Portlaad HELP' WANTED FEMALE. OHO, to do general Suueeworat entail nijri ao eJrlrea. aooa wapae. iuu - reeldaace. bead at Loaajoy. . , BBWntO wlrai waatad at IM lltb St., alae epprmtlA tl will e weU by seed 1rle. FOR RENT--STORES-OFF1CES. ri'aMiaHRfV afflre . ee desk nwai for tea. . Bmm Baalty Co.. - Odd PeUowa- bid. FUltNISHEO HOUSES. pn.Liirvu . h ' : furniture part sew; saw planet use teaeoa. 13 Jtuaky bids. . i - ! prllsnPO B-reoa hosae, ft. Intnira dlO North XBlh at., or pboae A sova FOn SALE REAL ESTATE. $760 for i aire lots ea Baat 12th. fert ... - to faat fraot BoaatD at-t street BMoadaaa. Mad; roaeraU aldawalk. - ll.TBo fine let ea Beatoa at., sear steel 'jJnO A baaatlfal block al2im feet ea Ainawarra i""". '"Y -' . llfiO V acre for about 80 ecraa ef food land. T or mil eoatheaat ef ttla city I Soso per acre sar esA j fjae, ' laaprered land, near ana.- . $1,0110 per acre for or aerea ef land prar ma wwuw. w. - llt.fiOO fnr a earner ea Baat Barnalde bat JOSEPH L. MKLBATH, " Boom 17. Xfftt Waahlairtoa Street. ' Pboae Pad fie 652. ran PRBTTT PIRLAKD BOMBS. Maoodl.OOO eeah paraieiit dewa, balance to noatblr: d-rooei new boeee. oe eornwr ino, will saui aao cowpiaiei aeauaeie In erery war. . tl 780 fl.SOO caah aynat down: aradera saw e-roont booaa ea comer lOOilOO, bterlnr dark Mh flalah. porcelaia phtmblaf threapboati thle le wortb BMre thee price eahed; owner learlne- the city. See ea at once, t, fl. W, I.BMCKB CO., ' t Mala (Ml Sixth ead Waahtnftaa eta. i Here's a Snap1 fTOO IT aewly faralabed raoaie located ea Waablnsaaa sat uw m a an t anw .""'SUIf-HOtMAlf. , f Booaa tot Qoadaoath bldg. . MT. SCOTT' 8ABQAIN. IS 000 New amdara a-room bmiee la Bice laentioa oa UU Scott carltae, lot BOilOO. Thle la a rod bay. See B. W. Lemcke Oa, lllth and waahlnftea ate. Mala eoO. , - T ROOM booea with lot eOilie, nice lawa, frart in. and flewera. laqolre ea preoileee, SS ttraaae at.t take Wnodlawa, Alber ta ar U- car, or phoee Baat eae. ' .PERSONAL. MIftf 6IRR0N (Irea lp treatneatj ADAMB TASHTI, healcri vapor and tab tha,jaaMt01H Third 1t'aT-J',j- SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. . . CARDS THAT CATCH THB BTB" Peat work le the city. Bette. 000 Dckam bld. Mala 004. ACCUSED OF TRYING TO FIX A MOYER JUROR - ' (Special Dtepatca ta The Journal.) ' Boiaa. Jdaho, April H. W. M. Toat of Meridian, thle county, has been sum. ' monad to appear In the district court : Tuesday to answer a charge of con tempt It belns: claimed ha endeavored . to Bet the opinion of J. I Wasronor. one of tha iurora for this term of eonrt, at which Moyer. Haywood and Pettl bons will bs tried, ' -' ' 1 " Tomorrow Is tha last dr for dJscount ca aast side (as blUs. DIG COLLECTIONS ATCUSTOr.HIOUSE Rscal Year' Will End With thj . , Best, Record In the Port'e . History. MILLION DOLLAR MARK WILL BE SURPASSED Conslgneea of Freight on Oriental Llnor Aragoni Contribute Uber , all to Government Treasury Another Steamer From Orient, x -Colleotlons oft tha collector of cus toms for tha flsoal year ending- Juno (0 will be larcer than ever In the biatory of tha port. This Is now apparently certain because ao far enough has bean collected to surpaaa ..the, - beat record which la 1110,000 and there are two months yat to run on. Deputy Collector R. y. Barnes stated this. morning that tha collections for tha year will amount to mora