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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
ti:j crco:: daily jsurhau roRTLAKD. fiuday -evening. "April w. is:7. f: Pictcrid Ad TJo. II: ' Series of 13 - A Roytl Coci Coci Frea to All Vho C!p Oct Then Ad Th r oUiar to appMr Mk rrtdy till tk nlMl t ' July. If yom ell from !!, th.m and return to on of our ROTALi BAKERT oUbllshmaata. you wUi rocalro, absolutely THEE, our utlful Ulua trt4 Boral Ook Book, eonUtolnc all tho moot SaUdoua Bakarr aad oafaetlonery roclpaa. Don't Theit Price Open Your Eye? Oregon Is the Best Live Stock Do You , Wonder Why Our Patronso Is so Largo ? in the World . And Oregon Produces the Best Food Products ' . TOMORROW i WE WILL GIVE YOU A SAMPLE OP THE BEST AT ' . THE LOWEST, POSSIBLE PRICES. CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY - 23 lbs. Cranuhted Srir 51, with vcry crier J, 10 E. Sack Corn Med 20 cts. with yocr order Eggs, per dozta w...:......,.............-.............20 cents j Crcsni Cc!dsj Powdcr.;....................!..J13 cts. pouad Fancy Hotter- v..;;r:....v.......; .contt . j - y (UbeU tllstxtly damaged) v : Country MEATS , , BEEF . STEW; , .;. . . . (. . . . . . .. 4c ' CORNED BEEFy...:.:.',;'?VU.':, '.5c POT ROASTS, all kinds. v. .'. .v.6c-7c' -HAMBURG STEAKS ..6c. -"SHOULDER STEAKS V.Y.Y.VeVV. . .7 c SHOULDER ROASTS ............ .8c PRIME ROLLED ROASTS..;.. ..".9c SIRLOIN STEAK ;.. . . . . . '. . . IOC PRIME RIB ROASTS;........ -...lie ; PORTERHOUSE STEAKS nc PICNIC HAMS . ...... J. . . 12c COTTAGE HAMS .'.iY. Y.l2$4cv EASTERN HAMS ....... Y...:..17c GOYERNMENt-iNSPECf ED OREGON AND WASHINGTON STEER BEEF GROCERIES SPECIALS Razor Gami....lOeV 2 cans Peart. ...25c 4,500 Matches. . .25 2 cans Plums. . . .251 5 Toilet Paper., ;10 1 can Apricots... 15 8 pkgvFig-s..;..,..';., .25 Gallon cans Tomatoes, .'. . . . , .30 Gallon cans Apples.. ..30 Postum Cereal .20 T-lb. box Macaroni or Spaghetti 40f 2- lb. brick Codfish , . . . , ,'. . . ISf CO-lb. sack W. S. Flour, none better . V;.4. v. .91.10 60-lb. sack L. B. Flour, bread ' flour , . . . .t , . .......... 9 1.00 3- lb. box Soda Crackers....... 20tt 10-lb. saclc Rolled Oats. . . . . . . .35 10 lbs. Yellow Corn Meal,.... 254 10 lbs. White Corn Meal. .....25 2 pkgs. Gold Dust.... 35i 8 cans Salmon. ............. '.25i 8 cans Sardines. . .25) 2 cans Mustard Sardines...... 15 Shredded Wheat ,10 .Arm and Hammer Soda. ....... 5i 6 Jbs. Rice......;...,........25 7 lbs. Nary Beans .......23 7 lbs. Pink Beans...... 23 1 gallon Cutting's Pure Tomato . Catsup .'.. ................ .50 3 pkgs. V. B. Mince Meat...;. 25 1-lb. Comb Pure Honey...... 15 : Famous Town Talk Blended Coffee, per lb ..... . ... . ,20f Monarch Blended Mocha and Java, . per lb. .25 , 3 cans- Tomatoes, Corn, Peas and . Beans.. .. ............ ,...25f 3 pkgs. IIumpty-Dumpty, same as Force . . . . ....,.... .25 .. 13 bars Soap 23f 3 pkgs. Violet Wheat. .25 Blueing, bottle ...... ..........51 Ammonia, bottle . . . ... ....... .5 r 2 cakes Sapolio... ..15 2 large bars Ivory Soap 15f Scotch Oats ....10 3 pkgs. Acme Matches.. 