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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
, ' - T"SOr.EC0H DAILY JOURNAL, rOHTLAI.D. - THURSDAY EVEHIKO. APRIL 18. Iti7. . . II i . Ik, Tovn Topics TOs-iasrs AanystMia-Ta, , ' f?,"'"M.....i....T Admirable CrtebW r'y" , "Hallo bill J:7"'- "Asmee tee Potoeiw' Tn4 ?OllTlll -'' "Nertbsra Ussta' All Republican eandldatee for munlol . l office have been Invited to be pres- -ui ki a meeting to t bald lo Odd Fel low's hall, Mont. villa, tomorrow night The. hull 1 m am that triii. -... awe S1VB vft 111 BTI" r2.T ana "bbard street Dan Kelleher, - w. mvun, uou Zimmerman and John a Coffey, all candidate for cayor, will be preeent The various candidates for councilman at large and the candldau from the eighth ward will om preeent. . , The meetings at tha Central Christian cnurcn, East TwenUath and Salmon eireeis, are being wall attended this week. Tha Ursa ehorua choir la doing splendid singing- under tha dlracUoa of tha leader. It A. Eaaton. Tha paator. Pr " Qhormaley, apeaka every aven ; . Service will be bald every Bight enny Bros.' Friday BpeclaL Our -v grace or port, sherry Tokay. Angelica and Sauterna wtnea at II per itiiun. ine-year-old J.v A. MoBrayer tapring wt). wniakey at St par gallon. our 1 grade of port or aherry wlna at Tlo par gallon. Friday only. Phone -Beer 1ST. I7-m Eaat Morrison ; street area oeiivery. . . .,; The Bast Slds Business Men'a dub arlll hold Ha regular meeting tonight at x-ine ana urand avenue. . Dr. It. A. Wilson hag received a proposal from a friend, an outalde capitalist, wha will bull a boapitai In Portland, and en ef fort will be made to secure tha Inatltu- won ror tba aaat side. .... , - . .. 1 ' There ' la no Vflnnm V In n vt n aheap, traaby hot water bag or syringe, that leaka Just about the time It la Beaded, when yon can get a first-class guaranteed article from Albert Bern!, tha druggist til Washington street, at moderate prices- - . , -' Hotel for Sale A good hotel propoaltloa In Bay City, on Tillamook Bay, Oregon. wnvn aawmiua are oomlng and where railroad crewa will be at work In a few weeia. Addreea Bay City Land Co., i Ltumoor Ezcnanre building, Fort- -aaq, uregoa, or Bay City, Oregon. - On account of tba opening of the St John library laat night, which attracted a number f people, tha. Commercial club was unable to muater a quorum. Tba annual election of officers should have taken place last night but had ta be postponed ona week. , . , Tba Mount Tabor Mothers and Teach. 7 club will meet Friday. .April It at v v. ta. in toe west Avenue school. Tba program will consist of tba post ponad paper, -Is Punishment a Neoes ry. Factor In tha Training of Chil dren T" by Mrs. Shafford. , t - ea-aaeea-sa ' ' ' '' ( . Pimples, boils and eruptions are speedily removed and tha entire system Improved - by a bottle or two of our Kenyon's Barsaparllla. targe bottle. He Albert Berni, tha druggist, lit wsshlngtoa street : .Dr. P. .Burgetta Short, who has been recuperating In southern California, Is upecwa 10 arrive in ma city tomorrow morning over tha Southern Pacific He la aald to be much Improved In health. Edward Mullen, a clerk tivlna- In Part. -land, filed a petition In bankruptcy la tha federal court this morning. Hie lia bilities war placed at 1 1,060.".., with no assets scheduled. Steamer J esse HarUna, for Camaa, waanougai ana way landings, dally ex eept Sunday. Leaves .Washington street . aoca I p. m, - . ' Boy Wanted. We want a neat, bright anergetlo boy for light deUverlea - and store work. Good opening. - Portland eea eompany. - , For Sale A few slightly damaged cnamam incuoatora ror sals cheap. . Ill , East Morrison, corner First street Spinal meningitis oured by suggestive tharepeutlca. Vr. Elder, 41T : Flledner buuaing. nop- Main o. - , aaaMaaaB For wire and iron fences for cema- tarlea or lawns, phone East 701 Colum bia Wlra at Iron works. f , v ' Acme Oil Co. sells tha bast safety eoal ell and flna gasollna. Phone East T. ' For Xodaka, Kodak developing I. I Cohen, tha Kodak store. 