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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
.11 FODAY'S LESS THAN 75 CARS OF SPUDS Supplies In This State Are Much i Smaller Than Expected , , -Dealers'" Holdings. v Tly'i market restores; ' Few ear pouwt .-.'-.''-.: Har market k very flrsa. ' Wheat In fins tmt wtawHiV, v hakUn- sboat tne asms. ,.. Il.inolt nmt XmIo In. tnroinber come from IVever. , , rt Hurler market enet to pteees. ; New ecrplaBt frost ta far soetk. Onlos market M t piece soetB. ., . Malmoa ran eootlnnes olaappolnttng.. ; tnlttlm holders ere weakening. . , j ; , iAm Anreles celery arrives. , t-alitnrnla batter aarta again. , . presasd meats nola former TtliM. ' w yetete Saertai. Betas Wt . Won ' the rotate Biarkat ' ' the asata wea keels- ana lower prices ere aslne qooted u i.nni at ea stern tha kx-al market remains firm with snnpllea coatlderabir smaller m ' -; had believed. At this time It k t Believed that more than 7 aara remain in V" tu J Or iron in all Bands. Thla lor atock that will be place a pea the ssarket either ben or fa the eemh. At fa aa can be, learoM toAer tboee can la d-Vsre haada are aa '' McKmley Mltrhall .................. J ; Jacxar J Iavenport Br ,..,............. J Herri . " Doae-rV-bwab -..... -." Halr-Hsrst ,? beattertne dealers ............... Total dealers ......... Eatlmated (rowan ....... Total ad bands.. ....... . ..'.' Saartaf KasUr paarafc v. i ' Tba short la tha supply of petatoaa la , eaallv apparent when tt la ascertained what ' dealer' auppliaa are. Uvea with the most . liberal estimate more than 61 ears can "Of be ' found la dealers' hands, and at thla S meant onlr 82 ears eaa be located at certain places. : Tbea arain the ars listed by Herrea are al ' readr purrfaased for Baa Franctoca. Of those ; held bf Broadus four are already aold and the total number 11a tea . tor swani nave ajrsaur ' been disposed f bat not yet shipped. Soma o( those listed for kfc&laley MltchcU an sk ready sold bat not ablpped. Taklmc these sold ears eat of tba list of available eo polios tor t the local and California markets, the totals , ' held la this state will not amonnt to mors than ; eo cars, and noma dealers toe Here that w aa .' acusslis estimate. - ., , - ; OsJlfarnn Xnrke Is Shrttad. ' eastern potatoes eoatma ta (lot the Maa ' rrancieoa market, most of the snppllsa recalrad : la tha aoath bnlnf from there. Few Orecoae are arrtrhic and then win be aa awn hearr shlpmants from ben dorlns; tha remainder of the essena. for there are not many to be bad. and If the fall troth wee knowa then Is net i enoairk stork reaninlnf as aonply local ooa- strmer and fill the locraamd aeod demand. Onions an bnaklnc fast la California ewlnt to the heavy supplies. ' Yesterday fin ears ' arrived la Baa rraadses and the market dropped to M and 3JW. A heavy drop ken expected, i Pealen. an, reported to bava parckased some , Texas etoek. - -' " Brief Votsa af tan Trada. y .-". Callforaia bnttar Is sgaia arrtvauj and hnrta tba local trade. Market therefore weak with a decline expected. ' - . - Tha arrtval of abates yesterday ended tee former famine snd crested a new one. for sd supplies nave beea cleaned as. .Price hlxher at ltta end 17c. . . Balmoa run Is the Colombia asd Clackamas ' ronttnnea dlsanpolntinir. "' ' - All lines of dremsd meets are very firm. Former prices hold. ' Celery from Los Anrelea and sweet potatoes from lUtsots wen amonc arrivals of fee past ' B4 boor. Lafter sells at As a poond. Cacnm , bers ah arrived from Denver and wen af food else,- Hotaoase letroce ta acarcar than aver. No new trading- reported ta bops and ooa trscta an doll and Inactive. . .. . i ' ' Ron of shed baa not yet started fa the Coram hia. A year axo tha flnt shad were received . in this market April IT- - ' '. The trade paya tha follewtaeT prices e Front street. Prices pal ehippsre an leas tegular wrala. Floar ami taaa;-" . ' OHA1H BAO" Caleatta, 1V4 aeytaff nrleet aeiims. sia. -. VfHBAT Clob. T2TS; red li-u t7f! Taller. T2e. Tlej CORN whom. 2ftjOO; cracked. M nor SAaXlST New Feed, i21.00ata.oa par toai rolled. 2S.0O(Z4XIO; brewlac til.00OZS.0O, RYF-41.56 per cwt. ; - ' OATS New ITodocere" pr1f No. I 27. 50 r 28.00 per tan: (rray. 20J27.0O. c r i ' o Haatem Cveeott natcnta. M." mi' amort. U.88: valley, ti foet S WOf ereham. 14". 3 JO: whole wheat, .70; - 7 ax on. . Ih at.Tft. . .. ' UIIJTtrrS Bran. 17.00 per teat V arid- rtttnrs, 25.00! aborts, eoantry, ao.00( tUf, .nu. .k. 118 O0121 JM. nil Prodorer" prlee Tlmotliy. sntlsmetre .valley, fancy. au.ooH.on; ordinary. I2 00 14 eastere urecoo, s.w(uii.w, mum, rivwj J0.6oTl"ver, iMoetOS aia. o.00ai0.00j cbeat, fs.ou. t , Batter, Znrs sad Fsaltry, BOTTUB FAT-. v. b. m..' anee. S4C. BUTTFB City creamery. 174! eotalde, fsney, 2W27eJ aecoada, zse: store. lHc ,, : R0W-itre faory, candled. MtUt.