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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
THIS OREGON DAILY JOUHIIAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. IrilL 13. i::7. .UiiMI D DOWUS THE cor.inuTERS After a Series of Defeats Giants Trounce Their Old Rivals. - the KINSELLA PITCHES J ' GOOD BALL IN SPOTS McCredle'a Mm Took M Early I lag to Reer Currea and In the Fourth Inninff Drove the Young "Pitcher to the Wood. - fTi.i ! Oakland. April 17. The Portland mined torether yetrcay and uMMdtd la defeating Oakland ( to . 11 11. the firing 1 line for Portland and he pitched fairly ood ball In epota, but always kept himself In the hole, and It waa only through : the m.tHt amount of luck that ba waa abla to pull out with tha honors. Road started tha game for tba Commuter and tba vteltora promptly found him for a tally la tha opening- Inning, -in ma third tha locala bombarded Klnaella for three blta which produced two runs. Th rtlndera cum back la tha fourth and gave Road hla walking nanera. four aafa blta. a baaa on balla anil two atolen baaea producing- th run Here Ho-an rot buey In Reed hoes, and after ba bad let in one run In tha fifth, aattlad down and , pitched perfect ball to tha endi Tha Oaklandara did not pot up their cuatomary article of baeebaU and, whUa Portland ! waa looaa at time. It waa u perlor ball. ! " " ' Rip Van Winkle Tan Haltren argued too long- with Umpire Derrick' and waa chaaed "tar from tha madding crowd." Hera la tha official eeore: . ... - . . PORTLAND. " . Aa R. H. PO. A. E. Ehlnn. tb. ........... 1 1I Lovett, It ,; C eaey. to. . 4 t 1 I McCredla, rf. 4 I f 1 Minlun. rf ....... t 1 1 1 Newman, lb.- ......... 11 .Me ton, aa. 4 1- I Moore. & ........ -a. S 1 J 4 I Klnaella. . . 4 1' 1 4 Total : ."..'.....i II I 17 14 . 1 l , Aa R. H. PO. A. R Pmith, If. 4 Van Haltren, ef. ..... t I 1 Heitmuller, rf, t I Kaftan, 'aa. ......... 4 Hackett. o. .......... 4 Plirbee, lb. 4 Hatay, tb. I DeVereaux, tb. ...... 4 Reed, p. ............. I Hotran, p. ......I Maseey, at .......... -I lo' 11 Total . ....... .... 4 14 IT II SCORB BT INNINGS, Portland Hit! .....1 HUM 0 0 I M i t I M 1- 9 rv.wi.n4 .... .illHItl a 4 , Hlta HI - .119 i k . STJMMART. " Rna Off Reed 4. Alta. I: oft Horan 1, .hit 4. Two-bane blta Moore. Mo cradle. Btaton. Hoiran. Sacrifice blta Lovett, Haley. Flret baae on called ball Off Klneella, 1: off Reed, ft. Struck out By Klnaella, I; by Reed, 1; Hy Ho fan. I. Hit by pitcher Moore. Double clay Btaton to Newman. Time of aame One hour and SO minute. Umpire derrick. PACinC COAST LEA CUE Won.' Lost I .' .. 7 PC .TIT .111 .111 .101 lioa Jingeiea ........... Pan Francisco ......... Oakland ... ............ Portland . . I I 4 -4 NATIONAL LEAGUE . . ; , Won. Cincinnati . .......... I Chicago., e ............. I Boston . , .............. I New Tork . I Philadelphia. ........ t Brooklyn . ............ 1 Pittsburg . . 1 Bt. Louie . 1 Lost A 1 - e . PC .789 .T60 .750 .800 .ISO .ISO .ISO .200 " At Brooklyn. . . .' . Brooklyn . .'.....I I 1 New Tork . I 1 Batteries Paatorlus and Rltter: Tay for and Breanahan. - Umpire Rlgler. - At Plttabanr. R. H.E. Plttsbnrw 1 I t Chicago . . I Batteriee Lelfeld and Phelpa; Brown and Moras. Umpire O'Day. t . ..U;, ., A rblladalphla. ,. . ' , 1 " R. R.K. Boaton . . .................... I 10 I Philadelphia.. .........10 I I Batterlea Boultea, Needham and Ormdorf ; Plttinger and Dooln. , Umpire Emalla and Klem. . . . ? ' Tomorrow la tha laat day for diaoount . on aaat aide gaa bllla. If so. your tW T 1M CITY LEAGUE EQiVLERS l.'l IKE OHfGJii ALLEYS