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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
poiJtl THE OREGON: DAILY JOURNAL, AND. FRIDAY EVENING, 13. i: 11. .J EKO'.Vn Ar.O WEST GO AS '.' OLIIEY CllilLlPIOfl ... . pri .. THE BEST $3 HAT IN THE WORLD tfO.000 SOLD, NOT ONE RETURNED BEN SELLING LEADING HATTER CAN HOT VETO KlITIATED LAWS Attorney-General l Holds" Gover nor Has No Power Over Laws by the People. (Special DUpatrl te Tk. Joenal.) , Salem, Or, April II. The attorney general yesterday gave an. opinion In answer to a query made by District Attorney John "MoCourt of Pendleton i to whether the governor : had the right to veto laws enacted by the- Ini tiative method. He replied in the nega tive, baaing his opinion on the ease of . Kadderly vs. Portland.: 44 Oregon.- lis. He says: "I find on referring to said case. In subdivision I or the opinion, page 144, that judge Bean holds that the veto power or the governor Is not abridged in any way except as to such laws as the legislature may refer to the peo pla. .... ......... "Section If of article S of the eonr etitutlon provides that every bill shall have - passed the legislative assembly, and before it becomes a law shall do presented to the governor. I find no other . section of the constitution' pro viding that any bill whatever shall be presented to the governor. It Is only those which passed the legislative is sembly. -, Therefore laws enacted by the Ini tiative method do not go to the cv raor. and , he can never exercise his Veto power on them. Judge Bean held further to said case above mentioned that the governor could exercise the veto power upon all measures except those which were referred by the leg islature to the people: that la, upon all measures passed by the legislative as sembly, and those are ' the only ones which go to the governor at all.' The reason he cannot . exercise the veto power upon those referred to the peo ple is by virtue of the provision ofJ section 1 of article 4 of the eonstltu-1 tlon as amended June S, HOf." , ; A NEW DEPARTURE The Oos of Interments Mas Been Oreat . ly B.dneed by the vXolmaa . TJader- taklna; Company. - , ' ' Heretofore it has been the custom of funeral . directors to make charges for all incidentals connected with a funeral. The Edward Holman Undertaking com pany, the leading funeral directors of Portland, beginning . July 1, 10, will depart from this old custom. When the casket la furnished by as It coat will Include all charges, such as conveying the remains to our chapel, outside box, embalming, hearse to cemetery and all services - which may be required of a. except clothing, cemetery and carriages, thus effecting saving of f 15 to I7i on each funeral. . - "5 . THE EDWARD HOLMAN VNDERTAg? INO COMPANY. v ' , .. tl Third street, corner Salmon, OF STATE LAWS Anti-Administration Side of the 'Frisco Question to Be Pre- . " sented Tonight. TO EDUCATE PUBLIC IN . INTERNATIONAL LAW ... Prominent Lawyers Meet Wash ington to Organize 1 Society (or Teaching People ' Better Under 'standing of Foreigners' Rights. '" '(ftmraal pertal Service.) ' ' Washington. D. C April , It. That the nubile should be educated to a cor rect understanding of those principles of international law and practice which the United States is oalled upon to ob serve in Us relations with other na tions is the belief of a number of prom inent men who gathered la this city to day to complete the organisation of a society which will work to this end. The promoters of the movement believe that aa understanding of International law is more essential to the people of the United States than la other countries because of the Influence pub lic sentiment exercises upon the admin istrative and diplomatic policy of this government ' . , Preliminary plans for the organisation were drawn up last December at a din ner given by Oscar 8. 