- CH8B New Foil cream, ; flats, .. le; ' v.... anuaHea IfUe. ' I POULTRX Mixed chirk eaa, . Is He per lb; ' fancy hens, l&c par lb; roosters, old. IIODt per dos: el atns. 12ai2 per lb;, 4a 6 lb: broiler.. f4 dos; eld docks. 13e per in; apnos oona. !-.- ''- -w loe pet Ih; turkeys, lTe per lb roe old; dressed; oa ear lb: Samoa. S2.00 psr dos: Bitaona, 1 00 per doa. pressed poultry 11H per lb blbr. , , Hops, weal end Bides. .':S- i i FOPS 190$ crop Choice, SVtc; prime to 1 w. elnMt aa fflrima. f UAle: aaadlnm. 7c; eontraeta. iwri crop, iuc. ; WOOL 10T ell p Valley. 20CJ218. . ti-ill4TB New 1007 20t2))4e. BHBBPHKINn beartaf. lfi20e eeehj abort wool, lwte: mem am woo, nutd'ae aacn mac wool, imoi.w oerau . AlXOW-Prime. per Ih, little! Me. S and '. area. 2i32H. - CUITTlJd BABK 60 for car Iotas small BIDES Dry, ' Me. X M s and ap. 9e per lb: dry kip. So- t, to 15 lbs. I6lc; i dry calf. No. 1, ander B lbs. 20c; salted hides, steers, aonsd. 00 lbs snd ever. BIOe: sows, ;. atsss and ball, aoaod. 6-9Tc: kip. It to 0 lbs, 0c4 calf, eoaad, aader IS lbs, lie; - areen. ansalted, U lean; calls, le per lb mss; ' Cone bides, sailed, each, l 0O2.00; dry, seen. IXKMIJ0; eott bldee, 253'ct Boat sklna, common, each. 10tae: Anson, each, . 24c O tl.U; ahssp skins, SSceft.Oa. , . Iralts aad Taaetaalaa. POTATO'S Rnvlof price, eeetera ' Moltee mab and Clackamas, select, sell. , b(. finer. WWa.iO; srdlaary, )ntbln(. I.7r. 1 DO; Santera ureson, baruif, -II S; Mmne ""aow. sweets. 7 e per lb. v 010MJoi.iin prw Ho. 1 Orefna, SV; Yn. 2. ra-lfga-QO: terlic, aftc per lb. POTATOES ADVANCING IN EASTERN MARKETS Eastern potatoes are higher en ' 4 4, account of the fruats there. Toe e following letter from 81 Paul 4 under date at April It explalna: ' 4 . "Market ta vcrr flrra here to-"Sk , dy at tL7a for Burbenke) 1.(( d . f -r rural a, for Koae and e -. 3 IIS for Triumphs, all alee e 4, . reened stock for talila uae. per e 1" pounds, delivered In 12 or 4 . lf,o. pound sacks as may ba pre- e 4 f erred. Iteceipts are light from farmers and will be for aoma 4 4 ' time." ;, " . 444444S44 MARKETS WHAT DEALERS SAY ' OF LOCAL MARKETS a . -By ErardlDK A Farrell. , a a ' Efca bava been bmrdly bold- e e lac their own for tba past woe It, a and soma dealera hava been com- e e pelled to cut prtcea to clean up. d - Tha cenaral marKOI pnea- a e a about It centa. - t a ; All poultry baa been vary e ' acarco ,Xor tha past raonta or ao. , a e and U aooma ma U the anUra ; country hail been .drained with r e tha exception or aoma pans, ana , w e these the owners em lath to e e part with aa Ions aa they are e ' producln high-priced tgga. It f a la evident .that tha . people oi d thla valley rouat , ralaa mora , e . poultry the demand la laat ut a sTOwinK the aupplr. a Butter la weak at KenU for a -creamery nd It and to oenta e e for dairy. W look for lower e. prices on all, and very aoon. e a v, Fat . fancy veala " and . small - e a and medium dressed bote are aV still In e-ood request and ' tna - w e ) trada doea not get. too -many of ' a e , either, uood drealnsd beot -ana e .mutton will also aell very well e now, and holders will do well to 'make shipments of such. - ' .. e e Potatoes and onions are In a a Arm request at record prices; In e e-fact, all farmers' products are e a firm and bich at preaent : APPLES Fancy Rood Stvsr Bnltambers and Tel. w NewtDwna, $3.60; fancy WlUanrntte val ley and soothers Oregon. 1.0XOO; ordinary stock, eucratis. ... FHESH FBU1TB CTsoaaa, new asvel, S3 co Cll; tancennes. si.x&: naaanaa. ne per m. lemons, ft-2Aas.OO per box; limes, Ifsxlcsn, 11.23 par lot: nlneanuata. A4.00a.U0 net doa: f rap null. S3 24. . s. VBQBTABLK8 Tnralpa, aew. BOctttl sack: earrota. tier aack: beeta. S1.7B pet sack; paranla. 1'.00I1.20; eabbeie, fliSSO; tomaroaa, aleilran, tl-6cU.S0; Fkrtda.e4i.s0; paranlpa, nucnfl.oo; struc bssoa, uw per iw eaallflower. 11.2&M1.50 doa: neas. 10'dllc: borsorsdlsh, . 8c lb; artlcbokea. 76cOtlJ0 per aus; aqaaah, TSCktSl.0" per box: eaiery, vew fornia, I; cranberries. 110.00 11 par barrel; soroeta. 8S9c set lb: asoarasoa. 12ai6c; rbaharb, 4t(4He per lb: areea onions, lie dos; Florida bell peppers, 40c per lb; spmseh, tl.liS per box; besd tettsce. eOe doa; kothonse, S2.00 ox: cocambers, a.zs ana; naisnea, xoe aos bunrhea: CKXplant, 16e per lb. URIE0 FULilTS Apples, sraporatsd. HO Te, per lb; aprieota. 18Vki20e per lb: peaches, l2'(llHc per lb sacks, psr lb mas; praoea, SO to 40, BQAe: 4e dron ea each 1-10 mailer slse; fin, California black, eQH per lb; California white, 60SH per lb; dates, aoldea, -M per box; faros, l.0ffll .60 par U-la boa. ' " ' emsariaa, Jfnta, Xte, - -' 800AB Callferala Bawatum Cebe, 8.7Vs; powdered, B0.II2H; berry, a.lt42 dry frannlated.'