Webfoots. Defeated Gophers In an Interesting Match Last .:" , Evening., ..,,.,,V Tha City lea rue team, Webfoota and Oophora. played their eoheduled match laat night. The former team took two of tha threa gram played and totalled 1.1 pine. ; Soma fine a re rage ware made. Lunney being high with 101, l- roond had t It. Stammer ill. Th htgheat atngl game waa -SIT, made by Lamond. . Tha Chinook' team rolled for aa aver. age laat . night, but aa only two men bowed up, poor aoorea ware made. Sunday morning. April II. at !: o'clock, a-meeting of .tha Oregon Bowl ing aasocisuon . will vm nmia m we Seventh atreet - alley. All - member ahould ba aura to attend. Otbere wel come. ' Sunday afternoon at '1:11 o'clock a special match, conalatlng of II gamea. will ba played by C. H. Ball vav C 1. Kruae, total pina to oount. Another apecial match or it gamea will ba played by F. Raymond v. U J. Amba next Sunday afternoon. . The acorei or laat night gamea are aa followa: . .1 WEB FOOTS. (1 (I) (I) 111 111 tot III' 111 At. Ill 111 1TI 1T1 111 Stammer Meleen , : Denver; .. Armltaaw- III 111 ....lev .v .115 114 ,.......1T 1TI ..Ut IIT Lamond ; Total .141 III : (I) At. 14 IT! 111 111 141 .140 III ' 101 111 1TI f , OOPHER8. . (1) (I) ............141 '17T IIT 111. , :S4waoallT . lift .IIT 111 111. Ill ; Caa . . . Beyland Cloaaet ., Lunney , Darldson Totala Ill III 114 CHI NOOKS. .- 1. (I 115 . Ill ..ill IIT i -.......100 100 .........100 100 . ....... .100 101 l) 111 111 -100 100 100 At. IIT 141 .100 100 100 Newatead ' Moear . . . Boulanger , Oalllard . Cbrlatlaa , Totala . .JIT III 114 -AMERICAN LEAGUE s' v Won.-.' Loat. PC .161 .000 .400 .100 .600 .600 .400 .100 Chicago. .....4. I New York , , I S Detroit , I t - Boston . .............. I ' I ' Phlladelnhte . . I ' I - Cleveland . . ........... 1 I - gton . la . .. St Iu At Clerelamd. - . R. R. E. Ill Cleveland Detroit . , .... I I 0 Haae and Bemla; Mullln Batteries and Payne. At tTbloag-o. 'i . . R. H.H. Chicago,.-. I I I Bt. Uouta . .... -.. ........ 7 o Batteries AitrocK ana McFariand: Morgan and Bualow. , , 1 : t Boston. . It. K Washington.. ................4 I I Boston . . .o i Batterlea Huahea and Blankenshlp; ooeriin ana enaw. ... k . . . . , . At Saw Totk, ' - ... Philadelphia. . ...... ........ ..4 I 0 New Tork I I 1 Batterlea Combs, Tlckera. and Berry; Clarkaon, Keefe, Klelnow and Tbomaa. GRAMMAR LEAGUE ... v east earn section. : Played. Won. Iat P.C Hawthorne . 1 10 . 1.000 North Central..... I '1 1 .600 Woodlawn 1 . 0. 1 .000 WEST STDB SECTION. .' Played. Won. Lost P.C Couch 1. 1 . 0. 1.000 Ladd . , 1 , , . 1 .000 Shattuck . I ', v 0 .000 . MOUNT TABOR SECTION.' ' Played. Won. Loat P C Mount Tabor ....1,1 ..0 ,1.000 Montavllla . 1 0 1 .000 South Mt Tabor.. 0 , - .000 Today's gamea Woodstock ArV lata; Woodlawn va Hawthorne. Tomorrow's gamea Jartd va , Shat tuck. . . I Crack BhoU at Chanute. . tiearaal Speelal Barriee.t. Chanute, Kan., April II. Soma of tha moat expert marksmen la tha country are taking part In tha tournament which opened hara today under tha aus pice of tha Chanute Oua club. Tha elub haa arranged a . program extending over two daya and Including both trap and live bird event. Scheduled for Tonight. '" ' Billy Rhodea tb. Tommy Sullivan, I round, at Portland, Maine. Tounr Corbett va. Kid Stinger, ' II round, at Sheepshead Bay, New Tork. Made in New YorK I; : EV YORK sets the fashions. - , , Are your-clothes copied by a local v tailor from fashion : plates ? s 1 ! - tailor comes as near as ' 1 Why not have these clothes directand have Real New York Stvle with the ; . Alfred