8traus. now sec retary of commerce Ana la Dor. . ins temporary organisation was - effected with Ellhu Root as president and with Chief Justice Puller, Andrew Carnegie, Secretary Taft Joseph H. Choate, ex Secretary Olney, Judge Morrow of Cali fornia and a number of other men of national prominence on the list of vice presidents, it is now purposed to er fect a permanent organisation and to take up the actual work la view. The anti-administration siae or we Sen Francisco question may be pre sented tonight when Richard Olney dis cusses the lights of foreigners la states in case of conflict between federal treaties and atata laws. Other speakers will be Professor Wllloughby. of Johns Hopkins; Dr. Draper Lewis of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, and professor Gregory of Iowa. This morning; Admiral Stockton, C H. Hyde of Chicago and H. P. Wheler of New Tork followed Secretary Root in the discussion aa to whether immunity from capture during a war and the need of offending private property upon high seas would be in the Interests of civilisation. The advisability of trade in contraband of war being prohibited was a subject treated by Judge Advo cate General Davis and others. The president will give a reception at the White House tomorrow. v . Hill Road to Raise Tracks. Spokane, Wash., April It. 'The North era Pacific railroad is going-., to raise Its tracks here. That this is practically assured Is known by - the fact that one of the largest mercantile establishments In the city is building a hugh ware house In accordance with such plans. The manager of. this firm said he had been assured B"jr the road that the tracks would be raised. Farmers, mechanics, railroaders, la borers rely on Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlc OIL Takea the sting out of cuts, burns or bruises at once. Pain cannot stay where It Is need. SaTIJIH)AY specials! LADIES' NIGHT TONIGHT ' anted Time Anticipated at Oaks Skating !-.. ; sua. . ? t - ' -.. No doubt "the most popular ' skating night or the weeU at the Oaks Is Friday. On this . occasion extra; musics In cou ples are skated and a double army of Instructors are provided,. There- will be a grand march at :I0. Take Oaks Rink, Bellwood or Oregon City cars. : LID F USES History of a Huge Benson-Hyde Deal as to Which They j ; i May. Testify.; v :r ' (SmcUI Dispatch s The loeraaLI : Salem, Or., April 11. -Hying been summoned as witnesses In the famous Benson-Hyde land fraud caaea, George O. Brown of the state land board and Oswald West, former -state land agent, both of this city, left yeeterdayv after noon for Washington, D. C. . When the Cascade forest reserve was created in Mil there were , included within its boundaries about 10,000 acres of unsurvnyed school lands whloh became valid base for lieu land selec tions. There were also within the re serve about 44.400 acres of surveyed school land which were, up to August. lit, unsold, and whloh state una Agent Davenport was endeavoring to have accepted also by the land depart ment at Washington aa base, but be was turned down. . Through continuous efforts and with the aid of the Oregon delegation In congress be succeeded in having the law amended so aa to allow selections in . lieu cf these surveyed sections. - . ,..if. !-. In the meantime these 40,000 acres were supposed to have been wlthdsawn from sale by the state land board but In August, 188. the agents of Benson and Hyde, the California investors and land grabbers, filed applications in the state land office for the whole of the 40,000 acres and it was sold to them at 11.11 per acre, over the protest of Mr-Davenport, aa it was worth 11.10 per aore aa base tor Indemnity or lieu' selections. These SDollcatlons turned out to be fraudulent, the lands having been need by Benson and Hyde as base upon whloh to select valuable government isnas. Benson and Hyde in the course of time ire Indicted and will be placed on trial at the national capital at aa early date. .1 The Market Basket COMMISSION RULES ON EXCURSION RATES . SBBVaBBBBBWaseBBBSSa .. Salem, Or. April . II. The , Oregon state railway commission issued an or der today relative to the ruling of the commission in ease of round - trip ex cursion rates and party tickets for transportation of passengers within the state. The order Is practically a liter al copy of the order of the Interstate commerce commission except that the maximum period of posting Is 10 days Instead of 10 daya and It Is sug gested that the minimum limit of cer tificate plan round trip ticketa be. 10 Instead of 100, as recommended by the interstate commerce commission. ON SALE ALL DAY Regular - value $2.50 v .t " 5 Jv':k,U". ".-vs..1 '."! UU" a tee -e4tP-.s.? '. -. Regular ! value $2.50 f -.1 ... 14x22 Oil Painting 6-Inich Oak and Gilt Frame. i : 9c Regular value 40c . n 'v-y--. . . .... v.-i.- .- v.-? ''...::- .-v ' :' 1 . . . '' : .' :. ;.J f ' . ' 1 ( -jjJjjXXUUXlialS Mill y -' .ft" Regular value 40c 2-Quart Sauce Pan, Royal Enamel Ware." .... ' Preferred Stock Canned (roods. : Allen Lewis' Best Brand. ... Boj Is Bound Over. - Hoqulara. Wash.. April II. Ernest McClure, of Aberdeen, who was arrest ed several days ago for stealing elec trical supplies 'from this city, which were found at bis home, waa -given a preliminary hearing, today before Jus tice) Ogden and was bound over to the superior court in the sum of $500. Mc Clure is II years of age sad comes of a respected family. Tomorrow Is the last day for discount on east siae gas mum. ... . " " - " , Persian Engineer Shot. Baku,' April It. The chief engineer of the Persian ministry of communica tions was shot snd serious) v wounded oa the street ,1a this city. Three passers-by also were ehot. . - OOOD JITDQatZaTT. la the essential characteristic of men and "women. Invaluable to good busi ness men and necessary to housewives. A woman show good judgment when she buys White's Cream Vermifuge for ber baby. . , The best worm medicine ever offered to mothers. - Many, Indeed, are the sensible mothers who write express ing their gratitude for the good health of their children, which they owe to the use of White's Cream Vermifuge, Sold by all drusra-iata. , FRESH RANCH EGGS ;:20c Doz. BEST-CREAMERY BUTTER ' 60c Roll Coil RIVER CHINOOK SALMON . . i 12Kclb. Halibut, lb. 7.'. '.'". . .. ,10 Razor Clams, 2 dot. .25 Hard-Shell Clam, lb..'. . . .4 ' CHICKENS, DUCKS ' AND TURKEYS. COLUMBIA FISH CO, Phone Main 5 3d and Ankenjr.J It has enly been very short time since the Importation of a small amount of out-of-aeason produce would com pletely glut the Portland market on ac count or the nign prices ins seiiers would be forced to ask. Compare this condition with that during the past few weeks and it is wonderful how much change la made. At thla time we are getting tomatoes from Florida, cucum bers from the same place, strawberries from Cuba, Florida and California, to matoes from Mexico and even celery from Mississippi. At this rats It won't bo a very long time before we will be importing the real southern watermelon, from Georgia. From Florin, California, there 'have been several shipments of strawberries to this market during the past week. With the progress of the season prices are getting- lower and very choloe fruit may now be obtained la the retail mar kets at IS cents a pound box. It won't be long, however, before ordinary mor tals without Carnegie pocketbooks will be able to partake. From faraway Los Angeles the local trade Is getting' most of the cabbage used here. Some shipments have been recently received from San Francisco but you can tell .the stocks from .that market- by the smell and: the large leaves.- Borne shipments from the Bay City arrived in so poor -a condition that tbey were dumped. This is the cause of ths very high prices ruling for good cabbage. ...... , . ,t ..V.,--.