. (o.WVkl Btar, 6.02t; conf. A, S.12tt; extra B, $4-62; (olden - o2m; P yellow, 94.42; beet (raaulatsd, M.C2H. Westers Can. 4.7: newdared, S4.82H: dry (Taaulated. IS.12M; F. 0- 4.02H: St. Fraacls, . V (ri4( confectlooer' A, H P2H; extra C 4 02S; Boldea C. S4-62U; V yellow, S4.42U; beet aranulated, (O.02M; harrela, 10c; half barrels, ic; boxea, BOs advaaes mm aack Dasu. Above nrlcaa an 00 dava ant eaah aaota. Hons.) par crate. v COFFEE I'ackaa-e branda. lS.8ai.S. BALT Cosrae Half poond. 100a, 111.00 pet Ion; 60s, (11; table, dairy, 50c, 16.00: KHa, S14.75; bales, (2.00; Imported Liverpool, 60c, Sitaou: luoa. fiT.uu; z4a, fia.uu; extra tin, no la, 2s, Ss and 10a. S4.ooiAS.oO; Liverpool lamp rock, 120.50 per ten; eO-lb. rock. (11.00; loos, Slu.60. A bore prices apply to aalse at less than ear Iota. Car lots at special prices subject to (loctasttons.l . r I BICB Imperial lansa. Me. L del Me. t. 'c; New Orleans, head, le; AJax. Be; Creole, HC. ' " ' ' 1 1 e. . v m ty ' a ao. ba. wtil (3.2S; plak, (3.281 bayoa, (3.T6; timas, bc; Mexican reaa, sc. . - KUT8 Paaants. lamba. BUe Dae Ibt Fir. (inla, 7 He per lb; roasted, 10a per lb; Jape. ne, Bw.nvfcc; roaatsa, inini per id; cocoa, ta. UidOOs ner dos: walnut. California. 10c per lb; French, IBe psr lb; pine Bote, 14la per lb; hickory aota, 10a per lb; cbeetnats. eaatern. ISQIHe per lb; Br a 11 suts, 18e per lb; fllbsrta. le per R; fancy pecans, Ii20c slmoods, lBQZla. ' . . Kaats, risk aad rreetsawat. v ' FHR8H ntBATS Front Street Rocs.' fancy. (Mi HOo per lb; veal, extra, SSXtte per lb; ordinary, fe par lb; poor. So per lb; mat- toa. iancyr awa par aa, sprui aamus, aw t H. BAMS. BACOM. trtC. Portland seek Oocart bams. 10 to 12 lbs, 16,e per lb; 14 to Id lbs, loe per 16; 18 to 20 Hm, lee per lb; breakfast baoon. ieu,021He per lb; plcata, 12e per eb cottsire nil, 12c par lb; reenter abort clean. BBsmokse, ut per ; smoasa, lse pec in; clear backs, nnsmoked. 12c; smoked, loe per lb; Colon batta, 10 to IB Iba, ensmoked, "e per lb; smoked. Be per lb; clear bellies, an smoked. k 12 Vie par lb; smoked. lHe per lb; shoulders, 12e per lb; pickled tonfraea, 0a sera. LOCAL LA RI Kettle leaf. 10s, IS Vie per fh! Ba. lie ner lb: (0-lb tins, lisie i- stsam rendered, 10s, lSVie per lb; sa, lit per lb; eootpoond. 10s, BVta psr la. CANNED SALMON Colombia 'river,' 1-T tall, (1.00; Mb tails, (2.7S; faacy l ib fists, I.v0; H-lb fancy flats, (1J6; fancy l ib ovsls, 2.7B; Alsska tails, pink, aStJOOci red, (l-U); eemloaL 2a. talL (2.00. F1HH Uoek sod. 7c per Tb; Ooeedera, Be per lb; ballbnt, BHe per lb; era he, tl.O0jJl.B0 net dos; striped bass, lte lb; catfish, 10s lb; sal mon, fresh Colombia Chinook, Be per ' lb; atealheads. Be per In; berrtnf. so lb: sole. Be per ft. shrimps, lOe per lb; porch. Be per Ih; blsck end. 7e par lb; tomcod, 7 pec lb lobatere, IBs per lb; fresh msckerst, Be par iht erawflah. 20e ner deal atarsson. 10a ear lb; buck baas, 20e per lb; Colombia river smelt, be tier idi nao, loo. . ' OISTBRB Shoalwster bar, par (aDoa, 12 SO; per 100-lb seek. (4.60; Olympla, per faUoa, (2.25; per 116-lb sack. (a.(0(iot Bash), eaanad. 10c eaa. (7.00 doa, CLAMB Hardshell, per ' box, (2.40 raasr clams, (Z.W per box. lie par am , t , Faint Coal 00. Its. BOPS Fan Manila, Ufiai standard. t at.. I He COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, ft tie per sal; water white, iron nnia, ie per ani; wooden. 17 per call kaedlKht, 1T aaa, 91 laVa aVBt OASoUMJ d., asasa, B4V.S Be gal; tmtmm KKIa I & B Sal J- benzinb ei def, eases, B8e par (al; Icon bbla. lSHeper sal. TDBFBNTINft la cases. Bee pas al; khla OHe nee aal- WHITE LIE AD Ton lots, Tia aer ttl (00-lb lots. Be per lb; less lots, ewe per in. arm! lll trant baala at (2.BB. '" LINSEED OIL Pare nw, ta -bhl Iota, (Oct 1-bbl lota, BBei eases, sw per gsi; aennins settle-boiled, esssa. eoc par sal; B-bbl Ms, B4; 1 Mil Iota, B6e per gal:, arooad cake, ear lavv (20.00 par toa; lass tbaa ear lots, t0M per trW TOES" COTTOaT. MAXxrr. Ksar Terk, April lB-Cottoa fntnres: V CIm. Onen. High. Jannary ' ........... ,llt8 l'nO ,li29 ;! 1H4 . HAS 070 . 975 9X8 , 072 BSO ; 07B BH4 . B77 Mm ,077 OS4 . BOB y 1000 lVi2 . 102 ! Ki7 1023 mO 073 Fsbrnsry .......... AprU .... May , - Pit fWl Jane ............... Jaly ............... Angust .,. ... September October ............ November December 072 ' 078 V 974 i 2 77 , BUS ) 077 , 0N4 ; BH( i it 1 tooa ioot ioii MOT .1012 VxmO STATES SOTIEJOtXIIt BOBDS.! Mew Tarh A ortl 10. Ooremmcnt bonds t Twos, registered .......... 10 14, 14H en esapon ............... 1:) ' 14 KH'i Threes, registered 1" 1'2 10.144 do coupon iwue nxi'a xue. Threes, small nonas ....... )"' roars, registerea iiira 1W44 Pi l2 ... lot oo soooon Jve i.eiv Fonr. registered, eld ...... .... loll do connon v .... ' 1014 Fosrs, Philippines . Twee.- Panama -.. 104U I0SU do eoupoa i. ...... .......... ius toay, FOHTLABD IIABTC BTATIatCTT.' ' riearlnra rnday ,..