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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
TAZ OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, POIlTLAI.t). FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 19, 1C07. POLICE PUT Oil , 0D0 APPAREL ' 2 fl rrt Another day of unrivaled value giving and underselling Again competition is completely eclipsed by.'the series of never-ending bargains that are the dally story of thb great cash store. Save by trading here. Join the thousands of Portland's shrewdest shoppers women who know bargains, that have tested this store, its methods. Its mer chandiseand who know by experience that this is the one store that gives bargains all the time. Come tomorrow, remember, a look costs nothing, and you don t have to buy. aaaiai'.' ax Find That Liquor It Sold In North X End Concert Hall Where , .' Women Are Employed. The Greatest of All Sales of Women's Suits 200 of Them d ein fi PI Si MS (b ' Upon evidence eecured by Patrolmen Sherwood and Howell, Hugo Frits, pro prietor of Ericsson's concert ball, was taken into custody oa a warrant chart la him with aaUlog Manor In place where women are employed." Tha two policemen dlssulsed la "hayaead" make upo that would cauaa Bill Harrta of the Bakar atock company to turn sreen with envy visited the Buroalda atraat "temple ot vaudeville" laat Wedneaday night and had no difficulty In - aaeurlag a glaas of whiakay and a ataln of baar. - 1 Tha aamo of deera alao attandad tha parformanca at Frlts's concert hall across tha atraat and Ukewlee pur chased liquor. . A - warrant waa taauad for tha arraat of Frits thla roornlnr and ho will ba takan Into euatody. In both eaeea ball haa bsea fixed at IIW. Hugo Frlti's oaaa will ba heard next Wednea day morning. . " While paaatng the Turn Hallo cafe, eonduoted by Klrohner Hanno, at Fourth and Yamhill atreeta, yaaterday afternoon, Inapector Bruin and De tective Prloe observed two well-known north end denlsena enter ' the place. Upon making an lnveetlaatlon the offl cera found the women aeatad In one of a boo tha gaily chatting with Henry anna one of the nrorjrletors. Bruin Inquired of the ealoonman If he waa acquainted with the reputation of his two patrona and receiving an anawer in the afflrmatlve, promptly placed the trio under arreat. ' Hanno waa charged with allowing lm moral women la his aaloon and was re quired to deposit 160 cash balL Tbe women were releaaed on 110 ball apleoe. The case waa continued la the police court this morning until April St. Hanno has retained Attorneya Logan and Malarkey and announces his Inten tion of fighting the ease on the ground the ordinance la unconstitutional. Detectives Kay and Klenlln arrested iia Gordon, an alleged Immoral woman. In tha Circuit aaloon, IS Stark atreet. laat night and will secure a : warrant for the arreat of the proprietor, Charles May, for allowing bar to remain la the place. -'. " - . Chief Grttsmacher'g -" announcement that all restauranta and saloons having curtains at tha entrances of booths must Immediately remove the portieres, aa published exclusively la The Journal last night, haa created consternation in tha ranks of the eating-house pro prietors and liquor dealers. The chief a declaration that arrests would follow If tha ordinance was not obeyed has al ready had effect and all of thoao Inter ested are hastening to comply with the law. ".. - , , Tomorrow la the laat day for discount on east side gas bills. AT THE THEATRES' Goodwin Seat Sale Opens Tomorrow. ".The advaaee Mat Bale will eeea toawvsw, (Saturday) aeernlnt. et 10 o'clock, at the -Box (flea ef tbe HaUlg theatre, Feoxtoentn and Waahlnrtos atraats, tor Mat a Goodwin. "frhJe" faunae