than - r Tha coUeotlona far tha present month will be heavy If tha oriental liner Nlco. madia gets In ea time aa expected, Tha cargo of the Aragonla, now la the har bor, will bring about 100,000 Into tha treasury, and If a Ilka amount la eon trlbuted by tha Nlcomadla these China liners alone win nave orougnt is more than tha total amount of tha average monthly collection. But tha eargoaa of tha oriental liners are not tha only source ef revenue.. Duties are also paid pn large Quantities of goods brought across- tba continent from Europe -in bond. . Deputy Collector Barnes took la I1B 000 yesterday sfternoon as duty on a shipment of 4.400 eaaea firecrackers on tha liner Aragonla and ha expects to take . in about t.uoo toaay . on nee and guaalea. One-fourth of the amount will be applied en the noe or wnicn the liner -brought a large quantity this time.'. . The largest amount ever collected In one month in this . port for dutlee and fees Is 1110.000. There -la a remote possibility of the present month beating thla ' record, but the inaioationa are strongly in favor of the month falling In line as a .close second. . , MENACE TO SHIPPING Floating- Mine Still Exist In Japan- ' ; eae Waters. . ' Floating ratnea are still endangering shipping off the Japanese and Korean coasts. Offloers of the t Portland A Aalatlo liner Aragonla, - which arrived here Tuesday night from Hongkong, via Yokohama and ether porta In Japan, re port that .only a few days before the ateamer aalled from Tokohamal was ' the newe brought there of the -blowing up of a number of fishing boata by a float ing mine. Several Uvea were lost. The details ef the r accident ware meager, but It. is understood that a number of fishermen - discovered tha mine and It exploded ' . whan ' they at tempted' to pick It up. The mine waa floating soma mllea north of the en trance to Korea strait. In' the Japan sea newthe ahore of-the Island ef Nippon. The fishing-tjoatar -were blown-. up and at least 10 fishermen were blown to stoma. u-. -. i A a harp lookout has been ordered Tor the mines which were distributed dur ing the war between Russia and Japan, and it was thought that all bad been recovered, bat every now end- then the new a of soma awful disaster due to a mlne'expleslon la brought td light along the coast. , - - i, v" Steamers plying between ' thla ' pert and Siberian porta are , traversing a course ' that for a while was almost strewn with mines, but ao far - as known no serious explosions have oc curred outside ef the Japan sea or tha Korean strait. .-. - r .:. The Aragonla shifted across the river last night and ' Is new freight at Alaslta dock. " discharging i PORTLAND HOLDS LEAD Retains Fonrth Positloai as Wheat .'J .; '. Exnortlnc Port,,. Portland Is retaining her position as one ef the leading wheat ahlpplng ports In the United States, and tha Paelfie coast Is gaining upon the Atlantic coast In point -. of flour exporta This la shown by statistics furnished by tha Department of Commerce and Labor, a report for March and the first nine months of the flsoal year naving just been received by the oollector of customs hsre. " . During tha nine months ending March tl tha United States exported I1.I41.