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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
THE OIUZCOU DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVEIHTIQ, APRIL 18. -1CC7. Some Fine $5 Handbuns $1.98 They come in all color, and. there are several shapes, better news still, is the value, for not one among them is worth less than $2.50, and most of them are $3.00 Bags. Spe- l 0 cial, Friday ........ 01. IO Buckskin Money Pouches, that' sell regularly for 15c each. . A sale of six dozen of . 1 A thera Friday at, each . . 1UC Nickel Plated Drinking Cups, in two different sizes, fitted in a neat leather Case, and regular 75c values. ' A( Special, Friday 4"C Hair Barettes, once more pop ular and come in very neat de signs, gold filled ones, that sell regularly for 50c and 65c. Special for Friday, oo each ...... ...OuZ Sterling Silver Thimbles, heavy weight, several de- V in signs, 35c ones ........ UC La Vallier Chains, have pen dants of various settings; reg ular 35c values. 1A Special, Friday . 15fC Brooches, in embossed designs, Grecian or.. Indian heads, 25c and 40c values.- A Special, Friday ...... . . 1C Safe Dnby Go-Curts Fourth FIoor-Greut Savings r ' " - jf , -'' Demonstration Sterling Kitchen Helps Third Floor : ' Mailorders Have Individual Attention . i , , - ... . , v Agents The Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Save on These Small Thinns Talcum 'Powder, food tiaed can, violet borattd kind. Special C value at, the eaa, Friday .... 3C BlxbVa Combination Shoe Polish, regular 15c packaaa, , , . ev Friday IC Celluloid Dressing Combs, refalar 35 value. Ofl Spedal at .......ZUC Crepe Paper Napkinay with colored border, Americas make, regularly 25c per 100. 17- Special ...llC Twin Net Shopping Bags, regular 35c value. . Oft- Special, Friday ............. 4.UC Lead Pencils, with rubber tin. worth 20c the doien. , - 1 O I Special ....l&CJ Pearl Trimming Button, large tiie, half dozen oa card; ( 15c card for .......v ww Bono Hair Pins, hIl or amber color; worth 25c,' 1 C dozen for lww Kid Hair Curlers, bunch of one dosen; worth 15c. Ifl. Special .. .....IlC Silk Garter Elastic, fancy ruffled, black and color; 1 nM 19c value .1C Safety Pins, in black . or white, large or small iie; At the dosen ............... ..iC Writing Paper, large alse cabinet box, 50 heet paper and enrelopea to match; 35c value, 20c Brings Some Fine Bargains in Skirt Wmsi SMiis E&MQ&by Tog o SL Vic a Vard La fine soft beige weave, m handsome checked & PLAID PATTERNS, A LOW PRICED FABRIC THAT WILL MAKE MIGHTY SMART SUITS FOR SUMMER WEAR Seven Hundred Yards In a Great Friday Sale, and All Who Come May Save, yard only of Jardiniere? THIRD-FLOOR Something you need now for the spring transplanting, something that you can save on Friday.1 We are going to offer you three sizes at savings well worth whiler - : 7 ., ' - V Scinch Size, Regularly 15c Each, Selling 4or 9c fjj-inch ' size, regularly 20c' 7-inch size, regularlyworth Special, Friday ' .x . ." io 40c.' Special, ' . ; a -only ................... 1 JC Friday..., .7; .it.ZOC Long Gloves 75c a Pair i i ewi i ii MeassBwssSMMisaTaTaisTsa, . ' r Women's Long Glove, in mesh ' silk, ' a ' glove that will 'give the fullest satisfaction in fit and wear: come in black, 'white and cream, and sell regularly for $1.25 7C the pair. Special, Friday ............... ....IDC IK:: Wool Rugs ri1 in Room Sixes, 9x12 feet, in beautiful floral and oriental designs and rich colorings: splendid values at &1Q Cft $18.00 each. Special for Friday. ............. 1 0OJ Manis' long Wrappers Special Friday Mc Each Made of Soft Flannelette, in light pink or blue, and made with double row of fancy white floss stitching on collar, and cuffs, around bottom and down front. These pretty and comfortable ' Wrappers are regular. 