efastaa and actor - wilt -preoent i tbree ef a la nreetaet eaeeeeeea at the above theatre aait weak. Teaaday Bight, Arm IS, 7'a.a American Clttsaa;" Wadsaaday aftoraeoa 1 at tt apodal prion matlnae, "Wbaa . Wt Were Twenty-One"! Weoneeday Bight. "A Glided fool." Mr. Oeodwts la support by FdM Goodrich and aa exeellaat company et . players. .,-. . t J i i 'i OJ i ii - fMn. Wlggs" a Hetllf TTiuraday. - A apodal retars eagat osMat ef Iiablor Co. -a pioaaettoa, "Mm. Wlfta ef tha Oabbete patch," win be sim et the Heillg theatre, Fifteenth end Waahlnftaa etreota, Tharadav Slant, April SB. goat aale epene aart Tweeny. ' AprU SB, at bos office, tbe theatre. ; Remarkable 'Admirable Crtchtonl" There la a play et ' tbe Bakar thla weak that one will alwaya - remember. It is so deadly, odd,' aa nock aa that handrede et people kavo wanted to eae It saartly for Ita oddity. Bot la addlttoa to ita oddity tt la romldered one of tbe moat remarkable plays that I. at. Bairle ever wrote end baa baas highly aaecaaafaL . '' . 1 ' - - Iceland on the Stage. ' A part of -tbe weave ef "A Prodlrml soa, ml Break's attraction at the Bakar. la laid ta Irola&d. That eea a atrange place to the action of a play, bat bamaa aatare la mack the aasw whaterer land It la fonnd In, yoa know. "A Prodigal Boa" la tbe kind of play that tbe eoeatloaa frienda ef tbe Bakar Uke. . . , e ' -'-v Send tbe Children Tomorrow. Sememner that there b) a great trained dog set at tha Grand this week . end that tha children will enjoy It. AU children Uke cogs aed thla la tha beat dog act they hare ever neon, toad the yoangetera ta the Qrand to morrow, where they will nave tha time ef their Uvea. Frank Cnshmaa, - tbe eincer end story-teller, hi a fanny man and there ere e taenia ef arvempe aero ha tie comedians la Viola and Bngle. Tattle end May give e eamedr eketeb and Jerrle and Tadoc ate atng wjraaad dancers. ; :i . ; lllvrrf tor "Hello Bin." . -There la a langb la every Une oc "Belle : Bill." the play that ia batng effetad it the Umpire thla vraafc. It baa bean rannlng atoea Bandar and baa been drawing big honeea, It la the bat ot the Stair A HavUa attraerbna Of the eaaaoa and la perhapa tbe baat. Meat ' week the new. Beaawa Stock company will be I gin Ita engagement la "Tbe Black Hand." : Don't Hlsg The Black Hand." V Th. auek Haad." the Bmpira'a etrerlag aaat week, i a melodramette romance et the Kantocky bill that baa been remark . .Mr Mreaaafai. . It win bo eat to pleaee Km- ptre Htreee. "The Black Haad" will ba pro sooad by the Seaman Stock compear, aa eg regatloe ef Btgh-elasa playere wbe have boee y ''. '. "-. ."Northern' htg ? " Tbe dramatic alraatlon la the laat act a ' "Nor tli are Llghte," where tbe aoldlera have ahot their laat bullet and are a boat te be maeeeerod by tbe hostile Indiana, te eae of .ha Boat thrilling scenes ever enacted ea tbe stage ef the Star theatre. Tbe Allen Stock . ; ui la slvlns a eplendld performance of thht'faniona weetara military drama end there Jfr innnmerable eleetrlcal and maehanleal at. r ipi introduced te Mao aa av ex reeuam. . '.' '"Ao-oss the Potomae." ' Tiavree at tbe tyrle there will be s special children 'e matlnoe, whoa "Aeroae th P , tomae." the patrlotle drama of tha Civil war, will be the bill. It ia thrilling aad beautiful, with plenty ef wholesome heart Interval. Two performances Saturday and Sunday sights, tha flrat a T:tt O'clock.. Seats may be ordered ' by telophase.' ' .' " " . ...,-.,-, " " ? Ty, ' Farce) Oomod Next. , . ' Kaxt week, beginning with tbe Monday sTetlaee, tha tyrle Stock company win give e let ui aequo prodnrtioa of the famona farce - : anmedy "Snowball," which haa made eoaatleoa huadreda langh. It eae ef the elevereet raree ramedlea