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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, . THURSDAY . EVTNINO, 'APRIL 18. .1C07. fJORE CELiEOl FROH EUROPE .French Bark Villa de Muthouse ' Chartered to Load at . Antwerp. ; ... NOW DELIVERING CARGO OF WHEAT FROM OREGON British Bark Zlnlta,' Which Left . Europe fat October, la Now Full d '.Dm t Arrive Here No Word From Cement Craft for Some Time Glrvln A Byre today chartered th French bark VUle de Mulbouse to briny a cargo of cement and general mor- cuaauiee rrom Antwerp to Portland. She will as on the berth 1m a few dare. having Just arrived out on the other aid with a car so of wheat from thla Port Ihe-Mulhowae-aaJled-henee No- vembef .21 for Cork, her cargo meas uring 4.7i bushels. , -' . v The fleet of vessels en route for this port with cement and general cargo ' from Europe is -steadily trowing, 1 and h. is oeueved that by summer the num ber' of vessels will be laraer than 'ever. ae demand for cement la continually Increasing all alone- the Pacific coast. and enormous quantities will be Import ed if the material can be obtained on the other aide. Letters from the varl- ous rectories throurhout Eurooe indl , eats that the entire world Is making In crease! uemanda on the output, and -hence they are taxed to their capacity - iuuoi oraers on time. - lot next cement-carrier - due to ar- nve here la the Brltlah bark Zlnlta. ;; which left Antwerp October 1 for the Columbia river. The vessel would have ' been considered long overdue but ' for , the fact that she put Into -Bahla. Bra- '.. 1 1 . - . . . . in nnnmnw wiiu a mutinous . orew. She started out aaaln In a few days, and on December 1 was spoken in ins vicinity of the Falkland Islands, steering for the Horn. - The Zlnlte's cargo consists of H.00 . barrels of cement, consigned to W. P. Fuller Co., and the delayed arrival Is causing considerable Inconvenience. Or dlnarily a vessel mskes the run from Cape Horn to the Columbia river In --- or 19 days, whereas tt 1s now near :. Iy four months since the Zlnlta was spoken approaching the dangerous . .' promontory.. ..... : Borne years ago the Zlnlta ran on . ths beach in entering the Columbia river. ,Xhe wind veered around, sudden ly, however, and. hoisting every bit of , ; canvas, her skipper managed to sail her off without the eld of a tug. For thla - he is said to hays been relieved, of his i command. She la now In command of Captain McDonald. . w , , . . J TO MARK DANGER - Immense- Buoy Will Be Anchored en - '' SvrilUur Bank. ' The Canadian government will es tablish an acetylene, gaa and whistling buoy at Swjftaure bank as soon as tbe ' 'weather moderates sufficiently-for the . steamer Ouadra te tow the buoy to Its . future . anchorage. The bank la now marked by a whistling buoy placed there some time ago by Captain War llch. inspeotor -of - this lighthouse die- trlct . 1 ' . -. . . Captain W.erllcn was" notified " this morning by letter from the Canadian ' department of marine and -fisheries of ', the proposed aid to navigation. . Cas V tain Werllch has been heartily in favor of marking the approach to the Strait of Juan do Fuca with a light and signal ,. at Swlftsure for some time andespe ' dally slnoe the Valencia disaster, which , aocldent waa supposed to have been due to the captain losing his bearings In thick weather. 