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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
.THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAi; . PORTLAND. .THURSDAY.. EVENING. 'AVTllV 13.. ISC7. ;:m to niEET of Our Grand LIOUIITIIIIIEERS l Jorthwest Champions Leave on Saturday to Debate With Utah Univenrty. ; ' . ...... - . ' .',.- ' vr x- f-v'-. i'' ' v;"'' Final Week Sale TTntvarslty of Oregon. Eugene, April !. Th- debawre who-will represent tit University of Oregon la the tnter tttU debating- ehamplonshfp. of th Rocky mountain ragtoa and to Paelflo northwest, with the University of Utah, will leave for Bait Lake Saturday. The two Ocegoa ma ar 1'. V. Galloway of ! iff Ul il ' 0 $ i J, C Veatch. McMlnnvllle and J. C Veatoa of Cot tge Grove. . Tha orniar waa laadar of tha negative taam in tha Trt-State league and .tha. Jatur of. tha affirmative team. Tha debata. In which thay will take part on April la. will ba probably -en of tha moat Important ever hald la tha : waatarn -country, for tha raaaon that th institutions rapraaantad ar cham pions of their respective a action a. Th question wUl ba exactly th Mm as that debated with 'Washington and Idaho, tha repeal of tha flftaaath and a olaua of th fourteenth am en dm ant ! w w ; .tfnlls Oregon won on both aides of th ,i question. It la generally considered that ;-, th aid, the negative, adverse t th repeal, la th stronrer and that aid ; Oregon wlli uphold la the coming de- : ' w i !-J -'To th grand opening of our new and J. enlarged store tonight from f to 14 ! o'clock. Free souvenirs for all. Music, flowers,' decora tlons and tha moat bril- Haot electrical display erer seen In i Portland. Don't miss It Th Ooldaa ' Eagle Dry Oooda company. t Bettor Phone Senrtee at . Granite. ' (IhcuI IMsMteh te The Tiisissl.l t Oranlt. Or., April It It Is under, f stood that the new telephone line th goTernmant Intends constructing this ,' summer la th first reserve will eon i. neet with th mala lln of th Pacific -. State Telephone and Telegraph, com' i paay at Oranlt. .. This will glv Gran 's,, it dtraot telethon communloatloa with Starkey. Lehman Springs and many I other points la that part of th national ; reset-. ' tills I- It's eaty to teach, rounr ' .'flogs old trick, but you can't ' teach boys to take good care '. of their clothes, unless the . clothes arc good at the start. The trick is to get the good kind and the good kind is economy. , v This "iireek ws art showing ' a number of new lines of Boys' Spring Suitsall good , wearers. , '"';" " : Roller Skates, Baseballs, Eats, Catchers, " Gloves -and I.! asks given free with Boys Clothing. vk , ; V. - ClblliinqCo iCai3laUlinPiup ; Men's and Boys Outfitters. lea and 163 Third St. : v. J.lchawk Building. f . i ; , Help That Helpa. - Bora of th fanatical snthuslaam has died tout which a few yeara ago drove young; women to forsake home and friend and la spasm of devotion to th rest of mankind t become alum dwellers In ordsr to demonstrate to th worthy poor that culture and refinement of life were compatible with tenement life and an ta-weok Income. Move ments of any kind sweep to themselves many who have an excess of devotion but who lack th enduring quality. Settlement work, however, la far from dying out On th contrary. It Is dally becoming mora vital, more practical and more helpful. A league of New York women has for some years- ueen -ai4 course of domestic science work among th -.tenement - dweller which promises to go to th very heart of things and to help these, women la the most vital way. This work I almost Identical ' with that which la being don by th Instl tuts club In our own city, with head' quarters at Fourth and Burn side, and by th - Council of Jswlsh Women at th Neighborhood Houee. , Thla league, with Mrs, Julian Heath at th head, haa been holding cooking classes In th tenement kitchen in ait- ferent part of th city, teaching th women who artsna tn ciasse now io gat batter food for lea money and to spend wisely In. buying provisions. clothing and furnishings. Now that thla Un of work la tab Ushed. th league Is reaching out Th women plan to open a series of Horn canters." Their Idea 1 to rent a tene ment fit It up cheaply but substantially, and use It for practical