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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
jVW V 'If' A! Little Ad fa TIIE JOURNAL A Journal Circubtion Erings Results. Costs Only' One Cent a Word, " - , ' - ' ' 1 " 1 - ' 4 ' ' , The Weather Fair, tontsbt, with' ' . llfbt frost; Saturday (air. Yesterday VOL. VI. IO.'39. PORTLAND. OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 19, 1907. TWENTY,- PAGES. " PRICE TWO CENTS. : 8&1AViER rrnnvm . ........ , mmmm Ml E Manila, Mexico, Amer ica and Italy Shaken by Tremblings,, but no; Serious' Dmagei. South Carolina Again Feels Ef- feet of Seisrnio Disturbances j and People In Panic Expect ing Tidal Wave Force of the Quake Felt at Summer Retort ' ; Florence, Italy, April 1. This city ' and surrounding territory ' was ; badly shaken kr earthauaka ' this mornlne. Many old buildings and e rumbled walla ..were abakan down. It la not believed that thr(waa any rreat loss of life. Manila, P. U April lt.-i-Thui city wts shaken by two severe earthquake shocks thta morning. -No damage is raportad and ao far aa la known there waa no loaa liav- t . , j r Maxte City. ' April - lt.-Uaddltional abooka of earthquake war felt last night. . They wra alight and llttlo ad ditional damage waa caused, s . ' ' - . Ueenul gpeeUl , serrlee.) London. April lfc John If Una. the ' seismologist, ' raporta , that bla instre- menta recorded a heavy earthquake be ' ginning' . at ' t o'clock- oa- Wadnaaday night, l.40 mflea distant, probably In ' Mexico or South America, j v , . - r -' Charleston, 8. C April II. Aa eerth- quake shock waa distinctly felt bar early today, a very peroeptlble ''wave - motion from east to waet being noted. ' No damage to any extent resulted, but - grare fears wara raised that tbara might ' be succeeding and greater abooka, rear af a tidal wave following la also general. The shock was moat distinctly felt at ' SomervtUe, a bealtb resort so miles ' from here, which sent ed to be the can- tor af the aelsmetlo agltaUon. ; . . , ; ' A severe earthquake shock affecting a wide . aweep of territory netted Charleston August II. 1I8. at :61 ' o'clock In tba morning. Though, gen " eral to the surrounding district the dla . turbence seemed to center in Charleaton and wrought great hsvoe. Tba damage ' was estimate at $I.000,000. ' Forty- (Continued on. Fage Two.) Phillip Standley of Camas-Valley Mysterious ly Disappears on is Wy4o Marriage:: Ceremony-Hadr License in Pocket. '; (Rseelal Dwseteb s The JeeraaL) , Koseburg. Or.. April II. Phillip Standley of CAmaa ralley, whose mys terious disappearance -waa reported Wednesday in the dispatches from this place. It now transpires, ; ranlsbed - on bla wedding day. He waa to here been married. Tuesday afternoon - to . Miss Edna BushneU of Ten Mile, at- toe ' home ef the bride. . Mr. Standley started for the BushneU borne on horseback ever the old ' road from Camas alley, and ' that erenlng his horse returned home with the reins tied on tbe bom of the saddle. His brother Perry and a neigh-Bor,- Mr.' Smith, immediately, started . out In search of the rider. They went over the road to the Bnshnell place that night wUbout finding htm. , Next morn ing they started out for a thorough ,areh ana -foam where-ha had dla- ' mounted . at Bait Springe traU on the mountain road. The tracka ahowed that : X hnn had turned back from there arthe footprints showed Standley had JAILER IS BY A N G R ' (Joe ml IpMl.I gtrtce-l tins Anrelea. AorU , l.v Martin Afulrre, former, warden ; of the San Queatln prison, and now in charge of the county Jail, la . suffering Intensely from -a bite of an Infuriated Chinese, and la unable to find a remedy. Phy sicians have prescribed - and he has tried patent compounds tn no avail. Ote 'Fung, aunperted of being Illegally ia this country. Inflicted the wound laat r'ghC '. . HAD TWO MILLION GIFT, -. . i. This . la a picture of Mra. Darld Barry, ilater 'of Charlea