25 2 Blue Back Mackerel. ...... . .25 OPLE'S All orders for Albiria and East Side must be in by 1 p. m. Saturday MARSCE BUY CO. FIRST and TAYLOR STREETS. Phone Main 1412. FRNK L; SMITH -MEAT COMPANY 'J-?. .'.'-; V 226-228 Alder street, between First and Second streets. ; '.' ' ( : at Smith's meats, the ever-popular 'kind.'! Absolutely fresh. Oregon meats, as pure as perfection, and cheap,- because Smith is ;' -: ;- : vr; l'-''-'- riS;:t!FICHTmC;THE;;D t -:-.:v:l,: " spring lamb -''U'"'.: ; t1 jFrontquarters of 'Spring Lamb,' '''JCa" I Shoulder Roasts of Spring; riW.:-.-lAvj 1 wifrhinpr five t)ounds.......i..f Ut Lamb, two pounds......... OUW " " r' - - n . - 11 . ... , , Hindquarters spring umD. 3 ids. . . ,i.w Loin of Spring Lamb, 2 lbs ... . ... . . . .40c Spring Lamb Loin Chops, 2 lbs ...... .40c Shoulder Roast . . . . . . .10c Shoulder Chops ...... 12 Jc Legs of Young Mutton. . 15c Loin Roast . . . . . .. . . . . . 15c Rib Roast . . ...... . . . . .15c Loin Chops .... . . ......15c Rib Chops . . . ......... 15c " PORK 5c TO 15c ri. Lin V. AJ' v ill1 ' - at Vi2J r:f "it The Story of Table Queen Dread ' The sun shines hot and ripens the grain, .. " The harvest is ready, the long days on the wane, f . . . boon the sacks will be filled and out of the ram, v , ; , 1 :! i : All ready to mill for Royal Bakery Bread's gain. ; 'v ' Recipe 3his is Ea AYAl ANfVf VAOn Tako tho white of nlno etr. beat tbam firm; mix la on pound of rranu W a n nVfiV "WW Utd ,ngmr. put In ono table poooful of water and eno quarUr pound of flour with a half teaspoon of pure cream of tartar thoroughly mixed. Then mix all together tn poor Into ana-el food pan; drat nsolitenlns tho lnelda of tho paa with oold water. Bako In moderato oven and when baked turn pan Vpaide down and Uavo MtU oooL Tako out and loo with oar sugar eoattng dealrod. ' - V ' ' U'..V-'.!.l -1 Moral: , ic-. y ,v . 5 r- ' awa . We do not paste gum labela on our bread. This would not be m "TABLE QUEEN" accord with our ideas of hygiene; look on the bottom of thcloaf for r i BREAD the word "Royal," impressed in the crust. 'At All CrOCCTS How to Tell Royal DaUery Dread jFrontquarters of Spring Lamb, ' En- I per pound lut jLegs of Spring Lamb, 3 lbs. ........60c j; BEEF 3c TO 15c Soup" Meat .;;.-.V;''.'iC; .'.'3c ."Beef Kidneys . v . ... . . .5c Beef Stew' . . ..... . i .". i .5c 'Necks to Boil , .... ... . . 5c Brisket Beef ....... . f. . i5c Liy er i . v'. . y. . . . 5c .Oxtails, per pound. . . . . . 5c 'Corned Beef... ...,6c to 8c Shoulder Steak ;...8c Shoulder Roast . .... . .8c jPot Roast Beef . i . . , ,'.8c 'Rump Roast Beef. . ' . , . ,8c 'Tripe; " v ...... . .8c Prime Rib Roast. . .... ,10c Best Round Steak. .. ...10c Brains .. .10c famburger Steak . . ". ; ; . 10c Sirloin Steak I . . . . : . . IZc Small Porterhouse .'. ; 12J4C Rolled Rib Roast. .. ..12C Beef Loin Steak . . . t V. 12c Fancy Porterhouse . . . , . 15c Fancy T"-Bone v: . . . .15c Beef Tongues, each. . .45c : VEAL 6c TO 15c y Veal for Broth . . . , . 6c Veal for Stewing. . . . ., 8c Rreast of Veal. . .lV.s . . 10c Shoulder Ro'ast Veal . . . 10c Roast of Veal.. 12c Veal Rump Roast ' , .'. . 15c Loin Roast Veal ....... 1 5c Rib Roast Veal. . . . ; .15c Loin Veal Cutlets..... '.15c RibVeal Cutlets.. .....15c Calves' Liver . ; : . .15c YOUto MUTTON r ' 5cTO 15c, ; Liver :'.:!.V,.V.:'.'2..'