Benjamin & Co. label. . . J CoirectQothes fo ... '. ' ' v.; ,'" ' Czclusfv Acent Here. - v' " . Buffum & Pendleton, Inc. , 311 Morrison St, TII1E IS THE TEST The Teatlmony of Portland Poople v v : gtands the Teat, The teat af time la What tella the tela. The publlo aooa And out whan misrep resentation a -a maua. and merit alone will atand the teat of time. Portli id people aDoreclate merit.' and many month ago local dtliena publicly endorsed Doan'a KldneT ao till. Woui. a cltl PlUa; they do make tha tatement which followa unleaa eon y I need that the article waa juat aa rep. resented T A ouri that laata la the kind that every aufferer from kidney 111a la looking for. : David CamebelL' baker, at 111 North Seventeenth atreet, and living at 170 North Eighteenth atreet, Pqrtland, Ore gon, aays: "Every word of the atate men! 1 made In February, 1101, concern ing Doan's Kidney Pllla la not only true, but haying alnca been free from kidney trouble f am glad to etate that my raua in Doan'a Kidney rcua ia atronger than aver. It la now five or alx yeara alnca t began to uffer with a lama and aching back, it waa ao bad that I could not atand the pain when bending forward or atralghtanlng. tried various rameaiea ana oegan aoo- tor'a treatment, but - whatever relief I found waa only temporary and often I could not get any relief at all. Havina read in my home paper from England that Doan'a Kidney Pllla were atrongly recommended for each trouble I got n upply . a local drug store. The flret box helped me so that I kept on wMh their use ana wnen i naa lanen aooui four boxea not a trace of the trouble remained and I have had no recurrence lnce. I have told these facta in a tes timonial published In 1101 and am very glad of . the opportunity now to cor roborate if For eala by ail deaiera. nice o cents. Foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork, sole agents for the unitea tstaiea. -- Remember tha name DOAN'S and take no other. . ' - - YESTERDAY'S RACING AT OAKLAND AND NEW YORK . (Jearaal Seedal BerrVe.) New. Tork, April II. Atjueduot race reaulta: ' Four furlongs Frlsette won. Aunt Rose aecond, Barry Maid . third; time. Seven furlonga Mary Monie won; Lady Allola lecond. Eudora third;' time, 1:11 4-.' One mile W. H. Carey won, Samuel R. Harris aeoond. Tartan third; time, 1:40 4-. . . f ... v Four furlonga Blue , Heron - won. Masks and Facea aecond; Tartar Maid third; time. 0:4T 4-1. . Five furlonga Caae High won,- Sir Toddlngton aeconu, Berkeley third; time 1:00 -. , V .. ' - "' : "' -'At Oakland. ' ' ' " " '; San Francisco, ' April Jl r Reaulta Of races at Oakland: Four and a half furlonga Dally won,' Oln Hea aeoond, Ktamet Jr.. third; time, 1:61 1-5. Five and a half furlonga The Mis souri an won. Speaker Fontana aecond. Bright Albert third; time, 1:, . . v Futurity courae Otto Price won, Oal Teatonlan aecond. Alta Spa third; time, 1:11 l-l. j.-' - . Mil and- a alxteenth Bragg wen. Cabin second, Talamund : third; time, 1:4T 1-1. Six furlonga George P. McNear won. Pal aecond. Ooaalper third; time. 1:11. Mile and 10 yard True wing: won. Ocean Shore aeoond, ; Oratorlaa third; time, 1:44 l-l. t . ,-, . HILL MILITARY JO ; PLAY PORTLAND ACADEMY Tha Hill Military academy and Port, land academy teama will cross bat on Multnomah field thle afternoon at 1:10 o'clock In the fourth game of tha Inter cholaatlo league. Both teama have each won a league game and both are con-' fldent of wlnnlnor todajra oonteat - Tha teama haa been practicing hard ail ween for this game and aa the win ner atands a good ehanoa for tha pen nant It promlaea to be a red hot article or ball. Tha probable line-up will be: P. A. - ... - -H. M. P. Cooklngham ..,..... Taylor Stone p Merchant Hurlburt lb. ...Baker Roblnaon lb... Hayea Meyer 4r Phillies J onea ....... ..... .MacBwan Nichols j-f....... Daly H. Cooklngham. ...If.. ......... Holmes MaoKenxla ...... . . .cf . ....... , .Eaatbam BOWLING LEAGUE ' -'. - Oames. Won. Lost. Pet. Monarch .11 J t .7IT cvjumbla ..........10 II ,11 .