1 ' Some' time ago an appropriation was mads by the United States government for a lightship to be anchored on . Swlftsure bank but It will take some time to build the vessel and la the - meantime the dangerous position will be marked by the gas and whistling ' buoy. -..: r - , Swlftsure bank lies about It miles from either shore and directly between Vancouver Island and the' American. mainland. For that reason It Is no-' . body's ' or anybody's water and both governments have decided to do every ' thing possible for ths prevention of marine disasters there. .'' - - . In addition to the above' mentioned ; Improvement the Canadian government announces having decided to - place ' marks for ths aid of navigation In ths ; shape of gas beacons at the entrance to JUvere Inlet, Fog rocka, Fltahugh .' sound. Watson rock. ' Morning reef. ' Klewnugget. Granville channel " and range beacons for Prince Rupert on the ; coast and Ridley Islands. It la also proposed to haws beacons la the near fatre on OreeWtop Island and ths Pots tars In Chatham sound and a gas ebuoy en Alf ord reef te . replace the t prtwsnt eonloal buoy. ;y MAKES RECORD TRIP I ' fteamahip Columbia Beaches Bay City tn Fofty-Fiva Honrs. V By arriving at San Francisco at t:tO " Volock this morning the Barrlmaa liner Columbia, Captain Xtoran, established a ' new record for speed. " She made the ' ran In 41 hours' actual running time, or r Tt sours from Portland to the ' Bay City, oountlng the two and a half hours' stop at Astoria. It was believed that better time oould be made by having ths steamers leave Portland tn the mornings, and ths nsw arrangement waa put Into force laat Tuesday, when the Columbia sailed from Alnsworth dock at o'clock la the morn ing. She caught the tide at Astoria and -. gained nearly II hours on her old run ning time. ' Offlolals of the company here believe tha trtrk can be repeated all summer. when there la lit Us danger of being bar tomorrow morning. She cornea under charter to Kerr, Clifford A Co. to carry wheat to- the orient. Beven aallora have deserted from the Norwegian steamer Hornelen. which ar rived here i few days ago with a cargo of cement from London. From hers the Hornelen goes to British Columbia to carry coal, - The oil carrier' Atlas leaves Ports mouth., fo Astoria tonight with a part cargo of oil. ' , The Harrlman liner Costa Rica Is due to arrive here tomorrow from Ban Francisco. i ' MARINE INTELLIGENCE . azotrLAB uirxxa sire to Axxro. Owte Mica, fro Ku rraeelace. . April 1 AlUeace, from Cone Br April 1 Roiaok. from Si a Pnir and war.. ..April 31 Columbia, from .Saa mnrlaee April M r . A. Kllburo, from Saa fram. a ad way.Aprll 2d NieomodU, rrom or toot April 81 O. W. tlder, tram saa Pedro ane way.Aprll 'ta Neniantla. from orlaot May 23 Arabia, rrom orlant. June 24 Aloala, from orient.. .July IS XzavXAB Lima to rjirasT. . OoU Mca, tor Saa rraaclaoo. April lor vooa Bar .......Aurll 23 Roanoke, for Saa Padre and way. April 23 tj." --'"..:!":Aprn M n 4r ,,"'-tM,-8B way.AprU tt tT' a Pedre and way.. April SO 18S7 137 V TMMTII or NIooBMdla, for orient. Momaotla, for orlant..... Arabia, from erlont Aloala, for erleut ,. May IS June June IS .......VJUlT St vesszls n roxx. Atlaa. Am. atr., toriamoetk oil tank. - araaonia. r atr uf.,unu. j l. w. f 7 ,,, am. arc,, at--KnapeloB. vovuuio auTor, am. atr. at eoal bonkers. Hornalen, Nor. tr., t Omale dock. Irlah Monareo, Br. atr.. at Tonroo Point. r m- t et WU. Iron Works. iL. . air., ac B. w. mllla Terje Vikoa.. Nor. st., at Sootkora Pas. sock. ' a money ooca. fHft r-J? - -oBtaomeiT dock Me. t. . r. um., ai ureanie aoca. . . Dlmadale, Br. bk., at Standard Box dock. , "'I..Br-JLt,a Gnw;S dock. , ht? ,lul. bk.. la etnem. -bale, Pr. bk., at Columbia Xa. , Slldra. Nor. atr.. at MoatfoaMry No. X YoU. Br. eh., at aUevator Sock. -. Abble Am. ecb, at Baloler. - Aldaa BMaa, Am. bk.. at Columbia Ke. Baclla. Am. ab., at Aatorla. Chohalla, Am. bkta.. at Stella. Joba Cnrrwr. Am. eh., at Aaterm J.irdanhllL Br. bk, at Greene-lea. -Sobonie. Am. a-h., at Stella. ?. .f'eholaa. Am. eh., st Aaterm. ; , Walaeot. Am. bane, at Oeble. ' v ' x-trrnxx OAisrrss n sotm. ' AUee McUoaald, Am. eoh. Baa Praaelsee. r,n- eeh, Saa rraaemee. B. r. weltney. Am. bk.. MakaweU. , cllpaa, Am. ek Saa Pedro. . -. a Pedro. ' , - r . LUIehoaae, Am. era., Manila. ' '" I.ecllle, Am. aa Saa rranelaee.. LMlalana. Am. eh Baa Iro. , ', .t.;-' S,MJ. eh!