.5c Stew .V ...j..;. ......... 6c Frontquarters Lamb ... . 10c Shoulders ,r. V. .; V. ; . . .10c Pigs' Feet .............5c Pigs'-Heads ....... 5c Pork Sausage ....... 12c Side Pork .12Hc Pork Shoulder Roast .2Y2z Leaf Lard 12e Pickled Pork ........1254c Pork Chops . . '. . ..... 15c Pork Loin Roast..... ..15c Pork Steak v. ; . . .r.v. . 15c Our Own Hams... ...17c Our Own Bacon. . ; . . .17c Our Own Pure Lard, 5 lbs. V..,. 7.;.. 65c mm mMmmm - A choice selection of fresh meats at temptirig priQCST-Read the fol lowing quotations ; Soup Meat . . H Brisliet . . ; 4c Short IUbs.. 5c Pol Roast. . 6c Round Stzak 8c Loin Steak 10c Shouldered Steak . . 7c THE STATE T.IARGET fi, S 221 lint Stmt KS7 tr tow WAX? m rmR cmaBa .. . . or : Poultry, Fish and Oystew To eo ot thont t " ' G. C0VACQ & C0. v ' . . . ONl.Tr . : : , Tey handle this llao.onlr and pot all their effort to ft tho public tao hlfheat ajradOkv.' G.C0VACO mraMTBT. noMiuuiu. All Joking Aside DALLES DIAMOND FLOUR Should Be In Every ; Flour Bin; Question Your Grocer BUTTER LOWER Best Crcameiy 55c , FRESH RANCH EGGS MO A BOni ; Dairy Butter .... . . ....... .50 Best Sugar Cured Ham. . . . .171 Breakfast Bacon ...........181 Cream Brick Cheese, lb... . . .20 Iimburger Cheese, each... .35 Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs... 35 Oleomargarine ........... .45 Chickens 17c and 20c LaGrande Creamery 861 YAMHILL ST. Harry Wood TBE IIEAT.SCCP 0.1 THE. C02NU WITH FEICES 0.1 THE SQUARE AT H25T AND ALCEB 01 TDE CCSNES Is your health worth looking after ? . If so why not buy U. S. Government Inspected Meats ? They are the very best that Oregon produces and you know that they are wholesome, pure and tasty. Why risk anything, either your health or your money, buying inferior grades of meat when our meats are as cheap as the cheapest and they are the best : ? Mm o o BEEF . . . . from 2 cts. lb. to 1 2V2 cts. Ib. MUTTON from 5 cts. lb. to 15 cts. lb. PORK . . . from 5 cts. lb. to 1 5 ' cts. Ib. VEAL . . . from 6 cts. lb. to 15 cts. Ib. CIGTI t .'; 7hcn.You.BuyJhi3 r L0 1 R You Got The fwtta Mttaai WarekooM ft Traaafey Co.) Bart WaokisftM .Heofc, - . JTaeao ao StOT. G2CCE2IIS S19-SS1 Oak Street Phone Main 2598 UEATS StS-350 AnkcnySt At the prices o! goods are generally advancing, h pays you to go' to the store where you can get the best goods at the cheapest prices. '.,...,-,'-..' '"' ::t-';- -, ,' WE CAN SAVE YOU FROM TEN TO TWErJTY PE?4 CENT ON YOUR GROCERY DELS 100-POUND SACK DRY GRANULATED SUQAR 5 1X0 BEST EASTERN SUGAR-CURED HAMS, POUND ......... . .1 C ROSE CITY FLOUR. Highest (aney patent, sack ..?... ,$l.r 0 VERY BEST CREAMERY BUTTER, 8-pound roll ..... .'. c : 1-pound Mocha and Java Coffee......... 25 Can Baker's, Cocoa,. 1, 1 " 1-pound choice CosU Rica Coffee.,,.... 15 Large package Crackers 1 5 cans Star Cream. .................... .23 Package Scotch Oats. T 2 cans Standard Corn.......r..........l5e Package Postum Cereal......... 1 can Eagle Milk. ......... ........ .,..15 8 pounds Broken Rice 5 packages Korn Kinks. ,.,.25 Pound good green or black Te 1 SPECIAL PRICES TO HOTELS, RESTAUPAIITS AND EOARDINQ IIOL