ever Written la the Bngliah . nngnage. Spatial atleatlon will be gives to taga ef facta and arenlo detail. Beat aale ' epene Bandar morning. ' , Tomorrow Is tha last day for discount ,tr east sids gag bUls, -,. A suit bargain that is beyond all doubt the most important ever offered the people of Port-jS j land. Two hundred of the swellest, richest and handsomest of Suits at $12.95, and every JJ I I UllC Ul Lllwill atUi.ueuijf aim iiwaisujr wuiui yiu,vw w i)Ui,vut nu nouifiiba caaau auv ww wa kind, and when we tell you these are the prettiest of this season's suits, we mean it. Etons, tight ' fitting, Cutaways, Ponys, Prince Chap," and others of the leading styles, including 14 of the handsomest of Silk Jumper Suits. Made of best imported voiles, Panamas, mixtures, plaids, checks and stripes, beautiful fancy effects and colorings as well as all plain shadings; jackets all silk lined, new full pleated skirts. - Each one a high art creation and the product of New York's' foremost maker, whose name we are not permitted to advertise, as some of Portland's firiM atfM-M knutrViT tViM ir1entir1 Kiiffw In rorii1flr wav nnrl nra Killtnr them as hipfa as $40.00 and $50.00. Every one beautifully trimmed and faultlessly fashioned; made with the same care, of the same material and as perfect as though you paid $20.00 to $35.00. One day only, no longer. Take your choice of the entire lot, there s no reserve. Choice, $12.95. , v. A; : ' h One-Day Uller ot women's $3.50 and 1 ' A Saturday Flyer la Women's $12-315 Coals $4.98 Women,s$2 Wh)te . Waists. 98c est tight euid seml-fittina; box effects, trap and button trimrnlnn, all satin New Sprint; Corsrt Coats, la the lat- lined. A small lot of SO only and all sixes. Every one worth $12 to $15. Choice ..... .$4.98 100 MM WAISTS $1.79 onld sell for any. Llorer embroidery $1.79 AD $3J0 and $4-00 valaes, that's what they are worth and would sell for any. where else. Made of finest, sheerest white lawn, beautiful allow embroidery fronts, trimmed with dainty laces and dusters of tucks, long and short sleeves. Over 50 different styles to choose from and ajrery one ruararrtecd a $3.50 to $4.00 value and there i hundreds to pick from, too. Choice Another Great Skirt Event y $5&$6SMrls$2.98 And wt challenge every store in town to show aa good short of $3 00 to $6.00; made of fine Sicilians ana mohairs, all pleated and trimmed with strsps; guaran teed $5.00 and $0.00 skirts, that's what they're worth. Choice. ana tnmmea .$2.98 Women's $1 Long Kimonos... 99 0j SATURDAY A GREAT SALE OF 50cNeckw9r25c Just Dal! Price And the tame Identical new spring novelties that the big profit stores ask you 50c for. Women's Handsome Ernbrolder'd Collars With ru chins top. white and colored embroid ery newest and handsomest of designs; where you will, search , every where; youH find them priced at 50c all over. - ? - Choice ssigns; go 25c POUmilD IIE17 DEPMHIG1T 5T0IIE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT TILL .0 An Extraordinary Auction Purchase of 39c Unflcrvr 25c A 200 dosen purchase and we want you to compare them with any shown elsewhere at 39c res, even with the regular 50c grades of other stores. i: Finest of Lisle Finish Fine spring weight Vests and Pants, In white only, high neck and long sleeve vests, silk front and pearl but tons; pants all lace trimmed. 'ffk) The best 39c values you've ever ZjII . seen anywhere.' Choice ......... . IP A Great 9c 9al of Women's Black Hose nMsBorW at 9 J U eVMBBa eSnajA fIkUjfast blaek Sosev emU keels mm& eoes, fine a . sad only pair to snasonaeri pais tfv 'Dors' 20c Hose 12c Pair AmA every pair Is BOo mla es yomr sasasy 1aek. Boys' aad OhUArea's rime rtbbed blaek . arose wttk anrvkl nmaes, keels,. Sees) mm solas Urn and meoinss weavuii au siaaai 171. striotlr AOs vatase. rev sms avy, pajbr ... 