- Praaemee. ' ' ai. Orlfflth, Am. bkta., Saa rraaetses. Joha Palmer, Am. hktn.. Saa rranetoee. ' SVf' Ain-'batB Saa rraaclaee. . . Sailor Bor. Am. ach.. Haa n -r t Slntram. Am. ab BadonAs. . . t Aenwa. Am. bktn.. Saa rraadaee. iimton, la. abT Saa rranclaeo. WaaMaa ton. Am. atr., San lYaacleea. V . Eaeelalor, Am. etr Saa rrasetaeo. KB BOITTK WITH CEMX1TT AMD SKFXXAI. Docueern, sr. an.. Ham bare. Rrean, Fr. bk, Hull. t ' ' ' Cos war Caetw, Br. bk,' Antwerp, Ialsonar. Br. eb, Bamberc. "" . Edenmore. Br. eh., Doaklrk. ' ." ' Burope. It. bk., Aatwerp. . -GeneriaTe Mouooe. Ft. bL, Laedem. -Hne KerTller, re ea.. Bamberg. . . . Laennae, FT. eh., Swanaea. ., . " ' Le PUler. rr. bk, Loadoe. " a Martha Roox, rr. bk, Hamborg. , ' a.. newcestm, B. nr. bk. Shields. Baawa, StalaUk. sua, liar. ab.. London. Socoa, FT.-eh.r Nawnaatle, . 1llna. Oor. bk.. Lelrh. Vlneaanea. Fr. bk, Glaasew. ; ' , I BlnlU. Br. bh., Aatwerp. - ." ' , Mareehael Terrene, Ft. bk. Ham ban. Till de Mnlbeaae. Fr., bk.. Antwerp. COAL BKXPaVVaT BOOTX. : Belen. Ft. bk. Nowaaatle. A. Col. de Vlllabnla Marenll. Fr. bk,Weweaatls, A. ('larardoo, Br. eh, . Neweeatle, A. . , ;tk Iwli, Tt. bk,. Neweeatle. -A. ; - y; i,n J ' XVASLT BTEajEXBS XX BOUTS. . ' 'Ascot. Br. etr.,Bneaoa Ayree. . Urndford, Br. atr. Sea rranemmv " Vroaaa Mare. Jap atr.. Japaa. ..- Halaaga. Boas, atr.. Sen Pedro. ' V J Norman lalee. Nor. atr.. Baa Frantaee. ' Afiicaa Monarch, Br. atr, Saa Fraaemee.' Barcnlee. Nor. str, Mnraran. Strathclyde. Br. atr., San Fraadeee. Strathyre. Br. err, SaB Freneleee. Tallua. Nor. atr.. Baa Francwee, . Kra. Oer. atr. Baa Fraadace. I ' v. XUBCXIXAirEOnS ooajtix ex xoutx. Beeeeraae, ell str., Saa Franc mee. MARINE NOTES r ALONG THE WATERFRONT " SBBBSBWaBSBSmnwmei '"- , ; '. i - . , - Th steamer Alliance leaves Coos Bay today for Portland, according to a re sort received bp the local agent this morning. 1 The Piitish steamer Irish Monarch leaves Tongns Point today for Rainier, where she will finish her cargo of lum ' per for the orient , i The French bark Leon XXII will leave down today bound for Europe with a -cargo of wheat, and ths French bark Comll Brt f'n'"h loading. Ths German steamer Eva is reported as having sailed from San Francisco -for this port this morning. Her for- mer charter to load for Vladivostok -was canceled, but shs will probably load lumber for ths orlent or the' west " ' . . - The Norwegian steamef Norman Iales Is due to arrive In ths Columbia river - Astorls, April 4t. Arrived down at a. ra, it earner Nome City. Sailed At a. m., steamer Casco, for San Fran cisco.: Sailed at 10:0 a. m, steamer George W. Elder, for San Pedro and way porta ... San Francisco, April It. Arrived, steamer F. A. Kllburn, from Portland and way porta Arrived St 1:10 a. m, steamer Columbia, from Portland. Astoria, April IT Bailed at 1:10 p. m, schooner Bangor, for 8an Francisco. Arrived down at-1:45 p. . m., steamer Caaco. : '. ;.....' . ' Ban Pedro. April IT. Arrived, schoon er Alvena, from Columbia river.- - Yokohama, - Aprlf It. Arrived prior to date. Japanese steamer Maaahu Mara, from Portland. ..