M. Schwab, who ' waa married recently In mag nificent .Pittsburg church'! built 'by bar brother:' , " V :?f?;', "'-V MILWAUKEE'S BUiLDIN PLANS IN NORTH IDAHO (Seeelal Pheatcb te Tee Isaraal.)' -- Plnmmar, Idaho, April It. The: Mll Waukee road will employ 1,509 men oa Construction -work between thta place and Chatcolet this summer. The road will parallel the O. R. tc N.' nearly all the way from here to Chatcolet and the latter road wlH be osed until tbejunnel la completed. ' Tha Utlwaukee haa leased a big warehouse' at Harrison, Idaho, and will use It aa 'a commissary store. ; ' I ' I 1 i il i -!. ' Robbers Crack-Safe, ' 1 "' U'oersal Wtl Serrtee.) !' Weston, III., April 1. Robbers early this morning blew open the safe of the Weston Banking company and escaped with , 15,000. A pose a la In pursuit. , . . , - Blizzard la JlonUna. ' Butte. Mont-'April" It. A bllnard la sweeping ' southern Montana, threaten ing heaYy lambing losses -should the storm be of any duration, v gone down the Rice Creek trail, but the search tailed to teres! . anything definite, ' as tbeyi, were . enable to And where he left tbe trail or what became of him, - Tbe 'region la core red with heary . timber anj It id Impossible to follow any footprints through tbe woods at that placa, i '. While in Roseburg ; last Thursday. Standley secured a marriage license and also executed and filed a deed of his property- to bis bride-to-be. ,The prop erty consists . of CQ acree of farming land la Camaa yalley. - ; - , It la generally supposed the missing man . committed Suicide. ' An older brother killed himself last August' It la known here. that he threatened to commit suicide. . He addreeeed a letter to his sweetheart Sunday, but It bag not been" learned yet-whthe- aa .made any excuse in the letter for bla action. However, a aearchlng party la atlll ouA, hoping to find him sllre. BITTEN V C H i N ES E Tbe federal authorlUee had ' placed the Chinese In Jailer Agulrre'g care, and asked that he search the prisoner before locking him up. While this waa being done, the .celestial drew from hla pocket a document .covered with Chl neee hleroglyphloe and started. to chew it up. Believing it waa a tell-tale peper. Agtilrre stuolfTlle finger in the Chinese's mouth to rescue It, and the member was bitten almost off.' A trans lation of ths paper IS expected to be "Jl" for Oee Fung., j, . . r, v IBMUP fit! Lundstrom Asked : to Share Bed, Misses $25and Young Burg lar Has to Return It. utii Hoquiam Youth Was in Reform School With Corvallis' Student and Though Shared , Room ' Had. No Idea Comrade Was Engaged in Robbing Houses. With the arrest of John ' Lundstrom laat night by Detective Heljyer and sub sequent investigation. the . theory ad vanced that Ernest Lane, the desperate Nob Hill burglar, whe waa 'arrested early Wednesday morning In the Cosmos rooming-house, bad an aooompUoe, haa been effectually dispell od. It haa been ascertained by the de tective that Lundstrom ' was the young fellow who came to tbe Cosmos Wed day and. was suspected by Mrs. Ham meraley of being the pal of Lane. After aearchlng the city all day Hellyer man aged to locate Lundstrom at First and Madison streets last night shortly be fore : ! o'clock and promptly placed btm ander arreet on a charge ef va grancy, - J v'l ' . . - - - Asked to Sbare The prisoner, who la II year ef age, tells a etralghtforwerd etorr and baa aatlsfled the polios that he had no con nection with tbe series of crimes per petrated by Lane. In fact, from Lund strora s atory. It develops that Lane was no respecter ef persons in his criminal operations .and even robbed tbe- youth now In' Jail.' . - - .' . Lundstrom who waa In the reform school with Lane several years ago, met tbe latter on the street March 11 and was Invited by Lane to share bla apart ment for the nlghtr" .The two youtha retired for the . night at a seasonable hour, but on awakening ia the morning Lane waa not in evidence-; and Lund strom found that ha had been relieved of 111 la cash, : ' .