- 4tR bushels of wheat, valued at 147. (41.171, and 11,115,S4 barrels of flour. valued at 44.tlt.ltt. Portland holda fourth place In point ef promlnenee, New York, Galveston, and Philadelphia leading, the respective ahlpmenta be ing aa follows: New fork, i4.0lS.tll bushels; Galveston, lt,107,Stt bushels; Philadelphia. 0.441.101 buahelsi Port land, M2P.I1T bushela After Portland oomea New Orleans, with S.117,141 bush els, and Puget Sound ports -combined. with t.01t,44l bushela The March Ship ments from the leading porta were: New York. 08S.81I bushels; Philadelphia, (12, 40 bushels; Galveston, 101.200 bushels; Portland, BOI.Iti bushels) Puget Sound porta oomblned, 114,111 bushela During the nine months ending March tl the several Puget Bound ports did better In the line of flour shipments, keeping1 pace with Portland which alone exported TtO.OOt barrel a while the Pa get Sound porta exported 2,244,040 bar-' rels. Dividing this about ' equally be tween the three or four porta fighting for prestige ea the Sound. It will be seen that each barely kept pace with the Oregon metropolis. . - .j. ALONG THE WATERFRONT, The ' gasoline eehoonor Berwick will be here tomorrow from Rogue river for cargo ef supplies for tha canneries there. . The Rarrlman liner Coata Rioa, Can tata M aao rv arrived at Alnsworth dock at 1:20 o'clock this afternoon, bringing freight and passengers. Tha steamer Telephone will probably leave for The Dalles tomorrow room ing, but It Is hardly probable that She win be . ready to sail before Monday. She was Inspected yeeterday. Tha steamer Telegraph is expected te start. for Astoria next Mpnday morning on her -first trip for the season. She was brought to Alder street dock this morning from Supple's boatyard, where aba has Just been given aome repalra - The steam schooner Johaa Poulnen came up from the lower Columbia this morning and want to the wharf of the Inman-Poulaen Lumber company te fin lah her lumber cargo. The steam schooner Coquille River Ms been taken down te the drydook if 1 Vi . vVil i.. a i' V.; ii a II 1 v tffladKffi5 ': . .sex. & vi t ..w :: i ( x i n'Li-pf'iJ-a nr ii i i 1 r t i ; m x w t m w aj - v v i .p-f i : - V1.': ' 'LI '.''. ' ,.' I I lib I .: ... riWaWI 1 b Bw aanav aaw i p.-f i u ia m . a v x. i- . m m m gf-w t : m . i jr jp , )fmhWw$kW&& i ... d.. 1 iMAtfZTM&! STt :U 4'' : 8-1 tout" Bto wwrt ' Vi WtfH-H l! " ' ' b''Svw ' eufiCiSKiw ' Ar 7W of patent ptotectlofi Juye only j? i tMfj-.r SlMl.i!Si Ai' I? 7 tJat WOaOOO wbseraerfc M V 'dWl'i "The again to have aome repalra made to nef machinery. She coaled at the bunkers Wednesday, and will load lumber at the Eastern eV , Western . mills before leaving for San Franclaoo. ' - - The French bark Corn 11 Bart will leave down this afternoon with a cargo of 108,270 bushela of wheat, valued at $81,205. ' She - goes to Queengtown or Falmouth for orders. ' The Norwegian ateamer Terje Vlken went to the drydock this morning to be eleaned and painted, F. C Hager man haa the contract to do the' work. . The old bark Diamond Head le again headed for Portland. She left San Pedro today to come here for a return cargo of lumber. Tha 'Diamond Head Is a trim Iron vessel ana was formerly the British bark Anna Iredale. Norwegian Vice-Consul Endre M. Ce derbergh has been empowered to take maritime, declarations under oath. Thla Is an honor seldom conferred on vice consul a Mr. Cederbefgh was formerly a sea captain. . ...... District Forecaster E. A. Beela ef the weathsr bureau left thla morning for Harrisburg. on tha .upper . Willamette, tn Install a river sauce. - Kerr. Gilford Co. will load the Ger man steamer Evev-wmen wae reporxeo yeeterday aa having left Ran Francisco for this port In ballast. She will go te tie ArtefifL .