(t.tl8.8SS.l Balanrea today ltl.030.02 Holiday s year sea today. . N - Foreign Exchange Bates. New Tork. Aorll !. Kxebang: Sterling demand. ki4" : 0-day bill.. 4h2.a. l 4146: rat.lcs. 4Mti4S2; Farls, (lft, plus i;rr: Harm. V4 '4(i.w4. : antwern. uui is a tarsal, 4t4; Vienna, 20.14. , ., t 3o Few Cars of Potatoes Remain in This State That Had Not Easterns Been Ordered 'There Would Be a Famine Before New Ones BARLEY TslARKET GROIVIHGlIVORSE 1 MMaaMMaMaemaa - Conditions So Bad Holders Are Willing to Let Co at Discount t Chicago Wt Up. flAMADIAN Oona OI7TLOOK. A special dlapatck from the Oanadlaa north wast to' a wheat broker saye that the saaaos Is so backward that tha farmers may not be a bis to get their wheat planted ta time for the crop te ripen, ana noma or them are nxeiy to plant other ssed than whsst that require a barter season. , This wlU eartaU the yield If tree.', v CHICAGO WHEAT TALUKS. April IB. April IS. Gain. lrM. .77, stay .ika s ' S Jti na a .1 1 - a ji 14 A .7HB .01 2U .81SA .00'i 42 ' .S3 ,e . ,00?4 July ... jau Hentemoet ... - December .... 4m The extreme weakness ta the local barley market la eaaaiiut much worry te local bolder. Tba season thns far baa beea very dlaappolatlng and prices are ant of line with other grains. Qnslity. says the trade. Is not se good, the hot wlnda of last season causing little choice stuff te be grows. Today the barley trade. Is anxious to let so even at a heavy loss. There has beea no export demand to apeak of the past season. Local wheat and flour remaai nna not an- changed la vain. I The bay market eontmnea very firm, S po rta lly foe timothy, of whlck supplies an scant. MUlstnffs of , all kinds firm bat . enchaoxed la value. . . . Chicago wheat market was firmer and sharply higher today aa additional damage report from the eoatbweat and aoma bad newa from Canada. Uvarpool was dull and aligbtly changed. , , Official Chicago priest by Overbeck, Start 4) Cooke company: if WHEAT. -,v Open. , High. May ,...,.t...T7U 78U Joly TO. i Lew. Clesa. 77 TO 78A TH . SOVtA 111 , 82 U Beptembar BIH . ' S2S 831 '- 84 4 Decembnr . . COBX. - dTH dT 4T j 4TH 47a dS ,- 41 , 47'AB Us o?B a( - 48HA OATS. J 4 , S 42,' 4SSA 40 V4 40'4 , 40 vj V. 40B B4H ' B5H ; 4 "A MESS FOBt-i; ' V May July Beptembar . May .......... Joly Beptembar May .......... 1680 1B90 i 151, v lBST July ......... .158T 158T 18T 1501 . . LARD. . ., . .. v f ' May 8W . 802 . 8M V B"2-' July 840 875 , 870 876A Beptembar SRS ' 88T ! B82 " S87A ; BUOBT BIBB. ' -' ", May ......... 842 . 847 841 1 S47A- July BbO B87 (00 ; 885 (..,- f e K XJTIBFOOL flXAIV KAXXET. I, Uvarpool. April IS- Official prices: ': I .... WHBAT. f rwwMi (loan. ' Anrfl IB. Aatn. Msy 6 md fee 6Hd , s 8Vd . ... July SV,d as SM BsSM Hd COBS, t - . .. May ...... esM 4a M as 04 ... Jaly ....... r 4a 04d , a eSd ,. 4a a 'ad . )d Beptembar .. as a 4a eia ., s oho ... GATTLE JKD HOBS 25" CENTS LOWER IS YARDS FortUnd tTnloa Btockyards, April IB. Live stock receipts: ' ' ... .(..i; Hogs. .'Cattle, Sheep. Week ese 1KI . ... . 70 Tear ago 82 BT 1J year age ............... . " Prertooa year ' 45 "0 . wita rue lower easxern pnee xne mem, nj market la down 25c. the krw point for beat staff being p la red at (7.2S. The high remains at (7.60. Receipt of hogs an fair, with tha trade finding ample aappllea. A year age today nogs ware nna. aui . an. langed la value. ' - ' Cattle dronncd back ' 25c today beea nee tha killers could not, they say, snd will not, pay as hlgb as (5.60 tor best. Then wen no ar- nvaia today, ine marasi m aunt. A year ago cattle ware doll bat unchanged. Bhaee market la firm bat rather dull with the recelota still Terv emalL Coot weather baa delayed the abearlng and Be eheared atuff has arrived. Mixed iota aeuing at e-AWUVic A year ago sheep wen lira But nnchangea. Official livestock prices! Hose Best eastern Oregna. - (7.2S07.BO: stockers snd feeders, (TOO; China fata, (7.00. Cattle Beat eastera Oregon steers, (8r5.2&; beat cows and betters, (4.00(34 26; stockers and feeders; (4.0n4 26; balls, (2JW. aneap mixea. oiajevc EASTERN HOGS LOWER Chicago Down Five Cents Todr ' Sheep Ar Holding Strong, k X Chicago, April IB. Livestock receipts: Hog. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago .......20.0(10' 2,000 8.000 Kansas City B.OOO , 1.600 i S.OH0 Omaha S.00O . 2.200 T.OOO Hogs are Be tower, with 4.000 left over. Re ceipts a year ago were 18.000. Mixed (6.40CI ( 7; good and heavy, (g60U.S9; roagh, S.40 , Cattle Steady. , , tf ; v' . Sheep Strong. v SHARP. ADVAKCE IS i J : HADE III HOUE STOCK Telepbone shares eeaMaae te afrraet most of th attention on the local market. Coin tit ana, Ohio, and Besttle people were bidden today for Home eaa re end tbe price made a new high record. The bid advanced (2.60. Paelfie Btstes was advanced (2, la the asked but re ceived BO bids. ..