111 Sixth St Woman's Exchange, 131 Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to I; bualhess men's, lunch. B. W. Moore, expert photographer; Elks' building. Seventh and Stark Sts. Bay trees, large stock, all sises. Foot TamblUst J. B. Pllklngton, nursarymaa, 1 V Why pay moret Mstsgar flu your eyes for L 111 Sixth street - n exroras. new iitim. ii.ib. Marks Shoe Cr f Morrlsoar atrsat - Barger Signs ll TamhUI Phone. . Oenrra ZJtbta Water f First St ' 1 1 .' ekBsaaaaaaaasBk l v"" , IX Chambers, optlotan. 111 Sevsnthl Dr. J. S. Courtney, la tha Marcuam. . M MM. , Tha alsa of that all a cad conspiracy fund only $1,000.000 brands it aa an Invention of some cheap skate. . ' rsgeag-g-i. i i ' .i i m FREE WATER IS GUT OFF BALLOT Councllmen Decide They Were Deceived Into Ordering It In the First Place. promoter: wacnon - MAKES A LAST APPEAL Father of Schema la Grilled by Members of the Counctt Because. the Bridge Taut Clause Was' Left Out of Ordinance. , ,K With almost the entire councU ar raigned against him. - H. V. wagnon made a speech la favor of ale free water bill yeaterday afternoon. Mr. wagnon did not say much but ha spoke a great deal, and 'the gallery listened to every ward ha oald. Bo did Mayor Lane, who smiled serenely ova tha butt and of bis cigar. Soma of tha eounollmen sought seolusloa In the ante-roome whan Mr. Wagnon, began to talk.-, Tha reauit of the discussion was that the amendment was ordered cut off the ballot which was Just what Wagnon did not wish. Mr. Wagnon's ordinance was onrai" before the council upon a protest ot tha Taxpayers' league, elgned by J. N. Teal, acting secretary, and Fred T. Mul key. Isom White, William M. Ladd. B. U Gilsan and S. A. Brown, members or tha executive committee. The letter re quested that tha free water amendment be not placed on the ballot aa the petition had not been fairly preaented to tha council. The council bad not been in formed that the amendment would cut tba bridge-tax levy out of tha charter. Bennett Makes eontradlettoaw "Ton knew the bridge tax bad bean left out of, tha law." declared Wagnon tha miinrll after the reading of tha communication. "We believe tha counoll Is lined np against this amendment, and j we shall take tha matter into ine oouru. The tieonla want vou to reaclnd tnis law, There haa been soma talk about Influ ence here, but I may say that c. h. a. Wood. Mr. McAllister and Mr. MeOarry have not been my attorneye here.' They have come In the Interests of the people. You Should be thoroughly familiar artth the ordinance (Mr. Wagnon waa excited and ha didn't talk coherently), for you all received copies of It weeks before It came up for paasar' ' That statement Is absolutely untrue," said Councilman Bennett who Jumped front his seat with a- Jlery light in nis eya "I did not gat a copy umu nearly an hour after the meeting of tha council had begun. A ntmber of other eounoll men did not get copies slther, because heard them call for the documents, i did all I could to gat this amendment upon tha ballot until I learned that It would cut off the bridge tax "Unpoeltton," Says WOla. "Worklncmen and women In tha sub urb can better afford to pay for water than to climb P and down gulches on their way to work. Free .water meana thar-the will have ta climb- these gulchea, and the defeat of tha amend ment meana 'that they will have com- K.kla -awe 1 Was arA Thdalaa VfMAsn. ; -t . ""All -the petitions -that I have seen." said Councilman Wills, "ware signed by ona man who wanted free water very bad. - Tbe amendment should, of course, have- been fixed for submission to. tba peoples That waa within tha power of tha free water people. .They should have given us copies of tha ordinance a week before our meeting. They gave ma a copy t minutes after our meet ing waa atartad. I asked them If they had sent copies to the people. They ssld they had not time to send copies out anywhere. - They aid have time, however, to knock out tha bridge tax. All of ua were imposed upon Tory much. Wa ware told that only free water waa to be voted upon, ana we were not toia that bridge tag would be knocked out" "where did you get these names T abruptly demanded Councilman Gray of Wagnon. . - - ., . ". 