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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
TII3 OliHGOII DAILY JOURNAL; rORTtAlID, THURSDAY EVENINO, ' APRIL IS. 1CCT.. WHi"" f 1 'H 1 1 70 Highest Glass Novelty Suits , , j 500 New White Lawn Waists Regular $1. 5 0 Values for 1000 Fancy Waistcoats$3lor$l;o5 i. ,; to Values $75 for $38 75 ( - t, y . , ... ;; 600 New Lingerie Waists, of fine qual ity white lawn, made with wide etm .'. broidered panel down the front and two clusters of fine pin tucking on . ach side new- -thrcc-q uarterfen gth sleeves, with tuckc4-uf fa edged with lace ; sold regularly at $1.80. -T; , qa For Friday only . J V . None reserved. No CO. telephone orders. We advise you to be her early ia th day. -..I:.. -, , 60c AH Wool Dress Goods 39 c $1.75 Cream Panamas $1.19 60c all wool Dress Goods, choice of 1,500 yards, in new sprint; suitings, ia stylish block checks, plaids and stripes.. Special for Friday 2Qp 65c all wool Panamas snd Serges, Granites and Cashmeres, 38 AJf . inches wide, all colors, 65c values. Special lor...... ..... H f t 12S Air wool Cloakinga, 56 inches wide, for spring jackets, in . nn. stripe and plaid effects. Friday sale sO $175 Cream Panama, 56 inches wideCtor skirts and suits. . -t 1 O Special for Friday sale t.......,......iJ)lx3' v 44-inch all wool French Voile, wire finish, in black, cream tfj f 1 r and colors; regular $1.50 values.1, Special for. .. .......... 4 Xe&j 1200,Yards 15c french Batiste, 9Vic 2100 Yards 18c Mull Checks, llcYdi Beautiful and daintily colored floraUfigured and dot designs on white French Batiste. Very exceptional values in this I V' " Friday sale at ... . . . . Vp. . . r. . V'.Y.;;.V A . ...iVC; 2,100 yards of the daintiest tub fabric that has yet appeared;, mull checks, with soft woven' checks on white grounds, over which are printed in-pale colorings dainty sprays of : i flowers and foliage; 18c values. Special, Friday, 'yard.. A XC 70 highest class Novelty Suits, of black and colored chiffon Panama, fancy novelty materials and finest voiles, in an endless variety of newest styles. The workmanship and trimmings are perfection itself, and no detail that could possibly improve them is lacking. We feel assured that such handsome suits will not be again offered this season at such a price,' and as the styles are fixed, you can select with perfect confidence. We might dwell indefinitely on these wonderful values,' but we prefer to let the garments speak for themselves. Regular- values to $75.00. For Friday sale, only ....... SEE WINDOW DISPLAY m u For Friday Bargain Day we offer 1000 Men's smart and dressy Walat coats, mads of fine Oxfords and linens, in stripes and figures on plain white; also checks and plaids; cut and tailored in the best possible manner by a leading New York maker. Values from $2.50 to $3.00 each. Special for" j . Friday sale ....... . . ... J) Jt D 8ee Washington Street Window. . Men's 50c Suspenders, made of ex tra quality webbing, leather ends and can tabs, great variety of ; patterns, sale. ......... v.. . it. lOOOCoBoandWeBCorsctsScValSoSOc 't:-T STYLES,. ,' : 'V.,' Made of summer Net and Batiste, lace trimming, with' beading and rib bon. Seven styles-(l) tape girdles, (21 low ; bust arid short hip, (3) high bust and short hip, (4) low bust an(f princess hip, (5) high bust and princess hip, (6) girdle bust, dip hip, (7) medium bust, dip Vi hip. k Sale price ..1 . ... . . . v. . . . . .... . .. . . . . . . J Uv ' Sale of Manufacturers' Hat Samples 1000 SampleUntrim'ed Hats $2.25, $3.50 Vals., $1.65 Milan Braid Hats. Fine Hair Braid Hats. Chip Braid Hats, r :- ; v ' Fancy Straw Hats. - For Friday Bargain Day, t r markable sale of 1,000 un- I trimmed Hats, embracing all the wanted shapes for summer. , . The assortment includes the entire sample line of a New York millinery wholesaler, and ' there are some values as high ;' as $a.00. The finest quality ,3; Milan, Chip and Fancy Straw Braid Hats ; also horse hair shapes ; all the desirable p colors will be shown at the low sale price of ....... tj JLaQ J ' Great Sale of 65c and 75cFlowers, 39c Roses, small field flowers and numerous other flower trimmings, , in all the wanted shadings; regular values to 75c . s g Special, Friday sale .3 V C Big Notion Sale Every one of these household ne cessities on sale Friday at a lower; price than. you payat anyother , store. -;' . ' - nrw M" " sosa