-,- i Bale: Five Associated Oft at (42.80. Official prices: v -(,,. BANE. STOCKS. . ' ' Bid. Asked. Bsnk af Celiromts. ............ tanoOO ( ..... Bankers' a Lsmbermen'S. 10 (10 -, ..... Merchnnta national ., 166.28 178 J10 .Oregon Trust Ka rings. .. ..... 160.00 Tortland Treat Co.. " JaO.OO United Slates NsUoasl......... 200.00 : , LISTED 8B0URTTIBS (BONDS). ' : American Blscnlt Co. Be B8J0 108.00 City A Suburban 4s... ..... . P2.00 Horns Telephone 6s............. 87J0 0, R. N. Fy. 4s..,..'. ...... (7.(0 100 00 O. W. P. A By. 6s. ........... 100.00 ina 60 PSclfls Coast Biscuit Ss 06.60 100.00 Portland By. a,.,.,.. ....., J. 0. Lee Co. ..i 100.00 - MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. . Assactsted OU 422S 42 7 Iloroe Telephone (A.KO 40.00 J. C. Lee Co T.SO 20.00 Pacific States Telephone ..... 1P2.O0 Pnget Bonni Telephone , .... 40.00 ,'. MINING STOCKS. Lskevla-r '.''..v. ....... " .24 Manhattan Crowa Point : ..... ' .20 1'otlcle Mining . - .21 Wasbougal Kxtenaloa 9 .28 : L'NUirTED sTTOCKS. - . Tsqnlni Bay Telephone. (.80 Oregon City Mill Lomber..,, ,00 Aleaka Petrolenm .J .....'.IIH .IT Brltleb Columbia Amel.....,.. M .OS Casrsdls , ' Mammoth " Horning ) J.J standard ConsoUdated -07 ' J2 lunXL: &d.d':::::::::: .2$ ' COXCB IVALBNB WSTBICT. i BnllloB i .MH Copper King . .10 O. K. Conaolldated JH , .044 Happy Hay .001, Fnow.ho -aj.,,.,,., ....... ' v ' -60 Snowstorm , 00 . ""' Kaw Tirrk-Londoe BOrer. ... Kaw Tork, April IB Bar silver, 8,e; Leo doa. (Okd., , . . ,v ., L 4SBBBaaBkWSBwXa ! PRICES !fj 10LDFIELDS . ... ' . w Nevada Shares Advance In Frisco Today With' Much Better Labor Outlook. '::t-'i fn Sea rranctacs today fhare was a seaeral advance la Gold field shares. Sandstorm ad vanced Sc. Columbia Mt. 6c, Jumbo B, Jumhe Kxtenaloa 7 He Vernal 2c Silver Pick Be. 8U Ivea sc. Daisy 12Ue. Lasuna 15c. Comblaa tloa Fractioa i2Vs and TrUngla 2s. Official ld o notations by Overbeck. tart Cooks company: . - OOLDITELD DISTBICT. " - -fi Sanilatiem. aos: Red Ton. (4-OOt OolamblS Mt., Wc; Jumbo, (4001 Jumbo Ext., (2.40; Co.. (180; Kendall, 3c; Booth. 'tTc; Blue Bull, (lc; Ad. ma, 18c; Silver Pick, (1.26; May yueen. XHe; Nav. Boy, lftc; B. B. Bit., ic; Rlee Bell, 27c; Dixie. 12c; O. Colsmbla. 72c; Hlbernla. 12c; St. Ives. (1.82V; Conqueror, lc: Blk.'Koek. Be. Lone Star, tie: a. Woe- der, ec; Potlaecb. SOcA; Ore, eSe; Kendall Ext.. 6c A: Bandat. Ext., 10c A: Maya. . 14c; Atlanta. 70c Great Bend, 11.074,; Empire, 20c: Florence, (S.OO; Dlam'f B. B. Com.. 41c; (i. Daisy, (2.28; Lagnnn, (l.St; Commoo wealth. Bttc; Comb. Fract. (4.7S: Or. Bead Ext.. 28c I Or. Bend Anx., 21c; MlUstorm, 41c; B. B. Bonsnaa, 11c; Kewanoa, (1.42Vi; Esmeralda, 2Hc; Portland. 80c; Cracker Jack, 27c; Francis Mohawk, (1.10; Red B1U. ewe: Mohawk Ext., 22c; Gold Bar, (1.00A: Lou Dillon, 18c; T. Tiger, lac: Grandma, 25c; a. Pick Ext.. 10c; Y. Boss, IV; Col. ML Ext., To; Goldf. Ooas., (8.124; Dlam'f Triangle, 0e.. - ." ' COUSTOCK DISTBICT. , . 1 ' M ... W I a, AA. A--,, a vpair, eo, Mexican, . fi.wi ueu. a. Curry, 40c; . Cos. Virginia, (l.lO; Savage, (1.00A! Hale Norcross. : B3cA; . Yellow Jacket (1-00; Belcher, Sac; Ceeftdeaoa, (1.061 elerra Aev., ate; L&loa, 070. . , ,. , BCTXFBOO DISTBICT.' .. OrlxlnsL 17c A: Bnllf. M. C. SSe: Moat. Bullf.. Be: hat. Bank. BBe: I Harris, as: Ass. ethyst, 4 1 e:- Gold Bar, (1.10; Stelaway, IBcA; Denver But. Anx., isca; Bonai ciare. ec; Maya Cons.,' 80c: Monty. 'Oble Ext., lie; G. Scepter, Sue: Monty. Mt., 26c; B. Delay, IBe; Homeatake Cooa.. (1.224i; Tsnkee Girl, Be; Nugget, Se; . Tramp Cons., (1.10; Victor, 17c; Sunset, Be; Midas, SOcA. "TONOPAH DISTBICT. - . Toa. Nev.. StO.BOAi Mont. Ton. tS 80: Tea. Ext. U.BOA; MacNamsra. 47c; Midway, (1.00; Ton. Belmont,. (4.40; Ton. Ne. Star, SBc; Ohio Ton., 4c; West End Coot., (1.2744; Rescue, lc; Tea. A Calif., IBe; Golden Aachor, 88c; Jim Butler, (1.25; Ton. Cash Boy, 11c; Toa. Borne, 8c; Boat. Ton., 12c; Monarch Pitts. Ex., tuc; monr. sua. xixt-, uc; uoiaea urewsv lc N. X.' Toa. Cons.. Be . ... ,,,,., .... , MANHATTAN DISTBICT. aanii, wna., t m i eaaaj,. pa. , JQ, w. Wodge, lOe; Seyler Ham p. loe; Dexter, 21c; L. Joe, Be; Crescent. Be; Combination. Be; Granny, 22e; Moatang, 26c; Little Grey, 40cA; Oawboy, Be; Orlg. Vanh.,' 20e; Broncbo, 12c; Jump, Jack, lec; Plnennt, loe; Buffalo, Be; S, ig., Sc X. Bona, ec; ladiaa Camp, -r TAJtlOtJS DISTRICTS. " "' ' Fairv. Stiver King. dOrA: Fatrr. Baala. (Te: NevsdS Hills... (4.(6: PUtsbnrsv Slleee Peak. (1.80; Eagle's Neat. 80c: Ruhr Wonder. 20c: Alice of Woader, 12eA.