demonstrations la all lines of domestic sclencs. . "Wi will have at least a kitchen and a bedroom,1' said on of these workers. land If posslbl a living-room which can be used for eating at meal time and for extra sleeping quarters at night though- I don't Insist on that, for lots of tenement families have to exist in two rooms, and thsy might aa well learn how to do It la the best way. V7s may hav an sxtra room which can be -used by th Instructor aa aa office, and we Insist on a bathroom. "Tha place will b furnished aa aim. ply and prettily as possible and' will not cost more than 1100, which la less than th average family paye. Thay buy lac ' curtains,' chenille portieres, plush chair and ahlny oak furniture. We will get plain pine chair and ta bles and finish them with a dark alco hol a tain. "Our floor we'll treat la much th aam way with slmpl matting and ruga Instead of heavy unsanitary car peta. We'll show th housekeepers of th neighborhood what can be don In th way of shelves and draining boards and home-made cupboards. If their landlords-won't put them in they can get their husbands to do It with lumber and a few tools. .. . ' . "Of course, there will be regular marketing- lessons, when the class will be taken to the best shop in the, neighbor hood and taught how to market intelli gently. They will be told to avoid the grocer who keeps butter uncovered and vegetables standing on th street cor ner. . What la more, we'll hav scale of our own and we'll soon find out who gives as short weight "Then w will have good dressmaking classes,' where th mother will be taught how to make every garment that their famlllea need and how to make over th half-worn clothes. Ton see there I no reason why the tenement mothers should buy cheap, sllmsy ready mad clothing. They hav 'plenty of time, and only need a little Instruction to use It to good advantage. "Then w ar planning to devote en aftemooa a week to mendlnsy and darn Ins. This will b th nearest approach to a club that we shall nave. ' Any one may com In with her work; perhaps aom on will read and afterward wall hav a cup of tea all around. ' - "Laundering la a branch w shall teach thoroughly. Women who manifeet a taste for it will receive special In struction In fin work. Thar I no rea son why thsy should not earn .money by their knowledge, - for th need of good laundress ss la great - Indeed, we will keep. on the lookout for girls who show a special aptitude for housework. If there Is any demand for It w will hav a training class for domestlo servants. Th Italian girls aa a alas, you know, are totally unpre pared for housework, though eoraa of them have a strong taste ror it -i nay often go Into shops and factories through ' lack ot encouragement not from preference. - Ton d be surprised at th difference thla cooking; course makes la their ta bles. When thay And out that bread can be easily mad for on third what It coots at the baker's thay are astoa- Ished. To most of them It seems aa un possible to mak aa cloth. H H ' ' ' . . Hern and Tbctw. - During th visit of tha' Pennsylvania school teachers to Harvard an Incident occurred which will not soon be forgot ten by at least on of th fair visitors. She was among th youngest and most attractive of th group of teacbera. Her first nam waa Bessie, and she waa a blond." Any ' further ' clue to her Identity might lead to complications la Pennsylvania. - la Inspecting tne eunaings me parry waa divided np Into the groups, each group undsr th guidance of a atudent Bessie and one ef the student became so absorbed tn each other that the guide forgot the rest of his charge, and the couple wandered off across th yard alone. The group which they had de serted made their way arouna. now over, and about 10 minute later came upon the happy couple sitting on the step of the law sonool lost to every thing in th world but each other's eon vereatlnn. - BRAINS ' are BUILT by th kind of food material In e- Grao Nuts Had of wheat and barley by a Special proses. . "TttBUB'J A MASON." Friday and Saturday Extra Specials Acfeesoia's (Crea.esfi Sale of. Suite Thousands of Suits at Less ; Than Actual Cost of Making See the Superb Assortment of Women's Suits at $5.95, $10, $15, $20 and $30 i.i i i i 5 . Q 5 m 8Ut v1163 UP t0 $25.00, including new, up-to-date spring garments dJIA Af. For Spring Suits values up CplUaUU ; to $30-.00 , - tojl C AA For garments any store will vpJLaJ.UU w ask $37.50 t OA A A For Suits sold " regularly at vpairU.UU t . : $40.00 and $45.00 tP O f A A For exclusive .. Demi-Cos-vpJUUV tumes, values up to $60.00 ' i-. ; I ; AnolfeciGrcal 13.95 lai pdal Friday we will offer another great lot of the season's best styles of ladies' tailored hats--$6, $8 and $10 values Choice $3.95 Choice $3.95 Your Choice of About 200 . Jackets TV, J. lit . 