- i , . San Francisco, - April IT. - Sailed, schooner . Annie Larsen, for Aatorla. Sailed at t p. m., steamer Rosecrans, for Portland.. v Falmouth. April It Arrived, British bark Allerton, from Portland. -1 Hamburg, April lt Arrived, French bark Sully, from Portland. . - Shanghai, ' April It Arrived yeirter 6ay, German steamer Numantla,, fronb Portland.- ' : - Astoria. April It. Condition of! the bar at I a. m obscured : wind south east; weather, raining, dense fog. THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST. CO. " '" " ' ' ' ' '.... . . WABKDiaTOV STXXXT, . , (Ooraer Seeond) , . 1 roxTLAXD, oxxaox.' : 1: ' SXXXOTOXB. .' ' WM. M. LADD FKANK K. WABBBlf J. THOBBUBN BOSS T. T. BOBXHABT - 0I0BOB,X. BULL. ornenxs. I....... ..PXBSIDINT , . VICB-PBB8IDBNT :.Z .TBKAaiTBER JOHN X. AITCBI80N ..SBCBXTABI TBBASUBBB . THOBBCRN BOSS OBOROB H. BILL.. t.'tV BtBKfl a nrzr. CHAS. H. xorr. .ASST. ROCKEFELLER'S NIECE (Conllnusd from Fags One.) brooch. She carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley. - . , -s - .. -The Episcopal marriage service was used, occupying scarcely more then a quarter of an hour. The brlds had as her maid of honor Miss Anna Bush of Tarrytown. and Barnett Lefferta was Mr. Dodge's best man. There were no bridesmaids ushers. t .. : After the ceremony the bridal couple at once proceeded to a 1 second parlor, where they received the congratulations of ths guests . After the wedding break faat, which was on the buffet order, the. happy couple departed for the Rock efeller country reeldence... Shortly they will sail .for Burope on rthetr honey moon. . .. , , krlde Xetreas mXr'oas. ' The bride of today Is tife of the heiresses to ths vast wealth of William. Rockefeller, Tier father. HIS holdings no man oould possibly figure up, save only Mr." Rockefeller himself, who is a younger brother of John D. Rockefeller, heed of the great Standard OH company and all Its allied Interests. v She is understood to care' very little for what Is called "society," and la this respect she displays a "rue charac teristic of ths Rockefeller family. She hss been "out" for about six years, her mnmer Kivmsr ner n lormai aemit in Ittl. Her first public appearance waa at the TVeMorf-Aatorla at one of the Ptidayotllllona. , - . Horses ars her hobby. ' For 'several years she has been a conspicuous figure at the outdoor horse shows, where she rides and drives . herself. She Is. dis tinctly an outdoor girl. 8hs much pre fers tn canter over tne Westchester roads thsn to frivol at an afternoon tea. She Is decidedly good looking, being rather petite, with dark brown hslr and eres and a pinx-ena-wnite complexion that apeaka of early hours and plenty " THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY was established April 18, 1887, under the name and style of The Real Estate Title & Trust Company, the name being chsnged in 1890 to its present form. Its executive officer during all these years hss been its present President, and the first lerk to enter its serv ices, Mr. Fred Howard,, is still the dean of hosieries! force. Its stock holders hsve remained prsetically un changed, although a few new stock holders were ! added sfthe time of reincorporation. ' Its first offices were in the First National Bsnk Building, at the corner of Washington? and First streets. ". Needing mora spsce, it soon removed to the Abington Building on Third street, nesr Wash ington street Upon completion of the Worcester block its offices were moved to that building and upon erec tion of the Chamber of Commerce building it was one of the first ten ants' on the ground floor. Upon the Wells-Fsrgo & Company bank being consolidated with the United State! National. The Title Guarantee & Trust Company moved into the bank ing room vacated by -Wells-Fsrgo in the Commercial block on Washington