-' There has been some Increase during the week In supplies of-local cauliflower. Ths quality is so much better than that recently received.' from, ths south that the two cannot bo compared, r Most, of the good atuff is ralaed near Portland. Price high, however. "" - Local asparagus Is fast driving out the California production, for while Cal ifornia has somewhat of a reputation for ' producing asparagus for canning purposes the stock is not nearly aa good ss the homo-grown when It arrives here. With the larger supplies ths price is not quite so high. ... Florida bell peppers are still regularly received in this city but there is not a very heavy sale on account of the high prices asked. Some will soon be coming from California and then fried and pickled peppers will be on the bill of ; .v;-, -y Ton will " soon get relief from ' the enormous high prices now ruling for old onions. Local supplies are well nigh exhausted but some ' are being brought to the Paelflo coast from Texas and while they, arc not as good as the Oregons when the latter is la season they are very - good as a substitute. Tbey are selling at lower prices. Potatoes remain very high and will likely remain up until the close of the present season, which is fnly a month longer than usual swing to the flooding of ths California islands and delaying the crop there. Some aew potatoes were received during the -week from Mexico' and although the first sales were mado at 15 cents a pound in the retail mar-', kets von can now buy them around 10 centa,,. tf r-s Butter ban been dropping so fast of late that It is quits hard to keep track of the prices. Ths larger arrivals of cream enabled the creameries to pull down the price. This they are-very willing to do for their profits are larger when butter is cheapest a queer state ment perhaps but nevertheless true. Ask your creamery man. More drops are ex pected during the next few daya This season has provea most wonder ful in the egg market. The price goes dowa ons day because supplies are in creased snd within the following ' 14 hours the . cooler ' weather curtails the shipments and thea up goes the value again. There is not likely to bet much change from present figures. Tou can again buy cheese In the local markets, for supplies have arrived from Tillamook and some from the east. For over a week most of the groceries have been without their regular allowance of cheese because the steamer could not get to Tillamook oa account of an unfavor able bar. Prices high now but will soon bs lowor. ,.- . -- v . " Ths season is again open for Columbia river chlnook salmon and after a month's fasting you can secure the fresh ar ticle In the retail markets today. On ac count of the small catch prices remain high In all markets. The small catoh is due to the muddy condition of the river. This allows the fish to escape up the river but whan ths waters become olesr again the catch will likely be that much heavier. The, new law enacted at the recent session of the legislature will stop most of ths peddling .of shad and smelt by hawkers. . The new law -compels all dealers In - fish to tnks out ' a license. According to a member of the legisla ture from this county ths law was 'se cured by deceit snd will likely be re pealed at the next session of the legis lature because It was not Intended to put a charge on the selling of smelt and shad because these fish are not Bro tected, . - - ... . lesi Mil sp .ssasv erwsr Mt "P""! I '". BS- r ; You wouldn't pay railway fare to anybody who hap C pened to ask you for it, but only to the responsible uni w formed conductor. ! , ; " ; : 1 You shouldn't feel bound to take the first cigar that's . ' offered to you, but only the one that's plainly marked with the stamp of responsibility the 'Triangle A." . You know what you're getting when Youbuy a "Triangle A" Cigar What do you know about the nameless" and irrc-. : sponsible cigars offered you? v , : The ''Triangle A! is a' guarantee of cigar quality : - .