1VX. ZTlOIIUOUII 131 .Fifth Street ' Between Alder and Washington Fitted and Semi Fitted Values tl a '' :' mm m . i n in f a- A Dedham. lawyer- tells, of a certain tirht-flated' man of .-' hlo acquafntance who critic laed a committee of women of his church for spending too much money oa the floral decorations. He was chal landed to do better himself, and ac cepted the ehallena-e. On Sunday th parishioner ware astonished at th showinc h mad, eonslderlnr Ma repu tation. Th next Sunday th floral .dis play waa equally cood. and so It waa oa th third' Sunday.- Th flower, however, had a uspicloua similarity In eoior ana arranaemsni. -roe worn mad an examination, and fouad that th display was mad of paper. Then thay said things, and. although th brother declared thay were all right for th rest ef the season, be lost his Job, and ther waa a change In th floral dlapiay. . v ... ... .. ,. .What to Have for Dinner, v ?" '".'-. MENU. . , ,.' Split Pea Soup. Boiled Halibut. Egg Bauce, Mashed Potato Border. Creamed Cabbage. . Cucumber Salad. . Cheese Crackera . Maearoona, Soft Custard. '.' - . Coffee. .' v Split Pea Soup Get ham bone with aome meat on It. ' Soak split peas over night Put cone and peas In soup kettle, till with cold water, let gradually com to boll. When boiling set back on th stove and simmer all day. Strain th roach nurse strainer. Put back on store, bring to boil and bind together with fleur and butter. Cook long enough arte that so riour will not taste raw. ' Cucumber Salad Peel a cucumber and place It directly on the'lce, letting It remain until ready to serve. Lettuce same way. Do' not let it stand In ice water lone Oil. vinegar, cucumber and lettuce nurt be at tb asms tempera. lure, mix a franco dressing in a chilled bowL Arrange lettuce hearts oa round platter. Quickly slice tbs lea cold cucumber . In ' wafer slice on th lettuo cups. Pour over drees lag and send to taoia, - Macaroon. Custard Sane A nntri tlous dessert Is this to balance wall the rather light nsh dinner. This meal with Its heavy soup and nourishing dessert furnishes the requisite amount of food for the average stomach. Pur chase sweet shop macaroons, and pour over inem a ncn oouea oustard, allow In: four eggs to a pint of milk, half a cupful or sugar, seasoning to taste. Cook la. double boiler until the right point ef change la nottced la th mix tureif will clnlg to th spoon. Serv with daba of whip eream and red Jelly on top. .. .- . . .. . . -. ASTORIA GIRLS GO TO ,r : DEBATE AT EUGENE 'Astoria, Or., April IS. Th High .kiiAl dahetlna' . team. - consisting ... BImII. WIMP. Mia .Turin I m r.M.M IM. J 1 . U . V ' ' - . ww.....v W 1 d V m h ji uiu Tm Aullluama. left fn. it... gn last evening to contest with a team xrom buibo . uj .nin. i ne young isaiev sr' viikvhu vj MISS Dora Badollet, asslstaat principal of the Hlsh ackooL- , y r , - BODY OF MTARTRIDGE - FOUND UNDER WRECK . 1 : . ' , , . , , (Rperial ripeteh te Tne ieeraal.) Pendleton. Or., April 1 1. Tb body of Fireman Oeorg MePartrldg waa found last night under the engine of th O. R. N. train that was Wrecked a week ago at Csyus Station. The body wis found by members -ot Blue Moun tain lodge No. 114, Brotherhood of Looomotlre Firemen, of La Grande - It was not mutilated gnd. did not. bee 88-Note rlayer-rianos IN DIFFERENT STYLES AND WOODS NOW ON DISPLAY We have the exclusive agency for these wonderful lif Instruments You will find them in no other store.: ; When you see them once you will waft no other.' 