-.- - J- - The Norwegian steamer Norman I alee Is due to arrive at Astoria today from San Francisco. She oomea nnder char ter te Kerr, Olfford 4k Co. to load wheat for the orlsnt." ..... k . ' WANT MORE MONEY Waterfront Labor Demands Increase ''rV ; ",. on' Puget So-ond. p iiu.l manarrk to The Joernal 1 ' Seattle. April II. The local chapter of the Riggers and Longahoremen's union today announced a new scale of wages to become effective May 1, show, Ing a demand for an Increase In wages ranging from 10 to ITH par eent ....n.Mn ewners and stevedoring firms declare they will not grant the scale. The Scale pxes sieamore ana wmi wise general cargo vessels at (0 cents an, hour and 71 cents overtime. For handling cement, powder, ballast, wheat Aiorharein coal (S cents sad tl overtime. Creoeote, creosote lumber and piles 71 cents snd time and a half overtime, 'All other eargoaa will be handled at 10 .cents straight and Tt eents overtime. ' MARINE NOTES V' a. f OBsanaantsnnnBaaanv '"- Astoria, OrV April ltv Ieft up at t a. m., steamer Coata Rica. Arrived down at 0:20 a,,m., steamer Atlas. Sailed at I a. m., gasoline schooner Sotoyoms, for Umrxjua river. St Helena AprU lt. Passed at 11:10 a. n, eteamor Costa Rlcs. Arrived'at 10 a. . nu gaaollne schooner Berwick from Rogue river. Astoria, April II. Arrived down at 11:10 and aalled at I P. m... steamer J. B. Stetsoafor San Franelaeo. Arrived at 1:34 p. m., echooner Mabel Gale from San Franclsee. Left at m- IirlUal, steamer Irlsa Monaron. Arrived Way of the Transgressor Is NOT SIMPLY A FLOOR FINISH Rogers Stainfloor Finish is not simply a floor fin ish the best made. It is also the best general finish for furniture and all interior woodwork. It comes in nine colors, and costs $2.75 per gal lon, $1.45 for half gallon. A gallon will cover 300 square feet, two colors. Easily applied, dries quickly, can be washed. Now is the time to buy and use Rogers Stain floor Finish., Ask' for free ' booklet, . "Care of i.''''t Y: Floors.! everything yon need o TPalnt with nmis, CRESS & CO. ' The Paint Store sW5 FIRST STREET down at 4:10 p. m barge Waleeot. Ar rived at I p. m., steamer Tiverton, from San Franclaoo. Arrived down at 1:10 p. ro., French ehlp Leon XII L Left no at I p. m.. steamer Johaa Ponlssn. Ar rived at 11 p. m., ateamer Costa Rioa, from Baa Franclsee, . San Franclaoo, April llSalled. stsamars Roanoke and W. S. Porter for Portland. ' ' . ' London, April la-Salled. French bark Le Filler, for Portland. t San Pedro, April II. Sailed, berk Dia mond Head for Columbia river. Astoria.' April II. Condition of the bar at I a. mv emoothj wind, north; weather, clear. MARINE INTELLIGENCE ' fceroler tsaara Bee te Arrive. Alliance, froaa Cooe Bay , April 10 Hoannka. rocn Baa Pedro and waa Ann! II t'otamMa, from See Pranclaeo Aorll r. A. K libera, freaa faa fraa. asd way. April is Nlooexxlla. from erieat ...............Aorll ka Coata Bl-e. from Saa Pranclaeo... April S S. w. EMer, frem Saa Padre and way. April f rlasiastla. from erieat May til Arabia, frem orient.. ............Jane M Aleala, froaa artaat. , Joly U r Seralar