60c values. Special ' , Al for Friday . i . . .......... ... ..tiC Royal "Worcester Corsets," a summer model, of light weight batiste, made in the' new ' lengthening waists style, with princess hips; hose supporters at sides and front; sizes 18 to 30; regular' $1.25 model. Special 1 C Women's Night Gowns, of fine soft nain sook, with round neck and elbow sleeves, trimmed with Val. lace insertion, beading and edgings ; a "superb gown that sells, regularly for $1.75 each. A nft Special for Friday . .. t . .V.. Art Department Bargain this Week Cushion Slips, ready, for the filling, with plain backs and tops of rich tapestry, in different designs, with tassels at each corner , regular price 60c ' OQ' each. Special for Friday . ,. . . ... ............. .JOC Nottingham Lace Curtains $2. 1 0 Very fine Lace Curtains, in -Brussels, Net and Irish Point Lace, pretty styles and .durable materials.. They are three and . one half yards long and fifty full inches wide, and the; regular price the pair is $2.75. Very special for Friday, s O 1 0, sixty pairs at, pair, . . . . , .'. .... ..,.....,.:..;. 1 U Fancy Imported Robe Blankets, large size and bright warm col orings, splendid for slumber or bath robes; regular ( Of price $2.60 each. Special at OleOu Shirt Waist Suits Worth to $35.00 for $8.59 Smrt Walking Skirts $5-$6.50 Vals. $2.69 materials, in The shirt waist suits are made of wool batiste or silk mull, and come in French gray, white, cream, champagne and helio. They are made in the daintiest possible styles, trimmed with rich lace, some of it elegant hand made goods, with fine silk applique, fancy buttons and em broidery. Some of them have yokes of lace or embroidery, and they are indeed artistically ; designed. -Come with long or short sleeves - and raffs are plain or trimmed with lace. Most of the skirts are in the plaited style and all those in the silk mull suits have silk drops. Now do you realize what a tremendous bargain we are offering? 'Re member these are reg. worth to $35. Special, Friday, only W o m en s v Walking Skirts,' in exceedingly skirt house ; wool checks, stripes and mixtures, and the colors -smart styles, very well tailored looking gar ments, made by a good invisible are gray, brown and blue, some plain, some fancy' patterns ;: worth $5.00 and $6.50. Special Friday $J)69 $B65 mm uvMfCi 0ii ' r-kv- ' ML 2 Friday ShQeSale from s to 9 a. m. Infants' and Children's Shoes, nice little foot wear for little tots; they. come in two lots and are priced like this; , " , ' v ' Sizes 1 to 6, 85c values .49? Sizes 8 to 8, $1.50 values 69 ' ' FROM 9 TO 10 A. M. Women's House. 'Juliets, in several styles, made of fine kid, plain or with patent tip, and made with or without rubber heels; regularly worth $1.69 the pair. Special, for OJ one houc only, today k ........... .' .p 1 mCJ . FROM 10 TO 11 A. M. ; v Women's Dress Shoes, nade of good leathers, patent or plain, with French or military heels, and have light soles; regularly sold (o AO to $5.00 the pair; one hour 9Ce70 ;., :'"., FROM 11 TO 12 A. Mir ' . Women's Oxfords, several styles, patent or plain leathers, medium soles, Cuban Q OA or military heels; val. to $4; 1 hour.ty)caC7 FROM 12 TO I P. M. - Men's Oxfords, several styles, in blucher or regular lace, patent leather, velour calf or gun metal calf, welt sole; worth $4.00 OA the pair; one hour . .............. .p.07 ' . FROM l.TOa P. M. v Men's Shoes and Oxfords, in calf or kid plain leathers, or in patent, leather; regular values run to $6.00 the pair; ) . QQ ofte hour. .... . . . ; .. 07 FROM 2 TO 8 P. M. Women's Gloria Shoes, choice of splendid lot of lasts and patterns ; come in patent colt. can or piain xia, ana in Dutton, Dlucher or plain lace styles; regular price is $3.50 An A the pair; Special ............ ...:.j;iy T : FROM S TO i p. m. r Women's Shoes and -Oxford, in very best grades; plain or patent leathers; button or lace styles, light or heavy soles and several good uuis, wuun iu o.w mc pair. OA One hour, special ..... ..... i . . . . ,ePeJOy FROM 4 TO 5 P. M. Misses' and Children's Shoes, in all sizes, from little tots to young ladies. Those' for youn iuics, by lo I, wonn ?3.oo, tor S1.US; misses' sizes, 11 to 2, $2.50 values, 81.79; child's, Sy, to 11. $2.00 values, '. A-f Oft fl.59, and sizes 5 to 8, worth $175.0l.J" - FROM B TO 6 P. M. Boys' and Youths' Shoes, in plain kid or calf ; shoes that will do for dress or school wear; all sizes, priced like this: . Boys', V to J5 $2.50 value. .........81.79 Youths', 1 to 2, $2.00 value .......... .91.59 