-" .' " , ;. Koaey Za Betaraed. " ' i 1,1 Upon meeting Lane sometime later Lundstrom demanded the return of the money, but was met with a refusal. Lundstrom Informed Lane that If 1 the coin . waa not Immediately forthcoming he would notify the' police, whereupon the latter declared that Ifihe authori ties were apprised . of the mater be would kill ' Lundstrom and - himself rather than serve a term In tha peni tentiary. Lane finally made a partial repayment of tbe stolen money and liquidated the indebtedness last Tuesday by paying Lundstrom tli.aO of the money stolen (Continued ea Page Two.) WAR RIM A N. WANTS TO . KNOW All Agents of 0. R. &;N. and Southern Pacific Ordered to Send Clip, pings From the Local Press to Headquarters Editorial Bias bt ; Each Paper; Vantc3d---Radical5 Are Those Unduly Hostile. Railroad managers throughout tbe country are paying more attention to day than at any Ume in the history of the railroad-industry to the drift of publlo eentlment, Evidences of tbe fact are seen tn their watchfulnese of the expressions that appear la the dally and weekly newspapers. Strict erdere have been . given . to all Harrlman railroad station agents la Oregon. Waahlngton and Idaho to forward to Portland head quarters everyjcllpplng bearing ea rail road eubjecte. " " - - William McMurray, general passenger gent, over whose name a letter to egenta waa sent, out, wae asked today If there was any special significance la the order. He aald: -i I know of no partiealar slgnlfleaaee more tbaa the usual Importance ef keeping track of all matters published regarding the railroad business. Our sgentn have for a long time been un der Instructions to send . in cuppings from local newspapers on all railroad subjects. The agents grow careless and fall to observe Instructions. We have been obliged to aend out a strict order, Impreselng upon them the Importanoe of following theee Instructions. A copy of the laat order aent out la as follows: TUB OREGON RATXROAD A NAVIOA TION COMPANT SOUTHKItN PA-I CIFIC CO. LINES IN ORBOON. Portland, Or., March 15, 107. . -" Confident IsL . ; To Agents: Responses to Our "confi dential" letter of the tth Inst, have not beca aa prompt and oomfilete aa rw; - .' - ' .. ' . HEED ESCAPES Plilll FOR FRAUDS OH ACCOUNT OF PREVIOUS REPUTATION ;j 1 1 1 J. W. REED, CONVICTED MAYOR " ; ; " ' OP " EST ACAD A. , TH1Y DEAD BABE Fl Mister ' County Commissioners, 'Will You Please Bury Me, as I -. '- Have No Money; i May Cod , Bless You, Is Note on Infant. . Sseeial Dlspeteh te Tke fcoraaL) v Butte, Mont-. April 1. Mister County -Commissioners, will you please bury . me, as I have no money T . May Ood bless you."- Bedrlng ; this gruesome epitaph, the dead body, of, a tiny,' nameless Infant, wrapped. In a red quilt, ' with a valise for Its coffin." waa found la .the office ef the county . commissioners. The va lise, a cheap imitation leather affair, had been amuggled ' Into the - oo mm fa steners office during the-night The corpse ia auppoeed to be that of ' tbe Roee .child, which died two- days ago, the' body being stolen, according to the police. ' , . The rfother Is a penniless stranger, who. came here several dayaago.- The etty offlciala had refused to bury tbe baby becauee the mother was not a rest dent of Butte.'-- v .