-. ...... a. A .t ' NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Catoadiiui Paclfio Is OnlyOn f Changn Over FTartloii. ' : New Torhx April lB-Tha stock market was again very quiet Tone was weak. Canadian racing was tha only one to snow maeh change either way, the closing oa that Issue being sbout a oolnt lower. Other changes were trae- Official anatlcaav. by Orarbaek. - Stare : A Cook company:, . . ' Y '- Onen. fjloae. Amalgamated Copper Co. .......... S44 , B84 American Car A Foundry, eommea.- 8844 8044 American Car A Foundry, preferred .... ' 0844 Am ericas Cotton Oil. common. .. . . ,a (044 Americas Lecoasotlvn. cooimoa. .... S3 83 America a Bngar. common. . ........ 122 123 American Smelter, commoo. ...... .11 131 American Smelter, preferred. ...... .... 10044 Anaconda Muting Co , B14A 14i American Woolen, commoa.. ...... .... ' 20 Atchison, common... .............. B444 04 Atchison, preferred ................ .... : OS Baltimore iwm, common. ......, aa Baltimore A Ohio, preferred...,.., . ... 88 ' Brooklyn Rapid Transit 80 68 Canadian Pacific, commoa....... .,1764 174 Central Leather, commoo. 28 v. Central Leather, preferred .... 04 Ch tears A Great Wssternv cess..,, . ... IB44 Chicago, Milwaukee At St Paol....l44 1A344 Chicago A Northwestern, com man.. 1M 162-li setarn, common.. inx '41. 4142 oa. common..... 86i( ' 84 common. 284 2044 voeaapeaae as urn.. Colorado Fuel A Iron, Colorado Boothera. Colorado Southern, 2d preferred.... .... 4744 Comrade Southern, 1st preferred... ....... 604, Delaware Hadsoa 188 Denver Rle Grand, commoa..,. .... 28 Denver A Rle Grande, preferred... . ... 74 Erie, common 284 " 23 Erie, 2d preferred. ................ .... ;6 Erie, let preferred......... 84 6S Illinois Central ..146 14A Louisville A NashvUIe 117 118 Manhattan Ballway ISO Ue.lcan Central Railway 21 Missouri, Kansas A Texas, torn.... 80 Missouri, Kansss 4 Texas, ptd.,... as Missouri Pacific 74 Natlena onal Lead , " B144 Tork Central.... ....... ....11844 :118U Tork, Ontario A Western.... S844 - 8144 K ew Norfolk A Wo tarn, commoa. ...1. T( ' 74 Norfolk wee tarn, preierrea a . r.i North American ii;if'i " Northern Pacific, eoraaxm.... Ul Pacific MaU Steamship Co ' .FH Pennsylvania Railway .12414 124 People's Gas, Light A Coke 0e...o B2 ; B2 Preued Steel Car, eommoa . SB ' , 854 Preed Steel Car, preferred B244 Read leg, commoa ........... .u-... 10044 IVji Reading, 2d preferred ............ ..... 80 Reading, 1st preferred i-j. 86 Republic Iron Steel, common. .. tS 28 Repoblle Iron Steel, preferred.. .... . 85 Rock Island, eommoa Ba . 2144 Rosk Islsnd, preferred ........ a... 48 St Lonl San Fran., 2d pfd. file St tenia A Sea. Fran., 1st pfd.. .4 ... .. ' 82 St Louis A 8. W.. common....... 21 44 ' 21 St. LouU A 8. W, preferred...... M. , WJ Boothera Parlfle, common. ........ K -8244 Southern Pacific, preferred 116 , Boothera Railway, eommoa ...... SI 21 g Sootbera Reilwny, preferred Tennessee Coal A Iron ................ 148 Texas A PaclflS .... Toledo, St. L. A W., eommoa... ... 28 Toledo, Bt U A W., preferred.... 84 84 I nloa Pacific, commoa 18B4i 1JJ tnloa Pacific, preferred ... 8644 fnlted States Rubber, common.... 4141. United Stotee Robber, preferred.. .... . 1"! rnlted State Steel Co., common.. 874 87 874? United Htate ataei ve., preierreo).auws , wahaab, commoa . Wahh. nreferred - .e. ........ Western TJnlon Telegraph ........... wj. .... .... wiumula Central, common 18 . Wtscensla Central, preferrea ..... Vlralnia Chemical ...............SB , -, J l'tt gMldaV ta f .' ' r ' ' Boston. April 18. There, was. the stock exchange today. . AaTXRICAW UTESAT VAXUXS, ' ' May.' Chlcaaw .....S .fS A St. Lonle ... ...T4 Kaaaas City.. -SO'eB " v stay.' arinnsapella , . S A New SorB .. v .rMB Onlnth ....... Church for Mount Hood. . taeiat rManatcSi na Tba loaraaLt ' Hood Blver, Or.. AprU -1. At a meeting held yesterday it waa decided to build a hurch at Mt Hood, and a site for thla purpose was donated by T. R. Larwood. A - board of canvassers wss appointed to raise funds for th new edifice, which will be built by the Preabytertan' denomination. Thar Is also a project on foot to erect a Cath ollo church at Mt. Hood. , New Orerse t of tho Poor. (Mpeclal Dlsneldl t" Tb Soaensl.t Astoria, Or., April Dr. T. A. Ful ton has realgned aa overseer of the county poor, to take effect May 1. Dr. F. V. Mohn has been appointed by th county court to f 01 the .vacancy. , 5 DEGinS SUIT TO NnUL PATENTS Government Sues to Take From ' ' Barber Lumber 'Company j Lands Obtain sd by Fraud. '.J ' (Special Dtspeteb to Tks Journal.) Bolae, Ida., AprU II. A civil suit has beea begun la - tbe United Btstes ' dis trict court hera toy tha rovemment against ths Barber Lurnber company (or th cancellation of 21B patents held by tha said company Involving; about 40. 