street, corner of Second, which cor ner hss been for many years, and is more snd more becoming s promi nent banking center; and upon the Canadian Bank of Commerce vacat ing the adjoining room, The Title Guarantee & Trust Company occupied these quarters also, removed the par tition wall, and fitted up .one of the largest and most convenient banking rooms on the Pacific coast. , . " ' The first office of the eomesnv embraced one desk snd two employes, and was housed in a 12x12 room; in 1900 it occupied 2,000 square feet; in 1902, 4,000 squsre feet; - in 1905, upon moving into its present quarters, its floor spsce covered 6350 squsre feet. At present, after-enlarging, Its floor space is over 12,000 squsre feet sc- commodating 62 desks, and 85. em ployes, i .7 , :'y , ' Many can iei have contributed to bring about this growth. The man agement, hss been active and pro gressive. ' Its; depositors, 'V whether large or small, have been treated with courtesy snd consideration. - The work undertaken by the various de partments hss been csreful arid thor ough. , V. .'" It hss been the policy of the com pany to tmet the requirements of its customers, first, with as great liber slity as sound snd, prudent bankin. principles snow, v ;r : vTHE TWENTY YEARS OFi GROWTH as a financial institution in which The Title Guarantee & Trusl Compsny.hss served its friends and pstrons so faithfully and well, as c comprehrnsive and conservative trust company, have passed and left us. ! Now, launching out in the newdecade with renewed determination, with an even greater sense of our responsi bility, we offer our service to the geners public, promising them cour teous and liberal treatment, and solicit the business of the community for which the facilities of "THE BEST EQUIPPED TRUST COMPANY IN THE NORTHWEST" have fitted us and ardently promise our best effort to ..deserve th? continued success which hss been ours in the past -. of exercise tn the open air. Ter face is well-rounded and her figure is excel lentin fact, shs Is a type of the well groomed American girt - i . , Brldsgroosa Also WeeJthy, Toung Mr. Dodge la estimated to be worth anywhere from ' IIO.OSO.OOO to 140,008,009. He Inherited this vast es tate from his grandfather, the late Mar eellue Hartley, who made hla millions in ths Hartley Arms company. Mr. Dodge attsnded Columbia university, where he waa extremely popular. After his grad uation he Immediately set himself to learn the details of his grandfather's business snd soon he wss as familiar with thS workings of the big factory at Bridgeport as he had been with hie eol lege studlus. Ever since his youth he has been active In Y. M. C. A. work and recently he has eon trl bated liberally in aid of the social settlements on the east side. . ' a i i ! lj run ssoAvsa your cough is only In the throat and does not trouble you now, don't think that It needs no attention. When It baa no hid much of a start Is the time to check It The slightest couejh eas ily lends to Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Consumption. A bottle of Ballard's Horehnund Syrup will cure that cough. The price pats It within reeoa of ail. Sold tt all druggists. , rvyv THB HOST III ' - TE3 BEST , III QUAIiITY z:' WE ALWAYS CONSIDER THE QUALITY FIRST, THEN MAKE : OUR PRICES AS LOW AS IS CONSISTENT ; , , THERE IS NO STORE IN PORTLAND THAT CONSIDERS the WELFARE OF ITS PATRONS MORE THAU WE DO TODAY'S "STORE NEWS" DOES NOT BEGIN TO TELL ALL THE NEWS You artist come and visit the various de partments in order to glean 'the many items of interest, for ifs during these weekly sales that' we throw out all small lota of mer chandiseall broken lines, soiled