strrromrxxs, -. soo ajto ass vsxvas ojs ia. pin-on aid olaapa, com In wbll and . black., coos and atrona Uala alaatle, Prldar aa4 Saturday onlr " J2q tie Hair Plna. I on oard for...... 184 too Hair Ptna, S on card for......lOv Ho Loop Plna, aala prloo., 18 too Horn Plna, aplal . .......... ..5V ISO Hat Plna, cryata top a, (or.....5 bazji or BKXSSXAXCSJUP SXZAmS, OTP S1.0O. ILU AJTO tlM TA&TBS. ' Coma In -lnch, 7-lneh. l-lnch and S-lnoh lanatha Boat imported atoal, larro, comfortabla bandlo, ourred- - Aft "- and atralght. amlo prlco. ... .....U04 lOo Cablnat Wlra Hair Plna... .....6 ISO bunch Tap, creat aala ....6 loo Dutch Cloanaor, S for ....... .2S ISo p. .Gold Duat. apecial. ...... ISo pkc. Pearllna. Ftidar, for. ....... 8 lOo cub Plna. aala plica ......... ...8a) 4o Ironln Was, I for 5 4o papof. Jot Plna, 1 papara. .p Butterick Patterns Tha bait sty lea, aaalaat to naa 10 to . ......v.............l5a Annual Spring Sale Cut Glass at Half Here are the greatest Cut Glass bargains ever offered by this or any other store at any time of the year: The entire sample line of a leading New York. importer of exclusive art glass: ' ; ' V, ' 7-inch handle Nappy, for bonbons, cakes, nuts, etc beautifully cut; worth $3.00. Cl CO Sate price V.loO Brilliant cut dish for jelly, olives, bonbons, etc; a very gretty cutting; never sold less than $2.00. (Jj 5-inch handle Nappy, ona of the prettiest designs we have had; fine clear glass; regular $2.25 " tfji OQ value. ',. Sale price .....kXvO 15.00 Water Jug, reduced to only .......... ....f 3.20 $4.00 Berry Bowli reduced to-only. $2.80 $4.00 Salad Bowl, reduced to only ..........V.f 2.80 $3.50 Berry or Nut Bowl, special ........... ,...f2.40 $4.50 Comport," specially reduced .f3.20 $3.00 Cut Glass Pistes, only ?3.0O $5.00 Creamer snd Sugar for . . ... ..... . .. . .f 3.60 $6.00 Creamer and Sugar for.. ......... ........f 4. OO $15.00 Water Pitcher, sale at ..... ........... f9.0O $10.00 Water Pitcher, sale at. .......... e.OO $1.50 Punch Bowl ..60 $5.50 Bonbon Bskt93.80 $5.00 Glass Basket. f3.10 $5.50 Comport ....f4.00 Long Suede (Gloves VaL to $2.i0, $1.49 VaL to $5, $2.98 ' For Friday . Bargain Day " 1,000 pairs of 12-button length Suede " Gloves, in tan, mode, yellow, "pale blue, gray and -Vhite ' . ' ' Regular values ' to $2.50 tair. 5 for Friday .;, , . Bargain Day , $1.49 750 pairs of 20, 24 and 30-button length Suede Kid Gloves, in tans, browns, mode, , light blue, slate, pearl gray and buff. Regular val ues to $5.00 pair, for Friday sale....... 4 IW cr.'ii $2.98 5,-in.Wide Ribbon 35cValues,22cYd.; 3,000 yards heavy all-ailk Taffeta Rib bon, SU inches wide, in white, black and all colors, regularly 35c r Friday only LL iJDOQ yards fancy Dresden and Warp Print Ribbons, some with solid edges, values 35c to 50c yard. Fri- Off day sale V L 12Kc 'Kerchiefs, 7c 50c Kcrchics 27c : 500 dofeen Children's dainty Colored Handkerchiefs, checked and colored centers, value for 75c ' " dozen. Each ......'............. C 100 doien Ladles' all pure linen hand embroidered hemstitched Handker chiefs, values 50c Sale ' 27C 85c Auto Veils, 63c Three-yard Auto Veils, 2-Inch hem stitched border, in blue white, nsvy. red, green, champagne, brown, black; regular 85c value. Special' i for Friday sale OC WAS HIRED TO KILL BARILLAS Ajsassln . Confesses Crime ana I MimM Two Others Who Were Marked for Slaughter. ' . (Jeafaat SpMUi STle.) . Haw Orlaana, April U.-A Central American eltiaan who arrlrM harafroni Vale atataa that' tha younf Ouata rnalan who , raearitly aasaaalnatad rraaldant Manual BarlUaa of Ouatamala In Maxleo haa oonfMl to Colonel V-;.:. tea' It is a most mild delight; but it is a deli'ehtcood tea, finetcai '. ' T' r.f-itr-, ,r r U Sob'I rallx Plaa, Inapaetor-arnaral ' of th Mexican police, that ha had baen hired to kill Barlllaa, who aaaaaatnatlon waa only ona of aeyeral dooldad upon. ' Two other viotloia . , aeloetaS ware Colonel Franoiaeo Alva, tha Goatamalan inlnlater to Mexico, and Salvador To ledo, recently in New Orleana, who left here to meet Zetajra In Kloaraama with tha purpoav of etartlnt; a revolution in Ouatemala. The aaaaaala aald ' ha waa employed for the aaeaeat nation of Bartilaa by tha -frlenda af tha Cabrera admlntatratlon. who dealred the removal of the troublesome leadara of tha oppo altion. - - - - preferred Stock Oaaaed ffooda. . Allen As Lewie Beat Brand. " . EAGLES' CARNIVAL AT BAKER