1.4 Wood BTot ta Blame, " - . Most ef them were secured through tha labor unions." was tba reply "Others ware aacured through lodges of fraternal soctstlea. And," to Council man Menafoe, "Paullnue MoDenald, ed itor of the Labor Press, and myself made affldavlta that the signers ef tha netltions ware legal voters to the best of our knowledge and belief. Whan wa framed tha petition .we f orgojt all about tha bridge tax." "art that 1 the way yott did Itr ex claimed Menefee. "Wall. I will aay that am very Indignant at me way tne council baa been treated. I doubt your sincerity, and yen add Insult to Injury. whan vou come here ana make an main nation of hypocrisy on the part of tba oeunotL" - . . ' ' "Colonel w ooo s name.- interiectea Councilman Boothe, "has been mentioned In this matter. He is not cere to aerena himself. . All of us know Colonel Wood as a straightforward man, a man who Is not afraid to express bta opinions. I be lieve he told these men that the petition should be brought plainly before the people; it la not hie fault because they have not done so." ' .' " A resolution, to rescind tha previous order of the counoll that the amendment be placed upon the ballot was intro duced, and City Attorney MoJSary was asked for an opinion on the question. He said the meaning ef the reeolutlon was that deception and fraud had been practiced upon the council, and the ooun- ika te tbe kndlJ), fisnect ass spuaea te all wboai tkeee Ptwiats Mt h it enacted by the Calea Iaaery Xht TUa -4-lnk Deatlsle" .:-:. n Ma essxi 1 1 saii And, asdrew Cainegls baa brked aUwseveM. ' And. ' The .ease Ossgraaa baa adjtanna, , Twernre, - , KfTClTSd. ''''.',-V-'".-,-' That, waereaa, et.. The priaisry slecttoae are te be held aa OM foerth ef Mar. (aerate all eHiasos, Mile and taawla, eld sad yosng, eelored Sad Uneolored. Are rMulred to abstain freei all lake' -To Berfurm so sure nassal fuaetloo Btwca tbe aptiesraaee ef UtM weighty sad Imporuat Ordluaere And tne aald routk day ef Kay, bat ate Required te devote themselves, , Toslr talents sed thelt tlise, - Te tbe study of Intel snUtlesl aatbltlssa. And te acquaint th-meslvw with, the nesoaal "Why swa ms effice If Th-iVe aothla' la Itf ' "Why do jtmenwa want erfleer "Why ar Prohlhltloalsta ae friendly- . To the ether (ellowe Thtt they set a their ewa easdldatea V : "Why aaeaie net the . . ..... ,tv Uatoa Lanndry ' ,' Be aaanlaioasly declared The official laaadry ot North A merits f It it one el teday's greateet eleanalng iBStltOtiOna, - " ".. Aad lovrd bv an erks keaw It. - ' The peasity far the -tolaUea ef tab) Stdlsasat aj i ineiy ears si - . . The BMef Fortlaad. " ' , Or aa Inmase ef salary with A eaauver'a vaaatlaa at a . . Coast resort. A word te tbe wise pleaty." CKIOW lATOpBT,' Tel. Mais We. - teeosl aad OshaaMa. White Foot Hosiery Women's White-Foot Hosierr, with double heel and toe and best clastic top, warranted fast black and stainless, our 20c 1 P grade. Special, a pair IOC Loom-Dice Napkins Friday mod Saturday only at this price. Extra good quality, site 20x20 inches, large and small checks, regular SL2S grade. 