or mussed goods and special purchases and mark everything to sell at once at a mere fraction of the regular selling price. ' Our Great Bargain Friday Sales have proven In every respects-signal success... Increase in the num ber of shoppers who throng our aisles, sales records broken almost every week and hundreds of favorable comments wafted back to us, show this to be indisputable. ' It's founded upon right principles selling quantities of dependable merchandise at a small mar gin of. profit; quoting prices invariably the lowest; absolute courtesy in all dealings and utmost promptness in deliveries. Never has our store been so replete with bargains as it is at this time. Portland's economical shoppers instinctively come here to supply - , their needs in the lines we carry. PRUDENT SHOPPERS WILL BE HERE TOMORROW. ' r - W onderfnl Sale "of Bress (Gf oodl Two Ibrfcraordinory Purcliaaca Enable T7s to Offer These Very UnTisTial Values Just wheh everybody wants dress goods most comes this extraordinary opportunity to buy them. These two underpriced purchases are spic-span new goods just received this week this season most fashionable styles and colorings. New goods at nearly half prices 1 1 That's the basis of the occurrence. Shrewd women will be on hand early to seize these offerings. . We .:V. ,:.v,. . ';';.;';' can't do them justice in type, but here are the prices : .. .,.,.; 50 Cents for DRESS GOODS FtTLX-Y WORTH T5er. 46-inch New Novelty and Ombre Checks, one of thj most popttrar fftatterae rf tb aeaaft laefve m mmmm - mm all new weaves: Social sals Bargain Jie spring :25c 25 Cents 6r DRESS GOODS . FULLY WORTH 0. ' ,- 42-inch Omber Check Suitings, in all the new and desirable spring colors, grays, tans, browns, blues, greens, la prolusion; excellent msterist, well worth 40c ; : " Special price, Bargain Friday, per yard. ........... 85 Cents fop DRESS GOODS ? . ' FULLY WORTH fUB. ' v. . ;. . 54-inch Novelty Checked Panamas. beautiful showing of tht new spring shsdes of blue, gray, tan, etc.; exceptional srood aualirv cloth: other places sell it at $1.25 and ' Sl.50. Our special price. Bargain Friday, per yard 42 Cents for DRESS GOODS i ' .-, ,: '.FULLY WORTH 60.": ' :' 38-inch Novelty SuitinM. in sll the new spring colorings; nest de- i........ iuv uav 85c signs, block checks, shadow plaids, etc. - r r A l .J. I var regular anu ws. iwu -. . On special sale Bargain Friday, per yard l.;.v .42c Novelty and Ombre Checks, one of thsj most popalar e season; large rangt of nsw colorings, ' per ft. i; regular 75c values. , . ' K Alt srgsin Friday, per yard. ........ .7 V 45 Cents for DRESS GOODS ' ' ' FULLY WORTH T5. ) . 50-inch Batiste, beautiful fins sheer weave, ' light-weight material. I on ana uarauie, nociy unisnea, unumitea ' - J psj assortment of pretty shsdes; an excellent . .;-": ' A 75c quality. , Special Bargain Friday, per yard............ M.J W 01.25 for DRESS GOODS rULLT WOKTH f l.TO. . 56-inch new spring Costings, in all fashionable shades . of tan snd gray; excellent range of patterns;- good $175 values. Special Bargsin Friday, per yard. t (''' 75 Cents for BLACK GOODS FnUy Worth 01.00 $1.25 50-inch Black Panama, wsrrsnted pnrs wool, very highly mhed, perfect spotless blsck. ; ty K pAwtn You can not buy the ssme quality elsewhere for less thsn $1.00. Our special price, Bargain Friday... tl J UlitL) .IXnderwear and Hooiery, Soma specially good values, all the wanted sorts in ample variety. Care ful selection has brought hers the thoroughly good and dependable kinds. The season is ripe for changing. The opportunity to buy and save in the buying is presented here.