'Women's 65c-75c Fancy A Ttpsel day only, Pair Uln. The Year's Greatest Glove Sensation-500 Dozen . 800 dozen, 6,000 pairs to go, Cloves as good as ever, you bought at $1.00 to $1.25, and that's the price you always pay in a regular way. All go tomorrow, for the one day, at C9 pair. pine Soft Kid 1 and 2 Clasp Iff The maker's entire surplus stock, closed out at almost half price for spot cash. All new, this spring's styles. Made of fine selected kid, soft V and pliable,! one and two-ciaap; Drowns, tans, modes, sr. . greens and navys, and Just because we have no blacks Lan. fl ill. Tt i i ..-a L.K .11 .1... aa VI Mil - IrlNUJI' ' of them; one great lot of them all, and every pair a $1 Jr Jr iq im value or your money mcc uwki , . . Notion Bargains ...Ic Se papt ef Vlma, full exiaat 10s Bottle Feet's Xooks , : Cr ana Xvas. all sines .......0 Se Vkf. Ombe TUut, special, pkf. Ac 25c (aaoy trtaaaaael Bask Ooamba. . . . . , BOO Jewel sot emal faaey Sat ims, all SOs almas, C- Charter OaK Thread 2k2ZX3?Z 8 Spools 25c tusns. Mama. BSsi T..r..r....j2ic Omrretto Skirt almoin, an eolorav yaral. . ....... ;:3C 100 SSe aa SO Saaa-' Jr pie Ban Baaklee, eholae. . ' ANOTHER GREAT $3.98 SALE OF BEAUTIFUL TRIMMED HATS QXL.VO-.qja All $7.50 $8 and to $10 Values - Never before has so much style and elegance been offered at such a remark ably low price, for hats of equal beauty have never been shown elsewhere short of 7J0 to $10. All the newest of this season's styles. In over 200 of the most . stunning shapes clever conceits that depict the best efforts of tbe world's fore- most artists, for many of theese are -..y;.. Exact Copies of the Finest Paris Patterns AmM UtrM kere we want te sH yam tkere'a ate prattle sonilasry ta an For saaSa ( ueieajleue, eklp aas tmmmj kralds, trlmoaeS wltk flewete, rlbbsas. snaHnes and tackles la f not, tks aaawrtmsnt laeladae aaaay aewltoklaa; eunutUy ronmS only la tks klrkest priced taaporteS pattens. AH tks nwereet eprias; skadlxisa saS Slack. A sinale leek wtu San 70a tkla la tks rseateat of Ulllnery karfalaa, Costtlve S7JO to S10 Talaes, okolsa) , . ' - OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF THE FINEST OF ' ; CHILDREN'S niniMRY REDUCED Too many kinds to give s detailed list hers, but come comorrow and see for .. , : . yourself. er t - -', ! . - . Bsedsla !$3.98 One Lot of Stf Women's Trimmed Hats B"L$ii: Send Your Phot6 Back Home Could there be a more appropriate souvenir or remembrance? In our new Photo Gallery ws are making a specialty of vSix Photo Post Cards Taken by electricity fand finished while you wait. Remember, this offer Is Just to intro duce this department and is for a limited time only.,' , ; - ' A One-Day Offer of Thousands of Pairs of " Men's $3.50 Dress Shoes $ -fl .98 Because we took the makers entire floor stock closed out over II " 8,000 pairs of his various lines. We paid spot cash that's why J L . we are enabled to make thisan offer that should bring here every man with shoes to buy. , v ; i v ; . High shoes and low shooslace and bluchers Shoes of the highest degree of elegance shoes of the finest leathers, made of the most expensive vid kid, box calf, satin calf, and hundreds of pairs of patent colt and Detent leather. - Newest toes and heels, plain or tip pea oboes made tor tus season's trade shoes made to sell st $3 and $3.50, and that's what you'd pay in regular way. But you know this store always Eciai purcnases, ana una is one 01 ua gives you the full benefit best. 1 Choice. ....... t you d pa: the full b of all spe Women's Dreoo Oxfords Worth 02 d 02.50 Now 01.39 But hurry