-- I ASKS PEOPLE ARE SAYING quired. For fear It may not have reached a.. to whom It waa addressed, or haa been overlooked, it la repeated aa follows: - - "Commencing.' at once and until fur ther notice please aend me promptly on the day of publication dippings from alj newspapers published .in your city or wltbin your jurisdiction that relaea la any manner to the subject of rail roads. " I presume that copies of all WANTSG0VERNMENT-TO PAY CAMPAIGN EXPENSES t joarsal Special ' serrtea.' ' -"' S e Washington, . April II Preel-. e a .dent Booeevelt la atudylng over e a new departure in . poll t Ice - e 4 - which, .whether carried out or , S not. Is certain to excite wide- e 41 spread discussion among publie ' e ' men. The agitation for pub- e d Uelty of eampalgn expsnsee and 1 various laws In different statea for official primary elections has e 41 eeaned the president to question e e in his own mind whether It may e e ; not be posalbls to devise ' a e scheme by which the government msy'Sssume the responsibility. e , not only for the actual expense1 e d ' of the elections se at present. ' e 4 but for the legitimate campaign 4 expenses of the re ruler noml- e "eea. .y. . - il ' v w Estacada Mayor Fined $1,000 for Promoting Colonizing Scheme at Sellwpod Election. Judge Frazer Tells Oaks "Con struction ' Superintendent It . Will Do No Good to Send Man of His Class to Penitentiary. Reed Will Appeals f , A reputation for previous good char acter saved J. W. Reed, mayor of Esta cada, from a penitentiary aentenoe at the bands of Circuit Judge Fraser this morning. In passing Judgment upon the man convicted of participation ia tha Bell wood election frauds. Judge Fraser said: "I don't believe there le anytniag to be gained by aendlng a maa of your character 'to the penitentiary, though it wouia oe me tning to ao in ordinary uu. Kla kin Three Teas Allowable. -The) maximum penalty for .Reed orime Is imprisonment for three years and a fine of tl.Ooe.. Reed will only be required to pay a fine of. f LOO. - Of the II men arrested for eoranllaitv In tba ailleuil .letlaH .Yuri. Immt rjune, aii out Kea eeoaped punishment on a tecnnicaiity. Reed waa convicted by a Jury la Judge fraser a oourt last rail. Fraudulent voting at Sell wood .arose out of a fierce battle between- the "wet" and "dry elements In precinct IT. - On tha night previous to the election. J. W. Reed, superintendent of construc tion of The Oaks resort, sent 10 of bla non-realdent employee to tha Hotel Sell wood and paid for their rooms and meals and the following day voted them la a gang.. aoyatoa and Others Bsoaped. Assistant Superintendent B. Fv Born ton of the O. W. P., O. O. Plaaa. secre tary of the Mt Hood Brewing eompeny, and a number of electricians and other employes of the railway, ewers to af fidavits to the effect that tbey knew tbe hotel colonists and knew tbem to be entitled to vote. Reed. Bom ton. Plass and ten others were arrested. Reed being charged with Inducing elect ors to rote illegally and the others be ing charged with perjury. The perjury fell through en the technicality that the affidavits were not properly mads out and abould never have been accepted by tbe election board.- Henoe Reed alone may pay tba penalty. Previous to the Imposition of sen tence Attorney Ralph Moody made a plea' for clemency, and afterwarda be gave notice of appeal to the supreme court. lie waa given ! cays ia which to file a bill of exeeptlona, - auch papera are aent yeu reguUriy. but -t not make whatever arrangements may, be aeoeasary. to have it done, so hum mora may re no oversight or omls alon. Ae this work Is imperative It must rank In Importanoe with regular ouUea of your offloe. therefore give It unmeaiate ana most careful attention." te not reply that you are la doubt aa to What la required of you, or that you are not a subscriber to the papera published In your Jurisdiction. Tbe In- etruotiona are- plain and positive and no explanatlona for failure to comply will be acoepted. la - addition to the requlremente of toe original letter yon are new re quested to furnl.h me Immediately the following Information: Names of papera published la year city or town, or In cities) or town not on our line but tributary to your Bu tton. - (la latter case give place ef pub lication.) Name ef publisher la each case. . State the editorial bias or atUtude et each paper, whether radical, moderate, or favorable to railroads. (By radical la meant unduly hoetile to the railroad, bitter in