- Judge the values by these t -; Women's Vet at 10 Cents 200 dozen women's white sleveless Vests,, Swiss ribbed, lace trimmed, excellent values, usually sold St 25c. ' . - ,? . - '1Q. Special Bargain Friday....; ........ .;,..r li7t J Vr;Knit Corset Corers at 22 Cents ; r i Large lirte of excellent quality knit Corset Covers, purchased recently st very low price, we, therefore offer these . : , OO 35c values at Special Bargain Friday ....XiaWW Women's Vests at 0 Cents : 7' 92 dozen women's ecru, long sleeve Vests, splendidly msde, all Q sizes; vslues up to 35c. Special Bsrgsin Friday....... - . Women's Black Stooldngrs 300 dozen women's Blsck Stockings, seamless double sole; high spliced heel snd toe; fast blsck dye; no better stocking in market . , ' CA. today at 25c . Our special price, Bargain Friday, 3 pairs for. ... ..'.JVC Women's Fancy Stocldngp . We claim to carry the best line of women's fsncy cotton hosiery on the market; the famous Merit stocking; the dye used on these goods is the-richest msde; the manufacturers absolutely gusrantee the colors; come in any desired shsde; . . ' : 0Kt good 50c values. Specisl Bsrgsin Friday........................ AaJC ,K JPoys' and Girls' Stockings at 10c Boys' and girls Stockings for school wear; 400 dozen of these blsck stockings in hesvy rib-armor strength, guaranteed to wear;' v ifw all sizes; good 25c qualities. Special Bargain Friday ......IDC In!antsftOtockinsr at 12Mo - - tnfants' silk finish stockings, in pink, blue, white, tsn and . . - 1 0', black; usually sold at 25c. Special Bsrgsin Fridsy liLtSC . ' .-'. ' Iany Siecial ;7 : Values in HE IT'S WEAR This Is becoming a men's store ss well ss a women's.' Men apprecists style snd novelty in fixings. They probably Mont watch out so closely for bargains as does ths fairer sex, but they seldom miss s chance to save. Here ars some sucn crane: : -. AKT GOODS, GLOVES and HOTIOITS Bright, new goods, exactly the kinds selling elsewhere for full regular prices. Remember these low prices here advertised ere for BARGAIN ; 50o Belts 35o . Women's silver tinsel Belu, in all sizes; new, sttrsctive and well worth . 50c ' 'Specially priced for Bargain ' V QC Friday, at ......... ... . . . .OsJ C 50c Belt Buckles 30o A specisl sale tomorrow of Pearl Belt Buckles, in all the new shapes, best 50c quality. Specially priced for Bargain - - 0(1 Friday, at. . . . ...... .OiC : 15c Fin Cushions 7q ' Tomato Pin Cushions, 3 inches in diameter j regular 15c kind. Spe cially priced for one day y only. Bargain Friday, at......f C FRIDAY ONLY, 81.25 Gloves Q1.00 Here is glove news of more thaa usual importance. Tomorrow we piece on sIe our best tl2S line of 2-dasp Glsce Kid Gloves, in all sizes snd colors; every pair fitted and fully guaranteed. Special for FridaVr St.. . . .. . . ....... $ 1 .0 0 75o Cushion Slips 80o Velour Cushion Slips, in an exten sive line of new and pretty designs, finished on three sides, all ready to use: regular 50c and 75c vslues. Specially priced for . , OQ, Bargsin Fridsy, at ..,..J7C 10c Stocking Darners, Friday at..... ....'....'......e) 50c Shell Back CombaFridsy at........ ....ST 20c Fancy Dress Buttons, Friday at .10 S5c Sterling Silver Hat Pins. Friday st , 25 15c Toilet Soap, S cakes to box, st..... .104 5c Hooks snd Eyes, per card, at.................... w UM Leather Hand-Bags. Friday at. '.fl.XO 50c Coin Purses, .Friday, at.... . ...S.S5 Hen's Underw'r 70c $1.00 Vamea. -Men's fine elastic' ribbed balbrig gsn underwear, medium weight,' all sizes shirts and drawers; -' well msde; extra good , $1.00 , vslues. Specisl Bargsin 7Q Fridsy-7; y .