'C: - ' Positively the only player-piano made operating; all ' the notes of a modern upright piano. All others have a range of only 65 notes. i.f ; The Great Melville Clock Apollo Player-Piano has a range of 88 notes,, or 23 notes more than any Mother player-piano on the market Come and see them. ... . ; Open .evenings. ' .; v' 'X--'' :i ,-v. i Also ten "different makes of fine pianos. - We can -V make prices and terms to auit. ' - V Havendon-Sbule Piano "Sdccessors to Soule Bros. Tia no Co. - -; -S74. MORRISON ST, CORNER WEST PARK -I . ..w.r. tnturv. tt Is' be lieved McPartrldge was drowned in the Umatilla while unconscious ana ni the engln feU on Mm. or rather above him, acarcely touching him, If at. all. Tha bodv will b tokn tor La Grand for burial tonight. ( ' ' FIVE MINUTE CAR SERVICE OAkal fltettar ka Orcrom City 9 Mlwoo fr, a jjvi. ...m mmi mttr'kinm A9 and night Uylng th nAr double track to the oak, ini new w. .iu. be completed and wlU greatly facilitate V. s.ka mirtM. Hlluctll tha time nearly halt To avoid delay such as waiting for gravsi trains io pa, mm Oaks skating rink patrons are taken at nlvht over the Bell wood division to th golf links, then to ths Oaks. - There isn't much more time consumed and th oar Is much better, car leaving almost evsry five minutes. v GRANT COUNTY. WANTS WORKERS AND SETTLERS (BpeHal pleeetck te The Jneraal.) Long Creek, Or April II. One cf the crying needs of Orant county Is worklngmen. The sawmill near Hamil ton, as well as other business enter- rlses ef tbs eountr, cannot do required work becaue of lack, of labor. ' Th field Is larg here and th Inducements are good. 1 1 The peopl of Hamilton and' other 'parts of the county ar now making an effort te secure a ahar of the Immigra tion that Is now pouring Into Oregon. An Immigration board will be organised for this purpose.. . - , N - Dont Mite It. I - Ths grand opening of th new and nlargad Golden Eagle tonight Every body Invited. Musts, flowers, decora tions, big slectrloal display and free souvenir for alt. Ton ar Invited. SELECTING A JURY IN M'MANUS MURDER CASE fee1al Dlnetck te Tb ynerael.) Pendleton, Or.. April It. Tbe trial of John P. McManu ror muraar oegan in th oiroult eourt here this morning. It promise to be a hard-fought legal bat tle The selecting of tb Jury Is mak- ' ' On t tdgat, '... YHit of sight, out 'of mind, I an old saying which spplles with speelel fore to eore, burn or wound that's been treated "with Bucklen's Arnica Salve, it's out of sight, out of mind and out of existence Piles, too, and chilblains dlaappear under Its healing Influence. Guaranteed by Bed Cross Pharmacy. IN SIGHT FOR THOSE WHO PURCHASE , ;- :r.::.---;NOW'IN -'Z;' I 4 t A 200-acre tract now on the market on a beautiful : :; slope directly across the Willamette from St. Johns : near Claremont Tavern, where all Northern Pacific i .. trains stop, and facing a fine oiled boulevard 4 .."miles to Portland, and two electric lines now un- der way to the city. The new St Johns ferry will soon make regular trips with freight and passen-' gers. "Full lots easily accessible with view equal to Council Crest, $75.00 to $300.00. Acreage $100 1 ; to $300, 10 per cent down, $10 per month. ; Address ' R. Shepard & Co. or H. G- Ogdei- 7 ST. JOHNS, OR. One of whom can be found oh grounds 2 to 5 after- r-: ' .. noon. LILY OF THE VALLEY ww4w4 I CDAIUIING, FRAGRANT, SPRING F101VERS I We have Just received a large shipment of Oermaa Valley Plpa. On account of delay In arrival, we will sen thee at It cent a dosen, f 1.S0 per hundred, tlt.sO per thousand; lust half -price. , Set out a' bod of theae lovely flowering plants where they oan remain. Increase and bloom each year. - Order quickly. Stock will not last long at these price. rnone juain or can n , , . . m . lng slow progreas. MeManus, wbo was editor of the Pilot Bock Keoord. shot Bob Bates in a rear room of aha Pull man aalooa, February . District At torney Phelps I assisted In th prose cution by Judge Samuel White of Baker City. On th defense a re Judg J. A. fe and Colonel J. U. Baisy. Tbreahermen 8ael on Notes. Pendleton, Or, ' April II. Suit has been filed In the circuit court by th Advance Threshsr company sgainst W. M. Vancll and others to collect I I.IK said to bo due on aome note; also In terest at th rat of per cent and I U0 attorney' fee ar prayed for. Vandl Is a rident of Milton. , V . , OAKS RINK TONIGHT 7 ' .''.",' Take Oregon City or Oaks e StU , ,. wood Oars. '- 5-Minute Service