000""aors of timber lend t." Boise county valusd at about (1.000.008. . Steps hava aiao been taken by tha (rovernment to prevent tha land office from Issuing; patents on a large amount of timber In addition to this, oa which, tha company- expected patents would be lasued. These lands consti tute practically all th holdings of tb company In Idaho and on which It had paid 100,00(l.. ; a, Should tha company lose th suit It would forfeit th amount already paid. The ault was Instituted on th (round of fraudulent entries and la on of th results of th - federal (rand Jury" a re cent lneaU(atlons. - . CXPEGT STREETCAR QH .TO, STRIKE HAY FIRST Union Committee Demands an v I Eight-Hour Day and Three ' ; . j Dollar Flat Wage. '': ' ;y ' I r ' (Journal Special Service.) Baa Francisco, AprU 18. -In reply to th demand submitted yesterday by tha committee from, th Streetcar Men 'a union for sa eight-hour workday and flat wages of li t day, Patrick Cal noun, president of th UnttoC Railroads, offered t slam an agreement for An other year continuing- th vttM and houra fixed by 'th board of arbitra tionnamely. (I cents, St centa and II cents an hour, according to tb time of service of th mploy." Th jeonfsrence was pleasant, though tb carmen war flnn!n their conven tions for an eight-hour day. When naked whether av special meeting of th onion would be called to consider th reply. -of th company, - Mr. Cornelius said h did not think a special meeting necessary, but '- that th position of President Calhoun ' and the railroad eompany would bo discussed next Tues day night at tb regular meeting of th union. There seems to be Utti chance 1 (eneraUy expected. .- .... - s-' HIS CHURCH HONORS rS .;gFATHEB.VAN.DE.yj - (Special mspsteVto The SoaraaL. '' " Walla Walla. Waab., April For th first Mm In th history of tho stat of Washington th ancient, and Impres sive ceremony of Installing an Irremov able Cathollo priest In hla- parish : waa performed her. Titan that honor waa eonf erred on Father Van da Ten, Bishop CDea of Nesquallay and nearly SO priests front Washington, Oregon and Idaho participated. Among th priests present wer Rev. A. Brongaeat of Tb DaUes, Rer. Felix VerwUghen of Van couver, Washington,, and Rev. F. ' A. Moen of Chahalla, Waahlngton. The new pastor was formerly at Bprague, Washington.- ' t . , . . Th church at Walla Walla fumils tba four ' requisites of an Irrevocable pastorate; It la of brick; tt Is free from debt; tba pariah has a eohool for boy a; tt has a school for- girls, all de creed neceaeary by tha famous council of Baltimore. . :r . ,, ' Preowater Cannery Aswured. (Special IMspaboa to The Joomai.) V Freewater, Or, .AprU. It- The Free- water Canning and Preserving eompany baa been finally 'organised, by-laws have bean adopted and a board of di rectors and officers elected aa follows: J. H. Hall, president: C T.' Godwin, secretary; J. 1 Elam, treasurer; direct ors, X H. Hall. Charlea U Swain Br A. J. BlcknalL George W. Hirst and C T. Godwin, attorney for ths-eompany. Tb machinery wilt immediately be Installed in th large new cannery building, and everything Will be la readiness to handle thla year's , erop. or vegetables and frulta. .'''.'-'.'.: ": Iolanfl Empire's Lnbw Faxnlno. " MlraeiaL Waah Anrll It Emnlov- raent bfflees her offer work to lumber men st $40 to $80. Including all keep. Uiil. Amn laKAV S 9.g ! A,V alUI VU.I w u.w ..... .akwa - . and $4 to $ for skilled workmen. Ranch bands at to 4S are in oemana, aa are laborors at $2 1 per day. . . . - . '.I r . I I , y. lXvo"' ' ' til'4'--' 26 Yaarn In Portland ovm ooctss zs) nvm toi yirst Being skilled soeolajlsts. ; Second Having the beat equipped of fice In the West. Third By never promising that which We cannot do. . fourth By glvlnf every man e Square deal. '" . , fifth Br using sclentifle and mod rn methods of treatment. ulith By curing every case that we MUC8.' RUPTURE, FlSSURft Tin TULA cured wltuout th knlf or any I local or general antiseptic. By Tfutlv We Win ; "Genius, that powrr that dazzles mortal eyes, ; nls oft out perseverance in disguise; , Continuous effort orf itself implies, ' - A ' , V In spite of countless falls, the power to rise; ? ;. Twixt failure snd success, the point so fine J ' Men sometimes know not. where they touch tho line: . Just where the pearl was waiting one nvore plungtr J low many a struggler has thrown up the sponger . , . AS the tide goes clesr out, it comes clear in. - , In business 'tis st tinwes the wisest win, ; ; -", And oh! how true, when clouds of -doubt dismay, ' .' Tis often darkest just before the day. ' , t , . A little more persistence, courage, vun, , 1 Success will dawn o'er Fortune rs golden rimj . t Then tske the honey for your bitterest cop ; i There is no fsilure save In giving up; , No real fall as long as one still tries, - " ; For seeming setbacks make tho strong man wise., ( ' There is no defeat In truth, save from within, y. ' . Unless you sr beaten there you're boun4 to win.;. p ';. I ; LOUIS J. j v ' "HOME BONDS.- 1 i. - vu:u: i aj . : I AM NEVER IN DOUBT " . . ' . .." 