(It Gophers 10 '.II 11 .III Webfoota" .....10 - IT It ..IIT Parka u .....10 II 14 .111 Nonpareila .10 . 14 II ' .417 Chinook ...I0 II ' II .400 Tomorrow la tha laat day. for discount on aaat siae ga BlUa .. ; v, -v: - ' t Dlacnaa Ship Snbaldy. ( , fjoaraal Speelal erylee.l ' Lewleton, M.. April 1. Much tn tereat la manlfeated in tha debate bare tnia evening between repreaantatlyea of the Clark and Batea colleges, . Tha ship subsidy question haa been selected aa the auDject zor. aeoate. - . , . t he can; to 1 a , picturu ; iuituo f . from clothes cut'- f by New York's ' ; best tailors. ' Sptroinj YoMinKDi WWW, SPRING NECKWEAR 35c Quality 15c A galaxy of bewitching color, effects. A : col lection of neckwear that is simply dazzling in variety. 1 .V-.:;Y'V.Csv:,y'.''.:i::';.,". 0 69 to 71 SOCIETY CIRCUS STAR ATTRACTION First NIghfs Performance Wit nessed .by Immense Gather- ing at the Armory, IVANY interesting ACTS pN THE PROGRAM Work of Portland Riding Academy Horaemen Won nigh Praise The M. A. A. O. and Third Iniantrx ' Boja Did Splendid Work. Barnum In his greatest day waa out- dona laat night at tha Armory. Tha society elrcue opened laat evening and conauered a magnificent gathering of apectatora who bad believed tba vance notlcaa and wanted .to aee ad tha It may ba truthfully aald that no one waa disappointed excepting, of course, thnaa who came to find fault and to rriticiaa. It ia no mean task to produce a ahow Ilka tha society alroua, and to tha Multnomah Amateur Athletle club and tha Third Infantry, O. N. O., credit la due for the splendid results achieved after eeveral wontha of tha moat pains taking preparation. The aarloua work waa done In a aerloua fashion and tha funny trlcka ware performed In a tunny manner... The clowne, under tha leader ahip ot Oeorge Eastman, had a etrenu. oua night Some tolled and aomo apun. Wben they could not think of anything new to do they would do eomethlng any. it ay, One of tha substantial features af tha show and. without doubt, one of th prattieet and best Executed perform ancea ot Ita kind aver given by ama teurs, waa tha meuntea quaaruies aci by II riders or the roruana timing academy. These clever horsemen acted In two rlnga at tha aame time and work, ad with ease, grace and precision. Their formatlona were perfect and tha many fancy and varied. evolutions drew down merited appiause irem tha big arena. ; In rln No. 1 tha riders were: Mrs. woo a, jjr. wooa, i. nana, Mr. Chapman. Mra. Spencer, Dr. Cum min ga, Mr. Cronln and Mr. Crontn.. In ring No I. Mlaa Shogren, Mr. Strain, Mlsa Alneworth, Mr. Chaae, Mr. Nlch ol, Mr. Downing, Mrs. Buffum and Mr. Jenkins. - , Promptly at i:io"tne eusiomary an nouncement' waa made and tha big doors at tha weat and of tha arena opened and the horsemen appeared, fol lowed by a -vsgey- oia ocean anven by Lou Adama, and four or five of tha stubborneat donkeya that ever draw a breath. Tha muslo waa too much for tha donkeya and they refueed to go In any 'direction. While theaa uncompro mising animal were attracting k let of attention the rest of tha parade con tinued around tha eeuree, - - '- Tha mounted quadrille act over. Pro feasor Krohre