if you want say, for It's a small lot onlyJust about 200 pairs in slL Mads of fins, soft vicl kid, patent tips and patent leather ti uBnttSoesW " Newest Toes and Lasts Bhicher or lacs effects, all sises, Oxfords worth 13.00 to tX50 ef anybody s money, sad all sues, too. Special Another Day of Bargains in Our Big 5 FAMILY LIQUOR r i - - . . . It's the biggest kind of a success, and hundreds are taking advantage of the cflt-prics offers to secure their Family and Me , dlcinal liquors st about half what regular drug stores ask. For tomorrow some of the greatest bargains yet Large Half Gallon Bottle Wine 39c Port, Sherry, Muscatel or Angelica the kind always sold st $1.00. One day only, S9s). Ten cents extra will be charged for , : bottles, which will be refunded upon return of same. HU1NTER WHISKBY ' ahrsys $U0 slsewhers. JAS.E. PEPPER ' WHISKBY Only 800 bottles st this price. WIUSOIN WHISKEY . ' Sams yoa pay $1J0 for. MEN'S FURNISHINGS Always Cheapest Here SUsHi es the rrenaS fkietr a the SoooaS street door, soaklar the saost soBvemleaUr leeatsA Kaa's Shop la town. '. ,( , - , Men's Shirts ptor wstsht, Iteatoh aeeh lad peart hat- 7 tea flmlsh, all see;. See values, all slsee.... fC Men's 50c Ties 19c And sll veal SOs value, too, pare eOk o-la-Blaada, all th Bsweav shadss aad pas- . A tens I flaee et SOe else ret eae Say laC RICi 3Qc SHIRT SALE Kaa's faaap Sesoaa STeslleroe Sthlrts, white hedlee, eplsadldly Oq atads and perfeet nttta, all slsee host Tee Shirts at, eholoe.... Ilea's flae Stevlae half Stose, la assorted Brays, roll fashioned doable heels aaS toesj aesulat too Bailers! special, , or two pairs foi . ......... JC SCsas pare SUk Maadkarohlefa, taaey wsrsa eiieevs, aa au sea. era, fall sine and heasutcaed 22'.::.!:::... ,...25c $1.98 illssts tzi Childrca'i fords ta kid, Soa Vols, aad celt, sues st S. amd ILM aa SSS.....98c And Now You Get Theatre Tickets At Cut Ibices With every purchase tomorrow we rive you s coupon entitling you to one of the Dest Seats InEmpireThentre Good for any performance except Sundays and holidays. These are tne same you , pay 30c for at the box office. . Get. s coupon and secure your seats at - usije svuvt 1C2 ANOTHER GREAT CLOTHING PICK-UP EJcia's S12 S 15 Suite 6.75 A sale to stagger competition, an event to set all Portland t. m. n it XT.... Cvsvinnr .Quito UlllUllg J USl JIO men B IWW waaaag Five, Ten, and Fifteen of a Kind Th. maker's sample, and. odd YjLST! bunched in one great ' lot your . ----- est and beat of Spring Suitt, nobby, stylish garments, made for th. swellest dressers, for these are all suits that axe excepuouai aiurs at xnar ixpuar i wc s. made, lined and trimmed. Suits that erlcea. Mada of our. aU wool materials, single ana aouoie oreasoio. aew nlaMa rK.k. and tniztliree. SS Well SS Plain COlOIS. is plain colors. Well y f f "1 rn equal th. beet shown V Ar 11 admit tt, too, when ( J eUewhere st $12 00 to $13.00, snd youll you see them. Choice j . , am i im n.i . - I I'" (Ireat SDCCUU WIIBT avw rau , I r,... MEN'3 $3.00 PANTS ( or In nobby checks and stripes, well made,1 V 1 " perfectlv cutthe best $3 pants ever of- Clt" fared annrhera. Choice I I 't ::3 r i ."j Tor one day Sat u relay i Great Bargal n s In the Cut-Price gfiaaCtB Beoaomlae ea yeas 11v1b eatpeasea aad save aa theasaads ef ovnove are dotnf. 10,000 lara-e tea;. So Soaae ef r Slatahse at, hoa 'C.Z Taaay Xtaliaa TTmnos at, IS. 4 u hVea;. 46e STstsI Oraas-ea, doe ; Soe Ja para Strained Xeaey 1 . htlaoed Clams, S eau f os Baa;. lOe Cora. S cam , SUa. 1VJ Bottle Vanilla Sleet STJ eaa CM.udai.n v - Choeolate 1 Poatl Parlay, Jn. S.0O lbs. teat ( t -re. 1 ... . ail ear o end ft -t "5 . ' a, fat one T, 1 T"lry foe S t - -a '. 1 'I t f -