Little-Gents', 9 to 13j ....81.39 And this last lot are shoes that are regularly worth $1.75. ' s.. . Four Fine Fabric Speciais Dress Goods and Silks, too, arsr priced In a manner that win ap peal to all thrifty women of taste. , Novelty . Dress Goods, 46 to 66 inches wide, the cream of this season's output ; come in black and white, brown and white, striped and checked effects, and the swellest of pastel effects, in shadow checks and hairline stripes. The weaves are Panamas and French 'Serges, in medium and chiffon weights. The regular price of this splendid lot of Dress Goods is $2.50 the gf pr yard.' Very special, Friday only ...... ......... .....oleU Colored Dress Goods, in fancy designs, checks, stripes and in visible - plaids ; . suitings that sell regularly for $1.25 07 the yard .....QIC Colored Dress Goods, Pana mas, serges and voiles, in chif fon, regular weights ; come in mixtures, checks - $ 1 - yf A and plaids ; $2 values $ 1 mt) Novelty Silks, in 27-inch widths, in handsome combinations of colors, and the weaves are the dependable Louisines and taffetas. There is every wanted shade in the lot, the silks are '., Q7 the regular $1.25 kind. Special for Friday, the yard .... . . O I C Men' Neglig ee Shirts Made of a fine mercerized material in a very attractive tan shade; look like silk nd wear much better, as well as to wash better. They're as good a $2.00 bhirt as you were ever offered. - Special, Friday . . . . $1.45 Men's Hose Fancy Patterns, in a large range of designs and colorings; the regular value is 85c the pair; they can't be equaled at in that either.' Special . . .......................... 1 7C Three Big Hat Specials of Surprising Cheapness Chic, ' clever j creations in Tailored Hats. . Some of the smartest head gear ever offered to the women of Portland. . Hats that are represen tative styles from one of our famous women's hatters. And these are the ones that we've made this Friday special on. - Tailored Hats, that sell regularly for $12.00, are on "dj CA sale for ................ ij) I .J) VI Tailored Hats, that sell regularly for $15.00, are on tM A A A sale for ....... .... . . $1 U.O I) Tailored Hats, that sell regularly Il.!!!.:;i..$12.00 fiflesh Under wear for Women ; ' - x . . .. -f 9. . j rJ We are Exclusive Agents In Portland for this Splendid Under wear. We call special attention to the following numbers which nave just arnvcu inu arc reaay ior sale : Women's ; Union .Suits, linen mesh, long sleeve - and ankle Women's Union Suits, linen mesh, low neck, sleevtlr- style, lace trimmed fC knee; price vUUH Women's Vests, linen mesh, with hierh neck and lonw sleeves ; price, each, Sq tr only OJ.L J Women's Pants, ankle length. nicely finished, a splendid sum mer underwear; QQ Women's Vests, linen mesh, low neck sleeveless style, lace trimmed; price, (JQ Is each ...............00j J Women's Umbrella rant-, linen mesh, lace trimr:-- !, knee length; o price PLANS OF BERKELEY'S FINE NEW LIBRARY ' Untversltr of California, Berkeley, April It. The boerd of r rente of the imiverelty of CalUornl b authorlied the erection of a narnlfloent library building- on the c&mpua. Work will bln la few wk. The bulldlnt wlU b In aeeordaneo with the- Ber nard acheme of oeautlfylng the eol. lea irounda. It will be one of the most lmpoelnf and atateljr atmotnrea In California, and, la fact, "one of the moat elaborate bulldlnrs In the weet The eum of 578,00 will be oed In the eonatraotlon of the- front half of the building alone, and it la expected that when It 1 completed over will have bn spent on It The plana call for a fireproof atruoture of white graalteL, feet la height, tha entire ground apaoo to be 100 feet aquar. There will be large readlnge roome to accommodate 40 students, shelf room for I60.0P volumes and a special library for noted book collections. No more "my (fears," mo far as Maria and Harrtraaa an oooMcsaa, , SUES SPOKANE FOR MANY THOUSANDS Cp-tal te Ttf Jmamel.) Spokane, Wash., April 11. l'rl Chap-u-ua. Ka slKlma t B a. Mllh raai estate dealer of St I'iit. inoorl. ) sued the city for 37.6'. n n-i-he went to polio t ! mru r t , whftt bad hn " i temptnd hnlln , ) i the object an i . rcht ni without I'