denunciation and unfair in at tacks. By moderate la meant a dispo sition to-be fair whether for or against) ' Continue sending clippings promptly aa originally instructed until further notice, being careful te note publication and data of -each. If there ere no papera published In Continued, ea Peaw l val ACTRESS IS EDNA GOODRICH. Af-TDrOO llJVO ttuinnod WHO AND DIVORCED ANYONE'S KNOVING IT ' e i i i Edna Qoodrich Made Defendant In Two Lawsuits in New York City One for Rent of Apartments and Other. for Lawyer's " t Fee In Procuring' Her' Separation From ; Husband Wedded V When But Sixteen and Soon Afterward Left Her Spouse Goodwin, Her Security, Is Also Involved In Suit.. ; , f ' - (Jus 1 eel awMtat SM-rtae.) - - '. . - Waw Turk Inrll 1l Th. fact , that Edna Goodrich, the beautiful young actress named by Evelyn Neablt Thaw ae having Introduced her to Stanford White, waa once Mra. Edward F. Stacy and quteUy got a divorce from her hue bend for desertion tn, Chicago a year ago, la made, publlo here for the first time la a lawsuit brought to recover 11,001 for. legal services by Adolpb L HIRE IS CALLED a- Only Fifteen , Men Pass 4 the Searching Exami ; nationof jUnited States District Attor- i ney Bristol for Places on Grand : Jury. : Fifteen members ef tha federal grand Jury were selected today out of 'the m sa mum Immt Mk h Judaa Charlea B. Wolverton, and la order to complete the aumoer requirew.oy ww Judge .Wolverton ordered i a apeclal venire of SO to report Monday morning at ! o'clock.' f . Of the IT members of the venire present la the - federal courtroom this morning, 11 were excused . because of previous Jury service, and one because e the axemnt firemen Dies, As each men's name waa called by United dtatee District Clerk Edward IX MoKee, he anawered and took hla seat la the Jury box. Ae soon aa the necessary . tt wsre called. United States District Attorney William C Bristol, 'whot was accompa .1. i. Aaalatant TTnltarf States District Attorney James Cole, commenced to x amtna each Juror aa te hla qualifications to serve. . - -- . . Xoe examinaiion was u iuuy. wiuua REAL BEST MAN SUED BY GROOi Ueerael Chicago. April Because be was In reality best man" at a weeding, William- Law eon hss been atieit tor tSO.000 damages by Henry Bwamon, of Geneva," Illinois, for alleged allene- tlon of hla bride's affections. Ths suit follows One for rt'rorre tli t fll-d last we-k. The x" 'tuff, wmnn, Is a pertner In e en ' mr, ,hi ' - defend' t, T , - pi -r r frerV i t TWICE SUED MftDDim II Marks of Chicago,-who procured the dl- ' roroe. .'.' . '. ' ' Miss 'Goodrich' la also tha central figure in another v lawsuit brought agalnat Nat C Goodwin, for whom she la leading lady, for t40 for rent for January. February, March and April of aa apartment In the Crotaio, at the cor ner of Fifth avenue and Twenty-sixth (Continued on Page Two.) the obserrance of the law, and Mr. Bristol waa aa fair to probable violat ors of tbe law . as he was to the gov ernment. , Each man questioned waa asked whether he bad any prejudices against' either the government er one wbo had violated the law. ,. .Although his anamination was close and seemed severe at Unseat Mr. Bris tol at no time made the matter personal nor In any way gave an Idea ae to whom he would ask the Jurors to return aa In. dlctment against. The proceduas was unusual In tha court annals of Orsaron and it la doubtful whether any grand Jury haa ever been examined ea to each Juror's fitness and qualification in any federal court In the United Statea Mr. Bristol explained hla action today by aaylng that he wanted every chanca ef possible contention ea te the legality of the indictments to bevretumed elimi nated before the Jury waa selected. . (Continued oa. page Two.) Swaneon wss m.irrll H i to a prtty nur n-i I . was dylnn. I,It I . r bralth, end fllnrovnf I - l-a:p,' tliat 1ji. i i Iritni1"d to tm, Then SM".r t . wlir I,m I 1. n m ,. WITHOUT