7Q Special, per dozen ,.. I aC Men'fl Dress Shirts Fifty doiea lien's Stiff-Front Shirts, open front and back, with detachable cuffs, rep. $1.25 and ,1.50 vat., all 17 ises. . Jrriday and Saturday, each. g C Gr-. LIT aii(Q Spoil Don't judge thete dplendld barggtrm by the price. We want you to et th goodi firat, then conaidef the priced lYg theVnly way you can determine the real value of any advertised article,' end we're more then willing that you ehould try u that way. Note carefully the heme In this ad and be prompt to secure your ahare. Special attention given out of town ordera Part of our business is to teU you what partic ular paint or varnish is best adapted to your needs. The other part Is to supply these mate-, rials at. the lowest prices consistent with quality. Call for our booklet, "Handy Hints on Household ' Painting." It is FREE.: Everything yon aoea o .ia"witk TEEIS, CRESS & CO. . ' . The ralat etore 145 IHrvt St. rhene Mala aota Waraer's $ 1.25 Corsets P5c " Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets, In medium Duit with long hips and iront, fancy hose- supporters attacnee front and sides, mads from best quality batiste and a standard $1.25 corset For Friday and Saturday wa offer this splendid model at this unusually low price. Sizes 18 to 25. Mail or- nr. dcrs filled promptly. Special........ eOC I TAPE GIRDLES V ; Another great special in Tape Girdles for Friday and Saturday. Come m pink, white, blue, with bow of satin ribbon, and in sizes 18 to 25. These are a bargain at 50c Spe cial for these two days at, each QC No telephone orders filled. . OuC New spring models of our famous Red fern Corset sre sow on exhibition. Boned with whalebone, . 500 Cambric Gowns at 97c Fridsy and Saturday only at this price. . Choice of 500 fine Cambric Gowns, .' made in full standard sites, in square. Circular and V-shspe yokes, high and low neck, elbow ani- long -aleeves,-every garment aestlv trimmed with lace, embroidery snd ribbons. Rsg. 1.65jjfl5 and 2.00. values., QJg l 'corset covers Fifty dozen fine Cambrie Corset Cov ers, i rows lace insertion ana lace edging front, back and around arms. Made with extra full front and our regular 40c value. Fridsy and 0"7 Saturday, ae I C NOTE. We go-rantee our Under muslins to be made under the most ap proved sanitary conditions. . , - i iii i II ir r in sur rmajroxsoo'S tiasnie oomrnaaciix xotsx, ooxTanrae sos aooata. The Stt James . nrtto st. an va rcss atx, ... bas nuurosoo.. ' Wav 1. Betta, Mgr. " la sttaated la tae aeart e( the seslnsss Sie. trlet. Mooera and aaadsosiely raraleeed. Pri vate betna, ulepbeaee la every roots. SampU) rooms fnr tn-elus mea. Rate yraa SiaO te S4.0O, Karepeaa sUa. Take aftalUster er Hslfkt st. care at rany aa4 set ett at Tea Mesa ava. . - - . .. . . . HOTBL, AUDUBON aur isascwo--anrMrzaJi nu obxt. Long k Lislo Gloves Sixteen-Button Best French Lisle" Gloves, suede finish, and in colors greens, grays, mode, . tan, ; garnet, black and white; all sizes and regu lar $1.50 quality. Special Friday and Saturdsy only at, a Q7c Fine Lawn Waists Fifteen dozen Fine White Lawn Waists, allover embroidery fronts, embroidery or lace yokes, with fine pin tucks, and sweral very pretty styles in lace and embroidery com 'binationt. - AH . are regular $2.00 and $2.50 values. .Friday 01 CQ and Saturday ........ ....pieJe7 Sateen Petticoats at 98c Suit Department, 2d floor. For a great Friday and Saturday special we offer 25 dozen best quality Mercerized Sateen Petticoats, in fine light w e i g li t for spring, and in good full width, with knee flounce. This skirt sells regularly at $L25,-and is well worth that amount. On' sale for these two days only at, e.c..:;..;98c SHORT COATS 27-lnch Box Coats, in black and white checks, with velvet collar and new full sleeves, &f yiC regular $10.00 values. Special, each...... e$ We're) Long Silk Gloves . . . . . , , Full Sixteen-Button Length, with double-tipped fingers and in full range of popular shades, vis.! Grays, tans, mode, pongee, navy, brown, reseda, black . and white. All sizes. Friday and ef f ft Saturday, a pair eplelal Nazareth Waists Don't