1 . . .. . ' l; X ass asver tn doubt to what tb results Itotn my treatment will be. Day after day for sixteen yeara I have been curing case after eaa of th several diseases peulUr to men. Ko ease comes to m now, the like of which I have not treated scores of times in th past, and I oaa al ways aay definitely whether X will be abl to effect a permanent euro. I nver bold out false hopes or ntak promises that I cannot fulfill.' and you can rely absolutely upon any encouragement - X - may- bo abl to offer -you. If I promts you a curs, a cur will follow. , "WEAKNESS" I ear functional weakness tnan. I know of no other physician ear tag this ailment ! Most doctors treat wrongly. They (tr stimulants and tonics. - Tbea things can't our. "Weakneea" Is a symptom of proe tatlo . disorder, and . th . treatment must be local. This is a truth that I myself revealed. I have parfected th only system of local treatment that cures "weakness." A few doc tors over th country claim to- our by th same method, but their treat mant Is only an Imitation of , the genuine "Joelen" - method. , Th gen uine ts here and ta admlnlatered by Its originator. Don't hop to find tt elsewhere, , Specific Blood Poison iJo dangerous mlnsrals to drive th virus to th interior, but hnrrolsss, blood cleanaing : remedies ' that ,- re move tho last poisonous taint. ZS OltXT TJVOOaOaVXOATBB ' OAaTJi You; Pay When Consultation .Free Ajrr GURED " i . . ...... Offlos fcevti-- a. ss, . sa. jrvoalars T bs'ti nnys M . I eeOy. UIJi Uorrlsoa Street, Cor. .7 ... - W do not profess to cure all diseases,, but we do fee! that our ability' and qualifications enable us to treat with success all nervous snd special diseases. Our methods have been proven and our experience , with this class of diseases, together With our financial standing, the per manency of our '. location and the indorsements of the many whom we .have cured and brought . back to"; health ; and happiness have enabled us td establish reputation and prac tice which is second to none in the west Many man has be come s physical wreck in later iif because a of incomptetent treatment. J ' 'V?. By the latest and best meth ods known to medical science - we cure - to stay; cured Blood Poison, Nenro-Vital Debility, Varicose . or Knotted Veins, Piles, Fistula' and all associate diseases, with their reflex com plications. We cover , the en tire field of.chronie, deep-seated diseases of men: . - v. - ST. LOUIS WIS . CUES MEDICAL AND SL'aGICAL Cor.-Second and Yamhill Su.; - ,.7 WILDE I ;, PORTLAND, OR. ? .... ,J .', V' .... vu I I NEVER GUESS; Experiment or take ehancoa of any sort. I attempt to euro only those dlsaaaea that I have been curing for the past atzteen yeara, and I believe I am Justified in saying that I have learned all about them. Were I lack ing In knowledge pertaining to any specialty I would never have attained my preaent auoceaa, nor would I to day V recognised a tbe leading spe cialist treating -men' disease. If afflicted, you can depend upon it that th eervloa I offer yu is the eervloe you need, and la eervice each as can be rendered by no other phyalclan. ''..:Ve?" 'J ' My practice is th largest because X Invariably fulflll my promise. .. , - Under my treatment the most Ag gravated cases of varieooel are cured la a few days time. Thar la no pain, and It la seldom necessary that the patient be detained from bis occupation. Normal circulation Is at ono restored throughout all th r gana, and the natural processes of waata and repair are again estab lished. . If you are afflicted with va ricocele, consult m at -one. De lays can but- bring on aggravated conditions and nervous eomplloatlona that will Impair tha vital functions and involve the gen rat health. - Contracted Disorders - In tb treatment of disorder X of fer a service suoh aa no ether phy alclan can render. Tbe remedies I employ have moat thorough aad Bosltlv action m cleanaing tha mem brane ef all Infection and subduing all Inflammation. My manner of ap- ign- fro roe only accomplished posslbl. in ' la ! gnnwi urn Second PcrOmd, Cr. If you suffer, from neglect or from unskilled practice, here is the opportunity to get the serv ices ot a skilled specialist with years of ripe experience in treating complicated, and spe cial disorders of men only. It will cost you. nothing to talk to us, and may be the means ot restoring you to health and happiness. ' ; ; OURFEE fa Any Uncomplicated, Cases ; Consultation Free ? Ho Pay Unless Cured 5"Write for Sympton Blsnki ;if you cannot call. r , J ;'.. .'?, ' '. : Hours i a. nu to S p. nL, 7 to bo p. m. Sunday 9 to 12 m. DISPENSARY PORTLAlvD, OREGON. r-: TkO leaadUg aetaMaTa.-.. Blloatlon insures absolute tnoroti neea, and removes every possibility of relApse or a ebronlo stage, My are not only tnorousn. out are HIT