tbiets te Divert. flnata Rica, fnr Saa rraackMe ...Aprfl ft Alliance, f rs Bay , April 21 Boaanbe. for Saa Pfxlre ead war....... Aorll tt CataatbU, tot Baa PraacaMS.J)MUU.,.Aa(a M LOUIS J. WILDE, ' S Laiawettg Block, Portland, Or. - NOTE. Determine the responsibility of your broker. It is ss essential as picking , out the right investment. As -you take your auto ride. You will change your mind after one visit to this beautiful addition as to where you want to build. The improvements will be of the best all through. YY Ross The Title Guarantee and Trust Company P. A. Kftbera, far Saa Pres. sad way. April IT o. w. taut, for Baa Padre sad way..Apru sv Araeoale. aw orient May 4 Nlaoraedla, for orient... Ma IB Neaoaatta. tor ertent Jane 0 Arabia, froaa erWot.... ........... .....-'"ne I AlaeU. for erieat aly 27 Atlaa, Are. atr, at Astoria. ' Araaonla, Oe. etr at Alaaka deck. obaa Poolaea, Ara. atr., at Inoiaa-Poalaea sm. Ooqallle Blret, Am. etr., et drydock. Hnmrlea. Mar. etr., at Oreanle dork. Irlah Moearch, Br. atr., et Ralalrr. . ; J. Marhoffar. Am. etr.. et WIU Iran Worke. Terje Tlkaa. Ker. etr. ea erydoek. Armee. Ft. bk.. et Moraay dock. Payonse. Pr. ak- at aloatoaary dork Ha a dorall Part, Pr. s, aecborre la erraam. nimadale. Br. bk., at SlarMtord Boa dork. have a torpid Hyer h Borbia tho only liver regulator, will help yen T There le no reason why you should suf far from Dyspepsia. Constipation, ChUla snd Fever or any liver eomplelntAwhen Heroine will cure you. . , C. Wa Ite. WestvlUa Fla., writ's: -1 was sick for a month with chills sni fevei and after taking two bottlee of Herbtne am well and healthy." Sold by all drug 'HOME, BONDS' Hard" STOP AND SEE 11 HHVil PRIVATE EXCHANGE 30. 240 WASHINGTON STREET Ba.r svserv, asbtb aj-a.$. sibj vri eawei a i ss i Leoa XIII. Pr. bfe at Aatorla. Mlchalat, Pr. htu. at OolomMa Ke. t. Slldra, Nor. atr at Maataoawry Be. B Tola. Br. eh, et Bierator deck. Aoble, Aa. ech, at Balarar. Aldrn Baaae. Am. bk, at a W. P. Seek. Barlla. Ara. eh, at Aatorla. Cbrhalla. Am. bkta, at Stella. Joee Carrier. Am. ah., at Aatorla. JnrdaalillJ. Br. hk at Oraeawleb. ' RaaeiM, Am. eeh at Stella. ft. Mrbolaa. Am. ah., at Aatorbn Walacot. Am. barae, at Oabta. Coata BJee, Am. atr.. at Alnewerth Ooak. .... taaker Carriers t Alice afrDoaald, Am. eca, RaB yraarlaea. A aula Laraaa, Am. echu, Saa PraMleoa. Coaacar. Am. atr., Saa Praadaro. Dtaraoad Meee. Am. bk, Saa Padre. ; P. P. Whltoay, Am. bk.. MakawelU RrUrwe, Am. A, Saa Padre, . Elwall, Am. eh, Saa Pulro. Mllelwmae, Am. era., Manila. . Lecllla, Am. ah., Saa Pran-lare. ' Inl.lina, Am. ah. Sap ptrrn. Mahel )!, Am. ack, Saa Fraar-liiee. t. M. rtrlfflth. Am. bkta, San rr.oclace. John Palmar, Am. bkta., Saa Praix-louo. PetrlcMr, Am. bkta. Sua Knn.-l.on. an..f Hoy, Am. aoh, San PraniwM, rV-mh py, Am. atr, S.a PrarKkKe. Slntranv Am. ah, Plnn-lo, Aorr. Am. bkta, I. a Frnnct-o. l'i""', Am. air, la rr.". V 'too. Am. atr, n f'.Tmo. Biri-t-T, Aai. atr, t- n Inn -.-o. Ia P... fith C-"--t a- I C Pnvii t, Vr, 9 , ( . ?. Ir..-, . i Driven Out cf the r;.'