overlook this great special. Eighteen dozen Nazareth Knit Waists for Children, in sizes from 2 to 12, made with taped buttons and reenforced with tape over shoulders and down back. Special, Friday and Saturday . - J2c Hiwb SMt, slretne 11 f bta aad an atadsra a nal enees. Btrlctly tirst-elsaa. Oea-eDieat ee aeep plns eeaters. Oa direct llae from ferry aad laird and Tewasaad depot.. Rates SI as. SZS S4US at., near vsa iea a a a. xtAKTia. ur. ISStii ' " iiiesia raraaa-vaBaama-awsaaasaijiiLiaiie i amai Whenever you have a dollar that you have no absolute need for, it ia a mighty, good plan to plant it in bank 1 where it la on hand to work for vnn hM I VffMCTl - j - mm tv aaw P TKl ,rU ntt lt' When yu once hreak a dollar ViM It aulcklv runs a wav: a nickel Jiere; a rlim there; and a quarter tomewhere else. Dol lara in bankf form an emergency fund and are a great big lever with which to open the door of opportunity. Place yoiif dollars, in thia atrong bank where they will remain in absolute safety until you need them. Your odd dollars deposited in our aavinga depart ment will work and earn' 4 per cent, compound interest for you. The Grand VaadevUlsae lose. . HEBBCTtrS TBO0FX. SO EDUCATXD Does ia, litres attar leaslnf aad leeplas the Isoy Orestest Dot Aot ia the Werld. . Sri"il adaed Attraettaa, yxaxx cvmujt. SOTX OXXTUST . auxsTaXL. arvla aaS Tader. VMa aad Ens la, TvtUe aad atay. Vneerie aeaerta, 0taadlaoepe. a a a a r eF a ran Una seS Week ef April la. Tfte naw'Vmi)aa rVseaats Tax aoaLurrio Daaita, NOHTHKRN LIOHTSl Br Barkiaa aad Barkevr. ' ' Matlaeas f-asdays, Thoretlsya, Bareraars aad aaaaysi prices lue ssa sue. K-ery erealai et : i o ; yttum iw, mm sbb sue. Has aeste auty be aeeared by Tel. Maat S4S6. ell eould validly Instruct the auditor te keen the amendment off the ballot, The resolution waa But te a vote ' and adopted, all except Rushlight, voting aye. -- CLEAN-UP DAY . --r. IS COMING AGAIN Initiative One Hundred WlU. Con sider Plana for AnnuaT Cam paign for BeaatUlcatloa. The regular meetlna ef the Initiative One Hundred will be held In ArUsan halL Ablnston buUdlng, tomorrow even- Ins. The meeting wlU be an Important one,. as It will hear the report ot the committee having In chares the oaUln Ing ef plana for the coming campaign and the year's work. The reals-nation of Francis L McKenna, president of the orranleatlon, will be aeted upon. It be- lne expected that UK MoKenna will withdraw, the letter and consent still te serve In his old capacity. The annual claan-up-rsmnalaa will be surted araln at tbe cooiina meet ing and plans for boosting the boule vard ordinance will be worked out. : It la expected there wlU be a large at tendance of the members et the aseo- elaUon. . ' ; ' Extra - Special Heavy tapestry, suitable for portieres and couch-covers, stripes and plain colors, full 48 inches wide and regular 75c quality. A Af. TeaTii r v srv a a a - ! Xt mm CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS. ExtraSpecial One hundred dozen " pure white hemmed Hack Towels, size 17x37 inches. On sale Friday and Saturday - only at this special , . price..., I C saatasBBiesMrfSVSSjtaMMIkeaw Society Circus i , i ' : nrtn ' Avsyicxs MULTNOMAH CLUB , THIRD RLGIMLNT At rnw i ... ARMORY TS'2. THREE, NIGHTS xoxiaxT, msAT Airo SATtraoAT, ana IS, IS AID SS. . . gxoewt tocix show rvw Arranii WiTav A viliai vr nu a a , yOBJaXAS, a A , Typical - Circus Performance rve Rhe-OS Faepls e Horese e Stasias ictaele ei Mixed Telaaa, aad aUay Other reatarea. . Pricea dooo Seats at goc iooo Re served at 9I.OO ana ei.g : SeetB ee sals at Sberatas, Clay St Oa- BUrth aa4 MsrrlHe atreata. lata aad vTaaalaftea Tiffany and Art Class Shades, Te harmonise with the Interior finish of your room a The M. J. Walsh Co. Just received the larseet, grandeet and moat up-to-dats shipment of Tiffany and art glass shades that ever reached the