-..'before you buy, , , It's plain proof that we are jvilling and anxious to ; n " have the American Cigar Com judged strictly "' I - v' on their merits. . - ; ; !C::, : '; ' - r: ;- ; i The "Triangle A" has a wider meaning, than -i" 3; ; - that of a mere identification mark: ; ; One Side stands foe knowing kow. : . ii ' Another Side stands for equipment . , .V;'"VV:. And all that would never bo worth a last year's calendar to you ' If the third side of the "Triangle A" did not stand for the disposition " of the American Cigar. Company to give the smoker all the benefit of , its cigar knowledge and dgar-prodacing equipment. i ' : - Therefore The American Cigar Company is taking this occasion to fissure you that its "Triangle A" is a public sign of its definite, ' positive and unchangeable intention to offer you always the best cigars , that its unequalled equipment and experience are capable of producing. , . We manufacture a large number of brands of different blends to ' 1 Buit individual tastes. . . ' . ' fhe?Ne affords first-class evidence1 of the quality that is guaranteed by. the . inangie A) on we dox. . .. . - -. AIERICAN (3GAR (X)1V1PANY Manufacturer' " ' MsriMark 'S SATURDAY SPECIALS Have yoq seen Portland's largest and finest Grocery? Headquarters for good thlngg at right prices. Doesntcost anything to open an account here., - f i " ' . , '1 l DRESSpR'S ANGEL CAKE, regular 2&t. . J.. .V. .:.f...:Vit ' M DRESSER'S CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS, regular, dozen, 35c. . . . ; . . : . .25 : 1 . rx:";i,' r. Genuine, Whipped Cream Filling. . . . l-jv; :,. , v TAFFY AND PEANUT CANDY, regular, pound, 25c.;.. 'i. :.;i:.15f- : " ;-,". : . Contains no Paraffine... '. ......'r,.S- ;; . '."..,...,.;' ,.: ,t ,; .. . Full quarts,; regular $1. ,.75fJ Full pints, regular 50c,.-. .40"f Full half pts', reg. 25c....20f i ! . 1 "" 1 1 1 1 - I Old Virginia Corn Relith . . . .... . 33 Cents , Dresser's Mammoth' Table Supply House 5th and Stark - Branches: ISSsT v ... ' r. TEA SRICES BAKING POWDEH JEXTftftCTSC ; ilUSFRIGHT '" v. CLOSSET-GDZVEUS t. P0RTlANP-0RE.f ; f ... i. .' :. ., ! .... . ... j . j, , innsOixxzzEEsssssx: Bzxzin IR AY TIITY MAm ITTJW mrrM u - VM U U lYiruVUIiUlL. 11 83 FOURTH STREET, NEAR YAMItILL vaotfPT siimiT to m sjst or wasr axoa. Fresh Done Dressed Chickens Dressed .Vklle Ton Wtll 'I Vesh Ranch K;s, Terjr best, Mceired direct from the eoantrr, tom.ZO - fl The highest sraJe Cresinerr Butter, per roU ...,........i..,,..eo5 rresb Coimbls Hirer Balm on. Chinook, 1 lbs. for ...... i. . r .... .,25 J ws oaanT a ooimini 'un or run raoBTAauia, nam. '-;'' ,; '"'. Mmo ooosa, BTa ' ' Our prices wlU startle yon on sJl kinds of meats and othsr foods. Row can ws do UT Easy. - : , ' SPATH & KOHLZ,R izszzzzsxzzzzxzxnzxnu i ZXZ4 THE HIGHEST GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED; IN THE V NORTH WEST AT YOUR GROCERS. Howard' mart t ccrrtt TOWNSEND & VAN SCIIOONHOVEN Wholesale and Retail Grocers . H7 FIRST STREET Srody onr prtoee thea ftm wul ses why ems trade ku rsoreeewd. On soeds are of the hlffesct olity aad we ehallea4re mi be toumA la any store. 2 Dol Fresh Ranch Eggs, 45c Best Creamery Butter 60 We ; rt our sees from ths farmer, butter from ths creameries no middle men. Cross ac Blackwell Lnoea Oil, qt...6S4 Cross Blackwell Chow, plnt..20 Postum or Figprune Cereal 20 1 can good Pesches or Apricots. . .15 Standard Tomatoes ..10 I cans Cora, Peas or Btrlnf Beans. .254 Evaporated Cream, I cans for ....Hit 1-lb. pkf . Arirt and Hammer Soda. . 5e) Naptha Soap tti$ bars Babr Elephant Soap. . . ,. ,.25 a somparlsoa wltk tke flaest tbat , 1 lb; English Breakfast T ...... 1 lb. Oanpowd.r Tea ............ 26? 1 sack Best Valley Flour... ....Sl.OO 1 sack ood Hard Wheat Flour..!. 90 1 ssck Beet Hard Wheat Flour - (patent) ' 1 bottle Worcestershire Sauoe, lie stsei , , ......10 1 lb. Whole 85 New Crop Pmnee. f lbs.. t.S5 New White Honey, comb ........IB 1-lb. can Corn Beef ,. .....lO' M-lb. can Derlled Ham. I for 25 PHONK MAIN 1111 East side delivery Tuesday and Friday. fcAil & HAMMER 80DA- BULK. 3 POUNDS lOo , - j -