appeared " In 'Evening dress" directing his Multnomah Juniors In the pyramids' of Egypt, gymnastlo figure and the Roman Ladder. . L. T. Barln- gave an exhibition ef alack wire wanting, while Arthur Bow man, frank Cherry, 3. W. Vlaaera and M, Z. W'lakey did their aerial bai g Sty Des, o mi PvlS eoii's ieini'sSaafeandTopOTa'iis Garments 61 Character for Dlscrlminallnn Dressers Our stock Is the largest, most representative and most diverse Shat has ever been brought to this city. The biggest houses of Chicago, Boston and Philadel phia could not afford you a Abetter selection. ; ' $'I2o50 Suits forlVJeini i . -' blues, Blacks, show plaids and fancy colors of excellence and hand-? some effect. Double and single breasted, worth $15.00 to $20.00. THIRD STREET, BET. OAK AND PINE ituntaT " .V'T ' J- Tha Multnomah club'a boy and girl Juniors gave aa interesting Indian club drill. . ,' ; . In tha bare-back riding Harry 'Walter and Mr. James did creditable work. ... .. Tha lady horseback rldero were game of ballet beauty and models) of queenly queenllneaa. In ring No, 1 Mile. Meta- ger waa a dream of dreams. K very body wag aura ha waa a real lady. Hie work was superb. In ring No. I Mile. Biigham did atunta on a horse that appeared to have the "lifts" in hla rear lege, yet the gay blonde lady "Hung on for dear life with hia beautifully carved kneea, ' . - r"-- " - The Clowne Were Beauties. . The following young men did berolo work In tha elowa lino: Oeorge East man, Dr. R. F. Wendllng, Ed Jorgenson, Harry Stephenaon, T. B. Slemmona, Sam Holbrook, W. W. Banks, . Louis and John Cronnn, John Douglaas, Al . Rabies, Charles Buckmayer, U Shaplrer, Ralph Knight, Martin Pratt, Oeorge Carlaon. Bud James, -Asher Houston, Prank B. Moore, C P. 8 perry, Charlea Campbell, J. P. Hoben, Ray Helnkla, Ben Berger, M. M. Baalllon, Harry Copland. Ed Mor ris, P. W. Blanchard. Jamea Dowllng, John Cahalln, - Oeorge Oamle, A. J. Ketchara, and Charlea , (Sherlock) Holmoa. , . .. .', In tha grand singing spectacle the crowd was given a treat. Hera are the singers: Winnie Lewis, . Nellie ' Daly. Lilly . Olnty, Florence Judge, Tilly Fleiechhauer, Ruby McKlnnon. Oladta Banvaln, Mabel Northrap, Elsie Smith, Rita StlnsQn, May Eniight, Merle Mar tin, Ethel Hablghoret,' Laura Habl ghorst, Anna McMlcken, Loulaa Boulan, Mary Davidson, Audrey Northup, Anna Keller, Ruth By re. Fay Tremblay, Adl na Llbak, Nan Beale, Ruby Btlnaon, Stel la Angell. Alice anfleld, Luclle Ken- worthy. Cellata Pygert, Mesara Han- aen. Parker and Woodruff. One of the featuree-of thla act waa th Intention or - the management to whirl the entire chorue away in three automobiles after tha piece waa com pleted, but after the autos were filled, their sparks went out and tha elowna had to push out tha ear and the muoh cha grined ehauffeura. Tha Spanish ballet waa well rendered. Hera are . the sun-kissed maidens: 81m Bennett, R. H. Holmes, Ed J. Jef frey, Bert Allen, William Dresser, W. Vonder Worth, W. F. Albee, F..P. Orau, H. Fisher, Irving Stearns, Winn Percy, Jack Gravely, H. Livingston, Walter Scott, Dewltt Agler, Oliver Jeffrey, F. F. Korell. R. O'Connor, . F. Boulan, Bert Oleason, Al McHolland. - , , , . . . . Xaay 0ood sVets. , Thar were ao many , good act that it la almoat Impoaslble to mention every one. The hurdling of th Portland Rid ing academy riders, the charge of the Rough Rldera and tha Roman standing riding by Ambrose Cronln and T. T. Strain deserve special jnentlon. . In tha Rough Rldera tha last man In ring No, 1 was ' the funniest of the whole business. He waa a whole ahow in