coast; also a number ei larse ship ments from the most prominent New York electrio and aaa fixture manure. turers. In fact, every reeldence-bullder should Inveattrate their stock before purchasing. Their convenient location, at til Stark street. Will enable you to call. One block from Sixth and Wash ington streets. y Tha Twant'ath Cantury Llmitad. A luxurious and delightful train. Chi cago to New Tork In II hours, via New Tork Central lines. . Secure Information and sleeping ear space at It! .Third street, Portland. . Mr. Stead seems to aspire to be the Coxey of the International arbitration ' movement. i HEIUG TtlEATCE NAT C. GOODWIN "AN AMERICAN CITIZEN Ayru 4,WhcaWcWcreTwcnty-One" lyru "A CILDED FOOL axA saxx etna aaiTUAT. Kvaalag erkes tewer floor, 10 rnwa, Sflt st 0 rewa, - Siao. - Slsaayf: 1, Tfe, n.lUa tla aeasat Qflaa. slatleee arlr-e-yLewar floee, l.ft9aad fL Baleoay, II, Tae, eoa. sanery, aae, soe. rra ftJn'TMn ATPP - - UrtriL,l uiuniiyu Msla S a I. Bak-r. On. Mar. Psrnaaeat ev tee aa- "i - v-w, fartlsad'a rashtnesMe PoBelar-Prles Play. All IDH n-l, aTvniaa e:Ae . hi.- Bsrrle'e Celebrated f!nrllan Hay. I ASMiiaau Caioirrow- le row Acts, sfssairiesat Settlaga Psrsnasl Dtrectioa Mr. arthar Msekley. arrealng Prises See. soe, I . Mstlnes inc. SBe. ' Mstiawe astorday. Teat Wsaa "T-e ieaial gi Enpire Thea!re ulTTTtt - Ifntoa W. Sea si sa. ataaager. Tonlrht all Week Matlaee Satardap-riie Last Head artrsetm ec tae Si me tae ieaalas rmros OeeMdy, HELLO BILL" Nethlag Set Laaaaa afflsr fmehe Prkea ... aes xae eiae LYRIC THEATRE ftrtiaad'e FsevJar Steeb sTesse. (very Areas, sees aae amaiac ?eia wees. Lyrle Bteoh tleatsaay m MAomosa iii yoToaua- kMirtia seats eaa sow he aerad ks aa vaaee rreej 10 a. n. te 10 a. m. Daily aarlaaas at anal tie. Breams e-rfaraswee at S:ia Sataraay and Suada arealafa, first serfsrnv sase at tua, , . . . HE'S BAVWG i Jfifesarr rx0 A GOOD CryS h Dc DonoM 01s ySSiV oiThenonseofOnaliiy The money ordlnarfly wasted ta outside amusemsnta to te pay for It a small sum each month and be eaa enjoy . aa hie mood dictates, any thing; from grand opera Brnant, II Troratora etc to tbe most eomto ef popular songs and vaudeville bite. Call and ft our terms when you ae for your malt : , -, : . ' WRTLAND, ORKCON Opposite Cie SlxCi tsd llorrtsoa Sts. COLON RATE3S TO , -OREGON And the Pacific Northwest over the nldn Ta:clflc,'Orejroir-Short - Line; Oreson Railroad & Navinon Co snd Southern Pacific, from all parts of the ast. DAII.Y during March and April , - " YOU CAN PREPAY For tfclrets. If yen detir to bring friends, relatives, employes or ethers from the Bast, by depositing the cost with any agent of the O. R. ft N. or S. P. Co with nam aad address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in the East A Rare Opportunity .to Promote, tho In dustrial Growth of the Northwest Ox Tix a, Chloaee St, xoola Xaaaae CHtV inaiu .................. at, rant una raox rnrcxA a a so oo s.o saoo ...... ........ .taso s , Oity ts.M en o r eale ew aora ............ d'7 f reeven ..,,,,..,..,,..., 4 I ranao.lrMa ............. 4 i WaaMnaton ............. 4;.. i 1 Pvr--t l. of m .1 I. A Rates eppty te all main snd KranCh rife rrte, rTimfrtn mciuaiva, BV Rates appiy ia r-oniena, aarnria i Southern Paolf j mala aad braaoh tine points r Oregt . For eotnplete rnrormetlnet. rnenlre t saaavvaVaVAT, Ova fl T Clolliino Co. Xbetr vahHw wta aad feoU trade, eepedall tboee taflcer- The qneetloa of Quality Is Vital to our boeineae whether yoa consider it mat. u tbeee gavrmenU m and faaihloa wr facta. - Oo to tho Outlet for yoev Clothea aad get the beat tbat'i made In men'a apparel at f 10. ri E. Ccrner f.!crrl sen cr.J First Sl3. UsYe Yoa dsrdcri tltti Some Seeds? MORSE, SEXDS SPKOUT Ton and natare de tiie rest. J ig end little parkete tor big and little garaana. Send t r ratalogue. Cf. Ck W. auager. dtg Ttcket AsX. It ana