CITY IN MAY f V '' '.1 - ; r- ' - ' i '' fSpwal pleMtck'to The JoetiMl.1 , ' Baker City, Or.. April IS. Plana are being laid for a bl atreet fair and car nival In Baker City from May IT to June 1 by the Eaglea. Permission to hold tha carnival waa (ranted tha lodge by tha city council last alfht. No Ktringa were attached to tha project by tha city fathera, . with tha exception of tha aale of can. These were barred bncauea of tha frequent accldenta to rhMren'e eyea. . Confetti, rubber return balls and the other usual feeturee of onrnlvnls ate to be ueed aa freely aa the will tf the mtrrrmskers dlotatea. TO PROVE CLARK'S SOa; I7AS NOT INSOLVENT '-'':;, " ' 1 ' "yt Mining Broker, to Examine the ; Books of United Verde Com- ; pany Owned by Clark. ' (Jaeraat SoeHel aerriea.t Kew Tork, April IS. On account Of the allegation In a Mexican mining ault that Charlea W. Clark, eon of Senator William A. Clark af Montana, la In solvent, an examination la to be made of tha books of tha United Verde Min ing company here to ascertain how much stock ha own in tha rich ' con cern. M. W. McConnell of Butte, Mon tana, aa agent of the Koaarlo Mining Milling company, aold mining property la Chihuahua. Mexico, to, Clark for about $1,000,000. Clark, after doing eome development work, abandoned tha property and tha Rosarlo company got only a pert of tha purchase price. It refused to pay McConnell HO. SOO be claimed aa commission, aaying tha contract had called for an able and will ing purchaser, and that Clark wta not bl and willing, aa ha waa Insolvent McConnell now seeka to prove the con trary. Senator Clark's attorneys. At- water A Crnlckahanka. here, strenuously opposed the examine tton of the Verde eompany'a books, it being a eloaa corpo ration, owned almost wholly by tha Clark. . ' ' . - . - ; -Don't Miss rt ; ; The "grand opening of the' new and enlarged Golden Eagle tonight. , Every body Invited. ' Music, nowera, decora tions, big electrical display and free souvenirs for aUAMjov are Invited. . . Sonthora Track Me, , . . , ' ' fjoerast ft pert. I Service.) ' ' Nashville, Tenn., AprU II. A halt doaen prominent collegea, among them Bewanee and tlje unlveraltlea of Georgia and Tenneaeea, have aent their beat per formers to tha annual track meet of the Southern Interoolleglate Athletic asso ciation, which . takes place under tha auspices of tha athletlo department of Vanderbllt university. The large and high-class entry Hat givea promise of some record -break Ins; performances. have a torpid liver whan Herblne, the only liver regulator, will . help youf There la no reason why you should suf fer from Dyspepsia, Constipation, Chill snd Fever or any liver eomnlalntSjWhen Herblne Will cure you. F. C Walt. Weatvllle, -., writes: "I waa sick for a month with chills and fever, and after taking two bottles of Herblne an well and healthy." Sold by ail drug-lata. CHORUS GIRLS L1ABELLE Four,. New York Dancers to At tend Wedding of Corey and Mabelle Oilman. Kew Tork. AprU IS. Theatrical elr olea of New Tork ware stirred today whan. It waa reported that four beauti ful . and well-known chorus girla had been aaked to act aa bridesmaids at the wedding of William Ellla Corey and Maballe Oilman la thla city on May T. Theea girla are footllght favorttea and It .la aald that they have consented. The firMa's tmusseati. which la now complete, will be sent to New Toyk in e . rew daye. a ru.iora-nuu.. Draui acting for Corey will receive It and at tend to the payment or ouues. Tk la aalA. m m. mitt e , U, MPU....UP .. - " - Corey, and according to report, cost the ateei magnate more tnan sinu.ouw. ii include KwlMin array of dassltne gowns and dainty feminine undercloth ing that would put to shame a queen'a wardrobe. A score of big trunks will be required to hold the finery. Scacfiilng Need Pi:j2a ? No matter wliat it Is, yoa can get , the right paint for It st your nearest dealer's under the name ACME QUALITY a mark that makes it easy to paint, enamel, stain or varnish anrthine-. new or M - Let us send you a copy of the only com olete oaint euide ever nrinr4 "n.- c.iM and I'se si Paints and rfcJshes." If your dealer caunu. auppiy you wiia me "Acme Quality kind, we will.- ; . f. New Era Paint aVnrnish Co. 173 first Str- . Portland ' Distributers V V Qnclvpc Ooti Mine) Tionl.-!. Oranl! mine, l.- it, la ties, summ j frob Or., v-il 11 The f-iehee I Irt m! from ;rs.i- la orS 1 10 tn " I. t 1