-( t v i . JC Boys' Sweaters 30o 50c Values. ' Boys' medium j weight cotton Sweaters, made with three-fold col lar; come in navy and cardinal, and sre .exceptionally fine -50c vslues. Specisl Bargain ( ... QQ Fridsy, esch. ............ ....) JC Hen's Gowns 03o 1 75c .Values. '. Men's Gowns, msde of fine quality outing iiannei, regulation size and length; have .military or turned down collar: extra srood aualirv: regular 75c quality. - g?0 Special Bargain Fridsy....... UJC v Fp-ncy Hose 18o ' 35c Values. : ,V'. -A new assortment of men's fsncy hslf Hose, in checks and fancy stripes; alio a line of plain Una; nobby, spring designs; good 35c values. Special lOi Bargain Friday. ............ .1 OC Another Great RIBBON SALE Special reduced prices for Bargsin Friday. Tomorrow ribbon values will be offered which will equaled again this season. Bvery ribbon want can be satisfied at a saving now la the time to buy. . Flaid Bibbons. 5 Inches Wide, 14o All-silk Plaid Ribbons, full 5 inches wide, come in sn unlimited sssort ment of pretty color combinations.' Best 25c grsde now 1,000 Yards Black Taffeta Bibbons Finest all-silk Ribbons, besutiful rich finish, always in demand. Prudent women will lay in a year's supply tomorrow. Prices run like this: 4H-lnch Blsck Ttffets Ribbons, 25c grsde, now. ....,.. 5- inch Black Taffeta Ribbons, 35c grade, now... X3 6- inch Black Taffeta Ribbons, 45c grade, now............ 29 7- inch Black Taffeta Ribbons, 50c grsde, now..... ......33f Belting- Bibbons, Fully Worth 50c, for 20o All-silk Belting Ribbons, in beautiful shsded effect in stl wsnted colors, pretty Roman (tripes and cross bands. Sold everywhere at 50c a yard, now , 29f Chiffon Neck Buffs Women's- Silk - Ruff sr- in - several dsinty styles, pretty creations of black and white; very stylish for evening wesr; really worth $1.25 and $2.50. Special , , ' CA Bargain Fridsy, each........ )UC Biff Veilinff Special In 4 colors only, white, brown, navy and black and white, in Tux edo mesh and plain illusion mesh, with lace edge; regular 25c snd 30c vslues. v Special - ... . - ir Bargain Friday... ...........lejC HirJx Grade JQMBRELLAB -? 02.75 Values, Special at Q1.30 About 30 Silk Umbrellas, slightly damaged, in navy and browa; splendid assortment of stylish bandies, in horn and boxwood, sterling and epld mounts regulstion size; . (Ja ; ; can be used for either sunshine or rsin; ' I AW our regular $2.75 values. ; Special Bargain Friday..... i M J S SOLD TOO CHEAP TO BXCHANGB In tlie Domeatic Section We have planned some grand bargains for Friday. Special hems which will carry a bargain meseage of tremendous importance to the thrifty housewife. We sail your attention to the following: f..' - - Hohair Suitings, lOo Grade at llo " About 100 ysrds of new mohair finished suiting, sn sttrsctive, dur able and inexpensive spring and summer dress fabric;, comes in large assortment of check and plaid effects, in medium dsrk color; excellent values st 18c a ysrd. Specially , . . , ... .. , priced for Bargsin Friday at...., ,,.11C Bleached Zluslin, 10c Grade at 80 Full bleached Muslin, nice soft finish, free from starch, 36 inches wile; never before sold for less than 10c a yard. ;p On ssle for one dsy only. Bargain Friday, at............ ...CC linen Napkins. 01.35 Grade at 01.00 iw uv.i, vim.i. inivu iii.iiis, line wearing quaiiij. aiiati.e r--v patterns, hemmed, all ready to use, great values at reirular 1 T 1 price, $1.35 a dozen. Specially priced for Bargain Friday st... y l.v J Striped Taped ry, d5o Grado nt C lo Another shipment just receive!; 50-inrh Rrtmiin and Ori-ril ''--I Tspestry; sn unlimited ssortmrnt of bright, rich r !rr ! grsde. Specially priced for one i iy only, Bargain Friday, at , India JA-c- , lo C- 100 i whrr for nicr, '