. ' Oeorgs R. Glees, manager of the CV.l gena Telephone Company, Pekla, IlL. re ports that the Bell Company baa con cluded to abandon Its campaign for local bualneaa In that lively little city. The service rendered by the Independent Company Is so efficient that the people ef the town had their Bell Instruments removed aa fast aa eon tracts expired. All that la now left ef the Bell In Pekln Is a toll - booth ' or - two. -Telephone Chronicle, Cleveland. O. Monopoly Exerts Power Again. When the Street and Water Board of Jersey City, N. J., recently turned down the apporplratlon for a f ranchlee made by the Coaat Line Telephone Company the people were given a fair sample ef "natural monopoly method. A year ago, whan the Independent Company began Its agitation for a competitive eyetem. the New York and New Jersey . (Bell) Telephone Company promptly reduced Its ratee In order te gala the support of the public A few daya after the franchise was voted down by the board the Bell Company withdrew Ha offer of a year age and returned ka tha old ratee. The publlo-ls now clam oring for a rehearing ef the franchise question and bopee that the Coaat Line company will be allowed te establish a new system whicn .will, give good service at reasonable rates. . It seems to take the people of seme communi ties a long time te And out the peculiar tricks of ' the Boaton monopoly, but light Is beginning te dawn everywhere -even In the vloinlty Of the statue of liberty. (Telephone Chronicle, - Cleve land, Ohio.) Bell Company Raises Rates at Chattanooga, Tenn. The East Tennessee Telephone Com pany, a subsidiary branch ef the Cum berland Telephone Company, has created a row la Chattanooga by announcing that rates will be In creased In that city on May 1. The commercial inter eeta and the City Co on oil have protested against the advanee but the order to Increase the ratee la still In effect. 1IENEY NOT YET INVITED OMJIIOBT OJP CmTAXBT Toe 2rasy CUanrng- Tfp Seal it Olvee M3m Aswan SAN YRANCISCC. March II. (Spe cial. The attention ef rranela J. Heney waa called today to a dispatch from Portland, which stated that a fund was being raised there to finance aa lnveatl gallon into eivle conditions and that Mr. Heney and W. J. Burns were te be requested to conduct the inquiry. The prosecutor said that his time for the present would be taken up with tha San Francisco investigation. He added that he had reeelved no official offer from Portland, and therefore could not either accept er decline at this time. Ue added: . - i ,.. - ... . I am net very familiar with etvtc condltione In Portland. I have my opinion of certain, officials there, hew, ever." ''--": - When asked what sort ef graft might flourish In Portland he said: Yo know Halsey makea : plaits there." Halsey waa general agent ef the Pa cific States Telephone A Telegraph- Com pany, and was recently Indicted for bribing the San Francisco supervisors. IHIsaoer. Br. eh- Raa Bilaamera, Br. ea.. Dankbrk. Bnropa. Pr. bku Ant Oaaerlrra Mollaoa. Pr. bk-, 1 Base KarrlUr. Pr. ah.. Ba ' " Swaneee. rutmr, rr. ea, Loaot. Martha Boas, Pr. bk, Uamhere. Moaamblqoa. Br. ah, Naweaatle, B. Samee, Br. bk, Sbtalta. Slam. Oar. ah., Umfrm. ftocae, Pr. ah.. Pw-..(w. B. Tallna. Oe. bk, Lel'H. Vlnertiaro. Pr. bk, t.Uafow. tlnlta, br. bk.. Aatworn. Mreaael Tim, rr. V.k, prao.w Vllle da atuaMHiaa, Pr. bk.. Aata - Oaal galps ta Seate. Palee, Pr. bk, ffewnraOo, A. Mamiil. rr. .k.,Tw Clarardon, tr. ah, , . 4 St. Uela. It. bk, Krwra.i... A.' Tramp Staaawra Ea K.a. A .ont, Pr . atr., Km, Ar. ! Mror4. Tfr. .tr, h-io rrm, 1 al.rv. J.n ,tr . J. .n a-t-n,. Ifnna. .r., tin ir l.'f.. h-r. - Atrl.- n i l-r