himself. ,- . '- Tha stare coach hold op waa so real that . everybody thought . that a picture lnatead of a gun had been drawn. r Other features were: Feats of strength by Ben Berger, antlca by the awkward squad, and frlck and fancy Meyole rid ing by J. W. Blaney. - . . The commltteea have decided to give a matinee on Saturday at I o'clock for the benefit of tha school children and their' frtenda at popular prices. ' J; Baseball Tomorrow.' -'.t Tomorrow afternoon at t:t o'clock the Multnomah club nine will croaa beta with the Oregon university team on Multnomah field. . . . Tomorrow ia th laat day for diaoount oa aaat aide (a bllla.- , . ... $2.50 HATS America's gf eatest, $2.50 hat. It includes ' at ' ' least 20 different styles new shapes in .stiff hats ; and snappy models in soft hats v MEN'S SHOES $3.50 The Chicago's famous All-Over Shoes, Blucher, lace and-Oxfordsequal to zny $5 shoes in the :M FANCY AH you' wantall sites ; ' 15c fancy Cotton Socks Spring, goods, in -all the and'New York are enthusiastic' over these new conceptions; $1.25 'grades on sale to ions ; $1.25 'grades on sale to"0 morrow 1 ' "" 1 . . ,' . t Have the SEVERAL SPEECHES BY 5 BRYAN !N NEW ENGLAND ' . - j i i ' ; (. (JoerD.l Rpeelal Bervte. " Bridgeport, Conn April II. William J. Bryan arrived thla morning from Hart ford and proceeded 'to the" borne of hia friend, John W. Cox, at .Rldgefield, where a reception waa held in bta hon or. - Thla evening he speaka at Dan' bury and tomorrow afternoon and eve- ntng he will appear In Woon socket and Providence, respectively. During the next ten days ha will follow up with a tour that will take him through Maa aachusetta, .Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Y ' Mr. Bryan'e'-trip haa 'been arranged by Oeorge Fred Williams of the exec utive committee of the New . England Progressive Democratic, league. It la expected that tha Democratic state com mittee of tha several atatea to be vis ited will give banquets In honor ot Mr. Bryan and that theaa will ba made oocaalona for the dtaousslon of current political topic and with pbaelble ref erence te tha Nebraaka leader presi dential boom In ltot. , Gasoline Tank Explode" (Joara.1 Rpeelal Servte.) - . . St. Loula, April . It. The gaaolln tank of the Mlallppt Valley Auto mobile company exploded this morning. Th garaae is a total loss or 120,000 and ttiO.OOOv worth of tha moat ax penalva automobile were destroyed.. Prohibition Law - Enforced. (Rpeelal Dlpat te The 7"Of.l V Enterprise, Or., April It. Ed and Louis Bloom, brothers, were eaob fined 1200 today for selling liquor, ana aa each- waa unable to pay hla fine, they were confined In the county Jail. With. In the paat three: weeks tha flnea ira- ot ! SB SOCKS g no broken lots ; )-t only. . . . . . . . ... . Vwt SHIRTS - newest colors.'; Paris A i ... . . . . .. . v 7T" Styles Seen on Hackett, Carhart & Co.'s High Grade Clothing ' ; the style and fit that "Clothes of Fashion." $15 to $40 Top frBottom Shop Top t letiaa) Igtnttm ; -r 303 Washington Street - $1.00 a Week Will ' buy 1 any dia-: mond, watch, or jew elry in our store. We sell on a part payment plan at most reason able figures. You pay us no more on this plan of , $1.00 a week than if you paid cash for airing at the other I icuuw . nnu you never notice the money. Call- and let us show , you a dia mond ring, pin, etc' Standard -weuy. " COMPANY 189 THIRD STREET pqsed by tha otrcult court and tha Jua llc of th peace for violating the liquor law in Wallowa county have aggregated $90. - ' I ', Preferred Stoek Canned Goals. Allen 4b Lewis' Beat Brand.